French two week diet. Other French diets

The food culture of modern society is absolutely distorted. People of all countries of the world strive to lose weight, while filling the stomach with "fast" food and carcinogens. Such food does not contribute to good digestibility, provokes the appearance of excess weight. The French diet for 14 days promotes the formation of proper eating habits, helps to adhere to a weight loss program. The simple principles of following this system do not make a person who is losing weight sad about the upcoming restrictions: the diet does not call for giving up your favorite treats.

Classic French diet for 14 days

The French diet encourages you to lose weight by eating delicious healthy food while limiting the amount of carbohydrates in it. The main emphasis is on foods high in protein: meat, dairy products, fish. The lack of carbohydrates is compensated by the inclusion of vegetables and fruits in the diet. The disadvantage of the French diet for 14 days is its unbalanced nature - protein menu may cause avitaminosis. The advantage of the system can be called the rapid pace of weight loss, due to the reduction of body fat.

Basic Rules

The advantage of a protein diet is that the losing weight does not feel hungry. At the same time, muscles are not subjected to depletion, but only accumulated fats disappear. Lost kilograms do not return for a long time, provided that you exit the diet correctly. It should be borne in mind that it is recommended to adhere to the French system for no more than 3 weeks; if this period is extended, symptoms of a lack of calcium and other substances may occur. Weight loss following the example of French women requires the following conditions:

  • Food must be chewed thoroughly.
  • Reduce the usual portion.
  • Before eating, drink a glass of water with lemon.
  • Dine until 18-19 hours.

Diet without sugar and salt: a list of prohibited foods

The algorithm of the French system is based on the exclusion from the diet of carbohydrates and substances that retain fluid in the body. "Empty" calories do not contribute to saturation, provoke overeating. Refined products - salt and sugar - slow down metabolic processes, contribute to the occurrence of many diseases of the endocrine, musculoskeletal system. French cuisine initially does not welcome too spicy dishes that cause appetite and many problems with the gastrointestinal tract. According to the 14-day diet, the following foods are banned:

  1. bread (flour of the 1st grade);
  2. confectionery;
  3. fruit juices;
  4. starchy foods (potatoes, cereals);
  5. salt;
  6. sugar;
  7. alcohol.

Detailed menu table

Nutritionists advise to strictly follow the rules of the French diet in order to achieve the desired result, while they do not recommend to get involved in it for a long time. The application of this restrictive measures scheme along with physical activities in the form of fitness or simple complexes exercise promotes active reduction weight, the formation of a proper nutrition culture. The menu for every day, according to the rules of the French diet, is as follows:

Coffee without sugar with toast.

Salad with 2 eggs, tomato and spinach with olive oil.

Dish with boiled beef, bell pepper and herbs.

Bread (coarse flour) with butter and a cup of unsweetened coffee.

100 g lean meat, 1 vegetable.

Boiled sausage (100 g), spinach

Coffee plus a slice of whole grain bread with honey.

Mandarin, fried vegetables (carrot, tomato).

Salad: 100 g boiled sausage, spinach, 2 eggs.

Coffee toast.

Salad: hard cheese, eggs and carrots.

Kefir, fresh fruits.

Shredded carrots.

1 tomato, boiled fish.

100 g of meat with spinach.

Cup of coffee.

100 g chicken, 1 tomato.

Meat plus spinach.

Green unsweetened tea.

Beef with sweet peppers.

With this menu for a week, you can complete the French diet or continue the weight loss program for another 7 days.

A cup of coffee.

Salad: 2 eggs, spinach, tomato.

Boiled meat, spinach.

Unsweetened coffee with toast.

Beef (100 g)

Chicken breast with pepper and spinach.

Boiled egg, green tea.

Rabbit meat stewed in sour cream.

Low-fat yogurt or kefir.

unsweetened coffee

Salad: hard cheese, fresh carrots, parsley, egg.

Beef with sweet peppers.

Peach and a glass of kefir.

Boiled fish with fresh tomato.

Fried egg with herbs.

Unsweetened coffee with toast.

Braised fish with vegetables.

Beef with sour cream and greens sauce.

Green tea

Salad: 2 eggs, green peas, lettuce with olive oil.

A glass of yogurt and fruit.

Other French diets for weight loss

The French offer a lot different methods answering the question: "How to reset excess weight? The main message of nutritionists is the natural weight loss through the formation of the right eating habits, physical activity. Diet pills, other dubious drugs and drugs can adversely affect human health, provoke diseases of the heart, kidneys, and reproductive system in women. Effective Diets offered by the French, contribute to the improvement of the body. You can check out some of them below.

Diet of Pierre Dukan

French diet for 14 days in a strict sense can be called a technique. The main difference between the two methods of losing weight is the limitation of the number of eggs and meat in the latter. A Parisian doctor allows his patients to have dinner until midnight, and eat an apple or a pear as a snack. The nutritionist advises to focus on fish, dairy products of low fat content. Cereals and fatty meats, fish are excluded from the diet of losing weight. French Dukan Diet sample menu:

  1. Breakfast - low-fat yogurt, a cup of green tea.
  2. Lunch - fish with vegetables.
  3. Dinner - kefir with fruit.

Diet Madeleine Gesta

The nutrition system of this nutritionist is distinguished by an extraordinary approach to the problem of losing weight. Madeleine Gesta offers her patients during the diet to eat vegetable broth, Hydromel lemonade, fermented milk products and turn the process of eating into a game. Plentiful drinking from beautiful glasses is the call of a nutritionist. The weight loss course lasts 10 days. A feature of this diet can be considered the absolute absence of contraindications.

Video: how to lose weight in 14 days on the French diet



Variety of products

Total: The French diet for 14 days will allow you to lose up to 4-8 kg. Pros of the French diet: varied in products, effective and fairly light. Cons: there are some contraindications.

4.1 good diet

The French rightfully belong to the most slender nations in the world, they do not diet, but know how to eat right! That's why french diet for 14 days is rather a special diet that allows you to eat combined foods, and will adjust the amount of food consumed. The French know not only a sense of food, but also the measure.

The French Diet is a 2 week (14 days) meal plan that will allow you to get rid of 4 to 8 kg excess weight, without compromising your health. The diet plan is strictly defined, and you cannot change the days of eating or replace the dishes indicated on the menu!

It is important to know! The diet should not be abused, stick to it for no more than 2 weeks. You can repeat it no earlier than six months later.

Three pillars of the French diet: What, How much and How fast!

Firstly, essence the french diet is low carbohydrate intake(no more than 1500 kcal per day), so the body will burn the missing calories from its own reserves. The diet is rich in proteins: fish and meat (low-fat varieties are best) and dairy products are at your disposal. And paired with vegetables, which are also filled with the French diet, you can delight yourself with delicious and beautiful dishes. An important thing that the French emphasize in food is its quality, so the products must be fresh and natural! No semi-finished products!

Secondly, the French diet is not only about what to eat, but also about what how much! The French diet menu for 14 days has indications of the amount of food eaten, in order to teach not only to eat right, but also to eat a little, enjoying a little.

Third, diet idea - eat slowly, having fun and enjoying food, which is not so much in the diet. Chewing thoroughly and not rushing while eating will allow you to establish digestion processes and get satiated faster, since it is known that the brain takes time to receive a signal from the stomach about satiety.

The basic rules of the French diet for 14 days:

  • Half an hour before meals, it is recommended to drink a glass of water with lemons. If you have increased stomach acidity, then a glass of plain water is enough.
  • The French treat eating like an art, so you need to eat slowly and enjoy your food. This important rule will allow you to eat faster, food will be absorbed better, and over time you will begin to enjoy the taste of food like real Frenchmen.
  • Forget about sugar, alcohol, sweets, flour products, starchy foods and salt - they are banned!
  • Do not forget to follow the diet menu clearly - it is forbidden to change the diet menu!
  • So that the body does not suffer from a lack of vitamins, it is worth taking vitamins or multivitamins.
  • During the entire diet, you can drink mineral or boiled water without restrictions, but it is better to refrain from carbonated water and juices.
  • Dinner - no later than 4 hours before bedtime.

As with any other diet, when using the "French" you need to remember that there are contraindications!

The French diet for weight loss is actually low-carb, which means it is poorly balanced, therefore, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, heart and kidneys, as well as in the presence of any chronic diseases, it is better get a doctor's advice!

French diet - menu for 14 days:

First week

Breakfast Dinner


Cup of black coffee or teaFresh salad of green lettuce, tomato and 2 boiled eggsBoiled or steam beef - 100 gr.
lettuce leaves
Cup of coffee + 1 cracker/toastLow-fat ham - 100 gr.
lettuce leaves
Cup of coffee + 1 cracker/toastCarrots fried in vegetable oil
1 tomato
Mandarin or orange
Hard boiled eggs - 2 pcs
Low-fat sausage or ham
lettuce leaves
A cup of black coffee + toast / cracker1 boiled egg
fresh carrot
A slice of hard unsalted cheese - 15 gr.
Fruit salad
Kefir / unsweetened yogurt
1 grated raw carrot with lemon juice300 gr boiled or steamed fish
1 tomato
Boiled or steam beef or chicken - 100 gr.
Cup of black coffeeBoiled chicken (no salt)
lettuce leaves
Boiled or steam beef - 100 gr.
Tea without sugar200 gr boiled beef
Any fruit
Low-fat sausage or ham

The second week you need to eat exactly the same menu as the first, starting from the first day.

Cooking Tips: So that the diet does not seem empty and not tasty, do not forget how the French love various sauces and gravies. For example, lettuce leaves can be seasoned with a sauce of 2 tbsp. tablespoons of olive oil, lemon juice and some spices, or a dressing of natural yogurt and herbs. And meat dishes are perfectly decorated with yogurt and mustard dressing.

Meat pepper cooking can be left in a marinade from the juice of half an orange and spices per 200 g of meat. You can marinate for 40 minutes, and for a brighter taste, you can leave for 4 hours or even overnight. After baking in the oven, fry in a pan or grill.

For greater effectiveness of the diet, you can add physical exercise, you should not exhaust yourself in the gym, but a little exercise in the morning, walking or climbing the stairs to the office is enough.

Rules for exiting the French diet!

The rules for exiting the French diet are similar to other diets: the first couple of weeks you need to eat breakfast buckwheat porridge, you can eat yogurt or kefir (preferably low-fat). For lunch, continue to eat meat / fish and vegetables. Dinner should also be fairly light - lean meat, fresh vegetable salads, kefir. You need to return to your usual diet gradually, adding 1-2 products per week. If you really want sweets, then it is better to eat a couple of slices of dark chocolate or half a marshmallow.

Drink at least 1 liter of water a day and try not to eat 4 hours before bedtime. Enter into the habit of exercising (at least 15 minutes a day) or sign up for fitness or Pilates, light physical activity will keep your figure in order and keep your muscles in good shape. In addition, do not forget about cosmetic procedures, you can go for a massage or wrap, or do the wrap yourself at home.

The French diet will help you feel like a sophisticated Parisian. fast weight loss. Slender, always elegant and well-groomed French women know a lot about the world of beauty, fashion and healthy eating. Croissants familiar to them from childhood, fragrant Roquefort, bechamel or all kinds of fondue do not leave a mark on their wasp waist. What's the secret?

  • We recommend reading:

Simplicity and nutritious diet are the main advantages of the diet. It allows you to eat tasty, not feel hungry and at the same time lose up to 8-10 kilograms in a couple of weeks. quickly burns body fat and strengthens the hormonal system through minimal carbohydrate intake. Therefore, muscles, skin, hair and the entire silhouette of the figure do not lose their attractiveness.

The result of the diet will last for a long time. After 14 days, the lost weight will not return soon. To consolidate, it is important to maintain a balance between the quality and quantity of food for six months. Healthy eating in the morning and evening, a rational drinking regimen, the ability to cope with overeating during festive feasts require serious work on oneself.

Follow the example of the French: for them, dinner is not just another meal, but a time for spiritual rest and fellowship.

Availability. Contrary to its origins, the diet lacks Parisian chic on its menu. Products are available: they are easy to find in supermarkets and market stalls. The prices won't hurt your wallet. And cooking diet meals won't take much time and effort.

Who said that you only need to "sit" on a diet? The French technique is low in carbohydrates. She is perfect for active life: exercise in gym, dancing, classes in the pool. It is better for debuting athletes to start small. In the morning - a few minutes of vigorous exercise, in the afternoon - walking and other elementary exercises will give expressiveness to muscle reliefs.

The diet of French women

The menu is compiled taking into account the nutritional value of each component and their combination. The protein diet includes the following foods:

  • Low-fat varieties of meat and poultry (beef, veal, turkey, chicken);
  • Vegetables (no starch content);
  • Seafood;
  • Bread (whole grain);
  • Dairy and sour-milk products;
  • Fruits (exclusively sour and semi-sweet);
  • Water, freshly brewed coffee, fruit juices, decoctions and tea;
  • Fresh greens.

The following foods are prohibited in the French diet:

  • Food additives (including sugar and salt, various sauces);
  • Canned, smoked and fried foods;
  • Confectionery;
  • Alcoholic drinks, cocoa;
  • High starch vegetables (potatoes, chickpeas, corn, rice, legumes: peas, beans).

This group also includes all simple (fast) carbohydrates:

  • Fruits (pears, peaches, grapes);
  • Berries (raspberries, cranberries, blackberries);
  • Carbonated drinks;

Diet menu for 7 days

The French diet is designed for 14 days. Here is the menu for the week (second week - repeat from day 1).


  • In the morning we drink a cup of strong freshly brewed coffee;
  • For lunch we eat a couple of boiled eggs, lettuce, one tomato;
  • We have dinner with lettuce leaves and boiled beef (or veal).
  • In the morning we supplement coffee with a small toast;
  • We dine with veal;
  • Boiled sausage and lettuce round off the day.
  • In the morning we eat fresh toast and drink espresso;
  • Lunch: tomato, carrot (baked or lightly fried), for dessert - tangerine;
  • For dinner: a couple of boiled eggs, lettuce and boiled sausage (ham).

  • We have coffee and toast for breakfast;
  • We have lunch with carrots (as on Wednesday - baked or lightly fried), one boiled, (hard varieties);
  • We have dinner with fruits, kefir.
  • In the morning - grated carrots combined with lemon juice. They will add variety to the usual breakfast;
  • For lunch - fish and tomato;
  • Boiled beef ends the working day.
  • In the morning - the usual coffee;
  • We have lunch with chicken breast and lettuce;
  • Veal - for the evening.


  • In the morning we drink tonic green tea with a small slice of lemon;
  • For lunch - veal, as a dessert - or an orange;
  • We complete the first week of the diet with boiled sausage.

The diet menu is based on no more than 100 g for cheese, meat and fish products. Boiled sausage, if desired, can be replaced with ham. We prepare tea and coffee without adding sugar. During the day, you need to drink 1.5-2 liters of non-carbonated water. The optimal time for dinner is 6-7 pm.

The final stage of the diet

Nutrition according to the French method should not stop exactly after 14 days. The body is accustomed to a protein diet and a minimum carbohydrate content. To consolidate the result, follow these simple recommendations:

  • The first two weeks after the diet, gradually introduce cereals on the water (without sugar) and fermented milk products;
  • Diversify the lunch menu with vegetable stews, light soups, casseroles, compotes, fresh juices;
  • Try not to overeat in the evening. Add a light vegetable or fruit salad, cottage cheese and an omelet from a couple of eggs to boiled meat or poultry;
  • Eat little but often. Indulge in a second breakfast and afternoon snack with a piece of cheese, fresh fruit, muesli, yogurt;
  • For the health of the body, try to do fasting days twice a month.

French cake for dessert

The French women themselves jokingly offer a different menu for quick weight loss: "In the morning - a cupcake, in the afternoon - a cupcake and sex, in the evening - only sex." Did the diet not work? Then cancel the cupcake!

The nutrition of graceful Parisians is not based on prohibitions. “Food should bring joy!” is their motto. Limiting yourself to the same muffins or croissants will lead to overeating. Therefore, they love and eat sweets, but little by little. What prevents you from following their example? After a long diet, treat yourself to a light cottage cheese muffin with oatmeal. For its preparation you will need:

  • Cottage cheese (500 g);
  • Oatmeal (80 g);
  • A couple of eggs;
  • Baking powder (1 pack.);
  • Sugar (150 g or cook without it);
  • Cinnamon and other additives - to taste.

Grind the oatmeal with a blender, and wipe the cottage cheese through a sieve - this will add airiness to the cake. In a bowl, mix cottage cheese and cereal. Add a couple of eggs, baking powder, sugar and fragrant cinnamon. Mix the ingredients and pour into cake molds. We put in an oven preheated to 200 degrees. Half an hour later, a delicious dish is ready. The calorie content of one cupcake will be about 210 kcal.

Exact adherence to the menu and a reasonable approach to diet will minimize the following side effects:

  • Job disruption gastrointestinal tract. The problem is relevant for people suffering from constipation;
  • Weakness. Inadequate fluid intake can lead to exhaustion and dizziness;
  • Lethargy. The deterioration of intellectual abilities occurs against the background of a lack of carbohydrates;
  • The appearance of bad breath.

There are people to whom the French diet for quick weight loss can harm and provoke an exacerbation of chronic ailments:

  • With diseases of the liver, cardiovascular system and kidneys. Protein diet - stress and additional burden on the body;
  • With thrombosis, gout and dysbacteriosis - the diet is prohibited;
  • Insufficient balance of the menu, a small amount of fruits and vegetables - a direct road to beriberi.

The French diet is one of the most effective and efficient weight loss methods. In just a week you can get rid of 5 kg, in 14 days - from 10. The main feature is the stability of the result. The French diet has many subspecies, which differ in the number of days, products, menus. Therefore, you have a unique opportunity to choose the most acceptable diet for yourself.

Features of the French diet

In order for the French diet to give a real result, be sure to adhere to the basic principles:

  1. Every day you need to eat so many foods so that the energy value does not exceed 1500 kcal. This will allow the body to waste the rest of the energy through its own fat deposits.
  2. Be sure to drink a glass of clean water 15 minutes before lunch - a feeling of satiety will appear.
  3. The French diet is based on the strict adherence to gastronomic patterns, so you can not make your own adjustments to the diet.
  4. Chew food slowly. This will prevent unnecessary stress on the organs. digestive system and allow your brain to recognize that you are full before you actually are.
  5. Try to eat the least amount of calories for dinner.
  6. You will have to completely abandon the fried type of food, sugar, salt, seasonings, sweets, pastries, etc.
  7. Since the calorie content of each day is minimal, you should not play sports during the diet. It is better to give up any physical activity altogether.

Interesting! It turns out that the first prolonged protein diet It was developed in France by the famous pharmacist Michel Montignac. This diet was based on an estimate of the hypoglycemic index. That is, if this indicator is high, then the food product is not used.

Approved Products

Any kind of French diet is considered low-carbohydrate, so it consists of meat and fish of low-fat varieties, food of plant origin and the obligatory consumption of cereals and dried rye bread.

Products that are allowed to be consumed while following the French diet:

  1. Among vegetables, give preference to boiled cauliflower, carrots, tomatoes and Frize salad.
  2. Fruits: citrus fruits (especially grapefruit, oranges and lemon), mangoes, apples.
  3. Rye bread and cereals.
  4. Fat-free cheese and kefir.
  5. Boiled meat - veal, chicken, beef.
  6. Fish in boiled or steamed form.
  7. Chicken eggs.
  8. Black natural coffee.
  9. Low-fat ham and "Doctorskaya" type sausage.

Forbidden foods

  1. Bakery products - wheat bread, rolls and the like.
  2. Sweets: sweets, ice cream, cake, cakes, muffins, cookies, any dough, chocolate.
  3. Canned cucumbers, tomatoes and other vegetables, fruits.
  4. Oil and fat of animal origin.
  5. Alcoholic drinks.
  6. Juices, nectars, fruit drinks, carbonated drinks.

Important! This is just a short list of foods that you can and cannot eat. It goes perfectly with the classic type of diet. But you should know that each option involves the use of certain dishes. Therefore, strictly follow the drawn up scheme. Otherwise, you will not achieve the desired result.

Advantages and disadvantages

Advantages of the French Diet:

  • ultra-fast weight loss without danger to the body;
  • durability of the result (if you continue to adhere to the requirements proper nutrition then forget about excess weight for a few years);
  • variety of diet;
  • during the diet you do not visit the feeling of hunger;
  • saturation of the body with useful substances;
  • thanks to starch, which is present in the diet of the French diet, muscle remains in good shape, and only fat is burned;
  • speed and ease of cooking;
  • cleansing the body of toxins and other harmful substances by consuming a large amount of liquid;
  • in addition - a rejuvenating effect.


  • there are a number of contraindications, since fats, carbohydrates and proteins are not balanced;
  • due to the lack of a number of vitamins in the menu (limited fruit), there is a risk of beriberi, so the need is to additionally use vitamin complexes.


  1. Pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Individual intolerance to one of the components of the diet.
  3. Hypertension and other pathologies of the heart, circulatory system.
  4. Some kidney diseases.

Attention! In no case do not adhere to the French diet if there are contraindications. This will lead to irreversible processes and negative consequences for your body. Therefore, be sure to consult your doctor before dieting. Get tested if necessary.

How to get out of the diet

For many, it is not clear why you need to adhere to the rules for exiting the diet. It turns out that the stability of the result depends on this. And less stress for the body. So, to consolidate the result, you need to eat as follows for 10-14 days:

  • eat small meals and drink plenty of fluids;
  • try to drink coffee and tea without sugar, it is better to add honey;
  • make it a rule to eat fresh vegetables and fruits every day;
  • avoid fried foods;
  • do not eat after 18:00;
  • breakfast and dinner should be low in calories;
  • Arrange a fasting day once a week.


The result of any diet largely depends on the metabolic rate of a particular organism, age category and other factors. Therefore, it is difficult to say how much this or that person will lose weight. But in general, if you follow the classic version of the French diet, you can lose from 7 to 10 kg in a couple of weeks.

Menu for 14 days

The classic French diet was invented by Charles Rostand. This is a Nobel Prize winner, a famous doctor who deserves respect and reverence. His menu developments are based on the maximum benefit for the body. That is why this diet is basic. Menu for every day of the diet:

  1. For breakfast.
  2. For lunch.
  3. For dinner.

Day 1

  1. Cereal loaf with jam and a cup of natural coffee.
  2. Vegetable salad including spinach, tomatoes and boiled eggs.
  3. Boiled meat and ¼ bell pepper.

Day 2

  1. Cereal loaf and a cup of coffee beans.
  2. Boiled lean beef.
  3. Fat-free ham in the amount of 100 grams with green salad leaves.

Day 3

  1. Coffee, a slice of rye bread, honey.
  2. Saute tomatoes and carrots in vegetable oil.
  3. Salad: 2 hard-boiled eggs, sausage, salad greens.

Day 4

  1. Grain coffee without sugar, some butter, bread.
  2. 1 boiled egg, Dutch cheese (100 gr.), grated carrots.
  3. 200 ml fat-free kefir, citrus fruits.

Day 5

  1. Carrots, water with lemon.
  2. Boiled fish (100 grams). 1 tomato.
  3. Boiled lean meat, spinach or green frisee lettuce.

Day 6

  1. Coffee.
  2. 1 tomato, 100 grams of white meat chicken.
  3. Veal baked without oil (can be done in foil).

Day 7

  1. Green tea.
  2. 1 orange, beef.
  3. Cucumber salad with olive oil, boiled sausage (100 gr.).

Day 8

  1. Coffee beans.
  2. Boiled meat.
  3. 1 tomato, steamed omelette (2 eggs are enough).

Day 9

  1. Bread made from rye flour with a small amount of jam, coffee.
  2. Boiled beef.
  3. White chicken and bell pepper salad.

Day 10

  1. Boiled egg, a cup of green tea.
  2. Rabbit baked in fat-free sour cream with cucumber.
  3. Any fruit from the list of allowed products, natural yogurt.

Day 11

  1. Jam with rye bread, black coffee beans.
  2. Salad with Dutch cheese, cucumber and eggs.
  3. Bulgarian pepper, veal.

Day 12

  1. Kefir with peach.
  2. 1 tomato, baked fish without oil.
  3. Steam "fried eggs" or scrambled eggs.

Day 13

  1. Coffee and toast.
  2. Stewed vegetables with fish.
  3. Beef stewed in low-fat sour cream.

Day 14

  1. Green tea.
  2. Salad: green peas, fresh cucumber, boiled beef, vegetable oil.
  3. Kefir, fruit assortment.

Helpful advice! For a change, you can add lemon juice and herbs (parsley, dill, basil, etc.) to salads. Meat and sausages should not exceed 100 grams per serving. During snacks, you can eat apples, nuts and any berries. And don't forget to count calories per day!

French diet menu for 7 days from Samuel Black and Catherine Goursac

The French diet from Samuel Black was developed by an Irishman, it is designed for 7 days, during which you can throw off from 3 to 5 kg. The menu is similar to the diet of the classic version, but with the difference that jam is excluded.

But the diet of Catherine Gursak has a special advantage - the full saturation of protein foods allows for an active lifestyle. That is, you can additionally physical exercise. For 1 week of the diet, you will get rid of at least 4 kg of excess weight. If you want to increase the duration of the diet, be sure to increase the calorie content of the dishes. For example, eat not 1500 kcal, but 1800. It is allowed to replace sugar with a sweetener.

List of dishes intended for breakfast for every day:

  • Coffee and boiled egg.
  • Green or black hour with 2 slices of bran bread.
  • Fat-free cottage cheese and lean boiled (slightly smoked) meat 100 grams each, any tea.
  • Oatmeal with dried fruits and banana, filled with fresh juice, a cup of coffee.
  • Steamed omelette from 1 egg, a glass of natural yogurt, tea.
  • Chicory drink, unsweetened yogurt, unglazed corn flakes filled with skim milk (flakes no more than 25 gr.).
  • Hard cheese (100 gr.), decoction of medicinal herbs, boiled egg.

Dinners may include the following:

  • Vegetable salad dressed with lemon juice and olive oil or stewed beet-carrot mixture with prunes and juice.
  • A glass of yogurt and shrimp salad with fat-free mayonnaise or boiled beef with yogurt.
  • Salad of potatoes and boiled mushrooms, citrus or potato-cabbage stew with 2 kiwi fruits.
  • Fish baked without oil (preferably cod) with onions and boiled egg or sea bass in egg batter.
  • Beetroot and sour cream salad with tomato juice or boiled rice with vegetable juice.
  • Liver chop with unsweetened yogurt or kefir and an egg.
  • Carrot and cabbage salad seasoned with lemon juice, rice and mushroom stew, juice or vegetable salad with tea.
  • Hard cheese, boiled chicken fillet, unsweetened yogurt.
  • Vegetable stew (potatoes, cauliflower), tea, bran bread.
  • Steam fish, fat-free kefir.
  • Vegetable salad, bran bread, green tea.
  • Hard cheese and fat-free cottage cheese, unsweetened yogurt.
  • Red cabbage with lemon juice and olive oil, kiwi (a couple of pieces), rye bread.
  • Braised beef liver with skim milk.

french diet for 3 days

For 3 days of such a French diet, you can get rid of 3-4 kilograms of excess body weight:

  1. For breakfast, boil 100 grams of lean meat and make cabbage salad.
  2. For lunch, boil the same amount of fish, eat 1 apple and a carrot.
  3. For dinner, cut yourself 50 gr. fat-free cheese, 1 boiled egg.
  4. Treat yourself to fruit before bed.

Other French diets

There are several more types of diets from France:

  1. The base is celery. The diet lasts 3 days, eat only a salad of celery, fresh cucumbers, lettuce, lemon and bell pepper.
  2. Yoghurt 3-Day Diet: Drink low-fat unsweetened yogurt, eat citrus fruits and apples.
  3. Pomegranate diet for 1-3 days: eat as many pomegranate seeds as you want per day. You can cherry tomatoes (3-4 things), spinach, lettuce.

When following a French diet, do not forget that main secret the slenderness of French women is a pleasure while consuming any food. Even after following a diet, these women adhere to the rules of a healthy diet, but at the same time, without denying themselves anything. For example, if you want something sweet, they allow themselves a piece of cake, but a very small one. And eat it slowly, enjoying the process and the splendor of taste!

The French diet gives many women and girls hope for a quick and effective weight loss, because everyone knows how slender and beautiful French women are. Looking at French women, one gets the impression that they have been dieting all their lives.

The rules of the French diet of Dr. Gursak

The French diet for weight loss is represented by several variations, it can be designed for 7 and 14 days. Many confuse this technique with the Dukan diet, since its developer is also a Frenchman. However, the author of this dietary technique is Dr. Gursak, who put separate nutrition at the basis of the French diet.

The French diet menu consists of protein foods and plant products. Such nutrition provides the body with minerals, vitamins and trace elements necessary for its full functioning. At the same time, due to the lack of a large amount of fats and carbohydrates, there is a rapid weight loss. The diet, built on protein products and plant foods, has one more important advantage- it causes a feeling of fullness for a long period, which is so important when dieting.

The diet is based on such important rules:

  • The calorie content of the daily diet should not exceed 1200-1500 kcal.
  • It is strictly forbidden to violate the established diet and, if desired, exclude some products and independently introduce others.
  • At the time of weight loss, salt, seasonings, spices, pepper, sugar, canned juices, flour and confectionery products, and alcohol should be completely excluded from the diet. From dairy products, only low-fat hard cheese and low-fat cottage cheese can be included in the diet menu.
  • To provide the body with a sufficient amount of fluid, you should drink water - plain or mineral without gas, unsweetened tea and herbal decoctions.
  • The French protein diet involves eating lean dietary meat - stewed, boiled, baked or steamed. The diet should include veal, turkey, rabbit, skinless chicken, it is better to give preference to the breast. Fruits and vegetables should also be on the daily menu. Chicken eggs - in moderation, no more than 3 pieces per day. Bread can be consumed, but only in the form of fried crackers.
  • When there is a strong feeling of hunger, snacks are allowed. For this, a cucumber, one fruit or several dried fruits are suitable.
  • There is one secret that allows you to get full faster during a meal: half an hour before a meal, drink a glass of water, slightly acidified with lemon juice.

The French are of the opinion that food should be as light and healthy as possible, give a person pleasure and a pleasant taste. That is why French for weight loss is very diverse delicious meals based on beneficial ingredients. Overeating and the occurrence of heaviness in the stomach are unacceptable for the French.

This a good option nutrition for people with a disease such as diabetes, because many diabetics are overweight. They can’t overeat, but it’s also dangerous to starve, and the French diet contains a sufficient amount of fruits - sources of fructose, which will saturate the body with safe carbohydrates for diabetics.

It has its own method and disadvantages. First of all, this is an imbalance in the diet, since it does not contain fats and carbohydrates, it is impossible to sit on this diet for a long time. In addition, due to the imbalance of the diet, it is categorically contraindicated for people with any chronic diseases, especially with disorders of the gastrointestinal tract.

If necessary, you can repeat the French diet no more than once every six months.

French diet menu option for a week

The French diet menu for 7 days allows you to get rid of 3-4 kg of excess weight.

Approximately a French diet for a week may have the following option.

1st day:

  • Breakfast - black brewed coffee without sugar.
  • Lunch - lettuce, tomato, 2 boiled eggs.
  • For dinner, eat a serving of leaf lettuce, a small piece of boiled dietary meat.

2nd day:

  • Breakfast - a cup of unsweetened black coffee, you can crouton black bread.
  • Lunch - a piece of dietary boiled meat.
  • Dinner - lettuce, a small piece of ham or boiled sausage without fat.

3rd day:

  • Eat a cup of black coffee and rye bread for breakfast.
  • For lunch, cook for yourself carrots fried in vegetable oil, fresh tomato, orange or tangerine - your choice.
  • Dinner - leaf salad, two chicken eggs, low-fat sausage.

4th day:

  • Breakfast - a cup of black coffee, a cracker.
  • Lunch - fresh carrots, cheese, eggs. From these components, you can prepare a diet salad and season it with a spoonful of olive oil.
  • Dinner - a glass of low-fat yogurt and fruit salad.

5th day:

  • For breakfast, prepare a vitamin salad: grate the carrot on a coarse grater and season it with lemon juice.
  • Lunch - Eat a small boiled lean fish and 1 tomato.

6th day:

  • Breakfast is a cup of black coffee.
  • Lunch - lettuce and a piece of boiled chicken without skin.
  • Dinner - a small piece of lean boiled meat.

7th day:

  • Breakfast is one cup of tea.
  • Lunch - a piece of boiled meat, any fruit.
  • Dinner - ham or sausage without fat.

French diet for weight loss: menu for 14 days in the table

The classic version of the French diet menu for 14 days repeats the diet of the first week. During this period, the final weight loss can be 6-7 kg.

The French diet menu for 14 days is presented in the table below:

Day of the week




Unsweetened coffee with toast

Boiled eggs - 2 pcs., tomato and spinach salad dressed with olive oil

100 g boiled beef, sweet pepper and greens

A slice of whole grain bread with a thin layer of butter

100 g boiled lean meat, 1 tomato or cucumber

100 g boiled sausage, spinach

Slice of bread with honey

Carrot and tomato fried in vegetable oil, one mandarin

100 g boiled sausage, spinach

Slice of bread toasted in a pan without oil

100 g hard cheese, carrot, 2 eggs

Fresh fruits and a glass of low-fat yogurt

Freshly grated carrots seasoned with a spoonful of honey

Fresh tomato and 100 g ham

100 g lean meat with spinach

Cup of coffee

100 g boiled skinless chicken, tomato

100 g beef

Green tea without sugar

100 g of boiled beef and an orange.

Salad of fresh cucumber, ham and herbs

unsweetened coffee

Salad of two boiled eggs, spinach and tomato

100 g boiled meat and spinach

A cup of coffee, a slice of bread with sugar-free jam

Piece of boiled beef

Salad of chicken fillet, sweet pepper and spinach

One boiled egg, a cup of unsweetened green or black tea

Prepare stewed rabbit with low-fat sour cream and cucumber salad with a spoonful of olive oil

Fruit, a glass of kefir or yogurt without additives

Coffee with a slice of whole grain bread with jam

Boiled egg salad, 100 g hard cheese, fresh carrots and parsley

100 g boiled beef and sweet bell pepper

Peach and kefir

Boiled fish and fresh tomato

Fried egg topped with herbs

One toast and a cup of coffee

Boiled fish with stewed vegetables

Boiled beef with sour cream sauce with herbs

Green tea

Salad of cucumber, boiled beef, green peas and lettuce with olive oil

A glass of kefir and fruit salad

The excellent results of losing weight with the help of the French diet menu in this photo inspire many women to follow this technique.

Dishes for the French Diet

The French diet menu for 7 days or for two weeks may include the following dishes.

Chicken fillet in kefir

Separate 100 g of chicken fillet from the skin, salt, pepper, sprinkle with herbs and put in a deep container. Mix 50 g of kefir and water. Pour the meat completely with this liquid. Send the chicken to the refrigerator for 3 hours. Simmer on a preheated pan on both sides until fully cooked.

baked fish

Any low-fat fish salt, pepper, pour lemon juice, sprinkle with herbs and bake in the oven until tender. To make the dish cook faster, bake the fish in foil or a sleeve.

Beef with rice

Cut the meat into small pieces, lightly fry it on all sides in olive oil, add water and simmer over low heat for half an hour. Add a glass of rice to the broth and simmer along with the meat until it is cooked.