The maximum weight lifted by a person is a record. The largest weight lifted by a person

About a third of the population in Europe and the United States suffer from excess weight. Doctors around the world are sounding the alarm, noting an increase in the number of obese patients, even among infants. Millions of people torture themselves with diets every day in the hope of losing weight.

In today's Top 10 hit heaviest people in the world, whose weight exceeded the unthinkable mark of 400 kg.

10. Manuel Uribe

Weight Limit Manuel was 597 kg, however, with the help of doctors and nutritionists, he managed to lose more than half of his heavy burden. Since February 2012, Uribe weighs 200 kg.

9. Walter Hudson

Hudson life years: 1944-1991. Its maximum weight was 543 kg. Walter holds the record for having the largest waist in the world with a girth of 300 cm. One of the heaviest people in the world ate 12 eggs, a loaf of bread, two chickens, 4 potatoes, a large sweet pie, 4 hamburgers and 17 liters of water per day.

8. Rosalie Bradford

Rosalie has two entries in the Guinness Book of Records. At first, she was listed there as the heaviest woman in the world, and then as the woman who lost the maximum amount of fat. Already at the age of 14, Rosalie weighed 92 kg, by the age of 40 her weight had reached 544 kg. However, thanks to diets, Bradford managed to lose 416 kg.

7. Michael Hebranco

Michael managed to lose weight from 411 kg to 90, reducing his waist size from 290 to 91 cm. However, to keep more or less normal weight Hebranco couldn't. A few years later, he already weighed 500 kg.

6. Patrick Duel

The maximum weight of Patrick was 410 kg. For 12 months of enhanced dieting, Duel managed to lose 240 kg. He is one of the few who managed to keep his weight at the reached mark of 170 kg for a long time.

5. Robert Earl Hughes

Hughes' years of life: 1926 - 1958. At the age of 6, Robert weighed 92 kg, at 10 - already 171 kg. The maximum weight of a man was 486 kg. He died of acute renal failure.

4. Mary Rosales

The maximum weight of a woman was 470 kg. Obesity helped Mary avoid prison. She was accused of killing her mother and sister, however, the court considered that the woman was too fat to commit such acts.

3. Kenneth Brumley

Brumley's maximum weight was 468 kg. However, he managed to lose 76 kg in 40 days, following a diet in which the calorie content daily ration should not exceed 1200 kcal.

2. Mills Darden

Darden's years of life: 1799-1857. Mills is considered to be one of the most heavy people in history. Its weight ranged from 450 to 500 kg. The height of the man was 2.3 meters, he would be envied by the world.

1. Carol Ann Yager

Carol was heaviest woman in history with a maximum weight of 550 kg with a height of 170 cm. During the three months of her stay in the clinic, the woman managed to lose 236 kg, but the weight quickly returned back. Carol died at the age of 34 from acute renal failure.


10 grams (0.01 kg)

If you build a scale of carrying capacity not in absolute, but in relative terms - relative to its own weight - far ahead of a man and an elephant. He can lift objects several times (up to 50!) heavier than himself.

True, and this is far from a record: it is believed that rhinoceros beetle capable of lifting up to 850 of its masses.

266 kilograms

Such is the record Olympic champion Leonida Taranenko in the clean and jerk (one of the two main lifting techniques), listed in the Guinness Book of Records. It was installed 20 years ago, but still has not been beaten by anyone.

1 ton

Elephants are the largest land animals. Male African elephants can reach a height of 4 meters and a weight of 7 or even 10 tons.

How much can an elephant lift? There is no doubt that he is the biggest heavyweight (in absolute terms), but in relative terms he is far from not only an ant, but also a man: an elephant can lift no more than 20–25% of its weight.

No one holds official competitions between animals, reports about their capabilities in different sources are different and not always completely reliable: sometimes the abilities of animals are exaggerated, but more often they report not about maximum, but about ordinary loads. Since Indian elephants (smaller than African ones) are tamed and have long worked just as carrying heavy loads, more is known about them. An Indian elephant can lift 200–250 with its trunk kg; grasping the rope with his teeth, he can drag a load of up to 500 kg. Putting it on tusks and holding it with its trunk, an elephant can carry logs weighing up to 700–800 kilograms.

African elephants if necessary, they pick it up with a trunk and carry their cubs, which already at birth weigh about a centner. The maximum weight that they can "take", according to various sources, is from 1 to 2 tons.

10 tons

Greece, circa 5th century BC

Plutarch relates that in response to King Hiero's request to demonstrate how a heavy load could be moved by a small force, Archimedes "took a three-masted cargo ship, which many people had previously pulled ashore with great difficulty, put a lot of people on it and loaded it with ordinary cargo. After that, Archimedes sat down at a distance and began to effortlessly pull the rope thrown over the chain hoist, which is why the vessel easily and smoothly, as if on water, “floated” towards him.

Perhaps this story is fictional, but the ancient Greeks really widely used simple mechanisms for lifting weights - levers, blocks and chain hoists.

(from Greek poly many + spao to pull) - a load-lifting device, consisting of a system of movable and fixed blocks, enveloped by a rope or chain. The chain hoist gives a gain in strength by distributing the weight of the load over several branches of the rope, while reducing the speed of lifting the load and the distance it travels.

365 tons

The most powerful dump truck: Liebherr T282B(Germany, end of XX-beginning of XXI century). This machine weighs 220 tons, and can carry up to 365 tons - one and a half times its own weight. The height of the dump truck is 7.4 meters, and even its wheels are two human heights (3.5 meters in diameter). The dump truck is driven by two electric motors, the alternating current for which is generated by a diesel engine with a capacity of 3650 horsepower (2725 kilowatts). The same electric motors operating in generator mode are also used for braking.

Such machines are used in large quarries, they transport coal or ore from the mining site to the processing site. There are no technical obstacles to the creation of even more lifting machines, but so far there simply has not been an application for them.

1000 tons

Rosenkranz K10001(Germany, 1971). This is the first crane in the world that has surpassed the 1,000-ton lifting capacity (land-based cranes have already been built that can lift 3 times more). This crane exists in a single copy; he worked in construction Olympic Stadium in Munich, then built bridges, power plants, etc. in several European countries.

The crane is transported on a platform, but during operation it is installed motionless. The maximum height of the crane is 200 meters, however, it reaches a lifting capacity of 1000 tons only with a mast height of 97 meters.

As time goes by, Guinness records get weirder and weirder. It gets to the point that you start to doubt the sanity of record holders

As time goes by, Guinness records get weirder and weirder. It gets to the point that you begin to doubt the sanity of the champions:

1. Wheelchair Marathon Winners

These record holders do not want parenting to slow down the pace of their lives. The women's record is held by Nancy Schubring of the USA. She completed the half marathon in 1 hour, 30 minutes and 51 seconds.

The men's record set by Neil Davison of Great Britain was 1 hour, 15 minutes and 8 seconds.

Those who did not have time to become parents, but still want to get into the book of records, can prepare for the marathon in a tailcoat, diver's suit and other outrageous paraphernalia.

2. The largest number of toilet seats broken in a minute on your own head

A head and a toilet seat don't go well together, except when stereotyped high school bullies get in on the act. Kevin Shaley from the USA apparently thinks otherwise - in any case, he holds the record for breaking wooden toilet seats on his head. In one minute, he finished off 46 toilet seats.

3. The greatest number of rotations of a person hanging on a drill in a minute

This record requires developed upper body musculature and is an order of magnitude more extreme than simple powerlifting. Hai Jiang of Germany made 148 revolutions on the drill in one minute, setting a world record. However, it would be wise of you not to try this at home.

4. highest weight raised with the help of….

Apparently upper body strength is not enough for some. Below are records for lifting weights with delicate parts of the face:

Briton Thomas Blackthorn lifted 12.5kg with his tongue, setting a Guinness record.

The largest weight lifted by one eye socket was 14 kg. The record was set by Majit Singh from the UK.

And the largest weight lifted by two eye sockets is 23.5 kg. It was raised by the Chinese Yang Guang Hee.

And finally, Rakesh Kumar from India set the record by lifting 80.78 kg with one ear (using a clamp).

5. The longest stay of a person in a container with ice

No offense to the record holder and contenders will be said, but a long stay on the ice is a stupid idea, to put it mildly. Even if you forget about frostbite and hypothermia, it's still pure madness.

Wim Hof ​​from the Netherlands lasted 1 hour, 52 minutes and 42 seconds in an ice bucket.

6. Popping balloons with your back for a while

You will need amazing flexibility to break this record. In the meantime, this record is held by Julia Guntel from Germany, also known as Zlata. She burst three balloons with her back in just 12 seconds.

7. The most watermelons cut on the stomach in a minute

In case you're wondering, the weapon used to cut the watermelons was a machete, which made this record all the more intimidating. Australian Jim Hunter, along with his assistant Celia Curtis, whose stomach was used as a cutting board, chopped 25 watermelons in one minute.

8. The largest number of shirts taken off while chasing the ball with his head

This is how you can apply your football skills if you can't do it in professional sports. Brazilian Marcelo Ribeiro da Silva first put on, and then contrived to take off 21 T-shirts, chasing the ball with his head.

But if you don't have the skills to break this record, you can take a look at the record for the most T-shirts worn at once. Although the current record of 257 T-shirts (set by Sri Lankan Sanat Bandara) will be hard to beat.

9. Most steps taken by a dog with a glass of water balanced on its head

Your pets can also become world record holders. Especially if they help you set the table.

An Australian Shepherd named Sweet Pea (Sweet Pea) set two records in this category. She took 10 steps back and forth, balancing a glass of water.

10. The loudest purr of a domestic cat

Cat lovers won't be left out, either, as long as their pets can express their love at record volume.

The loudest purr with a noise level of 67.7 dB was issued by a cat named Smokey. The record was set at Smokey's home, where she feels most comfortable. The record attempt used ham slices, a comb, and strokes.

11. Most long distance overcome by a burning man dragged by a horse.

The strangeness of this record surpassed all the aforementioned ones. It’s scary to think what else people are willing to go to get into the Guinness Book of Records…

This record was set by Xalapi Roland from Hungary: the horse dragged the burning Roland 472.8 meters.

If you are seriously interested in bodybuilding, then most likely you know what was the biggest weight lifted by a person, and who did it. We are talking about the famous strongman Paul Anderson, who in the middle of the last century was considered the strongest man in the world and was called the "crane" in the press.

Paul Anderson was born in 1932, and started training with a barbell when he was 20 years old. The largest ever lifted by a man was recorded in 1957. It was a bar with "pancakes", the total mass of which was 2,844 kg. And Anderson's record has not yet been beaten by any weightlifter.

In the early 50s. of the last century, the athlete began to perform in the professional arena. Moreover, a case is known when in one of the nightclubs in Las Vegas he squatted three times with a barbell, the weight of which was 526 kg. And for Anderson, this was not unusual - after all, weighted squats were his favorite exercise.

But the athlete did not like the bench press too much. However, this did not prevent him from achieving excellent results here as well. In particular, Paul could squeeze 11 times right hand 136 kg, and do the same with the left 7 times.

How to lift big weights

Of course, not every athlete is able to lift heavy weights. After all, the success of Paul Anderson lies not only in regular workouts, but also in a special predisposition to this species sports.

However, if you make some effort, you can work with large weights. The main thing is to approach the solution of this problem responsibly so as not to harm the body.

Whether a person is trying to learn how to lift heavy weights in the bench press, or simply working with a barbell, it is necessary to proceed in stages. Start by training your legs, as they play a very important role in this process.

It is in the lower body that the energy is concentrated, which you then use to perform the exercise. And it is important that the legs are ready for high loads. If you want to lift the biggest weight in history, you need to develop your whole body.

You should also take care of the back muscles, because they also take part in lifting weights. In addition, these muscles protect your spine from injury and damage. So make sure to strengthen them before you start lifting heavy weights.

When working with a bar, do not forget about stability. You must work out own rhythm which you will adhere to. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s a bench press or a barbell lift from a standing position.

To lift a lot of weight, you need to have fairly strong shoulders and triceps. They tend to get involved in the work somewhere in the middle of the bench. And it is thanks to the muscles of this group that you can bring the exercise to the end.

And the last thing you need to remember to be successful is wrist training. In order not to injure the ligaments and tendons, working with high loads be sure to reinforce them.

To do this, you can use dumbbells, expanders, various exercises, where your own body weight acts as a burden. Moreover, it is necessary to conduct such training regularly - only in this case they will be quite effective.