Which vibrating massager to choose. Types of vibrating massagers

Vibration massage is a kind of hardware health-improving procedure that allows you to adjust the degree of impact on the human body by changing the frequency, amplitude of oscillations and time duration. All vibration massagers are divided into three main groups: portable, floor and for local impact.

Portable vibration massagers

Compact vibratory massagers of small sizes are designed to influence certain parts of the body and can be used both for self-massage and for massage with outside help. Such devices allow you to gently knead stiff and tired small muscles or conduct a relaxing massage of the face, head and neck. As a rule, manual devices are equipped with special nozzles for influencing certain parts of the body and often have an infrared emitter that provides additional muscle heating. It is not recommended to use such massagers for inflammatory skin diseases, a tendency to form blood clots, oncological diseases and pregnancy.

Floor vibration massagers

This category of vibratory massagers is equipped with several massage tapes designed to affect different areas of the body with a large surface area. Such a device can have various effects on the body: warming, relaxing, tonic, anti-cellulite or corrective. The impact on the body is set by adjusting the power of the device and the use of special massage tapes. Tape with rollers helps to get rid of cellulite, promotes body shaping in the abdomen and hips. The usual smooth tape well kneads both large and small muscles of the body, providing a tonic effect and improving blood circulation. Lymphatic drainage tape eliminates edema and lymph congestion, affects subcutaneous fat and manifestations of cellulite. Contraindications of such vibromassage include inflammatory processes of the skin and internal organs, problems with blood pressure, cardiovascular system, cancer, pregnancy, kidney stones.

Local vibration massagers

Vibratory local impact massagers allow you to set the program and massage mode using a special control panel. Such devices include various vibration belts, massage pillows and mattresses, and myostimulators. The device of local influence is put on problem areas - the waist, hips, arms - and a passive massage program is given to it, which allows you to do any other things during its implementation. Contraindications include the same symptoms as for massage with floor vibrating massagers.

Did you decide buy vibratory massager? Then, of course, the question arose before you: which model to choose? To answer, let's figure out what this device is intended for, and what types of massagers exist.

The action of vibrating massagers

Why was this device invented? If you follow the logic, then based on the name - of course, for massage procedures. However, not everyone knows that the vibratory massager is designed exclusively for passive massage. You apply the vibration massager to the desired part of the body, adjust its intensity - and get a passive massage.

What is the effect of a vibration massager? Massage with a vibratory massager is similar to manual massage, which is done by a specialist. It improves blood circulation, resulting in better nutrition of tissues and their enrichment with oxygen. In addition, the lymphatic system is stimulated, which improves the outflow of fluids. As a result, adipose tissue is burned, toxins and waste products of cells are removed. Which, as you understand, is important when using a vibratory massager to reduce body weight. However, it is worth noting that, like any other exercises, classes with a vibrating massager should be regular.

Varieties of vibrating massagers

What is the difference between vibration massagers from each other? Of course, the price, so you should decide on the configuration, degree of compactness and portability of the model. Also, you should determine whether you need a massager of general or local action.

Vibrating massagers general use usually presented in the floor version. This is a platform with handrails, and a set of different belts that encircle your problem areas of the body. A vibration massagers (manual) local action are usually compact, easily fit in the hand, have a set of different nozzles, and allow you to literally massage the selected area of ​​the body manually.

What are the differences between the models? With manual ones, everything is simple: there is a set of nozzles, a choice of speed. But floor vibrating massagers have many parameters that should be considered:

  • number of programs (some manufacturers even offer up to 9)
  • number of load levels
  • engine power
  • Weight Limit user (an important indicator, especially when buying vibration massager for weight loss)
  • number and purpose of belts

You should also pay attention, as with the purchase of any other product, to the features of each model, its dimensions, specifications, manufacturer's warranty. In our online store you can purchase the best and most modern models, choosing among them the most suitable option for yourself.

Many are eager to have fit figure. But at the same time, they do not want to exhaust themselves with long workouts or go on a diet. For these purposes, they decide to use vibration massagers for the body. Many hope to noticeably lose weight with their help.

Operating principle

Each massager uses the principle of mechanical vibration during operation. It looks like regular massage, which you can do in any salon. Due to the effect of the device in the treated areas, blood circulation improves. This is due to the expansion of the capillary network.

As a result, lymph flow improves several times, all metabolic processes are accelerated, waste products and toxins are removed. Impact on the reflexogenic zones on the skin contributes to the stimulation of internal organs.

Fans of vibratory massagers claim that a number of biologically active substances are formed at the impact sites. Among them, for example, acetylcholine, histamine and others. With the flow of lymph, they are carried throughout the body, as a result, all organs and systems are stimulated.

Vibrating body massagers, when used correctly, can have a tonic effect on the skin, relax muscles, and normalize oxygen consumption by tissues. But it is worth knowing that they cannot break fat cells and noticeably remove excess weight.

Device types

On sale now you can find various vibration massagers for the body. Many gyms and salons have floor options. These are devices placed on a special footboard. Massage tapes are attached to them, designed for different zones. There are special belts for the waist and abdomen, hips, buttocks. With the help of a motor, vibration massagers for the body are activated.

At home, many people prefer to use more compact devices. These can be manual options or special vibration belts. They will help you relax and feel better. But do not hope that with the help of such a purchase you will be able to lose weight.

They are also classified separately according to the principle of operation. There are magnetic, electric and infrared models.

Floor units

The most effective are devices placed on a metal base and reaching the human waist. Such a vibratory massager on a body stand is capable of producing about 10 microvibrations per second. At the same time, the sensations resemble a quick rubbing with a towel. Everyone can adjust the intensity of the massage by choosing the training mode on their own.

Each floor vibrating massager comes with special tapes for different areas of the body. In addition, there are belts with rollers, “bumps” or “fingers”. Each of them has its own purpose. For example, rollers contribute to a faster reduction in volumes. The belt with "bumps" is designed for lymphatic drainage. It contributes to the fact that the manifestations of cellulite begin to decrease. The tape with movable “fingers”, according to the assurances of the manufacturers, has a point effect on the muscles. This contributes to their faster relaxation.

Although there is not much difference in all these tapes. All of them improve blood circulation and relax muscles.

Possible indications

If you want to buy yourself a tape vibrating body massager, then know that using it alone will not help you lose weight. But do not consider these devices completely useless.

Acceleration of metabolic processes;

Improving the condition of the skin;

Relieve muscle pain;

Normalization of work nervous system and gastrointestinal tract;

Acceleration of rehabilitation after a series of injuries.

They can also be used to massage for weight loss. But it will not be possible to get rid of body fat only under the influence of vibration. If you decide to lose weight, then you will need to remember about proper nutrition and sports. Massage can only relax the muscles, remove stagnant fluid and tone the skin.

Expected effect

If you are a diet lover, then you will need such a device to prevent sagging skin. In the process of losing weight, it is important to combine proper nutrition, exercise and massage. The latter will promote the production of collagen in cells. Thanks to this, you will not have extra folds, and all body contours will be clear. But it is worth knowing that the usual manual options are unlikely to help. For these purposes, it is better to use stationary vibration massagers for the body. Electrical Models, equipped with various tapes, allow you to tone the skin. The intensity of the load can be adjusted. Thanks to this, you will receive a relaxing or invigorating massage.

In addition, many recommend doing massage with them after intense workouts. After all, everyone knows that muscle pain occurs as a result of the accumulation of lactic acid in them. Draining massage allows you to quickly remove it along with excess fluid. This will help reduce the volume. In addition, massage will help get rid of muscle pain that comes after every intense workout.

Necessary restrictions

It is worth knowing that not everyone can use vibration massagers for the body. Therefore, before trying out the operation of such a device on yourself, it is advisable to consult a doctor. You should refrain from massage if you have:

thrombosis or other vascular disease;

hypertension, angina pectoris, heart failure, or other heart problems;

Pulmonary tuberculosis;

Various tumors;

Gastrointestinal diseases: stomach or duodenal ulcer, cholelithiasis or other problems in the acute phase;

gynecological problems;

infectious diseases.

Also, you can not use vibration massagers for pregnant women and nursing mothers.

But even healthy people should not do procedures for more than 30 minutes in a row. Also, do not turn on the device before going to bed.

Compact Models

Many agree that a manual vibrating body massager is best suited for home use. It is designed for relaxing massage. With it, you can process the clamped muscles of the back, neck, legs. The device can be used daily after a hard day at work.

These compact devices, equipped with a vibrating surface, can help relieve muscle pain. To do this, with their help, it is necessary to carefully work out all the problem areas.

Manual vibration massagers for the body, as a rule, are equipped with several nozzles. Various interchangeable components are designed to work out the muscles of the face, abdomen, back, buttocks, and thighs.

The indisputable advantages of such models include a compact size. You can easily carry them everywhere with you. Before purchasing, you should ask about the weight of the selected model. Some of them are quite heavy and not too comfortable to massage yourself. Also, the shortcomings of individual devices include too short a cord.

infrared models

To relax and warm up the muscles, many people purchase special devices. These are universal vibration massagers for the body. The infrared heater with which they are completed is able to relieve pain in the neck and back.

One of the most popular is the Dolphin model. As the owners of such a massager say, the infrared nozzle really works. Its use allows you to get rid of pain caused by osteochondrosis or excessive muscle tension. True, this model has a significant drawback. Its weight is about 1 kg. Because of this, using a massager on your own is quite difficult. In order to fully treat the back or neck area, it is better to ask someone to hold the device.

Vibrating belts

When choosing vibration massagers for the body, many people stop their attention on small devices. Those who set out to lose weight without straining often purchase special belts. They can be worn on the waist, buttocks, hips, and even on the arms. Manufacturers emphasize that everyone can put on a belt, lie on the couch and lose weight.

Some models are even equipped with a heating function. According to manufacturers, due to this, blood circulation in the tissues increases, improves metabolism, And body fat are starting to melt. But in practice, it becomes clear that it is impossible to get rid of fat using only massagers.

Such a device can be used for other purposes. With its help, it is quite good to relax the muscles.

This is a device that performs massage, affecting the body with mechanical vibrations of different amplitudes. Such massage procedures help not only to relax, but also have a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole.

Features of the vibrating massager:

  • help you relax
  • removes flabbiness and improves skin elasticity,
  • normalizes metabolism,
  • stimulates hemodynamics,
  • helps to remove excess fluid from the body,
  • accelerate recovery after injuries and diseases (osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine),
  • help get rid of excess weight,
  • relieve muscle pain
  • normalizes work gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.

According to the type of application, vibrating massagers are:

  1. local (for a specific muscle groups),
  2. general use (for working with any part of the body).

According to the type of power, vibrating massagers work:

  • from the mains,
  • from batteries.

Vibratory massagers can be equipped with:

  1. Special nozzles designed for most types of massage, from vacuum to needle. For example:
    • “Thousand Fingers” will help relieve tension and relax due to the point effect on the muscles of the body.
    • “Pumps” and “Roller nozzles” with the help of a massage procedure will help get rid of excess weight and cellulite.
  2. Massage intensity regulator. Slower speed and intensity are suitable for initial massage procedures, and higher ones for more specific treatment of the skin area, getting rid of excess weight, eliminating disease and pain.

Vibro massagers are chosen primarily based on how and for what they will be used. If there are specific sore spots, it is better to choose a massager that works specifically with this muscle group. Otherwise, you can take a universal general vibration massager.

Types of vibration massagers:

The most affordable and inexpensive type of vibratory massagers. The standard equipment includes several separate nozzles for massaging a specific part of the body, a comfortable handle with an anti-slip coating and a soft belt. The manual massager works from batteries or an adapter.

Designed to be used alone or with someone else's help. Depending on the model, infrared radiation may be present to warm up muscles and tissues, a different number of magnets, micro-spikes and vibration modes (sliding and stationary).

It is used for preventive and therapeutic purposes to stretch numb parts of the body, relax muscles after training, eliminate muscle pain, eliminate cellulite, rejuvenate the skin and massage any part of the body. Its main advantage is its small size, which allows you to carry it with you and massage it anywhere.

This massage device is equipped with a support platform, a stand, a slider and one or more types of massage belts: anti-cellulite, needle, loop-shaped and so on. Compared to other types of massagers, it simultaneously works with a larger surface of the body. Therefore, it is ideal for fighting cellulite.

This device can be used for various massage operations, relaxing and toning. Depending on the configuration, this type of massager can be equipped with a computer to track calorie consumption and heart rate.

A floor massager is more often bought for use in fitness clubs and beauty salons, because it takes up a lot of space, which is why it is not convenient to store it at home.

This type of massager is mainly used for posture correction and weight loss. Application area: waist, hips, buttocks and arms. Its main advantage is ease of operation and the ability not to monitor its work. You can relax or do business, and the massager will work automatically.

A special remote control allows you to change the massage program and vibration frequency at the touch of a button. Also, depending on the model, this device may have a warm-up function, the use of which improves blood circulation and helps you lose weight faster.

Contraindications to the use of vibratory massagers:

  • hypertension;
  • heart, liver, or kidney problems;
  • pregnancy;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • back injury;
  • various tumors;
  • big problems with the lungs;
  • increased skin sensitivity;
  • stones in the gallbladder;
  • tendency to bleed.

Tip: In case of doubts about health, it is better to consult a doctor before buying a vibratory massager.

Vibro massager is a device that works on the principle of mechanical vibration, with which you can massage the body.

What is the effectiveness of a vibrating massager

Any massage has a positive effect on human body. This is an excellent general health procedure that stimulates blood circulation, increases skin elasticity and firmness, accelerates the regeneration process, and relaxes muscles.

Vibrating massager not only performs all the functions of massage, but also assists in the fight against overweight. Regular use of the device contributes to:
improvement in skin condition this is especially important in the process of losing weight, when the skin sags and loses elasticity);
acceleration of metabolic processes, due to which calories are burned more actively;
figure correction;
relieve muscle pain;
acceleration of rehabilitation after injuries;
normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system.

Many manufacturers of massagers promise that daily use These devices will make it easy to get rid of body fat and cellulite. But losing weight is not such a simple process as we would like, and one vibration massager cannot cope with this task. Only an integrated approach, which includes, in addition to massage, proper nutrition and physical exercise will give an efficient result.

Types of vibrating massagers

There are three main types of vibration massagers:
manual ( portable);
tape on the rack;
Slimming Belt.
Less popular are all kinds of vibration massage pillows, chairs, capes and mattresses.

#1. Manual ( portable) vibration massager- a compact device with a vibrating surface that allows you to massage individual parts of the body. Massage can be performed both independently and with outside help. The kit usually comes with several nozzles ( for the face, thighs and buttocks, abdomen, back and other parts of the body). In some models, the function of infrared radiation is provided - for warming up muscles and tissues.
Manual massager helps to stretch the stiff parts of the body, get rid of muscle pain, carefully work out problem areas, massage any area. The undeniable advantage of a portable massager is its small size. Wherever you go, you can always take it with you.

#2. Tape vibration massager is a floor simulator, consisting of a support platform, a rack, an engine and one or more massage bands. Unlike other massagers, it acts on a large surface area, which allows you to more effectively fight the manifestations of cellulite. Several modes of vibration with different amplitudes will help you make a relaxing or tonic massage. Some models have a built-in computer with which you can monitor calorie consumption and heart rate.

Floor vibration massagers are quite bulky, which makes them not always convenient for home use. But they are widely used in fitness clubs and beauty salons. The most popular band massagers are brands Kamfer, HouseFit, Clear Fit and Body Sculpture.

#3. Vibromassage belt. Wearing a vibration belt is a popular body shaping method. The slimming belt can be worn not only on the waist, but also on the hips, buttocks and arms. The main difference from other massagers is that you do not need to strain. You can put on a belt and lie on the couch, and the vibrating mechanism will massage your body, doing all the work for you. The remote control allows you to set the massage program, select the appropriate vibration mode.
Belt manufacturers promise effective disposal from fatty deposits and cellulite. Some models are equipped with a heating function, which helps to increase blood circulation and more active fat burning. Vibratone, Body Sculpture and FitStudio belts are widely known.


Vibromassage is contraindicated or may be limited in the following diagnoses:
hypertonic disease;
heart failure 2-3 degrees;
spinal injury;
tumors of any kind;
active form of tuberculosis;
acute inflammatory processes;
increased skin sensitivity;
liver and kidney diseases, gallstones;
tendency to bleed.

If you have doubts about your health, it is better to consult a doctor before using a vibration massager.

General rules for vibromassage

In order for the procedure to be beneficial and joyful, you must follow the following simple rules:
it is better to limit the massage time to 30 minutes;
the intensity of exposure should be increased gradually;
it is undesirable to do an active massage before going to bed, as this can lead to unnecessary excitement of the body and insomnia;
Do not carry out a strong massage if you feel unwell.

How much does a vibrating massager cost

The cost of manual models starts from 200 rubles and can reach several thousand, depending on the brand and functionality of the device. The minimum price for vibration massage belts is 700 rubles, and tape massagers on the counter cost from 6,000 rubles.

Model "Sputnik" M-902 with infrared radiation for acupressure (without attachments) can be bought for 400 rubles. With the help of this small massager, you can work out any area of ​​your body, relieve fatigue, tone your muscles.