Outdoor programs. Fitness under the sun, or How to diversify outdoor workouts

Outdoor fitness is a new trend in club training. Are you used to going to the gym and already getting bored when you remember that you need to go to the gym today? Outdoor fitness will literally shake up your regular schedule. A lot of clubs today are training on fresh air to allow customers to have much top scores. After all, as the star coach says Jillian Michaels, the key to losing weight is in the variety of workouts.

Why it works

It happens that training in the gym is ineffective due to the way we breathe during the session. Burning fat requires not only the expenditure of energy, muscle work, but also the supply of a large amount of oxygen. If a person is used to holding his breath during a workout, most likely, his fitness successes will be very, very modest. The problem is that such training takes place without the main catalyst for the breakdown of fat cells, but the reason is not always shallow breathing.

Most modern fitness clubs are equipped with air conditioning and split systems. However, this method of air supply has a drawback - a person cannot fully and deeply breathe dry air. So in clubs without light moisture, those involved in sports breathe superficially, which reduces both strength indicators and slows down the rate of fat burning.

Outdoor fitness together with your favorite club helps not only to solve this problem, but also to get rid of a common disadvantage of self-training on the street - the lack of the necessary intensity. Most people are simply embarrassed to run or pedal well alone. This is where professional instructors come to the rescue.

Outdoor fitness lessons are both aerobic and power. A lot of fitness centers also arrange trips or trips out of town on bicycles for their clients. Outdoor fitness classes, as a rule, are held on the embankments, in parks, and even on the fitness center's own rooftop.

Equipment and regularity

Be sure to check with the club what format the classes have. Some instructors will only give you an easy run, counting on you to supplement your training program exercises in gym. So before planning your physical activity, consult an instructor.

A lot of outdoor fitness lessons include stretching and strength exercises indoors in a club, such a mixed format is convenient when high-quality stretching is needed. Well, you can enrich yourself with oxygen while jogging. Today there are two levels of difficulty for outdoor fitness lessons. - Beginners are offered dynamic walking, and more experienced - jogging with jumps and other exercises that increase the intensity of the workout.

Outfit for street lessons is a little different from your usual form. First of all, you must remember about protection from direct sunlight. Be sure to wear a light-colored baseball cap or bandana on your head, because even in the morning hours, working in the sun can lead to unpleasant consequences if you are without a hat. Take care of the skin of the face and body with the help of a cream with SPF, because in motion you will burn as much as in a state of rest. It is better to prefer running shoes, but choose the shape according to the weather, but try not to “wrap up” on purpose to increase sweating.

Outdoor fitness will help you look at sports with a smile and get real pleasure from the process of getting in shape.

Spring is getting closer, with its arrival everything comes to life. Everything except our motivation to train! When the streets are flooded with bright sunlight, and the wind caresses your face, somehow you don’t feel like going to a stuffy gym at all, spending money. And in general, the farther from the dusty city, the better. How to keep the desire to keep fit? diversify training process! AnySports tells you how you can do it yourself.

Hermit's way

So, you have decided not to spend your savings on the gym and have chosen solitude to work as a team. This is a path that is certainly worthy of respect. But the question immediately arises: “where do I start training?” Classes without a coach require much more self-discipline and the ability to do it right. First of all, you need to create a program for yourself.

Step outside, take a deep breath, and open your eyes wide to take in your surroundings. What can be used for training from what you see? With a closer look, you will notice that already on an ordinary playground there are bars and horizontal bars. But this is not the end of the matter! At your disposal may be a stadium for running or just a road - a long road into the unknown.

There are many possibilities, but first you should ask yourself: what would you like ""? Training should not be aimless, each exercise has its own tasks. Some will help, others will make the body embossed, others are ideal for increasing endurance.

Movement towards strength

The most obvious way to get stronger is to hang on the horizontal bar. With the help of bars you can. Look, you don't need to spend big money on a membership to a fancy fitness club or on a state-of-the-art workout setup at home! All you need to do is leave the house on a clear, fine day, go to the playground or to any school stadium, and now you have a free gym with bars of all kinds, shapes and sizes!

At first, only 7-8 pull-ups in 7-8 sets are enough. If it is very difficult and you are a beginner, you can start with 3-4, and then increase the load. Rest about 1 minute between sets, this is enough for.

Pump up your body with a course from Hollywood trainer Jim Barcena. Learn more about the course.

Become Superman

Of course, after numerous pull-ups on the horizontal bars, you will want something more. If there is a desire to pump strength, endurance and form a relief body, it comes to the rescue.

Everything here is simple and difficult at the same time. It is necessary to perform a complex of several exercises, using all available in this moment means: benches for the press, horizontal bar, bars. Get ready for the load to be insane!

Forget about resting between sets - this stage is over, now you are waiting for circuit training with minimal pauses between exercises. Once you complete one, you immediately move on to the next. You need to perform them for 5-10 repetitions, the number of approaches ranges from 3 to 10.

However, you do not need to immediately overload yourself. To begin with, you can allow yourself to rest, but not between exercises, but after each circle. And, of course, a beginner should not immediately start with ten sets and repetitions. Our goal is not to cripple ourselves, but to become stronger and gain relief.

There is also a more moderate option that allows you to keep your muscles in good shape. You should choose 2-3 exercises and repeat them regularly with a moderate load. It can be pull-ups, body lifts, and so on.

Racer illegal

We figured out the strength, but what about cardio? Here the street outperforms the gym in all respects! Running, biking, rollerblading are the first things that come to mind, but let's start with something more non-standard, namely with! All we need is to get special sticks, you can take from skis. And then - let's go! As a result of such an unusual walk, every muscle in our body will receive a good load. In addition, Nordic walking is very useful for strengthening the cardiovascular system.

Well, as for, then you don’t even need to look for a special time for training or somehow prepare. It's just that instead of going to work in a stuffy bus surrounded by gloomy people, it's better to sit on a bicycle and pedal. Combining business with pleasure, you will be more alive and cheerful than all your colleagues.

Rollers - the best choice for training lower parts body. Hips, berries, lower back - all this is involved during roller skating. As a bonus - a good load on the press, since we need to constantly maintain balance.

In general, summer provides a lot of opportunities to change yourself. Self-training will teach self-discipline, increase your mood, help you become stronger, increase endurance and make your body toned and sculpted. In addition, outdoor fitness is useful because the sun will provide your body with vitamin D, and also contribute to the production of endorphins. As a result, training will be useful not only for the body, but also for mental well-being.

Summer is coming, which means it's time to get in shape. Street workouts will help you quickly find a slender silhouette, because outdoor activities are much more useful and more effective than exercise in room. It is believed that they significantly increase endurance, since the abundance of oxygen allows the body to recover faster and better cope with stress. In addition, sunlight and awakening nature in themselves give strength for sports and tune in the right way. In such conditions, mood improves and nervous tension decreases.

You can enjoy the first rays of the sun with benefits for your figure and health either on your own by going for a run, cycling or the nearest workout area, or in the company of like-minded people by visiting one of outdoor-training. By the way, on the first of May, fans of sports on horizontal bars will gather in Luzhniki to mass training celebrate 7 years of street workout movement in Moscow. Fans of popular fitness destinations will love street yoga classes, crossfit or Zumba.

You can work out in the fresh air in various parks of the city, both on ordinary days and as part of various festivals and holidays. For example, lessons crossfit are regularly held in the Neskuchny Garden, and in Gorky Park, you can join the ranks of joggers and become a regular participant in marathons and competitions.

By the way, in the first days of May, at several venues in Moscow, including Krasnaya Presnya Park, Frunzenskaya Embankment and Novinsky Boulevard, famous athletes will hold open sports lessons for everyone. You can also verify the effectiveness of outdoor exercises in class. running and street workout which takes place on the basis of the fitness club Sky Club. This intense and exciting workout includes strength exercises, elements athletics and gymnastics. Such a versatile load under control experienced trainers will quickly reach notable results. For those who like it "hot" in the club Sky Club presented workout CrossGTO. CrossGTO is an outdoor fitness program from the workout family crossfit to develop strength and gain strength physical form in short time.

Classes crossfit include elements of martial arts, athletics, strength, functional exercises and sprint loads. The main feature of the lesson is the competitive moment.

This workout is The best way to prepare for military sports game All-Russian scale - the Race of Heroes. The next competition near Moscow will take place on May 30 at the Alabino training ground. With the first rays of the sun, parkour enthusiasts also begin their training. This extreme direction fantastically develops the skills of moving in an urban environment.

If earlier all parkour players were self-taught, now you can feel like a spider-man under the supervision of experienced instructors at 30 venues in Moscow. In search of thrills, you can also join the orderly ranks of rock climbers, who are already beginning to practice "forays" into the city. Those who want to master the techniques of street fighting should visit street fighting classes. This is the system hand-to-hand combat, which will teach you to give a tough rebuff to the enemy and at the same time help you gain a strong body.

In addition to the natural reliefs of the urban environment, Moscow also has specialized open-air climbing walls, for example, a 15-meter track in Sokolniki Park or 40 tracks on the territory MITHT them. M.V. Lomonosov. Sometimes it is not easy to motivate yourself to go in for sports in the gym, and in the open air even well-known exercises seem to be something new and original. At the same time, many are embarrassed to practice on the street alone, and finding a company among friends is not so easy. In this case, group outdoor- programs can be a real find. Here, in the company of like-minded people, you can relax and train effectively. To get in shape even faster, do not forget about the regime and a balanced diet. Only an integrated approach will provide high score in the shortest possible time.

ProgramsOutdoor- This physical exercise outdoors with a trainer, both in a group and individually

Types of outdoor programs:

  • FUNCTIONAL TRAINING(Functional power training using various outdoor exercise equipment and body weight).
  • RUNNING(Improvement of running technique).
  • NORDIC WALKING (nordic walking- this is an outdoor activity with special sticks).
  • MB INTERM(Cross-country cycling).
  • SKI INTENSE and BASIC(Skiing lessons).
  • POWER WALKING(Energy walking on flat terrain).

Physical exercise in the open air brings great benefits to the body, namely:

  • Improves cardiovascular and respiratory systems(due to aerobic exercise);
  • Helps to improve mood and relieve psycho-emotional stress (due to the release of the hormone of happiness - endorphin);
  • Strengthens the main muscle groups;
  • Promotes training of the vestibular apparatus, coordination of movements (because the work is asymmetric in different planes).

What is the advantage of Outdoor programs over regular training in a club:

  • Outdoor activities allow more oxygen to enter the body, as a result of which metabolic processes are accelerated (oxygen acts as a catalyst for chemical reactions). As a result, fat is burned more quickly. The trophic (nutritional) function of the blood improves, which allows it to nourish tissues and organs, and in this regard, the physiological effect of training is achieved faster: endurance, flexibility, speed, strength
  • Change picture. In the gym on the simulator, the picture does not change, monotony leads to a decrease in motivation, and as a result, a decrease in results.
  • The maximum number of muscles is involved in the work, the vestibular apparatus and coordination of movements are developing, because. the load is not uniform and natural (hummock pits, terrain, sand, grass, etc.)

Description of the lessons:


Functional strength training using various outdoor equipment and body weight. Training of the cardio-respiratory system and muscle endurance.

Duration: 60 minutes.

For any level of preparedness.

Location - sports park rest them. L. Lazutina.

RUNNING (running)

Improving running technique. Remote interval running. Effective method cardio-respiratory training. The course takes place on flat terrain.

Lesson duration: 55 min.


Dress code: sneakers, sportswear.

MB Interm (mountain bike)

For those who know how to ride a bike.

You need your own bike and helmet.

Improving your mountain biking technique. The course takes place on rough terrain.

Location- Sports recreation park them. L. Lazutina.

Dress code: sneakers, sportswear.

POWER WALKING (Intensive walking)

Vigorous walking on flat terrain using general developmental exercises for the main muscle groups. An effective way to train to activate fat metabolism.

Location- Sports recreation park them. L. Lazutina.

Dress code: sneakers, sportswear.

Nordic Walking ( Nordic walking)

Walking with special sticks on rough terrain. An effective way to develop general endurance combined with strengthening core muscle groups. Teaching basic and advanced movement skills. The course takes place on flat terrain.

Lesson duration: 60 min.

Location- Sports recreation park them. L. Lazutina.

Dress code: sneakers, sportswear.

SKI BASIC (Ski lessons)

Tasks: Studying technology ski runs from scratch. Studying the technique of passing descents. Development of balance, coordination. The healing effect of light and medium intensity training in the open air, the effect of hardening. Suitable for any fitness level. You will learn how to confidently ski, you will be able not only to ride in a straight line, but also to climb mountains, confidently descend from the slopes. Classes have a healing effect.

Lesson duration: 60 min.

LocationSki roller track named after L. Lazutina

SKI INTENSE (Ski lessons)

Advanced level, for those who know at least a little technique and can ski. Tasks: improvement ski equipment, skating, classic move. Learning the technique of passing high-speed sections of the route, climbs + descents + turns. Preparation for sprint and middle distance competitions. The group is suitable for active lovers skiing, former athletes, all those who know the technique of skiing and want to improve in this direction.

Lesson duration: 60 min.

Venue - Ski roller track named after L. Lazutina

Benefits of outdoor activities:

  1. Lack of monotony
  2. Fresh air - more oxygen
  3. Maximum involvement of muscles in work

Conditions for the lesson:

  1. Availability of necessary equipment
  2. Participants' ability to ride a bike
  3. Weather conditions (lack of heavy rain and wind)
  4. Signing the rules of visiting outdoor
  5. Pre-registration (from 3 to 10 people) at the club reception

Instructors will be happy to answer your questions.
Outdoor programs"SV Fitness"
Gleb Nevezhin – outdoor programs coordinator
Alexander Kolomentsev - trainer of outdoor programs
Olga Lavrikova – outdoor trainer