Single shot gun. Overview of domestic hunting rifles

The IZH-18E gun can be called a kind of beginning for a hunter. Many made their first sorties with him and speak very well of this weapon. Its mechanism is simple and trouble-free, and that is why hunters love IZH-18E.


Hunting has a long history, dating back to the sixties of the last century. The IZH-18 model has been produced at the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant since 1964. This gun took the best from its predecessors: IZHK, ZKB, and others, but new ones were also introduced. design features. IZH-18 is safer when firing, has a more reliable trigger mechanism and a smaller weight compared to its predecessors.

IZHMEH positioned the gun as a weapon designed for a long service life. Its warranty shot is two thousand shots more than that of previous IZH models: eight thousand against six.

New model

The basic model (IZH-18) was subjected to various changes to improve its performance. Since 1970, the production of the IZH-18E modification began, in the design of which an extractor and an ejector mechanism were added.

About shooting and calibers

IZH-18E single-barreled, single-shot, with an internal trigger. Initially, weapons were produced for all calibers, mainly used in the Soviet Union: 32nd, 28th, 20th, 16th and 12th. Now one of the most popular is IZH-18E 16 gauge. The chambers were drilled under the sleeve 70 mm. In all calibers it was a paper sleeve, and only in a 32 caliber gun it was brass. In commercial hunting, brass sleeves are mainly used. Some combat indicators are reduced, such as accuracy and uniformity, but not so much that this could affect the results of the hunt. The cheapest, and therefore most profitable for fishing, is the use of cartridge cases for the "Centroboy" primer.

The barrel length for calibers 16 and 12 is 725-735 mm, and - 1 and 0.5 mm, respectively. For the 32nd, 28th and 20th, the barrel length is 675-680 mm, and the muzzle narrowing of the guns of all these calibers is the same - 0.5 mm. The mass of the gun is relatively small: 2.8 kg for calibers 12, 16 and 12 Magnum; a 32 caliber shotgun, as well as 28, 20 and 20 Magnums, weighs 2.6 kg.

It is always important to choose the right amount of fraction. The formula is: Divide the weight of the gun by 96 (for a 12 gauge gun) or 100 (if a 16 gauge gun). In turn, dividing the resulting number by the weight of the shot, we get an indicator of the amount of gunpowder. The weight of a gun for active or commercial hunting should be 25 times less than the weight of the shooter (and 22 times less for other cases). In principle, given all these figures, there is not much difference what to wear: IZH-18E 32 gauge or 12 gauge.


IZH-18E has a large set of tools that ensure the safety of the shooter. The barrel is locked with a grenade hook. There is also a mechanism that does not allow a shot to be fired if the barrel is not fully locked. There is a non-automatic push-button safety that locks the trigger and sear. In the event of a mechanical impact on the gun (bumps, falling, etc.), there will be no shot, even if the trigger has already been cocked, since it will automatically cock the safety cock without touching the striker. This set of safety equipment is especially important for a beginner who has not yet acquired honed skills with a gun.

The trigger mechanism is located in the block. The striker and trigger are made separately. After the shot, under the influence of the spring, the striker withdraws and the hammer rebounds. The trigger has a smooth trigger, to make a shot, you need to turn off the fuse, after cocking the trigger, drown the control lever to the end, then pull the trigger, after which you can smoothly lower the lever.

In work

IZH 18E has a simple and reliable trigger mechanism. The trigger is located inside, with the striker is made separately. When you press the locking lever, it is cocked. Thus, for cocking it is not necessary to break the gun, this can be done simply by pressing the locking lever. If the cocking is done, a characteristic click will be heard. After the shot is fired, the striker returns to its original position.

Aiming occurs through orientation to the cylindrical front sight and the protrusion of the block.

The stock of a wooden gun is usually made of beech or birch wood, and the neck has a pistol shape, a straight one is less common.

Differences from predecessor

As mentioned above, the IZH-18E model differs from the IZH-18 in the presence of an ejector. The ejector, or reflector, guides the fired cartridge case so that it flies out, usually through a special window in the receiver. However, in IZH-18E, the cartridge case is removed when the barrel is unlocked. This increased the convenience of the weapon, as well as the speed of reloading, which is very important in commercial hunting. The ejector can be turned off if such a need arises: at the bottom of the block there is a lever that switches the ejector modes. To turn it off, you need to move the lever to the rear position, however, it is worth remembering that during the next fracture of the gun it will be turned on automatically, so turning off is possible only for one shot!

Subsequent modifications

In 1983, the forearm and neck of the stock were reinforced, the new model was called IZH-18EM. For trap shooting a special modification of the IZH-18EM-M "Sporting" was produced. In addition to sports shooting, it could also be used for hunting, and for women and teenagers, the IZH-18M-M "Junior" gun was produced. It is lighter, the barrel is shorter, it has a 20 gauge and is on the butt on the back side.

There is also a modification of IZH-18EM-M for Magnum cases with a chamber length of 76 mm. It can also be fired with cartridges with a length of 70 mm, however, the accuracy of fire can be reduced by 5-10%


As in the case of any other firearms, incomplete and complete disassembly of the IZH-18E gun can be carried out. Frequent complete disassembly in the best way affects the condition of mechanisms, contributes to rapid wear, therefore, it is resorted to only when it is necessary to thoroughly clean all working mechanisms and parts, or during repairs, if adjustment or replacement of certain parts is required. When storing and transporting the gun, incomplete disassembly is sufficient, in which the IZH-18E is disassembled into its main parts: the forearm, the stock with the box and the barrel. To separate these three parts from each other, you need to put the gun with the barrel up, hold the barrel with your left hand above the forearm, and right hand turn the latch by the head and then remove the forearm, then press the locking lever and separate the barrel and box.

After completing these steps, you can attach the forearm to the barrel and pack the gun in a case. If long-term storage is to be carried out, the springs must be released. Having pressed the locking lever to the end, with your left thumb you need to press the latch in the box, and then the trigger and gently release the lever to its original position. The hammer will be smoothly released, and the springs (combat, cocking indicator and locking lever spring) will be relaxed.

Cleaning the gun after shooting and lubricating it do not imply complete disassembly, for this it is enough to disconnect the stock and the receiver.

A Few Rules

When completely disassembling, it is necessary first of all to follow the basic rules for disassembling weapons: carry it out on a clean, dry table or rags, lay out the parts in the order of disassembly to facilitate subsequent assembly. Mechanisms should be handled with care, avoid sharp blows and unnecessary effort, unless, of course, this is required as part of the repair. When disassembling several guns, mixing of parts should be avoided to avoid confusion.

To remove the pins and studs of the gun, you need to use drifts. To prevent damage to parts or the punches themselves, wooden or copper hammers are used, and only light blows are applied. If there is no special hammer, you can use the usual one if you put a wooden lining.

Complete disassembly

The IZH-18E single-barreled gun is disassembled as follows: first you need to remove the butt, after unscrewing two screws from the back of its head. However, only one can be unscrewed, and the second can only be loosened, after which it will be possible to turn the back of the head and open access to the stock screw. After the stock screw is unscrewed, it will turn out to separate the bed and the box. Then you need to unscrew the screw of the safety bracket, and turn it at a right angle to either side and remove it. The next step will be cocking the trigger (for this you need to press the locking lever) - then a pusher hole will open in the tail jumper of the box, where you will need to insert a nail or wire with a diameter of 1-1.5 mm. Next, you can pull the trigger and do the separation of the pusher with the mainspring.

Then you need to remove the trigger, after knocking out its axis. Remove the trigger carefully so that the cocking indicator and its spring do not fall out. After that, remove the sear spring by unscrewing the screw first. Having knocked out the axle, remove the trigger along with the sear. Next, knock out the pin from the base of the fuse - you need to pull it out along with the fuse. The subsequent extraction of the striker with the spring requires a special open-end wrench. First, you need to unscrew the locking screw of the striker bushing, and unscrew the bushing itself with a wrench. Then carefully remove, supporting with a drift, the spring of the locking lever, having previously knocked out its support pin. After that, you need to remove the locking screw of the box cover and move it 5-7 mm (to do this, you must also use a drift, placing it in the hole under the trigger guard and applying gentle blows with a wooden or copper hammer).

If it is necessary to remove the latch of the locking lever, you must first knock out the axle and separate it carefully to prevent the latch spring from falling out. To disassemble the forearm, you first need to unscrew the three screws, then separate the latch and hinge, remove the spring by knocking it out of the groove. After that, you can remove the latch, after knocking out its axis. The last step is to remove the ejector, for which you must first remove the stop pin.

Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

For a hunter, a weapon is a faithful assistant and friend, so it is very important to choose the right gun for you. Today, the choice of guns is diverse. There are copies of both Russian and foreign production. Domestic guns have proven themselves to be reliable and of high quality.

The choice of weapons for hunting important point in the hunter's outfit. But the variety of guns can sometimes even make it difficult to choose. In order for a novice hunter not to get lost among the huge variety of types of hunting weapons, we suggest first to figure out what it is like.

Types of guns

All hunting rifles can be divided into three types:

  • rifled or bullet;
  • smoothbore or shotgun;
  • combined or bullet-shot.

Rifles include fittings, rifles, carbines, which are used for targets at a great distance. This type of weapon is suitable for more experienced hunters. Before you buy it, you still have to use smoothbore models for some time. Legislative norms of the Russian Federation allow the purchase of rifled weapons only if you own a smooth-bore weapon for a period of five years or more.

Shotguns are suitable for beginners. They are used for targets located at medium distances. They can be fired with shot and buckshot.

Bullet-shotguns or combination guns can fire shotguns at medium ranges and specialty bullets at long ranges.

Number of barrels in guns

By the number of barrels, hunting rifles are:

  • single-barreled;
  • double-barreled;
  • three-barreled;
  • quadruple.

The disadvantage of a single-barreled shotgun is the inability to quickly re-shot. Your prey can get away from you. Especially this factor will be felt by a novice hunter. positive characteristic such a weapon is its low price, ease of operation and lightness. A common single-barrel model is the hammerless IZH-18.

Traditionally, a double-barreled shotgun is considered a hunting weapon. This type of gun is very common. The muzzle holes are usually different for each barrel. This expands the capabilities of the weapon. The barrels can have a different accuracy of shots, which makes it possible to choose a weapon for specific hunting conditions.

Three-barreled and four-barreled models are equipped with smooth and rifled barrels. But they are rarely used for hunting.

Single-barreled gun MP-18M-M. It's IZH-18

Barrels on guns can be paired vertically and horizontally. Horizontal shotguns are more common among hunters. Which arrangement of trunks to choose is subjective. Many experts say that there is practically no difference. But there is an opinion that the battle is clearer with vertical guns, since horizontal models contribute to narrowing the view.

Gun systems

Weapons for hunters are divided into two types by systems:

  • with reclining trunks;
  • with non-reclining trunks.

The most common group is hunting weapons with reclining barrels. There is another name for them - "fracture". This type of weapon is easy to use and durable. To load such a weapon, a cartridge is inserted into the chamber of the barrel. In "breaks" there is no mechanism for feeding a new cartridge into the chamber, but this is not a problem, since the cartridges can be easily replaced.

Hinged barrels are easier to care for than shotguns that use a different system. That is why such models are very popular among hunters.

The “fracture” group has its own internal classification:

  • Outside guns. They are characterized by reliability and durability. Recently, many manufacturers have discontinued them. A small number of firms continue to produce such models for hunting in small batches. Their cost is calculated in several thousand dollars.
  • Internal shotguns. This type of guns is more complex than the first group, but also more common. Three groups stand out among them:
  1. The compression of the mainsprings and the cocking of the trigger is carried out when the barrel of the weapon is lowered.
  2. The cocking of the trigger occurs at the moment of opening the gun with the help of a mainspring. The compression of the mainsprings occurs by raising the barrel.
  3. The compression of the mainsprings and the cocking of the trigger occurs with the help of the shutter key, which is located behind the trigger guard.

An ejector or extractor is used to extract spent cartridge cases from hunting weapons. Each of these devices has its own advantage. The ejector ejects the cartridge case with the help of a spring, and the extractor only pushes the cartridge case out of the chamber, so it can be taken by hand.

The ejector mechanism of the gun is faster, but it is more difficult to operate, prone to breakage and more expensive. For hunting on the water, an extractor mechanism would be preferable, since it makes it possible to save cartridge cases.

Guns with non-retractable barrels have in their design a barrel, a magazine with cartridges and a mechanism for extracting cartridges, which is driven by recoil force or manually by the hunter. Such models are fast-firing and have a lot of power.

Their disadvantage is whimsicality during operation. They require professional adjustment, do not tolerate pollution and need proper lubrication. If during the departure you do something wrong, then you cannot avoid problems on the hunt. Trite in the cold, grease can freeze if you applied it more than it should.

Among the weapons with non-retractable barrels, hunting enthusiasts prefer "pump shotguns". Although they do not have the ability to re-shot, since they have only one barrel, they make it possible to reload without changing the position of the hand. With experience, you can achieve a high reload speed. This type of gun is easy to care for and can fire a variety of cartridges.

Guns of all systems can be both smooth and rifled. Each system is available for different types of cartridges. The weight of guns can also be different, differ in modification and model.


The model of a hunting rifle, like all types of weapons, is produced by a specific enterprise and has a designation in the form of an index.

The typical single-barrel model includes the trigger IZH - 17 and the triggerless IZH - 18.

Double-barreled models with vertical barrels are embodied in such models as TOZ-34 and IZH-27.

Each weapon model can have its own modification. IZH-27E, unlike IZH-27, is equipped with a cartridge case ejection mechanism. TOZ-57K is used for a round stand, and TOZ-57T is used for a trench one.

Consider models of hunting weapons with a reclining barrel:

  • Double-barreled shotguns with horizontal barrels are available with one, two triggers or without triggers. They are equipped with either ejectors or extractors. A typical hammerless model is IZH-58, a hammerless model is TOZ-54.
  • Double-barreled shotguns with vertical barrels can also have one or two internal hammers and be equipped with an ejector or extractor mechanism. Less commonly, the trigger may be external. Typical models with an internal trigger are TOZ-34 and IZH-27, and with an external one - IZH-56-3 "Squirrel".
  • Three-barrel shotguns are combined. Most often, the upper trunks are smooth, and the lower ones are rifled, or vice versa. It is rare to find three trunks located vertically or horizontally. The design of the tees provides for two or three triggers. A typical representative of tees is TOZ-28. There is a triggerless triple barrel MTs 30. But this model is not common.

Models of hunting weapons with non-folding barrels are also diverse:

  • Single-barreled single-shot shotguns have a weak distribution. TOZ-16 can be considered a typical representative of this.
  • Single-barreled repeaters that can be manually reloaded are popular with hunters. Typical representatives are TOZ-17, TOZ-18, Bars. They are equipped with a box magazine from two to five rounds.
  • Single-barreled self-loading hunting rifles include the TOZ-21 carbine and MTs18-2 and Ts18-3, which are made to order.
  • A representative of a single-barrel self-loading with a movable barrel, which is charged from recoil, is the MTs21-12 gun.
  • A single-barrel self-loading model with a reloading mechanism using powder gases is represented by the Medved carbine model.

Carbines Toz-17 and Toz-18

Classification of guns by purpose

Sports and hunting rifles are divided into two subspecies:

  • sports;
  • hunting.

The systems used in them are the same, but in practice their models are very different. Sports copies have specialized details. There are weighted models with a significant narrowing of the muzzle, special stocks and an orthopedic handle and only one caliber. Such models cannot be used during hunting. They can only be used in a specific sport.

Sporting guns МЦ7-12С

Models for hunting are much more diverse, their weight is lighter, the calibers used and the narrowing of the barrels can be different.

Within their section, they are divided into two groups:

  • hunting;
  • commercial.

The difference between their characteristics is insignificant, but there is. With the same system, and the caliber used, fishing weapons should be lighter. It is used more often than hunting, therefore it is more prone to wear, and therefore it becomes necessary to replace it. Fishing guns are made from the most durable materials with a simple mechanism, since their operation must be uninterrupted and trouble-free.

The classic commercial weapons are IZH-17, IZH-18, TOZ-16, TOZ-17. Hunting models include IZH-27, TOZ-34, MTs21.

Shotgun production class

Hunting weapons are handmade and serial. Handcrafted weapons are often of very high quality, made to order and only in small batches per year. The price of such models is high.

Mass production weapons are divided into subspecies:

  1. Luxury class.
  2. Middle class.
  3. Ordinary weapon.

Luxury shotguns have a high value due to the rich exterior finish. These include models MTs109, MTs9, MTs111. In all three classes, IZH-27 and TOZ-34 are performed.

TOZ-34ER piece, 1976

Shotgun selection

Having understood existing types weapons for hunting you can proceed to. Your choice must fall on a universal weapon that will give you the opportunity to hunt any animal or bird. Universals include:

  • weapons with two barrels of the twelfth and sixteenth caliber;
  • "pump-action" gun of the twelfth caliber;
  • automatic shop.

The choice may depend on the funds you have and your preferences.

Double-barreled shotguns are more versatile, lighter and have a good price. A “pump-action” weapon is quick-firing and powerful, but will be heavier and more expensive.

Whichever model you choose, you should always remember the following rules:

  • Before purchasing a weapon, you must carefully examine it. Do not trust words, check everything with your own hands and eyes.
  • The weapon should fit perfectly with your weight. If you choose a heavy model, then hunting will not give you pleasure, because the weapon will tire you out. Therefore, before buying, calculate the ideal weight of your weapon and do not exceed it in any case. The weight of the gun must not exceed twenty-eighth of your own weight. Lighter models are always comfortable. But you need to find a middle ground, because the lower weight may not be suitable for some calibers.
  • The weapon must be checked for applicability. When vskidka hunting weapon should not lift up or look down, it should easily fall on the shoulder, and the line of sight without significant adjustment should coincide with the direction of view.
  • Closely inspect the inside and outside of the trunks. They should not have deflections, cracks, swelling. From the muzzle side, the cut should be perpendicular to the axis of the barrel. If the norm is not observed, then the bullet will deviate from the sight during the flight.
  • Check the triggers carefully. On cocking, a sharp and sonorous click should be heard. It is also necessary to check the impact force of the strikers. To do this, you need to put a sleeve on the striker and pull the trigger. The sleeve should fly off half a meter.
  • The wood of the hunting weapon must be free from defects and must fit snugly against the metal.
  • Check out the product datasheet. The actual product should correspond to it.


Take your hunting weapon choice seriously. The gun is usually chosen for a long time, so do not rush to buy. Having chosen a particular model, weigh the pros and cons, trust your feelings. Make a purchase only when you are completely sure that the weapon meets the parameters you need. By putting into practice our advice, you will be able to choose the model of the gun that is right for you.


In conclusion, watch a video clip on the topic "TOP 10 domestic smooth-bore hunting rifles":

But amateurs quickly appreciated the advantages of these guns. Moreover, in Soviet times, the choice was not so great. We had to be content with existing models.

What are single barrel shotguns

At the dawn of production, the single-barreled shotgun was based on single-shot, when only one shot can be fired without reloading. A little later, magazine (repeated) guns appeared. Single barrels can be with reclining and non-reclining trunks. Shotguns are small-caliber (41,32,28), medium-caliber (24, 20, 16), and large-caliber (12 gauge).

Shotguns with one barrel are divided into several categories:

  1. Single shot. Their use is now rare. The release of this species was started several decades ago. This category does not have extra hooks and mechanisms. Russian hunters use TOZ-16 with a caliber of 5.6mm, as well as ZK and Izh-5.
  2. Shop (repeated). They are more popular than single-shot ones. The box type magazine is designed for 2-5 rounds. For central battle cartridges, the Los and Bars carbines are produced. For rimfire ammunition, TOZ carbines 17 and 18 models are suitable.
  3. Self-loading, having a movable barrel. Reloading occurs using the recoil energy during the shot. In an underbarrel magazine, such a gun can have from 2 to 5 rounds. МЦ21-12 is a representative of this category of guns.
  4. Self-loading, having a free shutter. Powder gases press on the spring-loaded shutter through the bottom of the spent cartridge case, which moves backward. Due to this, the gun is reloaded. Use cartridges of caliber 5.6mm. They produce MC carbines of modifications 18-2, as well as 18-3.
  5. Self-loading, having a gas outlet mechanism. Some of the powder gases are discharged through the barrel opening. At this time, the single-barrel is reloaded. Model: IZH MR-153.

Shotguns 12 gauge

12 gauge single barrel shotguns often used by hunters all over the world. Ungulates, large animals, feathered waterfowl fire cartridges of this caliber. The bore diameter is 18.5mm. Various gun manufacturers allow tolerances of +/- 0.25mm. Most single-barrel modifications use paper sleeves.

Among the models that are designed to use 12 gauge cartridges, it is worth noting the TOZ-34-1 model. This single-shot single-barrel uses a detachable handguard. Inside it is a loose barrel, the length of which is 300mm. Type of choke - choke. The main barrel is 711mm long and the chamber is 70mm. The gun is quite light - 2.6 kg. Removing the spent cartridge case from the loose barrel is quite inconvenient.

For firing 12-gauge cartridges, models of the Izhevsk plant and other modifications of the Tula arms factory are also used.

16 gauge single barrel shotguns

This caliber is also appreciated by hunters. It is indispensable for catching waterfowl and large animals. Produce single-barreled 16 gauge, having a different diameter of the barrel. The diameter varies from 16.80mm in France and Germany to 17.25mm in Russia. Shotguns designed to fire 16-gauge cartridges are lighter in weight compared to larger 12-gauge shotguns. For a hunter who travels long distances while hunting, this indicator is very important.

good model, for which cartridges of 16 caliber are used- IZH-17. A single-barreled gun with an external trigger has a barrel diameter of 760 mm, weight - 2.7 kg. No fuse. There is no separate sear in the SM. A cylinder with pressure - this is the drilling of the barrel.

Improved some characteristics: accuracy of battle and balance. Also: reduced weight, USM has become more reliable. Up to 8 thousand shots - the margin of safety of the gun. After 1970, production was discontinued, but this simple and reliable single-barreled shotgun still serves many hunters.

Shotguns 20 gauge

Single-barreled 20-gauge hunting rifles are used to hunt small game, such as squirrels. The reduced charge of the shot allows you to keep the skin of a fur-bearing animal intact. You can take a lot of cartridges with you due to the lower weight of the unit.

IN last years The 20th caliber moved the 16th from the leading position. But in Russia, Austria, Germany and the Czech Republic, the 16mm caliber is still widely used.

Among the single-barrel shotguns for 20 gauge cartridges, there are models IZH-18 and its modifications: 18 E, 18-20M, 18-MK, 18-M and EM), MTs, TOZ brands.

IZH-18 has been produced since 1964. This internal trigger model is the basis for the production of all models of single-barrel shotguns produced by the Izhevsk plant. Shotguns are made with an ejector or extractor. The striker is inserted from the back into the stepped socket.

Rectangular lugs on top of the underbarrel hook improve barrel fit, resulting in long link life. The reliability of the USM has increased, the stock and fore-end have become more comfortable, and the weight has decreased. The decorative coating provides the gun with an attractive appearance.

Single-barreled self-loading hunting rifles

Self-loading shotguns are reloaded using an automatic system. Smoothbore MTs-21-12 of this type was introduced in 1956. A single-barrel is now being produced, having a caliber of 12mm with a chrome-plated barrel.

To fully reload the gun, the barrel moves backward during the shot. The energy of the powder gases when fired produces an inertial rollback of the shutter. At the same time, the barrel recoils.

The muzzle attachments are as follows: 1mm choke, 0.5mm constriction and cylinder. It is possible to use the "paradox" nozzle. The magazine holds 4 cartridges. A variety of attachments makes the MTs21-12 self-loading single-barrel shotgun universal. With it you can go to the elk, bear or wild boar. Hunting for waterfowl will also be successful. Used caliber 20, 16, 12mm.

Video in which you can see a single-barreled magazine hunting rifle. Enjoy watching.

Single-barrel trigger

Most single-barrel shotguns have the hammer in the middle of the stock. In some models, the location of the trigger is lateral. They are used for both commercial and sport hunting.

Domestic trigger single-barreled shotguns are represented by the brands IZH and TOZ. The cheapest and simplest, but reliable model: the IZHK trigger gun. The barrel can be chrome plated. Suitable paper and metal sleeves, smokeless and black powder. Has high security.

It is impossible to accidentally fire an external trigger gun. The lower lever locks. You can't cock the hammer unless the gun is locked. Due to the release of the trigger, the gun is automatically placed on the safety platoon. Calibers - various, with the exception of the 12th.

Single-barreled hunting trigger guns force the hunter to be very careful, accurately calculate each shot, because there is only one cartridge. When hunting with such a weapon, the hunter almost never misses.

Many hunters who use two- and three-barreled shotguns carefully store a single-barreled shotgun in a safe and sometimes go hunting only with it. It is impossible to call a single-barreled gun the best for hunting. But - reliability, reliability, simplicity - its dignity. This is a time-tested fact.

Here you can see photos of various single-barreled hunting rifles. Enjoy your viewing.

A hunting single-barreled gun, or simply a single-barreled gun, is now considered archaic among hunters. More often from young hunters you can hear: semi-automatic, automatic, pump-action and sometimes dismissive Berdanka.

And the single-shot gun itself is generally a rarity among amateur hunters. More often, a classic single-barreled shotgun can be found among professional hunters who trade in fur-bearing animals who do not shoot at White light like a penny. But it was with this simple gun that the history of all firearms began.

In fact, firearms were originally invented for warfare. And only after significant improvements it became suitable for hunting the beast, and then the bird. The first types of firearms were guns loaded from the barrel. In Russia it was the so-called pishchal.

The process of bringing the squeaker into combat condition was laborious and time consuming. In addition, keeping the wick in a smoldering state during the hunt, especially in bad weather, was a very difficult matter. Therefore, these guns were used very rarely for hunting.

The invention of the wheel lock improved the capabilities of the firearm, but still it was an army weapon, they were of little use for hunting. This is what the wheeled arquebus looked like.

After the advent of the flintlock, the gun became more convenient, but still retained a lot of shortcomings. The gun was heavy and quite expensive, so only wealthy people could afford such a luxury. And usually on the hunt this gun was carried by the servant behind the master. He loaded it, and the master had only to aim and pull the trigger.

When fired from such a gun, there was an incredible roar, a sheaf of fire escaped from the barrel, and flames and clouds of smoke rose from the ignition part, which was far from comfortable for the shooter. What a flintlock shot looks like can be seen in a photo taken at the annual vintage weapons shooting tournament held in Canada's Chilliwack.

The next step of improvement was the invention of the piston, which allows you to avoid fire in the face of the shooter when shooting. And although the piston guns remained ramrod, that is, they were loaded from the muzzle of the barrel, this was the reason for the much greater use of firearms in hunting.

And piston guns began to be used in all types of hunting, both with a bullet and shot. Over time, they became available to many hunters and for many years in remote places and for a long time were the only type of hunting weapon.

But when, in the middle of the 19th century, breech-loading rifles with ready-made cartridges appeared, combining a powder charge and a bullet or shot, hunting rifles began to be used everywhere. There was no need to carry stocks of gunpowder and shot, wads and ramrods. became light, and ammunition began to fit in a regular game bag or belt belt.

Since then, it has improved by leaps and bounds. Many gunsmiths have come up with original designs that have been in service for over a century. Who does not know the famous American Winchester, the weapon of American cowboys of the 19th century.

In Russia, hunting rifles began to be produced in 1885 at the Izhevsk plant. In principle, these were converted guns of Belgian and other foreign guns produced individually and in small batches. But they were cheaper than foreign ones and quite good quality and therefore became popular among Russian hunters. The mass production of a single-barreled gun began already during the Soviet era. In 1924, the IZH-5 hunting rifle began to be produced in Izhevsk. It was a modified model. American model"Iver-Johnson", the so-called fracture. IZH-5 is a single-barreled shotgun with an external trigger, calibers 16, 24 and 28. The barrel is 680-760 mm long. cylindrical drilling. Under a metal and paper sleeve with a birch pistol butt, weight from 2.5 to 3 kg. The gun turned out to be quite successful and was produced without changes until 1949. In 1932 - 1941 it was also made at the arms factory in Tula.

In the post-war years, double-barreled shotguns became popular among amateur hunters. These are guns of a more complex design, various types with horizontal and vertical shafts.

However, the single-barrel gun was not completely abandoned, because the single-barrel gun has undeniable advantages. In a double-barreled gun, the barrels are soldered not in parallel, but with convergence to a distance of about 30-35 meters, and this significantly affects aiming at other distances. In addition, a single-barreled shotgun is much simpler in design and lighter in weight, which is very noticeable during sea hunting. And although on the basis of a conventional single-barrel shotgun, modern rapid-fire automatic rifles have been created, single-barrel shotguns of a classic layout are produced by almost all weapons companies.

The famous Winchester single-barreled shotguns produced in several countries are highly valued. This gun has been produced for many years without any changes and is still in demand. This is what a modern modification of this famous gun looks like - Winchester-9410

Beretta 412 is no less popular. It is available in different calibers: 12th Magnum, 12th, 20th Magnum, 24th, 28th and 410th. The length of the barrel is 71 cm. This model of the original layout can be completely folded without disassembly, taking on easy-to-carry dimensions.

The Simplex guns of the French company Manufrance are very famous among hunters. This is a smooth-bore single-shot gun of the 12th caliber with a barrel length of 80 cm. Very simple in design and reliable in operation.

For some time now, Turkish rifles have been on sale in our country. According to the reviews of the owners, they are quite solid, and also relatively cheap. An example is the Hatsan Optima SB-W. This gun has good fight, high-quality materials, chrome-plated barrels, elegant appearance, weight within 2.5 kg.

But the most famous and affordable are domestic-made single-barrel triggers. They are available in several types. Perhaps the most common is the MP-18M, which is available in several versions: MP-18M-M, MP-18EM-M, MP-18MK-M, MP-18EM-M Sporting, MP-18M-M Junior. They come in various calibers 12, 16, 20, 32 and 410 for any type of case. Most popular 12 gauge. Stock and fore-end made of walnut, beech, birch or plastic. Barrel lengths 660, 710 and 750 mm. Interchangeable chokes C, IC, M, IM, F, XF, steel shot acceptable. It is possible to install optical sight. A solid rifle that has been proven over the years.

Of course in such summary It is impossible to give complete information about all single-barrel shotguns, but after reading this article, we hope you got the basic concepts and this will help you choose your first shotgun.

Single Shotguns

IZH-18 - This is a single-barreled single-shot fishing gun with an internal trigger. It is produced mainly in an ordinary version. IZH-18 make all calibers accepted in former USSR, that is, 12, 16, 20, 28 and 32. Shotguns from 12 to 28 caliber inclusive have chambers drilled for a paper sleeve, and a 32 caliber gun has a chamber for a metal sleeve. The mass of guns "12 and 16 calibers - no more than 2.8 kg; 20, 28, 32 calibers - no more than 2.6 kg. For guns of 12 and 16 gauges, the barrel length is 725-735 mm, the choke is 0.5 or 1 mm; for guns of 20, 28 and 32 calibers, the barrel is 675-680 mm long with a choke of 0.5 mm. The barrel does not have an aiming bar, it is equipped with a front sight. Chamber length 70 mm. The bore and chamber are chrome-plated. The barrel and forearm are detachable. For cleaning and transportation, IZH-18 is easily and quickly disassembled into three parts: barrel, fore-end, stock. The stock is usually made of birch or beech, occasionally (for piece guns) - of walnut. The neck of the stock, as a rule, is pistol-shaped, less often it is straight.

Hunting weapons made in the USSR

As already mentioned, guns of 12-28 calibers are designed for the use of paper (plastic) shells, but in practice, hunters use brass almost exclusively in fishing. This somewhat worsens the performance of the battle (the accuracy and uniformity of the scree decrease), but not so much as to noticeably affect the results of the hunt. The most profitable thing is to use brass shells for the Centroboy primer in the field, since the shot is the cheapest in this case.

The IZH-18 gun opens if you move up the unlocking lever, which is located below the block, behind the safety bracket. Raising the lever, you simultaneously cock the hammer and unlock the barrel, causing it to lower. In the IZH-18E gun, the ejector is turned on. In the event of a misfire, the trigger can be cocked again without opening the gun, but simply by moving the release lever up and down.

The barrel is connected to the block with a grenade hook and a hinge. Barrel locking is single - on the grenade hook. The trigger mechanism is located in the block. The striker is made separately from the trigger. The design of the gun, thanks to a special spring, ensures the rebound of the trigger and the departure of the striker after the shot.

The IZH-18 has a push-button non-automatic fuse that firmly locks the trigger with a sear. The locking mechanism prevents a shot from being fired if the gun is not fully closed. With any blow to the gun with a cocked trigger or when it falls, a shot will not follow, since the trigger, having broken off the combat platoon, will automatically get on the safety platoon without hitting the striker.

The gun has a smooth trigger release. In order to smoothly pull the trigger, it is necessary to fully open the gun, move the safety button to the left and, pressing the trigger, gently close the gun while holding the release lever. When there is a cartridge in the chamber, it is impossible to smoothly lower the trigger - an accidental shot may occur. On top of the block there is a clearly visible cocking indicator, and in the dark it is easily felt with a finger.

IZH-18 is produced in two versions: with an extractor and an ejector. In the second case, the model has the index IZH-18E already mentioned by us. To turn off the ejector, the switch button is moved to the rear position.

In recent years, instead of the IZH-18 and IZH-18E guns, new modifications have been produced - IZH-18M and IZH-18EM, respectively, during the development of which a number of changes were made to the basic model. So, in the upper part of the underbarrel hook along the entire length, on the left and right, rectangular ledges are made, with which the barrel rests on the front walls of the box when closing. This increased the durability of the barrel-to-box connection. The neck of the butt in the front and the rear of the forend became a little thicker, the ejector head was somewhat narrower.

The main purpose of the IZH-18 gun is fishing. It is especially beneficial to use guns of 20, 28, 32 calibers for shooting small fur-bearing animals, hazel grouse in the taiga, and for hunting quail in the southern regions of the country.

By chance, a hunter may come across an IZH-18M caliber rifle under a Magnum case 75 mm long. These guns are produced for export, they rarely enter the domestic market. Such a gun has a chamber length of 76.2 mm, otherwise it does not differ from the base model. If someone happens to have a gun under the Magnum sleeve, then you can successfully hunt with it using ordinary (70 mm) 20-caliber brass sleeves.

Shop shotguns

A representative of this type of guns in our country can be the MTs20 gun, which was designed in the early 60s. and soon began to be produced in small batches by the Tula Arms Plant. For a number of years, it has repeatedly changed in its design and appearance, but in 1971 it was taken out of production for revision, and only now its production has been resumed at the same plant. At first, this model had a wooden stock with a bolt that was very complex in design and disassembly. Then the receiver was made in one piece with the plastic stock and with the same complex bolt.

Now this hunting rifle is produced under the index MTs20-01. In a receiver that is not separated from the barrel, a longitudinally sliding rotary bolt moves by means of a handle when reloading, which locks the barrel on two lugs located symmetrically relative to each other. The design of the valve is simple, so that it can be disassembled without tools for cleaning and lubrication. The gun has a stock made at the same time with the forearm, like a hunting carbine. In general, the appearance of the gun resembles a hunting carbine.

From below, a detachable magazine for two 20-caliber cartridges with a sleeve 70 mm long adjoins the receiver. The store is fixed with two symmetrically placed latches made in the form of spring plates. This design allows you to simultaneously turn off the latches and separate the magazine from the gun, and in addition, it virtually eliminates the possibility of losing the magazine while hunting. For aimed shooting, the barrel has a rear sight and a front sight, which is especially valuable when shooting a bullet. From the side of the shooter, the shutter is covered with an insert that covers the hole in the box and the grooves for the shutter, which reduces the likelihood of all sorts of rubbish getting here. In the same insert there is an indicator of the cocking of the striker. To remove the shutter, you should open it, take it back, pull the trigger and then remove it. The gun is equipped with a safety catch.

According to the 1988 catalog, the gun can be produced in three varieties: MTs20-01, MTs20-02 and MTs20-03, respectively, 20, 28 and 32 calibers, but so far only the first modification is on sale. The barrel has a chrome finish: black on the outside, white on the inside. Barrel length - 635 mm, muzzle narrowing for the first two guns - 0.5 mm, for the last - 0.3 mm. Shotguns of 32 caliber weigh no more than 2.6 kg, the rest are slightly heavier - no more than 2.75 kg.

MTs20-01 is a typical hunting rifle designed primarily for shooting small fur-bearing animals and upland game.

Double-barreled shotguns

For seven decades, the Tula Arms Plant produced a model of a trigger gun, which in various modifications had the indices B, BM, TOZ-63, TOZ-66, TOZ-54, but among hunters it was often called simply “tulka” or “trigger gun”. For a long time, until the end of the 50s, the Tula gun with external triggers was the most popular model among all domestic double-barreled guns. The trigger gun, simple in design, cheap, trouble-free, strong enough, was widely used in commercial and amateur hunting.

Serial production of model B began in 1902. After a break in the production of hunting weapons during the First World War and the Civil War, model B was again produced in the 20s. and released until the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, immediately after which the production of trigger guns was resumed and continued until 1956. The first batches of post-war guns had barrels that were not soldered together, but fastened with couplings.

Model B was made mainly in 16 gauge, in smaller quantities - in the 20th and quite a bit - in the 12th. Shotguns produced in the 1950s have barrels 700-725 mm long, individual pieces in piece design - 750 mm, weight of 16-gauge rifles - 3-3.2 kg. The right barrel was made with drilling a cylinder, the left one - a choke. The stock is predominantly semi-pistol, sometimes straight or pistol, for ordinary rifles it is made of beech, walnut, for piece guns it is made of walnut.

In 1957, instead of model B, its modification BM began to be produced with increased strength characteristics of the trunks. These are 16 and 20 gauge shotguns; barrel length - 700-725 mm; the mass of guns, respectively, is 3-3.25 and 2.75-3 kg. Drilling of trunks: right-0.25 mm (sometimes 0.5 mm), left-0.5 mm (less often 1 mm). The pull force of the right trigger is 1.5-2.75 kg, the left trigger is 1.75-3 kg. The stock is predominantly semi-pistol, less often - pistol or straight; material - beech, birch, for piece - walnut.

In the 60s. instead of BM, they began to produce modifications of TOZ-63 16 and 20 calibers and TOZ-66 12 calibers. The model has been finalized in the direction of increasing survivability; the bores and chambers of these guns are chrome-plated. Weight TOZ-63 caliber 16-3-3.2 kg with a barrel length of 700-720 mm; 20 caliber - 2.75-3 kg with barrels 675-720 mm; TOZ-66 12 gauge - 3.1-3.35 kg with barrels 700-720 mm. Muzzle narrowing: pay - choke. The stock is the same as the previous modifications.

In 1974, the previous modifications were replaced by a new one, with the TOZ-54 index, which was mass-produced until 1978, mainly in 12 gauge. The design of the gun was worked out under modern technology, the external forms of the model have been changed. The classic forms of the trigger tulk were replaced by "ultra-modern", angular ones, which significantly worsened general form guns.

Weight TOZ-54 caliber 12 - no more than 3.2 kg; barrel length - 720 mm; muzzle narrowing - 0.5 and 1 mm.

For several years, the Tula Arms Plant did not produce a trigger double-barreled shotgun, but in 1986 the production of this 12-gauge gun was restored under the TOZ-80 index. The shape of the gun was returned to the old, classic. By technical specifications TOZ-80 practically does not differ from earlier samples.

A trigger gun of any modification is a gun with horizontally arranged barrels and external triggers. The barrels and forearm are detachable; the forearm has a lever latch. The release lever is located on top. triple locking; trigger mechanisms are mounted on separate side boards; rebound triggers; chamber length - 70 mm. The mainsprings are long, lamellar, they are injected with manual cocking of the hammers. Sleeves, cartridges are put forward by an extractor.

Hammer guns of calibers 12, 16, 20 are suitable for any hunting with the use of shot, buckshot, bullet cartridges. Shotguns drilled right-handed with a cylinder or an improved cylinder usually give good, and sometimes excellent, bullet action.

Izhevsk horizontal shotguns

In 1949-1954. Izhevsk Mechanical Plant produced the popular double-barreled shotgun IZH-49. Taking into account the experience of its operation and the wishes of the hunters, since 1951 the plant began to develop a new model gun, which three years later began to be mass-produced under the index IZH-54.

This is a 12-gauge hunting rifle with horizontal barrels. First they made guns with barrels 750 mm long, then 730 mm. The length of the chambers is 70 mm. Chokes: right barrel - pay 0.5 ± 0.05 mm; left - full choke 1.0 ± 0.05 mm. The shape of the muzzle constrictions is parabolic. Outside, the barrels are covered with black chrome or black nickel; barrel channels and chambers are chrome-plated for all piece and part of ordinary shotguns.

The locking of the guns is triple: with a striker plate for two grenade hooks and a Griner bolt for the upper hook of the barrels. The release lever is located on top. The gun is opened by turning the lever to the right. On top of the block there are indicators for cocking the hammers. The hammers are cocked when the gun is opened. After hitting the striker, the trigger moves back to the rebound position and releases the striker.

The trigger mechanism with two triggers is mounted on a separate base, fixed at the bottom of the box. Mainsprings are lamellar. The strikers are made in chrome-plated brand pipes.

IZH-54 does not have an ejector. An automatic safety locks both the sear and the triggers. The fuse device allows for a smooth descent of the triggers. The design of the sear and the safety mechanism eliminates an accidental shot even when the gun hits something hard.

The stock for ordinary shotguns is made of walnut and beech, for piece guns it is only made of walnut. The shape of the lodge is straight or pistol. The fore-end is detachable, with a lever-type latch. The mass of the gun is 3.2-3.6 kg (usually 3.4-3.5 kg).

The IZH-54 shotgun played a big role in the development of weapons production in the USSR: it was the first domestic model of a hammerless double-barreled shotgun, which was produced in large batches and which gained such great popularity among the consumer. In total, almost half a million guns of this model were produced, 70 thousand of them went abroad, initiating the export of products from Izhevsk gunsmiths.

In 1957, the Izhevsk Mechanical Plant began to produce the IZH-57 16-caliber gun, created on the basis of the IZH-54.bIn it, instead of the Griner bolt, a striker plate was installed in the upper part of the box shield. Barrel length 750 mm; choke - pay (in the right barrel) and choke (in the left). This model was soon discontinued.

In 1967, work began on the modernization of the IZH-54 shotgun, and since 1969 the plant has been producing shotguns of the IZH-26 (with extractor) and IZH-26E (with ejector) models for a decade.

A number of changes have been made compared to the old model. The bore diameter was reduced from 18.5 (+0.25) to 18.2 (+0.2) mm. Another was the locking of the trunks: instead of the Griner bolt, the IZH-26 has a striker plate in the upper part of the shield (forehead) of the receiver. When locking the gun, the bar moves onto a small locking hook protruding above the breech section of the barrels. An additional safety cocking appeared on the triggers, which increased the safety of the gun during its long-term operation. On part of the guns (with the index IZH-26E), an ejector mechanism was used, located in the forearm. The shape of the box has been somewhat changed, the maintenance of mechanisms during cleaning and lubrication has become more convenient; the mass of the gun was reduced by about 0.2 kg. The length of the trunks IZH-26 - 720-730, mm, weight - no more than 3.3 kg; caliber 12. The IZH-26 and IZH-54 guns have proved to be reliable in operation and suitable for almost all hunting with the use of shot, buckshot and bullet cartridges in various natural areas of our country.

Along with the IZH-54, the plant mastered the production of the IZH-58 model, which was produced until recently with some improvements. This double-barreled shotgun with a horizontal arrangement of trunks, manufactured in large series for almost three decades, is well known in our country and abroad among amateur hunters and fishers. The vast majority of guns were made in 12 and 16 calibers, but at one time the model was conceived as a fishing weapon of small calibers - 20 and 28. 28 caliber guns were not mass-produced, but the mass-produced "twenty" enjoyed well-deserved success with hunters. The remarkable "twenty", created under the leadership of the Izhevsk designer L. I. Pugachev, was mass-produced from the end of 1958, and in the mid-60s. Unfortunately, the hunters were taken out of production.

This gun has a barrel length of 675 mm, a chamber length of 70 mm. The bores and chambers are chrome-plated. The muzzle constrictions are parabolic, at the right barrel - 0.5 mm, at the left - 1 mm. When firing normally loaded cartridges at 35 m, the gun provides an accuracy of 45% from the right and 55% from the left barrels. The aiming bar is recessed. The barrels and forearm are detachable, the forearm is attached to the barrels with a latch.

The Anson-Dilley type lock is mounted in a block. The mainsprings are spiral, cylindrical. Arming? mainsprings occurs when the gun is opened. The triggers are returnable (with a rebound), the strikers are one with the triggers. The fuse is non-automatic, it locks the sear. In the event of a breakdown of the triggers from the combat platoon? (with any blow to the gun or when it falls), they automatically get on the safety platoon without hitting the primers. The design of the fuse allows you to smoothly pull the trigger. If the barrels are not fully closed, there can be no shot.

The trigger mechanism is mounted on a separate base, has two triggers. The cartridge cases are ejected from the chamber by the extractor when the gun is opened. The locking of the gun is triple: on the two lower hooks - with a locking bar and on the upper hook - with a locking lever.

The stock is semi-pistol or straight, connected to the block by a coupling screw passing through the entire butt to the butt plate. The material of the stock for ordinary guns is birch and beech, for piece guns it is walnut. The mass of the gun is 2.7-2.9 kg. The simple design of the mechanisms allows for complete disassembly and assembly of the gun without the help of special tools - only a punch and screwdrivers are needed.

Lightweight, powerful enough and cheap "twenty" enjoyed, as we have said, popular with hunters. This compact, reliable weapon showed itself well in the hunt for upland game and small fur-bearing animals, showed a good fight with a bullet; it was widely used in the south of the country for shooting quail, as well as in mountain hunting.

Since 1960, they began to make the IZH-58 16-gauge gun. The length of the barrels is 720 mm, the weight is up to 3.2 kg, the aiming bar is ordinary. A decade later, on the basis of this modification, a 12-gauge gun was developed under the symbol IZH-58M. Its weight is 3.2-3.3 kg, the length of the trunks is 720-730 mm. Lodge - pistol or straight. Accuracy of battle with muzzle constriction pay (0.5 mm) and choke (1 mm), respectively, 50-55 and 60-65%. The fuse, like the 16 gauge, is non-automatic.

Shotguns IZH-58 12 and 16 gauge are suitable for amateur and commercial hunting in all natural areas of the country. From these guns you can shoot with shot all kinds of game birds, hares, foxes; buckshot - roe deer, saigas, wolves, lynxes; bullets - moose, wild boars, bears.

In 1977, on the basis of the IZH-58M gun, modifications IZH-58MA and IZH-58MAE were created, on the first of which an automatic fuse was installed, and on the second, an automatic fuse and an ejector (the latter can be turned off).

In turn, the further development of the IZH-58MA and IZH-58MAE models was IZH-43, IZH-43E, IZH-43M, IZH-43EM. All of them have detachable horizontally paired trunks. The chambers and bores are chrome-plated. The forearm is removable, secured with a lever-type latch. The locking mechanism consists of two underbarrel hooks, into the grooves of which a locking bar enters, controlled by a locking lever. The trigger mechanism is located on a separate base and in the block. The base is located at the bottom of the block. When the gun is opened, the cylindrical helical mainsprings are compressed and the hammers, made integral with the strikers, are cocked, as well as the automatic activation of the fuse, which locks the triggers and sears. The fuse makes it possible to smoothly release the triggers from combat platoons. The trigger and locking mechanisms of the gun are interlocked with each other: the interaction of the triggers with the sears is possible only with the locking lever fully returned to its original position.

The main difference between these models and the previous ones is the modified appearance, a different design of the ejector mechanism (IZH-43M and IZH-43EM) and the installation of a universal trigger mechanism (IZH-43 and IZH-43E), which has two triggers, each of which can fire two consecutive shots from both barrels, but allows the ability to shoot traditionally. Models that do not have an E index are equipped with an extractor that only pushes spent cartridges out of the chamber, and does not eject as an ejector.

Shotguns of these modifications produce 12 and 16 gauges. Weight no more than 3.3 kg. Barrel length - 725 mm. Muzzle constriction of the right barrel - 0.5 mm, left - 1 mm; accuracy of firing of the right and left barrels - respectively, not less than 50 and 60%.

Over and under shotguns

In 1965 at the Leipzig Fair gold medal received a TOZ-34 gun, created by Tula gunsmiths. The main ideas of this model were developed by N. I. Korovyakov, V. P. Ochnev, V. A. Paramonov, S. S. Ferapontov took part in the team of authors. At first, the gun was made in piece design, and since 1969 it has been produced in large batches.

This model played a big role in the development of Soviet hunting weapons. TOZ-34 - the first light gun with a vertical arrangement of trunks of serial production. It served as the basis for a whole family of guns: bench TOZ-57K and TOZ-57T, fitting TOZ-55 "Zubr", combined TOZ-34-5.6 / 28 and TOZ-34-5.6 / 20.

TOZ-34 calibers 12 and 28 are mass-produced in ordinary, piece and souvenir versions, guns of 20 caliber are made in limited quantities, small batches of 32 caliber were produced.

The barrels are detachable, the forearm is integral, it is attached to the barrels with screws. There are indicators for cocking the hammers. The aiming bar is placed both ordinary and ventilated. The stock is made of walnut, beech, birch, usually with a pistol grip, less often with a straight neck, with or without a cheek protrusion. The mass of the gun is 3.1-3.2 kg, sometimes 2.9-3.0 kg. Small caliber shotguns have the same stock as 12 gauge shotguns, so their weight is almost the same.

The gun is produced in various modifications: TOZ-34 - with an extractor, TOZ-34E - with an ejector, TOZ-34R - with rubber shock absorber, TOZ-34ER - with an ejector and a rubber shock absorber.

Barrel length 12 gauge - 700-720 mm; 20, 28, 32 - 660-675 mm; chambers - 70 mm. The passports for TOZ-34 12 gauge indicate that the drilling of the lower barrel is pay, the upper barrel is choke, but these are nominal, conventional designations. In fact, in 12-gauge guns, the choke of the lower barrel is usually 0.8-1.0 mm, the upper - 1.1-1.3 mm; 20th - 0.5 and 1.0 mm; 28th - 0.4 and 0.6 mm; 32nd - 0.3 and 0.5 mm, respectively. The diameter of the barrel bores 12 caliber 18.5 (+0.2) mm, the 20th - 15.7 (+0.2), the 28th - 14 (+0.2), the 32nd - 12.5 ( +0.25) mm.

The gun is designed for the use of paper, plastic, metal sleeves (the latter provide less accuracy and uniformity of the scree). For 20, 28, 32 calibers, reinforced charges and shells can be used.

By its design, the TOZ-34 is significantly different from other guns. It does not have a transverse bolt, low landing of the barrels, which are connected to the block by means of ring hinges and a breech clutch. The locking of the trunks is single - with a locking frame on the hook of the trunks, the unlocking lever is located on top. The descent of the triggers is smooth. The firing mechanism with internal hammers and the trigger mechanism with two triggers are mounted on a separate base. The cocking of the hammers, the preload of the mainsprings (and for the TOZ-34E, the preload of the ejector springs) is carried out when the trunks are opened. The mainsprings are horseshoe-shaped. The hammers are made separately from the strikers. Non-automatic fuse, locks the sear; there is a trigger interceptor (interceptor). The TOZ-34 shotgun is distinguished by features in disassembly and assembly. For disassembly, you must first smoothly lower the triggers, then, pressing the front trigger and without releasing it, move the locking lever to the extreme right position until it stops, and then, turning the barrels, disengage them from the receiver.

On the basis of the TOZ-34 gun, as already mentioned, the TOZ-35 "Zubr" fitting chambered for 9X53 was created. Barrel length - 600 mm. The same gun is also produced as a combined one: the lower barrel is rifled, chambered for 9X53; upper - smooth, 12 gauge. In this embodiment, the length of the trunks is 675 mm; muzzle narrowing of a smooth barrel - 0.5 mm. The gun itself weighs 3.8 kg, but it is also equipped with a TO-6PM or P04X34 optical sight. TOZ-55 is made only in piece design.

The already mentioned fishing guns TOZ-34-5.6/28 and TOZ-34-5.6/20 are produced in small batches. This is a combined weapon, in which the upper barrel is rifled, caliber 5.6 mm, chambered for rimfire, the lower barrel is smooth, 28 or 20 caliber. Barrel length - 500 mm, muzzle narrowing of a smooth barrel - 0.3 mm at 28 caliber, 0.5 mm - at 20 caliber. The fuse is non-automatic. The rifle can be equipped with a PO-2.5X20 or PO-1M optical sight. The mass of the gun without an optical sight is 2.5-2.6 kg.

Shotgun TOZ-34 12 gauge - a typical hunting rifle used in all hunting with shotgun cartridges. With muzzle constrictions of more than 1 mm, buckshot should only be used in a container; when hunting large animals - sub-caliber bullets. The same gun with smooth barrels of 20, 28, 32 calibers is suitable for hunting small fur-bearing animals in the taiga, for shooting quail. "Bison" is used for shooting elk, large boar, bear, deer. TOZ-34-5.6 / 20 and 28 - a typical fishing gun designed for the extraction of small fur-bearing animals.

Work on the creation of a double-barreled shotgun with a vertical arrangement of trunks was also carried out in Izhevsk. In 1959, under the guidance of designer A. Klimov, the IZH-59 Sputnik model was developed, which in 1960-1964. mass-produced.

The barrels of this gun are not soldered together, but are connected by couplings. The aiming bar is high; barrel channels and chamber are chrome-plated; caliber 12, bore diameter - 18.5 mm; barrel length - 750 mm, chambers - 70 mm; choke - 0.5 mm at the lower and 1 mm at the upper trunks. The locking of the trunks is single - with a wide wedge on the hook of the breech clutch.

The trigger mechanism is located in the block and on a separate base. The hammers are returnable, with a rebound, made separately from the strikers, cocked when the trunks are opened. Fighting springs cylindrical, spiral. The fuse is non-automatic, it locks the sear. Possible smooth descent of the triggers from the combat platoon.

Stock straight or pistol, walnut or beech; the butt plate is plastic or with a rubber shock absorber. The side surfaces of the barrels above the forearm are covered with wooden lining.

Under certain conditions (frequent shooting, the use of strong charges), the long barrels of the IZH-59 sometimes began to "baptize", that is, the lower barrel hit above the target, and the upper one below. Therefore, in the IZH-12 gun, created on the basis of Sputnik, the barrels were made soldered. The plant produced the first batch of IZH-12 guns in 1962. In addition, the following changes were made: the bore diameter was reduced from 18.5 to 18.2 mm; along with the usual (non-automatic) fuse, trigger interceptors (interceptors) were installed, and in recent releases, an automatic fuse was sometimes used on the IZH-12; barrel length was reduced to 720-730 mm. The mass of the gun is 12 gauge-3.3-3.5 kg, 16th-3.1-3.2 kg.

When assembling the gun, it should be remembered that before setting the forearm, both cockers must be lowered, then, holding the gun with the left hand by the barrels, with the right hand, put the forearm on the lower barrel.

Note that the IZH-12 is the first mass-produced gun, in the design of which trigger interceptors were introduced. This model, produced for a number of years in large series, has gained wide popularity among hunters.

Work on the modernization of IZH-12 ended in serial production from the beginning of the 70s. guns IZH-27. He changed the shape of the box and forearm; ventilated bar introduced; IZH-27E has an ejector mechanism (it can be turned off); the shape of the box has been changed in the places where it is combined with the stock. The fuse is automatic. The mass of the IZH-27 gun of caliber 12 with a plastic butt plate is not more than 3.3 kg, with a rubber shock absorber - not more than 3.4 kg; caliber 16 - 3.2 and 3.3 kg, respectively. Barrel length - 720-730 mm; choke - pay (lower) and choke (upper). Stock pistol or straight, walnut or beech. The gun is produced in ordinary, piece and souvenir versions.

Since the mid 70s. The IZH-27 shotgun with one trigger is mass-produced. The gun is made in two versions: IZH-27-1C without an ejector and IZH-27E-1C with an ejector. These guns do not have a smooth trigger release. One descent provides alternate production of shots from both barrels in any sequence. The main sequence of shots: lower barrel - upper barrel, reverse (upper - lower) requires you to press the trigger forward until it clicks. But such a switch only changes the sequence for one pair of shots, since the first time the gun is opened, the main sequence is restored again.

Several modifications of the IZH-27 gun were produced for the stands: for firing in a trench - IZH-27ST and IZH-27EST (barrel length - 760 mm, choke - full choke and reinforced choke); for shooting at round stand- IZH-27SK and IZH-27ESK (barrel length - 660 mm, muzzle devices cylinder and cylinder with a bell).

Shotguns IZH-12, IZH-27 are widely used in various hunting with the use of shot, buckshot, bullets. The lower barrel of these guns usually gives good, and sometimes excellent, bullet action.

Double-barreled shotguns with MTs index

In 1946, the Central Design Research Bureau of Sports and Hunting Weapons (TsKIB SOO) was established at the Tula Arms Plant, whose task is to develop and create new types and models of sports and hunting weapons. The weapons developed and manufactured by this enterprise (in piece design or in small series) are designated by the index MTs - TsKIB model.

One of the first models with the MC index was produced in the 50s. MTs9 shotguns with external triggers and horizontal barrels, MTsb shotgun with internal triggers and vertical barrels, and MTs5 shotgun with vertical barrels in various combinations.

Models of hunting rifles with the MTs index are the most expensive and superbly executed. These include two guns of the highest class: MTs109 with vertical and MTs111 horizontal barrels, both with so-called full locks. The guns are distinguished by rigor and elegance of forms, excellent artistic finish. The metal details of the guns are decorated with engraving or embossing, sometimes in combination with precious metal inlays. The production of guns of these models is only piece.

Here it is appropriate to briefly talk about what kind of hunting weapons belong to the highest class, if we confine ourselves to purely technical features. It is usually double-barreled or triple-barreled, with separate trigger mechanisms for each barrel. This is primarily due to the fact that you can quickly, one after the other, make two or three shots, moreover, with cartridges of various characteristics and purposes. Further. When there are several separate trigger mechanisms, the whole system of the gun is more reliable, since in case of an accidental failure of one mechanism or a misfire of a cartridge, another shot from the other barrel is always ready. From such weapons, you can shoot various animals at a wide range of distances. Smooth barrels can have different calibers and choke points.

The design of the weapon must ensure the survivability of the sample for at least 10-15 thousand shots, and it is easy and traditional to disassemble. The inner surface of the trunks is not provided with a coating, since it is difficult to achieve its uniformity, and hence the exact internal dimensions. Therefore, it is impossible to predict what the characteristics of the shotgun action will be.

The gun should have not only a sharp, but also a uniform fight. Accuracy - maximum according to drilling standards. The deviation of the point of impact from the aiming point is allowed no more than 5 cm. The center of gravity should be located as close as possible to the shooter, the difference in wall thickness of the barrels should be minimal. Adjustment of all mechanisms - without pitching and gaps. Castles, as already noted, are "full". Wood - only butt walnut on the forend and stock, seasoned, well fitted to the metal parts and not protruding above the metal. The stock with a cheek, the butt plate is made in one piece with the stock. Locking is at least triple. Two triggers are desirable, each can be universal - for both barrels.

The MTs109 shotgun is produced in varieties MTs109-12 - with two, MTs109-01 - with one trigger. With 12 gauge, the length of the barrels is 750 mm, the chambers are 70 mm. The muzzle narrowing of the lower barrel is 0.5 mm, the upper barrel is 1 mm. The mass of the gun is within 3.4 kg. One trigger provides alternate firing from both barrels in any sequence at the expense of the translator. The cocking of the internal triggers is carried out when the trunks are opened. The fuse is non-automatic, blocks the triggers, has their interceptors. An ejector is provided to eject spent cartridges.

The MTs111 shotgun is produced in 12 caliber modifications MTs111-12-C with two and MTs111-01-with one trigger. The right barrel has a muzzle narrowing of 0.5 mm, the left - 1 mm. The rest of the performance characteristics are the same as those of the MTs109.

The MTs110 shotgun is of a lower class than the previous ones. Unlike them, the trigger mechanisms of the MTs110 are mounted on one common base. Three types of guns are produced: MTs110-12, MTs 110-01 and MTs 110-20 (all with horizontal barrels). The MTs110-12 gun has 12 gauge barrels; barrel length 750 mm; muzzle constriction of the right barrel 0.5 mm; left - 1 mm; weight - no more than 3.3 kg. The MTs110-01 gun differs from the MTs110-12 in having one trigger. All modifications are equipped with an ejector mechanism and an automatic fuse with trigger interceptors. The MTs110-20 has 20 gauge barrels 675 mm long; muzzle narrowing of the right barrel 0.5 mm, left - 0.8 mm; the mass of the gun is not more than 2.9 kg.

The MTs110-12 shotgun was awarded in 1976 the Big Gold Medal at the International Fair in Zagreb. This gun is produced in two more modifications (MTs110-07 and MTs110-09) with rifled bores and open, as well as PO 4X34 optical sights. The mass of these guns is 3.6 kg, the barrel length is 600 mm. The MTs110-07 gun is designed for firing from both barrels with 7.62X51 cartridges, and the MTs 110-09 - with 9X53 cartridges; bullet dispersion diameter - no more than 10 and 12 cm, respectively, when firing at a distance of 100 m.

The MTs7 gun is manufactured with smooth, vertically arranged barrels, two modifications: MTs7-12 caliber 12, barrel length - 750 mm, gun weight - 3.3 kg; MTs7-20 caliber 20, barrel length 675 mm, gun weight - no more than 2.9 kg. In 1978, the MTs7-12 shotgun was awarded the Big Gold Medal at the Zagreb International Fair. The lower barrels of these guns have the same choke - 0.5 mm, while the upper ones are different: for the MTs7-12 - 1 mm, and for the MTs7-20 - 0.8 mm. The forearm on the trunks is removable, secured with a latch. An ejector mechanism is provided. Automatic fuse with trigger interceptors.

The MTs7 gun is also made with rifled barrels: MTs7-07 - chambered for 7.62X51, MTs7-09 - chambered for 9X53; the dispersion diameter when firing at a distance of 100 m is 10 and 12 cm, respectively. The mass of these guns is no more than 3.7 kg, the barrel length is 600 mm, they are equipped with open and optical software 4X 34 sights.

The MTs105 gun is a further development of the already mentioned MTs5 model. This gun is produced in four modifications: MTs105-20, MTs105-28, MTs105-32 and MTs105-01. The forearm is non-removable, attached to the barrels with screws, and the barrels themselves are detachable, vertically located. Trigger mechanism - with internal triggers and two triggers, of which the front one is designed for firing from the lower barrel, the rear one - from the upper one. When the barrels are opened, the hammers are cocked, and the fuse automatically locks the triggers. There are interceptors of triggers. The extractor is common for both barrels, it does not throw out the sleeves. For all modifications, the barrel length is 675 mm; the mass of guns is from 2.7 to 3.1 kg, depending on the caliber and type of cartridges used. Shotgun MTs105-20 caliber 20, MTs105-28 - caliber 28, MTs105-32 - caliber 32; at MTs105-01 - the upper barrel of caliber 20, the lower rifled - chambered for 5.6X39.

The MTs-b shotgun is the "oldest" of the MTs series, produced from 1952 to the present. It has a caliber 12, vertically arranged trunks 750 mm long, at the bottom choke - 0.5 mm, y. top - 1 mm. The mass of the gun is no more than 3.2 kg. The box of modern samples is made of high-strength light alloy. The fuse is automatic, locks the triggers. The cocking of the hammers is carried out when the barrel is opened. The sleeves are removed by the extractor without ejection. The front trigger is used to fire from the lower barrel, as with all the models described. The fore-end is fixed on the barrels with screws. The shotgun has an elegant shape, has an engraving on metal parts.

Self-loading shotguns

The only mass-produced hunting weapon of this type is the MTs21-12 gun, which was developed by V. A. Nikolaev at TsKIB SOO and put into mass production in 1965 at the Tula Arms Plant (which is why it is sometimes referred to as TOZ-MTs21-12). In the same year, the gun was awarded the Leipzig Fair Gold Medal.

The 1965 catalog indicates that MTs-21 guns are produced in 12, 16 and 20 gauges. However, at present, the gun is produced in ordinary and piece versions only in 12 gauge. Its mass is about 3.4 kg, but not more than 3.7 kg. Pistol neck stock with or without cheek ridge, material - beech or walnut, rubber buffer available. Barrel length - 750 mm, chamber length - 70 mm. Previously, this model was produced in small quantities with a 675 mm long barrel, which had a firing accuracy regulator (essentially, a polychok) and a chamber for a 65 mm long cartridge case.

The bore and chamber are chrome-plated, designed for the use of paper and plastic sleeves; muzzle constriction - 1 mm. The magazine is underbarrel, tubular, accommodating 4 rounds, but can be equipped with a limiter that halves the capacity of the magazine. The gun is equipped with a safety catch.

The bolt is longitudinally sliding, locking the bore with a vertically moving lugs, which enters the bore of the barrel shank. The trigger mechanism is mounted on a separate base and allows only single shots.

The automatics of the shotgun work by using the long stroke of the barrel as it moves backwards under the action of recoil. When fired, the barrel and bolt begin to move back. The barrel with its protrusion releases the left stop of the cartridges, and he, having left the groove of the receiver, delays the cartridge, which cannot get from the magazine into the box with the barrel and bolt, but only leaves the magazine by a small amount. Next, the right stop of the cartridges is released. Arriving in the rearmost position, the shutter is delayed by the feeder lever, and the barrel moves forward under the action of its spring, ejects the spent cartridge case through the side window of the box roof and presses its protrusion on the left stop of the cartridges, sinking it into the groove of the box. In this case, the cartridge from the magazine moves to the feeder and presses the feeder latch with the cartridge case flange, which leads to the release of the bolt, which begins to slide forward. At the same time, the feeder, rotating, raises the cartridge, and the bolt moving forward sends it into the chamber. The next cartridge is held in the magazine by the right cartridge stop. Approaching the extreme forward position, the bolt depresses the right stop of the cartridges, and the released cartridge, having moved a little back, is stopped by the stop of the cartridges in the bolt. When the bolt moves back at the time of the shot, the trigger is also cocked and the entire trigger mechanism is prepared for the next shot.

To remove the cartridges from the magazine, you need to put the gun on the fuse and drown the feeder while pressing the stop of the cartridges in the bolt. However, before you remove the cartridges from the magazine, you must get a cartridge from the chamber. To do this, turn off the magazine cutter cartridges and take the shutter back. The same is done when replacing the cartridge in the chamber. Changing a cartridge in the chamber with a different projectile from the magazine can be even faster. To do this, you do not need to completely fill the magazine with cartridges, which will make it possible at the required moment to insert the cartridge with the desired projectile into the magazine and quickly distort the shutter.

In order for the gun to be constantly in working condition, it should be carefully looked after and moderately lubricated with oil corresponding to the season. Particular attention should be paid to the recoil system, which includes a brake, a brake buffer, a buffer-return spring and a support ring on the barrel, put on the magazine body. When fired, the support ring with the barrel moves back, compressing the brake with its inner cone (it is a split ring), and on the other hand, the brake is compressed by the inner cone of the buffer, which is acted upon by the buffer-return spring. Thus, the more the brake is compressed and the less lubrication is in this mechanism, the more powerful charges can be fired from a gun (of course, within reasonable limits). And vice versa, if the brake buffer is turned over and placed with its inner cone not to the brake, but to the spring and properly lubricate this system with oil appropriate for the season, then it will be possible to shoot with reduced charges.

When disassembling the gun, first unscrew the cap of the forend and remove the forearm. Then the bolt is pulled back until the lugs exit from the bore of the barrel shank and the barrel is separated from the box and the magazine body. Next, remove the brake, buffer and spring from the magazine body. The lid is separated from the box by sliding it forward first. Put the fuse in the middle position and push it out of the hole in the box. By pressing the latch button, the trigger mechanism is pulled down from the box. Having drowned the stop of the cartridges on the bolt, they push it forward out of the box. The sleeve is removed from the magazine from the side of the forearm cap, and then the magazine spring and the cartridge pusher.

When disassembling the shutter, the stem is brought close to the body of the shutter (the combat stop must take the highest position), and the stop of the cartridges is sunk to failure. Then, by moving the liner at the bottom of the shutter to the side, they separate it, after which the stem and combat stop are easily separated from the body of the shutter. To separate the feeder from the base of the firing mechanism, press it to the right so that the trunnions come out of the base hole.

The assembly of the gun is carried out in the reverse order, paying attention to the fact that side surfaces the shutter pushers were aligned in the same plane when their ends were placed in the recess of the stem of the box shank. To connect the barrel to the receiver, it is necessary to pull the bolt back to the extreme position, and then insert the barrel into the guide grooves of the box, after putting the barrel sleeve on the magazine body.

When assembling a gun, you should not abuse the lubricant, as this can lead to misfires at the most inopportune moment. For example, if you see that after pressing the trigger on the primer there is a barely noticeable mark from the striker, then completely disassemble the bolt and remove excess grease even from the opening for the striker. In winter, some hunters use spindle or transformer oil to lubricate the mechanisms of the gun. You can also use TsIATIM-201 or MS-70 lubricants.

When operating the gun in wet weather and especially on the coast, in addition to the usual oil treatment of the outer metal surfaces and internal mechanisms and parts, you should pay attention to Special attention on the tube in the butt body, where the bolt return spring is located. Moisture condenses there, which must be removed and the mechanism lubricated. To do this, remove the butt plate, unscrew the cap nut, clean and lubricate the tube, the return spring of the bolt and the piston.

Sometimes, when using low-quality ammunition or for some other reason, the barrel with the bolt gets stuck in the rear position. This means that the lugs did not come out of the hole in the barrel shank. Before eliminating the delay, turn on the cartridge cutter so that there is no supply from the magazine, then put the gun on the safety. Then they put the gun with the butt plate on the floor, press the barrel lightly to the bottom and hit the bolt handle with some wooden object. At the same time, the combat stop should come out of the bore of the barrel shank, and the barrel, under the action of the buffer-return spring, will take the forward position. To prevent such cases from recurring, you should lubricate the bore of the barrel shank and the lugs of the bolt, and if the problem still persists, the gun must be handed over for repair.

In addition to MTs21, two more models of self-loading smoothbore guns were developed: MTs22-12 and MTs23-12 (MTs23-1 sports modification), but they did not go into mass production.

Carabiners chambered for rimfire cartridges

In 1842, the French gunsmith Flaubert invented a breech-loading gun for firing a small, low-noise cartridge that did not have a powder charge - in the fold forming the sleeve flange, there was only an igniter composition. Subsequently, a powder charge was added to a slightly modified cartridge case, which finally formed the currently common family of rimfire cartridges. Such cartridges of caliber 5.6 mm, which are now widely used both by shooters-athletes for shooting sports pistols and rifles, and by hunters-traders in the extraction of small fur-bearing animals from rifled carbines and combined hunting weapons, have received especially widespread use.

Here we will talk about modern domestic carbines manufactured under a 5.6 mm rimfire cartridge and used by hunters in the hunting grounds of our country, as well as those carbines that are designed to replace outdated TOZ-16, TOZ-17 and TOZ-18 carbines.

One of the first works of the Central Design Research Bureau of Sporting and Hunting Weapons, already familiar to us, organized in 1946 at the Tula Arms Plant, was the creation of weapons for commercial hunters based on a lightweight version of the TOZ-8 sporting rifle. The sample was made by the designer K. I. Shekhvatov and received the name TOZ-11. This hunting rifle in 1948 received the Big Silver Medal and a diploma of the second degree at the Moscow Exhibition of Hunting and Dog Breeding, and it was manufactured until 1957. The rifle is single-shot; birch bed semi-pistol; sector sight with installation up to 250 m; sliding shutter; locking is done by turning the stem of the shutter; rifle weight - about 2 kg.

In 1956-1957. a group of authors consisting of G. P. Noskov, V. I. Chuvakhin and V. P. Ochnev, under the leadership of V. L. Chernopyatov, created fishing carbines TOZ-16 - single-shot, TOZ-17 - with a magazine for 5 rounds and TOZ-18 - with the same magazine and a 2x optical sight. In 1958, I. Gorbushin, V. P. Ochnev and V. L. Chernopyatov developed the TOZ-21 self-loading hunting carbine with a 10-round magazine. The domestic industry also produced a self-loading rifle "Sport" with a tubular magazine for 7 rounds located in the butt (weight - 1.9 kg, barrel length - 480 mm).

Currently, three modifications of "toziks" with a slightly modernized barrel locking unit are being mass-produced: TOZ-16-01 - a single-shot carbine, TOZ-17-01 - a magazine carbine for 5 rounds and TOZ-18-01 - a magazine carbine of the same capacity with optical sight PO-1 or PO-2.5 X 20, which can be quickly removed if necessary. For the first time the description of these carbines appeared in the catalog of 1980.

In the TOZ-16-01 carbine, the barrel is rigidly connected to the receiver due to a press fit and a pin. The barrel bore is locked by the bolt handle, which goes behind the corresponding protrusion of the receiver when the bolt is turned. The percussion mechanism of the striker type is mounted in the gate. Moving the bolt to the forward position is accompanied by cocking the drummer. The trigger mechanism is mounted on the box and provides a "warning" trigger. The push-button fuse blocks the sear. When the bolt is moved to the rear position, the spent cartridge case is removed from the chamber and ejected through the receiver window. Sight open sector, front sight rectangular. The outer surfaces of metal parts are subjected to chemical oxidation. The birch or beech stock is lacquered, and the butt plate is plastic. The length of the carbine is 1020 mm, the barrel is 536 mm, the sighting line is 485 mm. Carbine weight - no more than 2.6 kg. The dispersion diameter of bullets when firing a series of 4 shots at a distance of 50 m and not more than 5.5 cm.

The TOZ-17-01 carbine differs from the previous one in that it has a box-shaped detachable magazine for 5 rounds, and TOZ-18-01, in addition, is equipped with an optical sight. The dispersion diameter of the bullets of these carbines is 6 cm. Otherwise, their characteristics are the same.

In the catalog of 1980, a description appeared of the new piece-produced MTs18-2 carbine, designed for shooting small game in amateur and commercial hunting. Its distinctive feature is the ability to use it as a magazine, sending the next cartridge from the magazine to the chamber by moving the bolt by hand and turning the bolt handle down, and as self-loading, but then the bolt handle does not need to be turned down, and the barrel bore is locked by the force of the bolt spring. With non-self-loading firing, the bore is locked when the bolt is turned due to two lugs.

The barrel is connected to the receiver in the same way as the previous carbine. The trigger mechanism of the trigger type is mounted on a separate base and makes it possible to conduct only single firing in self-loading mode. Removing the spent cartridge case from the chamber, ejecting it from the receiver window and cocking the hammer are carried out when the bolt is moved to its rearmost position. A special visor is provided on the receiver, which protects the eyes and face of the shooter from the ingress of unburned powders when reflecting the spent cartridge case during self-loading firing. The carbine has a flag-type fuse that blocks the sear. Detachable box magazine, designed for 10 rounds. A TO-4M quick-detachable optical quadruple sight is installed on the box. The design of its bracket allows for aimed shooting at a distance of 50 m without removing the optical sight. The outer surfaces of the receiver and barrel are subjected to chemical oxidation. The bore, chamber, bolt and trigger parts are chrome-plated. The stock is made of walnut or birch, with protrusions for the hand and under the cheek, covered with polyester lacquer, vinyl butt plate. The rosette of the box is decorated with inlay.

The carbine is reliable and trouble-free in operation, easy to use. The package includes three interchangeable magazines, a tool and related accessories. The length of the carbine is 920 mm, the barrel is 430 mm, the aiming line is 380 mm. Carbine weight (without optical sight) - 2.4 kg. The average dispersion diameter of bullets when firing a series of 5 shots with target cartridges at a distance of 50 m is no more than 2.5 cm.

In the 1984 catalog, another type of hunting magazine carbine appeared - TOZ-78, designed for commercial and amateur hunting for birds and small fur-bearing animals. Unlike other TOZs, the locking of the barrel is simplified and makes it possible to use increased power cartridges. The drummer is cocked when the bolt is moved to the rear position. A trigger mechanism is mounted on the bottom of the box, the design of which makes it possible to adjust the trigger force and change the stroke of the trigger. The push-button fuse blocks the sear and has an interceptor. When the bolt is moved to the rear position, the spent cartridge case is removed from the chamber and ejected through the receiver window to the right. The carbine is equipped with open and optical (PO-1M or PO-2.5 X 20) sights. The stock is made of birch or beech wood, with a protrusion for the hand, varnished, plastic butt plate. The length of the carbine is 1004 mm, the barrel is 536 mm, the sighting line is 420 mm. Carbine weight (without optical sight) - no more than 2.7 kg. The average dispersion diameter of bullets when firing sports and hunting cartridges at a distance of 50 m is no more than 5 cm.

It should be noted that, judging by the latest catalogs, the domestic industry offers hunters combined hunting rifles that use 5.6 mm rimfire cartridges. These shotguns include the previously mentioned double-barreled shotguns TOZ-34-5.6-20 and TOZ-34-5.6-28. There is also the MTs105-01 gun, in which the rifled barrel has a chamber chambered for 5.6 X 39. "Five liners placed in the butt are attached to this gun, so that if necessary, rimfire cartridges can be fired from the rifled barrel with their help. Smooth caliber barrel - 20, barrel length - 675 mm, weight of the gun - 3.1 kg. The largest diameter of dispersion of bullets when firing from a rifled barrel with a series of 5 shots with cartridges 5.6 X 39 at a distance of 100 m - 10 cm, cartridges 5.6 mm rimfire at a distance of 50 m - 5 cm.

Hunting weapon chambered for 5.6 X 39

In 1955, at the Moscow exhibition of hunting and hunting dog breeding, design engineer M.N. Blum for the first time presented a complex of new hunting and fishing carbines and cartridges developed by him with a high muzzle velocity and a powerful lethal effect. Among these exhibits was a magazine carbine chambered for 5.6 mm caliber high speed. The cartridges were designed in two types. A cartridge with a bullet weighing 3.5 g, having an incomplete shell (the lead core is exposed at the head of the bullet) and an initial velocity of 1004 m / s. The cartridge of the second type had a bullet with a full shell, its initial speed was 1200 m / s.

Later in the article by M. N. Blum and M. M. Blum “Hunting rifle”(almanac“ Hunting spaces ”, 1960) was carried out detailed description a "universal" cartridge of 5.6 mm caliber with a high muzzle velocity (currently this cartridge has received the designation 5.6 X 39, as is customary abroad) and self-loading and magazine carbines designed for this cartridge using parts from military carbines sample (SCS).

In 1962, our industry began to mass-produce this cartridge, and the weapons factories of Izhevsk, Tula and also TsKIB SOO began to develop hunting rifled and combined weapons for it. Almost simultaneously, the Izhmash production association began the development and serial development of the Bars-1 magazine carbine. This carbine, when using a cartridge with a semi-shell bullet, is designed for hunting medium-sized animals (saiga, roe deer, wolf, etc.), and with a cartridge with a shell bullet, smaller animals can be shot from it.

Since the Bars-1 carbine is the most massive model of weapons manufactured under the 5.6 X 39 cartridge, we should dwell on its description in more detail. The length of the carbine is 1044 mm, the barrel is 600 mm, the sighting line is 490 mm. There are 6 rifling in the bore, the rifling direction is right, the rifling pitch is 420 mm. The bore and chamber are chrome-plated. The barrel and box are threaded. The barrel has a rectangular front sight and a drum-type rear sight, on which the numbers 1, 2 and 3 are applied, which corresponds to firing ranges of 100, 200 and 300 m, and there is also a division for a range of 250 m. An optical sight PO 4 X can be installed on the carbine 34 x4. The average dispersion diameter of bullets when firing a series of 5 shots at a distance of 100 m is no more than 7.5 cm.

The lock of the carbine is longitudinally sliding with rotation when locking, carried out by means of two lugs located in the middle part. In the rear part, there is a window for the exit of the firing pin and grooves in which the clutch is attached. Inside the shutter there is a channel for placing a striker with a mainspring.

The receiver at the bottom has a window for a magazine and 1 trigger box. The upper window of the receiver is designed to equip the magazine with cartridges and eject the spent cartridge case. The store is integral for 5 rounds, which are staggered. The receiver is connected to the stock with a special bar and two screws.

The trigger box contains the sear, trigger, springs and adjusting screws. The trigger mechanism can be adjusted only after the barrel and receiver are removed from the stock with the hammer cocked. The smoothness of the descent is changed by rotating the lower front screw, thereby setting the required amount of engagement with the trigger (this can be seen through the hole in the case). Then, by rotating the upper front screw, set the desired force on the trigger. With a sharp increase in force, it is necessary to slightly unscrew the rear screw. Then the trigger is set up “with a warning”, for which the rear adjusting screw should be tightened until the trigger pull force increases sharply. After adjustment, all screws should be secured with locknuts.

To the right of the receiver, above the trigger mechanism, there is a safety lever, which is fixed in two positions due to the presence of a cam axis and a spring in its right part. With a loaded carbine, protection against an accidental shot is carried out by simultaneously blocking the bolt and drummer. If the shot is made, and the fuse box is set to the vertical position, then only the opening of the shutter is prevented. To remove the bolt from the receiver, it should be pulled back, then turn the fuse to a vertical position and remove the bolt.

The stock is made of birch or walnut, pistol-shaped, with a protrusion under the cheek, and a rubber shock absorber serves as a recoil pad. The wooden parts are lacquered, while the surfaces of the metal parts are phosphated and also lacquered. Carbine weight (without optical sight and bracket) - no more than 2.7 kg.

Before disassembly, the rifle must be unloaded. Then, if there is an optical sight, unscrew the nuts of the bracket clamps a few turns and separate the bracket with the sight from the receiver. After that, as described above, remove the bolt from the receiver. Further, unscrewing the connecting screws, remove the barrel with the receiver, magazine and trigger mechanism from the box. When disassembling the shutter, it is necessary to push the coupling onto the shutter stem, turn it clockwise until it stops and pull it back, removing it from the stem. Then the mainspring and the firing pin are removed from the bolt stem. To remove the trigger, remove it from the receiver along with the fuse spring, then unscrew the screw securing the trigger box, separate it from the receiver and finally remove the fuse from the receiver, after turning it down.

When disassembling the trigger, you must first knock out the tubular axle and remove the sear along with the spring. After that, unscrew the upper front screw and remove the second spring. Loosen the rest of the screws and remove the trigger without removing its axis. Assemble the carabiner in reverse order. In this case, the drummer inserted into the bolt must be fixed in the hole of the figured groove of the stem.

The carbine is trouble-free and easy to use. With it you can hunt in any climatic conditions at an ambient temperature of minus 40 to plus 50 °C. No wonder "Bars-1" in 1967 was awarded the Big Gold Medal and a diploma of the first degree at the International Leipzig Fair.

The domestic industry also developed other samples of hunting weapons chambered for 5.6 X 39, but they were produced either in small batches or in single copies.

The 1965 catalog contains a description of the IZH-15 combined shotgun, the upper barrel of which is 16 caliber, and the lower caliber is 5.6 mm chambered for 5.6 X 39. This double-barreled hammerless shotgun was developed on the basis of the IZH-12 model common at that time and outwardly differs from it in the presence of an open rear sight for firing at 100 m and one folding shield for firing at 200 m, as well as a dovetail protrusion on the upper surface of the breech clutch for mounting an optical sight bracket. The muzzle sleeve has a slot for the front sight. The barrels are locked by a wide locking plate on one rear grenade hook. The number of grooves is 6, their pitch is 400 mm, the length of the barrels is 700 mm, the aiming line is 540 mm. The mass of the gun is 3.2 kg. The muzzle narrowing of the shotgun barrel is either check or semi-choke. The fuse is automatic. It can be in the chamber of a rifled barrel. a 5.6 mm rimfire cartridge chamber is inserted, which increases the versatility of this gun, allowing you to shoot a smaller fur-bearing animal without damaging the skin and carcass.

The catalogs contain several more samples of weapons chambered for 5.6 X 39.

Hunting combined gun МЦ105-35, which we have already mentioned, with a vertical arrangement of trunks: the upper one is 20 caliber, with a muzzle narrowing of 0.5 mm, the lower one is rifled, with an insert that allows the use of rimfire cartridges. Barrel length - 675 mm. The barrel channels and chambers are chrome-plated, the outer surface of the barrels is oxidized or black chrome-plated. The connection of the trunks with the box is carried out due to the barrel coupling, hinge, latch and locking frame. Pistol stock or straight stock, with or without cheek protrusion, made of walnut, beech or birch. The fore-end is fixed, screwed to the slats between the barrels. The open sight has a front sight and a rear sight with a slot, a detachable optical sight with a 2x magnification PO-2.5 X 20 or PO-1. Trigger mechanism with internal triggers and two triggers (front - for firing from the lower barrel, rear - from the top). The hammers are cocked when the barrels are opened. An automatic fuse blocks the triggers, trigger interceptors are provided. There are no ejectors. The mass of the gun is no more than 3.1 kg. The dispersion diameter of bullets when firing at a distance of 100 m with 5.6 X 39 cartridges in a series of 5 shots is not more than 10 cm, and with rimfire cartridges using an insert at a distance of 50 m - not more than 5 cm. In the 1988 catalog, this gun is listed under index MTs 105-01.

The MTs131 self-loading hunting carbine is equipped with a box magazine for 3 and 15 rounds. Reloading is carried out automatically due to the powder gases discharged from the bore into the underbarrel gas unit, and the energy of the compressing return spring. The shutter locks the bore with three stops, which, when it is turned, go behind the ledges of the receiver. A trigger mechanism is mounted on a separate base. The push-button safety locks the trigger and prevents the moving parts of the reloading mechanism from fully moving back, which makes it impossible to accidentally reload the carbine or send another cartridge into the chamber when the carbine is discharged. Movable elements, parts of the gas unit, the chamber and bore are chrome-plated. The carbine is equipped with a 4x optical sight and is fully open for shooting at 100 m. The length of the carbine is 1050 mm, the barrel is 550 mm, the aiming line is 430 mm. Carbine weight (without optical sight) - 3.4-3.6 kg. The bullet dispersion diameter is the same as the previous one.

The MTs128 hunting self-loading carbine is equipped with a 4-round box magazine. The design of the percussion mechanism eliminates the inertial pricking of the cartridge primer when it is fed from the magazine into the chamber and the bore is locked. Optical sight 4x P04 X 34 with a quick-detachable bracket, and an open sight allows shooting up to 300 m. The weight of the carbine (without optical sight) is no more than 3.1 kg. The underbarrel gas unit is used for reloading during firing. The shutter has three lugs that lock the bore when fired. The barrel and receiver are rigidly connected by a press fit and two pins. The safety lock blocks the trigger. When the cartridges are used up, the bolt remains in the rear position. Moving parts, parts of the gas unit, the chamber and bore are chrome-plated. The rest of the metal surfaces are oxidized. Wooden parts are made of walnut. Partial disassembly does not require the use of tools. Fastening the box with the barrel to the stock allows you to quickly separate the carbine into two parts for transportation,

Hunting self-loading carbine MTs127 has a rotary detachable magazine for 5 rounds. Magazine latches allow you to easily and quickly separate it from the carbine and replace it with another one, but eliminates the possibility of accidentally falling out of the magazine. Carbine weight (without optical sight) - no more than 3.3 kg. The length of the carbine is 1060 mm, the barrel is 550 mm, the aiming line is 450 mm. The gas unit is located under the barrel. The barrel is connected to the receiver with threads and two guide cylinders. Four lugs on the bolt lock the bore before firing. The trigger mechanism has a trigger, the design of the striker eliminates the possibility of inertial tilt of the cartridge primer when it is sent into the chamber and the bore is locked. When the moving parts move backwards, the spent cartridge case is ejected and reflected, and the hammer is cocked. The push button safety only blocks the trigger. An open sight allows firing at a distance of up to 300 m, an optical sight - 4x (PO 4X 34). The largest diameter of dispersion of bullets when firing at a distance of 100 m in a series of 5 shots is not more than 8 cm.

Repeating carbines chambered for 7.62 X 51 and 9 X 53

Hunting cartridges 7.62 X 51 and 9 X 53 were mastered by the domestic industry at different times. In 1955, at the Moscow Exhibition of Hunting and Hunting Dog Breeding, designer M.N. Blum for the first time presented the 9 X 53 cartridge developed by him and a self-loading carbine created on the basis of the SVT combat rifle.

The 9 X 53 cartridge has been mass-produced since 1962. It is intended for shooting animals weighing from 100 to 250 kg at ranges of no more than 200 m. Despite the fact that the cartridge is designated as 9 mm, it has a bullet diameter of 9.27 mm, practically corresponding to the dimensions of foreign European cartridges with the designation 9.3 mm. Bullet semi-shell expansive action, weight 15 g, has a lead core exposed in the head. Sleeve length - 53 mm, cartridge length - 67 mm. The initial speed of a bullet when firing from a ballistic weapon is 680 m / s, the dispersion diameter at a distance of 100 m is no more than 8 cm.

The most common type of weapon chambered for 9 X 53 is the Los magazine carbine, which was prepared in 1961 for serial production by the Izhmash production association. The length of the carbine is 1060 mm, the barrel is 550 mm, the aiming line is 470 mm. The bore has six right-hand grooves with a pitch of 320 mm. The barrel and box are threaded. There is a front sight and a rear sight on the barrel, which is a single unit with an aiming bar, spring-loaded with a leaf spring. At certain intervals, the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 are marked on the aiming bar, which correspond to target ranges of 100, 200, 300, 400 and 500 m. bottom per sector, set the required firing range. An optical sight, usually 4x magnification, can be mounted on the carbine. The average dispersion diameter of bullets at a distance of 100 m is no more than 11 cm.

The carbine bolt is longitudinally sliding with rotation when locking, which is carried out by two lugs located on the front of the bolt. In the shutter there is a drummer with a mainspring, an ejector with a spring and a clutch. The shutter has a cocking indicator.

The store is integral for 5 rounds, which are placed in a checkerboard pattern. The design of the trigger mechanism allows you to adjust the force and change the nature of the trigger (with or without a warning). The trigger mechanism can be adjusted only after removing the barrel with the receiver from the box, and they must be placed on the right side. Then you should cock the drummer. The regulator is L-shaped. Its rear end is located under the protrusion of the trigger, and the upper end rests against lower part whispered. When you want to get a smooth trigger change with little effort, you need to turn the front adjusting screw so that the front ledge of the trigger does not touch the adjuster when the sear is fully released. If you need a smooth descent with great effort, the front screw should be unscrewed so that the regulator, under the action of its spring, rests against the front ledge of the trigger. In this case, two springs begin to work. The lower screw adjusts the force on the trigger. In this case, the amount of travel of the trigger is not adjustable. The warning trigger is adjusted with the front adjusting screw, setting the clearance between the front shoulder of the trigger and the adjuster so as to provide the required amount of travel before the warning.

To the right of the receiver is a safety lever that locks the trigger and prevents the bolt from turning. When removing the bolt from the receiver, it should be opened and pulled back until it stops. Then press the trigger and remove the shutter.

Before disassembly, the rifle must be unloaded. Then, if there is an optical sight, unscrew the nuts of the bracket clamps a few turns and separate the bracket with the sight from the receiver. After that, as described above, remove the bolt from the receiver. Next, opening the magazine cover and unscrewing the connecting screws, separate the barrel from the receiver and remove the bar with the feeder from the box. To release the trigger box, knock out the axle and trigger pin. To remove the fuse from the receiver, you must check the fuse box in horizontal position, remove the fuse and remove the retainer. When disassembling the trigger mechanism, it is necessary to remove the cover of the trigger box and the spring, knock out the tubular axle and, pressing the trigger to failure, remove it without allowing the spring to jump out. After unscrewing the adjusting screw, release the regulator and the descent spring.

To disassemble the bolt, you need to send the bolt sleeve forward and turn it clockwise until it stops. Remove the clutch and remove the mainspring with the drummer. When assembling, it is necessary that the drummer inserted into the bolt is fixed in the figured groove. The assembly of the carbine is carried out in the reverse order.

A pistol-shaped stock, made of conventional materials, with a protrusion under the cheek, is equipped with a rubber shock absorber. Carbine weight (without optical sight and bracket) - no more than 3.1 kg.

The carbine is trouble-free and easy to use. You can hunt with it in any climatic conditions and at an ambient temperature of minus 50 to plus 50 °C. The kit includes the necessary accessories for disassembly, cleaning, lubrication, a carrying strap and a case for storage and transportation.

The new model of this carbine "Los-4" was designed and produced since 1977 under the hunting cartridge 7.62 X 51, which began to be mass-produced since 1974 (semi-shell bullet with expansive action, its weight is 9.7 g, muzzle velocity - 857 m / s, cartridge weight - 25 g). "Los-4" differs from the previous "Los" model in that it has changed the design of the reflector in the shutter, the configuration of the shutter handle, as well as the trigger box devices; an additional screw was introduced to adjust the amount of travel of the trigger. A new part has appeared - a disconnector, which is attached to the sear and, when reloaded after a shot, ensures the sear's free return to its original position. This made it possible to use a weaker sear spring and increase its service life. Slightly different stock and bracket designs with a P04 X 34 optical sight.

Self-loading carbines chambered for 7.62 X 51 and 9X53

Hunting self-loading carbines "Bear" software "Izhmash" used to be made chambered for 9 X 53, and now they are chambered for 7.62 X 51.

The first model of the Medved carbine, developed in 1961 under the 9X53 cartridge, was put into production? production in 1965 and at the same time was awarded the Gold Medal and Diploma at the International Leipzig Fair. The carbine was produced until 1975 in two modifications: "Bear" and "Medved-2", and then mass production of the self-loading carbine "Bear-3" of 7.62 mm caliber chambered for 7.62 X 51 was started (abroad this cartridge sometimes referred to as Winchester .308 or 7.62mm NATO cartridge). This carbine is now being made simultaneously with the Medved-4 carbine of the same caliber.

The Medved carbine is a hunting weapon for firing at a large animal with a semi-shell expansive bullet at a distance of up to 300 m. back position and compress the return spring. The return spring sends the bolt to the forward position, as well as the next cartridge from the magazine to the chamber. The trigger mechanism is of the hammer type. The cocking of the hammer and the injection of the mainspring are carried out when the bolt moves backwards. When the trigger is pressed, the hammer hits the striker, which, in turn, breaks the primer-igniter of the cartridge - a shot occurs. Locking the bore - three lugs. The percussion mechanism is located in a detachable trigger box. The design of the trigger mechanism allows only single firing. The store is integral, designed for 3 cartridges, placed in a checkerboard pattern. When the cartridges are used up, the bolt remains in the rear position to make it easier to reload the magazine. The fuse locks the sear and prevents reloading the carbine. To reduce recoil during a shot, a muzzle brake is provided. The bore, chamber, bolt, frame, piston and gas tube are chrome-plated.

Carbine weight (without accessories and optical sight) - no more than 3.3 kg; barrel length - 550 mm, total length - 1110 mm; The open sight is designed for shooting at ranges up to 500 m.

Self-loading carbine "Bear-2" differs from the previous model in that it has a detachable magazine for 3 cartridges arranged in one row. The set includes three magazines. In addition, the carbine can be equipped not only with a 4-, but also with a 6-fold optical sight.

Carbine "Bear-3" , as already mentioned, is made under the hunting cartridge 7.62 X 51, that is, the caliber is reduced from 9 mm to 7.62 mm. It should be especially noted that the 7.62 mm caliber rifle cartridge, as well as its hunting modification with a semi-shell bullet, designated 7.62 X 53, cannot be used in the carbine, since its dimensions do not match the 7.62 X .51 cartridge. The rest of the design of the carbine has not changed. The carbine has a slightly increased weight - 3.4 kg, a detachable magazine for 4 cartridges, located in one row.

Carbine "Bear-4" differs from the previous one in that it has a magazine for 4 cartridges, placed in a checkerboard pattern.

It should be especially noted that foreign-made 7.62 X 51 or Winchester.308 cartridges cannot be used in the Medved-3 and Medved-4 carbines, since the pressure in them is higher than in domestic ones, so an accident may occur.

In disassembly, the carbines of the Bear series are almost the same. Let's get acquainted with its sequence using the example of the currently most common carbine "Bear-3". First of all, you should separate the magazine by pressing the latch and turning it forward in relation to the front latch. Taking the bolt handle, move it to the rear position and make sure that there is no cartridge in the chamber, and if there is one, remove it. Then the translator button must be turned to the “O” (“Fire”) position and sliding the receiver cover forward until it stops, lift it and separate it from the carbine. After that, move the insert of the return mechanism forward until it exits the grooves of the receiver and remove it together with the return mechanism. Take the bolt with the frame back by the reload handle until it stops and remove it from the receiver up. Remove the shutter from the frame by pulling its leading protrusion out of the figured groove. To remove the firing mechanism from the receiver, it is necessary to pull the front part of the safety bracket back and forth.

When disassembling the vapor mechanism, first release the ramrod by turning the flag of its stopper 180 ° forward and pulling the ramrod head down. Then, pressing the latch of the gas tube, move forward the front ring of the forearm and, applying force to the handguards, separate them from the carbine. Move the pusher to the stop, holding the gas piston, and remove its front end from the socket in the piston, and then remove the pusher together with the spring and remove the piston from the gas tube. Press the latch of the gas pipe and unscrew it. The butt is separated by first releasing the stock screw.

When disassembling the bolt, the drummer pin is first knocked out, and then the drummer is removed. To separate the ejector, you should also knock out its axis with a punch. There is no need to make a more detailed disassembly during the operation of the carbine. Assembly is carried out in reverse order.

In addition to the Medved series carbines, the domestic industry manufactures single copies of self-loading carbines MTs125 and MTs126 chambered for 7.62X51.