How to get anorexia and what it threatens in the future. I want to be thin - what should I do? Anorexic for a month

Anorexia is a disease that takes the lives of young girls. In pursuit of glossy “beauty standards”, they exhaust themselves with diets and become anorexic. How to recognize the disease in time, how dangerous it is and what happened to those who faced the problem face to face.

Anorexia is a condition that results from a neuropsychiatric disorder. It manifests itself as a phobia, the fear of gaining extra pounds. The presence of this disease is characterized by a critically low weight mark, in relation to the height of a person.

To determine normal weight, there is a special formula. The result of the calculation is called the body mass index. In patients with anorexia, it does not exceed 17 units. The formula for calculating BMI: I = m / h * 2, where m is the weight of a person, h is height.

Result Grade
Under 18 Mass deficiency
18.5 to 25 normal weight
25.5 to 29.9 Has excess weight
30 to 34 Obesity 1 degree
34.5 to 39.9 Obesity 2 degrees
From 40 and more Obesity 3 degrees

In addition to underweight, patients have no appetite, they refuse to eat. This occurs as a result of long-term use of drugs for weight loss, fasting, artificially induced vomiting after eating. Patients suffer from depression, and also lose the ability to objectively assess their condition. They constantly feel like they haven't lost enough weight yet.

Mostly young girls become anorexic, this fact is confirmed Scientific research. Teenage girls strive to become like the ladies on the covers of glossy magazines. Young people want to achieve quick results and use the most radical methods in the fight against overweight. Improper nutrition or starvation causes serious damage to health.

If the process of losing weight is delayed, then irreversible processes begin in the body. Psychotherapists who treat this disease have provided statistics showing that anorexia kills about 18,000 people a year around the world. 97% are women. Male anorexia is quite rare.

Stages and degrees of anorexia

The disease proceeds in 4 stages:

  1. dysmorphomaniac. At this stage, the disease is difficult to identify. The dysmorphomanic stage often develops in adolescents. Girls want to lose weight quickly and lose several kilograms at once. They are unhappy with the reflection in the mirror, and go on diets with severe restrictions. Their goal is to lose enough weight so that the collarbones, spine and pelvic bones become visible. Any remark about the appearance is perceived as an insult, there is a desire to lose weight more.
  2. Anorexic. At this stage, the pain develops a rapid desire to change the appearance. Body weight is reduced by half, the desire to stop and stop losing weight is not observed. Girls who are in this degree of anorexia are sure that their weight is within the norm, despite the protruding bones. They continue to exhaust themselves with hunger strikes, severe food restrictions and overly active training.
  3. cachectic. The patient has a decrease physical activity. The girl becomes weak and sleepy. She can no longer continue playing sports, because the muscles at this stage begin to atrophy. The sick cannot warm up, they are constantly cold. The skin becomes dry and pale, the blood does not circulate as it should. Patients are not satisfied with their appearance, they still think that they are overweight. This degree of anorexia is fatal. Hospitalization and compulsory treatment are necessary, since the patient does not seek help. He thinks that everything is fine with him and continues to refuse food.
  4. Reduction. The last stage, which occurs after treatment. When the patient gains weight in the clinic, his vital organs begin to function correctly, the person is discharged. According to the observations of doctors, in 90% of cases, anorexics try to lose weight again. It seems to them that they have been fattened to an incredible size, made them fat, and they urgently need to get rid of fat. They again resort to radical methods of dealing with extra pounds. They give enemas, induce vomiting, drink pills and starve. To prevent reduction from occurring, psychotherapists strongly advise the patient's relatives to monitor his behavior, meals, and also appoint weekly meetings with the patient for conversations and correcting his behavior.

Mostly teenage girls become anorexic. In 40% of cases, parents do not notice the strange behavior of their daughters immediately. Often they attribute everything to the peculiarities of adolescence. Thus, the first 2 stages of the disease can be skipped. After the onset of stage 3, treatment is much more difficult, so it is important to pay attention to any oddities in the child's behavior.

Psychological causes of anorexia

Types of psychological causes that contribute to the development of the disease:

  • constant stress;
  • low self-esteem;
  • feeling of loneliness;
  • desire lose weight
  • depression;
  • schizophrenia;
  • phobias.

This type of anorexia is called neuropsychiatric. In addition to the reasons listed above, a person can get sick if he grew up in a dysfunctional family, where he was constantly pointed out to flaws in appearance. The disease affects children aged 12 to 17 years, due to the desire to imitate models, movie characters or "beauty standards" from the Internet.

Physiological causes of anorexia

Become anorexic not only those girls who have mental disorders.

There are a number of physiological reasons for the development of this disease:

Psychotherapists noted that in 50% of cases, the professional activity of patients requires maintaining a constant body weight or sudden changes. For example, actresses, models, ballerinas.

When to see a doctor

The sooner the first symptoms are detected, the easier and faster the treatment will be. Patients who begin treatment in the first or second stage of anorexia have the most optimistic prognosis. After stage 3 of the disease, the probability of recurrence is 80%.

If these symptoms are observed, then you should contact the following specialists:

  • psychotherapist;
  • neurologist;
  • oncologist;
  • endocrinologist;
  • gastroenterologist.

Seriously ill patients are forcibly sent for treatment to a hospital, where they prescribe medications and psychiatric treatment. Doctors monitor the nutrition of the patient, gradually increasing the calorie content and portion size.

The threat to life recedes when weight loss stops, and general state is improving. Next, a series of sessions are held with a psychologist, whose work is aimed at raising the patient's self-esteem and distracting him from his own appearance.

Stories of girls who became anorexic

Become anorexic about 20% of women and young girls who have set a goal: to reduce weight to "ideal parameters". Many of them simply cannot stop the process of losing weight. Due to the fact that they ignore hunger, in the future this feeling ceases to arise at all.

They feel discomfort even during meager meals. Below is a couple detailed stories women who were able to overcome this disease.

Anastasia Filatova, 24 years old.

Nastya has always been small, at the age of 15 she grew to 158 cm, and her growth stopped. She weighed 48 kg, ate everything she wanted and did not consider herself complete.

Anastasia became interested in Japanese anime cartoons. She liked the image of the cartoon girls so much that she decided to adopt their style of clothing, hair and makeup.

Nastya began to choose non-standard images for herself, to which her classmates and acquaintances reacted negatively.

They started making fun of her. appearance, because of this, the girl did not have any friends. From the support of Nastya, only her mother remained, who raised her alone.

She believed that this was a common teenage behavior, everyone at this age wants to be different from others.

Once, during a joint walk in the park, my mother photographed Nastya in her unusual outfit.

When the girl looked at the photo, it seemed to her that she had recovered. Somehow the skirt did not sit right, the hips seemed too wide, and the white stockings slightly cut into the leg with an elastic band. Then Nastya made a decision - she urgently needs to lose weight! She refused to eat meat, sweets, starchy foods.

Portions reduced to the size of the palm and ate only 2 times a day. A week later, the weight decreased by 2.5 kg, which made the girl very happy. She tried on that costume again and took a picture. In the photo, she again saw the protruding “thighs”, which were “transferred” by the rubber band of the knee-highs. The girl was upset and decided to reduce the amount of food again.

In addition, she completely gave up cooked food and allowed herself to eat only 1 apple, carrot, and raw tomato in one day.

The feeling of hunger made it difficult to fall asleep at night. Her stomach hurt a lot, but Anastasia reassured herself that very soon she would become like the cute heroines of her favorite cartoons. After all, they are so refined, pale, feminine. Nastya's mother began to worry about the girl's nutrition, which is why they often began to quarrel. Soon the weight of the girl reached 38 kg. However, she did not look like a skeleton.

Nastya considered her weight ideal, it seemed to her that she had achieved the result. Then the girl decided to take a picture in a suit with golfs again. She didn't like what she saw. The waist seems to have become thinner, and the skirt is too puffy, the thighs are still thick. Nastya thought that she needed to lose a couple more kilograms. She decided to go on a three-day hunger strike.

The girl read on the Internet about the benefits of hunger, that in 3 days toxins will come out of the body and weight will decrease from 2 to 3 kg. On the first day, the girl felt a little worse than usual. In the evening she could not fall asleep for a long time, she was cold even under two blankets. I did not want to sleep, but I was very thirsty. Nastya decided that if she did not drink water, the process of fat breakdown would go faster.

After 4 hours of torment, the girl fell asleep. The next day she felt a little better, even wanted to do household chores. There was a lot of energy, there was no hunger at all. By evening, Nastya still felt tired and went to bed early. This time she managed to fall asleep quickly. At 3 am, the girl woke up with severe pain in her stomach.

The pain was so unbearable that Anastasia decided to end the hunger strike. She went to the kitchen to eat one apple, but didn't make it. She fainted. Fortunately, the fainting lasted only a few seconds, Nastya woke up very frightened and ran into the bedroom to her mother. She told her about everything that had been troubling her for so long and about what happened a few minutes ago.

She promised her mother that she would definitely go to a psychologist, as she had advised her before. That he will start eating right and will no longer exhaust himself with diets.

The psychologist carried out corrective work aimed at increasing Anastasia's self-esteem and the girl learned to accept herself for who she is. Gradually, she returned to her former way of life, but did not leave her passion for reincarnating as her favorite cartoon characters. Today she is 24 years old and she has found friends of her interests.

She became an animator and works at children's parties, and also conducts unusual photo shoots in bright outfits. Now, the girl knows that trying to lose weight to the state of a drawn character is an extremely stupid idea. After Nastya regained the necessary weight, she looks with horror at the photos taken at a weight of 38 kg. Now she sees that she was on the verge of death.

The bones stuck out so much that it was scary to look at. Nastya asks only one question, why did she not notice this then. Opinion of a psychotherapist: In this case, Anastasia was lucky that she herself saw the problem. In 80% of cases, patients cannot recognize the presence of anorexia, refuse treatment and continue to lose weight. Nastya had anorexia nervosa due to personal experiences.

She really wanted to be different from other teenagers, but when she chose a non-standard style of appearance, she faced misunderstandings from others. Probably, this was one of the causes of the disease. Perhaps Nastya was able to realize the problem only thanks to the words of her mother, when she told the girl about proper nutrition.

In addition, the mother supported the interest of her child when close friends turned away from him. By this, the woman strengthened the girl's confidence in herself, and she was able to recognize the danger in time and seek help.

Milana Zagorodneva, 19 years old.

Milana always wanted to be slim, but she didn't like playing sports. She liked different diets, which the girl began to get involved with at the age of 14. At the age of 18, all her acquaintances admired the figure of Milana, talked about her femininity and sophistication, she herself was never satisfied with the reflection in the mirror.

The girl felt that she did not have enough thin waist and too broad shoulders. The height of the girl was 168 cm, and the weight was 52 kg. She was embarrassed to wear tight clothes because she thought her stomach was sticking out. As in the first case, the girl decided to lose a lot of weight when she took a photo with her friends. It seemed to her that all the girls are slimmer than her.

Milana wanted to achieve a quick result, and went on a drinking diet. She decided not to eat solid food for 30 days. Eat exclusively broths, milk and juices. Every day, the girl began with weighing, and did not go to bed without this procedure.

Within 4 days, Milana felt well. She went for a walk with her friends, bought herself fresh juices and drank them. The weight went away, and by the evening of that day the girl weighed 49 kg. It seemed to Milan that this was too slow a result. She decided to cut her fluid intake down to three glasses a day. The only thing she drank without restriction was water.

Every time the girl felt hungry, she drank a glass of water. A week later, Milana felt weak and stopped going out for walks with friends. The feeling of hunger arose less and less, but Milan noted severe hair loss. She decided to drink vitamins. After the girl washed down one capsule with water, she felt severe nausea, as a result she vomited bile.

Milana did not connect this with the hunger strike, she decided that vitamins simply did not fit. At that time, the weight of the girl reached 46 kg. Looking in the mirror, her stomach was still embarrassing, it still bulged out, and when tilted, it was going into folds. Milana kept the diet for 30 days. She lost weight to 42 kg. She became very visible bones of the clavicles, ribs, pelvis. She liked it. Milana felt feminine and sophisticated.

The stomach finally disappeared, and she decided that it was time to stop the diet, and gradually return to the usual rhythm of life. In addition, surprisingly, the girl returned to her former strength, and she could again walk with friends. On the day when it was decided to end the diet, Milana cooked herself very thin oatmeal.

She ate only a couple of spoons, as she immediately felt severe nausea and pain in her stomach. To stop this torment, she cleared her stomach by inducing vomiting. The condition has improved. The girl went to meet friends in a cafe. The diet was over, which means you can again visit establishments that smell like food and not envy slender friends chewing delicious salads.

Milana ordered a fruit cut for herself, she really wanted to eat something sweet. When beautifully cut apples were served to her, she knitted one piece and chewed it for a long time. I swallowed, waited 2 minutes, the stomach did not react. Milana ate a few more pieces, after which she again felt severe nausea.

Gradually, the pain in the stomach intensified so much that her friends called the ambulance to the girl. Milan was taken to the hospital. There it turned out that the girl had a severe deficiency of body weight. In addition, Milana previously suffered from gastritis due to dieting and constant malnutrition. The hunger strike aggravated the disease, and now the girl has a high risk of developing a stomach ulcer.

Fortunately, Milana successfully passed the treatment. A year later, she again reached a normal weight of 58 kg. She revised her methods of dealing with excess weight and made the right decision: to play sports and stick to proper nutrition.

The opinion of the psychotherapist: Milana was chasing "ideal forms". Her idea of ​​a healthy female body was greatly distorted. The girl's weight initially (52 kg) was the lowest mark of the norm, with her growth. The folds that she saw on her stomach are natural for each of us. When the body is tilted forward, even anorexics have these folds of skin.

Unfortunately, sick people see them differently, they believe that only overweight people have folds. In addition, the girl chose one of the critically wrong ways to deal with weight. Such a diet in the presence of gastritis is a direct path to an ulcer. For people with problems in the gastrointestinal tract, only a specialist should prescribe diets.

Milan was lucky that help was provided on time, most likely this case would have ended in death. Becomes anorexic not only simple girls who want to become like models, but also the models themselves.

There are several cases when celebrities lost control of their weight and died due to exhaustion:

  1. Anna Carolina Reston. She died at the age of 22 from liver failure. With a height of just over 170 cm, she weighed only 39 kg. Before falling into a critical condition, the girl was on a strict diet, eating only a tomato and one apple a day.
  2. Peaches Geldof. She died at the age of 25. The famous TV presenter brought herself to exhaustion by eating only liquid food.
  3. Hila Elmaliah. Model from Israel. She died at the age of 20 weighing 27 kg. She was treated for anorexia for 12 years. The treatment did not work.
  4. Sisters Mary and Katie. These girls were nurses. From childhood, they came up with a kind of game for themselves, the essence of which was to become thinner than the enemy. The game dragged on, the sisters died of exhaustion at the age of 24.

In 2013, fans of Angelina Jolie were concerned about the excessive thinness of the actress. Later it turned out that the star was indeed in the 2nd stage of anorexia, the cause of the development of the disease was severe stress. Fortunately, the actress overcame this ailment and regained normal weight.

Psychologist and nutritionist Maria Osipova gives some advice for parents whose children are in their teens:

  1. In a family, communication with a child should be equal. In addition to the requirements for good study and obedience, the child must hear words of encouragement. He must know that his parents love him and this love does not need to be earned. After all, the first of the causes of anorexia is self-doubt and a feeling of loneliness.
  2. Anarexic girls often become girls from 14 to 17 years old. Therefore, if parents notice that their daughter has lost a lot of weight and continues to diet, they are obliged to “sound the alarm” and turn to specialists.
  3. As a preventive measure and during the recovery period, it is necessary to praise the child at least 10 times a day for any, even minor successes. You need to hug him more often, listen, discuss problems. In no case should you reproach the patient in the stage of reduction, with words like: “Look what you did, you almost ruined yourself!” and similar statements. You should be tactful and careful, because any remark can be the reason for new attempts to lose weight.

Psychotherapist Olga Sopot advises adults who suffer from anorexia:

  1. Do not be afraid to seek help from a psychologist. A specialist will help you understand yourself, identify the true causes of an unhealthy desire to lose weight and help raise self-esteem.
  2. Relatives of the sick person are also advised to consult a psychotherapist. They need to learn how to properly communicate with the sick and eliminate wrong family habits.
  3. Body-oriented therapy gives good results. The patient recovers when he does gymnastics, breathing exercises getting a massage. These methods help to feel your body, love it, accept it as it is.

Psychotherapists recommend that close people of the patient do not listen to his excuses, but send a person for treatment forcibly, because in 85% of cases. Anorexics do not recognize the problem. They try in every possible way to translate the topic of conversation, refuse to go to the doctor and refuse to eat.

Possible Complications

If you start the disease, then it is possible death.

Before the patient dies, the following changes will take place in the body:

  • inflammatory processes in the gastrointestinal tract will begin;
  • the stomach and pancreas will begin to descend;
  • having problems going to the toilet;
  • will be disturbed by constant pain in the stomach;
  • after taking even a meager amount of food, nausea or vomiting will occur;
  • the menstrual cycle in girls will completely stop;
  • dystrophy of the muscles of the musculoskeletal system and connective tissues of organs will begin;
  • body temperature will be lowered, a constant feeling of cold will begin to increase;
  • the skin will become dry and lose elasticity;
  • hair will begin to fall out strongly, teeth will crumble, nails will break;
  • anemia will develop;
  • forces will begin to leave the body and the patient will not be able to get out of bed;
  • pain in the stomach will increase;
  • death will come.

Experts say that anorexia is not a lifelong diagnosis. The disease is treated, the main thing is to notice the symptoms in time and prevent the girls you know from becoming anorexic. After recovery, it is necessary to observe the ex-sick and instill in them a culture of proper nutrition, and healthy lifestyle life.

Article formatting: Lozinsky Oleg

Video about how to become anorexic

Live healthy: all about anorexia:

Hello everybody! Today I will tell a story from my life. What a stupid girl I was, how I brought myself to anorexia and how I got out of there. It all started back in 2003, at that time I was 15 years old. I was a 1st year student at the Polytechnic College. I was a happy life girl, studied well, rejoiced at new acquaintances and friends. Everything was amazing.

And so, somehow talking on the phone with her classmate, she told me "Well, you're complete". I don’t remember what exactly the conversation was about, like about the upcoming holidays on February 14 and March 8. But can you imagine, these words turned my life upside down for several years….

Now a little about me.

I was the most ordinary child, of average build. I've never been skinny, but I've never been fat either. Just a fat kid. Somewhere from the age of 12, with the beginning of the cycle, my forms began to become rounded. Plus, malnutrition prevailed in our family, a lot of flour products and sweets. And now, at the age of 15, with a height of 165 cm, the weight was 63 kg. Yes, a lot, but not critically. Well, yes, plump, as my classmate told me.

But what is most interesting, before her words, I did not notice this at all, but I simply did not think about weight, not about myself and not about the people around me.

It's now, I can analyze it so calmly, but then after these few words I was wedged. I began to consider myself, people, and of course, I saw a bunch of shortcomings in myself. And my butt is big, and my face is thick, and this is not like that. Yes, I was actually ashamed to go out into the street))

And since mid-February 2003, I began to lose weight and transform.

Where did I start?

And everything is very simple, I went to Rospechat and bought several magazines about weight loss. At that time I didn’t have the Internet, as well as the computer itself. How did I live without them.

After reading these magazines from cover to cover, inspired by the examples of others, I decided to use the calorie calculation method for my weight loss. It seemed to me the most simple and effective. I found the calorie content of foods in the same magazines, and we also had a book on baby food at home, and there was also a detailed table with calories. And of course, now I studied all the labels.

Ration for the day in the early stages.

For myself, I determined the daily rate of 1300 kcal, again thanks to the same magazines. And here is an example diet:

Breakfast : porridge + sandwich

Snacking in college: tea + roll

Dinner: soup with bread or second dish with meat + cereals

Snack: fruits

Dinner: cottage cheese with sour cream + kefir + cookies

In principle, the menu I had was not bad. I had to give up only the abundance of pastries, waffles, gingerbread, etc. I adhered to my diet strictly, because I wanted a direct quick result. And for me it was not so difficult.


The result was not long in coming, by April I weighed 58 kg. All parameters have decreased, many told me that I began to look good. The boys made signs of attention.

I was also very pleased with myself.

Here's what happened next, it was my biggest mistake - I Could NOT stop. On the same diet, I lost weight up to 55 kg, but it seemed to me insufficient. I reduced calories to 1000 per day, then to 800, and there were days when I ate 500-600 kcal. You can imagine how small that is for a teenage girl. And by August 2003, I began to weigh 42 kg!!!

If you want to describe to you a girl of 42 kg with a height of 165, so:

  • Appearance: a walking skeleton covered in leather. The bones stick out wherever they can - collarbones, ribs, pelvic bones. The face is very thin, the cheeks are sunken, the eyes are bulging.
  • Body condition- constant weakness, all the time you want to sleep.
  • Mood- almost always not very much, you don’t want anything, nothing makes you happy.

There was one more problem - I have stopped menstruating. That's the only thing that really upset me. Because I always dreamed of a family and children.

The attitude of others and relatives.

In September, I started studying. Many were in a slight shock from my appearance, someone silently watched, someone asked what was the matter with me. Even my history teacher was personally interested in my condition. I answered something in general phrases, like everything is fine, I just lost weight, active life and all that nonsense.

Of all my relatives, my mother was the most worried about me. And when I told her that I didn’t have my period for half a year, she sounded the alarm. And thanks to her, I recovered. I wouldn't be able to do it alone.

Anorexic life.

To tell you the truth, no one has given me such a diagnosis. But most likely this is only because I did not go to the doctor. But approximately from the autumn of 2003 to the spring of 2004, I was in the weight of 41-43 kg. I ate almost everything, but very little. In the morning, 3 spoons of porridge, a thin slice of bread with butter, I drank tea without sugar at school and could eat coleslaw with carrots. And in the evening again 3 tablespoons of porridge with a piece of chicken / meat or vegetables. To the surprise, I didn't feel hungry, I just ate so as not to faint (this happened a couple of times). I was very afraid of sweets, if you ate a waffle, a gingerbread, then a half or a quarter)). And the biggest fear in all this was that If I eat a little more, I will definitely become fat immediately. And yes, I didn’t feel too thin, I considered myself normal.

How did it all end?

As I wrote before, my mother helped me a lot. She herself went to a pediatric gynecologist-endocrinologist on the issue of the absence of a cycle. I flatly refused to go with her.. The doctor turned out to be very understanding and competent, she asked my mother to talk to me, to say: " That if it goes on like this, I may die, that I will not be able to study, work, I will not be able to give birth to a child. She ordered to urgently start eating, gradually adding portions. She even wrote on the sheets of food that I need to eat. And prescribed treatment for the cycle. And of course she asked me to come to her myself.

And after that, I started eating more.. I don’t even know what influenced this decision more. It's just that I was not satisfied with the current life and the fear that I would not be able to realize myself as a person and as a woman, including. At the same time, it was hard to see that you were getting better, and again I began to dislike myself and wanted to cut down on food. This was such a chatter for about six months, until I started eating normally without painful fear of extra pounds.

But I still count calories.. I could already do this in my mind. My daily allowance was about 1000 calories. I tried to eat every two hours, slowly increasing portions. The cycle was restored to me with the help of hormonal injections and pills.

At 17, I weighed about 52 kg.

Plus, due to the fact that more nutrition began to flow, I began to stretch in height, by the age of 18 my height was 169 cm and weight 55 kg. And I ate 1200-1500 calories a day. I felt great, there was an interest in life. And at the age of 19 I went to study in another city and began new life. But I counted calories for a long time, probably up to 22 years.

A few of my tips:

  1. Girls, I beg you do not eat less than 1000 kcal . This is a minimum, less is generally not physiological for the body and it begins to break down. And so, there are many methods on the Internet for individual calorie counting.
  2. Try to get your calories due to complex carbohydrates, proteins, and not at the expense of sweets, cakes, rolls, etc. Since hunger will come very quickly and there is a great chance to break loose. And yes, don't forget fat. As my doctor said: "10 grams of butter a day is vital for a woman."
  3. Eat more often, but in smaller portions. Great if there are five meals . Again, this creates a feeling of constant satiety and plus speeds up the metabolism.
  4. Exercise for at least an hour a day you can at home, you can just walk . It is very important.
  5. And finally, do not compare yourself to other people and do not take to heart what other people tell you . If you are going to lose weight, then it should be only for yourself and your health.


The technique itself calorie counting i sure i recommend. This way to lose extra pounds is very effective and fast, and at the same time you can eat everything. Only this matter needs to be approached competently and without fanaticism. Don't repeat my mistakes.

My other reviews:

Almost all girls want to beautiful figure and for this they go on various diets. But for some, this desire becomes too obsessive and, as a result, develops into a disease called anorexia.

They do not notice how painful their thinness is and still continue to refuse food. It is very difficult to get out of this state, as irreversible processes begin in the body.

The essence of the anorexic diet is a strict diet, up to the refusal of food.

Anorexics: who are they?

Diet for three days

500 calories

color diet

  • Thursday orange foods.

milk tea

Time/day of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Breakfast water with lemon, coffee, apple coffee, apple, lemon water Coffee and water
Dinner juice, preferably with pulp cottage cheese and juice pineapple or grapefruit apple and banana toast and cheese toast with cheese
Dinner kefir or natural yogurt a glass of kefir kefir kefir yogurt kefir

Diet options:

Anorexic diet for legs


Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


What is the anorexic diet

  • boiled carrots;
  • lemon, grapefruit;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • lean fish, meat.

Following a strict weight loss program leads to rapid loss overweight. However, this diet belongs to the category of the most harmful, so you should not rely on it entirely. First you need to understand what are the pros and cons of the anorexic diet. Main advantages.

Anorexia is a life-threatening condition that involves an almost complete refusal to eat. It is easy to understand that the anorexic diet has an extremely low calorie content. Any of the proposed options should not be used without the consent of the doctor.

Option number 1 (diet for 14 days)

Below is the diet for anorexic women (by day):
1. Tea (green or white, not black)
2. One percent kefir (1 l)
3. Mineral water without gas - 1-1.5 l
4. Big apple (1 pc.)
5. Skim milk - 1 l
6. Tea (green, white)
7. Skim milk - 1 l
8. Apples - 2 pcs.
9. Low-fat kefir - 1 l
10. Cucumbers - 2 pcs.
11. Tea (green, white)
12. Skim milk - 1 l
13. Apples - 3 pcs.
14. Mineral water without gas - 1-1.5 l

After the completion of the diet, it is supposed to very gradually expand the range of products. During the first week, it is recommended to introduce natural juices, boiled or steamed fish and eggs into the diet.

After that, it is worth supplementing the diet with cereals and vegetable salads (such a nutrition plan should be followed for another week). Starting from the third week, you can return to a full diet.

Option number 2 (anorexic diet for 12 days)

During this diet, daily (in the morning) it is supposed to eat 1 tbsp. vegetable oil ( different types oils can be alternated at your discretion). Additionally, you need to drink herbal teas (without sugar).

Diet menu

Day #1: A liter of kefir (2.5%)
Day number 2: oranges (4-6 pieces)
Day #3: 500-750g low-fat cottage cheese
Day number 4: squash caviar (0.5-1 l jar)
Day #5: dark dark chocolate (100 g)
Day #6: Peeled apples (1-1.5 kg)
Day number 7: hard cheese - 300 g
Day number 8: vegetable salad and a liter of tomato juice
Day #9: Boiled Veal or Beef (400g)
Day number 10: salad of cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes, bell peppers and lots of greens
Day #11: 500-750g low-fat cottage cheese
Day #12: Plums (1kg) or dried prunes

After 18.00 you can not eat. You need to leave the diet slowly, gradually adding dietary dishes to the menu.

Option number 3 (drinking diet)

This diet proposes to completely abandon solid foods and switch to a liquid diet. You can drink everything, starting with kefir and broths, ending with kvass and cocoa (alcohol is contraindicated). In addition to the fact that this diet takes away excess weight, it also cleanses the body.

The optimal duration of such a nutrition plan: 30 days. During the first 10 days of the diet, hollow organs are cleansed, then the process extends to dense organs, and at the final stage, the cellular composition is cleansed.

Every day it is worth drinking 1.5 liters of water without gas (in addition to other drinks). At the first stages, the diet may seem unbearable - we have too much passion for chewing food. After a few days it becomes much easier - the feeling of hunger is dulled.

In nutrition, there are many options for losing weight, but not all of them can be called safe. A popular anorexic diet includes the use of low-fat kefir, two liters of mineral water and one apple per day. This number of calories is not enough for the normal functioning of the body, so a girl can easily undermine her own health.

What is the anorexic diet

Dubious weight loss plan promoted around the world under the guise of effective program weight loss. Diet Anorexic nymph allows you to quickly achieve results, but complications often arise after it. However, with morbid obesity, due to fasting, the body is cleansed of toxins. Diet experts advise sticking to an anorexic diet only as a last resort, with caution. Some recommend that you completely abandon the tormenting of the body by starvation, choosing a more nutritious diet.

What is this program? The anorexic diet is a low-calorie diet that includes partial fasting. If you stick to a meager menu wisely, you can lose up to 7 kg in one week. However, you can not refuse to eat for a long time, because this will lead to loss muscle mass, brittle hair, nails, fatigue, irritability and even depression. To avoid complications, it is better not to diet for more than one week.

The principle of the anorexic diet

Some girls suffering overweight, think about how to become anorexic. To begin with, it is worth understanding what lies under this term. Anorexia nervosa is a disease associated with significant weight loss due to the use of a meager amount of calories. A dangerous state contributes to the emergence of psychological disorders, depression. Often it affects teenage girls, but the disease can occur in adults of any gender and lead to death.

The basic principle of the anorexic diet is to take 5 bites of a permitted product at breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Due to this, the body receives a small amount of calories and consumes its own resources. The process leads to rapid weight loss, but there are pitfalls. A sudden change in diet sometimes has the opposite effect: the body will begin to accumulate fat, experiencing shock. Metabolic processes may be disturbed, psychological illnesses may occur. To protect your body, it is better to consult a general practitioner before agreeing to fasting.

Sample diet menu for anorexics

The diet for weight loss is not rich in choice. What do anorexics eat? One of the menu options: kefir, low-fat cottage cheese, eggs and 2 liters of water per day. Some nutritionists advise adding white meat, fish, and fruits, adhering to the 5 bites principle. It is better to eat more vegetable salads, which should be seasoned with olive oil. You also need to drink plenty of mineral water - this will help the body maintain metabolic processes and receive vitamins. The main thing is not to exceed the threshold of 500-650 kcal per day. What foods and dishes are allowed to be consumed:

  • boiled carrots;
  • lemon, grapefruit;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • chicken bouillon;
  • green vegetables (cabbage, celery, broccoli, herbs);
  • lean fish, meat.

During the process of losing weight, you can additionally take bio-supplements and vitamins, this will support the body during fasting. sample menu anorexic diet looks like this:

  1. Every morning you need to start with 2 glasses of still mineral water with lemon juice. This will speed up the fat burning process.
  2. You can eat only 30 minutes after drinking.
  3. On Monday, it is allowed to drink several cups of tea without sugar. The drink should be warm, but not hot. You can add skim milk. It is recommended to drink plenty of non-carbonated water (at least 2.5 liters per day).
  4. On other days, except for weekends, the menu should consist of low-fat cottage cheese, boiled meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits. For lunch, you can eat a bowl of soup. For dinner - a glass of yogurt.
  5. According to the diet, Saturday is a fasting day. Breakfast includes one large apple, lunch - grapefruit. For dinner, you can only drink water.
  6. On Sunday, it is allowed to add a slice of whole grain bread and hard cheese to the established diet. White bread is not allowed. For lunch, it is better to eat some fruit.

Pros and cons of the anorexic diet

Following a strict weight loss program leads to rapid weight loss. However, this diet belongs to the category of the most harmful, so you should not rely on it entirely. First you need to understand what are the pros and cons of the anorexic diet. Main advantages:

  • rapid weight loss;
  • cleansing the body (if you follow the advice of a nutritionist);
  • strengthening willpower.

An anorexic diet does more harm than good. No wonder it is considered one of the most dangerous. If you torture the body daily for 2 weeks, the following negative consequences may occur:

  • apathy;
  • irritability;
  • dizziness;
  • mental disorientation;
  • muscle weakness;
  • aversion to food;
  • upset stomach, intestines;
  • dysfunction of vital organs.


Consuming a small amount of calories makes the body work hard, consuming nutrients. Therefore, the Dan diet is not shown to everyone. It should be followed by healthy people who are overweight more than 10-15 kg, and obese people. What are the contraindications of the anorexic diet:

  • chronic diseases;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver, thyroid gland;
  • poor functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • tendency to iron deficiency anemia;
  • weak immunity.

Video: Anorexic Diet


Natalia, 39 years old

The anorexic diet is a complete waste of time. I sat on it for a week, lost 6.5 kg, but then the weight returned again. From starvation I became depressive, angry, relations in the family deteriorated. It's good that at least my health did not undermine. I do not advise this diet to anyone, it is better to choose a gradual and more effective method weight loss.

Anastasia, 26 years old

I have always been plump, and this was the cause of the complexes. I went on an anorexic diet because I was desperate. I starved for 1.5 weeks and threw off almost 9 kilograms. Then problems with the thyroid gland began, and I had to diversify the menu. The doctor prescribed me an individual diet, thanks to which I continue to go towards my dream without harm to health.

Valentina, 42 years old

I never aspired to have an anorexic figure, but my husband hinted that it was time to go on a diet. Tried a lot different options, however, dropped a maximum of 1.5 kg. I had to starve. In a week I managed to get rid of 6 kg, but it was very difficult to deny myself goodies. But now I feel light, my husband also began to pay more attention.



In any pharmacy, you can safely buy the drug "Reduxin-light" - this is not a medicine, but food supplement(BAA), the main active component of which is linoleic acid. It is quite another matter - the drug "Reduxin". This is a prescription drug. The active ingredient is sibutramine, an anorexigenic drug. The drug artificially causes a feeling of fullness, due to which the patient, suffering from obesity, ceases to exceed the daily calorie intake. True, sibutramine can only be used in complex therapy, under the constant supervision of a doctor, and if other methods of combating obesity have not worked, and the patient has a high risk of developing diseases associated with overweight. Anorexics, of course, do not have obesity, but there is a lack of body weight. And this body, already weakened, is forced to fight with side effects sibutramine.

In the European Community, the use of sibutramine was suspended in 2010 when the European Agency medicines published the results of risk studies side effects drugs: the drug should not be taken by patients who have ever had diseases of the cardiovascular system - it can cause tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, increased blood pressure, as well as convulsions, dizziness, dysmenorrhea and more than 20 side effects.


He's a prozac. This is not a weight loss drug, but a strong antidepressant, one of the side effects of which is loss of appetite. A person suffering from depression, when taking fluoxetine, will notice an improvement in mood, a decrease in anxiety and fear, and normalization of sleep. A pronounced effect will appear after a week of taking the drug. In the event that fluoxetine is suitable for the patient. If not, then the impressive list of side effects of taking fluoxetine is not at all the worst thing. At one time, the pharmaceutical company that produced Prozac hid the fact that more than 2,000 people committed suicide while taking fluoxetine drugs. Despite the fact that before that, suicidal thoughts did not bother them, despite the depression.


Hellish cocktail: ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin. Ephedrine is a psychoactive poisonous alkaloid, a raw material for the production of drugs containing methamphetamine and ephedron. The storage, use and sale of ephedrine in Russia is prohibited, but this fact does not stop anorexics. It is impossible to find ephedrine in its pure form, but ephedrine-containing preparations are easy: for example, Broncholithin cough syrup. The standard composition of the cocktail is 25 mg of ephedrine, 250 caffeine and 250 aspirin. The girls take this mixture three times a day. Allegedly, it helps to burn fat at lightning speed. At the same time, naturally, it adversely affects the cardiovascular system.

Community motivator 40 kg

Laxatives and diuretics

The principle of action of these drugs is clear: the former help to empty the intestines, the latter have a diuretic effect - this creates the illusion of weight loss. Naturally, neither the amount of muscle mass nor the amount of fat from taking these drugs does not change. But problems start with gastrointestinal tract from the constant use of laxatives. Diuretics, on the other hand, cannot be used at all without a doctor's prescription: they remove potassium, calcium and magnesium ions from the body. It is very difficult to restore their balance without medical supervision and subject to a half-starved diet.


The most popular two week diet anorexic women practically do not contain food at all: 6 apples and 2 cucumbers are the only solid food that is allowed to be eaten in 2 weeks!

1 day - green tea;
2 day - 4 cups of kefir;
Day 3 - 1 bottle of mineral water;
Day 4 - 1 apple;
Day 5 - 4 glasses of milk;
Day 6 - green tea;
Day 7 - 4 glasses of milk;
Day 8 - 2 apples;
Day 9 - a liter of kefir;
Day 10 - 2 cucumbers;
Day 11 - green tea;
Day 12 - a liter of milk;
Day 13 - 3 apples;
Day 14 - mineral water.

Community motivator 40 kg

On the so-called “drinking” diet, you can’t eat solid food at all. Only liquid. 10 days. For the most persistent - 14.

Between diets, girls switch to " healthy eating": thin slices of whole grain bread, 20 grams of dark chocolate (99% cocoa), a pinch of oatmeal, seasoned with grated for sweetness green apple- the usual menu for the day.


Naturally, the body is still trying to fight hunger, and girls, despite taking drugs, have “breakdowns”. What they call "gluttony", but which in essence is an attempt to eat a normal portion of ordinary food - after all, after a long fast, eating more than a normal portion is problematic. It hurts.

Motivator from the 40 kg community

And after failures always comes punishment. That is, self-torture. Posting your photos with the caption "I'm fat" in a sit down is the mildest possible punishment. You can also put a photo in an album for criticism and get a dose of insults. You can punish yourself with a dry fast. Dry means you can't even drink. No food, no water.

When obsessive thoughts about food arise, anorexics are advised to imagine something terrible instead of food: worms, rotting corpses, or excrement. Do unpleasant things. Punish yourself with hard physical work.

And the last way - cuts. Anorexic women cut themselves (mostly legs, many then post photos of cuts on their thighs on the net). Actually, the problem of self-harm is not the problem of anorexia. Self-harm is an unhealthy attempt to eliminate emotional pain, intense anger and frustration. It can bring short-term relief both emotionally and mentally. physical level: on the one hand, there is a feeling of control over one's own body, on the other hand, the cut provides a surge of adrenaline, which, in turn, makes past experiences irrelevant. But not for long. Then again comes the feeling of guilt, shame and the return of previously experienced emotions.

What can you eat?

What do anorexics eat? Almost nothing. Nutrients and essential vitamins are kept to a minimum. Everything is more or less high-calorie foods included in the diet a couple of times a week or even less often.

The anorexic menu is mostly fresh fruits and vegetables. A girl is allowed no more than 500 kcal per day. The only thing that has no restrictions is liquid (water with lemon juice, green tea and coffee without sugar). This helps to stimulate the metabolism and briefly dampen the feeling of hunger.

Everything eaten must be recorded in a special diary and carefully analyzed and counted. Weight is tightly controlled - weighing is carried out at least 3-4 times a day.

Where it leads?

The way anorexics eat is no doubt a harmful extreme. These girls, with their fanatical attitude towards the cult of a slim figure, bring themselves to terrible consequences. As an extreme option, even death is possible.

Specific negative effects include:

  • Chronic low energy and fatigue, depression, fatigue, hungry fainting, nerve problems and mood swings.
  • Metabolic failures and organ failures.
  • Rejection of food by the stomach, constant nausea and vomiting.
  • Deterioration of the condition of hair, nails and teeth up to loss, bad breath.
  • Painful pallor, reduced to a skin-covered skeleton.

Is it beautiful? Not at all. Is it worth it? Certainly not.

In conclusion - video:

Anorexics: who are they?

Most often, people think that an anorexic is a very thin person. Someone else adds details: bruises, baldness, protruding bones. But these are all consequences. First of all, anorexics are people with digestive and mental disorders.

They obsess over dieting, losing weight, endlessly counting calories, and always thinking they are too fat. They deliberately allow themselves "cheating" - a planned gluttony for metabolism, and then go to induce artificial vomiting.

In the head of such girls is a calculator for counting the number of calories eaten. They love to cook and feed friends and loved ones, but they never allow themselves to eat an extra piece. And if they relax, then their conscience will torment them. Hunger is washed down with water.

In the end, nothing good comes of it. Girls break down, start, eat everything that comes to hand, cannot control their appetite. Do not get saturation and gain a lot excess weight- more than it was before the diet.

What is the popularity of anorexic diets?

Such a diet is very difficult and rigid with strict restrictions, but works for everyone. There are several varieties of ways to lose weight, they can be divided into blocks lasting from three days to two months.

The popularity of the anorexic diet is very easy to explain - it affects everyone and helps to lose extra pounds. Weight goes away quickly, but after the end of the diet, it can return just as quickly. The most important thing is not to overdo it and not bring yourself to a painful state.

The anorexic diet can give good result in weight loss, while the body has nowhere to take the substances it needs for energy. But as soon as the diet is restored, he will again begin to replenish fat reserves in case of new stress - a strict diet.

From this we can conclude that such a diet is an unreasonable way to get rid of excess weight.

There are practically no advantages to such diets. This includes their low cost. Due to the fact that the amount of food consumed is reduced to a minimum and there is no variety of food, the diet is very cheap. There is no need to spend money on expensive products.

Another plus is fast loss weight. You can lose up to a kilogram in a day. If you endure the entire period of the diet, then a slim body you are provided, but what the consequences will be is unknown.

There are many more negative sides to strict diets:

  • Stress for the whole body. Potential for harm to health.
  • Weight return. Returning to a normal diet, there is a risk of gaining excess weight again, and more than it was before the diet.
  • Strict diets always have contraindications. These include heart disease, stomach problems, and general weakness.
  • Constant feeling of hunger, dizziness, unpleasant sensation in different areas.
  • Chronic diseases may worsen.
  • There is an acute shortage of vitamins and other nutrients.
  • At rapid weight loss sagging skin. It can be very difficult to get rid of this, you have to resort to salon procedures such as lifting.

The most popular anorexic diets

Diet for three days

Express diet, when you need to throw off a few in a couple of days extra pounds. Usually used before some important event to make the jeans or dress fit better than before.

During these three days, only drinking is allowed. It can be kefir, water, low-fat broth, tea, coffee, kvass. And any other drinks. Solid food is prohibited. During the diet, you can lose up to three kilograms.

500 calories

Hard weight loss option. The daily number of calories should not exceed 500.

In the morning, coffee without sugar and an apple, preferably green, are allowed. During lunch one orange is eaten. For lunch, vegetable soup and vegetable salad. And for dinner, just a hundred grams of grated carrots.

color diet

The essence of this method is that on a certain day you can eat food of only one color:

  • On Monday, everything is white - kefir, cottage cheese. Chocolate, of course, is not allowed, even if it is white.
  • On Tuesday, everything is red - tomatoes, peppers.
  • On Wednesday, green color - cucumbers, zucchini.
  • Thursday orange foods.
  • Friday will have to hold out on purple. Usually it's eggplant.
  • Saturday - yellow foods.
  • Sunday will be the hardest. You can’t eat anything, but you can drink, but only mineral water.

milk tea

The diet is difficult, hungry, but allows you to lose weight significantly in a couple of days. The recipe is very simple: tea, regular or in bags, is added to hot milk. Brewed for about 30 minutes. Then the resulting drink should be drunk from morning to evening. Usually such a diet lasts no more than three days.

Menu for a beginner anorexic for a week

Time/day of the week Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Breakfast water with lemon and coffee without sugar water with lemon, about 30 grams of cheese and grapefruit lemon water and unsweetened coffee water with lemon, three pieces of dark chocolate and coffee water with lemon, coffee, apple coffee, apple, lemon water Coffee and water
Dinner juice, preferably with pulp cottage cheese and juice apple, preferably green and juice pineapple or grapefruit apple and banana toast and cheese toast with cheese
Dinner kefir or natural yogurt a glass of kefir kefir kefir yogurt plain water or tea with lemon kefir

Typically, a drinking diet lasts an average of seven days. More time few people can withstand a strict dietary restriction.

It can be of several types, based on what kind of liquid will be used. The classic version of anorexic is water, as it contains no calories at all. But this is a very difficult test for the body. Of course, sugary juices, cocoa, soft drinks and fatty yogurts are not suitable for such a diet.

Diet options:

The exit from such diets should be slow and careful. First start with oatmeal in the morning, and let lunch and dinner remain drinkable. Then, for breakfast, you can already eat cheese or eggs, and for lunch, porridge and some fruit. And only after a week it will be possible to eat a certain amount of low-fat foods. A little later, introduce pasta, bread, potatoes.

Anorexic diet for legs

A diet for those who want to remove extra centimeters from their legs and hips. The result will be a plumb line of 3-5 kilograms and minus four centimeters from the volume.


  • On Monday, only milk and water are allowed. If you do not like milk, you can replace it with kefir.
  • On Tuesday, about 200 grams of cottage cheese and some juice.
  • On Wednesday, you can only drink clean water and nothing else.
  • On Thursday, some juice and a couple of boiled potatoes.
  • On Friday, the main food will be apples - about five pieces, which must be stretched for the whole day.
  • On Saturday, a little juice and about 200 grams of lean meat - chicken fillet or beef.
  • Sunday - only kefir, a maximum of 1.5% fat - one liter for the whole day.

You need to get out of the diet gradually, without overeating and not immediately leaning on all the products available at home.

Slender and flexible, like a doe, you gracefully move along the road of life. At the same time, you catch on yourself the enthusiastic, fleeting glances of men and the envious glances of women. This dream pushes girls and women to exhaust themselves with exotic diets and refuse food. And this, in the end, can lead to not very pleasant and outwardly completely unattractive results. However, if you are not afraid of such a prospect, and you are seriously thinking about how to become an anorexic, we offer you some tips on how to get the desired effect and give up excess food.

The standards of beauty during the transition from era to era underwent amazing changes. Either these are portly ladies in the style of “Russian beauties” (the Renaissance), or thin models that are practically “blown away by the wind” (for the first time it was Twiggy in the 60s).

According to the definition, anorexia is a syndrome that manifests itself in a pathological lack of appetite, when the body still needs calories and food. As a result of such violence against the body, everything that could still be preserved irrevocably disappears from the body, and ultimately life.

And this attitude towards one's body raised a strong wave of protests, which led to changes in the standards of models at the international level. Now anorexia is considered unacceptable, and refusal to eat is considered a disadvantage.

However, if you are a happy owner of rounded shapes, then these tips can be used as a diet to get rid of extra pounds, as well as to limit the amount of food.

  1. If you are brave, then prove it to everyone. You can just show your fat, and then refuse to eat.
  2. Water is your friend. When hot, it can warm and give a feeling of satiety, and when cold, it will burn extra calories. To achieve the desired effect, you need to drink about 8 cups during the day.
  3. Use vitamins, because only 2 calories - and you are just beautiful!
  4. If the feeling “I want to eat!” prevails - brush your teeth and you will forget about food.
  5. Tips do not help - look at the photos of the models.
  6. Count how many calories you eat.
  7. Do you eat a lot? Then you need to imagine that there is a handsome man at the table near you.
  8. Where you eat a lot, hang photos of fat and even very fat people.
  9. Sugar-free gum is another friend of yours. And it is best to be friends with him while cooking.
  10. Get up first at the beginning of the day. If you are asked, then say that you have already had breakfast. But in fact, do the cleaning, exercises, walk the dog or put on daytime makeup.
  11. Value yourself highly. For at least a week, keep your mouth, esophagus, stomach, and intestines clean and avoid excess food.
  12. Do you have extra money? Then spend them on new clothes, high-quality cosmetics, plastic surgery, or give them to those in need. But God forbid you, buy food on them!
  13. Do you need calories throughout the day to move? Subscribe to your favorite magazines with delivery, and then you do not need to make unnecessary gestures.
  14. Make your figure even more athletic and use your legs as often as possible instead of the elevator, bus, car.
  15. Want to eat? Take a quick look at those who are eating. They do get fat. And now you will always be beautiful if you refuse excess food.
  16. Create your own personal visualization photo album that will help you in the most difficult moments of the fight against the desire to eat food. When it’s completely unbearable, get it, admire slender models or be horrified by fat ones. So you can refuse excess food.
  17. There is always the danger that you will break. Use the next item.
  18. Are you still hungry? Then get on the scales.
  19. Is it hard to last at least a month? Find a girlfriend and together with her overcome the path to perfection and the rejection of excess food.
  20. Can't stand it at all? Well, then it's worth spitting. Spit what's in your mouth now!
  21. From old magazines, create a pile that should be the same weight as how many kilograms you are going to lose. Now reduce it as you get rid of excess weight.
  22. Try to become a vegetarian (vegan).
  23. You don't have to tell your family about this. They torture you with moralizing, although they don’t understand anything about proper nutrition at all. And they will also force you to consume tasty, but not very healthy food.
  24. During the day, eat with your left hand if you are right-handed, and with your right hand if you are left-handed.
  25. Is it difficult for you to switch quickly? Then eat naked in front of a mirror!
  26. Choose your idol among the models. Find out how much she weighs and what her other parameters are. Carry her picture everywhere with you to strengthen your desire to lose weight.
  27. You have to eat very slowly. All food must be divided into small pieces, and an even smaller piece should be cut off from each piece. After all, your brain needs as much as 20 minutes to understand that you have already eaten. And during this time you will have time to eat so much!
  28. Forbid yourself to think "I'm hungry" after five. After all, you will not have time at all to get rid of these calories later.
  29. Go to sports. It is enough to force yourself to study for a month to fully enter this rhythm of life.
  30. You shouldn't eat alone. This is your bad habit, you need to get rid of it.
  31. Drink Diet Coke as much as you can. Its bubbles will quickly fill your stomach.
  32. In case you feel unwell from hunger, lie down and feel sorry for yourself, poor thing.
  33. Always paint your lips perfectly. You hardly want to wipe such beauty from your face.
  34. If the body is already strongly demanding food, then drink mint (green) tea. It will relieve puffiness and dull the feeling of hunger.
  35. Well, if it’s really hard for you to control yourself, and our advice doesn’t help you, then get more pills at the pharmacy that can reduce your appetite or your craving for a sweet life.
  36. Try to move a lot. If you have noticed, then fat moving children are very rare, because they run and jump a lot.
  37. Drink an energy drink before starting any activity. However, do not get carried away, because it is very high in calories.
  38. Try to drink a glass of water every hour, because often we mistake thirst for hunger.
  39. Try to sleep more (6-8 hours). After all, in a state of sleep, you are unlikely to eat.
  40. Do not drink alcoholic beverages. They are high-calorie, and especially a snack for them!
  41. Hunger is beautiful body and strong willpower.
  42. Try to drink a lot with food. You still go to the toilet anyway.
  43. Give yourself punishment for eating and reward for fasting. There are no limits here, use your imagination to the maximum.
  44. If you think "I want to eat!" Then put something in your mouth and then spit it out.
  45. You can eat ice, it is cold and also low in calories.
  46. Be sure to make your diary and note in it any changes in the state of your body. Do not forget to praise yourself for reducing weight numbers.
  47. Before eating, try to drink a couple of tablespoons of vinegar (apple).
  48. Write letters to yourself about how beautiful you want to be and put them in your scrapbook. Read them more often.
  49. You can rest at night only 3 hours after eating. And sleep only on your left side.
  50. As another incentive, you can get your photos with the maximum weight. Comparison will bring you a lot of positive.
  51. You mustn't eat, you mustn't eat, you mustn't eat!
  52. Use two bracelets to wear one just like that, for the whole day, and the second - during meals.
  53. Eliminate boredom from your life. Do something to not eat.
  54. Wear a rubber bracelet. And as soon as you think: "I'm hungry," then click yourself with it. It will hurt a lot.
  55. When you feel like eating, throw all the food out of the apartment. Better in the garbage than in your stomach.
  56. You can skip any meal except breakfast!
  57. Buy clothes for a season, a month, a year, a size smaller in order to have an incentive to lose weight.
  58. Try to plan your every meal before it starts.
  59. Drink green tea and more green tea.
  60. Use every second to be better.
  61. Remember the rule: there should be no food in the room!
  62. Use your culinary skills to please your loved ones while chewing gum yourself.
  63. Learn to enjoy the feeling of hunger.
  64. Has it been successful? Make yourself a present!
  65. Try to keep yourself cool as this will burn more calories.
  66. Get ready for work. And all day be busy with business, not food.
  67. In order not to break loose, it’s better not to eat at all than “I want a little.”
  68. Don't think that calories can be negative.
  69. Coffee is your friend, it weakens well.
  70. Start by setting realistic goals. This will help you make sure the tips work.
  71. Get creative, not food! Write poems, stories, create pictures.
  72. Always use more calories than you eat.
  73. Don't eat everything, leave some on your plate.
  74. Be sure to separate the part you are about to eat from the part you leave on your plate.
  75. Do you want to eat? Spin around the room until you get sick. After that, you want to eat.
  76. Think of those who were killed for this food (bird, animal).
  77. Self-hypnosis works! And you will soon see for yourself.
  78. Ideal weight- this is your height minus 120 cm.
  79. Don't listen to what others say. Tips on how to become anorexic will only benefit you.
  80. Drugs are not your option. From them there can be breakdowns and "zhor".
  81. Do not listen to the brain, otherwise you will reduce all the results to zero. He will not appreciate your beauty the way others will.
  82. Anorexia will help you express love for yourself. And you will see how much it is in you!
  83. Sucking in the stomach? It's a fat sucker. Hail this sound!
  84. Always chew food. Even if it's just tea.
  85. Drink separately from food - so you do not stretch the stomach.
  86. Drink warm drinks and rinse your mouth before eating. This will relieve the feeling of thirst and possibly hunger.
  87. Your best breakfast is boiled eggs. In them healthy fat and all trace elements are balanced. Do not believe that eating a lot of them is harmful.
  88. For effective weight loss turn your metabolism into fat with L-carnitine.
  89. If you feel hungry, then squat 50 times. This will contribute to the awareness of the importance of your goal and improve your figure.
  90. And if you already ate something, then immediately download the press, once, like that, a hundred. You will have both punishment and benefit (advice from Victoria Beckham).
  91. Food can be tasted, but it is not necessary to swallow. How much she chewed, so much she spat out.
  92. Heels are also your friends. They will help you burn more fat. And you look amazing in them too!
  93. Before eating, drink water - and then a lot of food simply does not fit in the stomach.
  94. Before "gentle" hugs with the toilet, it is better to drink water with salt.
  95. Look at yourself in the mirror and be horrified by your fullness. It stimulates.
  96. Use a laxative in double dose.
  97. Strong black coffee is great for curbing hunger. It also burns extra calories.
  98. You can everything! Don't stop at your weight!
  99. Remember that your body is here and now!
  100. Sit more on the Web, because while you are here, you don’t want food.

Hello everyone who visits!

Let me start by saying that I am not particularly overweight. With a height of 164cm, I weigh 57kg. Although it's too much for me.

Before the first birth, the weight was 49-50kg. I could eat everything, at any time and in any quantity, and not get fat.

After giving birth, I recovered to 57kg? But she was able to throw them off, limiting sweets and starchy foods.

After the second child again 57kg. I have already become lazy and do not really want to give up sweets. In principle, my figure suits me. In addition, I run several kilometers 3 times a week, this helps me keep fit,

But there is no limit to perfection. One fine (or not so) day, I went to the mirror, once I looked at my waist and hips extra pounds and decided that they needed to get rid of.

What do women do in these cases? That's right, the word "diet" is hammered into the search engine.

So I came across the 10 kg in 10 days diet. I read the reviews. The girls said that it would not be possible to lose 10 kg, but 5-6 is quite realistic. Well, I need only 4-5kg.

Moreover, my husband flew away on a business trip for 2 weeks. And he is my athlete and is sharply against any diets. According to him, you can even eat Big Macs, only train intensively and there will be no excess weight. In a way, he's right. At 45, he remains slim, he does not even have a hint of a stomach. But to lose weight, I need to train several times more intensively than now.

Therefore, I decided to throw off the pounds with the help of a diet. Do you think your husband is coming? And I'm such a slender woman!

It's a pretty tough diet. Its essence is that every day you need to eat only one product. The first day 5 eggs, the second - fish, then chicken, then vegetables, the next day beef, then cottage cheese. On the last day, in general, only a rosehip broth.

Well, I think, I'll see how it goes, maybe 5-6 days will be enough for me.

In general, in the morning of the first day I drank coffee, although coffee is not recommended, but without it I am not a person. I ate 1 boiled egg. A few hours later another egg and green tea. Then one more. I drank a lot of water during the day.

Surprisingly, I didn't want to eat. Although I decided that I would not have enough eggs and ate another piece of boiled beef.

In the evening I ate the last egg, drank tea without sugar. I felt good, I didn't want to eat. Satisfied, I went to bed. If I knew...

I woke up in the morning, got up to go to wash, and ... I fell on the bed. I had a terrible weakness, trembling all over my body and nausea. I lay down for a bit and tried to get up again. The situation repeated itself. Apparently, my body reacted this way to the lack of carbohydrates. My blood pressure dropped a lot.

I felt terrible. I realized that I needed to eat urgently in order to recover. But it was not there! Just thinking about food made me feel even worse! Plus, I couldn't even get out of bed.

This is where I got really scared. I realized how you can become anorexic very quickly, just the body will stop eating, and hello! Order music!

Gathering my will into a fist, I literally crawled to the kitchen and threw a few spoons of oatmeal into the slow cooker.

While the porridge was cooking, I was lying, because I could not even sit. Then again holding on to the wall, she reached the kitchen. Overcoming wild nausea and trembling in my body, I stuffed a few spoonfuls of sweet oatmeal into myself and washed them down with sweet tea. I couldn't even look at the coffee! And this is me, who cannot imagine life without coffee!

Then I lay down again. After a couple of hours, I felt a little better. I was able to eat half a banana. Two hours later I ate cottage cheese. But all day I lay, because weakness and nausea did not let me go.

I was only able to eat normally in the evening.

The next day I felt better, even drank coffee and had breakfast, but for the whole day I was haunted by weakness and trembling in my legs.

And so my diet ended, barely starting.

I have since abandoned this hopeless case. An extra 5 kg is better than a beautiful monument.

Be healthy and beautiful, your Nastya.