A complex of morning exercises for the senior group. General developmental exercises for children of the older group

Complex morning exercises For senior group

Complex of morning exercises(1-2 weeks)


Exercises without objects

Repeat: 6 times

Repeat: 6 times

Repeat: 4-5 times.

Repeat:6-7 times.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Mill"

Complex of morning exercises(3-4 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

Hoop exercises

Repeat: 6 times

Repeat: 5-6 times

up Repeat: 4-5 times.

Repeat: 2 times with a short pause.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Ball"

Complex of morning exercises(1-2 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running loose; Walking in a column one at a time.

Exercises without objects

2. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt.

1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, rise on toes; 3-arms to the sides; 4- return to and. P. Repeat: 6 times

3. I. p .: Stand feet shoulder width apart, arms below. 1- arms to the sides; 2 tilt to the right (left leg, touch the toes with your fingers; 3-straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 and. p. Repeat: 6 times

4. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 sit down, bring your hands forward; 3-4 return to and. P. Repeat: 4-5 times.

5. I. p .: main stance, arms along the body. 1- right leg back on the toe, hands behind the head; 2-and. n. The same left. Repeat:6-7 times.

6. I. p.: Main stance, hands on the belt. 1-jump legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - jump legs together. Performed at the expense of 1-8.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Mill"

Complex of morning exercises(3-4 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher, turn in the other direction. Walking with stepping over the cord.

Hoop exercises

2. I. p .: the main stand, the hoop is vertically gripped from the sides. 1 hoop forward; 2- hoop up, arms straight; 3 hoop forward; 4- return to and. P. Repeat: 6 times

3. I. p .: Stand feet shoulder width apart, hoop vertically behind the back. 1-turn the body to the right; 2-and. n. The same to the left. Repeat: 5-6 times

4. I. p .: sitting legs apart, a hoop in front of the chest in bent arms with a grip from the sides. 1-hoop up, look; 2- tilt forward to the toe of the left leg, hoop vertically; 3- hoop up: 4 and. n. The same to the right leg. Repeat: 4-5 times.

5. I. p .: the main stand in the center of the hoop lying on the floor; 8-jump from the hoop. Return to the hoop. 1-7 jumps in front of the hoop; 8 - jump into the hoop. Repeat: 2 times with a short pause.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Ball"

Complex of morning exercises(1-2 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running loose; Walking in a column one at a time.

Stick exercises

1. I. p. - main stance, stick on the chest, grip from above. 1-stick

up; 2 - a stick for the head, on the shoulders; 3 - stick up; 4th. P.

Repeat: (6 times).

2. I. p. -stand legs shoulder-width apart, stick below. 1 - stick up;

2 - tilt to the right (left); 3 - straighten up, stick up; 4 - and. P.

Repeat: (6-8 times).

3. I. p. - main stance, stick down. 1- sit down, stick forward; 2nd. P. Repeat:(6 times).

4. I. p. - sitting, legs apart, stick on your knees. 1 - stick up; 2 - tilt forward, touch the floor; 3 - straighten up, stick up; 4i. P. Repeat: (6 times).

5. I. p. - lying on his stomach, a stick in bent arms in front of him. 1-2 -

bend, stick up-forward; 3-4 - and. P. Repeat:(6 times).

6. I. p. - main stand, stick on the floor. Jumping around the stick in

both sides (2-3 times).

Complex of morning exercises(3-4 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

Exercise without an object

2. I. p. - main stance, hands behind the head. 1- arms to the sides; 2nd. P.

Repeat:(6-8 times).

3. I. p. - stand legs apart, arms in front of the chest, bent at the elbows. 1 -

turn to the right (to the left, arms to the sides; 2 - i. p. Repeat: (6 times).

4. I. p. -sitting, hands in support behind, knees bent. Raise straight

right (left) leg, toe pulled back Repeat:(6-8 times).

5. I. p. - lying on your back, arms straight behind your head. 1-2 - turn on the stomach;

3-4 - return to and. P. Repeat: (3-4 times each side).

6. I. p. - main stance, arms along the body. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - rising on toes, hands behind the head; 3 - go all the way down

foot, arms to the sides; 4th. P. Repeat: (6-8 times).

Complex of morning exercises(1-2 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time on toes, hands on the belt; running in a column one at a time; walking and running loose; Walking in a column one at a time.

2. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt.

1-arms to the sides; 2-hands up, rise on toes; 3-arms to the sides; 4- return to and. P. Repeat: 6 times

3. I. p .: Stand feet shoulder width apart, arms below. 1- arms to the sides; 2 tilt to the right (left leg, touch the toes with your fingers; 3-straighten up, arms to the sides; 4 i. p. Repeat: 6 times

4. I. p .: main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 sit down, bring your hands forward; 3-4 return to and. P. Repeat: 4-5 times.

5. I. p .: main stance, arms along the body. 1- right leg back on the toe, hands behind the head; 2-and. n. The same left. Repeat:6-7 times.

6. I. p.: Main stance, hands on the belt. 1-jump legs apart, arms to the sides; 2 - jump legs together. Performed at the expense of 1-8.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Watch"

Complex of morning exercises(3-4 weeks)

(senior - preparatory group)

1. Walking and running in a column one at a time, at the signal of the teacher, turn in the other direction. Walking hand in hand, turning to the other side.

Hoop exercises

2. I. p .: the main stand, the hoop is vertically gripped from the sides. 1 hoop forward; 2- hoop up, arms straight; 3 hoop forward; 4- return to and. P. Repeat: 6 times

3. I. p .: Stand feet shoulder width apart, hoop vertically behind the back. 1-turn the body to the right; 2-and. n. The same to the left. Repeat: 5-6 times

4. I. p .: sitting legs apart, a hoop in front of the chest in bent arms with a grip from the sides. 1-hoop up, look; 2- tilt forward to the toe of the left leg, hoop vertically; 3- hoop up: 4 and. n. The same to the right leg. Repeat: 4-5 times.

5. I. p .: the main stand in the center of the hoop lying on the floor; 8-jump from the hoop. Return to the hoop. 1-7 jumps in front of the hoop; 8 - jump into the hoop. Repeat: 2 times with a short pause.

Walking in a column one at a time.

Breathing exercise "Breath"


Complex №1

1 Week (no items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (arms to shoulders). Walking on heels (hands on the belt) Light running. Walking with high knees (hands on the belt). Walking.

IIConstruction in three columns.

1. "Eyes" I.p. - o.s. "Eyes left, eyes right, up and down, and all over again"(6 times).

2. "Mouth" (kinesiology exercise). “In order to speak better, the mouth must be mobile”

(6 times).

3. "Let's wave our wings!" I.p. - hands to the side.1 - hands to shoulders;2 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Let's grow big!" I.p. - o.s.1 -right leg back on the toe, stretch; 2 - i.p.;3 - left foot back on the toe, stretch;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "Spiral". I.p. - sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt.1 - turning the body to the right;2 - i.p.;3 - turning the body to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Fence". I.p. 1-2 - raise arms and legs at the same time;3-4 - i.p.(8 times).

7. "Let's jump on one leg!" I.p. - hands on the belt.1-4- jumping on the right leg;5-8 - jumping on the left leg (alternating with walking)(2-3 times).

8. "Watch" (breathing exercise). "The clock goes forward, they lead us behind it."I.p. - standing, legs slightly apart.1 - swing your arms forward - "tic" (inhale);2 - swing your arms back - “so” (exhale)(2 times).

Complex №3

3 week (with handkerchiefs)

II. handkerchief exercises

1. "Show the handkerchief"

I.P .: feet on the width of the foot, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest. 1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- and. P.

2. "Wave your handkerchief"

I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchief in right hand, lowered down 1- hands up, shift the handkerchief from the right. hands to the left, wave them; 2nd. n. The same in the other direction.

3. "Put the handkerchief"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands down, handkerchief in the right hand.

2-and. n., shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left.

The same on the other side.

4. "Put a handkerchief"

1- sit down, put a handkerchief on the floor, 2- and. p., hands on the belt,

3- sit down, take a handkerchief, 4- and. P.

5. "Jumping"

6 . "Geese are flying" I.p. - Oh.1 - 2 - (2 times).


Complex №5

1 Week (no items)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking in a column one by one on toes, hands behind the head, on the heels, hands behind the back, easy run, walking.

II. Exercises without objects

1 "Cotton on top" I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands below 1- hands through the sides up, clap your hands, 2-and. P.

2 "Shake our heads" I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt 1- head tilt to the right, 2- and. p., 3 - tilt to the left, 4 - i.p.

3 "Lean forward" I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt 1- tilt forward, touch the socks with your hands, 2- sp.

4 "Pendulum" I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt 1- tilt to the right, 2- tilt to the left

5 "Squats" I.P .: heels together, socks apart, hands on the belt 1 - sit down, hands forward, 2-and. P.

6 Star Jumps I.P .: legs together, hands below 1 - legs apart, arms up, 2- sp.

7. "Rooster" (breathing exercise) 1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale), 2 - clap your hands on the hips "ku-ka-re-ku" (exhale).

Complex №7

3 week (no items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, in a squat with different position hands Running one after another, with straight legs forward and with different positions of the hands. Walking.

IIBuilding in links.

1. "Tongue" (kinesiology exercise). “You show the tongue, everyone look at it”(6 times).

2. "Let's dance!" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - hands on the belt.1 - raise the right leg, bend at the knee;2 - i.p.;3 - raise the left leg, bend at the knee;4 - i.p.(6 times).

3. "Adjuster". I.p. - feet on the width of the feet, standing parallel, hands on the belt.1 - hands to the side;2 - up;3 - in sides;4 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Look what's behind you!" I.p. - 1 - body turn to the right;2 - i.p.;3 - turning the body to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "Look at your leg!" I.p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head.1 - raise the straight right leg;2 - i.p.;3 - raise the straight left leg;4 - i.p.(6 times).

6. "Airplane". I.p. - lying on the stomach, legs together, hands forward.1-2 - raise upper part torso, legs and arms extended to the sides;3-4 - i.p.(4 times).

7. "Let's jump!" I.p. - o.s. Jumping on the right, then on the left leg, alternating with walking(3-4 times).

8. "Geese are flying" (breathing exercise). Geese fly high, they look at the guys.I.p. - Oh.1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale);2 - put your hands down with the sound "goo!" (exhalation)(2 times).


Complex №9

1 Week (no items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, with straight legs moving forward and up, with pulling the socks forward and down and a strong wave of the arms to the sides (like soldiers). Run after each other. Walking.

IIConstruction in three columns.

1 . "Tongue" (see complex October 2) (10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - o.s. With the fingers of the right hand, with an effort, press on the palm of the left hand, which should resist; the same with the other hand(10 times).

3. "Roll your shoulder!" I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart.1-3 - circular movements with the right shoulder;4 - i.p.;5-7 - circular movements with the left shoulder;8 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Tilts to the side." I.p. - legs apart, hands behind the back - tilt to the right;2 - i.p.;3 - tilt to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "Tilts Down". I.p. ~ legs apart, arms to the sides.1-2 - lean forward, touch your toes;3-4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Fish". I.p. - lying on your stomach, arms forward and up.1-3- raise the upper body, arms and legs;4 - i.p.(4 times).

7. "Turn around yourself!". I.p. - hands on the belt. Jumping around its axis in alternation with walking to the right and left side alternately(10 times).

8. "Cockerel" (breathing exercise). “The rooster flapped its wings, he suddenly woke us all.”I.p. - o.s.1-2 - arms to the sides (inhale);3-4 - hands down, “ku-ka-re-ku!”, claps on the hips (exhale for each syllable)(6 times).

Complex №11

3 week (no items)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking in a column one at a time, jogging (1-2 min), jumping, walking.

II. Exercises "Tailors"

1 "Scissors"

I. P .: legs on sh. st., arms to the sides

1- cross straight arms in front, 2- and. P.

2 "Shuttle"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands down

1- tilt to the right, 2- and. p., 3- tilt to the left, 4- and. P.

3 "The sewing machine is running"

I.P .: legs together, hands clasped behind the lock

1- raise the right knee, 2- and. p., 3- raise the left knee, 4- and. P.

4 "Pull rubber" I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of the chest, hands clenched. 1- take your elbows back with force, 2- and. P.

5 "The wheel of the car is spinning" I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, arms below

1- 8 circular rotations with straight arms (right - forward, left - back).

6 "The needle sews - jumps" I.P .: legs together, hands below. 1-8 jumps in place.

7 "Breathe with one nostril" (breathing exercise) ip - main stance 1 - close the right nostril with the index finger of the right hand. Take a quiet long breath with the left nostril; open the right nostril, and close the left with the index finger of the left hand. Breathe out slowly through the right nostril(2 times).


Complex №13

1 Week (no items)

I Walking. Easy run. Walking on toes (hands to the sides). Walking on the heels (hands behind the head). Running, throwing heels back. Walking. Building in links.

"To the forest, to the Christmas tree"

1. "Christmas tree". I. p. - the main rack; 1 - hands through the sides up. 2 - starting position Repeat 8-10 times.

2. "The blizzard shakes the trees." I. p. - the main rack. 1 - arms to the sides. 2 - 3 keeping your hands parallel to the floor, tilt to the right and left. Repeat 8-10 times.

3. "Snow". I.p. - kneeling, hands forward. 1 - hands up. 2 - starting position. Repeat 8-10 times.

5. "Hedgehog". I. p. - reliance on the hands and toes; 1 - support on the forearms and knees; 2- starting position. Repeat 6 - 8 times.

6. "Nut". I. p. - lying on your back, wrap your arms around your bent knees; 1 - legs straight, arms along the body; 2 - starting position. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

7. "Sled". I. p. - lying on the stomach, arms up, legs slightly up; 1 - 4 - swing forward, backward. Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

8. "Squirrel". Jumping on two legs (10-12 times) alternating with walking.

9 "Blizzard" (Breathing exercise)

Children stand with straight backs, then take a deep breath, pronounced in exhalation lingeringly: "U-o-o-o-oo."

"Strong blizzard" - Children increase the power of their voices.

"The blizzard subsides" - Children reduce the power of their voices.

“The blizzard is over” - The children fall silent.

Complex №15

3 week (with checkboxes)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking in a column one at a time with a high raising of the hip, like horses. Running, waving your arms like wings - butterflies.

II. Checkbox exercises

1 "Flags forward"

I.P .: feet on the width of the foot, flags below

1 - flags forward; 2 - to the sides; 3 - up; 4 - i.p.

2 "Show flag"

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, flags at the chest

1 - turn to the right, right hand to the side; 2 - i.p. The same to the left.

3 "Bow nicely"

I. P .: feet shoulder width apart, flags below

1 - arms to the sides; 2 - tilt to the right leg, 3 - stand up, 4 - I.p.

The same for the left leg.

4 "Twisting with flags"

I.P.: feet shoulder-width apart, flags to the sides in straight arms

1 - tilt - twisting to the right, 2 - I.p. The same to the left.

5 "Squats"

I.P.: heels together, toes apart, flags down

1 - sit down, move the flags forward, 2 - ip.

6 "Jumps"

I.P .: legs together, flags below.

Jumping - "asterisks with flags"

7 "Snowstorm" (Breathing exercise). See Complex No. 13 point 9


Complex №17

1 Week (no items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, like a horse, like dolls. Running one after another, wide jumps, with different positions of the hands. Walking.

IIBuilding in links.

1. "Spine" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - lying on the floor, touch the elbow (hand) of the knee, slightly raising the shoulders and bending the leg(10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - o.s. With phalanxes of fingers clenched into a fist, make movements according to the principle of a gimlet in the palm of the massaged hand; then change hands(10 times).

3. “Tilts to the sides” I.p. - legs apart, hands behind the back. / - tilt to the right;2 - i.p.;3 - tilt to the left;4 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Turns". I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.1 - turn to the right, hands in front of you;2 - i.p.;3 - turn left, hands in front of you;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "Bridge". I.p. - lying on back, legs bent, palms resting on the floor.1-2- raise the pelvis, bend;3-4 - i.p.(in time).

6. "Birch". I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body.1-2 - raise your legs, back, support the pelvis with your hands;3-4 - i.p.(6 times).

7. "Jumping to the side". I.p. - o.s.1-4- jumping right and left alternately in alternation with walking(4 times).

8 "Hedgehog" (breathing exercise).1 - turning the head to the right - a short noisy breath through the nose, 2 - turning the head to the left - exhalation through a half-open mouth. Walking.

Complex №19

3 week ("Sports warm-up")

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking and running with a change of leader.

II. Exercises "Sports warm-up"

1 "Running in place"

We alternately tear off the heels from the floor, socks in place (1-2 min.)

2 "Strongmen" I.P .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms to the sides, fingers clenched into fists

1- bend your arms to your shoulders with force, 2-and. P.

3" side stretch » I. P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1 - tilt to the right, left hand above the head,

2 - i. p., the same on the other side.

4 "Look behind you" I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt

1 - turn to the right, with the left hand gently push the right shoulder back and

we look behind the back, 2 - and. p., the same on the other side.

5 "Lunges to the side » I.P.: legs together, hands on the belt

1 - lunge with the right foot to the right, the back is straight, 2 - ip, the same to the left.

6 "Jumps" I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt. 1 - 3 - jumping in place,

4 - jump as high as possible.

7 . "Geese are flying" (breathing exercise). Geese fly high, they look at the guys.I.p. - Oh.1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale);2 - put your hands down with the sound "goo!" (exhalation)(2 times).


Complex №21

1 Week (no items)

IWalking one after another on toes, on heels, like penguins (with socks very spread apart)

IIBuilding in links.

1. "Flight" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - o.s. Standing, make a few strong waves with your hands, spreading them to the sides. Close your eyes and imagine that you are flying flapping your wings.(10 times).

2. "Neck" (kinesiology exercise).I.p. - o.s. Turn your head slowly from side to side, breathe freely. Lower your chin as low as possible. Relax your shoulders. Turn your head from side to side with your shoulders up and your eyes open(10 times).

3. "Let's be surprised!" I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the back.1 - raise the right shoulder;2 - i.p.;3 - raise the left shoulder;4 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Tilts". I.p.- feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1-2 tilts forward, 3-4 tilts back, bending the back. (8r)

5. "Let's swear!" I.p. - hands on the belt.1-2 - sit down, palms on the floor;3-4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Swan". I.p. - O.c. 1-2 - right leg forward and sit on it, bending the leg at the knee;3-4 - i.p.;5-6 - left leg forward and sit on it, bending the leg at the knee;7-8 - i.p.(8 times).

8. "Jumping Forward". I.p. - o.s.1-8 - jumping on two legs, moving forward, turning around in alternation with walking(4 times).

9. "Wings" (breathing exercise). “We have wings instead of hands, so we fly - the highest class!”.I.p. - standing, legs slightly apart.1-2 - raise hands through the sides (inhale);3-4 - hands down through the sides (exhale)(6 times).

Complex №23

3 week (no items)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking on heels, on toes, on outside feet, on the inside; easy run.

II. Exercises "Let's dance"

1 "Met"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands down

1- spread your arms to the sides, smile, 2- and. P.

2 "Turns"

1- turn to the right, spread your arms to the sides, 2- and. P.,

same on the other side

3 "Heel, toe"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands on the belt

1- right foot on the heel, sit down, and. p., 2- left foot on the heel, 3- right

foot on toe, and. p. 4 - left foot on the toe

4 "Bent over merrily"

I.P .: legs together, hands on the belt

1- tilt to the right, smiled, 2- and. p., the same on the other side

5 "Dancing legs"

I.P .: legs slightly apart, hands on the belt

1 - lunge to the right, the left foot on the heel turns to the left, 2-and. p., the same to the left side

6 "Asterisks"

I.P .: legs together, hands below. 1- arms up, legs to the side, 2- and. P.

7 "Blizzard" (Breathing exercise). (See Complex No. 13 point 9)


Complex №25

1 Week (no items)

IWalking one after another, on toes, on heels, with high knees, with claps in front of you and behind your back for every step, like penguins, like soldiers, like mice, like dolls. Running diagonally, jumping, galloping to the right side. Walking.

IIBuilding in links.

1. "Turns" (kinesiology exercise)I.p. - o.s. Turn your head and try to see objects behind you(10 times).

2. "Teeth" (kinesiology exercise) i.p. – o.s. close your eyes, massage the areas of connection of the upper and lower molars with the index and middle fingers simultaneously on the right and left. Then make a relaxing sound of yawning.(10 times).

3. "Strongmen". I.p. - o.s., hands to the sides.1 - hands to shoulders;2 - i.p.(8 times).

4. "Ballerina". I.p. - hands on the belt.1 - right foot to the side on the toe;2 - i.p.;3 - left foot to the side on the toe;4 - i.p.(8 times).

5. "We exercise our hands." I.p. - o.s.1 - hands to the side;2 - hands up;3 - hands to the side;4 - i.p.(8 times).

6. "Fish" (see complex 9) (4 times).

7. "Scissors". I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Leg movements left and right(6 times).

8. "Jumping". I.p. - o.s., hands on the belt. Legs apart - legs crossed(2 times 8 jumps).

9. « Grow big ”(breathing exercise) 1 - raise your hands up, stretch, rise on your toes (inhale). 2 - put your hands down, go down on the whole foot (exhale), say "Uhhh."

Complex №27

3 week (repetition with difficulty)

Complicate exercise 3. Starting position - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms lowered down. 1 - tilt forward - down, clap behind the right foot, 2 - starting position 3.4 - also clap behind the left foot. Repeat 6-8 times.


Complex №29

1 Week ( "Space motives" no items)

I Walking. Run. Walking on toes (arms to shoulders). Walking with toes too far apart (like penguins). Running with high knees. Walking.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Cosmic wind". I. p. - o. with., hands up. 1-4 - sway like the wind, from side to side. (6-8 times).

2. "Trial rocket launch." I. p. - feet shoulder width apart. 1 - raise your arms through the sides up, rise on your toes, inhale (8 times).

3. "Let's check the suit" I. p. - main stance, hands on the belt. 1-2 - tilts to the right - to the left. 3-4 - tilt forward - back. 5-6 - turns of the body. 7 - i. n. (8 times).

4. "Getting Ready to Fly" I. p. - kneeling, hands down. 1-2 - turn to the right, arms to the sides; 3-4 - and. p., 5-6 - turn to the left, arms to the sides; 7-8 - and. n. (8 times).

5. "We warm up in flight." I. p. - kneeling, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides, sitting on the heels. 2 - return to the starting position (6-8 times).

6. "The state of weightlessness." I. p. - lying on your stomach, hands under your chin. 1 - raise your head, legs, arms. 2 - return to the starting position. (6 times).

7. "We sit in the astronaut's chair ". Starting position - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1 - sitting with straight legs, arms down. 2 - return to the starting position. Repeat 6 times.

8. "The joy of arrival." Starting position - legs together, hands on the belt. Jumping in place on two legs, alternating with walking.

9. "Sounds of Space" (breathing exercise) (for the development of speech breathing). Children pronounce the sound “UUUU” on a long exhalation.

Complex №31

3 week ( with handkerchiefs)

I. Line up, column, posture check; walking and running in a column one at a time, bending around objects placed at the corners of the hall, lateral gallop from the right foot.

II. handkerchief exercises

1 "Show handkerchief" I.P .: feet on the width of the foot, a handkerchief in both hands at the chest.

1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- and. P.

2 "Wave your handkerchief"

IP: feet shoulder-width apart, handkerchief in right hand, lowered down.

1- hands up, shift the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it,

2nd. n. The same in the other direction.

3 "Put the handkerchief"

I. P .: legs on sh. p., hands down, handkerchief in right hand

1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side,

2-and. n., shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left. The same on the other side.

4 "Put a handkerchief"

I.P .: heels together, socks apart, handkerchief below

1 - sit down, put a handkerchief on the floor, 2- and. p., hands on the belt,

3 - sit down, take a handkerchief, 4 - and. P.

5 "Jumps"

IP: legs together, handkerchief below. Jumping with a handkerchief.

    "Stork" (breathing exercise)

On an inhale, raise your arms to the sides. The leg, bent at the knee, proudly bring forward, fix. On the exhale, take a step. Lower the leg and arms, saying "shhhhh."


Complex №33

1 Week (with rope)

IWalking. Easy run. Walking on toes (hands to the sides). Walking on the heels (hands behind the head).

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Rope up." I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, rope below. 1- rope forward, 2- up, 3- forward, 4- and. n. (8 times).

2. "Rope down." I. p .: legs on the w.p., rope below 1 - lift the rope up, 2 - bend down 3 - straighten up, lift the rope up, 4 - and. n. (8 times.)

3. "Rope rotation". I. p .: legs apart, one hand at the top, the other at the bottom, the rope is vertical. At the expense of 1,2,3,4 - change hands, while pulling the rope. Repeat 6-8 times.

4. "Put the rope." I. p .: legs on the w.p., rope in outstretched hands. 1- tilt down, put the rope on the floor, 2- stand up, hands on the belt, 3- tilt down, take the rope, 4- starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

5. "Turns". I. p .: standing, feet on sh. p., rope forward. 1 - turn to the right, 2 - and. n., the same in the other direction. 8 times.

6. "Tilts". I. p .: feet shoulder-width apart, rope at the top. 1- tilt to the right, 2- and. p., the same on the other side. 6-8 times.

7. "Half squats." Starting position: heels together, socks apart, rope below. 1- sit down, rope forward, 2-starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 6-8 times.

8. "Jumping". I. p .: legs together, rope below. Jumping - legs apart, rope up, legs together, rope down. 6-8 times.

    "Crane" I.p.: o.s. Inhale, raise the right leg, slightly bent at the knee, arms to the sides, down, say "urrrr". Do the same with your left foot.

Complex №3 5

3 week (with handkerchief)

IWalking. Easy run. Walking on toes (hands to the sides). Walking on the heels (hands behind the head) Snake running. Walking.

II Complex of general developmental exercises.

1. "Show the handkerchief." I. p .: legs on the sh.st., a handkerchief in both hands at the chest. 1- straighten your arms, show a handkerchief, 2- starting position. Repeat 8 times.

2. "Wave your handkerchief." I. p .: legs on the s.p., a handkerchief in the right hand, lowered down. 1 - hands up, shift the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

3. "Signals to the aircraft." I. p .: legs on the s.p., a handkerchief in the right hand, lowered down. 1 - hands to the sides, shift the handkerchief from the right hand to the left, wave it, 2 - starting position, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

4. "Put the handkerchief." I. p .: legs on the w.p., hands below, handkerchief in the right hand. 1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side, 2- and. p., shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left, the same in the other direction. 8 times.

5. "Pinwheel". I. p .: legs on sh. p., hands down, handkerchief in the right hand. 1- tilt to the right, hand with a handkerchief straight to the side, 2-and. p., shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left, the same in the other direction. Repeat 8 times.

6. "Mahi hands." I. p .: legs on sh. p., hands down, handkerchief in the right hand. 1 - right hand up, 2-3-4-5 - swing your arms up and down, 6 - and. p., 7 - shift the handkerchief behind the back from the right hand to the left, repeat the exercise, starting with the left hand. Repeat 4 times.

7. "Jumping". I. p .: legs together, a handkerchief below. 12–18 times

8. "Grow big" ( breath. ex.) 1 - raise your hands up, stretch, rise on your toes (inhale).

Complexes of morning exercises

for older children.


Complex 1

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, likecock.

1. "Eyes" (kinesiology exercise). I.p. - o.s. “Eyes to the left, eyes to the right, up and down, and all over again” (6 times).

2. "Mouth" (kinesiology exercise). “In order to speak better, the mouth must be mobile” (6 times).

3. "Let's wave our wings!". I.p. - hands to the side. 1 - arms to shoulders; 2 - i.p. (8 times).

4. “Let's grow big!”. I.p. - o.s. 1 - right leg back on the toe, stretch; 2 - i.p.; 3 - left foot back on the toe, stretch; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "Spiral". I.p. - sitting, legs crossed, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the body to the right; 2 - i.p.; 3 - torso turn to the left; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

6. "Fence". I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1-2 - raise arms and legs at the same time; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

7. "Let's jump on one leg!". I.p. - hands on the belt. 1-4 - jumps on the right leg; 5-8 - jumping on the left leg (alternating with walking) (2-3 times).

8. "Watch" (breathing exercise). "The clock goes forward, they lead us behind it." I.p. - standing, legs slightly apart. 1 - swing your arms forward - "tic" (inhale); 2 - wave your arms back - “so” (exhale) (2 times).

Complex 2 (with sticks)

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, on the outside of the foot, in a semi-squat. Running one after another, circling like a top). Walking. Building in links.

1. "Turn our eyes!" (kinesiology exercise) (I.p. - o.s. Rotate the eyes in a circle for 2-3 seconds in one direction and the other (6 times).

2. "Rise on your toes!". I.p. - o.s. 1 - 2 - rise on toes, lifting the stick with straight arms up and back; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

3. "Lunges forward." I.p. - hands with a stick at the top. 1-2 - lunge forward with your right foot and bend your back, lowering straight arms with a stick back and down; 3-4-i.p. (8 times).

4. "Turns". I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, stick behind the shoulder blades. 1 - turn the body to the right; 2 - i.p.; 3 - torso turn to the left; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "Tilts". I.p. - legs apart, hands with a stick raised up. 1-2 - tilt forward, bending the back and arms and lowering the stick on the elbows, press the stick to the back; 3-4 -ip (8 times).

6. "I'm in the house." I.p. - lying on your back, a stick in straight arms behind your head. 1 - pick up a stick; 2 - touch the stick with the toe of the right foot; 3 - stretch out, pick up a stick; 4 - i.p. The same with the left foot (6 times).

7. "Stick forward." I.p. - lying on his stomach, a stick in bent arms in front of him. 1-2 - bend over, bring the stick forward; 3-4 - i.p. (4 times).

8. "Let's jump!". I.p. - stick below. 1 - jump legs apart, raise a stick; 2 - sp. (8 jumps 3 times).

9. "Watch" (see complex 1) (2 times).


Complex 1

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, in a squat with different hand positions. Running one after another, with straight legs forward and with different positions of the hands. Walking. Building in links.

1. "Tongue" (kinesiology exercise). “You show the tongue, everyone will look at it” (6 times).

2. "Let's dance!" (kinesiology exercise). I.p. - hands on the belt. 1 - raise the right leg, bend at the knee; 2 - i.p.; 3 - raise the left leg, bend at the knee; 4 - i.p. (6 times).

3. "Controller". I.p. - feet on the width of the feet, standing parallel, hands on the belt. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - up; 3 - to the sides; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

4. "Look what's behind you!". I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turn the body to the right; 2 - i.p.; 3 - torso turn to the left; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "Look at the leg!". I.p. - lying on your back, hands behind your head. 1 - raise the straight right leg; 2 - i.p.; 3 - raise the straight left leg; 4 - i.p. (6 times).

6. "Airplane". I.p. - lying on your stomach, legs together, hands forward. 1-2 - raise the upper body, legs and arms extended to the sides; 3-4 - i.p. (4 times).

7. "Let's jump!". I.p. - o.s. Jumping on the right, then on the left leg, alternating with walking (3-4 times).

8. "Geese are flying" (breathing exercise). Geese fly high, they look at the guys. I.p. - Oh. 1 - raise your arms to the sides (inhale); 2 - lower your hands down with the sound "goo!" (exhale) (2 times)

Complex 2 (with cubes)

Walking one after another on toes (hands to the sides), on heels (hands behind the head), side steps to the right side (hands on the belt). Running after each other, jumping. Walking next to each other. Building in links.

1. "Tongue" (kinesiology exercise). I.p. - o.s. Move the tongue back and forth (10 times).

2. "Leg back." I.p. — o.s. 1 - raise your arms and stretch them out, put your right foot back on the toe, raise your head, bending your back; 2 - i.p.; 3 - raise your arms and stretch them, put your left foot back on the toe, raise your head, bending your back; 4 - m.p. (8 times).

3. "Turns". I.p. - legs apart, cube down. 1 - cubes forward, turn to the right; 2 - i.p.; 3 - cubes forward, turn left; - - i.p. (8 times).

4. "Tilt". I.p. - cubes below the back. 1-2 - tilt forward, cubes back-up; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "Touch the sock!". I.p. - sitting, legs apart, cubes on the knees. 1-2 - cubes uppx; 3-4 - tilt to the right leg, touch the toe with cubes; 5-6 - i.p. The same to the left leg (6 times).

6. "Reach for a stick!". I.p. - lying on your back, cubes in your hands on your chest. 1-2 - raise your hands with cubes forward and up; 3-4 - raise your legs, touch them to the cubes; 5-6 - i.p. (4 times).

7. "Stick back." I.p. - feet at a width of 1. 1-3 - with a smooth movement, move the cubes up to failure; 4 - i.p. (4 times).

8. "Let's jump!". I.p. - standing in front of the cubes, arms along the body. Jumping around the neck to the right (left) with turns in alternation with walking (8 times).


Complex 1

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, with straight legs moving forward and up, with pulling the socks forward and down and a strong wave of the arms to the sides (like soldiers). Running one after the other with different hand positions. Walking. Building in links.

1. "Tongue" (kinesiology exercise) (see complex October 2) (10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiology exercise). I.p. - o.s. With the fingers of the right hand, with an effort, press on the palm of the left hand, which should resist; the same with the other hand (10 times).

3. "Turn your shoulder!". I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart. 1-3 - circular movements with the right shoulder; 4 - i.p.; 5-7 - circular movements with the left shoulder; 8 - i.p. (8 times).

4. "Tilts to the sides." I.p. - legs apart, hands behind the back - tilt to the right; 2 - i.p.; 3 - tilt to the left; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "Tilts down." I.p. ~ legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-2 - lean forward, touch your toes; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

6. "Ring". I.p. - lying on the stomach, hands in emphasis at chest level. 1-3 - straightening the arms at the elbows, raise the head and chest up; bend your knees and touch your head with your toes; 4 - i.p. (4 times).

7. "Fish". I.p. - lying on your stomach, arms forward and up. 1-3- raise the upper body, arms and legs; 4 - i.p. (4 times).

8. "Turn around yourself!". I.p. - hands on the belt. Jumping around its axis in alternation with walking to the right and left side alternately (10 times each).

9. "Cockerel" (breathing exercise). “The rooster flapped its wings, he suddenly woke us all.” I.p. - o.s. 1-2 - arms to the sides (inhale); 3-4 - hands down, “ku-ka-re-ku!”, clapping on the hips (exhale for each syllable) (6 times).

Complex 2 (with flags)

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, with high knees, with tasks, diagonally. Running one after another, diagonally. Walking. Building in links.

1. "House" (kinesiology exercise) I. p. - o.s. Joint movements of the eyes and tongue from side to side. (10 times).

2. "Leg to the side." I.p. - flags in outstretched hands. 1 - right foot to the side on the toe, flags up; 2 - i.p.; 3 - left foot to the side on the toe, flags up 4 - sp. (8 times).

3. "Tilts to the leg." I.p. - flags at the top of the leg at shoulder width. 1 - tilt to the right leg; 2 - i.p.; 3 - tilt to the left leg; 4-i.p. (8 times).

4. "Tilts to the sides." I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, flags below. 1 - flags up 2 - tilt to the right; 3 - flags up; 4 - i.p.; 5 - flags up; 6 - tilt to the left; 7 - flags up; 8 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "Let's sit down!". I.p. - flags on the shoulders. 1-2 - sit down, keep your back and head straight; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

6. "Let's lie down!". I.p. - sitting, bending your knees, keep the flags under your knees. 1-2 - lie on your back; 3-4 - i.p. (6 times).

7. "Let's roll a stick!". I.p. - sitting, bend your legs, feet on the flags lying on the floor, hands behind. 1-4 - roll the flags forward with your feet until the legs are fully extended 5-8 - back to the sp. (5 times).

8. "Let's jump!". I.p. flags on the floor. Jumping through the flags back and forth.


Complex 1

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, with high knees and different positions of the hands. Running one after another, with a wide step, with different positions of the hands. Walking. Building in links.

1. "Tongue with a tube" (kinesiology exercise). I.p. - o.s. Curling the tongue with a tube (10 times).

2. "Turns" (kinesiology exercise). I.p. - o.s. Turn your head and try to see objects behind you (10 times).

3. "Umbrella". I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt to the right, left hand up, palm down; 2 - i.p.; 3 - tilt to the left, right hand up, palm down; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

4. "We are growing." Il. - Sitting on your heels, hands on your knees. 1-2 - get on your knees, hands up, stretch; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "Corner". I.p. - lying on your back, straight arms behind your head. 1-2 - raise straight legs forward and up; 3-4 - i.p. (6 times).

6. "Basket". I.p. - lying on the stomach, arms along the body. 1-2 - bend your knees; grab the socks from the outside with your hands and pull the legs up while pulling up the head and 1 catcher; 3-4 - i.p. (4 times).

7. "Scissors". I.p. - hands on the belt. Jumping one leg forward, the other back, alternating with walking (2 times 10 jumps).

Complex 2 (with a hoop)

Walking one after another on the heels (hands behind the head), on toes (hands to the sides), with high knees (hands behind the tire). Jumping (“frog”), standing on the leg (“stork”). Running one after another, with a wide step, with different positions of the hands. Walking. Building in links.

1. "Tongue with a tube" (kinesiology exercise) I.p. - o.s. - folding the uvula with a tube (10 times).

2. "Turns" (kinesiology exercise) (see complex December 1) (10 times).

3. "Umbrella". I.p. - feet shoulder width apart, hands with a hoop below. 1 - hands with a hoop up; 2 - tilt to the right; 3 - hands with a hoop up; 4 - i.p. The same to the left side (8 times).

4. "We are growing." I.p. - standing on your heels, hands with a hoop below on your knees. 1-2 - get on your knees, put your hands up, stretch; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "Corner". I.p. - lying on your back, hoop in straight arms behind your head. 1-2 - raise straight legs; 3-4 - raise your hands with a hoop; 5-6 - lower your hands with a hoop to the floor behind your head; 7-8 - lower your legs (at once).

6. "Basket". I.p. - lying on his stomach, hands with a hoop in front. 1-2 - bend your knees, grab your socks with a hoop and pull them towards you; 3-4 - i.p. (4 times).

7. "Scissors". I.p. - hoop on the floor, hands on the belt. Jumps - one leg forward, the other back (10 jumps).

8. "Cockerel" (breathing exercise) (see complex November 1) (6 times).


Complex 1

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, like a horse, like dolls. Running one after another, wide jumps, with different positions of the hands. Walking. Building in links.

1. "Spine" (kinesiology exercise). I.p. - lying on the floor, touch the knee with the elbow (hand), slightly raising the shoulders and bending the leg (10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiology exercise). I.p. - o.s. With phalanxes of fingers clenched into a fist, make movements according to the principle of a gimlet in the palm of the massaged hand; then change hands (10 times).

3. "Tilts to the sides" I.p. - legs apart, hands behind the back. / - tilt to the right; 2 - i.p.; 3 - tilt to the left; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

4. "Turns". I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt. 1 - turn to the right, hands in front of you; 2 - i.p.; 3 - turn to the left, hands in front of you; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "Bridge". I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent, palms rest on the floor. 1-2-raise the pelvis, bend; 3-4 - i.p. (in time).

6. "Birch". I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. 1-2 - raise your legs, back, support the pelvis with your hands; 3-4 - i.p. (6 times).

7. "Jumping to the side." I.p. - o.s. 1-4 jumps to the right and left alternately in alternation with walking (4 times).

8. "Let's get up on our toes!" (breathing exercise). I.p. - o.s. 1 - inhale - raise your hands up, stretch, standing on your toes; 2 - exhale - lower your hands down, lower yourself on the entire foot, saying "wow!" (6 times).

Complex 2 (with dumbbells)

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, like soldiers, like dolls, like mice, like penguins. Running one after another, with a wide and small step, with different positions of the hands. Walking. Building in links.

1. "Spine" (kinesiology exercise) (see complex 17) (10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiology exercise) (see complex 17) (10 times).

3. "Tilts to the sides." I.p. - legs apart, arms with dumbbells below. 1 - torso tilt to the right, arms with dumbbells to the sides; 2 - i.p.; 3 - torso tilt to the left, arms with dumbbells to the sides; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

4. "Turns". I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart, arms with dumbbells below. 1 - turn to the right, hands with dumbbells forward in front of you; 2 - i.p.; 3 - turn to the left, hands with dumbbells forward in front of you; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "Bend over!". I.p. - lying on your back, hands with dumbbells behind your head. 1-2 - raise your arms with dumbbells and legs up; 3-4 -ip (6 times).

6. "Airplane". I.p. - lying on your stomach, arms with dumbbells in front, legs together. 1-2-raise the upper body and arms with dumbbells to the sides (6 times).

7. "Jumping to the side." I.p. - dumbbells in arms bent at the elbows. 1-4 - jumps to the left; 5-8 - walking; 9-12 - jumps to the right; 13-16 - walking (4 times).

8. "Let's get up on our toes!" (breathing exercise) (see complex January 1) (6 times).


Complex 1

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, like penguins (with socks very spread apart), like mice, diagonally, snake with a change in step width. Building in links.

1. "Flight" (kinesiology exercise). I.p. — o.s. Standing, make a few strong waves with your hands, spreading them to the sides. Close your eyes and imagine that you are flying, flapping your wings (10 times).

2. "Neck" (kinesiology exercise). I.p. - o.s. Turn your head slowly from side to side, breathe freely. Lower your chin as low as possible. Relax your shoulders. Turn your head from side to side with raised shoulders with open eyes (10 times).

3. "Let's be surprised!". I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart, hands behind the back. 1 - raise the right shoulder; 2 - i.p.; 3 - raise the left shoulder; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

4. "Helicopter". I.p. - Feet shoulder width apart. 1 - arms to the sides, tilt to the right; 2 - i.p.; 3 - arms to the sides, tilt to the left; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "Let's sit down!". I.p. - hands on the belt. 1-2 - sit down, palms on the floor; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

6. "Swan". I.p. - Oh. 1-2 - right leg forward and sit on it, bending the leg at the knee; 3-4 - i.p.; 5-6 - left leg forward and sit on it, bending the leg at the knee; 7-8 - i.p. (8 times).

7. "Snake". I.p. - lying on his stomach, palms rest on the floor. 1-2 - raise the body, bend the back, raise the head; 3-4 - i.p. (4 times).

8. "Jumping forward." I.p. - o.s. 1-8 - jumping on two legs, moving forward, turning around in alternation with walking (4 times).

9. "Wings" (breathing exercise). “We have wings instead of hands, so we fly - the highest class!”. I.p. - standing, legs slightly apart. 1-2 - raise hands through the sides (inhale); 3-4 - hands down through the sides (exhale) (6 times).

Complex 2 (with sticks)

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, with high knees, snake (across the hall), with a change of direction. Walking. Snake running (along the hall), jump. Walking. Building in links.

1. "Neck" (kinesiology exercise) (see complex February 1) (10 times).

2. "Look at the stick!". I.p. - legs slightly apart, stick below, grip wider than shoulders. 1 - stick forward (keep at eye level); 2 - i.p. (8 times).

3. "Stretch!". I.p. - legs slightly apart, stick below, grip away from you. 1 - stick on the chest; 2 - stick up, climb on toes; 3 - a stick on the chest; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

4. "Forward bends." I.p. - legs apart, stick behind the back. 1-2 - tilt forward, stick behind the back up to failure; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "Let's sit down!". I.p. - kneeling, stick in front of the chest. 1-2 - sit on your heels, stick on your hips; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

6. "Roll a stick!". I.p. - sitting, legs apart, stick on the hips, hands to the shoulders. 7-- - tilt forward, roll the stick further forward; 5-8 - back (6 times).

7. "Look at the stick!". I.p. - lying on his stomach, stick in straight arms. 1-2 - a stick of beasts, look at it; 3-4 - i.p. (in time).

8. "Let's jump!". I.p. - legs slightly apart, stick on the floor, jumping back and forth.


Complex 25

Walking one after another, on toes, on heels, with high knees, with claps in front of you and behind your back for every step, like penguins, like soldiers, like mice, like dolls. Running diagonally, jumping, galloping to the right side. Walking. Building in links.

1. "Turns" (kinesiology exercise) I.p. - o.s. Turn your head and try to see objects behind you (10 times).

2. "Teeth" (kinesiology exercise) I.p. - o.s. close your eyes, massage the areas of connection of the upper and lower molars with the index and middle fingers simultaneously on the right and left. Then make a relaxing sound of yawning. (10 times).

3. "Strongmen". I.p. - o.s., hands to the sides. 1 - arms to shoulders; 2 - i.p. (8 times).

4. "Ballerina". I.p. - hands on the belt. 1 - right leg to the side on the toe; 2 - i.p.; 3 - left leg to the side on the toe; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "We exercise our hands." I.p. - o.s. 1 - arms to the sides; 2 - hands up; 3 - arms to the sides; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

6. "Fish" (see complex 9) (4 times).

7. "Scissors". I.p. - lying on your back, arms along the body. Leg movements left-right (6 times).

8. "Jumping". I.p. - o.s., hands on the belt. Legs apart - legs crossed (2 times 8 jumps).

9. “Tube tongue” (kinesiology exercise) (see complex December 1) (10 times).

Complex 2 (with flags)

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, with eyes closed, back forward, rolling from heel to toe. Running one after another, on an inclined board (running in on toes, running on a full foot). Walking. Building in links.

1. "Palm" (kinesiology exercise). I.p. - o.s. 1 - open the fingers of the left hand, lightly press the point of attention located in the middle of the palm with the thumb of the right hand. When pressed - exhale, when weakened - inhale. The same with the right hand (10 times).

2. "Show the flag!!". I.p. - legs slightly apart, flags down, grip wider than shoulders. 1-2 - flags forward; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

3. "Bend your hands!". I.p. - legs apart, flags behind, grip away from you. 1-2 - bend your arms, raise the flags; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

4. "Tilts". I.p. - legs apart, flags in bent arms on the head. 1 - flags up; 2 - tilt forward; 3 - straighten up; 4-i.p. (8 times).

5. "Put the flags!". I.p. - legs slightly apart, flags in front of the chest. 1 - sit down, put flags on the floor; 2 - i.p.; 3 - sit down, take flags; 4 - i.p. (6 times).

6. "Let's get on our knees!". I.p. - sitting on the heels, flags below. 1-2 - kneel, flags below; 3-4 - i.p. (in time).

7. "Look at the flags!". I.p. - lying on your back, flags up, wider than shoulders. 1-2 - flags forward-down, put the flags on the hips; 3-4 - take the flags, raise them forward - up; 5-6 - i.p. (6 times).

8. "Let's jump!". I.p. - legs slightly apart, flags on the floor. Jumping around the flags to the right side (8 times), and to the left.


Complex 1

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, with high knees, like penguins, like soldiers, like dolls, snake along the hall, diagonally. Running one after another, across the hall with a snake, diagonally. Walking. Building in links.

1. "Wrist" (kinesiology exercise). I.p. - o.s. Grab your right wrist with your left hand and massage. The same with the left hand (10 times).

2. "Palm" (kinesiology exercise) (see complex 28) (10 times).

3. "Umbrella". I.p. - legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - tilt to the right, left hand up, palm down; 2 - i.p.; 3 - tilt to the left, right hand up, palm down; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

4. "Let's sit down!". I.p. - hands on the belt. 1-2 - sit down, hands forward; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "The plane is preparing to fly." I.p. - op, kneeling, hands down. 1-2 - turn to the right, arms to the sides; 3-4 - sp, 5-6 - turn to the left, arms to the sides; 7-8 - i.p. (8 times).

6. "Airplane". I.p. - lying on the stomach, arms outstretched forward. 1-2 - raise your arms to the sides, legs and upper body up; 3-4 - i.p. (4 times).

7. "Corner". I.p. - lying on your back, arms pulled behind your head. 1-2 - raise legs; 3-4 - i.p. (6 times).

8. "Jumping". I.p. - o.s. Legs together legs apart in alternation with walking (2 times for 8 jumps).

Complex 2 (with sticks)

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, like herons, goose step, diagonally, with eyes closed, back forward, with exercises (“Hares”, “Birds”, “Stork”). Running one after another, with a change of direction. Walking. Building in links.

1. "Wrist" (kinesiology exercise) (see complex April 1) (10 times).

2. "Stick up." I.p. - legs apart, stick below, grip away from you. 1.3 - stick on the chest; 2 - stick up; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

3. "Turns". I.p. - legs apart, stick behind the back. 1.3 - turn right (left); 2,4-i.p. (8 times).

4. "Tilts". I.p. - legs apart, stick below, grip away from you. 1-2 - tilt forward, stick forward, keep your head straight; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

5. "Interception". I.p. - legs apart, stick vertically at one end on the floor, hands on the upper end of the stick. 1-4 - intercepting the stick with your hands, tilt down as low as possible, legs straight; 5-8 - reverse movement (8 times).

6. "Pull up the stick!". I.p. - sitting, stick on hips. - stick up; 2 - bend your legs, stick to your knees; 3 - straighten your legs, stick up; 4 - i.p. The back is straight (8 times).

7. "Let's sit down!". I.p. - a stick vertically with one end on the floor, hands on the upper end of the stick. 1-3- slowly sit down, spreading your knees; 4 - get up quickly (6 times).

8. "Let's jump sideways!". I.p. - standing sideways at the end of the stick lying on the floor. Jumping sideways over a stick (moving forward and backward) in alternation with walking (6 times).

9. “Breathe with one nostril” (breathing exercise) - close the right one, take a breath; close the left, exhale.


Complex 1

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, with a turn, combining claps with a step. Turning run. Walking. Building in links.

1. "Tree" (kinesiology exercise). Sitting on your haunches, hide your head in your knees, wrap your arms around them. This is a seed that gradually sprouts and turns into a tree. Slowly rise to your feet, then straighten your torso, stretching your arms up (4 times).

2. "Handles" (kinesiology exercise). Bend your elbows, squeeze and unclench your hands, gradually speeding up the pace. Perform to maximum fatigue. Then relax your hands and shake them.

3. "Controller". I.p. - o.s. 1.3 - arms to the sides; 2 - up; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

4. "On the start!". I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart. 1-2-tilt down, arms back and up, keep your head straight; 3-4 -ip (8 times).

5. "Pull back!". I.p. - o.s. 1-3 - tilt forward, hands forward, look at them; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

6. "Legs are resting." I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands under the back of the head. 1.3 - put your feet to the left (right); 2.4 - i.p. (8 times).

7. "Snail". I.p. - lying on the stomach, both arms along the body. 1-3 - raise the upper part of the body, both legs as close as possible to the back of the head; 4 - i.p.

8. "Let's jump!". I.p. - o.s. Jumping legs apart - legs together in alternation with walking (2 times 10 jumps).

9. "Watch" (breathing exercise) (see complex September 1) (2 times).

Complex 2 (with cubes)

Walking one after another on toes, on heels, forward with your back, like penguins, like soldiers, goose step, like dolls, side step to the right side, side step to the left side. Running for a friend

another, running, throwing your heels back, raising your knees high. Walking. Building in links.

1. "Flight" (kinesiology exercise) (see complex February 1) (10 times).

2. "Look at the cube!". I.p. - a cube at the bottom in lowered hands. 7 - raise the cubes up, look at them; 2 - i.p. (8 times).

3. "Dice forward." I.p. - cubes in front of the chest horizontally, legs shoulder-width apart. 1 - cubes forward;

2 - i.p. (8 times).

4. "Tilts". I.p. - cubes on the belt. 1-2 - tilt forward, while raising your hands up; 3-4-ip

(8 times).

5. "Hands forward." I.p. - feet shoulder-width apart, cubes in lowered hands. 1-2 - tilt forward, while raising your hands forward, look at the cubes; 3-4 - i.p. (8 times).

6. "Touch the toe!". I.p. - sitting, legs apart, cubes behind the head. 1 - cubes up; 2 - bend over, touch the cube-sock of the right (left) leg; 3 - straighten up, stick the cubes up; 4 - i.p. (8 times).

7. "Fence". I.p. - lying on your back, cubes above your head. 1-2 - simultaneously raise your hands with cubes and legs up, do not raise your head; 3-4 - i.p. (6 times).

8. "Jump around the cubes!". Jumping around the cubes to the right and left side.

Compiled by: Zavyalova A.V. 2017


Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march at the expense of the leader with straight legs in place. - 10 times.
  2. . - 2 circles.
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing. The child jumps forward - backward, facing in a circle. - 5 times
  4. Circular movements straight arms forward. - 8 times.
  5. Tilts of the head to the shoulders - 6 times.
  6. Tilts of the body forward - backward. -6 times.

Complex №2 (with a ball)

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children march in a circle at the expense of the leader with straight legs. - 2 circles.
  2. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, depicting a bear (go on the outside of the foot). The children back up. - 2 circles.
  3. Jumping. The child jumps at the command of an adult through the ball back and forth, facing in a circle. - 5 times.
  4. Ball exercise. I.P. - standing, holding the ball in one hand. Children perform circular movements with the ball around the body, shifting the ball from the front to the left hand, and from behind to the right hand. - 3 circles.
  5. Warm up shoulder joint. I.p. - standing straight, straight arms behind the back and holding the ball. The child should raise straight arms with the ball as high as possible, while trying to bring the shoulder blades together. - 5 times.
  6. Body tilts. I.p. - standing. The child holds the ball in his hands and lifts them up. At the command of an adult, the children tilt their torso forward along with straight arms and the ball, and then rise. Next, the children bend back. Children perform the same exercises to the right and left. - 4 times in each direction.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - the child sits clasping bent legs hands, then rolls back, lying on his back, and returns to I.p. During the entire exercise, the child's legs are bent, and he wraps his arms around them. - 8 times.
  8. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through their wide open mouth. - 5 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march at the expense of the leader, bending their knees in place. - 10 times.
  2. (walk on toes). -2 circles.
  3. Jumping. The child jumps at the command of an adult to the right - to the left, toy face around, jumping sideways. - 5 times.
  4. Warm-up of the elbow joint. I.p. - standing, right arm raised at shoulder level and bent at the elbow. The child should make circular movements of the forearm to the right and left sides. Same thing with the left hand. - 5 times with each hand.
  5. Shoulder workout. Raising the shoulders up to the ears and lowering the shoulders down. - 6 times.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Hands behind your head. The task of the child is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower himself back to the floor. - 10 times.
  7. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through their wide open mouth. - 5 times.

Complex №2 (with cube)

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children march at the expense of the leader, bending their knees, in a circle. - 2 circles.
  2. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, depicting chicks (walk on toes)
  3. Jumping. The child jumps at the command of an adult through the cube to the right - to the left, standing facing in a circle, jumping sideways. - 5 times.
  4. Cube exercise. I.P. - standing, holding a cube in one hand. Children perform circular movements with the ball. Hands up - we shift the cube to the left hand, hands down and back - we shift to the right hand. - 3 circles.
  5. Leaning forward. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder width apart, arms to the sides. The cube is in front of the child on the floor. The child should bend down with a straight back and touch the cube with his right hand, after which he should stand up. Then the child does the same, but touches the cube with his left hand. - 6 times.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and squeezing the cube. Hands behind your head. The task of the child is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower himself back to the floor. - 10 times.
  7. Stretching. The child lies on his stomach, stretches his arms forward, raises straight legs. At the command of an adult, he must bend and sway in this position. - 4 times.
  8. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through their wide open mouth. - 5 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children, facing in a circle, march at the expense of the leader with straight legs in place, stretching the arm of the same name forward. - 10 times.
  2. (walk on heels). -2 circles.
  3. Shoulder workout. I.p. - standing, arms lowered, feet shoulder-width apart. Children make circular movements with straight arms in different sides. The right hand rotates back, the left forward. - 4 times.
  4. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and squeezing the cube. Hands behind your head. The task of the child is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower himself back to the floor. - three sets of 15 times.
  5. (not high)

Complex №2 (With gymnastic stick)

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children at the expense of the leader march in a circle with straight legs, stretching the arm of the same name forward. - 2 circles.
  2. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, depicting ducks (walk on heels). Children go forward and back away. -2 circles.
  3. Stepping over. Holding a gymnastic stick at a level just below the abdomen, the children step over it forward. The stick is on the back. Without opening their hands, the children step back over the stick and again hold it in front of them. Then everything repeats again. - 6 times.
  4. Balance on one leg. Children raise their right leg and clasp it with both hands, after which the child should stand on one leg. Next, the leg changes to the left. – 30 sec.
  5. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Hands behind your head. The task of the child is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower himself back to the floor. - 15 times.
  6. Stretching. I.p. - lying on your back, arms and legs spread apart. Children should raise their arms and legs in the air (not high) and stretch each part of the body in different directions. – 5 – 10 sec.
  7. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, while drawing in the stomach, and exhale through the wide open mouth, inflating the stomach like a balloon. - 5 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march at the expense of the leader, bending their knees in place, while bending the arm of the same name in elbow joint. - 10 times.
  2. . -2 circles.
  3. Neck stretch. I.p. - standing, hands on the belt, feet shoulder-width apart. Children make circular movements of the head in one direction, then in the other. - 3 times.
  4. Warm-up of the elbow joint. I.p. - standing, arms raised to the sides and bent at the elbow joint. The right hand - the brush looks up, the left hand - the brush looks down. At the command of an adult, the children begin to rotate their hands: the right hand rotates counterclockwise, the left hand rotates clockwise. - 5 times
  5. Balance on one leg. Children raise the right leg and press the heel to the right buttock. After the exercise is repeated on the left leg. - 30 sec.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees and squeezing the cube. Hands behind your head. The task of the child is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower himself back to the floor. - 20 times.
  7. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, while drawing in the stomach, and exhale through the wide open mouth, inflating the stomach like a balloon. - 5 times.

Complex №2 (with a ball)

  1. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, depicting penguins (go to inside feet)
  2. Jumping. I.P. - standing facing in a circle, hands on the belt. The child jumps 90° to both sides. - 6 - 8 times.
  3. Shoulder workout. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, hands holding both ends of a gymnastic stick in front of them. Children should, without bending their arms at the elbows and holding a stick, put their hands behind their backs, and then return them back. - 4 times.
  4. Ball exercise. I.P. Standing, lean forward. Children alternately roll the ball around the feet, pushing it alternately with their right and left hands. - 3 circles.
  5. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Hands behind your head. The task of the child is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower himself back to the floor. - 20 times.
  6. Stretching. I.P. - standing on all fours. Children arch and arch their backs in lumbar. At the same time, the head moves synchronously with a change in postures: bending - head up, arching - head down.
  7. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, while drawing in the stomach, and exhale through the wide open mouth, inflating the stomach like a balloon. - 5 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march at the expense of the leader with straight legs in place, stretching the opposite arm forward. - 10 times.
  2. (walking with legs high). -2 circles.
  3. Warm up shoulder girdle and hands. I.P. – standing, hands in the castle. Children pull "lock" up, down, to the sides, bend back and stretch your arms up; hands in the lock behind the back, pull up. - 5 seconds in each pose.
  4. "inhale - exhale" - 5 times.

Complex №2 (with cube)

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children, under the leader's count, march in a circle with straight legs, stretching the opposite arm forward. - 2 circles.
  2. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, depicting storks (walking with legs high). Children go forward and move backward - 2 circles.
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing facing in a circle, hands on the belt. The child jumps 180° in both directions. - 6 - 8 times.
  4. Cube exercise. I.P. - standing, leaning to the floor, arms spread out to the sides. Children perform swing movements with their hands, touching them with a lying cube. - 6 times.
  5. Leg workout. I.P. - sitting, legs bent at the knees. Children imitate the movements of a caterpillar, squeezing and unclenching the foot, and move both legs away from themselves and towards themselves. - 4 times.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees. Hands behind your head. The task of the child is to raise his elbows, head and shoulders off the ground, and then lower himself back to the floor. - 25 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - Lying on your back. Children raise and throw their legs behind their heads to reach the floor with their toes and lie down in this position for 2-5 seconds. Then slowly return to I.P. - 3 times.
  8. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through their nose and exhale through their wide open mouth. Children breathe on command "inhale - exhale" - 5 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children, standing facing in a circle, march at the expense of the leader, bending their knees in place, while bending the opposite arm at the elbow joint. - 10 times.
  2. . - 2 circles.
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing. The child jumps moving forward - backward, facing in a circle. - 5 times
  4. Stretching the shoulder girdle and arms. I.P. - standing. The right hand grabs the left elbow and pulls it to the right. The same with the other hand. - 5 - 7 sec.
  5. "Inhale (one two three four), hold (one - two), exhale (one two three four), hold (one - two)» - 2 times.

Complex №2 (with gymnastic stick)

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, arms along the body. Children march at the expense of the leader, bending their knees and hands of the same name, in a circle. - 2 circles.
  2. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, depicting geese (children move on their haunches and on toes). - 2 circles.
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing. The child jumps moving forward - backward through the gymnastic stick, standing facing in a circle. - 5 times
  4. Exercise with a gymnastic stick. I.P. - standing, holding a gymnastic stick in a vertical position in his right hand. Children perform interceptions of the stick from the bottom up and from the top down. - 3 circles.
  5. Leg workout. I.P. - sitting, legs bent at the knees. Children imitate the movements of a caterpillar, squeezing and unclenching the foot, and move one leg away from themselves, the other towards themselves. - 4 times.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. Children alternately touch the opposite knee with the elbow of one hand and return to I.P. The same is repeated on the other hand. - 10 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - lying on his stomach, fingers under his forehead pressed to the floor. On command, the children raise their elbows as high as possible from the floor for 3-5 seconds, after which they slowly lower them to the floor. - 3 - 5 times.
  8. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, and exhale through a wide open mouth, holding the breath for a count: "Inhale (one two three four), hold (one - two), exhale (one two three four), hold (one - two)» - 2 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, feet hip-width apart. Children raise the leg bent at the knee and touch the elbow of the same name. The back remains straight. - 10 times on the spot.
  2. . - 2 circles.
  3. Jumping. The child jumps moving forward to the right - to the left, standing facing in a circle, jumping sideways. - 5 times.
  4. Neck stretch. I.P. - standing, arms relaxed. IN slow pace children try to get their chin to the chest, the back of the head to the back. Slowly turn your head to the right and left. - 3 times.
  5. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, and exhale through a wide open mouth, holding the breath for a count: "Inhale (one two three four), hold (one - two), exhale (one two three four), hold (one - two)» - 2 times.

Complex №2 (with a ball)

  1. Walking in a circle. Children raise the leg bent at the knee and touch the elbow of the same name. The back remains straight. - 2 circles.
  2. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, depicting frogs (children jump, squatting, hands in front, between knees). - 2 circles.
  3. Jumping. The child jumps moving forward to the right - to the left through the ball, standing facing in a circle, jumping sideways. - 5 times.
  4. Ball exercise. I.P. - standing, holding the ball in one hand. Children toss the ball and catch it with one or the other foot alternately. - 6 times.
  5. Leg workout. I.P. - standing on one leg. Children rotate the other leg from the hip, first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Do the same for the other leg. - 3 times.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. Children alternately touch the opposite knee with the elbow of one hand and return to I.P. The same is repeated on the other hand. - 16 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - Lying on your back. Children imitate cycling. – 15 sec.
  8. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, and exhale through a wide open mouth, holding the breath for a count: "Inhale (one two three four), hold (one - two), exhale (one two three four), hold (one - two)» - 2 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking. I.P. - standing, feet hip-width apart. Children raise the leg bent at the knee and touch the opposite elbow. The back remains straight. - 10 times on the spot.
  2. Neck stretch. I.P. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. Children tilt their head forward and slowly roll it from one shoulder to the other. Then they tilt their heads back and roll over again. - 3 times.
  3. (a, y, w, h). - 3-4 times.

Complex №2 (with cube)

  1. Walking in a circle. Children raise the leg bent at the knee and touch the opposite elbow. The back remains straight. - 2 circles.
  2. Running in a circle. Children run around the hall, tilting their bodies with outstretched arms, now to the right, then to the left. – 2 laps
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing facing in a circle, hands on the belt. The child jumps 180° in both directions over the cube. - 6 - 8 times.
  4. Cube exercise. I.P. - standing, hands joined at chest level, elbows apart. In the right hand is a cube. Children alternately make swing movements with each hand, turning to the right side and straightening the arm with the cube, and returning to I.P. Then the cube is transferred to the other hand and the exercise is repeated. - 6 times.
  5. Leg workout. I.P. - standing on one leg, the thigh of the other leg is raised parallel to the floor, the knee is bent. Children rotate their lower legs first clockwise and then counterclockwise. Do the same for the other leg. - 3 times.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. Children alternately touch the opposite knee with the elbow of one hand and return to I.P. The same is repeated on the other hand. - 20 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - Sitting cross-legged, back straight, hands behind the head. Children perform free turns to the left - to the right, twisting the spine as much as possible. - 5 times in each direction.
  8. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, and exhale through a wide-open mouth with a breath hold, after which they exhale through a wide-open mouth while singing sounds (a, y, w, h). - 3-4 times.

Complex №1

  1. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, while they should touch the right heel with the palm of the right hand, then the left heel with the palm of the left hand. - 2 circles.
  2. Stepping over. Holding a gymnastic stick at a level just below the abdomen, the children step over it forward. The stick is on the back. Without opening their hands, the children step back over the stick and again hold it in front of them. Then everything repeats again. - 6 times.
  3. . - 4 times.
  4. Neck stretch. I.P. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, arms relaxed. Children imitate the movements of the turtle's head: the shoulders fall, the chin stretches forward, then the shoulders rise, the chin to the chest. - 3 times.
  5. . - 3-4 times.

Complex №2 (with gymnastic stick)

  1. Walking in a circle. Children walk in a circle, while they should touch the left heel with the palm of the right hand, then the right heel with the palm of the left hand. - 2 circles.
  2. Stepping over. Holding a gymnastic stick at a level just below the abdomen, the children step over it forward. The stick is on the back. Without opening their hands, the children step back over the stick and again hold it in front of them. Then everything repeats again. - 6 times.
  3. Jumping. I.P. - standing facing in a circle, hands on the belt. A child jumps 180° on two legs over a gymnastic stick with an intermediate movement (one jump over the stick, the other parallel to it). - 4 times.
  4. Exercise with a gymnastic stick. I.P. - standing, hands holding both ends of the stick behind your back. Children commit rotational movements body to one side and the other. - 6 times.
  5. Leg workout. I.P. - Feet shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent, back straight. Children roll from toes to heels, then from the outer to the inner surfaces of the feet and back. - 3 times.
  6. Press exercise. I.p. - lying on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands behind the head. Children alternately touch the opposite knee with the elbow of one hand and return to I.P. The same is repeated on the other hand. - 26 times.
  7. Stretching. I.P. - sitting, legs straight, back straight. Children slowly stretch their fingers to their toes, rounding their backs and bending their legs if necessary. The delay in the position is 5 seconds, after which the children slowly return to the I.P.
  8. Breath. I.P. - Lying on your back. The arms are extended along the body, the legs lie straight, do not cross. Children inhale through the nose, and exhale through a wide-open mouth with a breath hold, after which they exhale through a wide-open mouth while singing a combination of sounds (z goes to s, o to y, w to u). - 3-4 times.


  1. Semenovich A.V. Neuropsychological correction in childhood. Replacement ontogenesis method: Tutorial. M., 2012.
  2. Denison P., Denison G., Gymnastics of the Mind. M., 1993.
  3. Sirotyuk A.L. Exercises for the psychomotor development of preschoolers. M., 2008.

September Complex No. 1 "New Day"

1. Formation and walking in a column one by one with a change of direction

2. Loose run

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms lowered along the body. Swinging the arms back and forth, after several movements, raise the arms through the sides up, look at them and gently lower them down. Repeat 6-7 times.

5. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart. Show the wall, turn to the right, take your hand back, look at it, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left.

6. I.p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of you - "Keep the pump." “Inflate the tire” - lean forward and down, straightening your arms, return to the starting position, after two tilts, step in place. Repeat 2-3 times.

7. I.p.: lie on your back, stretch your arms on the floor along the torso. Pull your legs, bent at the knees, to your chest and pat your knees with your hands, say: “Clap, clap”, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times

8. I.p.: stand straight, hands on the belt. "The balls are jumping, the balls are rolling" - bouncing in place and running in different directions

    Walking in a column one by one

    Mobile game " fun ball»

September Complex No. 2 "Bread is the head of everything"

1. Building and walking in a column one at a time, running in all directions.

3. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Raise your arms through the sides up, stretch, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms lowered along the body. "Pendulum" - tilt the body alternately to the left and right, continuous movements. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

5. I.p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands join in a lock above your head. "Chopping wood" - sharply lean forward and down, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times

6. I.p.: sit on the floor, lean on your back with your hands, bend your legs at the knees. Stretch your legs, return to the starting position. When performed with music, alternately lifting the legs off the floor is added. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. Jumps.

    Walking in pairs.

    Mobile game "Collect spikelets"

We walked across the field for a long time,

The ears were gathered together,

Saying goodbye to blue skies

And with a spike of gold

October Complex №1 "In the forest"

1. Walk in a column one at a time with acceleration and deceleration of the pace, precisely coordinated with the blows to the tambourine. Repeat 2 times.

2. Walking and building in links

3. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms along the body. Rocking the arms back and forth, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

4. I.p.: sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Lean to the left side, reach your hand to the floor away from you, return to the starting position. Do the same on the right side. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

5. I.p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms extended along the body. Lean forward and down without bending your knees, touch the floor with your hands, straighten up. Repeat 6-7 times.

6. I.p.: lie on your back. Pull your legs bent at the knees to your chest, knock your knees with your fists, say: “Knock knock”, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times

7. Jump in place and take a high step.


    Mobile game "Cunning Fox".

    Molo-mobile game "Drozd".

October Complex No. 2 "In a Living Corner"

1. Building and walking in a column. While walking, the children shift the bag from one hand to the other.

2. Jump

3 Walking and formation in links

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down, bag in the right hand. Raise your arms through the sides up, shift the bag from hand to hand, look at it and lower your hands. Repeat 6-7 times.

5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross-legged, bag on the floor in front of you. “Hide the bag” - turn to the right, put the bag behind you, return to the starting position. Turn to the right, take the bag, put it on the floor in front of you. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

6. I.p.: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, lower your hands with a bag. Lean down, put the bag in front of you, straighten up, bend over, take the bag, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I.p.: lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body, the bag in your left hand. Bend the left leg, bring it closer to the chest, shift the bag under the knee from the left hand to the right, return to the starting position. Do the same under the right leg. Repeat 5-6r.

8. Jump in place and take a high step.


    Mobile game "Find a mate".

November Complex No. 1 "With a friend for a walk"

1. Walking in a column one at a time and running in all directions

2. Walking on the outside of the feet

3. Walking and building in links

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down. Swing your arms back and forth with claps in front of you, after 2-3 movements, gently raise your arms up, lower them down through the sides. Repeat 8-10 times.

5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross-legged, put your hands on your belt. "Matryoshka" - lean to the right, straighten up. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

6. I.p.: sit on the floor, legs apart. Lean forward, touch the floor with your hands, straighten up. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I.p.: lie on your back. Raise - alternately straight legs up. Then lower both legs together. Repeat 4-5 times

8. Walk, raising your legs high at the knees, jumping forward


    Mobile game "Hurry up to take the house."

November Complex No. 2 "We are gymnasts"

1. Building in a column one at a time. Walking with a change in direction to the signals “behind the flag”, “behind the rattle” (the flag is for the child walking first, the rattle is for the last). Repeat 3-4 times

2. Snake run.

3. Take the flags and line up in links

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms with flags lowered. Raise your arms through the sides up, cross them several times above your head, lower them down through the sides. When performed with music, the movements correspond to musical phrases. Repeat 6-7 times.

5. I.p.: kneel down, flags in hands. Sitting on your heels, turn to the right, hide the flag far back, say: “Hid it”, return to its original position. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times on each side

6. I.p.: sit on the floor, legs apart, flags in your hands. Lean forward and down, put the flags with chopsticks on the floor, holding them with your hands, blow on the flags, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I.p.: lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Raise the right leg up, touch the toe with the flag, return to the starting position Do the same with the left leg. Repeat 6-7 times

8. "Balls" - bouncing in place and running


    Mobile game "We are athletes"

    Sedentary game "Edible - inedible"

December Complex No. 1 "Winter has come"

1. Walking in a column one by one with a high step and loose on toes

2. Walking and building in links

3. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows, put in front of the chest (fist to fist). “Winding threads” - rotate your arms bent at the elbows in front of you in one direction and the other, then spread your arms to the sides, lower them down. Repeat 6-7 times.

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Turn left and right, saying: "Zhzhzh", return to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

5. I.p.: sit on the floor, legs apart. Lean forward, hit the floor, fold your hands into fists, say: “Knock knock”, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

6. I.p.: lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body on the floor. "Riding a bicycle" - bend your knees, bringing them closer to your chest, return to the starting position. When performing with music, the description of the musical exercise is taken into account. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. Straight canter

    Walking in a column one by one

    Mobile game "Two Frosts"

December Complex No. 1 “Let's decorate our Christmas tree”

1. Walk in a column one at a time, holding the hoop in your hand, at the signal “in different directions”, disperse and put the hoop on the floor

2. Loose running between hoops

3. Walking and building in links

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hold the hoop in your hands vertically in front of you. Raise the hoop up, look at it, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross-legged, hold the hoop with both hands vertically in front of you. Turn to the left, straightening your arms, say: "Ku-ku", return to the starting position Do the same to the right, repeat 3-4 times in each direction.

6. I.p.: stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, hands on your belt, hoop on the floor. Lean forward and down, return to the starting position Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I.p.: lie on your back, hold the hoop with both hands in the middle in horizontal position on the chest. Bending the legs at the knees, bring them closer to the chest, fasten the edge of the hoop of the feet and pull the legs closer to the chest, say: “Pull”, return to the starting position Repeat 6-7 times

8. I.p.: stand straight in the hoop, feet slightly apart. Jumping in place with a hoop jump and walking around the hoop. Repeat 2-3 times


    Mobile game "How is the Christmas tree decorated?"

January Complex No. 1 "Hiking in the winter forest"

1. Walking forward and backward

2. “There is a train” - walking in a column one by one with a slowdown in pace. Repeat 3-4 times

3. Building in links

4. I.p.:stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows. "Steam locomotive" - ​​circular movements with arms bent at the elbows, pushing the arms forward, say: "Chu-choo-choo." After 2-3 movements, lower your hands down. Repeat 3-4 times.

5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross-legged, put your hands on your belt. Lean to the right, put the straight right hand as far as possible, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

6. I.p.: lying on your stomach, lower your head on your hands, bent at the elbows in front of you. Raise your head and shoulders off the floor, stretch your arms in front of you, return to the starting position Repeat 4-5 times

7. I.p.: lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Alternately raise straight legs up, return to the starting position

8. Run, stopping at the end of a musical phrase. When performing an exercise to the tambourine, stop for one beat of the tambourine.


    Mobile game "Frost-Red Nose"

January Complex №2 "Journey to Africa"

1. Walking in a column one at a time. At the instructor’s signal “shift”, the children shift the bag behind their backs, continuing to walk in place, at the “forward” signal they go one after another. Repeat 4 times

2. Running. 3. Walking at a normal pace and forming into links

4. I.p.; stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms lowered along the body, a bag in the right hand. Raise your hands through the sides up, shift the bag from your right hand to your left and lower it down. Do the same, shifting the bag from the left hand to the right. Repeat 6-7 times.

5. I.p.: sit on the floor, legs crossed, hands on the belt, put the bag on the head. Turn right-back, return to the starting position Do the same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt, a bag on the head. Lean forward without lowering your head, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I.p.: lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body, squeeze the bag between the shins of the legs. Raise your legs up, bending your knees, and return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times

8. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt. Jumping in place, jumping over the bag and walking around it. Repeat 2-3 times.


    Mobile game "Zebras, lions, elephants"

February Complex №1 "Rescuers"

1. Building in a circle. Walk in a circle, holding the rope with your right hand, do the same, taking the rope with your left hand. Repeat 3-4 times

2. Running in a circle. 3. Walking in a circle

4. I.p.: stand straight, turning with your right side to the rope, hold on to the rope with your right hand. Raise your arms to the sides, lower, do this 4 times, then turn around, take the rope with your left hand and repeat the exercise 4 more times

5. I.p.: sit on the floor in a circle in Turkish, with your back to the rope, hands on your belt. Turn to the right, get the rope from behind, say: “Here”, return to the starting position Do the same to the left. Repeat the exercise 3-4 times in each direction.

6. I.p.: stand straight, face in a circle, put your feet shoulder-width apart, hold the rope with both hands, hands down. Lean forward without bending your knees, stretch your arms forward without releasing the rope, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. Put the rope on the floor.I. p .: lie on your back, knees bent, toes touching the rope. Raise your legs, straighten them, lower them to the floor behind the rope, return to the starting position Repeat b-7 times

8. Bouncing in place with rope jumping, walking in place

    Walking in circles

    Mobile game "Firefighters in training"

February Complex No. 2 "We are soldiers"

1. Walking in a column

2. Jump from foot to foot

3. Walking and building in links

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down. Smoothly bring your hands in front of you, behind your back, above your head and, bending down, lower them down. Repeat 8 times.

5. I.p.: sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Turn to the right, clap your hand 2 times on the floor from behind, say: “Clap-clap”, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

6. I.p.: sit on the floor, legs apart. Lean further forward, pat your hands on the floor, say: “Clap, clap”, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I.p.: lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Raise your legs, spreading them slightly to the sides, lower them, then raise your legs apart, connect them together and lower them to the floor. Repeat 5-6 times

8. Side gallop

    snake walking

    Mobile game "Good Soldiers"

March Complex №1 "Mom's holiday"

2. At the signal "skiers" walking with a wide sliding step

3. Walking and building in links

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms bent at the elbows. "Skier" - crouching, take your hands back, straightening up, lift forward, return to the starting position Repeat 6-7 times.

5. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms lowered along the body. “Fix the mount” - lean forward and down without bending your knees, touch the left sock with both hands, say: “Here!”, Return to the starting position Do the same, pulling out the right sock. Repeat tilts 2-3 times for each leg

6. I.p.: stand straight, legs apart shoulder-width apart, arms slightly extended in front of you. Turn left-back, take both hands away, say: “Left!”, Return to the starting position. Do the same to the right, say: “To the right!”. Repeat 3-4 times on each side

7. I.p.: lie on your back, lower your arms along the body. Sit down, helping with your hands, and say: "Stand up." Repeat 5-6 times

8. "Horses" - straight gallop. Children stand in line.

    Walking in a column one by one

    Mobile game "Help Mom"

March Complex No. 2 "Walk in the forest"

1. Walking in a column one at a time

2. Walk, raising your legs high at the knees, walk in all directions, stepping carefully. If the exercise is performed without musical accompaniment, then the first part of the task goes to loud beats on the tambourine, the second part goes to quiet beats.

3. Take sticks and line up in links

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hold a stick in your hands, arms lowered (hold the stick with both hands closer to the ends). Raise the stick up, look at it, lower it onto the shoulder blades, raise it again and lower it. Repeat 6-7 times.

5. I.p.: sit on the floor, cross-legged, stick on the shoulder blades. Turn to the right, return to the starting position Do the same to the left. Repeat 6-8 times.

6. I.p.: sit on the floor, legs apart, the stick lies on your feet. Roll the stick along the legs forward, when tilting, blow on the stick, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I.p.: lie on your back, hands with a stick raised up. Raise the straight right leg to the stick, return to the starting position, lower the arms Do the same with the left leg. Repeat 6 times

8. Run with your knees high


    Mobile game "Starlings have arrived"

April Complex No. 2 "On a visit to the sun"

1. Walking in a column one at a time.

2. Jump in all directions

3. Walking and building in links

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down. “Light wind” - raise your hands through the sides up, with a movement of your fingers show how the leaves rustle, “strong wind” - a sharp movement of the hands to the left and right with a tilt of the body, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

5. I.p.: stand straight, spread your legs shoulder-width apart, lower your arms along the body. Lean forward and down, return to the starting position. Repeat 4-5 times

6. I.p.: stand straight, legs apart shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Turn to the left, take your left hand back, return to the starting position. Do the same to the right. Repeat 3-4 times on each side

7. I.p.: lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body. "Riding a bicycle" - move your legs alternately, after several movements, return to the starting position. Repeat 4-5 times.

8. Half squats with bouncing in place


    Mobile game "Hello, neighbor"

    Little-moving game "Running".

April Complex No. 1 "Flight to the Moon"

1. Walking in a column one at a time with a bag in hand

2. Leaps forward, circling in place.

3. Walking and buildingVlinks

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down, bagVright hand. Raise your arms through the sides up, shift the bag from hand to hand above your head, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-8 times.

5. I.p.: sit on the floor, legs crossed, hands on the belt, a bag on the floor in front of you. Take the bag with your left hand, turn to the left and put it away from you, back, return to the starting position, turn to the right, take the bag with your right hand, return to the starting position. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

6. I.p.: sit on the floor, legs apart, bag in left hand. Lean forward and down, put the bag away, return to the starting position. Bend over, take the bag with your right hand, returnV initial position. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I.p.: lie on your back, bend your knees, put the bag at your toes. Raising the legs, transfer them to the bag, ReturnVinitial position. Repeat 6-7 times

8. Jump in all directions, quiet walking.


    Mobile game "Soaring in space"

May Complex №1 "On the ship"

1. Walking in a column one at a time with a hoop in hand

2. Loose running between hoops.

3. Walking and building in links

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down. Swinging the arms back and forth with shifting the hoop from hand to hand in front of you Repeat 6-7 times.

5. I.p.sit on the floor, cross-legged, hold the hoop with both hands vertically in front of you. Turn right, look into the hoop, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left.3 eachtimesV each side.

6. I.p.: stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, put your hands on your belt, put the hoop on the floor. lean forward, down, blowV hoop, return to starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I.p.: lie on your back, hold the hoop vertically on your chest with both hands. Raise your right leg up and at the same time straighten your arms, reach the upper edge of the hoop with your toe, returnVinitial position. Do the same with the left foot. Repeat 5-6 times

8. I.p.: stand straight in the hoop, legs slightly apart, handsonbelt. Bouncing in place with a hoop jump and walking in place.

    Walking in a column one by one

    Mobile game "Sailors and sailors"

May Complex No. 2 "Funny ball"

1. Walking in a column one at a time

2. At the “bird” signal, light running in all directions

3. Walking and building in links

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down. “Birds flap their wings” - raise your arms to the sides, rising on your toes, lower your arms, at the same time lower your entire foot.

5. I.p.: stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms. Turn to the right, take your right hand back, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times on each side.

6. I.p.: stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms. Lean forward, moving your arms back and up, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I.p.: lie on your back, lower your arms along the body. Raise both legs, bent at the knees, at the same time raise your hands, say: “Wh-wh”, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times

8. "The birds have flown" - easy running


    Mobile game "Funny ball"

1. Walking in a column one at a time

2. Loose run

3. Walking and building in links

4. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, arms freely bent at the elbows in front of the chest. Gently spread your arms to the sides, return to the starting position. After 2-3 movements, lower your hands down. Repeat 6-7 times.

b.I.p.: sit on the floor with your legs crossed. Turn to the right, take your right hand back through the side, look at it, return to its original position. Repeat 6-8 times.

6. I. p .: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Lean forward, return to starting position. Repeat 6-7 times.

7. I. p .: lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Sit down, helping with your hands, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times

8. Leap forward, spin in place

9. Walking

SENIOR GROUP Morning exercises

1. Walking in a column one at a time with a hoop in hand (see 59, p. 118).

2. At the signal of the teacher “put the hoop”, the children put the hoop on the floor. Running between hoops (see 60, p. 119).

3. Construction in links (see 59, p. 118).

4. I. p .: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hoop in right hand. Wave your arms back and forth, intercepting the hoop from hand to hand. Repeat 6-7 times. The musical example (see 84, p. 145) is performed 2 times.

5. I. p .: sit on the floor, cross-legged, hold the hoop vertically with both hands. Turn right, look into the hoop, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times on each side. The musical example (see 23, p. 87) is performed 2 times.

6. I. p .: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the hoop with both hands in the middle. Lean down, holding the hoop in a horizontal position, look into it, return to the starting position (Fig. 56). Repeat 6-7 times. The musical example (see 34, p. 98) is performed 2 times.

7. I. p .: lie on your back, stretch your legs, hold a hoop in your hands. Bend your knees, hook the edge of the hoop with your foot, straighten your legs, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times (without music).

8. Jumping on two feet in place with jumping from the hoop and walking around the hoop. The musical example (see 61, p. 120) is performed 2 times.

SENIOR GROUP Morning exercises

1. Walking in a column one by one, in the hands of the tape. With the end of the music, raise the ribbons, blow on them (see 68, p. 127).

2. Loose running. Musical example (see 19, p. 83) repeat 2 times.

3. Free construction (see 68, p. 127).

4. I. p .: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down, ribbons in hands. Swinging the arms back and forth, each time raising the arms higher and higher, then gently raise and lower them down through the sides. Repeat 6-7 times. The musical example (see 40, p. 102) is performed 2 times.

5. I. p .: Same. Turn to the right, take your right hand back, wave the tape, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times on each side. The musical example (see 86, p. 148) is performed 2 times.

6. I. p .: Same. Lean forward, slowly moving your hands back, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times. The musical example (see 34, p. 98) is performed 2 times.

7. I. p .: lie on your back, stretch your arms along the body. Move your legs alternately, simulating cycling, after several movements, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times. The movements are performed in accordance with the description of the musical example (see 58, p. 117), which is repeated 2 times.

8. Jumping with a stop, running in all directions (see 87, p. 149). On the first part of the music, in accordance with the musical phrases, jumps are performed, on the second part - running.

9. Walking (any march).

SENIOR GROUP Morning exercises

1. Building in pairs. Walk in pairs, holding hands, in the hands of a stick: one child - at the right shoulder, the other - at the left. Accelerate and slow down the pace of walking (see 47, p. 108).

2. Walking and building in links (see 4, p. 70).

3. I. p .: stand straight, legs slightly apart, lower your arms with a stick. Raise the stick up, put it on the shoulder blades, lift it up again, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times. The musical example (see 78, p. 139) is performed 2 times.

4. I. p .: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, hold the stick closer to the ends horizontally on the shoulder blades. Lean to the left, return to the starting position (Fig. 57). Do the same to the right.

Repeat 3-4 times on each side. The musical example (see 36, p. 100) is performed 2 times.

5. I. p .: stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms with a stick. Lean forward and down, put the stick on the floor, say: "Quiet", straighten up, lean forward and down, take the stick, return to the starting position. Repeat b-7 times. A musical example (see 37, p. 100) is performed 2 times.

6. I. p .: lie on your back, stick in your hands, arms along your body, lift the stick forward, move your right leg through it, return to the starting position (Fig. 58). Do the same with the left foot. Repeat 5-6 times (without music).

7. "Game of horses." Straight canter (see 39, p. 102).

8. Walking in a column one at a time (any march).

SENIOR GROUP Morning exercises

1. Free construction. "Controller" - walking in directions as directed by the teacher. Repeat 4-5 times (see 88, p. 150).

2. Leaps forward, circling in place (see 82, p. 142).

3. Walking and building in links (without music).

4. I. p .: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down. Raise your arms through the sides up, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times. The musical example (see 43, p. 105) is performed 2 times.

5. I. p .: Same. “Light wind” - raise your hands through the sides up, with the movement of your fingers, show how the leaves rustle. "Strong wind" - a sharp movement of the arms to the left and right with a tilt of the body, return to the starting position. Repeat the entire exercise 6-7 times. Musical example (see 80, p.141) performed 2 times.

6. AND. P.: stand straight, legsonshoulder width, hands down. Lean forward down, fingerstake out the socks of the feet, returnto originalposition. Repeat 6-7 once. Musicalexample (see 13, p. 78) is executed 2 times.

7. I. p .: lie down on the back, stretch the arms along the body. Circular leg movements, imitating cycling. Movements are performed in accordance with the description of the musical example(see 58, p. 117), which is repeated 2 times.

8. Running in different directions (see 89, p. 150). I, Walking (any march).

SENIOR GROUP Morning exercises

1. Walking in a column one at a time. Pouch in right hand (see 11, p. 76).

2. Light jumps with forward movement and loose running. Repeat 2-3 times. The musical example (see 87, p. 149) is performed 2 times.

3. Walking and building in links (see 11, p. 76).

4. And, p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands down, bag in the right hand. Raise your arms to the sides, shift the bag from your right hand to your left hand behind your back, lower your arms. Repeat 6-7 times. The musical example (see 43, p. 105) is performed 2 times.

5. I. p.; sit on the floor cross-legged, bag in right hand. Lean to the right, put the bag away from you, return to the starting position. Do the same to the left. Repeat 3-4 times on each side. The musical example (see 48, p. 109) is performed 2 times.

6. I.p.: stand straight, legs slightly apart, hands on the belt, a bag on the head. Rise on your toes, sit down slightly, return to the starting position. Repeat 6-7 times (without music).

7. I. p .: lie on your back, the bag is sandwiched between the shins of the legs. Sit down, lean forward, reach out with your hands to the bag, return to the starting position. Repeat 5-6 times (without music).

8. Jumping on the spot with jumping over the bag and walking on the spot (see 61, p. 120).

9. Walking in a column one at a time (any march).