What to take with you on a bike trip. Preparing your bike for a bike ride

Biking is one of the most interesting and easy hikes. And it’s not difficult to travel like that if you have at least some minimal preparation, and in terms of range you can visit many more places than in the case of a hike. Today we will analyze what you need to take with you on a bike trip.

Equipment for cycling

First of all, you need to make sure that your bike is equipped with everything you might need on a trip.


The first is the pump. Trip accidents are common. Sometimes a valve may leak, or the weather may change from hot to cold and tire pressure may change. In all these cases, it is simply necessary to have a pump. It is better to abandon the old pumps with hoses. But to spend money and get a modern, lightweight and reliable hand pump. Such pumps in most cases have a special mounting system that is mounted on the frame. Therefore, there will be no need to look for a place for it in the backpack.

Also, when buying a pump, be sure to check that its nozzle is suitable for your nipple. Now there are enough types of nipples to get confused in them.

Bicycle first aid kit

These are "bandages and iodine", but only. If suddenly your two-wheeled friend breaks down, then tools are indispensable. Therefore, you must definitely have a set of hexagons with you, spanners the size nuts you have on your bike. This must be checked in advance so as not to carry everything in a row. It is advisable to have pliers, a squeeze for the chain and a special key for the knitting needles, in order to fix the eight in which case.

There must be a repair kit, which consists of glue, sandpaper and ready-made patches. In case of a puncture. At the same time, it is also desirable to have a spare chamber, since there are punctures that cannot be sealed.

bottle with mount

So that every time you feel like drinking, do not stop, it is advisable to have a special bottle that is easy to get while driving from a special holder.


Also make sure you have a flashlight. Even if you expect to arrive before dark, it is better to have lighting devices in case of force majeure.

Riding a long bike without gloves will leave you with blisters on your hands. To prevent this from happening, purchase special fingerless gloves. In them, your hands will not sweat, and you will not rub corns.


To carry as little as possible in a backpack, or do without it at all, you need to purchase a bike rack.

Cycling clothing

If you are not an avid cyclist who has special cycling clothing. So don't despair. You can ride bikes of any distance in ordinary light sportswear.

Do not wear jeans or trousers for cycling. These are clothes for walking, not for sports. It does not remove heat and moisture and will hinder movement and rub.

If it's hot outside, you can ride in shorts and a T-shirt. If it's warm but a cold wind is blowing, it's best to wear something windproof.

Don't forget the glasses. On a bike ride, they are very important so that your eyes do not water and various midges do not crash into your eyes at full speed.

Shoes for cycling also do not have to be special. It is enough to have breathable shoes. In general, you can even wear ordinary sneakers. But they have a problem that they can slide on the pedals. Therefore, running shoes are the preferred option. In cold weather, it is advisable to wear sneakers without a breathable surface.

Do not send on a bike trip in shoes and flip flops. Well, rubber boots with felt boots will also not the best choice.

Cycling backpack

Best of all, especially if you are hiking long distances, put everything you take with you in a bag that will be attached to the trunk.

It is quite comfortable to travel with a backpack on your back. But it has two significant drawbacks. First, over time, your shoulders will begin to tire from the static load. Secondly, the back sweats a lot from the backpack.

In order to go hiking on a bike, you need to carefully prepare. No need to wave your hand and say: “I will be fine, my bike has never let me down. And I’ll pack all my things and food in the morning.” It is better to spend a little time, but be well prepared for the next day. Then the day will go according to plan and will give a lot of pleasure.

So, let's start checking the readiness of the bike.

The best place to start is with the brakes. With poor brake performance, we can get into a bad situation. Therefore, we carefully check the operation of the brake system. If you find any defect, immediately fix it. We check the cables, if necessary, adjust their tension. If necessary, the cables can be changed. If brake system okay, check the chassis of the bike.

Checking is not easy. If there are malfunctions in the steering column, then you can hear a characteristic knock in it during sudden braking or impacts. Well, if it's just a weakening. We simply tighten the columns and the defect is eliminated.

The next step is to check chain drive. Make sure that , the axis of the carriage, do not have "backlash".

As for the shift cables, they can also wear out. Most often this is due to improper adjustment of the gearshift mechanism. Therefore, check the operation of the gearshift by switching to all high-speed sprockets. When the chain jumps off the front sprockets or jumps with characteristic jerks, then the gearshift mechanism needs to be adjusted. Ideally, gear shifting is done quickly and without grinding.

Next, you should check the reliability of fastening the saddle, steering wheel. There is no need to fasten them thoroughly. You can just tighten the bolts well so that the saddle also holds well and does not rotate. Also make sure that the handlebar level and offset are correct in relation to the front wheel.

Using a hex wrench, check the condition of the front sprocket bolts. Make sure the bike spins easily without clicking or grinding.

The bike has been checked. Faults have been fixed. Now you need to take care of personal equipment.

List of personal equipment for a multi-day hike:

  • - a bicycle (if necessary, also a bicycle bag for transporting a bicycle);
  • - sleeping bag, rug, seat;
  • - accessories for food and drink (spoon, knife, bowl, circle);
  • - toiletries (soap, comb, toothbrush, toothpaste, razor, washcloth, toilet paper);
  • - underwear (if necessary - thermal underwear);
  • - spare socks;
  • - waterproof jacket;
  • - warm jacket, pullover, sweater, hat, trousers;
  • - cycling shorts, cycling jersey;
  • — accessories for bathing in the river (swimsuit, towel);
  • - cycling shoes;
  • - tourist boots;
  • - Sunglasses;
  • - documents (passport, medical insurance policy), money packed in a waterproof bag;
  • -, bicycle, notebook, pencil;
  • - matches or a lighter in a waterproof bag;
  • - a flask for water;
  • - spare tubes, first-aid kit, knitting needles, pump, personal first aid kit.

What to wear on a bike ride?

To travel by bike should be as comfortable as possible. Therefore, in hot weather it is better to go in a T-shirt and shorts. If it's cold outside, you can wear a sports jacket and long trousers. Many people recommend bringing a long-sleeve shirt to protect against sunburn and a windproof jacket for cool windy conditions.

Cycling pants with diapers are comfortable clothing for both beginners and experienced travelers. In this case, a diaper is a special insert in trousers in a place that is most closely in contact with the saddle. Pampers help to avoid scuffs in the delicate places of the cyclist.

A waterproof suit (or cape) will serve well in case of rain. Rain is the main enemy for a cyclist. To combat it, you can use not only a waterproof suit, but also an ordinary plastic cape. But still, a breathable waterproof suit is the best solution. It does not restrict movement, while the body is not devoid of ventilation.

As for shoes, sports shoes, sneakers can be used here. The main thing is that you feel comfortable and comfortable in them. They must not fall off their feet. During hot weather sports sandals are recommended. If you have a bike with pedals that require special contact shoes then use contact shoes. So you will be more comfortable and calm on the road.

Gloves. Not all cyclists use gloves. However, they help in cold weather. Gloves can also protect the skin of the hands in case of a fall.

The goggles protect your eyes well from dust and insects. The main criterion when choosing glasses is that they should be comfortable for the eyes.

The helmet is a mandatory piece of equipment. This attribute should not be neglected. Many wear a bandana or scarf or cotton fabric under the helmet. This helps keep sweat from dripping onto your forehead and eyes.


The diet in a bike trip is determined by the duration and complexity of the route. Before a one-day weekend hike, food is not agreed upon. Everyone takes what they want. At a halt, all participants put food in a "common pot" and have a snack. Most often, sandwiches, boiled eggs, canned fish, bread, vegetables, fruits, and greens are taken on one-day trips. It is good to have a thermos with you, in which you can brew aromatic herbal tea.

During two-day trips, they eat almost the same as during a one-day trip. In the evening on the first day, the second dish is cooked (porridge with stew), and in the morning - milk porridge. Soup is cooked on the afternoon of the second day. It turns out that you need to take either a large boiler or a bucket for cooking with you.

During multi-day hikes, three meals a day and two snacks are provided. Here the products are taken according to the preliminary layout. It is advisable to take with you not only tools for lighting a fire, but also a primus stove. The number of products is calculated taking into account the number of days of the hike, the calorie needs of each participant.

The group chooses a person responsible for catering. He, together with the head of the group, is obliged to calculate everything and give a complete breakdown of the products. Here it is important not only not to get food, but also not to overdo it with extra pounds cargo.

If you are going camping for one day, then you should not take with you a tent, a sleeping bag and many other accessories that you will not need on the way. Here it is better to take the minimum and enjoy the ease and freedom. Here you should not be greedy about water. She will always come in handy. Take at least two liters. There are not always springs along the way.

If your trip is designed for several days, take the trouble to take everything you need, clearly realizing that all the things that you take have a certain weight and volume. If you already have a sleeping bag, then use it. Having packed everything, remember where everything is. This will help to avoid the fuss in case of need to find this or that item.

Greetings! Today we will talk about what you need to take with you when going on a bike trip!

Of course, not all people who are fond of cycling travel long distances, but there is a certain percentage of people who do just that. Perhaps you are also thinking about the issue of cycling trips, then I hasten to please you, all subsequent material will be extremely necessary for you!

What things to take with you on a bike trip? Of course, the question is not unambiguous and no one can give a clear answer! This is due to the fact that each bike trip is unique, and therefore you will need to supplement the list below, based on your preferences! Therefore, before you pack things for a cycling trip, think and decide whether you really need these things! Because it happens that you can take a lot of excess, and all this will have to be dragged for more than one hundred kilometers.

From this article you will learn:

1. All the pros and cons of the need to take certain things with you on a bike trip.

2. Spare parts, as well as a bicycle repair kit.

3. What should be taken from clothes?

4. What things do I need to take with me for an overnight stay?

5. What tableware should I take with me on a bike trip?

On average, a trip lasts from two to five days, and it is for such a trip that we will determine the list of necessary things. Remember that your list will depend on economic, climatic, social and environmental factors.

And the first thing you need to do is to weigh all the pros and cons of the need to take hike one thing or another. The argument “for” will be the fact that without such a thing it will be very bad for you. And here everything is simple. But with the arguments “against” it is an order of magnitude more difficult because there are an order of magnitude more of them. Here they are:

1. What is the volume of the item? Remember that voluminous things are a big loss of the necessary luggage space, which is not enough anyway. In addition, large voluminous things create a large windage, and this, in turn, negatively affects traffic safety! In addition, you will need to make more efforts to go.

2. What is the weight of the item? If a thing weighs a lot, then you run the risk of putting extra stress on your body. And this will negatively affect your well-being! You will have to consume more water and food in order to replenish the body with energy.

3. Can one thing replace the functionality of another thing? It makes no sense to take two things if you can get by with one.

4. Is it possible to buy this item on the way? This item is most concerned, oh also wood, for cooking! Therefore, if you know that your route will lie through settlements and forests, then the need for large stock water and especially wood - you no longer have.

5. Are you sure that you will definitely use some things? Many people take a few books with them, a lot of music, but subsequently do not read or listen to anything. I don’t understand why all this is in a bike trip ?! After all, the most important thing is solitude with nature and enjoying it.

If you answer yes to these questions, then this indicates that with a high degree of probability, this thing should not be taken on a hike.

Spare parts as well as a repair kit for a bicycle

You need to pick up only the most necessary tools for the bike. Remember that you must have a pump, a spare chamber, glue, rubber patches, and a piece of fine sandpaper in your arsenal. If your wheel breaks, you can seal it in 10-20 minutes and then continue driving. Why is it worth taking another camera, is it really not enough patches? The thing is that the camera can come in handy when the nipple is damaged, and then no patch will help you. Well, if you take one camera without patches, then there is a high probability that you will pierce the wheel more than once for the entire route. To do this, please consider what kind of coverage your route runs on. Even if you are driving on asphalt and on a short route, take this set with you and you will protect yourself from a lot of trouble! Moreover, this set weighs very little. Don't forget to bring a set of spatulas with you to remove the wheel from the rim. Three blades are included in the kit, but as practice shows, one blade is more than enough. Here the main thing is experience and skill.

But it's one thing when a wheel breaks through, and it's completely different when a rear or front wheel breaks. This is where the fun begins, since such a breakdown requires serious repairs. Given that you will have the necessary tools and spare parts, you will spend at least 4 hours on repairs. The only good news is that such a breakdown happens extremely rarely and therefore you do not need to take such a baggage of tools and spare parts with you. In this case, it will be much more efficient to get to the first railway stop and take the train home. But if your hike is 700 or more kilometers, it is better to carry such a repair kit with you.

What is included in this repair kit:

- Spoke key;

- 8 spare spokes;

- a screwdriver;

- squeeze for the chain;

- wrench;

- a set of hexagons;

- nuts of different diameters;

- a set of blades for removing the tire from the rim;

- lubricating chain oil.

What should be taken from clothes?

Remember that the weather can change in a matter of hours, and a sunny morning can end in a rainy, cold evening. Therefore, going on a bike trip, you should definitely play it safe and take force majeure clothes. It is worth noting that the worst weather for a cyclist is when it starts to rain, and with it comes the cold. Such an environment can instantly spoil the mood. Therefore, the first thing you should have from clothing is a raincoat. But when riding in a raincoat, the feeling is not great. Since it is made of waterproof material, from this, a person quickly begins to sweat. And as a result, it becomes possible to get sick. Therefore, if you see that the rain is not lingering, you should wait it out, hiding under the trees, or driving to a bus stop. The most important thing is that you have the opportunity to take off wet clothes and put on dry ones. And when you are at a halt, do not forget to dry all wet things over the fire.

Great, let's move on. In addition to a raincoat, be sure to take a baseball cap that will protect you from the sun and from mosquitoes. And mosquitoes, especially in the forest, are merciless. It does not hurt to take a scarf with you, which will also be a good tool in the fight against mosquitoes and ticks.

Take two extra T-shirts, one of which can be used as a vest when it's cool. If the air temperature is less than 20 degrees, then it will not be superfluous to bring a sweater with you. The sweater has the ability to breathe, which in turn allows sweat to evaporate, but at the same time keeps you warm.

Do not forget that your legs should also be warm, so take sweatpants with you, and not one, but two pairs, as one can get wet. If it's hot outside, bring shorts. Many people ask, is it possible to take jeans instead of sweatpants? The answer is yes, but jeans restrict movement by an order of magnitude.

Be sure to bring panties. How many? One pair per day. That is, if you eat for 2 days, then take 2 pairs. But the main thing is not to take more than 3 pairs. At the lodging for the night you can wash and dry your shorts. The most optimal underpants are "family" ones, since they do not rub your ass.

The same is true with socks! One pair for one day! But no more than 3 pairs for the whole bike trip. Let's give you one little piece of advice. In order not to wear wet and cold socks in the morning, you should put them in your sleeping bag at night. Do not forget to periodically wash dirty and smelly socks, because if you do not do this, then such an unpleasant smell will pass through all your luggage.

As for shoes, it is advisable to take simple sneakers with you. This is despite the fact that it is warm outside, and your main shoes are high-quality, anatomical sneakers. In turn, you can put on sneakers when you arrive for the night, and sneakers, in turn, will get rid of the sweat accumulated during the whole day of travel. If it's cold outside, wear rubber boots. And remember that your feet should always be warm. That as the fact has been repeatedly noticed that a person who did not keep his feet warm has a high percentage of the risk of getting sick. And this is in a bike trip - oh, how bad.

And another important thing is the windbreaker. It is worth wearing when the strong wind starts. In this case, you will protect yourself from the wind, and will not let your body freeze.

And what to do with the headdress. In summer, of course, you can wear a simple cap that will protect you from the sun. You can wear a bike helmet instead of a cap. It will even be very useful, since we never know what is waiting for us around the corner. , and indeed in the cold season, the best option for a headdress would be a hat.

What things do you need to take with you for an overnight stay?

It all depends on what time of the year you are cycling. Suppose in the summer in the warm season, you can only take a sleeping bag with you and this will be quite enough. It must be transported in a twisted form. Very often it is placed in a plastic bag and attached under the saddle of a bicycle. Because of this, he does not take useful place in the bag.

Now, as for the tent, it will come in handy if it is raining outside, it will be cold, and the tent will also protect against all sorts of insects. On average, the weight of a double tent ranges from 1 to 3 kilograms. In addition, the time for setting up the tent is about 10-15 minutes, which is not much at all.

Karemat: to take or not to take? Here the choice of each is individual, but it is worth talking about the pros and cons of karemat. The main advantage of karemat is its ability to keep warm and dry under a person. In addition, the karemat weighs about 500-700 grams. There are different sizes of karemats on the market - choose according to your height. Now, as for the minuses, it is the only one - this is the creation of a large windage, when transporting it on a bicycle, since they mainly attach it to the top of the trunk.

Let's move on to the next question, namely, what tableware should I take with me on a bike trip?

The very first thing you need to purchase is an army bowler hat with a capacity of 1-1.5 liters, complete with a lid. Such a kettle is light in weight, but at the same time it will allow you to cook delicious food. In addition, food is enough not for one, but for two or three people. You can use the removable lid to divide food into portions, or pour any hot drink into it.

No matter where and with whom you are traveling - always take such a bowler hat with you. It will allow you to be independent from no one in terms of cooking.

In addition, you can cook food in it without hanging it over the fire, but simply by placing it in a half-burned out fire.

The next tableware is a spoon. The spoon should be deep enough and at the same time strong. Therefore, do not take aluminum spoons with you, it is much better to take a spoon made of stainless steel. With the help of such a spoon, you can remove a hot pot from the fire. In addition, such a spoon, compared to aluminum, does not heat up so quickly, and therefore the burn factor disappears. Do not carry more than one spoon per person. If you are preparing porridge, and at the same time you need to mix sugar in tea, just use the handle of a spoon. remember, that excess weight nobody needs.

Take one knife with you. It should be foldable, but with a long and strong blade. An important point is the fixation of the blade in the unfolded state. Because there were cases when a non-fixed knife blade led to injuries. The most important thing is that the knife is reliable, sharp, and fixed in the open position. A little advice. Do not put the knife far away in the trunk, as you may suddenly need it. There are different cases.

And that concludes the first part of this thread. The second one will be out soon! Thank you for reading to the end. I hope this information was useful to you. Also don't forget to subscribe to the blog mailing list. Happy cycling to you.

Read the rest of the article!

P.S. Watch an informative video about what to take with you on a bike trip!

Best regards, team

Sometimes the clients of my small bike shop ask me: what, in my opinion, is the ideal bicycle for tourism, the most reliable and unpretentious? How to choose or assemble a really high-quality bike? Naturally, for each cyclist it is different. And it depends on different preferences. The type of roads on which the cyclist travels, the mileage, the time frame of his travels, the terrain, weather conditions, and so on ...

But in my humble opinion, there is the most important thing that should unite all bicycles for a touring bike - reliability, unpretentiousness and the ability to repair or find a replacement for one or another spare part away from home.

In an ideal touring bike there is no room for trifles, everything should be made and selected with the maximum reliability and quality. Almost half the success of any bike trip will depend on your bike.

Since we live in Russia and travel mainly in Russia, let's try to figure out together in this article what the “ideal” bicycle for tourism in our country and the countries of the former USSR should be.

We will start from the following data:

– duration of the trip – from 2 days to 90 days

– distance from home – more than 100 km

- road surface - 50% asphalt, 50% primers and off-road

- terrain - plains and mountains

– mileage – more than 200 km in 2-3 days

– carrying capacity of tourist belongings and others like it – more than 10 kg

– rider weight – from 50 to 120 kg

Based on this, we can conclude that the most versatile bike for tourism will be Mountain bike with XC geometry.

Ready bike from the store

Unfortunately, those times when for 500 - 800 $ in a regular store or bike market you could buy a high-quality and reliable bicycle for tourism are gone. Nowadays, even a $800-1000 bike has its weaknesses. Usually it is primarily very weak bushings and spokes. Few people know that low-quality spokes tend to burst, and for cheap bushings, the engagement mechanisms or, in the common people, “dogs” can quickly fail. Next comes an unbalanced hitch, not always a comfortable saddle. Add here the cheapest cassette and chain, uncomfortable handlebars and other little things.

These little things together create inconvenience in terms of landing on a bicycle, and most importantly, a finished bike from the store will not be completely reliable. Of course, it is possible and necessary to ride around the city, in the country and not far from home on such a bike. However, far from home and civilization, some parts of such finished bicycles can cause a lot of problems for the owner. Therefore, if anyone goes on any bike trip with me, I always take the time before the trip to diagnose and fix the jambs of profit-hungry manufacturers. Swapping spokes and hubs, adjusting fit, and even building entire bikes from scratch. which you can read about in the section

Buying a Used Hiking Bike

In case of lack of funds to buy a new bike in a store or build a bike from scratch. You should pay attention to the market

After all, sometimes buying a used bike can save a lot of money and get almost what you need. Of course, a used bike will require some investment from you, but very often such a purchase will often be much more profitable than assembling and purchasing a new bike.

Touring bike frame

The frame is the heart of any bike. It is on the frame that almost 50% depends on how the bike will behave on various kinds of road surfaces, what kind of rolling and rigidity it will have. And 70% - appearance.

The most important and basic thing is that the frame fits you strictly according to your height. You should not take a smaller frame size and buy longer stems or seatposts with a back offset. And on a frame larger than yours, you will feel uncomfortable.

The second is the geometry of your frame. Personally, I am a supporter of the time-tested "rolling" geometry of cross-country frames. Headset/seat tube angle is 70-73 degrees. Naturally, deviations of 1-2 degrees are allowed.

The frame can be used for wheels 26”, 27.5”, 28-29”. But the practice of visiting bike shops and local bike markets shows that in Russia the most common wheel standard is 26 ", a little less often - 28-29". At any Sunday market in any district center, you will always buy a tube, rim or tire for such bicycles.

Your frame can be aluminum, titanium, steel or carbon. Yes, do not laugh, but I know a couple of cyclists who are quite successful in traveling over 1200 km on carbon frames. True, it is worth noting that the reliability of such frames is not really high level. Still, carbon fiber is not as reliable as metal. I would never buy such a frame for tourism.

About the choice of material for the frame is the topic of a separate article. And it will definitely appear sooner or later on my website in the section I will only say that in my arsenal for long-distance bike trips there are two bicycles: on an aluminum American frame Cannondale 6061 alloy and custom welded titanium frame. There is also a third bike on an aluminum frame trek crossrip for smooth and good roads. I also tried steel, also very good frames.

Aluminum, in my opinion, is tough and fast. Titanium is more comfortable. Reliability is the same. There is an opinion that aluminum accumulates fatigue and can suddenly break, but in my life as a bicycle mechanic, I have never seen a broken aluminum bicycle frame in my life due to the fact that it has traveled a large number of kilometers.

Steel (chromium-molybdenum) frames also dampen minor road bumps, but are much heavier than titanium and aluminum, go uphill worse and, alas, are susceptible to corrosion in winter. But, in general, a steel (chrome-molybdenum) frame for tourism is a very good and quite reliable option. Such frames roll from the mountain be healthy and have good inertia. True, the main disadvantage of steel frames is the instability of the carriage assembly, i.e. with a sharp and powerful pressing on the pedal, the steel frame goes a little to the side. That is why racers never use steel to compete.

However, many touring bike frames are made from Cr-Mo alloy. Firms Surly, On-one, Salsa and others have long put on stream the production of quite reliable frames for tourism. But if we take the domestic Russian market, and in general the market for relatively inexpensive and reliable bicycle frames and bicycles, then aluminum will be the most affordable material.

If you are buying an aluminum frame, pay attention to its thoroughbred origin. It is best if this frame is from well-known manufacturers such as Specialized, Trek, Gary Fischer, Scott, Canonndale, Felt, Marin, Giant. Practice from my experience shows that it is the frames of these companies that have the best driving characteristics. This does not mean that frames from other companies will roll worse or be less durable. It’s just that here I listed exactly those companies that constantly conduct their own developments in the bicycle industry, and do not stupidly order their products in the catalogs of large Chinese factories.

There are also many other local firms that produce quality bicycle frames. Such firms have a claim to a certain exclusivity, and the quality of their frames, as a rule, is always on top.

Another important detail of the frame for a touring bike is the presence of a full-fledged mount for the trunk. Of course, there are some ways to securely install the rack on a frame that does not have fasteners, but these methods are sometimes, in some way, artisanal or require some financial investment.

It is also worth paying attention to the inconspicuousness of the frame. Do not buy a frame emphasized bright colors. We live, alas, in Russia, and often in the outback we have to deal with the criminal elements of society. So once again to attract attention with a beautiful and expensive bike is not worth it. Just in case, I recommend that the reader go to the article section and read my material there about, which at one time received a large number of cycling responses among fellow cyclists.

Let's also not forget about the weight (mass) of the frame. For tourism, you should not buy or order frames that are too light. The thinner the frame tubes, the less reliable the frame will be. normal weight reliable titanium or aluminum frame in the size of 18 "should be from 1700 to 2100 grams. Steel must weigh at least 2400 g.

The fact that the frame should have the right mounts for your desired type of brake use, I think, is unnecessary to remind. In general, inexpensive frames from not very well-known manufacturers can also be used for tourism, but the main thing is that such a frame should still be of high quality. A titanium frame will probably be your best bet. I ride titanium, but I ordered a similar frame back when titanium prices were acceptable for the average consumer pocket in Russia.

If your budget is more modest, then you should not be upset, feel free to take a good aluminum frame.

Touring bike wheels

Self-assembled - this is when you come to the store, and they sell you rims and bushings, you carry all this bicycle mechanics, he calculates the length of the spokes in special program and assembles a set of wheels for you.

Factory, or so-called "wheel sets" (wheel set). Usually these are beautiful, technological, bright wheels with a small number of spokes and rims and bushings of non-traditional spokes. These wheels are assembled at the manufacturer's factory.

Such wheels have good quality, rolling, rigidity, but repairing such wheels away from home is often difficult. The point here is in the spokes of an unconventional shape and length, as well as bushings and rims. Such wheels rarely have standard hubs and regular 32 spokes.

Therefore, for a reliable bike for long bike rides, we will collect wheels. The advantage of such an assembly is that in almost any city, if a rim, spoke or hub breaks, you can restore your wheels in any more or less decent workshop or on your own.

As practice shows, it is the wheels that sometimes come first in cycling trips in terms of the degree of breakdowns. Poor-quality spokes often burst or fly out, aluminum nipples crack, rims cannot withstand the load, bushings wedge or begin to play. Wheels with rim brakes will be slightly cheaper than those with disc brakes.

Hubs for cycling

Bushings are available both on loose and closed bearings in a holder (the so-called industrial bearings, "industries"). Which bushings are better is, again, the topic of a separate article.

In tourism, it is important for us, first of all, maintainability and interchangeability of components. Therefore, bushings on bulk bearings can be used without problems in tourism.

Shimano manufactures a wide range of bushings with loose ball bearings. They are all quite reliable, easily moved and repaired even in the "field". And if such a hub still let you down far from home, it is quite easy to find a replacement for it, since the flanges of these Shimano hubs come in the same size, and you do not have to look for spokes of a different size in order to re-spoke the wheel.

The best bushings for touring are Shimano XT and XTR bushings. It is these two lines that have been distinguished in recent years by high workmanship and smooth running. Shimano LX/SLX hubs are a good choice. They are very inexpensive and quite reliable.

Shimano Deore, Alivio, Acera hubs are also, oddly enough, reliable, but the quality of mud protection and smooth running is somewhat worse and they will not be the best choice for tourism.

Someone sins on the quality of the Shimanov bushings drum, but under my bikes, the bushings of this company have already covered more than 100,000 km and were only replaced as planned - in connection with the development of their resource.

Bushings on the "miss" will also great option especially from well-known manufacturers. In my practice as a mechanic for 2015 and 2016, I increasingly installed bushings with acquaintances precisely on a miss from OEM manufacturers. The idea here is that there is a certain factory in China that produces products for famous brands. And on the trading floors it offers exactly the same bushings cheaper already under other brands or no name. Such bushings will be of very high quality, and their price-quality ratio will surprise even seasoned travelers and cyclists.

Hiking rims

The rims must be double and pistoned. For the pistons take on part of the load from bumps and bumps in the road.

Some reputable brands like ztr, american classic make rims without pistons. This is apparently done to lighten the weight. Lightweight wheels for cross-country racing are assembled on such rims. But my practice of assembling such wheels shows that these rims are very tolerable, with some exceptions, they behave in conditions of cycling tourism.

A touring rim must not weigh less than 400 grams. Still, the bulk of the load from the ride falls on the rims.

It is advisable to choose a welded rim seam, but riveted is quite suitable. I use Mavic 719 rims on my bikes. At less than 440 grams they have good stiffness, strength and durability.

A good choice would be rims from companies: dt swiss, ambrosio, wtb, sun ringle, alex rims, mach.

When buying, pay attention to your weight. If it gets close to or over 100kg go for a heavier rim, if you are a fairly light rider go for a lighter rim.

My wife is a rather light girl, she carries a minimum of weight on a bicycle, so I installed rims on her wheels weighing only 360 grams each.

If you want to build a budget bike, you don't have to buy overly expensive rims. There are always more budget-friendly models on the market, which I always use to build wheels without any problems.

Spokes for reliable wheels

For an ideal touring bike, spokes can only be used by two brands. This is either dt swiss (Switzerland) or Sapim (Belgium). All the spokes of other companies, alas, sooner or later will begin to break.

The best option for a touring bike would be dt swiss champion or Sapim basic spokes. These are simple reliable knitting needles at a relatively low price with a width of 2 mm.

There are also variable profile spokes. For example, dt swiss competition / sapim force. At the thread and head, their thickness is 2 mm, and in the middle 1.8 mm. They are somewhat more expensive, and will also be quite a reliable option.

It is very important that the length calculation for your kit is as accurate as possible. There are many programs for calculating the length of the spokes, but not all of them can be trusted.

All my wheels are assembled on dt swiss or sapim spokes. I personally don't trust other needles. I tried Taiwanese pillars, American wheel smiths and, alas, they all broke down sooner or later. Please note that branded knitting needles are branded. And often I had to see how in the workshops at various stores, unscrupulous "masters" gave out cheap Chinese knitting needles as branded ones, which subsequently burst. Therefore, buy knitting needles yourself and contact those whom you personally trust.

Nipples for wheel assembly

The nipple is the piece that attaches the spoke to the rim. Nipples are better to use brass. Although I have been riding aluminum nipples for several years and have no problems with them.

But still brass will be better. The length of the nipple is better to take 14 mm. Again, use only branded nipples and do not fall for the tricks of sellers. Chinese nipples, alas, are far from ideal quality. You can ride them, but I would not go on a serious trip.

Rim tape

Many cyclists save on rim tapes, and this, in my opinion, is a very important detail of any bicycle. Poor-quality rim tapes, electrical tapes, all sorts of incomprehensible medical plasters used by different cyclists can cause a lot of trouble for a cyclist. Use quality tapes from reputable manufacturers. It is best if these are self-adhesive tapes.

Travel tires

The ideal cycling touring bike will not fit racing bike tires weighing less than 400 grams per tire. Such rubber will provide the best rolling, but will prick too often. The sidewall of such rubber is easy to cut with glass or a sharp stone, which, in fact, happened to me a couple of times away from home.

It is best to choose high-quality and not the cheapest bike tires. When buying, be sure to feel the thickness of the sidewalls, pay attention to the casting of the tire. The best puncture-resistant cycling touring tires are produced by hutchinson, continental, schwalbe. Something you can choose from Maxxis.

During my more than 15-year cycling career, I have changed and tested more than 100 sets of different bicycle tires, you can read reviews of some of them in the section

Choose the right tire for your hiking style. For asphalt hiking, a semi-slick is best. For unpaved areas, take a more evil rubber.

Tubeless tires for cycling are generally not bad, but in the event of a large cut or puncture, you still have to put a tube inside the tire, besides, if the tubeless has gone down for no reason, then you can’t pump it up with an ordinary small camping pump it will work, because it will be necessary to pump up too much pressure. However, here's a successful and not the easiest hike on tubeless tires.

Bicycle cameras

A camera is a camera. Nothing new for 100 years, people have not come up with. Probably, you should not buy too cheap Chinese cameras. It is best to use a camera with an autonipple. My practice shows that cameras with such a nipple are more reliable. In addition, if the pump breaks down, almost any motorist will be able to help you pump up the wheel.

Puncture protection tape

In my practice, at one time I used tape that protects a bicycle inner tube from punctures. In general, the thing is not bad and quite necessary, especially if your tires are often punctured. In his workshop I always have these bands and install them for people who want to save money on buying expensive touring tires.

Handlebar, stem and seatpost for travel bikes.

For road bike it is better to choose a ram or a butterfly. There are more grip options. And for real dirt adventures, it is better to take a regular straight handlebar with a slight backsweep. You can buy a steering wheel with a lift. The steering wheel should be comfortable for you and fit the width of your shoulders. Although it all depends on your preferences. Sometimes, when assembling bicycles for tourism, people asked me to implement solutions that were very strange from my point of view, but in this case, the future owner of the bicycle, as they say, is also a gentleman.

Cheap and low-quality takeaways will be discarded immediately. A milled stem would be the best choice, although you will have to pay a good price for it. But it will be tough and very strong. Hope's milled stems are a work of art.

During my experience as a mechanic, I have seen broken locks on cheap seatposts, bent handlebars, poorly made stems with poorly machined bolt threads.

For cargo tourism, strictly no carbon. Personally, with a not very strong fall, I broke a carbon handlebar and a seatpost from Easton, and this company is one of the flagships of modern carbon construction.

Takeaway is better to take a four-bolt. The seatpost should be securely fastened, the handlebar should be comfortable for you and fit the width of your shoulders. Thomson makes the best seatposts. They are the ones on all my family's bikes. A thomson stem will also be an expensive but great choice for your bike. Hope's milled stems are a work of art.

Products from other companies are also good, such as Race face, Answer, Azonic, Kore, Ritchey, Easton and others.

A good handlebar, stem, seatpost should not be too heavy. But I would avoid too much lightness in this matter.

Again, when choosing a handlebar, seatpost and stem, you can always find inexpensive and high-quality options, these are exactly the parts of the bike where you can save a little.

Touring saddle

Each person has their own anatomy. Someone chooses the classic Brooks, someone chooses the lightweight racing selle italia. It is important that the saddle is comfortable for you. I changed over 10 saddles until I randomly found the one that fits me perfectly.

Touring bike handlebar

The thing seems to be inconspicuous, but it depends on it how smoothly your steering wheel will turn. Steering columns come in various standards. The main thing is that you need to make sure that it fits your type of head tube. When installing the steering column, it is very desirable to trim the steering tube so that it goes smoothly and without distortions. Good steering columns start at around $30. Personally, I trust Cane Creek. Their products are the most durable and unpretentious in operation.

There are columns on needle bearings, there are on the "miss". Needle ones cost mere pennies, and they are easy to replace, "industries" are more expensive. For tourism, both one and the other are suitable.

Transmission for tourism

The first question is shimano or sram. Until 2009, I liked sram much more because of the shift quality. I switched to shimano in 2009 and have no regrets. A tangible plus of "Shimano" is that the components of this company are easy to find on the shelves in stores in the regions, since sram is available mostly in online stores or only in large cities. Let's say if your sram switch is broken, then it will be more difficult to find a replacement away from home.

Number of speeds. Personally, I drive a 27-speed transmission. Someone drives at 24 speeds, someone has already switched to 30 speeds or even 1 to 11.

To be honest, there isn't much of a difference here. The only downside to a 30 speed transmission is that the chains and sprockets are thinner and wear out more quickly. But in general, since 2013, almost all upper groups shimano and sram make 30 speed products (10 stars on the back of the cassette).

In the tourism world, it is believed that one of the the best groups more affordable camping equipment - shimano xt. It really is. However, their rear derailleur is somewhat unreliable due to the aluminum tab, which is easy to bend and break, so I use slx or saint groupset derailleurs on my bikes.

The Saint and slx equipment groups showed themselves very well in cycling tourism. Deore as a whole also works without problems, but its reliability is lower by a percentage. Speaking of low cost shimano Alivio groupset, be it the old 3x8 group or the new 3x9, it does the job just fine, though it is heavier and less tech than the higher groups, and of course performs a little worse in super heavy duty and less durable. .

Again, based on the requests and budget of the cyclist, you can always pick up certain fairly high-quality transmission elements.

If we talk about the specific choice of a particular system of connecting rods, shifters, cassettes, chains, then this is a topic for other articles. For beginners, I highly recommend reading my articles, in which I talk quite similarly about each group of equipment and

Fork for cycling

rigid fork

The most reliable, unpretentious option for tourism will be a rigid fork. Such a fork is very difficult to break, it is as reliable as possible, and besides, it has a low weight.

A rigid titanium fork will perfectly dampen small vibrations from the road surface. A steel rigid fork will be somewhat heavier than a titanium fork, and dampen road vibrations a little worse. An aluminum fork will probably be the cheapest option for you. But its main disadvantage will be the lack of the property of aluminum as a metal to dampen small vibrations when driving. Those. with such a fork, your joints and muscles of the hands, shoulder girdle and backs will tire faster.

A carbon fork would be a good option, but again, there is the question of its reliability.

Although, if you ride carefully and don't toss your bike, then carbon forks shouldn't be a problem. You can read more about hard forks in, which I wrote not so long ago.

suspension fork

For hard, mountain bike touring with fast descents and aggressive riding, this fork will be the best option. The most expensive and high-quality work will be an air fork, in which air replaces an ordinary metal spring. Such forks cost from $300, have a relatively low weight and good quality of work on "eating" various road irregularities.

The disadvantages of such forks are: high price, frequent maintenance and some unreliability, which lies in the fact that this fork can bleed air or even suddenly bleed all the air. Such misfortunes do happen.

You should always carry a pump to such a fork on a hike. high pressure. A more reasonable and cheaper option for touring would be a spring-oil fork. It is somewhat heavier, but much more reliable than an air fork, and it is also significantly cheaper.

Spring-loaded elastomer forks are almost always very poor in terms of the quality of their work.

And instead of cheap elastomer, it is always better to install a rigid fork. But occasionally in the secondary market you can find a decent quality elastomer at a low price from the stocks of the old years.

Brakes for cycling

If you are a supporter of road or uncomplicated quiet cycling, then feel free to install rim brakes. They are relatively cheap, unpretentious in use, easy to set up and regulate. I have been riding rim brakes for more than 10 years, and I will say that for all the time I have not had a single problem with them either in the Crimean mountains, or in the Meshchera forests, or in the Don steppes.

Choose brakes from renowned manufacturers such as shimano, avid, trp. Do not forget, of course, to immediately install high-quality pads from cool stop.

If you are going to the mountains, almost always ride on the ground, through the mud, like to burn on the descent, then the disk hydraulic brakes will be the right solution for your touring bike. Choose shimano brakes. The brake pads of this company have a relatively large gap so that the rotor does not rub against them, they are easily pumped in the field, have excellent modulation, and in general they are the best brakes in terms of price-quality ratio on the market today.

An SLX or XT group brake model would probably be the best choice for a touring bike, but the cheaper groups won't let you down either.

If you are a supporter of disc mechanics, then you have only one choice - TRP brakes. You will not find better disc mechanical brakes. You can also install avid bb7, but they have worse modulation, and the pads do not sit so tightly in the brake calipers, creating a slight skew. You can also look in the direction of hayes and Asian oem brakes, sometimes for mere pennies you can find a very high quality product without any identification marks.

Choice of rotors (brake discs)

Select rotors according to the mounting standard on your hub. Personally, I prefer center-lock rotors. They are slightly less warped than 6-bolt rotors. Not worth it touring bike install rotors with a diameter of more than 160 mm.

Tourism pedals

The best choice would be, of course, Shimano clipless pedals, model 540. They are very well made, no different in essence from the xt model, they are easy to use and very durable.

It is very important to choose comfortable cycling shoes for such pedals. Again, shimano produces a wide range of touring cycling shoes. More details about contact pedals I already wrote

If you are a supporter of "toptalok", then choose pedals from well-known companies strictly with closed rolling bearings, or, as the people say, on a "miss".

Cables, shirts, tips.

Hiking bike cables are best used with Teflon coating. Such cables are 2-3 times more expensive than conventional ones, but are practically not subject to corrosion. If they are not available in your city, then use ordinary stainless steel cables.

Shirts are selected from well-known manufacturers such as shimano, jagwire, alligator, sram and others. Don't skimp on shirt tips, go for brass or quality aluminum.

When cutting shirts, be sure to grind their ends with a grinding tool so that the shirt fits as tightly as possible into the tip. I usually do it like in the photo below.

Grips for tourism

Someone likes hard grips and rides with gloves, someone likes softer ones. But, probably, anatomical grips made of leather or leatherette will be one of the best options.

The verdict of Vladimir Kuligin and Cycling Life Forms:

There is no room for detail on the perfect touring bike. Every detail, every little thing should be given due attention when choosing and installing. The choice of individual spare parts depends on your physical parameters and travel style.

You can save money on some parts, and you can't save on some. If you buy parts in the secondary market, check their quality and performance once again. When choosing a particular spare part, look for reviews about it on the Internet, ask experienced cyclists at bike forums or me under the comments on this article or by mail ().

Assemble your ideal touring bike only from branded, time-tested and other rider components. When assembling a bicycle for tourism, there is no place for various experiments, the choice and preferences are given to reliable and time-tested solutions!

It is always interesting for me to captivate a person with what is interesting to me. Cycling trips and bike mechanics are great hobbies in my life, so I wrote all these tips and recommendations for you from the bottom of my heart, based on my more than 15 years of experience and passion for mechanics.

Dear owners of bicycle shops, marketers and representatives of various bicycle companies. The project site is not commercial. Fortunately, I have the opportunity to advertise not what needs to be sold to you, but I write only about what tested many times on trips by members of our cycling community. So don't waste your time asking me to promote your products.

Sincerely yours, Vladimir Kuligin

In my 20+ year career as a cyclist, and especially since starting the cycling lifeforms blog, I often get questions about my style of cycling and cycling. Over the past 10 years, I have developed a friendly team of hobby comrades. This team periodically organizes and conducts various cycling events in different composition. True, we publish their announcements in the public domain infrequently.

This is primarily due to the lack of free time and the fact that a larger number of potential participants can respond to the event, as well as the fact that we always perceive any person who goes with us on a more or less long trip as a reliable friend, and not an accidental one. fellow traveler. Therefore, ride large groups It's not our style at all. The maximum group in our trip is 8 people. But usually the size of our group does not exceed 3-5 people.

In this note, I have collected almost all the answers to questions that I have ever received from potential participants in our trips.

Motivation for bike trips

The motivation of our trips is first of all rest. Rest from a noisy city, rest from public transport, crowds, rest from work and other things. In addition to rest, physical education is an important factor. Those. The physical component of our trips is far from last. The energy component should not be forgotten either. It is in nature, in complete desertion and relative remoteness from large cities and settlements, that a person shakes off all the dirt and stress of the city and is filled with pure strength and natural energy.

Let me give you a few clear examples. The forest is a cleansing force. Trees bestow vital energy to a person. They, like antennas, spread the beneficial energy of the Earth. This also applies to all plants. Rivers, ponds, streams and lakes are simply fabulous sources of natural energy of incredible power. Fields and meadows allow you to appreciate the beauty and power of natural landscapes. Dirt country roads are not only means of communication between points A and B, but also means of energy communication.

Cognitive motivation is also very important. We are interested in beautiful landscapes, rivers, lakes, abandoned architectural monuments, small cozy towns, history and local history. However, despite all the interest in man-made places, we are more motivated to explore the beauty of nature, little-traveled roads, so we rarely spend more than 2 hours a day to inspect architectural monuments and visit museums, although there are exceptions to the rule, of course, there are.

If you answer the question of cycling motivation briefly, then these are: meditation, relaxation of the soul, physical education of the body, enjoyment of nature and communication with like-minded people, sound sleep in nature, swimming in ponds and laying new cycling routes in a relatively small distance from Moscow.

Cycling duration

If we do not take into account one-day and two-day trips within a radius of about 100 km from Moscow, then the duration of one of our trips is from 3 to 12 days. It is clear that the greater the distance from Moscow, the longer the trip itself lasts. So, we usually ride in the Crimea for about 2 weeks, and in the nearby regions - Tula, Lipetsk, Voronezh, Kaluga, Oryol and others - 3-7 days.

Riding within a radius of 100-150 km from Moscow for more than 2-3 days is usually not interesting, so for our trips we usually choose regions that are quite far from Moscow, but not more than 700-800 km away. We usually transfer there by night trains, so as not to waste daylight hours on the road. If the ride is planned within a radius of 300-400 km from Moscow, then we sometimes use private vehicles or morning sit-down trains. Thus, riding from May to September-October, we make 4-5 small hikes with an average duration of 4 to 10 days.

Firstly, during such a period you can have a good rest, change the situation, load yourself physically, have time to miss your relatives and home comfort. Secondly, such a period is due to our work activities, since business often does not allow us to get out. Well, and thirdly, we usually spend our big holidays at sea in hot countries, and for this kind of trips we take time off, use holidays and weekends, work overtime or take vacations at our own expense. It is these relatively short trips that give us an excellent opportunity to relax in the saddle of a bicycle, see a lot of new things and at the same time not spend a lot of time and money on abandonment. For the sake of a 2-3 day ride, we rarely go more than 200 km from Moscow, even by car. This is illogical and irrational.

Cycling kilometers

On a one-day trip around the Moscow region, our average mileage is about 100 km per day. On such trips, we rarely drive less than 60 km. Our maximum mileage in recent years is usually no more than 150 km per day of light.

If we talk about cycling trips for 3 or more days, then statistics show that in 5 days we travel an average of about 400 km. Those. about 80 km per day. Although it often happens that one day we can drive more than 110 km, and the next day we relax and do only 40-50 km.

In any case, we do not build exact plans for mileage per day (and for the entire trip), but always act according to the situation, health, weather and road conditions. In a good, beautiful deserted place, we always have a half day, relax, swim and recuperate. But we rarely spend more than one day in one place. Usually, when planning a bike trip for 4-7 days, we always take an extra day in reserve in order not to break on the last day to the end point of the trip, but to calmly complete the trip. A lot depends on physical form, mood and general mood of the group. It also happens that on average, on hikes, we travel only 40 km a day, swimming and sunbathing on the seas and rivers, or hiding from the weather in tents. In any case, if we talk about mileage for us in recent years, it has ceased to be especially important than the quality of nature around and communication within the group. But still, we choose the constant movement forward, rather than a quiet camping holiday.

The type of roads we choose

In any trip, we try to choose dirt roads. good quality. If on the spot it turns out that the passage through them is somewhat difficult, then we can easily use the asphalt road without frequent car traffic. Quiet asphalt roads we love and do not avoid. They give us the opportunity to take a break from shaking on difficult dirt roads. The approximate ratio of asphalt to soil in our hikes is 40 to 60. We rarely roll all day on asphalt. At the same time, we will never go off-road with mud or deep sands, knowing that there is a quiet asphalt road not far away. But the highway with a lot of cars, we will always prefer any soil. We rarely use other people's tracks, preferring to learn and learn about the world around us ourselves. The ideal day on a hike for us is the constant change of natural landscapes and roads. Let's say, first about 10 km of field primer, then 12 km of quiet asphalt, 15 km of forest, 15 km of a grader, a small ford, and again a primer and again asphalt. Although it is worth noting that in recent years we are more and more inclined to ride on dirt roads, and go to asphalt only if necessary. For example, in the last three trips to Voronezh region asphalt in them was only from 15 to 30%.

Pace and average speed

It has been noticed that in the morning we roll into the running day especially slowly, but by the evening we often begin to “moose” in order to squeeze the last strength out of ourselves by the halt. However, in general, we do not drive fast, and somewhere even slowly. On smooth asphalt on a loaded bike in a long pedaling mode, we rarely go more than 20 km / h; on dirt roads our speed rarely exceeds 16 km/h. These are average values, and we are not alien to fast and aggressive twisting in certain sections, as well as very slow movement in the event of a headwind or due to uneven road surfaces. In particularly steep hills, we would rather go on foot than waste our energy. On long trips, we try to ride without straining at all, in order to distribute our forces over the entire distance. The average total speed for 1 walking day, including all stops, is no more than 10 km/h.

Categorization of hikes

We are unlikely to go to any serious mountains, where the bike will mostly have to be dragged on ourselves, and the descents will not be in the saddle, but with the bike in hand. Various certificates and other bureaucratic nonsense are alien to us. On the other hand, in our campaigns we often encounter marshy swamps, loose sands, and steep Crimean mountains. We are unlikely to go camping if the weather forecast is unfavorable. Usually all our hikes have a category of 2-3 difficulty.

Trips abroad

It just so happened that we have a rest abroad and even live with our families, and we travel on bicycles in our native Russia. This does not mean that we do not plan to practice such trips. But, as a rule, the approximate dates of our trip are planned 1-2 weeks in advance, and we determine the exact dates of the trip according to the weather only 2-3 days before the departure. And with this approach, planning a trip abroad is very difficult. And in general, cycling in Russia and the CIS is much more convenient and cheaper. And bikes will be much safer when you transport them by train and not by plane.

Overnight stays on the trek

We cheerfully pedal our bicycles in order to have a good rest in the evening at a halt. This is an axiom. It is noted that the overall impression of the trip very often depends on the places of overnight stays. For setting up camp, we always choose calm and deserted and Beautiful places. It could be the edge of a pine forest, or the top of a steep slope above a river, or maybe we would choose a birch plantation with an amazing view of a wheat field and the horizon, or a hill with a lone birch and low, soft grass.

When choosing a place to spend the night, we always give priority to safety. The main criterion for choosing a place is the impossibility of driving a car to the camp site, as well as the invisibility of the camp from surrounding roads and settlements.

Before spending the night, if the weather is not particularly cold, we, if possible, try to visit any clean body of water in order to swim and wash. Then we change into clean clothes and go to look for the very place of spending the night. We rarely set up camp on the banks of the river and reservoirs due to the frequent appearance of uninvited guests in these areas. We will always choose a cozy clean place 200-300 meters from the river and the road along it, rather than stand where a drunken company or just vacationers can pass. Practice shows that in a sparsely populated area you can expect anything from people. In addition, while sleeping in a tent, a person is especially vulnerable, and there is no need to talk about equipment and bicycles here at all. On the other hand, we are more likely to set up our camp near a river or a small dirt road than in a dark, damp forest, tall, unpleasant grass, or near a swamp. We usually estimate places for overnight stays at home when drawing up a trip plan. And where exactly to get up - we decide already on the spot. for the sake of good place for the camp, we are always not averse to driving a dozen or two extra kilometers in the evening.

Cycling daily routine

Usually we are not in a hurry to go anywhere, never anywhere. This is an axiom. Hurry is needed when catching fleas, but on a hike you need a measured one, quiet life devoid of haste and haste.

However, this does not mean that things should stand, and we do not sleep until dinner. We usually wake up around 7-9 am. The sleep of any member of the group is sacred to us, so we try not to wake anyone as much as possible. It usually takes us about 2 hours to get ready in the morning. In rare cases, if we are waiting for a large mileage, we can get ready in 45 minutes, but such cases for us are a rare exception rather than the rule. We usually start the running part of the route around 10-11 am. We're going slowly. We have lunch around 15:00 somewhere near a pond to combine lunch with a swim. Lunch usually takes us about 1.5 hours. Then again move along the route. At about 18:00 we look at the map for a place to spend the night. We start looking for the place for the camp at 19:00. From 19:00 to 21:00 we try to get to a halt. We go to bed around 23:30. I note that this is an approximate schedule of our day. Last years we try to leave early and therefore end the day as early as possible. On the other hand, we often go on the route already closer to dinner, and sometimes we set up tents after dark. It is impossible to think and predict everything. Weather, roads and nature itself often make adjustments to our plans. If you want to make God laugh, make more plans, so we don’t make special plans, but always act according to the situation. Our group may split up only in case of emergency. We always ride together.

Meals on a bike trip

We carry the minimum supply of products from home. We buy the rest at the start in large chain stores or the market. We have a common cash register to buy groceries. Each participant of the campaign throws off a predetermined amount into this cash desk, for which products are bought. The basis of our diet is cereals, vegetables, foods high in fast carbohydrates. For breakfast, we often cook cereals, eat yogurt or cottage cheese. Brew coffee, tea or cocoa. For lunch we often have a good snack. Freeze-dried soup, chopped vegetables, sandwiches with cheese or sausage. For dinner, usually buckwheat, baked or boiled potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, pasta, basturma or some kind of meat. If there is an opportunity to make a barbecue during a hike, as a rule, we will certainly use this opportunity.

While moving along the route, we eat dryers, biscuits, bananas, dates, raisins, dried fruits, chocolate. In short, food is an important part of the trip. Cooking for us is not just an excuse to quickly fill our stomachs and go to bed. This is a kind of ritual, this is an opportunity for everyone to gather around the fire in the evening in anticipation of some delicious dish. On the other hand, we are quite simple about food, and often we can be content with very little. Once again, I emphasize that we have a common food and we always decide together what we will cook for breakfast, lunch or dinner.

Vegetarianism on a bike trip

Vegetarianism or veganism in our time is quite a fashionable trend in the field of healing the body. And although we do not share such views on nutrition, we have nothing against vegetarianism. And somewhere we will even be glad to learn how to cook new dishes. However, sometimes there are people who impose and vehemently promote their lifestyle and type of diet. With such individuals, we clearly have no way. We go camping to rest and relax, and not listen to unhealthy furious lectures of adherents of various sects of healthy eating.

Attitude towards alcohol and smoking

The attitude towards alcohol in our group is negative, but nevertheless tolerable. Sometimes, after a good day's run, we will indulge in a bottle of good wine beer. In any case, we rarely practice even mild alcohol on our hikes every day. We rarely drink strong alcohol. Either in cold weather or in case of any holiday. We can drink, but never allow too much to drink.

If you like to drink and will take a sip at every shop or stopover, then you and I are probably not on the right path; on the other hand, if you behave perfectly adequately at the same time, do not delay the group and do not create any problems for anyone, we will be glad to see you in our company.

As for smoking, almost all cyclists in our company are non-smokers. In any case, we treat smokers tolerantly, and the presence of this bad habit will never serve as a refusal to participate in any of our events. Attitudes towards drugs in our group are extremely negative.

Group leadership and conflict resolution


Let's start with leadership. As such, we do not have a leader in the campaign. However, there is always a person on whose shoulders the main part of organizing the trip falls. It is he who sets the tone of communication, the schedule of movement, rest, food in the group. Often in our campaigns we delimit the powers between different people. Someone is responsible for food, someone for finances. Someone carries out navigation, and someone already directly chooses places for spending the night. Our group is friendly, and therefore disagreements are extremely rare for us. The reason for this is the delimitation of powers between the participants and respect for each other and true, faithful friendship.

However, of course, it happens that one person wants to eat in the dining room, and the other in nature. One wants to put up a tent in the forest, and the other in the field. In the first case, the issue will be decided on the basis of the feasibility of such food, and in the second case, the tent will be set up on the edge, where there is a forest on one side and a field on the other. In any even the most controversial issues such as "how and where to go" - there are always compromises through concessions from one person to another. At the head of the adoption of certain decisions, the safety and health of the group is put first of all. But it has been noted that, in general, the organizer of the campaign always has the last right to vote, but it rarely comes to this. We always listen to newcomers and people who were on a campaign with us for the first time and, moreover, we draw various new ideas from them, but we are unlikely to adjust our established traditions to new people.

Interpersonal relationships on the road

conflict resolution

Relations in a group between people are built primarily on mutual respect, mutual assistance and the desire of each person to be part of a close-knit group in order to get as much enjoyment as possible from a bike trip. We will never strain each other with loud conversations, if someone is already sleeping, and someone wants to sit and chat around the fire. The same goes for portable music. Everyone is free to listen to whatever he wants, but only with headphones so as not to disturb others. Respect and only respect for each other is our credo.

If we do not like something in your behavior, we can make a remark to you, but this will be done as correctly as possible, without any reproaches and claims. However, sometimes there are people who, despite all the comments, can behave aggressively, uncivilized and boorish towards other participants in the campaign. We clearly have no way with such individuals, and we quickly say goodbye to them. It is noticed that for the successful passage of the campaign and obtaining positive emotions First of all, people are required to respect a friend and be able to make concessions. We are unlikely to go camping again with a person who will “fart” at the table during lunch, will litter on halts or while driving, and who lacks basic hygiene skills. We are not your parents to educate you and tell you how to behave.

Communication on a hike

What can be better than interesting human communication? Nothing! We really appreciate and love interesting people with a good sense of humor and a broad outlook. People are naturally cheerful and carefree. Therefore, if you decide to go camping with us, then leave all the negativity in a noisy city, smile and enjoy nature with us. We are not professional psychologists to solve your problems. We never argue about politics, religion, the universe and other such things. We do not argue, we calmly communicate. We joke, have fun, think together about solving urgent and world problems. Therefore, if you are severely and extremely concerned about nationalism, atheism, fanaticism, communism, veganism, patriotism, fanatically propagandize any of the religions and try to impose your opinion on other people by all means, then you and I clearly have no way.

If you are an annoying person by nature, and like to talk endlessly and disturb the participants of the campaign with your excessive attention, i.e. in other words, you are an energy vampire, then you and I are also not on our way. In our trips, everything is good in moderation - and mileage, and complexity, and food, and human communication.

What to expect from us

From us you can expect any support and assistance in the passage of any route. If you went with us on a cycling or any other trip, then you can be sure that no one will leave you and they will always be waiting for you. If your bike is broken, we will fix it. In the event of any injury or physical damage, we will always provide you with all the necessary assistance, we will always accompany you to the medical facility. If suddenly you feel like a burden for us due to the lack of due physical training, we will always help you get to the evacuation point in your hometown. Therefore, we kindly request that if you are not sure, first of all, of your physical strength, and are accustomed to riding only around the house in the park, then riding with us will be an impossible task for you. In general, if you already went with us, then you can easily rely on us in all matters.

What do you need

Without a ride, we rarely take anyone on our multi-day trips. Exceptions usually occur during long Internet or telephone conversations, when we are sure that we will not have to wait for any surprises from a person.