What is a straight punch called in boxing? Punches in boxing

How are they performed correctly? What are the basic punch combinations in this sport? About all this will be discussed in our material.


The jab is a straight punch in boxing. It acts as the most common, frequently used technique on which to build basic technique athlete. Such an attack is carried out in the body or head. When performing a jab, the boxer's arm must be fully extended at the elbow and thrown out to its full length. In this case, the fist is held parallel to the ground.

The punching technique in boxing involves taking a step forward. Body weight is shifted in the frontal direction. Thus, the impact force is greatly increased. The glove of the free hand protects the face. The elbow is in the area of ​​the solar plexus. Compliance with such a strike technique in boxing makes it possible to inflict quite significant damage to the enemy and repel possible counterattacks.

It is worth noting that the main disadvantage of the jab is not too impressive knockout potential. However, when performing a reception with a high frequency, the opponent will always remain in suspense. The jab is often used to initiate an attack. On the basis of such a poke, excellent ground is created for various combinations. The blow presented is also important in terms of protection. In particular, the jab allows you to keep the opponent at a relatively safe distance.


Cross in boxing involves applying direct hit with the far hand to the head or body. The trajectory of the movement of the limb should be as short as possible. Often the cross breaks over the opponent's hand. This can take a small step forward. However, the most important thing here is the rotation of the body with the transfer of body weight to the leading leg, which makes it possible to increase the force of impact.

Cross quite often reaches the goal. The blow has an impressive penetrating ability. The technique is safer for the attacking boxer compared to the jab, as it allows you to quickly return to a defensive position. However, the reception is one of the most difficult in technical terms. So, when penetrating into the body, in order to deliver an accurate blow, it is important for a boxer to bend his knees, and his shoulder should be in the same plane with the target. For the correct implementation of the reception, serious training is required.


Hook is a boxing strike that is performed with a bent limb and comes from the side. It is rational to resort to reception only when conducting a battle on an average or close range.

What is the punching technique in boxing? The shoulder of the hand that is supposed to execute the hook is retracted. Further, the body of the body twists sharply. The limb bent at the elbow is directed to the head or body of the opponent. At the moment the glove contacts the target, a right angle fold should be observed between the shoulder and forearm. Only in this position, the blow acquires maximum power. The knees are slightly bent during the hook.

Subject to correct technique side kick in boxing can quite easily crush the opponent. It is advisable to perform the hook on a short swing. In this case, the reception will be unexpected for the opponent and will not allow you to have time to evade. However, when making such an attack, the other hand must remain in a defensive position. Otherwise, there is a risk of receiving a strong counterattack.


Swing is a blow with a full extension of the limb, which is performed on a wide swing. The attacking hand is somewhat retracted over the shoulder. This is followed by a turn of the body and a small dive head down. At this time, the limb goes along a large radius and hits the opponent's head.

Swing is not the most accurate punch in boxing. Since, before reaching the target, the glove describes a significant distance in the air in a circle, opponents often have time to jump back or take protective stand. Swings, which are performed by a boxer alternately on the left and right, often act as a sign of loss of strength and indicate a desire to go all-in out of hopelessness in a duel. At the same time, such a "mill" looks quite impressive for the viewer. Surprising a skillful, experienced opponent by swinging is not easy at all. Therefore, amateur boxers most often resort to such blows.


Uppercut - a blow from below in boxing. It breaks into the head between the opponent's gloves, which is in a defensive position. Effective reception is only if the opponent forgets to close the elbows in the stance.

The standard uppercut is held with the lead hand. The punching technique in boxing involves twisting the shoulder. At the same time, the athlete's body weight is shifted to the leg that is in front. The most effective uppercut becomes when the arm is bent at an angle of 90 degrees. It is desirable that the target of such a poke is the opponent's chin. However, the uppercut can be applied to the solar plexus area. This makes it possible to knock down the opponent's breath.

The main advantage is that the presented strike, boxing technique has extraordinary potential during the battle. If, with proper technique, the uppercut hits the target, it often becomes devastating to the opponent. Among other things, such a blow is quite difficult to notice and prevent.

As for the disadvantages of the uppercut, it can only be used at close range. Therefore, in order to strike, it is necessary to be able to reduce the distance with the opponent. Another disadvantage is that the attacking boxer, in fact, remains without protection. Therefore, there is a possibility of receiving a counter blow from the side.

So we looked at the basic actions in boxing, blows to the head and body. Further in our publication, I would like to talk about how the presented techniques are combined.

Jab and right cross

The presented technique is the basic combination of punches in boxing. It is the combination of these actions that is the first thing that beginner athletes are taught. A quick jab takes the opponent by surprise. It is far from always necessary to strike such a blow with an accent. A light poke to the head or body is enough to disorientate the opponent. At this time, the preparation of the subsequent more accentuated strike with the far hand with the rotation of the body is carried out. Having mastered this technique to perfection, many boxers win fights without resorting to other combinations.

What points should be focused on when performing the reception? First of all, you need to make sure that the pause between beats is minimal. The second hand should catch up with the leading one. At the slightest delay, the chances of delivering an accented blow are significantly reduced. In addition, such a mistake opens up the opportunity for the enemy to carry out a counterattack.

When resorting to this combination of punches in boxing, you need to keep your right shoulder in a relaxed, somewhat lowered state. The elbow should protect the liver area, and the glove should protect the chin. Hitting the target with the left limb activates the strike from the right due to a slight rotation of the body in the shoulders. Thus, the concentration and release of the kinetic energy of the whole body occurs. Carrying out a right direct strike outside the presented combination turns out to be an order of magnitude weaker.

How does such an attacking series end? At the moment the glove of the right hand hits the target, the weight of the body is transferred to the leading leg. Compliance with this principle opens up the possibility for the development of further actions in the ring. After the combination is completed, a quick jump back or a repetition of the attack with the left limb can be carried out.

Double jab and cross

The combination in the professional boxing environment is also called the “postman punch”. In fact, the technique is used by athletes to outwit the enemy. Many boxers expect a standard combination with alternately throwing the glove with the left and then the right hand. Performing a double jab gives the opportunity to somewhat surprise the opponent, which opens up the opportunity for a subsequent powerful cross.

Each throw of the left limb in such a combination must necessarily be accompanied by a slight, quick stepping forward with the leading foot. This solution allows you to minimize the distance for a powerful reception right hand. It is not always possible to realize such an idea. Be that as it may, the main emphasis should not be on the strength of the double jab, but on the third, finishing blow.


This definition fully corresponds to the same double jab and cross. However, in the trio, several full blows are performed with the left hand in combination with one short right hand. The classic version of the combination looks like this. A blow is struck with the left hand, then with the right and again leading. The target is the opponent's head. However, in this combination, the last left blow is not too accentuated, because there is a significant rapprochement with the opponent. Therefore, it is better to make two short attacks with the leading limb, performing a right short hook between them. It is easy to guess that the main power should fall on him.

When performing a combination, as in previous cases, you need to concentrate on the work of the legs, making the approach to the enemy. As for protection, the hands should work alternately, covering the liver area with the elbow and the chin with the glove.

Jab, uppercut, hook

Starting each time with a deuce attack, the boxer's actions can become predictable for the opponent. In this case, the opponent quickly adapts to the combat strategy and will be able to dodge attacks in a timely manner. With each supposed cross after the jab, the opponent will raise the defense with the leading limb.

To disorientate the opponent, it is enough to carry out a combination using a jab, an uppercut and a subsequent hook. A left straight punch will force the opponent to raise his head. As a result, there will be an opportunity to continue the combination with an uppercut to the jaw from below and the completion of the series with a left hook. In which part of the body the last attack from the combination will have to be decided by each boxer. In any case, it is recommended to resort to the reception when the opponent adapts to predictable actions in the ring.

Cross, hook, cross

In a fight with some skilled opponents, the boxer does not have enough free space to prepare complex combinations. This happens especially often if the opponent is extremely active and aggressive in the ring, leaving a minimum of ring territory for maneuvers. In such situations, starting attacks with a jab is quite difficult.

To bring down the attacking arrogance of the enemy and take the fight to a long distance, it is enough to strike with the right straight, continue the combination with a left hook and complete the reception by repeating a hard, biting attack with a cross. This tactic seems to be the most rational in this situation, because the opponent arbitrarily opens the defense, which in other cases would be opened by a jab. It is only worth noting that the combination of cross, hook, cross is good for fighting at close range.

To effectively fight with any opponent, it is enough to use the above combinations. Some techniques can simply be modified, creating an unlimited number of options. However, instead of using complex intricacies of punches, it is sometimes better to focus on the following:

  1. It is necessary to try to invest less with maximum effort in the attack with each hand. It's wise to throw a light jab, saving all your energy for a hard cross to the right.
  2. To force the opponent to open up, it is enough to throw false, as light jabs as possible. Eventually the opponent's arms will instinctively go up to protect the head. As soon as the opponent is off balance after several such series, it is necessary to break through a strong right cross. It is worth resorting to such a trick in other combinations, making the first few blows false.
  3. Fast attacks are of particular importance. In this case, the strength and emphasis of strikes decreases, but at the same time, the number of hits on the target increases. This tactic makes it possible to save the bulk of power for later rounds, when the enemy is already somewhat overwhelmed by numerous quick attacks.
  4. Not the last role is played by work on the body. Targeting the head all the time looks predictable and may not work when fighting a faster, extremely agile opponent. The body has a large area. Getting here is much easier. Especially if you force the enemy to constantly shift the defense to the head area, performing a series of false strikes. Alternately working on targets on the lower and upper floor doubles the chances of successfully completing combinations. Among other things, accentuated painful blow in the body is able to instantly take the opponent out of the fight.


As you can see, there are many types of punches in boxing, as well as effective combinations in which they can be used. Finally, it is worth noting that attacks should not be carried out at random. It is important to focus on the actions of the opponent, making certain strikes at the moments when they look the most reasonable. The strength and speed of an athlete is far from always decisive in the ring. Quite often, battles are won thanks to the timely execution of the necessary combinations.


Hook (hook) is a short side kick, which is applied with the right or left arm bent at the elbow 90 or 100 degrees. The hook is more effective at medium and close distances, while the blows are directed to the head or body of the opponent. The hook is not considered a high-speed strike, since it has a large trajectory, but this disadvantage is compensated by the power of striking.

The impact force is mainly formed due to the rotation of the body and the transfer of the center of gravity. The main objective of this technique is to win ahead of schedule. Single hooks will be ineffective without a competent combination of blows. The hook itself is a very dangerous and knockout blow, but technically very difficult, as it requires the boxer to be especially precise and timely in application.


The jab is a left straight punch to the head or torso, while the arm should be fully extended. The jab is not the strongest punch in boxing, but is considered one of the most basic punches in a boxer's arsenal. It is a fast punch because it has the shortest trajectory of all punches in boxing. The jab is aimed at performing the "reconnaissance" function - in search of the opponent's weak spot. In addition, it helps to keep the distance, measure the distance to get into a comfortable position in order to prepare for the attack and deliver heavy and accented blows.

Thus, this blow helps to keep the opponent constantly in suspense, a kind of disorientation under the “hail” of weak, but frequent and lightning-fast attacks. The jab also works well as a defensive move, as it slows the opponent down.


Uppercut is applied from the bottom up bent hand. Uppercut is classic, long and body uppercut. The classic uppercut is used at close range with the front hand, while at medium and long range, a long uppercut with the far hand is more appropriate. With a classic uppercut, the forearm should be vertical at the moment of impact. With a long uppercut, the blow is delivered "from the floor", which makes this blow unpredictable.

Body Uppercut - when struck, the palm of the fist is turned up. In terms of strength and effectiveness, the uppercut is second only to side strikes, and in terms of speed and trajectory it is comparable to the swing. All types of uppercuts are very effective for attacks and counterattacks.


Cross is a right straight punch to the head or torso, is one of the most strong blows in boxing. This strike has a long trajectory of the flight of the hand, which is the reason for its power. The cross is the main weapon of the boxer-nakauter. The blow is applied very sharply with a simultaneous push of the back leg and the movement of the torso forward, while all the weight is transferred to the front leg. They perform a cross, as a rule, in the head, as the final one in a series. The effectiveness of this strike is directly related to the whole complex of "false" strikes - jabs and the front hand.

It should be noted that victory in boxing is not brought by the strongest or quick kick but timely and correct. Technique alone is not enough in this sport; strategy and tactics of warfare are also needed. Therefore, each reception has its own time, when it is appropriate.

Boxing is one of the most popular species martial arts in the world. Boxing itself is limited by a number of rules: punches only with fists and always with gloves, punches can only be struck in the front of the body to the waist or in the head. Due to this limitation, boxing technique and tactics are constantly progressing.

A lot of elements from other martial arts, for example, muay thai, kudo, is already borrowed by boxing. Boxing can be divided into two camps - defensive and offensive techniques. In this article, we will learn the name of the main blows in boxing and consider in more detail the attack technique - striking, which is used in the classical school of professional boxing.

The main types of punches in boxing


Hook (hook) is a short side kick, which is applied with the right or left arm bent at the elbow 90 or 100 degrees. The hook is more effective at medium and close distances, while the blows are directed to the head or body of the opponent. The hook is not considered a high-speed strike, since it has a large trajectory, but this disadvantage is compensated by the power of striking.

The impact force is mainly formed due to the rotation of the body and the transfer of the center of gravity. The main objective of this technique is to win ahead of schedule. Single hooks will be ineffective without a competent combination of blows. The hook itself is a very dangerous and knockout blow, but technically very difficult, as it requires the boxer to be especially precise and timely in application.


The jab is a left straight punch to the head or torso, while the arm should be fully extended. The jab is not the strongest punch in boxing, but is considered one of the most basic punches in a boxer's arsenal. It is a fast punch because it has the shortest trajectory of all punches in boxing. The jab is aimed at performing the "reconnaissance" function - in search of the opponent's weak spot. In addition, it helps to keep the distance, measure the distance to get into a comfortable position in order to prepare for the attack and deliver heavy and accented blows.

Thus, this blow helps to keep the opponent constantly in suspense, a kind of disorientation under the “hail” of weak, but frequent and lightning-fast attacks. The jab also works well as a defensive move, as it slows the opponent down.


Uppercut is applied from the bottom up bent hand. Uppercut is classic, long and body uppercut. The classic uppercut is used at close range with the front hand, while at medium and long range, a long uppercut with the far hand is more appropriate. With a classic uppercut, the forearm should be vertical at the moment of impact. With a long uppercut, the blow is delivered "from the floor", which makes this blow unpredictable.

Body Uppercut - when struck, the palm of the fist is turned up. In terms of strength and effectiveness, the uppercut is second only to side strikes, and in terms of speed and trajectory it is comparable to the swing. All types of uppercuts are very effective for attacks and counterattacks.


Cross is a right straight punch to the head or torso is one of the most powerful punches in boxing. This strike has a long trajectory of the flight of the hand, which is the reason for its power. The cross is the main weapon of the boxer-nakauter. The blow is applied very sharply with a simultaneous push of the back leg and the movement of the torso forward, while all the weight is transferred to the front leg. They perform a cross, as a rule, in the head, as the final one in a series. The effectiveness of this strike is directly related to the whole complex of "false" strikes - jabs and the front hand.

It should be noted that victory in boxing is not brought by the strongest or fastest blow, but by the timely and correct one. Technique alone is not enough in this sport; strategy and tactics of warfare are also needed. Therefore, each reception has its own time, when it is appropriate.

author: Maxim Shevin, for the site

It's no secret that the key to winning a boxing match lies in the right tactics. Any strategy here, in turn, consists of a series of techniques aimed at defense and attack. Blows in boxing must be so thoroughly worked out that their application is carried out automatically, and the athlete thinks through his further actions in advance. To achieve such a skill is possible only under the condition of constant training. Speaking about boxing punches, it should be noted that in this sport there are three main varieties of them - uppercut, straight and side. Each of them consists of types, depending on which hand to punch, and the target - the body or the head. Next, we will look at the types of punches in boxing, of which there are twelve, in more detail.

Direct hit

There are two types of direct boxing punch. The first of these is the jab, which is applied with the near hand. This blow is not very powerful and is used, as a rule, for reconnaissance in order to study the movements of the opponent and his possible vulnerabilities. After its completion, more powerful punches are used in boxing. Along with this, the jab is considered the fastest of all due to the shortest trajectory and helps the boxer to control the situation in the ring during the fight. Most often it is used by fighters who prefer to constantly attack at a high pace. The second type is a direct blow with the far hand. It is not as lightning fast as the jab, but it is noticeably superior in strength. All recognized punchers must use a long-range straight punch. At the same time, one should not forget that without preparation during the fight, it is never applied, since it is very dangerous: in case of unsuccessful execution, you can run into an opponent’s swift counterattack.

Side kick

Side kicks in boxing also consist of two varieties, including swing and hook. The first of them is somewhat reminiscent of a jab, because the near hand is also used here. Despite its relatively long trajectory, it is quite dangerous for the opponent and is used in most cases by boxers who prefer fast counterattacks. Swing is applied to the side of the opponent's body or head. It is impossible not to note the nuance that it is very effective without any preliminary preparation and combinations. The second type is hooks, which are the most powerful blows in boxing. Despite their low speed due to their large trajectory, they are most popular with offensive knockouts due to their terrifying strength. The main purpose of the hook is the early surrender of the opponent in battle.


The more well-known name for boxing strikes from below is uppercuts, they, like the previous types, have two varieties, based on which hand is applied. The classic uppercut can be compared with the swing in terms of speed, but it is inferior in strength side impact, because he often falls on the head. It will be most effective in conditions of close range or dead-end defense of the opponent. The far uppercut is also applied from the bottom up, only with the back hand. It is perfect for both attack and counterattack, so it is often used by boxers with different