Body ballet lose weight quickly and beautifully. What is body ballet, how is it useful? What is body ballet in fitness

Desire and elementary skills in owning one's own body - that's all that is needed for body ballet.

After 3-4 workouts, the body will gain flexibility, the legs will become slimmer, the posture will become smoother, the movements will become smoother and more graceful. Body ballet is allowed anywhere. The main thing is to clearly perform body exercises. They say that in body ballet quality is more important than the number of repetitions.

What is body ballet

Body ballet is a set of fitness and Pilates exercises based on classical ballet.

The foundations were laid in 2005 in America by choreographer Lee Sarago. Since then, in body ballet appeared

In Russia, the famous Russian ballerina Ilse Liepa became the founder of the school of body ballet.

new exercises. But the essence remains the same. This kind physical activity helps to quickly lose weight, tighten the muscles of the whole body. Stretching improves, pain in the joints, back, and cervical region disappears.

Ballerina Ilsa Liepa naturally chose ballet steps as the basis. She supplemented them with Pilates exercises and introduced them to the general public. The technique has become popular in our country. Today, it is practiced in many Russian fitness centers.

Those who have experienced body ballet on themselves note that they have become more resilient, stronger, began to sleep better at night, got rid of depression, panic attacks and excess weight, pain in the joints, lower back, and osteochondrosis.

Exercises with the machine

In fitness clubs, where body-ballet is a priority, machines are installed, at home the machine can replace a chair with a back.

Here are 2 simple exercises at the machine:

Body slopes. To do this, you need to sit at the machine and put your left foot on it, while the leg must be straightened. Straighten your left arm up, and then begin to reach for the foot. Hold in this position-position. Come back. You need to do at least 15 repetitions with each leg.

"Grand Batman" back. Position yourself next to the machine and grab it with your brushes. Your spinal. Now throw your left leg back on the toe. Raise that leg up, the higher the better. Do the same with the other leg. From 15 repetitions on one side and the other.

You can perform exercises from body ballet without a machine:

  1. Place your feet in a straight line. The arms should be bent at the elbows in front of the body. Now you need to sit down, and raise your hands above you. Get up. And so - at least 20 times.
  2. Place your feet so that one rests on the heel of the other. Now you need to throw your leg forward, to the side and back. The sock slides all the time on the floor. So 20 times with each leg.
  3. The next exercise is almost identical to the previous one. Only now the sock needs to be torn off the floor.

Is body ballet effective for weight loss?

Miranda Kerr is a big fan of body ballet, her figure can be envied by many

This question is often asked by novice athletes, those who are just discovering body ballet. It has been proven that this type of physical activity really helps to quickly and safely get rid of extra pounds. Why:

  • treat that are necessary for competent weight loss;
  • there is no shock load on the joints, the possibility of injury is excluded;
  • body ballet exercises are very simple, even a person with a very large weight can handle them; special physical training is not needed. You can start from scratch.

Who is suitable for classes and what are the contraindications?

Body ballet is suitable for almost everyone. Exceptions are:

  • people suffering from varicose veins;
  • those who have severe heart failure, rhythm disturbance;
  • if chronic diseases are in the acute stage.

Body ballet has no age restrictions. Often this type of physical activity is recommended for those who have suffered an injury to the limbs or spine. Now he needs rehabilitation. Helps to quickly and efficiently reduce weight without strict diets and exhausting workouts.

Clothes for body ballet

Clothing and equipment for body ballet is the same as for fitness. The main thing is to be comfortable.

Not required special clothing for body ballet. Suitable for classes:

  • T-shirts, narrow T-shirts;
  • leggings, tight pants, leggings, tights;
  • shoes, sneakers, special sports slippers.

There can be no talk of pointe shoes and a tutu. These elements are not required at all. Clothing should be tight enough to make the person comfortable to practice. Shoes must be flexible. In the process of practicing body ballet, you have to bend and stretch your feet, rough shoes will not work. You can also do barefoot.

How is body ballet different from ballet?

Ordinary ballet differs from body ballet in professionalism. Not everyone can dance this complex dance. It takes years of training. Unlike body ballet, which is a sport even for beginners who love a healthy lifestyle.

Body ballet does not require special shoes and clothing, unlike ballet. The latter cannot be practiced at home.

What is the efficiency?

Body ballet is a beautiful and newfangled trend that you simply must experience for yourself. To get results, you need to give classes at least 2-3 times a week for 60-90 minutes. You can practice at any time of the day, anywhere. Body ballet does not require special equipment and clothing.

From the body-badlet - not a little use:

  • helps to lose weight;
  • strengthens muscles;
  • makes the body flexible, smooth, mobile;
  • trains joints;
  • relieves depression;
  • develops purposefulness, willpower;
  • makes you take a fresh look at sports, understand that sports can be romantic, beautiful and
  • graceful;
  • headaches disappear;
  • training of the heart and blood vessels.

Be sure to read about it

You have long wanted to do fitness for muscle tone, but you lacked the grace and sophistication in tabata, zumba or strength exercises? Then pay attention to body ballet. This is a discipline that is designed to combat extra pounds, increase body flexibility, beautiful posture, grace and excellent plasticity. Body ballet is different in that the program includes exercises and movements from classical choreography. Consider what such a body ballet training consists of, and what are the advantages of this type of fitness.

Description of body ballet

Denying the popularity of classical choreography is stupid. While the varieties of fitness in the ranking of trainers change each other, ballet always remains in trend. Even now, little girls admire the beauty of ballerinas, who are deservedly considered a model of beauty and grace. And if not everyone is destined to get into classical ballet, body ballet is designed for a wider range of people.

The direction became popular only in the late nineties of the last century. Its main goal is to make fitness not only active, but also graceful and sophisticated. Plus, this is a great opportunity for those who have long wanted to join the classical choreography.

It is important not to confuse body ballet with ballet itself. These are completely different directions, the first is fitness, and the second is a full-fledged choreography, an art form. Body ballet does use some of their classic choreography, but it also includes exercises and techniques from yoga, Pilates, stretching, and other varieties of fitness in equal numbers. The program is adapted for all fitness fans who want to tone their body. And in addition to losing weight and pumping muscles in body ballet, you get grace, good posture and body flexibility.

The basis of body ballet is popular movements from the arsenal of ballerinas. All ballet pas and pliés will be adapted in such a way that the emphasis is not so much on the technique, but on the very essence of the exercise. Even if you have never danced before or even gone to the gym, body ballet is for you. All complex ballet movements are adapted so that even a beginner can easily learn popular positions and get closer to the beautiful - to classical choreography.


What does a regular body ballet workout consist of? The program depends on the preferences of the coach himself, the specific level of training of the group. But in general, the following algorithm is used:

  • A little body workout. It is necessary to warm up the muscles and joints to avoid possible injuries. If you are going to exercise at home, it is very important not to neglect the warm-up - this way you reduce the risk of injury.
  • A set of exercises at the gymnastic machine. At this moment you can feel like a real ballerina! The same machine, and also a mirror for honing the correctness and grace of movements - the atmosphere itself is worth it to visit such training at least once.
  • Free exercises outside the machine. These are adapted pas or plies. As a rule, they are performed at a slightly more active pace than in classical ballet. It helps to reset overweight and make your workout more rewarding in terms of aerobic capacity.
  • A set of Pilates exercises. This part of the workout is designed to strengthen the muscles of the body and the press, the muscles of the back. Thanks to Pilates, it will be easier for you to keep your posture, you become more flexible, and your muscles acquire the desired tone.
  • Stretching. At the end of the workout, stretching is performed to consolidate the result. After previous exercises, the muscles are already sufficiently warmed up. A few body ballet classes with a conscientious stretch - and you can sit on the desired split.

The complex that is included in the body ballet training will help you improve your overall physical fitness and help you achieve the desired shapes. Training can be used as an additional load when losing weight. But other types of fitness will give you all this. But body ballet will give your movements such exquisite grace, plasticity and femininity. You will learn how to properly hold your arms, legs, back. The flexibility of all parts of the body is an additional bonus from such training.

So why should you do body ballet?

There are several benefits to this type of training that make body ballet a very attractive fitness option for most of us.

  1. During training, much attention is paid to the muscles of the legs. At the same time, since within the framework of the complex you combine exercises from stretching and positions from ballet, the legs become toned and graceful, you will not be able to pump calves or quadriceps, as in strength training. Body ballet will perfectly help get rid of the hated riding breeches or the so-called ears. The shape of the legs becomes "chiselled".
  2. Thanks to the fact that Pilates is included in the complex of exercises, you strengthen the muscles of the body, abs and arms. In training, you always keep in correct position upper part body, so that the muscular frame is also strengthened by static load.
  3. A distinctive feature of body ballet is a constantly stretched toe during exercises at the gymnastic barre and free ballet plies. In this case muscle fibers stretched along, excluding the effect of too swung legs.
  4. Body ballet, thanks to elements of classical choreography, helps to develop a beautiful and correct posture, gentle lifting of the foot. Also, some note the excellent results of body ballet training in the fight against flat feet.
  5. Grace and regularity of movements is what everyone can acquire after practicing body ballet. All movements will be very plastic and attractive.
  6. Development of a common physical fitness organism. Body ballet can be called ideal option for beginners or training for an additional load. You will develop muscles, their strength and endurance.
  7. In body ballet training, you increase the flexibility of the body. It's not just about the muscles, but also about the tendons and joints. By the way, doctors advise classes in body ballet and classical choreography as a prevention of diseases of the genitourinary system.
  8. In training at the barre and as part of the performance of ballet exercises, you will develop a sense of balance and coordination.
  9. No risk of injury. Body ballet has a very low injury rate. Classes are held in moderate pace, with a minimum amount of jerky movements. you work with own weight, so the risk of tearing and stretching the muscles is minimal.
  10. During training, the blood supply is activated, so sometimes body ballet relieves long-term pain in the back, knees and "stagnation" in the muscles.

Who is training for, and who should try something else?

Let's say right away that body ballet has no age restrictions - and this is another plus of such a program. It is better to come to training for beginners who have not yet attended more complex fitness training. It's a great way to start healthy lifestyle life without stress. Everything will work out for you, and you will want to come to body ballet again and again.

Also, there are almost no contraindications for training. However, standard medical prohibitions on physical exercise operate here as well. If you have problems with the heart or blood vessels, you suffer from a serious form varicose veins veins - it is better to postpone classes until recovery. It is not recommended to visit the gym during an exacerbation of chronic diseases or at a temperature.

Body ballet will definitely appeal to those who:

  • Wants to lose a few extra pounds and get in shape.
  • Strives to make the body more flexible, sit on the twine or achieve some other result in stretching.
  • Dreaming of a beautiful posture.
  • Wants to achieve plasticity and grace of movements.
  • Looking for an initial workout for fitness classes.
  • Avoids high-intensity exercise due to medical contraindications or personal beliefs.

Is technique important?

Despite the fact that all the exercises from the ballet in the complex are adapted, you must follow the technique of performing the exercises in order to achieve results and eliminate the risk of injury. At first, take a closer look at yourself in the mirror. It is better to skip one approach, but do the exercise correctly, without haste. You may need to further hone your technique at home in front of a mirror. Then the technique will become a habit, and you can increase the pace of the exercises.

Make sure to keep your whole body in good shape during your workout. Keep your back straight, push your chest out in front. Do not bend your neck - the head should look up and straight with the shoulders slightly lowered. Buttocks and stomach should be in tension. So you strengthen the muscles of the body. Over time, it will be much easier for you to keep the same body position, not only in training, but also in everyday life.

When practicing near the machine, it is very important to only lightly touch it with your hand. Do not try to "lie down" on the machine. It should only serve as a support for balance. If you follow this technique, you will get a beautiful posture and keep all the muscles of the body in good shape.

Often in training you will use more than just your body weight. Coach is added Sports Equipment in order to diversify your workouts and increase their intensity. In addition to exercises, fitballs (large rubber balls), small dumbbells, elastic bands, etc. can be used.


It is important that you wear comfortable clothing. It is clear that you do not need to come to such training in what you are used to seeing ballerinas in. It is better to give preference to fabrics that are pleasant to the body, knitwear or special sportswear. It can be both leggings and comfortable sweatpants.

On the other hand, if you train in tight clothes, you will be able to follow the technique of the exercises, and the trainer will see if you are doing certain movements wrong.

Shoes should be comfortable. It is better to choose special dance shoes (it is more convenient to practice on the loom with it). But you can also wear Czech shoes, sports ballet flats. Wearing pointe shoes is not necessary, the goal of body ballet is not to teach you perfect ballet technique, but to make your body better, more graceful and more enduring.

Will body ballet help you lose weight?

If you have more than 5 extra pounds, then body ballet training alone will hardly help. On the other hand, if you have a small excess weight, then body ballet will help bring the body into tone. After regular classes you will get rid of a small fat layer, muscles (neat) will be better drawn, get rid of flabbiness.

By the way, body ballet is very effective to combine with power loads. If during the latter you build muscle mass and spend more energy, then during body ballet you stretch the muscle fibers. And stretching is a necessary condition for muscle recovery and growth. Additionally, with body ballet, you will not lose the grace of strength training.

But if a body ballet coach gives you a higher intensity workout, then they can burn extra calories and lose weight. Also, if you lead a predominantly sedentary lifestyle, then even a little activity will positively affect the process of losing weight.


Despite the fact that body ballet looks like something out of classical choreography, such workouts are still closer to fitness. They managed to combine the best features of cardio training and choreography. You will be able to tone your muscles, improve endurance and flexibility, but at the same time all your movements will be graceful and plastic.

Please note that at first it is very important to work with a trainer - he will set the technique and develop an optimal training program. You can go to body ballet even for beginners and people with a minimum physical training- such fitness is almost atraumatic.


What girl didn't dream of becoming a ballerina as a child? But, unfortunately, many are frightened by the long exhausting years of training, the almost lack of free time and personal life associated with daily dedication to ballet. In our dance school, any of you, regardless of age and physical data, can feel like a ballerina!

Body Ballet fundamentally different from classical choreography, although many of his movements were borrowed from the classics. Body Ballet classes combine dance and fitness, which is why it is often called "fitness ballet". Please note that body ballet is not dancing! This is a fitness direction based on ballet choreography. Both directions are represented in our school!

Branch on Novoslobodskaya. Body ballet. The lesson is conducted by Victoria Dmitrochenko.

Body Ballet training is available to absolutely everyone, regardless of age, weight, dance training, the state of the cardiovascular system. This great alternative exhausting power and aerobic loads!

Branch at the University. Body ballet + stretching. The class is led by Anastasia Golubeva.

BodyBallet Lessons include the following elements:

  • floor gymnastics
  • easy jumps
  • choreographic barre exercises
  • special ballet stretch

Under the guidance of our experienced teachers, you will master the technique of performing basic ballet steps: batmans, plies, adagios, fouettes and at the same time effectively tighten your abs, hips, buttocks, lose extra pounds, get an excellent posture and a flying gait!

At the same time, you will not be exhausted one hundred percent, as required by classes in strength and aerobic fitness. Body Ballet gives a load of medium intensity, so after training our students do not feel wild fatigue. In the process of the lesson itself and upon its completion, you will feel only joy and aesthetic pleasure.

Stop dreaming about perfect figure! Start creating it in Body Ballet classes!


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Ludmila Ilyina
BODY BALLET + STRETCHING , sign up - 7 places left out of 8
Fitness training based on classical choreography and Pilates + stretching. Ludmila Ilyina
Body ballet+stretching+strength , sign up - 8 places left out of 10
Metro station Novoslobodskaya, Tikhvinskaya st., 9A
Load level: medium
13:00 13:00 19:00 19:00





* For citizens of preferential categories (students, pensioners, disabled people) There is a 10% discount on basic subscriptions and one-time classes.

Clothes and shoes for training body ballet. The main thing is that clothes should not prevent you from moving freely, doing stretching exercises - top a T-shirt, T-shirt or gymnastic leotard. It is important for the teacher to see how your knees and feet move, so leggings, shorts or bike shorts are best to go down. On your feet - half shoes, ballet flats, jazz shoes or barefoot.

People often ask if it is possible for beginners to come to body ballet? Can! And even necessary! body exercises ballet suit absolutely everyone!

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Modern girls spend a lot of time behind their "devices", at a desk in a lesson or at a table at work in the office. This negatively affects the condition of the body, muscle tone and posture. To pull up, become graceful, graceful and healthy will help body ballet classes. You can do this by signing up with us.

Body Ballet Classes

What is the difference between classical ballet and Body Ballet? While classical ballet classes are aimed at improving dance skills, body ballet classes are aimed at improving the body, its muscles, grace and the ultimate goal of body ballet is a healthy and beautiful body. Hence the name: Body- body, Ballet- ballet. Body Ballet is a ballet for adults. Body ballet classes in Moscow take place in our ballet studio. Just find the one closest to you in the list of ballet studios and call the administrator to make an appointment at free lesson in bodyballet. Body Ballet Classes- the way to health and beauty!

It's no secret that for women and girls there comes a moment when it is very difficult to engage in a figure: sedentary work, driving, mobile devices, in general, a lifestyle such that the body bends to the ground, the back hurts, and the legs do not hold. It is not treated medically. There is only one way for you: to the group Ballet Bodysuit.

What is Body Ballet?

You won't believe it, but Body Ballet is a commercial name for classical choreography, slightly adapted to modern techniques and various directions, which, by the way, themselves arose from ballet choreography. That is, Body Ballet these are exercises from the ballet class with emphasis on stretching and aerobic and anaerobic loads. In simple words body ballet- This ballet classes for adults, helping to burn unnecessary kilograms and strengthen muscles, while the skeleton is leveled and strengthened, and the body becomes slim and more graceful.

Body Ballet makes the body beautiful?

The whole secret of the beauty of the bodies of ballerinas is that the exercises in the ballet class do not produce male hormones. Body Ballet Classes make the body feminine, graceful and beautiful due to exercises that burn unnecessary, transverse muscles, and the absence of simulators and external weights when practicing Body Ballet does not allow the body to produce “male hormones” that are harmful to the female body. But doing in gym with weights, you run the risk of making the figure "square", losing beautiful hair and even injuring the spine. This will never happen in a Body Ballet group: the exercises are so simple and thoughtful, so characteristic of the female body that body ballet classes bring pleasure!

Body Ballet for Beginners or Experienced?

Body Ballet is a universal exercise for maintaining the already achieved form, as well as for those who came to the ballet class for the first time. It doesn't matter what age you are, it doesn't matter how prepared you are: Body Ballet is a simple and pleasant way to improve your appearance, body and life in general. Body ballet for beginners will help to reveal those resources of your own body that have not been disclosed for a long time. Exactly body ballet classes for women is a chance to make your childhood ballet dreams come true!

BODY BALLET - an elegant way to a beautiful figure!

Body Ballet / Body Ballet

Body Ballet / Body Ballet - Novokuznetsk, Tretyakovskaya

Mon, Fri 19:00, 20:00 (Tretyakovskaya, Polyanka, Novokuznetskaya)

Body Ballet / Body Ballet - 1905

Mon, Wed, Fri 18:00, 19:00, 20:00 (1905, Barricade, Running, Exhibition)

Body Ballet / Body Ballet - Baumanskaya

Tue, Thu 19:00 (Baumanskaya, Kurskaya, Sokolniki, Krasnoselskaya, Elektrozavodskaya)

Body Ballet / Body Ballet - Timiryazevskaya

Tue, Thu 20:00 (Dmitrovskaya, Voikovskaya, Timiryazevskaya, Petrovsko-Razumovskaya, Otradnoye, Altufyevo)

Body Ballet / Body Ballet - Korolev

Mon, Wed, 19:30 (Korolev, Shchelkovo, Mytishchi)


Body Ballet / Body Ballet - Saturday Two-Hour Intensive!

Saturday 14:00-16:00 (M. Novokuznetskaya)

Body Ballet is rightly called the shortest way to an ideal figure. Doing sports helps not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to make the figure more slender and toned. In addition, this is a great reason to stay in good physical form to be upbeat and cheerful. Training can be different, starting with regular running, exercising in the gym and ending with jumping on the steppe or the ball.

However, for creative people who always want to try something new, in 2005 experts developed a new technique - Body Ballet / Body Ballet, which combines conventional fitness with elements of classical ballet.

What is body ballet

Body ballet is an adapted set of exercises, consisting of choreographic steps, ballet and parterre gymnastics, stretching exercises, light jumps and power movements. Various dance combinations and etudes are also included.

The key body ballet exercises are performed at the barre, but you don't need the skills of a professional ballerina: body ballet classes for beginners are adapted for those who have little to no training. Usually, the adapted complex contains:

  • Stretching elements - exercises for better stretch muscles.
  • Aerobic loads.
  • Simplified ballet steps.

Why is Body Ballet better than other techniques?

In general, the technique is a colorful mixture of elements borrowed from classical ballet, Pilates, and even yoga. This type of training has a lot of advantages over others:

  • A variety of physical activities that involve the maximum number of muscles in the body.
  • Interesting sports activity, which significantly outperforms its traditional counterparts in terms of entertainment and spectacularity.
  • If the “laurels” of Anna Pavlova and Maya Plisetskaya did not allow you to sleep peacefully, you have a real chance to try yourself in this role, even if you did not attend ballet school as a child, and the strict diet of ballerinas is also beyond your power.

Any specialist will confirm the high efficiency of the exercises that make up the classic ballet set. Choreographic steps are primarily aimed at improving the body, while ordinary power training contribute more to the increase muscle mass. That is why the “ballet” figure differs from the “sporty” figure in grace and grace. The contours of the body of those who are professionally engaged in ballet are smoother and smoother.

Who is Body Ballet training suitable for?

Body ballet training is suitable for people who are not recommended for heavy loads on the organs of the cardiovascular system, or for those who have suffered an injury, a fracture. The fact is that the complex has reduced the number of exercises associated with running or jumping loads, without which it is difficult to imagine ordinary fitness. If you want to achieve better coordination of movements, greater plasticity or learn how to control your respiratory system, you should also prefer Body Ballet.

There are various bodyballet training programs designed for any level. Let's list the main ones.

Sports programs for adults.

They are mainly aimed at correcting the figure and muscles, developing dance plasticity and coordination of movements, improving flexibility, and teaching dance "pas" used in ballet dance.

  • massage gymnastics, stretching, beautiful pumping of muscles.

Programs for children from 4 to 8 years and older

It's no secret that children are much more flexible than adults. If your child has not decided between dancing and fitness, body ballet for children will be an excellent workout, and in addition, it will develop a sense of rhythm in the child, coordination of movements, improve posture and strengthen the muscular skeleton. body ballet classes in childhood will give the kids a great start, so that later they can continue dancing classes or move on to more intense aerobic activities.

Courses for the well prepared

If you are a professional dancer, body ballet will help bring new elements to your technique. During group lessons bodyballet for professionals, you will learn complex lifts, improve duet dance, develop your acting skills and make the usual dance technique more interesting.

How are body ballet classes going?

Before starting classes - a mandatory warm-up for 15-20 minutes. The first exercises are usually for the legs, because it is lower limbs play an important role in ballet and serve as a support, on the stability and strength of which the graceful movements of the arms and body depend. As sportswear you should choose elastic, well-breathable, moisture-permeable tops and trousers. On the feet - comfortable sneakers, Czech shoes, "ballet flats".

You can find on our website.

The standard workout is built on warming up the muscles and flexibility of all joints and includes dance combinations and studies for the development of danceability and plasticity, and also includes body ballet exercises to burn fat deposits.

After ballet gymnastics, an abbreviated exercise at the stick follows. These are endurance, stretching and muscle tension exercises. This is followed by exercises to develop balance (stability) and coordination of movements. Bodyballet trainers recommend completing the lesson by performing a dance combination chosen to your liking with elements of ballet choreography in slow pace better with classical music.