Bodyweight workouts. Train Like a Spartan Gerard Butler Workout 300 Spartans

- Scottish actor, born November 13, 1969 in Glasgow, Scotland. As a child, Gerard was fond of karate and achieved very good results in this sport. Since he lived near the cinema, he and his mother often visited him, and Gerard was imbued with a love for acting. He even managed to persuade his mother to audition, and for several years he played in the Scottish youth theater, and at the age of 12 he played the role of a street boy in a production of the Royal Theater. But the dream of becoming an actor was not destined to come true right away, since his mother Margaret considered this profession not serious for a man, and after graduating from school, young Butler enters the university at the Faculty of Law. As in school, he studied very well and was one of the best students in his faculty.

After graduating from university, Gerard again tries to fulfill his dream of becoming an actor and leaves for Los Angeles to try his luck in this field. After a year and a half of unsuccessful attempts and the death of his father, he returns to Scotland, and gets a two-year internship in one of the largest law firms in Edinburgh. The monotonous and routine work played its role and Butler's creative nature could not stand it, and as a result, he fell into depression and deep drunkenness. Butler's career went downhill and he was fired from his job a week before the end of his internship. Somehow, after watching the play Trainspotting, Gerard realized that he had chosen the wrong profession, and went to London in search of an acting dream.

In London, too, everything was not going smoothly, and before he approached his dream, he had to change many different professions. But perseverance in achieving the goal finally gave the expected result and Butler got his first role in the London theater, and soon played one of the main roles in the play Trainspotting, which once inspired him to change his life. 1997 Butler, already an established theater actor, begins his film career and, as we know, not bad at all. Let's not go into the filmography of the actor, but let's talk about one of the most successful films with him in leading role « 300 Spartans“, where Gerard, playing King Leonidas, shows a very good form.

  • Height- 188 cm
  • Weight– 86-91 kg


During the preparation period, Gerard had to train a lot, 4-6 hours a day. The workouts were varied, such as high-intensity circuits, weights, and cardio. Below is the circuit training program that Butler used in preparation for the role. The essence of the program is to perform 300 repetitions in total for 7 exercises without a break in one circle. 1-2 such circles are enough for one workout. It is worth noting that this program is not for everyone, and the heart is also under a lot of stress, so for beginners, you can reduce the number of repetitions in approaches and gradually bring them to the coveted 300 repetitions in a few months. By by and large this is a crossfit workout and you can vary it for yourself, changing the exercises as our body adapts to them. During such training, the muscles become stronger, more resilient and larger, and fat is also burned very well.

Program 300

Deadlift(60 kg.) - 50 repetitions
Push-ups from the floor - 50 repetitions
Jumping on a platform 60 cm high - 50 repetitions
Lying pendulum, swinging straight legs to the sides - 50 repetitions
Kettlebell lift (16 kg.) with pushing up - 25 repetitions for each arm
Pull-ups reverse grip- 25 repetitions

All the actors of the film "300 Spartans" went through this hellish training and received great shape. "Workout 300" - under this name this workout is known in the world of fitness. It consists of 300 lifts in one session, including 50 deadlifts and 50 pull-ups. If you want to be like Tsar Leonid - try to go through them all and not break.


“It was terrible!” - this is how the actor Gerard Butler, who played the role of Tsar Leonidas, spoke about the “workout 300”. This workout was developed specifically for the movie "300 Spartans" by fitness trainer Mark Twight, a former mountaineer and owner of the Gym Jones gym chain.

Twight's goal was to get the entire cast in perfect shape in four months. Twight is a man with a specific sense of humor and a real hardcore in terms of physical training. In the 80s, he wore a Mohawk and made desperate climbs to mountain peaks in the Himalayas, Canada and Alaska. In the "zero" Twight opened his own fitness room, which he named after Jim Jones, the infamous leader of the People's Temple sect. In 1978, 909 members of the sect, including Jones himself, committed ritual suicide in the jungles of Guyana.

"Transform or die!" - something like this can describe the philosophy of coach Twight. Another 300 actor, Andrew Plevin, recalled, "When Mark rolled the Workout 300 in front of us, we all felt like he had just killed our beloved pets."

However, all the actors had to go through this training. When "300 Spartans" was released, the audience was amazed at their perfect shape. The film has become a cult hit among bodybuilders and football fans.

"Workout 300" consists of 300 repetitions of different movements. Mark Twight deliberately adjusted the amount of repetitions to fit the film's title.

Exercises should be done in the style of a circuit training, trying to reduce rest time or do without it at all. Each time you need to try to complete the "workout 300" in a shorter time.

Workout consists of: 25 pull-ups (wide grip), 50 deadlift reps, 50 push-ups, 50 box jumps, 50 prone leg raises, 50 kettlebell or dumbbell snatches (25 reps each arm) and 25 final pull-ups (wide grip).

The weight of the bar on the deadlift is 60 kg, the height of the box for jumping is 60 cm, the weight of the dumbbell on the take is 16 kg. Pull-ups must be performed in strict classical style- without swinging-kipping, characteristic of CrossFit.

Do a "workout 300" at least once a week - trying to do it faster. The actors from the movie "300" at the final stage of training performed training three times a week, alternating it with cardio days - running and fencing.

Before filming began, Gerard Butler did a workout 300 in about 19 minutes. The Internet Challenge, in which athletes around the world competed in the speed of this workout, revealed a different best time- Approximately 10 minutes for the whole complex.

Don't try to do the workout if you are a beginner. Master correct technique deadlift. Start with smaller weights.


A workout that combines strength lifting and intense cardio work will help you build strength and lose weight. excess weight. You'll get lean, lean muscles, a toned cardiovascular system, and explosive reflexes, says Mark Twight.

Interestingly, at the end of filming "300" Gerard Butler admitted in an interview that he could no longer see the barbell. In later films, Butler was no longer able to achieve such a perfect physical form.

Good afternoon friends!

Some time ago I was visited by the thought, but how do actors train for filming in films. One of the films that interested me was the film "300 Spartans", because. there are a large number of trained actors involved. About this in our article.

I want to say right away that the training regimen that was used to develop the physical form of the actors is not suitable for beginners, because it requires sufficient physical preparation. I think that the actors were gradually prepared for this training. What is the training program for 300 Spartans?

Training system

An interesting fact is that the place in which the training was held had nothing to do with training in a classic gym. This is an ordinary room without frills. Only the floor, walls and hardware. There weren't even mirrors. Tires, weights, boxes, rods and own weight were used as loads. The coach was a certain Mark Twight - a climber and author of a non-standard training system. It was under his strict guidance that the slaughter was carried out. grueling workout"Spartans" for 3 months. Not only physical, but also psychological.

Training program

Why is it about the number 300? This is due to the number of repetitions performed by actors with different weights. Of course, this amount was not applied daily, but at the end of the final month of training, as an exam, which, by the way, not everyone passed.

7 consecutive exercises without pause

1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (25 reps)

2. 65kg barbell deadlift (50 reps)

3. Push-ups from the floor (50 reps)

5. Cargo tire flip (50 reps, weight 60 kg)

6. Press 16 kg kettlebell (25 reps for each arm)

7. Pull-ups on the bar (25 reps)

Total: 300 repetitions

At the very beginning, the physical training of the actors was so different that some had to lose up to 20 kg of excess weight.

How do Spartans train?

The intensity of training could vary and depended on the degree of preparedness of the person. But the main mode (5 days a week for 2 hours) looked like this:

  • High Intensity Days
  • Days with power (anaerobic) load
  • Low intensity days (general exercise)
  • Interval Cardio

In addition, a significant part of the time was devoted to the technique of fighting and wrestling (5 days a week for 2 hours).

Cautions for Beginners

Without prior physical preparation, do not even think about applying this kind of training. Your body should gradually gain physical form to withstand such loads. First of all, the muscles, heart and kidneys experience a huge load. From this we can conclude that this is far from being for beginners.

Please consult with the professional trainer. It is very important at the initial stage to understand the technique of performing strength and aerobic exercises.

Perspectives of 300 Spartans

Nowadays it has become fashionable to use non-standard or forgotten methods as training. For example, weights or car tires. I think the slightly adjusted 300 Spartans system will also find its place in modern fitness programs.

Good afternoon friends!

Some time ago I was visited by the thought, but how do actors train for filming in films. One of the films that interested me was the film "300 Spartans", because. there are a large number of trained actors involved. About this in our article.

I want to say right away that the training regimen that was used to develop the physical form of the actors is not suitable for beginners, because it requires sufficient physical preparation. I think that the actors were gradually prepared for this training. What is the training program for 300 Spartans?

Training system

An interesting fact is that the place in which the training was held had nothing to do with training in a classic gym. This is an ordinary room without frills. Only the floor, walls and hardware. There weren't even mirrors. Tires, weights, boxes, rods and own weight were used as loads. The coach was a certain Mark Twight, a climber and author of a non-standard training system. It was under his strict guidance that the deadly exhausting training of the "Spartans" was carried out for 3 months. Not only physical, but also psychological.

Training program

Why is it about the number 300? This is due to the number of repetitions performed by actors with different weights. Of course, this amount was not applied daily, but at the end of the final month of training, as an exam, which, by the way, not everyone passed.

1. 7 consecutive exercises without pause

2. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (25 reps)

3. 65kg barbell deadlift (50 reps)

4. Push-ups from the floor (50 reps)

6. Cargo tire flip (50 reps, weight 60 kg)

7. Press 16 kg kettlebell (25 reps for each arm)

8. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar (25 reps)

Total: 300 repetitions

At the very beginning, the physical training of the actors was so different that some had to lose up to 20 kg of excess weight.

How do Spartans train?

The intensity of training could vary and depended on the degree of preparedness of the person. But the main mode (5 days a week for 2 hours) looked like this:

  • High Intensity Days
  • Days with power (anaerobic) load
  • Low intensity days (general exercise)
  • Interval Cardio

In addition, a significant part of the time was devoted to the technique of fighting and wrestling (5 days a week for 2 hours).

Cautions for Beginners

Without prior physical preparation, do not even think about applying this kind of training. Your body must gradually gain physical shape in order to withstand such loads. First of all, the muscles, heart and kidneys experience a huge load. From this we can conclude that this is far from being for beginners.

Before starting classes, seek the advice of a professional trainer. It is very important at the initial stage to understand the technique of performing strength and aerobic exercises.

Perspectives of 300 Spartans

Nowadays it has become fashionable to use non-standard or forgotten methods as training. For example, weights or car tires. I think the slightly adjusted 300 Spartans system will also find its place in modern fitness programs.

At 35 years old, I would have done 300 times ... and even now I can do something ... A.S.

Nowadays, classes in gyms and fitness clubs have become very fashionable. But not everyone has the opportunity to regularly visit sports facilities. Some people don't have time for this. Someone does not want to spend money on a subscription or time on the road. In such cases, training with own weight at home.

They are a complex exercise which is based on holding or lifting your own weight. There are hundreds of examples of how classes helped achieve the desired result. A set of exercises included in the bodyweight training program with systematic repetition will give an excellent result that can compete with training on simulators in gyms. Exercising at home or in the nearest park, you can save time, money and achieve good physical shape.

What is bodyweight training for?

With the right choice effective program bodyweight exercises give excellent results for both weight loss and mass gain.

Mass gain

Many believe that without the use additional burden developing grip strength with your own weight is impossible. This is wrong. There are sets of exercises that help develop strength, endurance and muscle mass body.

If you wish, during training with your weight, you can additionally use what you have at home, for example, a backpack filled with something heavy. Thus it will be possible to achieve good result. This requires a series of exercises.

For example, push-ups are very effective:

  • vertical (3 to 10);
  • back (3 to 6);
  • from the floor (2 to 15);
  • between the supports (2 to 10) pump the department pectoral muscles;
  • pull-ups with a reverse grip (3 to 8).

weight loss

If the reflection in the mirror stubbornly insists that it's time, and you agree with this, then it is not necessary to immediately run to buy a subscription to Gym. You can lose weight and restore muscle tone by exercising at home or on the street.

To get rid of the weight that you think is superfluous, there are basic exercises. They will take only 15 minutes a day, and this will be the initial stage in order to form slim figure. It is necessary to set a high pace of training, as slow workouts will not be able to have the desired effect on the body.

At the initial stage there are the following exercises:

  • 10-minute warm-up;
  • any squats;
  • push-ups from the floor (horizontal);
  • twisting of the body;
  • plank;
  • jump lunges.

The bodyweight training program for men and women at home helps not only to fight overweight, but also develops muscles and keeps them in good shape:

  • has a beneficial effect on the body;
  • with systematic training, you can build muscle mass;
  • you can get rid of unnecessary folds on the body and say goodbye to excess weight, becoming the owner taut figure;
  • the skin will become more elastic;
  • when the first results appear, the emotional mood rises.

At the same time, almost everything you need for training is at your place.

Required inventory

One of the benefits of training with your own body is that there is no need for a huge number of machines.

For classes you will need a minimum amount of equipment:

  • a pair of chairs (will serve instead of bars);
  • jump rope;
  • several thick books;
  • crossbar;
  • long towel (to rock the neck);
  • roller (to download the press);
  • rubber expander (useful if you pull up for the first time).

Moreover, on early stages training can be done without some of them. It depends on what exercises will be selected for classes.

Best Exercises

Lots of bodyweight exercises. Each of them gives a certain effect. But there are a number of exercises that are considered the best due to their effectiveness and a large number of variations:

  1. Push ups. The load can be shifted desired muscle, if you change the position of the hands correctly.
  2. Squats. All Bottom part body gets a great workout.
  3. Pull-ups. An exercise that involves a large group of muscles (in particular, the back and arms).
  4. Twisting. When performing this exercise, the muscles of the press, back and many others actively work.

These exercises were, are and will be in the leading positions. After all, thanks to them they work large groups muscles. And by changing the position of the arms or legs, you can shift the load on the necessary muscles.

Consider some exercises with your own body weight, aimed at different groups muscles.

For the neck

The development of these muscles is more suitable for men, because many of them dream of a muscular and beautiful neck:

  1. With your fingers you need to press on the forehead, gradually increasing this pressure. The neck will resist, while tensing the muscles. Such an exercise will not bring lightning-fast results, but it will help develop muscles, and the neck will already be ready for increased loads.
  2. You need to bend over and put your head on the floor. Thus, perform slopes in different sides. At first, you can help yourself with your hands, since this exercise is not so easy to complete. But then you need to do without the help of hands.

For shoulders

The muscular neck should go into. Therefore, it is unlikely that anyone will leave this part of the body without attention. Push-ups are great for shoulders. It is important to take into account the fact that the triceps and pectoral muscles will receive the main load. Therefore, in the exercises this position changes:

  • take emphasis lying down;
  • palms and shoulders should be at the same level;
  • increase the width so that the forearm should be almost perpendicular to the floor.

Exercise must be performed efficiently and at a fast pace.

For hands

Consider exercises that involve all the muscles of the arms (biceps, triceps, forearm).

Reverse pull-ups:

  • you need to hold on to the crossbar a little narrower than shoulder width, palms facing you;
  • you do not need to completely lower, this will lead to relaxation of the biceps and relieve the necessary load;
  • during the pull-up, the shoulder and forearm should form a 90-degree angle. You should not rise higher, as the load on the desired muscle will go away.

Push ups narrow grip:

  • elbows almost pressed to the body;
  • palms straight, below shoulder level.

This exercise gives maximum load on triceps. But the forearms are also involved.

For the back

Men dream of a wide pumped up back with a beautiful relief. For girls, the main thing is a straight back and graceful posture. Our exercises are suitable for both purposes.

The low bar pull-up is good for beginners to prepare for more difficult pull-ups:

  • you need to lie under the crossbar;
  • take on her wide grip;
  • pull the body so as to almost touch the crossbar.

Wide grip pull-ups are a more difficult, but also more effective exercise:

  • grab the bar with a straight grip slightly wider than your shoulders;
  • pull up in that position.

For buttocks

One of the most effective exercises lunges are considered with their weight:

  • stand up straight, straighten your back;
  • hands at the seams or rest on the hips;
  • take a step forward and lower yourself so that your knee almost touches the floor;
  • stay in this position for 2-3 seconds;
  • get up;
  • alternate legs.

Types of bodyweight training

functional training

At home, at work, in the country - every day a person is faced with the implementation of some kind of business. After some of them, pain in the muscles is felt.

Work with own weight is aimed at deep development human body so that everyday stress does not cause unpleasant consequences. Such training can be called universal. They develop in man physical qualities required in Everyday life. Such a complex is aimed at developing strength, coordination, endurance, reaction. During classes functional training flexibility and ductility appear.

Circuit training

This is a set of exercises that together gives work to the whole body. The number of repetitions for each exercise will depend on your fitness level. The number of exercises in the complex ranges from 5 to 10. All exercises must be performed one after the other, without interruption. This is one circle, which is repeated after a short break from three to six times.

It is necessary to do at least three times a week, but no more than five. So that there are days when the muscles can rest.


This complex is based on a separate program. That is, for each day of training, one muscle group is determined. On the first day, you work out the muscles of the arms, the exercises of the second day are aimed at developing the pectoral muscles. The whole body does not work at once, but parts of the body in turn.

This is a street workout. It is aimed at improving physical indicators and parameters. The name literally means "warm-up" or "training".

A relatively new direction that quickly found its fans. Classes on street horizontal bars are free and very effective. A set of such exercises allows you to work out the muscles of the whole body. Plus, you can choose exercises depending on the level of training. For starters, pull-ups, hangings, push-ups are suitable. Further it will be possible to complicate.

Included in the workout strength exercises with its own weight, while the program is divided into levels. The levels vary in difficulty. The set of exercises included in the workout will need to be repeated 300 times in the allotted time (hence the name).

The bodyweight training program includes three complexes of varying complexity. You have 40 minutes to complete the level. When this result is achieved, you can proceed to the second level.

The level includes 10 exercises, and each requires 30 repetitions. You need to give yourself rest when needed. And strive to complete a workout in 40 minutes.

A set of exercises at home

For girls

Girls, as a rule, start training with one goal - to achieve an attractive figure, free the body from unnecessary kilograms and increase skin elasticity. In this case, the press, buttocks and chest will fall under the main blow.

It is for these parts of the body that the main training program with your own weight is designed in any set of exercises intended for girls:

  1. You need to start with a 10-minute warm-up.
  2. Lying on the floor, do leg raises 12 times. Do three sets.
  3. From a lying position, do 10 twists. Three approaches.
  4. 15 push-ups from the bench. Two approaches.
  5. 12 calf raises with dumbbells. Three approaches.
  6. Dumbbell press. 15 times in three sets.

For men

Workouts for men are designed a little differently. They are aimed at other muscle groups, unlike girls.

In such exercises, the main load will fall on thoracic region, shoulders, neck:

  1. 10 pushups x 2 sets.
  2. 15 push-ups between chairs, 4 sets.
  3. Push-ups with a wide and narrow setting hands 6-12 times for 2-3 sets.
  4. 10 squats, 4 sets.
  5. 10 squats on one leg, 2 sets.
  6. Standing to do 15 lifts on toes, 3 sets.
  7. Pull-ups 15 times in three sets.

Single leg squats have their pros and cons:

  • this exercise involves a huge number of muscles;
  • You need to be careful to avoid injury.

Training mode

When the set of exercises is selected, you can start classes. For beginners, training should last at least an hour, but not exceed 1.5 hours. Training days per week should be from 3 to 5. It is necessary to leave days free from classes so that the muscles can rest.

Differences between male and female training

The training program designed for men will be different from the women's. Men and girls have a focus on different results. Girls want to become owners of chiseled figures, men want to build strong and sculpted muscles.

Therefore, more debilitating ones are good for girls to burn calories. And strength exercises are more suitable for the stronger sex.

Whatever the reason that pushed you to start working with your own weight, aim for the result. Objectively assess your physical training in order to choose the right set of exercises. You can start with easy exercises, gradually increasing the complexity and load.

Don't forget to warm up. No matter how ideal the set of selected exercises is, without a warm-up it can be not only ineffective, but can also harm the body. Unheated muscles are not ready to perform many exercises.

But perseverance, work and a clearly defined goal, combined with a training program with your own weight, will help you achieve significant results!


In this video you will find a variety of effective exercises for home workouts with your own weight.