Boxing on Red Square participants. The most massive boxing training to the songs of Yegor Creed

Boxing is the most popular martial art in the world. Millions of people are engaged in it, and every significant fight (for example, fights for the right to own a championship belt in one of weight categories) is broadcast in dozens of countries around the world. It is also significant that the names famous boxers always heard. If you approach any person on the street, he will most likely list at least two or three professional boxers.

Against the background of all of the above, one should not be surprised by the fact that when the open boxing training on Red Square (Moscow) was announced, many people wanted to take part in it. The event, by the way, was timed to All-Russian day boxing. Thus, similar trainings were held in a number of other settlements. All those who came to the holiday had the opportunity to use the convenient storage service. You can read more about this here, you can also order storage there, on

Two Olympic champions Alexey Tishchenko and Oleg Saitov held a unique lesson on the main square of Russia. They did their best to ensure that each of those present at the lesson received a lot of positive emotions and learned something new. In total, about three thousand people took part in the training.

On the occasion of the most massive boxing training in the world, official representatives of the Guinness Book of Records arrived in Moscow. Thanks to their presence, the record was documented, and the Russian Boxing Federation has already received the corresponding certificate. Interestingly, this is not the first such record set in Moscow. In 2015 I spent here open class the legendary Floyd Mayweather Jr. Then the training gathered almost 800 people.

Who knows, perhaps in the future Russians will take part in similar actions. Representatives of the Boxing Federation of the Russian Federation noted that they have a lot of plans for the further popularization of this sport. For example, over the past few years, there has been a significant increase in the number of regional tournaments that legendary boxers come to, so that young athletes have the opportunity to communicate with idols.

An open boxing training was held on the main square of the country, which brought together a record three thousand people who practiced punches for 31 minutes.

from Moscow

The big holiday has begun Russian boxing laying flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. All leadership of the Russian Boxing Federation, including the head of the Supervisory Board Alexey Rubezhnoy and general secretary Umar Kremlev, as well as the head of the International Boxing Federation (AIBA) Ching Kuo Wu took part in the ceremony, honoring the memory of the fallen in the war. Then the leaders talked for a long time, soon the Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation joined them Pavel Kolobkov. As it turned out, one of the issues was the date of July 22, which the Russian side proposed to recognize as an international boxing day. And Wu agreed - thus, from an all-Russian holiday it will turn into a worldwide one.


Opening a series of events, the leaders went on stage to greet the participants and guests of the holiday.

This day is ours, and it is now an annual one,” FBI Secretary General Umar Kremlev said. - I think we will make it so that there will be an international boxing day. We have already discussed this with the AIBA President. I would like to thank the veterans, we continue their story. The future is ahead, it will be better. We must take the first places, our duty is to be the first.

The head of AIBA himself said a few words, emphasizing the importance of relations international organization with Russia.

I would like to congratulate the entire Russian Boxing Federation and all those involved on this wonderful holiday. My separate words of gratitude to the Minister of Sports Pavel Kolobkov, because his support and the support of the state as a whole is very important for the development of our sport. AIBA has 201 federations, and Russia is the most important of them. Today is Boxing Day, 3,000 athletes have gathered here on Red Square to celebrate it. I would like to announce that July 22 is now also AIBA International Boxing Day. Let's celebrate together! We are the closest partners now.

Kremlev also noted that the desire to organize such a holiday arose after the composition and structure of the federation were updated.

After we changed the whole federation system, we wanted to make a holiday so that it would go down in history. And the Guinness record, and the AIBA executive committee. The record has already been fixed, there is still a registration procedure. I think the paper will officially arrive within a month. We discussed with Mr. Wu that now it will be an international holiday. Next year we will do the same holiday, but more global. All regions will participate.

Nikolay Valuev. Photo by Daria ISAEVA, "SE"


Meanwhile, three thousand participants of the future Guinness record filled a huge makeshift ring, led by independent witnesses - Natalia Ragozina And Nikolai Valuev. The training was entrusted to the Olympic champions Alexey Tishchenko And Oleg Saitov, as well as the winner of the Games-2012 Sofia Ochigawa.

The previous record, by the way, was also set in Moscow - then American professional boxer Floyd Mayweather brought together 791 participants. This time, 3,000 people gathered to set a record, forming the Russian tricolor. Athletes of various levels and different ages, having warmed up, worked out strikes and defenses, and then at the end switched to shadow boxing. The session continued continuously for 31 minutes. The presenters congratulated the boxers on their achievement, after which the participants lined up, forming the words "box.rf" when viewed from above.

Members open workout on the Red Square. Photo by Daria ISAEVA, "SE"


The holiday was very important in the light of the presentation of Russia as a candidate to host the 2019 World Cup. The entire AIBA Executive Committee was present at the event and could see with their own eyes how they are able to organize big box. Perhaps this will have a positive impact on the vote, which will be held on Monday. However, Mr. Wu made no secret of his sympathy for Russia in his interview at the end of the day.

I think today is a very special day, - said the head of AIBA. - You created this boxing day in Russia, I'm here and I'm very impressed. As these 3,000 boxers tried to set a Guinness record, I think it's great to promote boxing! I would like to announce that today, July 22, will also be AIBA International Boxing Day starting next year. We join to celebrate this boxing day together.

- Is it possible that someone will repeat such a record in another country?

There will always be someone who will want a record. Now that we have declared this boxing day international, perhaps someone will want to organize this, but in a slightly different way. I hope that you in Russia will be able to hold this record for some time, so that no one will break it yet. I think that AIBA will support such ideas, it is very good for the promotion of boxing. We love this event, we are very impressed! Russia has created a wonderful holiday that has managed to involve so many young people. And this is for the future. We at AIBA want to spread our sport and our values ​​around the world and we think that many people will want to join and start enjoying boxing. This is our goal.

- Red Square - a good place for such a record?

I think it was a great idea to organize such an event and = set a record exactly on Red Square. This is a place that is well known all over the world. And now many will pay attention to this event. Therefore, I think Russia has made a great contribution to the promotion of our sport. And I think it's hard to find the same place for a record. Of course, there are many squares in other cities of the world, but there is nowhere like Red Square. And that's what makes the record so impressive.

- What do you think, how big are the chances of Russia to get the 2019 World Boxing Championship?

Applications are still under consideration, three cities are taking part in the voting. But, I think, comparing the capabilities of these cities and the support provided to them, Russia has an advantage, of course. But this is a democratic election, and we will wait for Monday, the voting process and its results. And then we'll know. I wish the Russian application good luck.

Russian Sports Minister Pavel Kolobkov opens the celebration.

The face of Russian boxing Nikolai Valuev and the dome.

The president International Association Amateur Boxing (AIBA) Ching-Kuo Wu believes that Russian boxers will win five gold medals at the next Olympics. The president Olympic Committee Russia Alexander Zhukov does not argue - if Wu said, then so be it.

Pop stars Oleg Gazmanov, Polina Gagarina, Yegor Creed and Seryoga performed for the audience.

Three-time Olympic champion Greco-Roman wrestling Alexander Karelin is watching Yegor Creed's performance.

During the celebration, a massive boxing training was held under the guidance of two-time Olympic champions Oleg Saitov and Alexey Tishchenko. According to the organizers, about three thousand people took part in the training on Red Square.

Secretary General of the Russian Boxing Federation Umar Kremlev told reporters that representatives of the Guinness Book recorded the record.

- Record set. Official procedures will now take place, including counting. I think we will receive the paper within a month,” Kremlev said.

The hosts of the holiday are the winner of the women's boxing tournament of the London Olympics Sofya Ochigava and showman Dmitry Nagiev.

The celebration ended with fights involving famous Russian boxers: Yegor Mekhontsev, Fedor Chudinov, Misha Aloyan and others.