Consultation on the topic: Zdorovyachok - Motor games and warm-ups. A goat jumps along the path

The giver should describe his gift in as much detail as possible, although without words: whether it is heavy or light, large or small, what shape it is, how it is packaged, etc.

The exercise can be carried out in several modifications.

1. Each of the group members comes out in front of the group (it is important that everyone sees him and he

I saw everyone, so the circular arrangement of the group members in this case is inefficient; it is better to stay in a semicircle or a line) and give a gift to everyone at once.

2. The first member of the group gives his gift to the neighbor on the right. He non-verbally or with a short emotional exclamation thanks him, after which he gives another gift to his neighbor on the right.

3. The first member of the group gives his gift to the neighbor on the right, and he must show that he

If the trainer deems it necessary, he can clarify with the participants what kind of gift they gave and whether the recipient of the gift understood correctly what exactly was presented to him.

"Hello, Bonjour, Healthy Boules"

To make a group greeting in the morning cheerful and cheerful and set a “carnival” mood (if the program of the day so requires), you can use greeting words in various languages.

Each of the participants must greet their neighbors on the right and left on any foreign language(good morning, guten Morgen, bonjour, etc.).

As an option: group members freely roam the audience, shaking hands with each other and saying their greeting.

Klaus Vopel suggests that the trainer be prepared for this in advance and stock up on cards with greetings written on them so that the participants can draw one of the cards and use the prompt.

USA, UK: "Good morning"; Hi.

Italy: "Von giorno".

Spain: Buenos dias.

France: Bonjour.

Estonia: "Tege".

Lithuania: "Labas ritas".

Israel: Shalom.

Hawaii: "Aloha".

India: Namaste.


Each of the participants should greet the group by demonstrating some kind of non-verbal greeting. It can be either a non-contact greeting (wave, nod, curtsy) or contact (shake hands, hug). You can use greetings characteristic of different social and ethnic groups: pioneer salute, Japanese bow, etc. The rest of the group members respond to the greeting in the same way as they were greeted (nod in response, shake the hand extended to them, etc.).

This exercise can be performed both in a circle and in any order - as soon as you are ready or by passing the ball.

For a trainer, this exercise may have additional diagnostic meaning. Which member of the group initiated closer contact? Who tried to get away from such contact? Who was the most inventive? How was the handshake done? Etc.


For this exercise, you can use one of the verbal or non-verbal greeting scripts described above. The only difference will be that it will not be one person, but a couple or three, who will voice the greeting or demonstrate the greeting gesture.

These small groups can be formed on a territorial basis by combining those who have taken neighboring chairs, or form groups from those who communicated least on the previous day or entered into some kind of conflict or antagonistic relationship, or choose to unite in a group those who are planned to be involved in the next exercise (for example, a role-playing or business game) in this composition.

Groups can be given ten to fifteen seconds to think, then they take turns greeting their other colleagues.


If the training lasts more than two days (especially if these days do not go one after another, but intermittently), it makes sense to come up with and use a ritual that everyone would open

new training day. The trainer can invite the group to come up with such a ritual

independently or offer one of the options available to him. It can be both words - a greeting or a slogan in chorus, a consistent pronunciation of a more detailed text, when each person is assigned a specific, verbal and non-verbal action - for example, a handshake of each with each. Such collective rituals increase the cohesion of the group and "anchor" the working mood.

It is possible to think over two interconnected rituals - morning and evening, which will be a symbolic beginning and end of the group's work, opening and closing (for example, the beginning of the day can be marked by an opening movement of the hands - like "come in, dear guests", and the end of the day - by closing the palms in the manner of the eastern "thank you" or Western "we are together").


This greeting is a modification of the well-known warm-up exercise when group members are invited to compose a fairy tale in a circle: each one in turn puts in one phrase, and the one sitting on the right should develop the thought and plot in the next sentence.

In order to connect this exercise to the topic of the training, the facilitator needs to think through the task. It can be a story about the previous day: “Yesterday we did this ... And then this ... And we achieved such results ...” Or formulating goals for the coming day: “Today we will become more successful ... informed ... active ... ”(also a kind of group affirmation). Or a more story-driven story related to the training issues (“Swan, cancer and pike after team interaction training”; “Tops and roots from the best negotiators”; “About the assertive Little Raccoon”, etc.).


Each of the participants (in a circle or in random order) completes the phrase: “No one in the group knows that I ...” For example: “No one in the group knows that I did not hear the alarm today”, or “No one in the group doesn’t know that I love pickles more than anything in the world”, or “No one in the group knows what I dreamed about tonight ... And I won’t tell anyone!”.

You can offer participants other phrases to supplement:

"And today I'm better than yesterday, because...";

"I am very glad that I...";

"I'm ready to move mountains, because...";

"Today we will all..."

It is important that the phrases are positive or humorous; their continuation should not cause any special difficulties for the participants, sad thoughts or excessively deep reflection.


Recipes required for this exercise delicious meals. The trainer can prepare the recipe cards themselves or have the participants bring them from home. Recipes should be appetizing and include at least 7-8 ingredients.

Participants are divided into subgroups of 3-4 people, each of the subgroups gets one of the recipes by drawing lots.

The recipe should be the result of collective creativity and suit all members of the subgroup.

Anything can be included in the recipe. Klaus Vopel cites the following recipe as an example: “We take 20 interesting participants, a kilogram of commitment, one hundred grams of experience, richly flavor it all with curiosity, add a pinch of the spirit of contradiction ...”

Subgroups are given 10 minutes to prepare the recipe; after all recipes are formulated, they are read out to all participants.

During the discussion of the game, the coach can emphasize that some “ingredients” were repeated in all or most groups (naturally, “participants” as an ingredient are not taken into account - they are likely to be in all groups. And if suddenly they won't - it's quite

may be the subject of an interesting discussion). Or on the proportions of these ingredients.

At the end of the day, you can remember the details of this game. Let's say, after analyzing which of the recipes turned out to be the most similar to what really happened in the group. Or somehow prepare a dish that resembles this recipe right at the final sharing.


The exercise is ideal for the second day of training. In the process of its implementation, participants have the opportunity to once again repeat the names of all those present, which is relevant in large groups even on the second or third day. Also, the exercise sets up participants for teamwork, helps to focus on what is happening in the group.

The exercise is performed in a circle. The task of the first participant is to greet his neighbor on the right, saying to him: "Hello, dear ... (name of the neighbor)" and doing some

movement (gesture). The next participant greets his neighbor on the right, repeats the gesture with which he was addressed, and adds his gesture. The complexity of the task lies in the fact that gestures should not be repeated.

This exercise, like the previous one, is good to do on the second day of the training. It gives the participants the opportunity to quickly get involved in the training work and receive additional information about each other. But you can offer it to the group only when the coach is sure that everyone remembers each other's names. The meaning of this exercise is lost if the participants of the training have known each other for a long time. In large groups, it is desirable to divide the participants into two teams.

One participant moves away from all the others at some distance and turns his back to them. Participants randomly ask the volunteer any questions they are interested in, to which he must answer, but before that, naming the name of the participant who asked the question. That is, the task of the leading player is to determine the one who spoke by voice and answer his question. This is more difficult to do if the volunteer does not know where anyone is and cannot navigate by the direction of the sound.


This exercise can be done at the beginning of a new training day. It helps to tune in to work, remember what happened in the group yesterday, and also teaches participants to be more attentive to each other.

Participants sit on chairs in a circle. The host asks everyone to carefully look at each other for three minutes, paying attention to how this or that person looks today, what mood he is in, how he manifests himself. After three minutes, the participants must, throwing the ball to one of the participants, say what they saw in this person that was new compared to yesterday. The leader makes sure that the ball has been with each participant.

After completing the exercise, you can ask the participants how much what they heard corresponded to their own feelings, experiences, etc.

Alternatively, you can ask the participants, throwing the ball, repeat some phrase that the participant said yesterday.

This fun warm-up fits well with team building training. It can be used at the beginning of work or in the afternoon and in trainings on other topics, when you need to create a collaborative atmosphere.

All participants stand in one large circle and hold hands. The coach says that now he will start the wave, and the participants will have to pass it in a circle. "Waves" can be different. The leader either simply raises his hand with the hand of his neighbor, or shakes it, or

makes some other movement, for example, weaves the fingers of his hand and the hand of a neighbor into a lock. The task of each participant is to convey the received movement further as accurately and quickly as possible.

When the players manage to perform the movements without errors, the coach launches another wave in the same or in the opposite direction.

This exercise can also be organized as a team competition. Participants are divided into two groups, each team lines up in a row and holds hands. Everyone should be positioned so that the leader can take the hand of the first member of each team.

Participants located at the opposite end from the leading end, on his command, pass a certain movement to their neighbor, he passes it to his neighbor, and so on. The team in which the movement reaches the leader faster receives a point for speed. Teams also receive points if their movement during the journey has not changed and reached the leader the same as it was at the beginning. Before starting the game, the host must give the first players cards on which it is written what movements need to be transmitted. Movements can be anything, for example: a single strong handshake, a double weak handshake, etc.


This warm-up helps to establish more

trusting relationship

in Group

helps participants overcome barriers in communication, improves the atmosphere at the training.

To complete the task, participants need to form two circles, an inner

outer, and stand facing each other. The number of people in each circle should be

the same so that all participants form

couples. If the group has an odd

participants, the coach takes part in the exercise.

The task of the participants is to communicate with their partner using only their hands. The trainer sets the topic for the “conversation” and after two or three minutes asks the circles to shift relative to each other by one person. Further communication continues already in new pairs and on a new topic. After two or three minutes, the couples and the topic change again. The facilitator may suggest the following situations in which communication takes place:

the participants have just met and are happy to see each other;

participants quarrel;

one expresses condolences to the other for any reason;

one participant is offended, and the second wants to make peace with him;

one tries to support, cheer up the second.

After completing the exercise, it is necessary to discuss with the participants what feelings arose during the game; on which topics it was easy to communicate, on which, on the contrary, it was difficult; was it easier to convey the emotion yourself or receive it from a partner; which of the participants was the easiest to communicate with.


This exercise brings the group together, but since it involves fairly close physical contact, it must be used with great care.

Participants form a tight circle and stretch their hands forward. At the command of the host, everyone should take two players by the hands, while it is advisable not to join hands with those who are standing nearby. Next, the coach invites the participants to “unravel”, that is, without separating their hands, line up in one or more circles. Usually the leader participates in this exercise on an equal basis with everyone, but does not actively influence the process of unraveling.

Often participants have doubts that this problem can be solved. In fact, you can always unravel. As a result of the game, there may be several circles; perhaps some participants will stand facing in a circle, some with their backs. But in any case, a solution will be found.

After completing the exercise, you can ask the participants about what helped them cope with the task, what could be done to solve it faster. When discussing, it is important to emphasize that the key to the successful completion of this task is a friendly attitude towards each other, constant orientation in the situation and the generation of original ideas.


This fun warm-up is well suited to start a new day of training. On the one hand, it causes a lot positive emotions, and on the other hand, it helps to tune in to group work, increases concentration. In addition, it gives participants the opportunity to show creativity and originality of their thinking.

Participants must pass an object in a circle, such as a marker or a ball. But the method of transmission each time, for each participant must be new. If the item falls, the game starts over.


This exercise enhances group cohesion, the involvement of participants in the work, concentration and observation.

All participants stand in a circle. At the command of the leader “one”, everyone begins to perform any movement, preferably not very difficult. At the command "two" everyone stops doing their

movements and begin to repeat the movements that their neighbors on the right did before. On the count of “three”, the participants again change the movement and perform the movements of the neighbor on the right, which he began to do on the command “two”. Thus, the movements seem to go in a circle.

When the facilitator calls a number equal to the number of participants in

group, movements should

Dance and rhythmic warm-up

in verse

"Chok-chok, heel..."

Chok-chok, heel! (stomp your feet)

The cricket spins in the dance. (circle)

A grasshopper without error

Performs a waltz on the violin. (hand movements, as when playing the violin)

Butterfly wings flutter (flap arms like wings)

She flutters with an ant . (circle on jumps)

Squats in curtsey (make a curtsey)

And again spinning in the dance. (circle)

Under a cheerful hopachok

A spider dances famously. (dance moves like in hopak)

Clap your hands loudly! (clapping hands)

All! Our legs are tired! (sit or lean forward, hang your arms down)


In the morning the gnomes went to the forest, (step in place)

We found a mushroom along the way. (lean forward, straighten up, hands on the belt)

And after him, one, two, three - (torso side to side)

Three more showed up! (hands forward, then to the side)

And while the mushrooms were plucked, (forward bends, hands to the floor)

The gnomes were late for school. (hands to cheeks and shake head from side to side)

Run, rush (run in place)

And the mushrooms all dropped! (sit down)

"Early in the morning in the meadow..."

Early in the morning in the meadow (clapping hands)

This is how the monkeys frolic:

Right leg top, top!

Left foot top, top!

Hands up, up, up!

Who will rise above all? (stand on tiptoes and stretch up)

"Ding dong, ding dong..."

Ding dong! ding dong! (tilts from side to side, hands on the belt)

The gnomes are building a new house, (tap fist on fist)

Paint the walls, roof, floor, (hands “paint” on the side, top, bottom)

They take everything around. ("sweep" with a broom)

We will visit them (steps in place)

And we'll bring gifts. (arms forward, palms up)

On the floor - a soft track, (tilt forward, lay the path with your hands)

Spreading it to the threshold. (step back)

Two pillows on the sofa (put your hands together with your palms, first under one cheek, then under the other)

Linden jug honey. (hands round and stretch out in front of you)

"Traveler - Dwarf"

Once upon a time there was a little gnome (sit down, then stand up)

With big cap (stretch arms up, join palms)

He was a traveler - a dwarf . (hands on the belt, steps in place)

He rode on a frog:

Jump-jump, qua-qua! (jump)

And flew on a dragonfly: (wave hands)

Wow, high! (stand on tiptoes)

Floated along the stream in a tea cup:

Boo-boo-boo! (imitation swimming)

He rode a turtle

Top-top-top! (hands on the belt, stomp in place)

And, having trodden all the paths,

He swayed in the cobweb: (swing from side to side)

Bye-bye! Bye-bye!

Morning will come , (arms up, then to the sides and down)

The gnome will go hiking again! (steps in place)

"Oh! Oh! What kind of thunder? .. "

Oh! Oh! What is thunder? (hands to cheeks, tilts to the side)

The fly is building a new house.

Hammer: knock-knock! (hand movements imitating work with a hammer)

The rooster comes to help. (steps with tilts to the sides)

"Cat and Mice"

Timosha the cat lived on the roof (hands up)

Below, in the house, lived mice. (tilt forward, hands touch the floor)

Mice climbed the wall (hands "walk" from the ankle - up the lower leg - to the knees - along the thigh)

Not afraid of the cat on the roof.

The cat guarded the mice, (head turns to the side, hands to the ears)

Taking the plugs out of the ears.

He prepared mousetraps (clap your palms - “mousetrap”)

But the mice were smart. (jumping in place, hands on the belt)

Hiding behind Tishka's back, (palms in front of the face, peeking out from behind them on one side, then on the other)

Mice played hide and seek with him.

"Step aside!"

Hooves clatter loudly

A horse runs across the bridge . (jump like "horses", raising your knees high)

Tsok! Tsok! Tsok!

And jump after her (running in place with jumps)

Foal and boy.

Tsok - the hoof of a foal! (stomp right foot)

Tsok - heel on the boards loudly1 (stomp left foot)

Rushed, only dust swirls (“winder” with hands)

Everyone had to step aside! (walk back on heels)

"Angry Turkey"

A turkey walks around the yard (steps in place, hands on the belt)

Among ducks and girlfriends.

Suddenly he saw a rook, (stop, spread your arms to the sides and look down in surprise)

got angry (shake finger up)

Hotly stomped (stomp your feet)

He flapped his wings! (hands, like wings, pat yourself on the sides)

All bloated like a balloon (hands on waist)

Or a copper samovar. (clasp rounded hands in front of chest)

shake your beard, (shake head, "chat" like a turkey)

Rushed with an arrow! (run in place)

"Fidget is the wind"

Fidget - wind (wave hands over head)

Knows everything in the world.

Knows how the frog sings: (crouch and jump, imitating the movements of frogs)


Knows how the shell makes noise: (get up, fold your palms like a boat and bring it to your right, and then to your left ear)


Knows how the crow cries: (flap arms like wings)


Knows how a cow mooes: (clapping hands)



Once upon a time there were bunnies (jumping in place, arms in front of chest, hands down)

On the edge of the forest (straight arms up, fingers apart - "tree" and sway)

Once upon a time there were bunnies (jumping in place)

In a white hut. (joined hands over head "house")

Wash your ears (depict how I wash my ears)

Washed their paws. (rub left hand with right hand and vice versa)

Bunnies dressed up (crouch with turns to the side, hands on the belt)

They put on slippers. (put on the heel first left, then right leg)

"The sun shines through the window..."

The sun shines in the window (raise your arms above your head and rotate your hands - “flashlights”)

Let's dance a little:

Jump-jump, jump-jump, (jumping)

This is how my friend dances.

The sun shines in the window ("lanterns")

Let's dance a little:

Clap, clap, clap, clap, (clapping)

This is how my friend dances.

The sun shines in the window ("lanterns")

Let's dance a little:

Top, top, top, top (sink in place)

This is how my friend dances.


Here the window is open. (hands to the side)

The cat came out on the ledge. (imitation of the soft, graceful gait of a cat)

The cat looked up (tilt head, look up)

The cat looked down. (lower head, look down)

Here I turned to the left (turn head to the left)

She looked at the flies. (turn your head to the right, look at the fly)

Stretched, smiled (corresponding movements and facial expressions)

And sat down on the ledge. (sit down)

"Owl Owl"

Owl Owl, Owl Owl (flap arms like wings)

Big head!

Sitting on a stump (sit down)

Turns his head. (look right, then left)

Wings clap-clap! (straight hand clapping on the sides)

Top-top legs! (stomp your feet)


The flower says to the flower:

Pick up your paper. (get up on half-fingers, stretch your arms up)

Get out on the track (step in place)

Let's stomp your feet! (stomp foot)

Yes, shake your head (shake head left and right)

Meet the sun in the morning! (hands "draw" a large circle, as if the sun)


Clouds in the blue sky. (stand on tiptoes, raise hands up)

A river runs under the mountain. (crouch, hands forward)

Early in the morning from the river (get up)

Fishermen pull nets. (imitate movement, as if sorting through the network with your hands)

Caught a lot of fish (we spread our arms to the sides)

Delicious fish soup cooked. Oh! (perform circular motions hand, as if stirring the ear in a bowler)


If the Christmas tree had legs,
She would run down the path. (run in place)
She would dance together in dreams ("spring")
She would have banged her heels. ( sink in place)

Toys would spin on the Christmas tree -
Multi-colored lanterns, firecrackers. (circle)
Flags would twirl on the Christmas tree
From crimson and silver paper. (depict mahi with hands - “flags”)

Because at the gate
knocked New Year! (show knocking on the door)
New, new, young
With a golden beard! (depict beard)

"Fly agarics - mushrooms"

Fly agarics - mushrooms

They grew from stumps. ("spring")

Here is their whole family.

It is impossible not to notice them. (turns left and right)

Little Red Riding Hood with Polka Dots

They attract midges. (clapping near the right and left ear)

Just remember, friends:

Amanitas cannot be torn! (wiggle finger)

fly agaric brothers,

naughty rascals, (circle)

The most elegant

All guys are nice! (alternating heel-to-toe)


A cloud - a weeping cloud floats across the sky, (shake arms above head)

And he won't let the kids go for a walk. (wiggle finger)

Drip - drip - drip - drops ring loudly

Drip - drip - drip - drops knock on the puddles. (slap palm against palm)

A cloud is a weeping cloud, don't scare us. (wiggle finger)

You'd better count your umbrellas. (depict an umbrella over your head)

One, two, three - drops ring loudly

One, two, three - drops knock on the umbrella. (slap palm against palm)


In the morning the butterfly woke up: (get up from your haunches)

She smiled and stretched. (smile, stretch)

Once - she washed her hand, (depict how the butterfly washes)

Two - gracefully circled. (circle)

Three - bent down and sat down, (tilt, then squat)

At four - flew away! (flap your wings like a butterfly and fly around the hall)


Like our soldiers

And wave the flags

And we'll eat. (

One two Three!

We are going .(raise the flags up)

One two Three,

We sing. (move checkboxes down)

We're going the right way


We walk together.

One two Three. (march in a circle with flags, shaking them from side to side)

Development games

dancing - motor abilities


Target: be able to navigate in space, evenly placed on the site, without colliding with each other. Be able to move at different paces, training attention.

Game progress: with the beginning of the music, the children begin to randomly move around the hall, without colliding and trying to fill the free space.

"Cactus and Willow"

Target: develop the ability to control muscle tension and relaxation, navigate in space, and coordinate movements.

Game progress: with the beginning of the music, all the children move around the hall in jumps. As soon as the music stops and the teacher says "Cactus": the children stop, their arms are bent at the elbows, raised above their heads, their fingers are spread out like cactus needles. If the teacher pronounces the word "Willow": the children should spread their arms to the side, relax them at the elbows, hang their heads to one side.


Target: develop coordination of movement, speed of reaction, imagination.
Game progress: All the players reincarnate: the teacher is a fisherman, the children are fish. With the beginning of the game, the teacher runs the rope ("fishing rod") in a circle, trying to catch the fish. Children, in order not to fall for the "bait" must jump.

"Airplanes and Butterflies"

Target: to teach children to control the muscles of the arms and neck, to navigate in space, to be evenly placed on the site.

Game progress: the "Airplane" team - children fly rapidly, the muscles of the arms, neck and body are tense. Team "Butterflies" - switch to an easy run, making smooth waves with their hands, the head gently turns to the sides.



Game progress: kneel down and arch your back, stretch your arms forward as far as possible, pressing your chest to the floor. Then pull up the legs - "tail", and move forward again. The nature of the movements is undulating and continuous.


Target: the ability to relieve tension from the muscles of the arms, legs, neck, body, to move in all directions with a soft, springy step

Game progress: the children move around the hall in a scattered, soft, slightly springy step, like little kittens. On the command "rain" - the children squat down and shrink into a ball, straining all the muscles. Team "sun" - the guys slowly get up, shake off the raindrops from each paw, from the head and tail; respectively removing the clamps from the muscles of the arms, legs, neck, body.


Target: develop plasticity of hands, imagination.

Game progress: children stand in a checkerboard pattern, hands down, fingers connected. The teacher asks to imagine that a ball has appeared in the hands: the hands are smoothly brought forward, the fingers remain connected to each other (I position of the hands). Then the ball seems to fall from the hands: spread the arms to the sides (II position of the hands).



Game progress: children lie on the carpet - on their backs, arms extended along their heads, socks stretched. The teacher says a poetic text, and the children perform the corresponding movements:

The hedgehog cringed, curled up, (bend your knees, press to your stomach, wrap your arms around them, hide your nose in your knees)

Turned around, stretched. (turn on the stomach over the right shoulder, stretch)

One two three four five! (raise straight arms and legs up, reach for hands)

The hedgehog has cringed again! (turn on the back over the left shoulder, wrap your arms around your legs, hide your nose in your knees)



Game progress: children lie on the carpet, knees pressed to the chest, hands clasping their knees - “egg”. With the beginning of the music, the head rises, the chickens break the shell with their beak, spread their wings, start moving, get acquainted with the outside world, try to peck grains, etc.


Target: to train fantasy and plastic expressiveness.

Game progress: children squat, hands clasping their knees, head pressed. To beautiful, lyrical music, everyone starts moving: as if a sprout breaks out of a grain, it reaches for the sun, grows, releases leaves.


Target: to train fantasy and plastic expressiveness.

Game progress: children should stretch up, straining the entire body to the fingertips (“the flower meets the sun”). Then the hands gradually begin to “fall” (“the sun hid, the flower drooped”), the arms bend at the elbows (“the stalk broke”), and, having released the muscles of the back, neck and shoulders from tension, it is necessary to allow the body, head and arms to to “fall” forward, bending your knees slightly (“withered flower”).


Target: develop flexibility, plastic expressiveness.

Game progress: children squat, and, without touching the floor with their knees, with their hands - “soft paws” go around the circumference to their “tail”, without turning the body if possible.

"Find Your Place"

Target: develop coordination of movements, dexterity, a sense of rhythm.

Game progress: The players stand in line. At the signal of the head "For a walk!" children disperse around the hall and "walk". The leader pronounces the words: “The guys have a strict order, they know all their places. Well, trumpet more cheerfully ... ". Children answer: “Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta!”. At the signal of the leader, the children quickly line up in the indicated place. The formation can be in a column or circle, along the perimeter or in the middle of the hall. The game should be played with music.

"Heron and Frogs"

All the players are frogs, and one person is a heron (standing in the middle of the circle). To the cheerful music, the frogs begin to jump, croak, have fun. As soon as the music stops, the frogs squat down and don't move. Those who move, the heron takes to itself. The game is played several times. The most cautious are declared princesses - frogs. The best heron also stands out.

"At the bear in the forest ..."

On one side of the site there is a bear's den, in the den there is a bear. On the other side are the children. Children go to the lair with the words: “The bear has mushrooms in the forest, I take berries, but the bear does not sleep and growls at us!” After these words, the bear starts to catch the children, and the children try to run away. Those caught go to the lair. The bear changes when there are 4-5 caught players in the den.


4-5 large hoops are placed at different ends of the hall. These are the landing sites for rockets ready to take off. Before the start of the game, they agree that 2 (or 3) "cosmonauts" can fit in one rocket. There are not enough seats for everyone in the rockets. To the music, the children join hands, walk in a circle and say in chorus:

Fast rockets are waiting for us to walk around the planets,

On what we want - on such we will fly!

But there is one secret in the game: there is no place for latecomers!

With the last word, everyone scatters and tries to quickly take their places (run into the hoop) in one of the rockets.

Dance-plastic improvisations

(Target : convey in plastic free images the character and mood of musical works)

"Autumn leaves"

The wind plays with autumn leaves, they spin in a bizarre dance, gradually sinking to the ground.


Butterflies fly in the summer meadow. Some collect nectar from flowers, others admire their colorful wings. Light and airy, they flutter and whirl in their joyful dance.

"In the Land of Flowers"

In the land of flowers, a festive ball. Each flower improvises its movements, expressing the general joyful mood.


Now slowly, now faster, snowflakes fall to the ground, spinning and sparkling in their magical dance.

"Dancing Fire"

The fire flares up, then fades, the flames either rush up, then bend under the gusts of wind, in different sides little sparks fly...

Dance and rhythmic movements in poetry


Sock - heel, re-re-top!

Sock - heel, re-re-top!

Here are some good fellows -

We are dancers - daredevils!


(transfer of body weight from foot to foot)

Forward - back, forward - back

The pendulum is swinging!

Left - right, left - right

Children love it!

"Jump - 1"

Jump, jump, jump, jump!

Here's our jump!

Raise the leg together

And pull the sock down!

"Jump - 2"

Step - jump, step - jump,

step - jump over the bridge!

"WINDER - 1"

We are dancing "winder"

With kids in the garden!

Come visit us soon

We will be happy with everything!

"WINDER - 2"

I'll dance the "winder"

I'll show the kids!

I bend my right leg

And straighten it faster!

Same with you

Let's repeat with the other leg!

"Accordion - 1"

I dance accordion -

One two three four five!

I sing a groovy song

Come dance with me!

"Accordion - 2"

You play my harmonica


Look, admire

How they dance in Rus'!

"Accordion - 3"

In our house at Timoshka

There is a beautiful harmonica.

Heels together, toes apart

Dance, stop being lazy!

My friends and I "accordion"

Let's dance together!

And our friends "accordion"

They will repeat with us!


I knock with heels

I'm learning Russian dance!

My Russian dance -



Step - squat, step - squat.

This is the dance I'm learning!

I won't get tired of squatting

I want to become a dancer!

Step - I'll sit down, step - I'll sit down.

I keep my back straight!

I'll make myself dance

Even if I don't want to!


All girls and boys

Very happy to dance!

Skok - jogging,

Skok - jogging,

Let's polka dance!


At dawn in the early morning

The bunnies are out to jump!

Skok - jogging, lope - jogging,

They will polka dance!


Look, bunnies!

Look, squirrels!

How do you dance the polka

Boys and girls!


Hammer here and there

There is a loud knock.

And then one more time -

Here is the whole nail!

"FIT - 1"

How beautifully we dance

We smile happily!

We fall on our feet

And let's go around a little!

"FIT - 2"

We fall, we fall

Let's start Russian dance!

We swim like swans

We lead our round dance!

"FIT - 3"

We fall on our feet

And let's go around a little!

Our dancing is good,

We dance from the heart!


Topotushki, topotushki,

One two three four five!

Friendly, fun, playful

Let's do it all again!


We are funny toys

Let's dance the "stomp" dance.

We stomp our feet

And we clap our hands!


They came to visit us little animals,

We'll show them "stompers"!

We'll kick our feet

Let's make a path to them We!


But horses! But horses!

You download without looking back!

Right leg forward -

It turns out a gallop!


Here are the circus horses!

They are good, beautiful!

Run to the round dance

We galloped!


Hop, hop, hop, hop,

It turns out a gallop!

Heel heel catch up -

Heel heel knock out!


A goose came out dry from a puddle,

But don't be afraid now!

Show me a step with a flood

And then run, circle!


The goat went out for a walk,

He began to jump and jump!

The goat knocks its feet

Screaming like a goat:


A goat jumps along the path,

He beats loudly to each leg.

When I learn to dance

Then I knock with hooves!

"Kachalochka - 1"

Rock it, rock it, rocker,

Download our Tick!

Our daughter wants to sleep

We won't disturb her!

"Kachalochka - 2"

I know one counting

It's called "rocker"!

One two three four five:

Let's start dancing!


Jump - jog, runner,

That's what a good guy he is!

Jumping through a puddle

Envy yourself!

"ROPE - 1"

I'm jumping, I'm jumping, I'm jumping

And twist the rope!

You, rope, spin,

Russian dance, learn!

"ROPE - 2"

We weave a rope -

We walk foot by foot,

One two three four five -

Let's start all over again!

"ROPE - 3"

I am a little bunny

I jump where I want!

See how clever I am V twist the rope!


Like ours at the gate

The janitor sweeps the street.

The janitor sweeps the street.

He will pick up all the motes!

"Half-squat, squat"

I will sit - I will rise, I will sit - I will rise

And, like a ball, I'll jump!

I won't get tired of squatting

I want to become a dancer!


A rooster walks around the yard

Speaks aloud:

- I am the master in the yard

And I wake everyone at dawn!


We expose the legs together,

We don't stop dancing.

To a fun polka dance

We invite all our friends!


Legs are side by side

They want to dance.

Turn left and right

Smile to all your friends!

One two three four five,

I will return to you again!


The dog came to us Woof woof woof!

red dog - Woof woof woof!

She barks loudly G wow wow wow!

She scares us G wow wow wow!


I rock on the couch

And I don't get tired at all.

Like a spring I shrink

I will spin and fall.

You get out, people, -

The dance takes me!

I will go and dance

I'll show you my outfit!


Let's put a foot on the toe -

How we dance, look.

Now, my friend, try

Repeat this dance!


A bear walked along the path -

His legs are tired.

He stood, sat on a stump -

He couldn't go anymore!


Sideways, sideways we walk,

We play catch up.

Now let's go home P about the forest path!


The elephant walks along the path:

Top, top, top, top.

And the cat is following him.

Top-top, top-top, top-top, top-top!


How do I stomp my foot

Yes, I'll drown another!

Come out, girlfriend, in a circle,

Dance with me my friend!


On the meadow, on the lawn

Bunnies jumped all day long.

Have fun, have fun

By the evening everyone was tired!


Snow-snow, snow-snow

Lightweight and fluffy.

He is on the ground quietly

Falling down, laying down...

Little dances - etudes


We are nesting dolls, we are nesting dolls, (hands folded "shelf")
Here are the crumbs.

How are we, how are our clean hands! (show palms)

We are nesting dolls, we are nesting dolls, (hands folded "shelf")
Here are the crumbs. (sit down and show with your hand how small)

Like we have, like we have boots on our feet! (put the right foot on the heel, then the left)

"Ribbon Dance"

Our ribbons are like birds

They started spinning in the air.


We ran in circles

They looked at each other.

La-la-la. (running in circles)

We swirled around quickly

Ribbons spun with us.

La-la-la. (twirl with ribbons in hand)

"Soldiers and Ladies"

Brave soldiers are not afraid of guns,

Brave soldiers march merrily, (march in a circle)

Good soldiers can defend themselves. (depict how the soldiers defend themselves)

Good soldiers, everyone sings songs.

Young ladies-beauties, walk on toes, (walking in circles on half toes)

Beautiful young ladies love to dance. ("spring with turn")

Young ladies-beauties, a dress in flowers. (circle)

They went out to the parade of soldiers to see them off. (wave hand as if saying goodbye)

"Autumn Leaves"

We are autumn leaves

They sat on the branches. (wave leaves)

The wind blew, flew

We flew, we flew (running in circles)

And they sat on the ground. (sit down)

The wind came up again

And lifted up the leaves. (get up and stretch up with leaves)

twirled, twirled

We circled, we circled (turn right, then left)

And they fell to the ground. (sit down)


Autumn, autumn has come to us,

Bringing rain and wind. (start a round dance)

Cap - cap - cap - cap. (tap finger on palm)

The green garden turned yellow

The leaves are spinning and flying. (circle)

Shu-shu-shu-shu-shu. (wave leaves)

The songs of the birds are not heard, (show bird wings)

Let's wait until spring. (rub palm on palm)

Chirik - chik, chik,

Let's wait until spring. (rub palm on palm


Look, here are

The children were given ribbons.

We'll show them to you now

Look at us. (circle)

Ribbons are beautiful

Yellow and blue

Pink, red -

Here are some different ones. (wave ribbons up and down)

Flickered along the path

Our little feet. (running on half toes in a circle)

We wave ribbons

And let's start the fun dance. (wave ribbons up and down)

"We are soldiers, we are soldiers..."

We are soldiers, we are soldiers

The trumpet is calling us forward,

Clear formation, firm step

Let's go on a hike. (marching around like soldiers)

And we, too, and we, too,

Let's go on a hike.

And we are pilots

Heaven is always calling us.

We are on our planes

Let's go on a flight. (depict how an airplane engine starts - “motors”, running in a circle - “airplane wings”)

And we, too, and we, too,

Let's go on a flight.

We are sailors, we are sailors.

The sea is our home.

And on a white ship

We'll float away. ("Boat" - swing in different directions, holding hands)

And so are we, so are we

In the blue sea we swim.

We are dancers, we are dancers.

We don't stop dancing.

We clap our hands loudly (clapping)

We dance and we sing. (alternately putting the feet on the heel)

And so are we, so are we

And we dance and we sing.

“The bumblebee takes a bow in its paw ...”

The bumblebee takes a bow in its paw,

The violin played. (imitation of playing the violin)

A worm is dancing with a fly

On a flexible path. (circle in pairs on jumps)

Heels "knock-knock" - knock,

They danced wildly. (stomp right foot)

Half a loaf

The musician was given (stomp left foot)

And then the worm taught

dance the snail ("spring with turn")

Shemale got it for it

Chocolate bar. ("lanterns")


Look, my friend

On a wonderful shoe. (point to the foot, foot on the heel)

You listen to this sound -

My boot is knock, knock, knock. (tap heel on the floor)

Oh, how much fun we have -

The boot started to dance.

On the path to the circle

My shoe arrived. (running in circles)

You, my friend, do not yawn,

Choose a pair for yourself (hold out hands to neighbor)

Have fun circling (circle)

And then stop.

The boot does not knock

The boot does not run. (point to "quiet")

He walks quietly

He leads everyone to the chairs. (sit on chairs)

"Snow - snowball"

Snow-snow, snow-snow,

White blizzard. (clapping)

Snow-snow, snow-snow,

Creeps along the path. (turn around and sit down)

Snow-snow, snow-snow,

Covered paths. (shake arms to the side)

Snow-snow, snow-snow,

Melts on the palm. (show palms)

We'll make snowballs and play together. ("make snowballs")

And throw snowballs at each other. ("leave snowballs" at each other)

Snow-snow, snow-snow,

snow covered paths, (shake arms to the side)

Snow-snow, snow-snow,

Melts on the palm. (show palms)

We are warm in the yard, ears are not frozen, ("rub your ears")

We roll snow into a huge white lump. ("roll com")

Snow-snow, snow-snow,

Covered paths. (shake arms to the side)

Snow-snow, snow-snow,

Melts on the palm. (show palms)


On the lawn at an early hour

They start dancing (running in circles in pairs)

Wasps with bumblebees -

Brave guys!

Flapping their wings up and down! (raise hands up and down)

Hey passerby, beware!

Wasps with bumblebees -

Brave guys! (join hands, and circle in pairs)

Clap your paws friend (clapping)

The dance will be more fun! (alternately putting the feet on the heel)

Wasps with bumblebees -

Brave guys! (join hands, and circle in pairs)

"Dance in a circle"

(movements are performed in accordance with the text)

We'll go right now

Together: one, two, three!

And then let's go left

Together: one, two, three!

Gather in the center of the circle

Together: one, two, three!

And we will all return to the place

Together: one, two, three!

We quietly swear

Together: one, two, three!

And let's get a little (children put their hands under their cheeks)

Together: one, two, three!

We will rise slowly

Together: one, two, three!

And let's jump lightly

Together: one, two, three!

Let our feet dance

Together: one, two, three!

And clap their hands

Together: one, two, three!

Let's turn right

Together: one, two, three!

Won't you start over

Together: one, two, three! (children join hands again)

"Dance with me..."

Dance with me

Quietly circle. (twirl in pairs)

Smile of course

And stop. (smile and stop)

Step back,

And step forward

Clap-clap-clap-clap, (clapping)

Embraced. (hug)

Step back,

And step forward

Clap-clap-clap-clap, (clapping)

Embraced. (hug)

dance games

"On the ship"

Necessary equipment: children's plastic bucket, mop, soundtrack of the song "Seaman" by Oleg Gazmanov.

Rules of the game: one participant is selected for the role of a sailor (sailor), he is instructed to wash the deck on the ship. With the help of a mop and a bucket, a sailor performs movements that imitate washing floors. Around him, the rest of the guys who are participating in the game are dancing merrily. Then the musical accompaniment is abruptly stopped and the children, together with the leader, must quickly pair up. A sailor (sailor) becomes a player who is left without a pair.

"The sea is worried"

Play equipment: a disc containing pleasant melodic music.

Rules of the game: select one leader. All other participants in the game are spinning and performing smooth dance moves. After the words uttered by the teacher, “The sea worries once, the sea worries two, the sea worries three. Freeze the figure of the sea! ”, The musical accompaniment stops abruptly and the children should freeze in place. The leader is instructed to find those who move.


This dance game for children does not require special equipment except for a tape recorder and a CD with children's songs.

Rules of the game: The children are divided into pairs and stand facing each other. To the music, one child in a pair dances, and the other kid needs to repeat his movements exactly. Then the roles change. The winner is the pair in which the movements were more synchronous.


Necessary equipment: cardboard cards depicting - chamomile, cherry, bush, bee, sparrow, swallow, rabbit, grasshopper, lily, etc.

Rules of the game: Each child is given a card. Then the child must dance to the music to depict the plant or animal that is written on the card. At first, each child completes his task, and then the children dance together, depicting the entire garden.

"Unravel the Rope"

Such children's dance games do not provide for the use of equipment.

Game rules: the children, holding hands and standing in a circle, twist in all sorts of ways, stepping their feet over each other's hands, lying down, sitting down, etc., to make a tangled ball. The host turns on the music, under which the children unravel themselves. By tempo, you can use different music, so that the unraveling is either fast or slow.

"Think of a Dance"

Rules of the game: children line up in a circle, music sounds. A leader is chosen from the children who will show the dance moves. Then the leader becomes the one who has the best moves. The game continues until all the kids are leading.


Necessary equipment: chairs to seat the orchestra.

Rules of the game: each child chooses the instrument he is going to play - guitar, balalaika, button accordion, flute, piano, violin, triangle, etc. One person is selected from the children with the help of a counting rhyme - he will be the conductor. The conductor waves his baton and all the children - the orchestra - begin to imitate playing musical instruments. Then the conductor points with a stick at one of the musicians, for example, a violinist, and begins to imitate playing the violin, and the child playing the violin freezes. All musicians, noticing this, stop playing their instruments and begin to repeat after the conductor, imitate playing the violin. Then the conductor moves on to the next instrument, and the musicians must carefully follow it and repeat the movements without errors.

"Sun and flowers"

Equipment: disc with pleasant melodic music.

Rules: the sun is chosen as the leader, all other children are flowers. The sun wakes up first and, circling and dancing, strokes the flowers, they begin to bloom and dance. Children perform movements that imitate the swaying of a flower in the wind.

"A toy shop"


Rules of the game: kids depict various toys (robot, doll, horse, cat). The host (buyer) enters the store, examines the toys and turns them on one by one. After switching on, each toy dances. Then the host turns off the toy, and it stops moving, freezes. The buyer, having considered all the toys, chooses the one he likes and it becomes the leader.

"Forest Ball"

Equipment: tape recorder, CD with children's songs.

Rules of the game: the host (teacher) invites the children to attend the ball, which brought together different forest dwellers. He pronounces a poem, and the children repeat after him musical and rhythmic movements:

The beaver arranged a ball in the forest and he invited many guests:

Squirrels blow flutes, butterflies dance polka,

Even a quiet badger with shoes chok yes chok!

You can invite the players to "turn" into any forest dweller and independently figure out how he dances.

"Creative improvisation"

Equipment: tape recorder, CD with music (waltz, march, etc.).

Rules of the game: The leader sets different music for the children: waltz, march, polka. To the music of the waltz, children come up with light, smooth movements. Depict butterflies, birds, etc. To the music of the march, children come up with various general developmental exercises: squats, bends. They depict soldiers, gymnasts, etc. Children jump and run to the music of polka, imitating bunnies, chanterelles, squirrels, etc. The best creative improvisation can be noted.

Card file

Warm-ups, motor games and exercises







In the learning process, the load is mainly given to the visual and auditory channels of perception, thereby impoverishing the sensory support of the learning process. The additional inclusion of kinesthetic and motor analyzers in the learning process will certainly facilitate the process of assimilation of the material.
The child's need for play motor activity is natural and harmonious. The systematic use of motor games-warm-ups will reduce the emotional and physical stress of children (at the psychological and physical levels), associated with the period of adaptation to new social conditions and requirements.

In addition, it is known that the activation of sensorimotor skills, the actualization and consolidation of any bodily skills suggest the demand from the outside for such mental functions as, for example, emotions, perception, memory, self-regulation processes. Consequently, a basic prerequisite is created for the full participation of these processes in the acquisition of reading, writing, and mathematical knowledge.
Motor games-warm-ups Can be done at the beginning, middle or end of a session. At the beginning of the day or before class, they will help children get ready, tune in to work in the classroom, and in the middle and at the end of class - restore attention and efficiency, activate memory, relieve stress and relax.
Motor warm-ups always begin with an exercise that combines movement with breathing. Then one or two exercises are performed to activate the body and relax (self-massage, exercises to relieve bodily tension). The warm-up ends with a rhythmic exercise. The duration of the warm-up game is 3–4 minutes.
A fairly wide range of motor exercises presented below will allow teachers to be creative in the selection of warm-up games, making the moments of rest not only useful, but also diverse and interesting for children.


At the beginning of the warm-up, it is recommended to pay attention to breathing exercises in combination with various body movements. This contributes to the optimization of gas exchange and blood circulation, ventilation of all parts of the lungs, as well as general health and well-being. Performance breathing exercises soothes and promotes concentration. Smooth "stretching" movements relieve muscle tension, increasing the level of mental activity and performance.
It is necessary to breathe in a slow rhythm, breathing should contain four phases equal in time: "inhale - hold - exhale - hold". Initially, each of them can be 2-3 seconds with a gradual increase to seven seconds. Movements are performed in the phase of inhalation or exhalation, during breath holdings - pauses.

1. "Let's reach for the sun." Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, hands down. While inhaling, slowly raise your hands up, gradually “stretching” the whole body: starting with the fingers, then we stretch with the wrists, elbows, shoulders, thoracic region, lower back and legs, but without much tension and without lifting the heels from the floor. Hold your breath - "with your fingertips we reach for the sun." Exhale, drop your hands, relax.

2. Sipping. Stand up, feet shoulder-width apart, hands clenched into fists and lowered down. On a slow breath - raise your fists above your shoulders, keeping your elbows slightly bent, and bend in your back, spreading your shoulders and throwing your head back; stretch up, straightening your arms and rising on your toes (imagine that you just woke up and stretch sweetly). Fix this position, hold your breath. As you exhale, lower your hands down, trying to "get" your fingers to the floor.

3. "String". Stand up, feet together, arms raised up. We “stretch” the whole body on a slow breath, stretching simultaneously with both hands and the body; then - only the right side of the body (arm, side, leg), then - only the left side of the body. The back should not strain and arch. Ask the child if his back, arms, legs are extended.

4. "Star". Stand in a “star” position (legs slightly wider than shoulders, arms raised up and slightly spread apart). We perform stretching, similar to the previous ones, but not one-sided, but diagonal. Raise and pull back the right leg, while stretching up the left arm - diagonally, while the left leg and right arm are relaxed. Relax. Then the same is done on the other diagonal.

5. Leg extensions. Legs shoulder width apart. While inhaling, raise straight arms to the sides at shoulder level, palms down. On exhalation (four options for performing the exercise are possible - at the command of the teacher):
- slowly lean to the left and touch the toes of the left foot with the left hand; stay in this position for five seconds (pause) and return to i.p. Try not to bend your legs and arms;
- the same - for the right arm and leg;
- slowly lean to the left and touch the toes of the left foot with the right hand; stay in this position for five seconds and return to i.p. Do not bend your legs and arms;
- the same - for the left hand and right leg.


Exercises can be performed in a sitting or standing position.
1. "Washing the head"
a) Fingers slightly apart and slightly bent at the joints. With your fingertips, massage your head in the direction: 1) from the forehead to the crown, 2) from the forehead to the back of the head, and 3) from the ears to the neck.
b) The fingers are slightly bent, the surface of the nails and the first phalanges are in close contact with the surface of the head just behind the ears; massage is performed by the child with both hands towards each other from the ears to the top of the head.

2. "The monkey is combing." The right hand massages the head with fingers from the left temple to the right side of the back of the head and back. Then the left hand - from the right temple to the left side of the back of the head. In a more complex version, the hands are crossed at the base of the hair (thumbs - in the middle line!); in this position, the child intensively massages the head from the forehead to the neck and back.

3. "Ears". The ears are rubbed with the palms as if they were cold; warm up three times from top to bottom - vertically; they are rubbed in a reciprocating motion in a different direction - horizontally (fingers, excluding the thumbs, are connected and directed towards the back of the head, elbows forward).
Then close your ears with your palms, and attach your fingers to the back of the head, bringing them together. With index fingers, lightly tap on the back of the head up to three times. This exercise tones the cerebral cortex, reduces the sensation of tinnitus, headache, dizziness.

4. "The eyes are resting." Close eyes. With the interphalangeal joints of the thumbs, make 3-5 massaging movements along the eyelids from the inner to the outer corners of the eyes, repeat the same movement under the eyes. After that, massage the eyebrows from the bridge of the nose to the temples.
After massaging the eyelids and the area around the eyes, turn the eyeballs 3-5 times to the left, right, up and down, in a circle. Open your eyes wide for a few seconds, then close your eyes tightly. It relieves tension and improves blood circulation in the eye area, improves vision.

5. "Sponge teeth". Biting and “scratching” of lips with teeth; tongue with teeth from the tip to the middle of the tongue. Intense "flapping" of the lips and rubbing each other's lips in different directions.

6. "Fish". The mouth is slightly open. Take the upper lip with the right hand, and the lower lip with the left. Perform simultaneous and multidirectional hand movements, stretching the lips up, down, right, left. Close your mouth, take both lips with your hands and pull them forward, massaging them.

7. "Flexible neck, loose shoulders." Massage the back of the neck (from top to bottom) with both hands: stroking, patting, pinching, rubbing, spiral movements.
Similarly: with the right hand, massage the left shoulder in the direction from the neck to the shoulder joint, then with the left hand - the right shoulder;
with the right hand, grab the left shoulder and do 5-10 rotational movements clockwise and against it, the same - with the left hand, then with both hands at the same time.

8. "Owl". Raise your right shoulder up and turn your head to the right while taking a deep breath; grab the right periosteal muscle with your left hand and lower your shoulder as you exhale. Stretch the trapped muscle by doing deep breathing and looking as far back as possible. The same - with the left shoulder with the right hand.

9. "Warm hands." Raise your right hand up, moving it in different directions. The left hand at the same time holds the shoulder (forearm) of the right hand, resisting its movement and at the same time massaging it. Then the hands change.
Rubbing and warming up the fingers and the entire hand from the fingertips to the base and back; Special attention should be given to the thumbs. Imitation of "power" washing, rubbing and shaking hands.

10. "House". Place your fingers in a “house” in front of your chest and press on each other, first with both hands, then with each pair of fingers.


(optimization of the overall tone of the body)
1. "Tense-relaxed." In a standing or sitting position, the child is invited to strain the whole body as much as possible, after a few seconds, release the tension, relax. Do the same with each part of the body (the teacher calls the parts of the body in turn, stopping at each segment separately - right arm, neck, back, stomach, lower back, right leg, etc.).

2. "Strongman". Perform contrast tension and relaxation shoulder girdle, arms and legs, imagining that you: hold heavy weights in your hands (leg, on your shoulder); lift a heavy basket of apples over your head; press the bar; hold the closing door with your foot; you move your hands apart the closely intertwined branches of trees in the forest thicket.

3. "A blade of grass in the wind." The child depicts a blade of grass with his whole body (sit on a chair or on the floor, on his heels, stretch his arms up, take a breath). The wind starts to blow, and the blade of grass leans to the ground (exhaling, tilt the torso forward until the chest touches the hips; at the same time, the arms are extended forward, palms on the floor; without changing the position of the torso, pull the arms along the floor even further forward). The wind subsides, the blade of grass straightens and reaches for the sun (while inhaling, return to its original position, stretch up).

4. "Swinging tree." It is built on the same principle as the previous exercise (roots - legs, trunk - torso, crown - arms and head). Can be performed both sitting and standing. It is important that each child imagines himself as “his own” tree: after all, spruce, birch and willow react very differently to the breeze, the beginning of a storm and a hurricane.

5. "Dragon". The child depicts a dragon patrolling its possessions: legs shoulder-width apart, slightly bent at the knees, springing in time with wing-arms. Then he lands on the island and begins to "stir" the sea with his tail.

6. "Fire and ice." I.p. - standing in a circle. At the “fire” command, the children begin intensive movements with the whole body. The smoothness and degree of intensity of movements each child chooses arbitrarily. At the command “ice”, the children freeze in the position in which the team caught them, straining the whole body to the limit. The teacher alternates both commands several times, changing the execution time of one and the other.


These exercises, in addition to relieving tension from the shoulders and neck, help to improve blood circulation in the head, the movement of cerebrospinal fluid.

1. "Stubborn neck." Cross your fingers at the back of your head (elbows to the sides), raise your head, look up. Try to tilt your head forward with your hands, the neck resists. Run 3-5 times. Similarly - palms on the forehead.

2. "Knead your shoulders." Feet shoulder width apart, arms relaxed. All attention is on the muscles of the shoulder girdle, on the shoulder joints, on the feeling of their stretching and relaxation: 1) perform contrast tension and relaxation of the shoulders; 2) raise and lower the shoulders, take them back, then forward - simultaneously and alternately; 3) rotate your shoulders back and forth (simultaneously and alternately), without bending and bending your back back and forth.

3. Head tilts. Sit or stand up straight. IN slow pace(this is very important!) reach the chin to the chest, the back of the head to the back, put the ear on the right shoulder, then on the left (it is important that the shoulders and spine remain straight). Slowly turn your head to the right, to the left.

4. "Turtle". The child imitates the slow movements of the turtle's head, which then looks out of the shell (shoulders fall, the chin stretches forward and up), then hides in it (shoulders rise, chin to the chest), then turns its head around.


1. Warm up and relax your hands. Shake your hands as if you are trying to shake water off them. Rub your hands from shoulder to hand and back, as if you were cold; stretch your shoulders, forearms and hands in sequence. Perform contrast tension and relaxation of the hands.

2. "Castle". Fold your hands into a "lock" and pull them: 1) up, down, to the sides; bend back and stretch your arms up; pull your hands behind your back in the lock; 2) take the left elbow with the right hand and pull it to the right, the same with the left hand; 3) hook your fingers on each other and pull your hands in different directions, the same - one pair of fingers each.
Next exercises performed first separately with each hand, then with both hands at the same time. With two-handed execution, both hands first move in one direction (right, left, forward, backward), and then in opposite directions.

3. "Magic Mill". The child imagines that his hands are the blades of a magic windmill, which can, folding and straightening, rotate in different directions. All attention is on the sensations in the kneaded joints.
1) Rotate the straight right (left) hand in shoulder joint forward, backward, right, left; both hands in the same and opposite directions (right - forward, left - back); put the brushes to the shoulders and make the same circular movements;
2) stretch straight arms to the sides, bend them at the elbows and freely swing the forearms, then rotate them in a circle; similar to the previous one - rotation of the arms in elbow joints(at the same time, the shoulders and hands are motionless);
3) rotate your arms in wrist joint(arms extended forward, elbows slightly bent, shoulders and forearms motionless).

4. "Snakes". Invite the child to imagine that his fingers are small snakes. They can move-wriggle, rotating to the right, to the left, from bottom to top and from top to bottom. Sequentially, each finger depicts a "snake" (if the desired movement does not work out, help with the other hand).

5. "Sea". Two participants tell the story together and accompany it with the appropriate movements: “Small and large waves are splashing on the sea (first with one hand, and then with the other hand, small waves are drawn in the air; clasp hands in a castle and draw a big wave in the air). Dolphins swim along the waves (synchronous wave-like movements are made with the whole arm forward). They are together, and then take turns diving into the water - one dived, the other dived (alternate wave-like movements of the hands are made). Their dolphins are swimming behind them (the arms are bent at the elbows, pressed to the chest, the hands perform synchronous wave-like movements forward). They dive together and take turns (simultaneous and alternate wave-like movements of the hands). This is how their tails move (each finger alternately makes wave-like movements). Jellyfish swim together with dolphins (hands clenched into fists sharply clench and unclench). They are all dancing and laughing (rotation of the hands in the wrist joints).


1. "Bicycle". Sitting imitate cycling (freely, with effort, with resistance).

2. "Draw circles." Sit on a chair. Raise the right leg and rotate in the knee (then ankle) joint to the right, to the left, imagining that we are drawing large and small circles. Drop to the floor. Similarly - with the left leg; two legs.

3. "Frog". Squat down, leaning on your toes and hands (between your knees) - like a frog. Jump high up and squat back down. Another option for jumping is forward.

4. Development of stability and liberation of the joints. Attention is directed to the sensations in the kneading joint.
- i.p. - stand on one leg. Rotate the other leg from the hip, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. Change leg.
- i.p. - Same. The other thigh is raised parallel to the floor, the knee is bent. Rigidly fixing this position, describe with the lower leg (then only with the foot) horizontal circles, first clockwise, then counterclockwise. The lower leg (foot) is completely relaxed. Change leg.
- i.p. - Same. Bend the other at the knee, hands behind the back, grab the left wrist with the right palm. Describe a vertical circle with the foot, as if turning the pedal of a bicycle. After describing 3-5 circles, change direction to the opposite. Change leg.
- i.p. - Same. The other leg is slightly raised off the floor; rotate the foot ankle joint, describing circles and waves in the horizontal (vertical) plane with the toe of the foot. After 3-5 times, change direction to the opposite. Then change legs.

5. Squats. Squat down, the soles of the feet are fully on the floor, hands lie freely on the knees. An easier version of the exercise is to squat until the heels start to come off the floor.


Orientation to the external rhythm not only activates the auditory channel of perception, but also helps children tune in to the general rhythm of the class. To perform these exercises, a variety of means are used. For example, when performing any exercises where you yourself count aloud to children, you can, while clapping your hands, vary the pace of execution, then speeding it up, then slowing it down. You can use the alternation of sounds of different volume and tone within the rhythmic pattern. This also contributes to the development of attention and greater adaptability of children to changing conditions.

1. "Repeat the rhythm." The teacher sets the rhythm by tapping it with one hand, for example, “2–2–3” (at the beginning of mastering, visual reinforcement is given - the child sees the teacher’s hands). Then there is a gradual transition to only auditory perception, with eyes closed):
- the child repeats the rhythmic pattern with his right hand, left hand, two hands at the same time (clapping or hitting the table), combined (for example, "2" - with the right hand, "2" - with the left hand, "3" - with both hands simultaneously);
- the child is invited to reproduce the same rhythmic pattern with his feet: first, a wave with the whole leg, then movements with only the foot; jumping on one or two legs.

2. "Rhythm in a circle." Children sit in a semicircle. The teacher beats out some kind of rhythmic series. Children listen carefully to it and repeat (individually or all together). When the rhythm is mastered, they receive the command: “Let's clap this rhythm like this: everyone in turn beats out one passage from the entire given rhythm. From left to right. When the rhythm ends, the next in the circle waits a short pause and starts over; and so on until my “Stop” command. A latecomer with his clap, unable to pause, making an extra clap - receives a penalty point or is eliminated from the game.

3. Rhythmic movements. First, similarly to the exercises above, the rhythmic pattern is worked out in statics, then it is played in dynamics: the children move in a circle, all together or in turn performing a rhythmic fragment, creating a single melody and moving in a given rhythm.

5. "Think of a rhythm." Exercises with the use of rhythmic musical instruments. Here the child can either repeat the given rhythm, or invent it and reproduce it. This exercise is good to perform in a group, when some in a circle either reproduce the rhythms of others, then set their own, while controlling the correctness of the repetition.

6. Movement to the music. Exercises using specially selected pieces of music with different rhythmic structures. Children are invited to voluntarily (or repeating already learned motor exercises) move to the music in accordance with the sounding rhythmic pattern.

7. Cross and one-way traffic. At the first stage, the child walks slowly, alternately touching either the right or the left hand of the opposite knee (cross movements). The teacher at the stage of mastering the exercise counts 8 (12) times at a slow pace. At the second stage, the child also steps, but already touching the knee of the same name (unilateral movements). Also 8 (12) times. At the third and fifth stages - cross movements, at the fourth - unilateral. Required condition- start and end the exercise with cross movements. After the child has mastered this exercise under an external account, you can offer to perform it yourself - by yourself counting and controlling the sequence and switching from movement to movement, as well as perform cross and one-sided movements to rhythmic music.

8. "Okay". This game is one of the first to appear in the experience of any child. If he is not familiar with it, teach him to play first in the classical version, but not only with his hands, but also sitting with his feet. Then make it harder:
a) clap, clap with two hands with a partner (both hands are crossed, clap, clap with a partner “left-right”, clap, clap with a partner “right-left”. Further, the task becomes more complicated, the number of movements increases due to the combination of the classical and given options.Similarly - with legs.
b) "fist-palm": the child's hands are always turned palms to each other; clapping, clapping fist on palm, clapping, clapping palm on fist (the position changes to the opposite. Playing in pairs, the child, after clapping, “fist-palm” does with you. In an even more complex version, “fist-palm” with a partner done with crossed arms (in front, then the left, then the right hand).
c) “patties” with palm turns: a classic version in which clapping with a partner is carried out so that one palm of the child looks down and the other looks up (they are placed on top of each other with ribs).

Of course, you love your beloved child very much, you want him to grow up smart and harmoniously developed. And for this, you need to deal with the baby every day, preferably from birth. Warm-ups should be very simple, uncomplicated, well-remembered and liked by children. Such fun activities will help you develop many skills in your child.

The classes are very easy to perform, they can be practiced with children of a very young age and with any level of speech development. In the process of classes, you repeat the same sounds many times, thereby encouraging the child to pronounce them clearly after you.

You might think that this is too much simple exercises, they are uninteresting and ineffective for your child, but believe me - this is not at all the case! A little later, after a little work with the child, you will see many changes in his development. He will become more cheerful, mobile, will make more sounds.

1. Clap your hands (done while sitting on a chair)

Let's clap our hands, clap a little
Clap your hands, very good.
(clapping in front of the chest)

And the fingers will dance, and the fingers will dance,
And the little guys' fingers will dance
(rotating with the hands we raise our hands up and gradually lower them to the level of the chest)

Knock knock with a hammer, we'll build a house for the birds.
Knock-knock with a hammer, the birds settle in it.
(knocking with the right fist on the left, raising the right hand high)

Boom-boom drum, what a noise and chatter.
Boom boom drum, wake up in the morning.
(knocking with index fingers like drumsticks)

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo - what a tune.
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo - self-horned pipe.
(we imitate playing the pipe, fingering)

We will go, we will go to the forest to the fox and the bear.
(like turning the steering wheel of a car)

Let's go slowly, let's go slowly.
(legs softly knock on the floor)

And quickly, and quickly, and quickly, and quickly.
(quickly stomp our feet and knock on our knees with our palms)

All the kids know how to clap
They don't spare their hands.
Like this, like this, like this
They don't spare their hands.
Kids know how to stomp
They do not spare their legs.
Like this, like this, like this
They don't spare their feet!

2. Bunny gray

Bunny gray sits
(squatting, arms at the chest like a hare)
And wiggles his ears.
(you need to raise your palms above your head and wave, depicting ears)
Like this, like this, he moves his ears!

It’s cold for a bunny to sit, you need to warm up your paws.
(clap hands)
Like this, like this, you need to warm up your paws!

It’s cold for a bunny to stand, a bunny needs to jump.
(jump like a bunny)
hop-hop, hop-hop, the bunny needs to jump.

A bunny jumps along the path
Jump, jump.
Right foot, left foot,
Jump, jump.
Jump, jump, legs together
Jump, jump.
And clap your hands
Jump, jump.

3. White snowflakes

Spin around, spin around (spin in place)
White snowflakes.
They flew up in a white flock (raise your hands up)
Light fluff. (twirl on toes)
The evil blizzard subsided a little (stand up straight and lower the handles down)
Snuggled up everywhere. (sit down, lower your hands to the floor)
They shone like pearls (get up, stretch your arms forward)
Everyone marvels at the miracle. (spread arms out to sides)
Sparkled, sparkled white girlfriends.
(hands perform the "scissors" movement)
Children and old women hurried for a walk.
(walking in place)

Two funny sheep

Two funny sheep
They split up near the river.
Jump jump, jump jump!
(jump fun)

Up to the sky, down to the grass.
(we get on our feet, stretch up, and then squat, lowering our hands down)

And then we circled (circled)

And they fell into the river. (We fall to the floor)

Hands clap clap-clap-clap.
We stomp our feet top-top-top.
With the whole body we jerk, jerk, jerk, jerk.
Let's have fun jump-jump-jump!

We clap our hands
And we will knock with our teeth.
We blink our eyes
Let's roar like a tiger cub.
Let's walk merrily
Now let's swear.
Let's shake our heads
And we'll get back up.
Raise the handles up.
Well, we circled around.
Let's stand upright again.
And they bowed low.

I really hope that these warm-ups will bring a lot of joy to you and your child. In addition, these funny Games contribute to the development of speech and motor skills of the child.

Have fun doing it!

Warm-up games for the formation of high-quality memory of students

This article will be useful for teachers who are interested in improving and developing the memory of students. In this article I want to talk about games that help develop good memory without requiring much time.

These are games like warm-up games. They can be used both at the beginning of the lesson and in the middle.
the main objective my work is to introduce the game methods of forming a good memory in students.
Work tasks:
1) help in the development of good memory;
2) assistance in organizing a change of activities and outdoor activities

There are many such games, but I will give an example of the most suitable in my opinion.
Game 1. One, two, three - freeze!
Game 2. About words without words.
Game 3. Listen and imagine.
Game 4. Chain of associations.
Game 5. Words in poses and gestures.
Game 6. Replacing letters in words-poses.
Game 1. One, two, three - freeze!

Students stand facing each other in order to see each other and about one, two, three - freeze, they should freeze in an arbitrary position for 5-6 seconds.
This time should be enough to memorize the poses. Then the students should repeat the poses of their classmates. Whoever repeats more precisely all the poses and in order, he won.
(For the best memorization, tell the children to come up with associations, and based on them a story)
Game 2. About words without words.
This game will allow not only to develop a strong memory, but also children's imagination. Let the children feel like a pantomime. In general, pantomime means “body language”. Our body allows us to tell a lot about ourselves without making any sounds.
Students must mimic the words. It is desirable that the words be simple to explain, such as a table, an elephant, a car, etc.
Game 3. Listen and imagine.
You need to ask the guys to relax, sit back and close their eyes. The teacher reads the story and the children listen and try to see what is happening in the story.
As an example, let's take the story of Bianchi V. "The Fox and the Mouse".

- Mouse, mouse, why is your nose dirty?
- Digging the earth.
Why did you dig the earth?
- Made a mink.
- Why did you make a mink?
- From you, foxes, to hide.
- Mouse, mouse, and I'll lie in wait for you!
- And I have a bedroom in a mink.
- If you want to eat - get out!
- And I have a pantry in a mink.
- Little mouse, little mouse, but I'll tear your mink!
- And I'm away from you - and I was like that!

After reading, let the students share their impressions of what they saw.
Game 4. Chain of associations.
Each student has his own associations, his own connection between objects, words.
Take any word and tell the students to take turns giving their association to each subsequent word. And at the end try to remember the words - associations that were named by the children.
Game 5. Words in poses and gestures.
The rules of the game are simple, first you need to divide the guys into teams of 4 people.
Students must use their hands and feet to depict letters, that is, literally transform into letters.
You can make simple words of 3-4 letters, or you can make more complex ones, but this will require more students.
The team that guesses the most words wins.
Game 6. Replacing letters in words-poses.
In this game, the rules are the same as in the previous game, but the main task of students is not only to show the hidden word so that other students guess it, but also to change one letter in the word to get a new one.
For example:
You can use the words ball, beetle, catfish, juice.
After the game is over, try to remember all the invented words.