How to quickly bring yourself to anorexia. Anorexia - the ideal figure? Nervous exhaustion in children

The 24-year-old who lost more than 50 kilograms spoke candidly to Woman's Day about what she had to endure in pursuit of slim figure.

Meet Anastasia Shalomanova, 24 years old from Volgograd, a linguist-translator by education, a florist by profession. From a girl of significant dignity and size, Anastasia managed to turn into slender beauty. True, on the way to the dream figure, Nastya overdid it, the body failed. But the girl was able to overcome anorexia. Here is her story.

Photo: personal archive of Anastasia Shalomanova

"My Weight Limit was 113 kg, and the minimum was 55 kg. If we talk about the reasons for weight gain, then, in my opinion, there are at least three of them: firstly, as a child I was underweight, and the doctor told my parents that I needed to be fed well and satisfyingly. Consequently, in my diet there were a lot of cereals with milk and sugar, a variety of buns and pies.

Secondly, again, as a child, I was often sick and drank a lot of drugs, because of which my metabolism was disturbed. And thirdly, until the age of 16, my excess weight practically did not bother me. Both parents and relatives gently hinted that I needed to lose weight, but I listened, but did not hear them. I ate what and when I wanted and was offended if they didn’t buy or give me something.

In 2011, in the 11th grade, there were 113 kg on the scales, and I began to have a strong complex. Tried not to eat, tried diets, counted calories, drank protein shakes but there were no results.

I still remember the moment when I barely fit into my prom dress.

It was the first call to change something. Over the summer, I lost weight to 95 kg, restricting myself in nutrition and doing body flex. Then I started studying at the university, and I again recovered to 109 kg.

After the 2nd course, I suddenly had a strong desire to build up, and I began to read literature on catering and gradually switched to 5-6 meals a day. However, its quality left much to be desired, since it seemed to me something terrible to take containers of food with me to study. In my third year, I started to pay more attention to what I eat. Almost stopped eating muffins, sweets and other harmful things. The diet has become more vegetables, herbs, lean meat.

So step by step I was able to reach 86 kg, which greatly facilitated the purchase of a prom dress. This was an impetus for me, since I always wanted to dress beautifully and stylishly, but my complexion did not allow.

Photo: personal archive of Anastasia Shalomanova

After that, I firmly decided to eat right and make friends with sports. I signed up for Gym and began to work out under the supervision of a coach. Learned more and more information on nutrition. Later I met a good nutritionist who helped to adjust the diet. I began to count BJU (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), and so gradually kilogram by kilogram, overdoing myself, I went to my goal. And last year, in May, I managed to reduce the weight to 64.

I did not stop there and lost weight to 55, but for me this weight turned out to be critical and the body failed - the weight began to fall on its own, I became nervous, constantly kept counting, and an extra gram of carbohydrates seemed to me the end of the world.

There came a moment when I not only could not train, but simply stand on my feet

Mom sounded the alarm and insisted on going to the doctor. I went through a course of treatment and continue to restore strength until now. Now my weight is 60 kg, I still work out with a trainer and correct my figure, eat 5-6 times a day and enjoy life without extra pounds.

In the process of losing weight, and even now I keep a food diary, every month I take measurements and take pictures. For me a big joy combine photos, see the changes and realize that everything is not in vain. Shopping gives me immense pleasure, because now my size is always in stock. It is very valuable that I have changed not only externally, but also internally. I became more confident, stronger, bolder. I proved to myself that I can do anything if I want to. The social circle has changed a lot, but I do not regret anything. My life was divided into "before" and "after" and I'm glad that everything happened the way it happened.

What advice would I give to those who want to lose weight? The most important thing is not to give up and not be afraid that you won’t be able to immediately see the treasured figure on the scales. This is everyday work on yourself, this is a way of life, and not a temporary weight loss program.

I think it is very important to feel the whole process, to understand why you are doing it. Of course, without motivation, there is nowhere in this business, so there must be a clear goal.

You need to enjoy what you do, and really, really want it. Then everything will work out!”

Are you proud of your slim figure and want to tell everyone how you got rid of excess weight? Tell us about it - and Volgograd residents will know your story. Send your weight loss story to: nmikheeva@hspub..

Our public learned about this disease relatively recently - and it was a real shock. Until now, most people do not understand the full depth of the problem and consider it the result of ordinary stupidity. In fact, it is a nervous disease that, without timely and proper treatment, leads to death.

Anorexia nervosa

The word "anorexia" literally means "lack of appetite". Moreover, the patient does not just "eat badly" - he avoids food, as something dangerous, extremely harmful. The purpose of this behavior is weight loss, fat loss. And beyond the goal of anorexic is beauty.

It should be clarified here that we can trace a similar scenario in hundreds of thousands of perfectly healthy people who simply monitor their appearance. Many of us periodically go on a diet, restrict ourselves in nutrition, trying to lose weight and become more beautiful.

But with anorexia, perception is impaired! The patient is not able to adequately assess his own condition: even with complete exhaustion, he notices "excess weight" on himself and tries to get rid of it. It is easy to feel the difference in the perception of a healthy person and a patient with anorexia: the latter admires himself, rejoices in what he has achieved and makes plans for future weight loss, and others, seeing him, experience horror, even disgust.

Since nutrition is the basis of the normal functioning of the body, a metabolic disorder quickly joins the nervous breakdown in anorexia. Soon, a person's health is completely undermined: he simply cannot eat normally, vital processes are interrupted or proceed pathologically.

The activity of the cardiovascular system is disrupted, hair falls out, the skin loses its tone, hormonal regulation is upset, digestive system stops digesting food. Women are disturbed menstrual cycle, reproductive function. At some point, these violations become irreversible.

How do people get anorexia?

Who is anorexic

It is wrong to assume that this is a purely female disease. Although in most cases anorexia nervosa occurs in young women - up to 24 years. But both children and people over 24 years old, including men, can be affected by it.

Causes of Anorexia Nervosa

The main cause of the disease is the instability of the psyche which leads to obsession with the idea of ​​weight loss. This can happen if self-esteem is lowered, a person does not feel the strength to arrange own life safely, looking for support in external factors, highly suggestible.

Then, especially popular today, the idea of ​​the equivalence of beauty and harmony can become overvalued (in the pathological sense of the term). Indeed, in modern culture there is a clear connection between success, wealth and the appearance of a person. According to these rules, a woman should be very slim and young (this is one of the reasons why girls get anorexic more often than boys, for whom there are slightly different “ideals”)). Often this image is strengthened, exaggerated. But what is possible on the stage, on the podium, especially in the photo, cannot always be realized in everyday life.

In addition, there are other factors that may predispose to the development of anorexia nervosa. For example, cases of similar disorders in relatives, violence, disorders of the metabolism of neurotransmitters (serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine) and a tendency to depression and so on. But, strictly speaking, these factors do not cause anorexia itself, but lead precisely to the psychological instability on the basis of which this disease grows.

Signs of the development of anorexia

It is difficult for others to recognize anorexia in the initial stages. You need to be aware of the spiritual movements of a person in order to notice that he is carried away by the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bweight loss and this passion is pathologically enhanced. That is, he not only decided to lose a couple of kilograms, but loses control over himself, ceases to adequately perceive his condition.

But, if there is a person from the “risk group” next to you - a young girl whose personality has not yet been formed, whose emotional state is not yet stable - you need to track the following:

  • Exaggerated attention to appearance - one's own or ideal images(models, actresses). The girl begins to spend more time in front of the mirror than usual, posing, examining herself. One can notice parallels of comparison with certain ideals - their images can be in plain sight, for example, next to a mirror;
  • The desire to lose weight leads to radical decisions, opinions. The girl generally refuses to eat, reports that most products are very harmful. If she did eat (under pressure from the family, for example), then she can close herself in the bathroom or toilet and induce vomiting. Such patients come up with various excuses not to participate in feasts, not to eat with other people;
  • Constant attention to your own weight, weighing;
  • Denial of nutritional problems - if you assume that the patient does not control his condition, cannot adequately assess his diet and its consequences for the body, you will receive a violent rejection in response;
  • Depressed state. There may be violent outbursts of resentment, anger, euphoria, and then again depression;

Of the objective signs that you need to pay attention to, you can name weight loss. Different indices can be used to calculate the weight norm. For example, the Quetelet index, which is obtained by dividing body weight (in kilograms) by the square of height (in meters) (60 kg: (1.7m x 1.7m) = 20.8). The norm of the Quetelet index lies between 18.5 and 25. If this index is below 17.5, the body weight is insufficient.

Development of anorexia - symptoms

When efforts to lose weight bring tangible results (the patient loses about 20% of the weight), anorexia progresses. Instead of easing restrictions, a person tightens his diet. Already during this period, disturbances in the functioning of the whole organism become noticeable.

Dehydration leads to a sharp deterioration in the condition of the hair and skin, the bones become more fragile - fractures and the appearance of joint diseases are possible. The cardiovascular system cannot cope, which is expressed in a violation heart rate, pressure fluctuations. Girls stop their menstrual cycle. Immunity drops critically. And so on.

These symptoms can no longer be ignored. And it is necessary to take urgent measures - to begin treatment. After all, life in such a state is already in mortal danger. And, after a year or, at most, two, the changes become irreversible and we are no longer talking about life, but about prolonging life.

The question is when will death and what will cause it is secondary (no matter how scary it may sound!). Much more important is how to save life and bring it closer to normal (after all, it will not be possible to fully restore health). Even if the patient himself wants to change his fate, he is no longer able to eat normally, gain weight. It requires constant and very thorough treatment.

Treatment of anorexia nervosa

Based on the above, it is clear how important it is to start treatment as early as possible. Close people should not turn a blind eye to even the most fleeting suspicions and signs that may indicate the development of anorexia. It is difficult to prevent the occurrence of this severe disorder. But curing it is almost impossible. Such a patient will experience psychological and physical difficulties all her life, for example, as people who use drugs.

So the first and best thing to do is follow the development of a teenager's personality . We need to help him overcome uncertainty, dissatisfaction with himself. Excessive perfectionism, exactingness - can also become harbingers of anorexia. Therefore, it is important to learn to accept not only victories, but also defeats.

If anorexia nervosa is already in the second stage (weight loss, about 20%) - it is also treated with psychotherapy . There are both individual sessions and classes with the family, group trainings.

Health food , which is prescribed to patients - is designed to normalize metabolism and promote weight gain to normal levels. It must be understood that the body of an anorexic is no longer able to absorb any food. Therefore, a diet selected by a doctor is required.

Can be assigned medicines - antidepressants. For example, fluoxetine. Perhaps the introduction of solutions containing vitamins that eliminate dehydration.

It must be understood that anorexia nervosa can recur. In other words, in such a patient, after therapy, breakdowns may occur, which again will lead to critical weight loss.

What to do if a loved one has anorexia nervosa

A few tips to help you navigate and do the right thing if you suspect loved one this disease:

  • Do not try to appeal to "reason" and " common sense» sick! He, as if, speaks a different language - he does not understand and does not accept your arguments.
  • Don't let yourself be convinced! People with anorexia can talk very passionately, logically and defend their opinions with pathos.
  • Do not trust everything that the patient says and does! In order to achieve "his goals", a person in this state is able to change his own principles - to lie, for example. Even having sincerely promised something, he may not keep his word - the disease often turns out to be stronger. The patient may pretend to agree with you, lulling your vigilance.
  • Don't wait - go to the doctor right away! And, you need to immediately go to a psychotherapist. Preferably to someone who specializes in anorexia. It is better that your fears turn out to be groundless than that you waste time. Even if you cannot persuade the patient to visit a doctor, go to the appointment yourself and discuss with the specialist what you should do next.

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by intentional weight loss, induced or sustained by the individual, in order to lose weight or to prevent weight gain. Most often found in girls.

In anorexia, there is a pathological desire to lose weight, accompanied by a strong fear of obesity. There is a distorted perception of physical form and there is concern about weight gain, even if this is not actually observed.

Main anorexia symptoms:
Progressive weight loss.
Panic fear of getting better.
The denial of maintaining a weight minimum, no matter how low it may be.
Constant feeling of fullness, in particular certain parts of the body.
Method of nutrition: eat standing up, crush food into small pieces.
Sleep disturbance.
Feelings of guilt when fasting and eating.
Isolation from society, depression
As a consequence of this disease, certain physiological disorders may occur, such as pale skin, feeling cold, menstrual irregularities, arrhythmia, constant weakness, muscle spasms. As well as increased irritability, unreasonable anger, resentment towards others.

Every extra 100 grams of weight is perceived as a defeat and the onset of irreparable obesity. Each uneaten piece of food, on the contrary, is perceived as a victory over oneself and an approximation to the ideal, if the ideal can be considered a bony body without a single attractive roundness and a haggard look. In fact, a person is hooked on refusing to eat, on weight control, like on drugs. Only, unlike drug addicts, who get high when taking substances, and anorexics get pleasure when they refuse food. And just like drug addicts who are ready to give everything for a dose, people suffering from anorexia are ready to give everything just to get rid of excess food, and therefore, in their opinion, from excess weight. Only the whole horror of the situation is that the weight is no longer even normal. After all, the absence of excess weight does not mean bones protruding from under the skin, and the absence of muscles in those places where a woman, by definition, should have a small body fat. By the way, recently French scientists from the National Center scientific research came to the conclusion that when getting used to the feeling of hunger, a person receives the same pleasure during fasting as when taking ecstasy.

Usually patients suffering from anorexia achieve weight loss in two ways:
1. Restrictions - weight loss through strict diets with a decrease in the amount of food taken every day and excessive exercise.
2. Cleansing - i.e. by various procedures: gastric lavage, enemas, artificially provoked vomiting after eating.

Causes of anorexia:
Biological (genetic predisposition), psychological (family influence and internal conflicts), and social (environmental influence: expectations, imitations, in particular diet). Anorexia is considered to be a female disease that manifests itself in adolescence. About 90% of patients with anorexia are girls aged 12-24 years. The remaining 10% are women middle age and men.

Treatment of anorexia:
The method of treatment is individual and family psychotherapy, in severe cases - hospitalization, drug therapy and force-feeding.

It is a mistake to think that anorexics are predominantly models. The modeling business takes the 3rd place in cases of anorexia: yielding to ballet and sports.

In August 2006, at Montevideo Fashion Week, one of the most famous and promising models in Uruguay, 22-year-old Luisel Ramos, died right during the show. Running backstage after the fashion show, Luisel fell. Neither the doctors present at the screening, nor the one who arrived in time ambulance couldn't help her. Neither intravenous injections, nor electroshock, nor cardiac massage yielded results, according to the autopsy results, Ramos died of cardiac arrest. According to her relatives, for several days before the show, the model did not eat anything at all. Doctors believe that Luisel Ramos died of starvation.
This terrible example, as it turned out, did not teach others anything, and, a few months later, 21-year-old Anna Carolina Reston died from anorexic neurosis and exhaustion. The model ate mainly tomatoes and apples (the lowest-calorie vegetables, as you know), ate small portions and still constantly provoked vomiting in herself. With a height of 1.72 m, Anna Carolina weighed 40 kg. Once in the hospital with a diagnosis of "renal failure", she died from an extensive inflammatory process: the body simply had nowhere to take the strength to fight with such exhaustion.

That was Isabelle Caro. The girl who refused to eat. She died despite all the efforts of doctors. Her mother shot herself at her grave.

How to make money, how to achieve anorexia?
Oh, then this article is for you, but let's just agree, you will read to the end about girls, who died of anorexia. And then, knowing that, just like you, a girl died of anorexia, if you continue to want to quickly get sick with anorexia, you consciously assume all the consequences and are solely responsible for your life and your death. You are big and learn to take responsibility for your choices!
“... This morning was no different from all the others. The hated mirror showed the same portrait, perhaps even worse. A nasty nose with a potato, disgustingly turned up to the top, a bunch of unnecessary freckles that you can’t hide with any cream, and also these terrible blackheads that make your face simply ugly. And fullness, nightmarish fullness! "God! How fat I am! And on the TV screen, they constantly show such cuties, thin, slender - I want to be the same. I wish I could figure out how to bring myself to anorexia. I heard that there is such a disease, with it you don’t want to eat at all. And I don’t care about the horror stories that they began to scare me with, saying that this is a fatal disease. All lies, it is easy to get fat at any moment. Now I want to be as beautiful as my favorite model. …..”
Well, how do you agree that the reasoning of the heroine of this short story is not so exceptional. Such thoughts visit every second girl who crossed the threshold of childhood. And today, I want to talk with you, young ladies. Just do not pout, and nervously click the mouse button, I'm not going to read any boring morals or explain what anorexia is in teenagers or who are the victims of anorexia. You yourself know everything. I just want to tell one story. Remember how in childhood, crawling under the covers, you told each other different horror stories and funny stories, I suggest remembering that golden time.

deadly beauty

How it started

In one big city there lived a girl, let's just call her Masha. She had a father and mother, grandmother and grandfather, many girlfriends and just classmates. She loved to go to noisy parties, watch fashion magazines with girls, and vigorously discuss each model. Often the whole friendly company of girls stayed up late, unable to break away from their favorite series.
The girls chose their idols, imagined themselves in the place of such magnificent actresses or dreamed of becoming the stars of the podium. Another heroine of my story was fond of dancing. No, it was not a simple visit to discos, but serious classes in a prestigious club where a former ballerina worked as a coach. She dreamed of a big stage, and stubbornly walked towards her dream. The choreographer constantly repeated that if the dancers did not watch their weight, they would never be in the foreground. Masha always remembered these words, and carefully watched herself.

The world collapsed at one moment when she accidentally heard her friends discussing her, saying that, behold, she fancies herself a prima donna, and she herself is fat as a cow. Maria's temples pounded, and her hands trembled, she remembered that the coach not so long ago reminded her of constant weight control. God, she thought, I got fat, and I didn't notice it. We need to do something urgently, otherwise it will be too late. Diet! Diet! Diet!
The girl did not remember how she ran home, all in tears, with only one thought, if only she could look at herself in the mirror, maybe not everything is lost yet, something can still be achieved. Bursting into the apartment, she rushed to her mother with a hysterical cry: - Mom, look, I'm terribly fat, and you don't tell me anything!
Mom looked up from her cell phone conversation, glanced at her daughter, and said that she should not do nonsense, you are quite slender or you need to bring yourself to anorexia among teenagers. And again she returned to the conversation with her friend, not forgetting to remind her that dinner was on the stove. The girl recoiled, realizing that her mother was not at all interested in her problem, it was much more important for her to discuss the new accountant and mistress of the boss.
The girl decided to seek support and understanding from her father. Dad will help me, she was sure. But the father watched the only broadcast of the World Cup, and, having listened out of the corner of his ear to his daughter, without even looking in her direction, he muttered quickly that she looked wonderful, beautiful and attractive, and her girlfriends were simply jealous.
The girl realized that her parents did not care about her, it was useless to call her grandmother, she constantly repeated that her granddaughter was not eating well, and continuously fed her. Masha, stunned by what had happened, closed herself in her room and cried all night, looking at photo albums. Tears dimmed her eyes, but the girl could see through them how ugly fat she was. Cats scratched at my soul, and my heart was squeezed by a heavy stone, and mortal longing terrified the future.
The next morning, after a short, disturbing sleep, she quickly made a plan on how to bring herself to the ideal ...

The choice has been made, the Rubicon has been crossed, the bridges have been burned...

Looking at herself in the mirror from all sides, Masha realized that the only right decision would be the strictest diet. But this is not enough, she really did not notice how she turned into a fat cow, her photos confirmed this. Therefore, results must be achieved as soon as possible.
The girl made a list of what needs to be done in the near future. It looked something like this:

  • Learn on the Internet about the most effective diets;
  • Sign up for a gym
  • Run two kilometers in the morning and evening.;
  • Forget about everything floury, sweet and baked;
  • Arrange twice a week fasting days;
  • Most importantly - all the zhrachka in the trash!

For breakfast, Masha drank only coffee without sugar, citing her lack of appetite, and ran off to school. She did not remember how the lessons flew by, how she communicated with her now hated friends, what she answered to the teachers. All her thoughts were only about one thing, rather, to carry out everything planned and lose weight. …
… Several months have passed. As a purposeful person, Masha made every effort to achieve what she decided for herself. At first, she tried to honestly tell her parents that she was just following a diet that was necessary for dancing. But when she heard cries of indignation, she withdrew into herself and began to hide from them and threw out the grub through the window.

Signs of anorexia

Mom sensed something and began to graze her daughter.

  • She obediently ate food, but after that she immediately went to the bathroom and made herself vomit.
  • In addition, so that nothing had time to assimilate, Masha took laxative pills and potions, bought and drank all the new drugs for weight loss.
  • She tightened her workouts as much as time allowed.
  • The girl stopped going to parties, she had little strength left, even simple fleeting communication with her friends was a burden to her. They won't understand me anyway, what can I talk about with them, she thought. The main thing is to become the most attractive, and for this you need to lose weight.
  • The girl constantly measured her waist and hips, but the results did not satisfy her. Then she bought a floor scale, and began to constantly weigh herself.

Having heard from her mother the beautiful word anorexia, and having learned that such a disease exists, while she does not feel like eating at all, she began to look for ways to lose weight to anorexia. Although even now she found the necessary symptoms in herself: many foods disgusted her, and often, having eaten a couple of spoons of soup under the pressure of her mother, she realized that she had committed a disgusting act. Then she hurried to close herself in the toilet in order to induce salutary vomiting or make herself an enema.

Were on the face. Nevertheless, the girl was sure that her salvation was only in this disease, and the desire to go through all the stages of anorexia as soon as possible grew stronger in her every day.

Her parents began to pester her with questions about why she had lost so much weight. But Maria then saw that this was not so, she still needed to lose weight, while she was still very fat. The girl carefully counted every calorie eaten, regularly arranged fasting days for herself, when she did not take anything but water in her mouth. Fortunately, I didn’t feel like eating anymore, but only inspired me!
So that her mother would not ask unnecessary stupid questions, the girl began to wear loose clothes that completely hide her figure. She knew that she had not yet reached perfection, she still needed to lose some fat. And the mother does not understand anything about this, so she specifically tries to tell her a lot of nonsense. And Maria did not become like anorexia patients at all, she only tries to be the most beautiful.
Several times Masha woke up from the fact that strangers were bending over her, and they say that she fainted. "Why is everyone lying around" - the girl thought, everything is wrong. Why is her mother dragging her to the hospital, it is not necessary at all. Even if I feel dizzy at the dance, it’s nonsense, and there are no periods, well, maybe I caught a cold, or whatever. And the muscles in my legs reduce from the fact that I probably trained a lot. And the fact that the pulse is pounding at the throat is generally nonsense, these are not the consequences of anorexia. Everything is fine with me, I’ll lose some more weight and be the most beautiful ... ..


Are you waiting for the continuation of the story? And, in general, there is nothing more to tell. Who did Masha become, or rather, who could she become? Maybe a famous dancer or fashion model, or the best fashion model. She could meet a loved one, give birth to children. And be a great mother... Maybe they just couldn't save her. By the time the parents were distracted from their pressing and important matters, and paid attention to their daughter, the teenager's body could no longer perceive solid food. Not only the hated fat disappeared, but practically nothing was left of the muscles. In the hospital, the doctors tried to force Machine to absorb at least some useful substances, but it was too late…. Anorexia in children, especially young girls, is hopeless!
After the girl sighed for the last time, her father died on the spot from a heart attack, and her mother is still alive, only she lives in a psychiatric clinic, and she thinks that her daughter will come to her any minute.

For peace or how to die faster

  • Well, how? Still like childhood anorexia? If yes, then I can give some tips that will help you earn anorexia in the shortest possible time. And what, and rightly so, does not care that there is a risk of dying, but at least a few months, but you will be the most beautiful. And let the parents keep their feelings to themselves, they still do not understand anything about beauty. And in fact? Let the boy, for whom you are ready for anything, love your girlfriend, do you think someone will regret your death? Do not hope, everyone will quickly forget you. They will live, kiss, fall in love, ride in world travel, they will absorb cakes and laugh at a new joke, and you will rot under the Christmas tree.

I am Death

So, how do you get yourself up to speed? How to achieve the desired goal?

  • Remember, food is harm and evil. If you have eaten even a little food, you have committed a crime and must be punished. Forbid yourself to even look at food for a few days. And forbid mom to cook cakes and bake pies. Don't let yourself be tempted! You already have the first stage of the disease!
  • Read everything carefully. Try to purchase and try the effect of each new product. Nothing that the production of a dubious company, the main thing is to help. And do not be afraid to increase the dosage, so you will achieve results much faster, as soon as you feel that you are blown away by the wind, know that you are approaching your cherished goal. One deceased girl, she said, I look at the scales and wait for the arrow to stop at zero. Stage two is on the horizon!
  • Try to replace breakfast, lunch and dinner with plain water, other drinks contain too many calories. Your norm per day is 0 calories, if weakness bothers you, drink water, and everything will be fine. The third stage is just around the corner!
  • Remember that if there is no entrance, then you can simply hold the food in your mouth and then spit it out. Or make it a rule to constantly take a laxative before meals, and then put an enema and induce vomiting, so that not a single harmful calorie enters your body. And do not back down - childhood anorexia has reliably infected you!
  • Do not listen to your mother and anyone around you, they are just jealous of you, believe only your reflection in the mirror. Remember, your goal is to lose weight, and become the most beautiful and thinnest. And rejoice - the last stage of anorexia in children is irreversible!

I think you can quickly get anorexic. But, remember, so "beautiful", you can live for several months. And that's too much!And the rest of my life, I take from you!

I took it from many anorexics and approached Natasha

(Direction: provocative psychotherapy)

    Dear friends! The medical information on our website is for informational purposes only! Please note that self-medication is dangerous for your health! Sincerely, Site Editor