Yoga of white tantra. Knowledge of the science of White Tantra is the path to light and independence! How it works


Every moment, more than 1000 thoughts are born in the human mind. Some thoughts are lost in the unconscious, others linger in the subconscious, exerting their influence on the conscious mind. These thoughts become feelings, emotions, desires, internal ideas about the world and fantasies. Instead of controlling our minds, we often let our minds and thoughts control us, which leads to impulsive decisions, misunderstandings, and self-created stress.

White Tantra Yoga allows you to break through the subconscious blocks and thus get the opportunity to enjoy life to a greater extent. In the shortest possible time, you will be able to free yourself from the burden of unnecessary experiences stored in your mind.

When every moment of your life is filled with clarity, you have a deep understanding of yourself, and then life really changes. Mind, body and soul act as one. This is the path to personal freedom and awareness that will bring success to all areas of your life.
What to expect

White Tantra Yoga is practiced in couples as a group meditation. You sit face to face with your partner and follow the instructions of Mahan Tantrik, Yogi Bhajan, recorded on video.

Each day of White Tantra consists of 6-8 kriyas. Kriya is a meditation that includes:

  • yoga postures (asanas)
  • mind concentration,
  • special position of the hands (mudras)
  • breathing techniques
  • and/or mantras.
Sometimes kriyas are accompanied by music. White Tantra Yoga kriyas have varying durations within 62 minutes. There are breaks between kriyas.
The practice takes place in an elevated atmosphere of peace, friendliness and support. During the break, a vegetarian lunch is served, which is included in the price of the seminar.
How it works

Imagine the energy of the universe, both parallel and perpendicular in nature, and reminiscent of the longitudinal and transverse weave of threads in a fabric. Just as fabric becomes stronger when it is stretched diagonally, the diagonal energy of White Tantra Yoga, or Z-energy, has a special power.

Directed by Mahan Tantrikom, this energy destroys the blocks that are in the subconscious. Using diagonal energy, Mahan Tantric Yogi Bhajan connects his subtle body with subtle bodies participants through an assistant (facilitator).

It works like the worldwide telephone network, which uses satellites and electromagnetic waves to connect two subscribers. Do not confuse White Tantra Yoga with black or red tantra. These forms of yoga also transform energy, but in different ways and for different purposes. In black tantra, energy is used to manipulate people, and in red tantra, it is used exclusively for sexual purposes. Yoga of White Tantra is the most powerful practice that elevates the spirit and consciousness.

One day of transformation to start a change for the better!

Seminar on White Tantra Yoga for everyone who wants to:

  • get rid of deep subconscious blocks;
  • in the shortest possible time to be cleansed of the burden of unnecessary experiences and traumas;
  • brighter to feel the taste of life and enjoy it;
  • meet like-minded and just interesting people;
  • become more conscious and happy!

How does it work?

Every moment more than 1000 thoughts are born in the mind. Instead of controlling our minds, we often let our minds and thoughts control us, which leads to impulsive decisions, misunderstandings, and self-created stress.

Yoga of White Tantra allows you to break through the subconscious blocks, cleanse the subconscious and get the opportunity to enjoy life to a greater extent. The result: freedom from blocks and a clear mind.

Mind, body and soul begin to act as one. This is the path to personal freedom and awareness that will bring success in all areas of life.

What to expect?

Yoga of White Tantra is not easy big class Kundalini yoga: participants sit in a certain order opposite each other, perform special paired exercises and meditations (kriyas), including:

  • yoga postures (asanas);
  • mind concentration;
  • special position of the hands (mudra);
  • breathing techniques;
  • mantras.

There are breaks between kriyas. The whole practice takes place in an elevated atmosphere of peace, friendliness and support. During the break, a vegetarian lunch is served, which is included in the price of the seminar.

For whom?

  • Beginners: you will tune in to the sensations of your own energies and enjoy a deep meditative experience;
  • Experienced Practitioners: you will make your experience of meditation much deeper and much more advanced on the path to conscious living.

Seminar on White Tantra Yoga - one day that changes fate!

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Get rid of deep subconscious blocks
. in the shortest possible time to be cleansed of the burden of unnecessary experiences and traumas
. brighter to feel the taste of life and enjoy it
. meet like-minded and just interesting people
. become more conscious and happy

How it works

Every moment more than 1000 thoughts are born in the mind. Instead of controlling our minds, we often let our minds and thoughts control us, which leads to impulsive decisions, misunderstandings, and self-created stress.
Yoga of White Tantra allows you to break through the subconscious blocks, cleanse the subconscious and get the opportunity to enjoy life to a greater extent. The result: freedom from blocks and a clear mind.
Mind, body and soul begin to act as one. This is the path to personal freedom and awareness that will bring success in all areas of life.

The Yoga of White Tantra should not be confused with other types of tantra. Yoga of White Tantra is a unique, powerful practice that elevates the spirit and consciousness.

What to expect

Yoga of White Tantra is not just a large class of Kundalini Yoga: participants sit in a certain order opposite each other, perform special paired exercises and meditations (kriyas), including:
. yoga postures (asanas);
. mind concentration;
. special position of the hands (mudra);
. breathing techniques;
. mantras.

There are breaks between kriyas. The whole practice takes place in an elevated atmosphere of peace, friendliness and support. During the break, a vegetarian lunch is served, which is included in the price of the seminar.

For whom

Beginners: You will tune into your own energies and enjoy a deep meditation experience.

Experienced practitioners: You will make your meditation experience much deeper and much more advanced on the path to conscious living.


04:30 - the beginning of the festive Sadhana with live music;
07:00 - start of registration;
08:30 - start of the White Tantra Yoga Seminar;
19:00 - 20:00 end of the White Tantra Yoga Seminar

Time spending


Moscow, m. Sparrow Hills, st. Kosygina, house 15, Korston Hotel, Tchaikovsky hall

Yoga of White Tantra is an essential part of the Kundalini Yoga experience. The word "Tantra" means "to weave, to weave." It is the clarity of consciousness measured by longitude and latitude. Tantric yoga is the union of male and female polarities in the individual consciousness. During the practice of Tantric Yoga, the subconscious is cleansed and mental blocks are eliminated that prevent the disclosure of the potential of the individual. She uses "Z" energy that flows diagonally. Yogi Bhajan said that “tantra is a thread spun on the spindle of the Cosmos. He who has known the diagonal energy has known the Will of God.”

There are three types of Tantric Yoga: red, black and white. Red Tantra deals with physical sexual practices. Black Tantra is concerned with controlling other people with mental power, or gaining power over the elements with the cultivation of the power of the mind. None of these are part of White Tantra Yoga.

White Tantra Yoga is performed only under the direct supervision of Mahan Tantrika, in groups of couples. The yoga of White Tantra consists in the controlled use of group and individual energy, created by maintaining the posture, repeating the mantra, concentration and communication between individuals and the group, under the protection of the aura of the Mahan Tantrika.

Imagine the energy of the universe, both parallel and perpendicular in nature, and reminiscent of the longitudinal and transverse weave of threads in a fabric. Just as fabric becomes stronger when stretched diagonally, so does the diagonal, Z-energy of White Tantra strengthen practitioners. Directed by the Mahan Tantric, this energy breaks through the 6 lokas that have settled in the subconscious mind. Using diagonal energy, Mahan Tantric Yogi Bhajan connects his subtle body with the subtle bodies of practitioners through the mediation of a facilitator.

The Yoga of White Tantra is a new acquisition of innocence and the achievement of purity of the subconscious through synchronization of the polarities of the individual with Infinity.

“In White Tantra Yoga, a lot of energy is created to purify the physical and mental bodies. Initially pure, the soul begins to correlate again with the essence of being. Yogi Bhajan

There is one fundamental difference Yoga of White Tantra from other meditations of Kundalini Yoga. White Tantra Yoga should under no circumstances be practiced without the guidance of the Mahan Tantrika.

Yogi Bhajan became a Master of Kundalini Yoga at the age of 16 in his homeland, India. He came to the West in 1968. The title of Mahan Tantrik (Yoga Master of White Tantra) passed to him in 1971, when the current Mahan Tantrik, Lama Lilan Po from Tibet, left his physical body. Only one Mahan Tantrik can exist at a time. The tradition of White Tantra Yoga was passed down from teacher to student in a selective, mystical way. Like a pioneer new era, Yogi Bhajan decided to open the practice of White Tantra Yoga to all who wished to have this powerful experience.

Seminars on White Tantra Yoga are held all over the world on a regular basis. In addition, there are three-day White Tantra courses at the Winter and Summer Solstice celebrations in Florida and New Mexico and at the Yoga Festival in France. Every student and teacher is encouraged to include White Tantra Yoga regularly in their spiritual practice. Such workshops are also an opportunity to unite and strengthen the community.

“Since ancient times, people have known that they have myriad thoughts, billions of feelings, millions of emotions, thousands of desires, hundreds of fantasies, many realities and personalities, Eventually our mind and thoughts begin to control us and drown us We try every method available, to get rid of this pressure, because it devours us from the inside. White Tantra Yoga allows you to break through these subconscious blocks so that you can enjoy life. In the shortest possible time, you can experience relief from a large load and excess weight that you carry in your head. The clarity of perception and action in every moment allows you to achieve a deeper understanding of yourself, and your life begins to change. Your mind, body and soul begin to act together as one. This is the path to personal freedom and awareness, and it will bring success to all areas of your life.” Yogi Bhajan

White Tantra Yoga is practiced in couples as a group meditation. You will sit face to face with a partner and follow the meditation instructions videotaped by Mahan Tantric, Yogi Bhajan. Each course is carried out with the personal presence of a representative Mahan Tantrik (facilitator). Each course consists of 6-8 kriyas performed throughout the day. Kriya is a meditation involving a yoga posture or hand position, focusing the mind and/or a mantra. Sometimes meditations are accompanied by music. These kriyas vary in duration from 11 to 62 minutes. There are breaks after each kriya. The practice takes place in a peaceful, friendly, supportive and uplifting atmosphere.

There are no special requirements for participation in White Tantra Yoga. Beginners will tune in to their inner energies and enjoy a deep and sometimes challenging meditative experience. More advanced meditation participants will deepen their experience and increase their spiritual awareness.