Exercise scissors for pregnant women reviews. A set of exercises for the most beautiful parts of the body

Vertical scissors is a fitness exercise abdominals, which is suitable for performing at home or in the gym for everyone who has just started training. Thanks to the static load, the vertical scissors are strengthened lower part rectus abdominis and strain the unnecessary iliopsoas muscle. Tangible benefits for lower press from this exercise will only be with movements in a certain amplitude, to find out which one, read below.

Initial position

Lie on a fitness mat on your back. The position of the body can be in one of two options, providing a different degree of load when performing the scissors exercise. If you lie on the floor, and place your hands on the sides, then this option will be quite easy to perform compared to the other. Option 2: Raise your upper back and rest your forearms on the floor. In other words, by lifting the case you provide additional static load. The neck should be straight and in line with your body.

Exercise technique vertical scissors

There are 2 options for this exercise:

  • Lift your legs off the floor and keep them in a horizontal position parallel to the floor. Raise one leg up to the vertical, slowly lower it to horizontal position, immediately raise the second.
  • Raise your legs off the floor, the higher you lift, the more difficult it will be to perform the exercise. Having raised them, begin to cross, that is, lower the right leg under the bottom of the left and lead to the left side, raise the left leg above right foot and drive to the right. Do this once, then swap them, left at the bottom, right at the top. Move your legs out to the sides as far as possible. Breathing is arbitrary, but exhalation is best done with effort.

How to do the vertical scissors exercise most effectively?

Vertical scissors is a fitness exercise and very popular with girls and women. The sad thing is that most of them do it wrong. It will be most effective not to lower the legs below 45 degrees, thereby turning off the iliac muscle from work, but it is best to raise them as high as possible. This is the way you will give the correct and good load for the press. This option is more difficult for the lower press and may not be suitable for beginners.

  • For beginners, it is better to keep your back and legs closer to the floor. After several workouts, rest your forearms on the floor, rising on your elbows, and lift your limbs 30 cm from the floor.
  • If you want to increase the load - attach the weights to the ankles.
  • You can perform the second version of the exercise, while raising your legs and crossing them, and then lowering them to the floor level.
  • Try to stretch out your socks as much as possible.
  • For getting maximum effect from the vertical shears, keep the press in a twisted state to load the press with an additional static load.

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The area of ​​the abdominal cavity is very problematic and unnecessary accumulations very often accumulate there. excess fat. The scissors exercise is probably familiar to everyone. But do not think that if it is very simple, then the benefits are minimal.

This exercise is indispensable for working out the press and getting a beautiful silhouette. If you include this training regularly in your everyday life, then in a short amount of time you can achieve a flat stomach.

Execution technique

The technique is quite simple, but it is worth following it, because this is what will help to achieve faster results.

  • Take a supine position. Hands should be along the body. The palms are looking down.
  • Legs lift up they should form an angle of sixty degrees, as high as possible, if possible. The main thing is that the pelvis is in a stable position.
  • Using the bend of the spine, tear off bottom point pelvis from the floor, this should be done so that the feet are located above the head. Use your hands to pull yourself under upper part the pelvis and lock into a very secure support. It is also worth bending a little in the lower back.
  • While inhaling, leave one leg completely motionless, and lower the other forward.
  • As you exhale, change legs.
  • Do the exercise ten times with each leg.
  • When the training is over, the legs are brought together and the body lies completely on the floor or mat.
  • This exercise is a more difficult version of scissors, which is suitable for more physically prepared people and gives maximum results.

Now consider a simpler and more familiar option:

  • Take a supine position, preferably on the floor.
  • The legs should be placed together and in a straight position.
  • Hands are best placed under the buttocks, this will give better support for the back.
  • When the exercise is performed, the back is pressed to the floor as much as possible and should not come off it. Since it depends on how effective the training will be.
  • The stomach must be pulled in and inhaled.
  • The legs are raised about seven centimeters from the floor, do it synchronously and cross them.
  • Make wide swings from side to side, while placing your legs on top of each other.
  • The toes of the feet should be as extended as possible.

exercise scissors video

What muscles work

  • back muscles;
  • Abdominal muscles;
  • Muscles that are responsible for flexing the leg at the hip joint;
  • Muscles that extend the leg;
  • quadriceps femoris;
  • Calf muscle;
  • Ileo-lumbar;
  • tailor;
  • Trapezoidal.

In the second option, lightweight, all the muscles of the abdomen and buttocks work to the fullest.

  1. At the beginning of the training, it is better to tighten both parts of the pelvis synchronously. This should involve the muscles of the back and abdomen. This position must be maintained throughout the exercise.
  2. The shoulders should be as straightened as possible, and the shoulder blades should be brought together. Hands should confidently hold the back. That will help keep the body on weight.
  3. The movement of the legs should occur with a completely immobile body.


This training has a lot of advantages that you should know about:

  • The abdominal muscles are developing very well;
  • You can pump up or improve the condition of the cubes that are below;
  • Helps with drying body fat from the abdomen;
  • becomes much thinner;
  • Helps to acquire slender legs and tighten the thigh muscles;
  • There is no risk for the back to get injured and at the same time you can work out a large number of sections of the press;
  • Also suitable for athletes with injuries to pump the abdominal muscles.


To make the exercise as effective as possible, it is worth considering some of the nuances and following the tips:

  • No need to make unnecessary movements with the body and arms. That is, throughout the entire training, the upper body and arms should remain motionless.
  • Legs do not need to be raised very high, it is best to choose the optimal height of the middle range.
  • Try to keep your legs as straight as possible at all times.
  • Breathe correctly while doing the exercise, taking into account your individual characteristics and intensity of performance.
  • Do not try to do everything quickly, it is better to control the execution of each movement, and for this you need to train slowly and smoothly, observing all the requirements of the technique.
  • If there is a need or desire to complicate the process, you can use special weights for the lower leg.
  • It is advisable to do three approaches, each of which should last about a minute.

Advantages and disadvantages

The advantages include:

  1. The training works very well on the most problematic area of ​​the press in this sense;
  2. Very good exercise for burning fat;
  3. Scissors are allowed even with spinal injuries.

The disadvantages include the following factors:

  1. If you do the exercise regularly, then you can only increase muscle endurance, strength and mass remain in the background;
  2. There are better workouts out there.

Mistakes that many people make

Beginners very often make the same mistakes that reduce the effectiveness and intensity of training. In order for everything to turn out in the highest class, it is not worth it:

  • To avoid the risk of injury, then make sure that the lower back does not come off the floor;
  • Make a bend in the legs, they should always be straight with outstretched socks;
  • Legs should not be raised high, as this can affect the intensity of the press;
  • Lifting your head off the floor and tense your neck should be completely avoided.


If we draw final conclusions, then the following points can be singled out as much as possible:

  1. This exercise is more liked by women
  2. It is very useful for the press.
  3. And it helps to lose weight in very problematic areas of the abdominal cavity.

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The “scissors” exercise familiar from childhood can become the main element regular workout for tightening the muscles of the press and legs and in adult athletes.

It's all about its high efficiency, simplicity and safety.

Despite the external simplicity, many muscles of the abdomen, back and hips are involved in the “scissors” exercise.

So, the iliopsoas muscle, synergists, the transverse muscle at the waist, as well as the quadriceps, rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen are trained.

Benefits of scissors

In addition to their versatility and simplicity, "scissors" have a number of advantages:

  • Oxygen saturation of the body;
  • Lift problem area in the area below the navel;
  • Increased "clearance" between the thighs;
  • Burning 70 kcal in 10 minutes;
  • No need for special equipment or simulators;
  • Quick result;
  • Strengthening the back;
  • Facilitate the recovery process of the body after fractures and back injuries.

Also this exercise it is distinguished by the complex development of the abdominal muscles, giving them greater relief and “cubes”, as well as the absence of the risk of back injury.

All this makes the "scissors" suitable for beginners and people recovering from fractures or childbirth.

Four difficulty levels

Scissors are versatile, which makes them useful for both beginner athletes and pumped-up people, because depending on the initial position of the body, the angle of inclination of the legs and the frequency of movements, the degree of load on the muscles can be varied.

So, the zero level assumes the initial position lying on your back and with your legs raised at an angle of 30 degrees. In the first run, the legs quickly rise at a right angle and at the same time cross with a narrow amplitude. After 10-20 repetitions, you need to return to the starting position and relax by taking 3-5 deep breaths.

It is important to pre-set a certain breathing rhythm. In one workout, you must do at least three approaches, and repeat the exercise every day.

The transition to the next levels is possible in the absence of pain in the back or abdomen and occurs by gradually lowering the legs to the floor at a height of 60, 30 and 10 degrees, which makes the training more intense and complex. It is also recommended to increase the frequency of strokes in one breath over time.

"Scissors" on the stomach

Exercise scissors for the legs and the press can be performed not only lying on your back, but also on your stomach. Changing the starting position opens up new possibilities: a chance to diversify the workout and strengthen the spinal muscles, tighten the buttocks and rear surface hips.

The technique differs from the classical one only in the constant holding of a stationary position of the body with the help of hands and elbow bends.

The ideal solution would be a daily alternation of "scissors" on the stomach and back.

Complicated "scissors"

This exercise can be made more difficult with a raised pelvis. To do this, it is necessary to raise the body of the body as much as possible from the prone position, bend the arms at the elbows.

Secrets of technology

To make the scissors exercise as effective as possible, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • Three sets of 45-60 seconds are enough;
  • The legs are straightened along the entire back and bending at the knees is not allowed;
  • It is better to stretch the toes of the legs and constantly keep them in tension;
  • The body and arms must be in a fixed position;
  • Slow lifting and lowering of the legs contribute to a greater load on the lower abdomen;
  • The combination of vertical and horizontal strokes allows you to better work out the muscles;
  • During the movement it is necessary to breathe rhythmically;
  • You do not need to throw your legs high, on the contrary, it is more efficient to work in the middle range;
  • The process becomes more complicated with the help of special weighting agents for the lower leg;
  • "Scissors" in the pool can be done by holding onto a ladder or board.

"Scissors" has long been in the top ten the best exercises for training the press and legs, due to its simplicity, versatility and effectiveness.

Both lovers and professional athletes be able to choose the right one for their physical form level of difficulty and take full advantage of a seemingly elementary children's exercise.

Photo exercise scissors

In the arsenal of fitness adherents there are many exercises that allow you to work out and tighten the abdominal muscles. However, usually training program consists of just a few of the most popular exercises. Over time, the muscles get used to them, and training becomes less effective. Guided by the desire to add some variety to their training, many opt for the Scissors exercise known from childhood. Let's find out how to perform this exercise correctly so that it brings the maximum effect.

Muscle work

Exercise "Scissors" is aimed at working out the abdominal press, in particular its lower part. The middle and upper sections of the press are also involved in the movement, but less actively. For the legs, the Scissors exercise is also effective, since the hip flexors are connected to the work. The target is the iliopsoas muscle. The role of synergists is played by such tensor of the fascia lata, comb, adductor and rectus femoris. The quadriceps and abdominal muscles (straight, oblique and transverse) act as movement stabilizers.

How to do the exercise "Scissors"?

This exercise has four difficulty levels. They differ only in the angle between the torso and legs. The higher the level of the athlete, the smaller this angle and the more the lower part of the press is loaded. For a person with an average physical training the first two levels may seem too easy, but for many, they are the only opportunity to master this exercise. These levels are for beginners, people recovering from injuries, and postpartum women. For those who suffer from excess weight, it is also recommended to start with large angles in order to protect the back from overload. So let's take a look at each level.

Zero level - 90°

Starting position - lying on your back. It does not change depending on the level. If it will be difficult to work with raised legs, you can grab your hands on an immovable object. It could be the bottom baffle wall bars, cabinet leg and more. The main thing is that when performing swings, this object remains motionless and helps the athlete keep the lower back pressed to the floor. Having taken the starting position, you need to adjust your breathing. In general, before any exercise, it is recommended to breathe properly for 30-60 seconds. The word "correctly" means deep (abdomen) and slowly. The rhythm of breathing should prepare the body for the work ahead.

Having taken the starting position and adjusted breathing, you need to raise your legs to an angle of 90 °. If it is difficult to raise straight legs, you can raise them in a bent state, and then straighten them. The exercise is done with such an angle of inclination of the legs at which the back will not experience discomfort. If you can get your legs below 90° without any problems, then you should immediately move on to the next level. In fact, the press and legs are included in the work even at a right angle.

Having taken the necessary position, you can get to work. The essence of the exercise "Scissors" is the simultaneous alternating crossing of the legs from Spreading your legs too wide is not recommended. For one breath and exhalation, there should be about two swings with one leg, that is, there is no need to rush. Thoughts should be focused on the lower abdomen, for which the exercise is performed. Having made a move required amount times (it will be enough to tire the muscles by 80% in one approach), you need to return to the starting position and normalize your breathing. After a short pause (about 30 seconds), you can proceed to the second approach. 3-5 approaches 3 times a week will be enough for the training to bear fruit and the muscles are not overloaded.

First level - 60°

It is necessary to move to this level if lowering the legs to the indicated degree does not cause discomfort. Crossing the legs occurs in exactly the same way as in the previous level. If it is difficult to raise the legs immediately to 60 °, you can start the movement from 90 ° and gradually lower them.

Second level - 30°

After a month of intensive training, most likely you will be able to move to this level. In this position, keeping the lower back pressed to the floor is more difficult, so it is recommended to put your hands under it with your palms down. Otherwise, the execution technique does not differ from the previous levels. For a change, you can try to do not only horizontal, but also vertical swings.

Third level - 10°

Everything is the same here, only the legs are even lower, the press is even more tense. Having reached this level, it is recommended to increase the frequency of movement up to 4-6 strokes per breath / exhalation. It is important to ensure that the legs are as straight as possible, and the socks are elongated.

Complicated version

If the usual Scissors exercise has become too simple for you, you can complicate it. The first option is to perform the movement with the pelvis raised. To do this, from the starting position lying down, you need to move to the “sloping birch” position, holding the pelvis and lower back on the palms. The main thing is that when the back remains in a stationary position. The second option is to raise the body while performing Scissors. The arms can be bent at the elbows, as when performing standard twists. Remaining in this position throughout all approaches, you can additionally lightly load the upper section of the press.

Option "on the stomach"

Having mastered classic exercise“Scissors” for the press, you can try a variation for the back, which is performed. It is most convenient to do this exercise on a special simulator, but if you wish, you can also adapt improvised means for it. The main thing is that their surface is hard enough. This variant of the Scissors allows you to work out the lower back well, as well as tighten the buttocks and the back of the thighs. Thus, the classic exercise and the “on the stomach” option are not mutually exclusive.

The benefits of exercise "Scissors"

Since this exercise is performed with own weight, to overload the body, performing it, is quite difficult. In addition, "Scissors" does not require any additional equipment, special skills and a lot of free space. They can be performed by people of any age and skill level. It is noteworthy that the exercise is suitable for people with back injuries, and in some cases it is included in the rehabilitation therapy program. The ability to vary the load allows you to master the movement gradually, which will be in the hands of people with poor training.

"Scissors" are among the ten most effective exercises for the development of the abdominal muscles and are complex, since the load focuses on the whole spectrum muscle fibers. The “relative” of this exercise is the “Bicycle”.


Exercise 1. “Push-ups from the wall”

The body is straight, in an inclination, the arms are widely spaced slightly below the line of the shoulders, the palms are parallel to each other in a circle. Bending your arms at the elbows, approach the wall and then gently push yourself away from it, trying to do this minimally with the muscles of the arms and maximally with the pectoral muscles. Elbows during push-ups go to the sides and do not fall down. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 2. “Scissors with hands”

Standing straight, arms spread as far as possible to the sides (feel the stretching of the pectoral muscles), palms pointing down. Join hands crossed in front of you: first one hand on top, when repeating - the other. Perform slowly, be sure to consciously strain and stretch pectoral muscles. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 3. “Circular swings”

Standing straight, with both arms slightly bent at the elbows, perform synchronous swings with maximum amplitude: first forward (as when swimming with a butterfly), then back (as when swimming on your back). Repeat 15 times on each side.


Exercise 1. “Swinging with legs”

Standing straight, arms out to the sides, parallel to the floor, palms down. Swing back and slightly to the side. Perform first with one foot, then with the other. Do not tilt the body forward, do the movement with maximum amplitude, but not with a jerk, but with a contraction of the muscles of the buttocks. Repeat 30 times on each leg.

Exercise 2. “Crane”

Standing straight, arms bent at the elbows, parallel to the floor. Raise the leg, touching the elbow with the knee, then lower the leg without touching the floor. Keep your body in perfect alignment. Perform first with one foot, then with the other. Repeat 30 times on each leg.

Exercise 3. “Boat”

Lying on the floor on your stomach, rest your forehead on the palms of your hands. Raise both legs off the floor as high as possible, tensing the muscles of the buttocks, then lower the legs to the floor, but without touching. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 4. “Scissors with legs”

Lying on your back, hands under the coccyx, straight legs raised above the floor at an angle of 45 degrees. Cross your legs alternately (first one leg on top, when repeating - the other), with maximum amplitude. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 5. “Scissors with hands”

Lying on your back, emphasis bent legs against the wall, arms outstretched. Raise the upper part of the rounded back off the floor, then return to the starting position. Perform at an average pace. At the same time, the lower back is pressed to the floor all the time, the arms are extended forward, the press is in tension. Repeat 30 times.

Exercise 6

The final and very important part of the complex is an exercise for static tension of the whole body. Arms and legs are shoulder-width apart, hands are on the line of the shoulder, body and legs are perfectly straight. Hold the body in this position for 1-2 minutes.