Gillian michaels 30 day weight loss program. Gillian's Diet Rules

If you once and for all decide to model for yourself with the help of training perfect body, this article is for you. The weight loss plan that we offer will help you step by step get closer to your cherished dream and stay in good shape. physical form always, provided that physical activity is active and regular.

Workout designed for all levels physical training and is aimed at pumping up the top and lower part your body, as well as speed up the fat burning process. This is an effective weight loss plan that will change your body from head to toe!

Over time, you will realize that the resources and energy spent on these exercises will return to you a hundredfold. These exercises will not only improve your metabolism, but also bring your body into phenomenal shape. Visualize your body the way you would like to see it as a result, while doing these exercises, constantly keep this picture in your head. After 30 days of training, you will develop a great sports habit, and you will also understand that the picture is gradually becoming reality. This challenge requires focus and commitment, plus a great desire to be in good shape. Stock up on energy and start the complex great exercise designed to get your body in great shape in 30 days!

Weight loss plan:


Gymnastic mat, timer

What needs to be done

Do each exercise for 30 seconds. This workout includes lower and upper body exercises, as well as cardiovascular exercises. Perform the complex 3 times a week. On other non-physical days, do cardio exercises.

1. Drink plenty of water more than 2.5 liters per day

2. Eat small meals, instead of a traditional portioned plate, try eating from salad bowls, which are an order of magnitude smaller

3. Choose Fresh Foods instead of packaged and canned

4. Read Product Labels Carefully to learn about the composition and nutritional value of the product

5. Choose food with few ingredients, preferably no more than five components

6. Avoid junk food and fast food, Always.

Once you master First level, go to the middle, and then to the highest level. After you successfully pass highest level, we encourage you to move on and explore other exercises to solidify your fitness habit.

First level

Complete 1 cycle of exercises. Rest 20 seconds after each exercise.

Average level

Complete 3 cycles of exercises. Rest 15 minutes after each exercise.

Highest level

Complete 4 cycles of exercises. Rest 10 seconds after each exercise.


Deep Squats

Stand with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart, hold a dumbbell at chest level with both hands, and do deep, springy squats.

Leg raise

Accept horizontal position, stretch your arms along the body and lift your legs up, smoothly lowering them down.

Push ups

Stand as for the plank exercise, place your feet shoulder-width apart and stand on your toes and push up from the floor; keep your body as level as possible.

Arm press up and down from an inclined standing position

Place your feet shoulder-width apart, bending them slightly at the knees and tilting your body forward. Take dumbbells in your hands and lower-raise them up and down, as if pulling the weight on yourself.

Bending the arms with a barbell

Stand straight, put your feet shoulder-width apart, turn your hands palms up and take dumbbells. Raise your hands to yourself, almost touching your shoulders, and lower them down.

Side jumping lunges

Alternately do side jumps-lunges, each time touching the right foot with your left hand and vice versa.

Performing this set of exercises regularly, you will see a positive result very soon! The main thing is patience and faith in yourself! Good luck on the way to the perfect body.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


slender, taut figure is the cherished dream of every girl. According to reviews, losing weight with Jillian Michaels in 30 days helps to achieve impressive results, subject to strict adherence to the basic requirements of the program: proper balanced nutrition and a special training regimen. Find out how, after going through 3 levels of this universal technique, you can get an ideal body in just a month.

Who is Jillian Michaels

This amazing woman is a successful fitness trainer. The experience of Jillian Michaels is valuable in that she personally went through all the stages of losing weight and developed her own weight loss system. Her youthful passion for fitness eventually turned into a job. The coach is constantly improving, bringing something new to the program. 30 Days of Weight Loss with Jillian Michaels Guaranteed to Help You Lose Weight overweight. At the same time, with the help of training records, you can save time and money, which is also important.

Jillian Michaels programs

The trainer claims that almost everyone can get the perfect body in 30 days. The only thing you need to determine is which Jillian Michaels program suits all your individual characteristics. Among the video courses for weight loss of this trainer, you can find classes on yoga, Pilates, aerobics, gymnastics and other sports, which only confirms the high professional level of Gillian.

It is important to note that on this moment Michaels has developed several comprehensive weight loss programs for 30, 60 and 90 days, as well as many special courses aimed at correcting certain problem areas of the body - hips, abdomen, buttocks. The most popular among supporters of the Gillian approach are the following video courses for weight loss:

Slim figure in 30 days

Jill is well aware of how the body functions, so she strongly encourages her followers to work hard. Get slim figure in 30 days is difficult, but everything is possible, provided that the person is sufficiently motivated to lose weight. Having gone all the way from start to finish, Gillian, like no one else, is able to convey the importance of a balanced diet and exercise. The practice of the trainer shows that the right motivation largely determines the success of the weight loss program.

Lose weight in 30 days with Jillian Michaels

This course includes a very successful combination of strength and cardio training. At the same time, weight loss with Jillian Michaels in 30 days is based on the use of fitness as the main tool for weight loss. For novice athletes, the coach advises to prepare the body for future loads long before the main stage of the program. Jillian Michaels believes that losing weight in 30 days should occur in 3 stages lasting 10 days each.

1 level

Followers of Jillian Michaels claim that initial phase program is the most difficult. The first stage assumes that the body will be preparing for subsequent physical activity and weight loss. According to the terms of the Jillian Michaels program, level 1 includes daily classes for half an hour a day, and it does not matter at what time of the day or night they are performed. The workout consists of three sets of 8 minutes each, which involve the implementation of a complex consisting of the following exercises:

  • lunges with weighting;
  • push-ups;
  • squats;
  • jumps;
  • press exercises.

2 level

Each subsequent stage of the weight loss program differs from the previous one only in the intensity of training. According to Jillian Michaels, Level 2 is designed to destroy excess fat in the body and prepare it for gaining muscle mass. It is worth saying that in the second stage pain intensifies after classes. However, by the end of this phase, the discomfort subsides, and the muscles begin to require more serious loads. At the second stage, the previously indicated complex is supplemented with the “bar” exercise.

3 level

The last phase of the program requires maximum endurance. According to Jillian Michaels, Level 3 helps to completely get rid of the "old body" and lifestyle. At the last stage of losing weight, it becomes easier to engage in, which is explained by the approaching end of the program. At the same time, training is so exhausting that some even give up, despairing of completing the course. The third level complex includes the following exercises:

Jillian Michaels Diet Day Menu

When compiling a complete diet, it is important to consider the metabolic rate. For people with a slow metabolism, Jillian recommends complex carbohydrates for weight loss. Persons with a rapid course of metabolic reactions should focus on protein foods. It should be borne in mind that the need for calories and the rate of metabolic processes change during the course. For this reason, it makes no sense to make a menu for the entire period of weight loss. The author of the methodology advises to come up with options for dishes for 3-5 days. Meanwhile, the abbreviated menu for the days of the Jillian Michaels diet is reflected in the table below:

Program day

Snack (afternoon snack)

2 eggs, any kind, whole grain toast, green tea

Chicken salad with avocado and mango

orange, almond

Homemade whole grain pizza with feta cheese, tomatoes and red onion

Oatmeal with fruits and nuts, tea without sugar

chickpea porridge

Banana apple smoothie

chicken sauté

Light fat-free cottage cheese, a glass of berries

Grilled veal with corn as a side dish

Mozzarella cheese, pear

Chicken breast baked in lemon honey sauce

The diet of Jillian Michaels, the famous American fitness trainer, has been enjoying great and well-deserved popularity among people fighting against overweight. It includes not only a special nutrition system as such, but also a set of feasible exercise, required to be executed. The Jillian diet, like any other weight normalization system, has its own characteristics and advantages. What is it and how to lose weight with it?

Jillian Michaels Diet Lose Weight in 30 Days

The author's weight loss program from Jillian Michaels, which includes diet and exercise and is called "Lose Weight in 30 Days", has been appreciated by people in different parts of the world. Initially, Jillian herself dropped a large number of extra pounds with her help and was convinced of its effectiveness.

The thing is that, as a teenager, she was not particularly slender. Gillian's parents decided to help their daughter cope with the problem of overweight and signed her up for training. It is through sport and healthy eating they decided to normalize the weight of the child and make her figure slim.

Features of the diet of Jillian Michaels

The main feature of the Jillian Michaels diet menu, designed for 30 days, is that it mainly consists of products that contribute to the speedy “burning” of fats during training, which necessarily accompany a special one.

According to the author of the diet Jillian Michaels, in order to lose weight and at the same time not feel hungry, it is enough to eat full portions twice a day and have a snack twice a day. Calculation required amount calories (energy norm) in the diet, set according to the principles of Jillian Michaels, is based on the individual indicators of the losing weight person - height, weight, gender and age.

The calculated energy norm, also called the basic one, is the number of calories the body needs to ensure its vital functions. This indicator can be calculated using the following formula: 655 + (weight kg × 9.57) + (height cm × 1.852) - (age in years × 4.7). Eating more calories will lead to weight gain, and if you eat less than this amount, it will slow down your metabolism.

Gillian Michaels Diet Rules

In order for the Jiliana Michaels diet to give results as in the photo below, the following rules must be observed:

1. In addition to eating only healthy and permitted products that promote fat burning, you need to drink 2 liters of clean water without gas daily in order to effectively cleanse your body of accumulated toxins and toxins and improve metabolism;

2. Eliminate salt from your diet, finally and irrevocably, since, according to the author of the diet, it is a “killer” of a good figure;

3. You need to keep a food diary to record all the foods and dishes that will be eaten during the day. This is necessary for the qualitative control of the number of calories consumed and the prevention of overeating;

4. Daily load the body with at least feasible, as much as possible with a special set of exercises.

It is important when compiling the Jillian Michaels diet menu to take into account the speed of your own metabolism. So, if the speed is below the norm, then complex carbohydrates should dominate in the diet, and if the metabolism is active, the emphasis should be on the use of proteins.

Sample Jillian Michaels Diet Menu for One Day

The Jillian Michaels diet menu is not limited by any strict framework that requires choosing certain foods for each specific meal. The diet of a person who is losing weight according to the Jillian Michael system should consist of a large amount of fruits and vegetables that contain low fat content.

Prohibited foods include alcohol, salty, fried, smoked and pickled foods, all flour and confectionery products, any sweets and carbonated drinks.

A sample menu for one day looks like this:

  • in the morning you can eat a portion of an omelet and drink or without added sugar;
  • as a first snack, you can use one, pear or kiwi;
  • for lunch, you can boil meat or make steam fish with vegetables;
  • the second snack, which can replace dinner, can be a salad with vegetables based on lentils, seasoned with vegetable oil and lemon juice.

Fruit snacks can be alternated with lactic acid, but the products should have a low percentage of fat.

There is no point in compiling the menu of the Jiliana Michaels diet for the entire period of the diet, since both the metabolic rate and the body's need for calories can change within 30 days of losing weight. Therefore, it is recommended that you simply create a menu for yourself, consisting of several options for each meal and snack, in order to be able to adjust your daily ration within the bounds of what is permitted without prejudice to the figure.

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