Is it possible to do boxing after. Boxing for yourself

Until the end of the week, the Museum of Moscow is hosting the Project 77 exhibition dedicated to the stories of people who know firsthand what it means to get out of your comfort zone, overcome yourself and willpower. Media and unknown, young and old, successful and unemployed - 77 people, united by the Rocky Road community and Laboratory ABC, tell their stories. If you do not have time to go to the exhibition, then do not be discouraged: we have already talked with one of its sections - coach Andrei Nazarov - about boxing, as a way to become stronger, and first of all, stronger than yourself. We also talked to three girls whose lives have completely changed thanks to boxing gloves. Now we know for sure that boxing for girls is very cool and not at all dangerous. We're going to record, are you?

Andrey Nazarov, Rocky Road Gym coach

Can boxing be a complete replacement for fitness?

In training, all muscle groups are worked out: we can say that yes. In addition, many boxers after basic training additionally engage in weight training.

There are many myths around boxing. Could you dispel them?

The most important myth that lives in people's heads is that they will come to boxing and they will immediately be sent to sparring. This, of course, is not true. No one will let unprepared beginners into the ring one on one with an opponent. Many, especially girls, do not need to learn how to work with an opponent at all. But for men, in my opinion, it is necessary, although some of them completely refuse. Many girls think that boxing will make her an "iron" man with big muscles. This is definitely not true. It is enough to watch the broadcast of boxing on TV. Boxers, after all, do not look like jocks, but on the contrary, they are “dried” and very dexterous. They weigh about the same as the average person. With regular training, the body becomes more sinewy. There is no need to be afraid of this, any athletic person has wiryness.

What are the main benefits of boxing?

The main advantages are the development of coordination and agility. A boxer, unlike a wrestler, cannot win with his muscles and weight. If a boxer's head doesn't work, he'll never win. Imagine how smart you need to be to simultaneously attack, defend, and analyze the enemy’s strategy? And at the same time sometimes get on the head. Many of us can't even do basic things, like petting our heads and pounding our stomachs at the same time. Regular workouts fix it. If we talk about the physical component, first of all, it is also an excellent cardio workout. Strengthens the entire cardiovascular system.

Are there any contraindications?

If you go to an ordinary therapist from a polyclinic, then with a high probability he will generally ban any sport. I recommend that you definitely check the work of the heart - take an ECG, and then contact a sports doctor for advice and recommendations.

How quickly does the result appear after training?

Sometimes girls come and say they want to lose weight in two weeks. To this I always answer that you need to drink plenty of water and eat normally. Boxing, of course, will strengthen the muscular corset and give relief to the body. But nutrition is the basis of everything. Appearance rate cherished cubes individual. The body changes structure: fat leaves, muscles come. With active training excess weight leaves. Boxing puts a lot of pressure on your legs. This is very good for girls, as it reduces the risk of varicose veins and other unpleasant things in adulthood.

Does a person's character change?

Of course, boxing strengthens character. I teach my students not to feel sorry for themselves and to do more even when it seems to them that they are at the limit. It is always clear from a person whether he gave his best or not. In the gym you learn to overcome yourself, then you use it in life. And, of course, boxing develops attentiveness to yourself, teaches you to be here and now.

Lilia Skovorodnikova, founder of Balletomania

“I am a professional ballerina and the owner of the ballet school Balletomania. I went to boxing out of interest: firstly, everyone around me began to practice, and secondly, in my dreams I always had the idea to develop a training program that combines boxing and ballet. Now the dream has come true. Boxing is very good as a cardio workout, plus the weight goes well, and the load is distributed to all muscle groups. It is difficult for many girls at first, especially for those who are soft and modest by nature - it is hard for them to immediately start to beat a pear furiously. But after a few sessions, this barrier goes away. And, most importantly, thanks to boxing, there is some kind of inner strength and self-confidence.

Maria Komandnaya, host of Match TV, Chief Editor

“All my childhood I was engaged cross-country skiing, but at the age of 14-15 she told her parents that she could no longer - because I always, from childhood, dreamed of being a journalist. I gave up skiing, but did not stop playing sports. I did a lot of aerobics and Gym. But now, of course, I understand that it was baby talk - now I tell everyone that I returned to big sport last year, just when Rocky Road Gym went. The hardest part was reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed - this was one of the most important requirements of my trainer. Since then, I advise no one to sit on protein diet And I think it's still evil. As a journalist and TV presenter, I need to think a lot and quickly, and when you eat only proteins, you have very little energy. As for the training itself, I just became happier - the amount of endorphins in my body steadily went off scale, I left (and still leave) the workout with a smile, burning eyes and the feeling that I could move mountains. Today's workout is your tomorrow's body. Whenever I feel too lazy to go to work out, I think that after a workout I will feel much better than before. I like the feeling when your muscles are in good shape, when your body is toned, when you like your reflection in the mirror. It's all sport gives you - and nothing more "

Natalya Davtyan

Going in for sports, including such as boxing, is always worth it. After all, boxing is not only sparring and fighting. This is good first of all physical training, endurance and, of course, beautiful body, which is important for both men and women (women's boxing is gaining more and more popularity). In addition, boxing gives confidence and the ability, if necessary, to protect yourself and your loved ones from intruders.

What can you achieve in boxing?

If you decided to take up boxing at the age of 30 solely for the sake of great boxing glory, unfortunately, you will have to disappoint - time is lost. Of course, one could recall the same Tony Thompson, who started boxing at the age of 27, entered the professional ring for the first time at 29 and is now one of the top boxers. But this is an exception that only confirms the obvious: 30 years is not the right age to, abandoning what has already been achieved in life, suddenly start trying to make a career in big box.

  • And yet, boxing is not only a big sport, it is also physical education, as already mentioned above, and here the arguments in favor of boxing, if there are no medical contraindications, are more than obvious.

Well, actually, where can you go in for boxing in Moscow?

If you still decide in favor of boxing, the boxing club MOSCOWBOXING is waiting for you. On the territory of Moscow


Some people come to Muay Thai at a fairly early age, when the choice was made for them by their parents, but nevertheless, most people come to boxing already at a conscious age. Each of the newcomers who came to the boxing gym has their own motivation, but most of them were brought to the gym by fear. It can be difficult for a beginner to take a step and come to boxing, it is difficult and scary, and even more scary to be face to face with danger, with violence on the street, when you have to face this fear alone, and how much you can successfully resist will depend on you. danger from outside. In this article, we will try to dispel most of the myths about boxing that beginners face when they decide to start boxing.

1. A beginner will definitely participate in sparring at full strength from the first training session.

This is the most important delusion of a beginner. The literate pays the most attention during training to beginners. Before a beginner starts working hard enough in pairs, a lot of time must pass, and after the time has elapsed, the athlete can no longer be called a beginner. Most likely, this myth appeared against the background of the fact that when working in pairs, more experienced people are already used to hitting technically (not to be confused with hard), and their hit is much harder than that of a beginner, which is why it seems to the latter that they work hard with him. And only after the lapse of time, he will practically cease to feel these blows.

2. All boxers have a "beaten head".

You can agree with this statement or not.
Over time, as a boxer progresses to a higher level, his training becomes more and more tough and effective. With the growth of his own skill, the boxer begins to work with boxers of his or more high level, here blows to the head naturally cannot be ruled out. A boxer receives several fairly significant blows to the head every training session. Naturally, this cannot but affect.
On the other hand, not only those who are going to become professional boxers, and not participating in competitions, the risk of head injury is practically reduced to zero. In addition, when using high-quality boxing equipment, boxing gloves and good boxing helmet you are guaranteed not to get any significant injury.

3. Low intelligence of boxers.

No and no again, boxers in general are people of very high intelligence. There are a number of people who are engaged in boxing at a very professional level, and among them there are a lot of people of intellectual labor. Programmers, writers, journalists, politicians, you can meet very different people in the hall. Very often there are cases when businessmen managed to accidentally meet a person at a training session who later turned out to be an important business partner for him, because everyone is equal in boxing. I admit, initially it was very unusual to see boxers coming to the locker room of the hall in strict business suits, or reading a book of Russian or foreign classics in anticipation of the start of training.

4. Boxing will teach you how to fight well and quickly.

No, this is fundamentally wrong. Boxing will teach you to fight exactly according to certain rules. Undoubtedly, you will become much stronger and more resilient. Your blows will be clearer, faster and much, many times stronger than on the day when you first crossed the threshold of the hall and were completely new. But at the same time, boxing is primarily a sport. Boxing will help you stand up for yourself, but the street has its own rules. There they beat a lying person, beat him on the back of the head and in the groin, beat him in the eyes and, of course, beat him in a crowd, and here the skills of boxing technique are unlikely to help you.

5. Boxing is less effective than martial arts where there are kicks.

We can only partly agree with these. Boxing is a martial art in which a beginner can achieve pretty good results in a minimum amount of time. For example, in Thai boxing a lot of time is devoted to the technique of elbows and knees, this is the most important weapon of a Thai boxer. It takes much, several orders of magnitude more time to study the technique than when studying boxing techniques. In boxing, they teach you to do one thing, namely work only with your hands, but they teach you to do it very well. That is, in a real combat match in which beginners from boxing or, for example, kickboxing face each other, the beginner from boxing will have an advantage.

6. Boxing has a high degree of injury.

No. This is completely wrong. Strange as it may seem, but in terms of injury risk, boxing occupies almost the last place among others. sports disciplines. Having the right protective equipment and keeping the right training process almost completely protect you from serious injury.

7. Injuries in boxing are unavoidable.

Yes. It's right. Although this statement to some extent contradicts the previous paragraph, it is worth saying here that severe injuries a rarity in amateur boxing. But of course there will be minor injuries. The main task of the training is to teach the beginner to hit correctly, quickly and skillfully. And of course, you need to develop the technique of impact. This approach to training can guarantee the desired training effect, but injuries will naturally occur. They can break your nose and lips, put a bruise under your eye, this is inevitable. But at the same time, you will learn not to be afraid of a fight from blows, not to be afraid of injuries. Injuries are inevitable in boxing, but severe injuries are rare.

8. A beginner will always lose to a person who has even little training experience.

No, it's not a correct statement at all. Each of the people has initially certain inclinations. Some people are initially physiologically stronger and more resilient than their peers. In addition, in boxing, as in any other sport, the psychological stability of a fighter plays an important role. But if we take a boxer who already has sufficient training experience, and the same person who is close to him in terms of physical condition but a beginner, of course, the boxer has a much greater chance of winning a mock or real fight.

9. The boxing club is very easy to choose.

No. Despite the abundance of boxing clubs, opt for one. There are several basic rules for choosing a boxing club for a beginner.

1. Overly commercial

. Beware of places where various additional services or personal training services are imposed on you. You definitely won’t get more knowledge and skills from another club jersey or an expensive drink.

2. The club does not participate in official tournaments held by the boxing federation.

The non-participation of athletes in competitions only indicates the full commercial component of the club and the lack of the necessary qualifications of boxers and coaches to compete in official tournaments.

3. The coaching staff practically does not train beginners.

Skilled coaching staff MUST pay Special attention for beginners, this is the main guarantee of success in training.

Modern active people are really incredibly lucky, as there are so many sports now. Which one to choose, everyone decides on their own and always prefers what helps in achieving certain goals. One of these sports is boxing. He has always been popular.

Interestingly, there are those who associate such popularity of this sport with the animal origin of the stronger sex and the fact that over the years the basic instincts have remained the same. However, today not only men are fond of boxing, but also the fair sex. But be that as it may, one thing is obvious - boxing will always be popular and in demand.

How important is boxing in life?

Constant boxing has a significant effect on a person, making him many times stronger. physical plane as well as morally. It is important to note that without exception, all boxers are self-confident people who are absolutely not afraid of anything in their lives and at the same time always believe in their own strength.

It is worth noting that boxing has a beneficial effect not only on the respiratory, but also on the cardiovascular system. In addition, such training allows you to develop endurance, become faster and master the difficult technique of striking, which allows you to stand up for yourself or your family in unpleasant life situations.

How boxing is useful for the development of the human body?

Almost all athletes involved in this sport look muscular and fit. At the same time, they must broad back, strong trained hands. In general, the appearance of such athletes is very impressive.

During sparring with an opponent, a boxer uses all muscle groups, and he himself never stands in one place. So at this time the body functions, the legs are involved, and most importantly, the head works.

A professional athlete thinks tactfully and always thinks through what the opponent will do in advance. In this case, it will be possible to defend against attacks with confidence and at the same time quickly finish the round with a knockout.

So, the advantages of such activities:

  1. The body is in good shape and has a strong immune system.
  2. Constant training helps to effectively fight extra pounds.
  3. Boxing improves lung and heart function.
  4. This sport helps to develop a good reaction to the blow and at the same time learn to feel the distance.
  5. Strengthens self-confidence and self-confidence.

When is the best time to start exercising?

Experienced boxers assure that there is no ideal age for boxing. Special schools can accept anyone from early age. Thanks to such training, already in early childhood the boy can be raised a strong character, willpower and, of course, self-confidence.

Initially, it will be very convenient to work individually with a trainer. So it will be possible to learn how to strike, move away from direct attacks and confidently confront any opponent. At the same time, his physique and experience will not be so important.

In fact, boxing is a physical activity, constant training that can positively affect human body, strengthen muscles, develop strength, endurance, the ability to take a punch. Thanks to this species sports, coordination of movements develops, the work of the heart and breathing normalizes.

When can boxing harm a person?

Before enrolling in the section, you should undergo a comprehensive medical examination. So there are a number of contraindications to training, and even more so when there are problems with:

  • vestibular apparatus;
  • musculoskeletal system;
  • heart disease;
  • kidney disease;
  • congenital or acquired pathologies.

To avoid injury, this sport is best practiced with experienced coach and be sure to follow the sports mode. In this case, training will be able to give the desired result and progress will be what is called obvious.

Summing up, we can say that boxing really has a lot of advantages. Without exaggeration, it can be argued that he may well become ideal for every boy whose parents dream of raising their son to be a real man. In addition, such a sport can become a favorite even for girls and eventually develop into something more than just a hobby.

However, do not forget about possible harm physical activity for the body. After weighing all the pros and cons, you can make the only right decision - to engage in this sport or is it better to give it up.

Where am I - and where is the sport? Our first meeting was forty years late, assuming that a child should start playing sports around the time he learned to hold his head, sit and crawl.

My childhood was hurtful. I was a frail, round-shouldered child. At school, they beat me, and the doctors called me a victim of Buchenwald and boiled pasta. From doctors I got even more often than from school colleagues - I was a regular client in the district clinic and twice a year I ended up in the hospital, sometimes with some kind of illness, then for examination. My medical card was similar in thickness to War and Peace, and it also had a heart, a rhombus and a triangle glued on it, which meant problems with the heart, kidneys and something else. I could not bear the humiliation of school physical education - and I was sick all the time in order to get a two-week release. At the university, I simply scored on physical education - and I would have flown out with a bang for absenteeism if I had not gotten a certificate from a venereologist friend that I had been ill in his specialty all year. In the university value system, this was no longer a humiliation, but almost a triumph. After childhood, there was a reassessment of values ​​in general. Thinness, for example, ceased to be infirmity and turned out to be slenderness. All diseases also disappeared somewhere - either along with forced physical education, or along with smoking - I lit a cigarette in the seventh grade, quit at the university and did not regret it for a second.

At forty, I started boxing. I don't know why I did it - I really wanted to. Colleague, and I immediately agreed. A psychologist will probably find some explanation for this with the words “childhood” and “trauma”. And I just love boxing. I didn't have a good idea of ​​what was in store for me. Of course, I was scared. Most of all, I was afraid, as usual, how pathetic and squishy I would look against the background of all these trained people.

At the first lesson at the boxing club "October" - and I did not really understand what was waiting for me at the first lesson - I could hardly cope with the rope. He jumped almost to the ceiling and painfully sucked in his stomach. After training, my legs gave way, my hands could hardly hold a glass of water. Nobody gave a sign that something was wrong. The only thing that gave me hope was that I wasn't the only one who died. It turned out that it was not scary at all. The coach said to come three times a week. I started exercising every day - somehow it worked out by itself. The club is right in front of our office, it would be strange not to go.

The usual work is done like this. Warm-up first. Everyone - usually from one to five people - runs in a circle (straight, backwards, side steps and with various hand movements), then the same jump rope, then boxing itself - coordination exercises, shadow boxing, punching with a pear and occasionally funny fight with a partner. In breaks - fell-wrung out, at the end - exercises for the press. Just an hour. Then, if alive, simulators. A week later, I stopped falling apart: I trained - and went about my business. After two, I began to have strength left on the simulators. After three, there was a feeling of personal sports victories. I am still far from boxing, but also from normal physical form- but it already happens that by the end of the workout, people who are healthier than me lie in a layer, and I still move. I've lost six kilos in a month and now fit into the pants I wore when I was "slender". There was a (so far, of course, deceptive) feeling of strength.

At one of the training sessions, I got injured - for some reason the coach put me in sparring with the same inexperienced, but much stronger partner, and he, with all his dope, smacked me into an unprotected chest. On the third day, the pain became so bad that I ran to the emergency room with a fright. It turned out that the injury was so-so, it will hurt and pass - but the barbell and dumbbells are canceled for now. And I already miss them. Very little time has passed, and I feel like a real fitness-junky - it seems to me that I cannot live without sports and a day.

Something tells me that many years ago I was deceived, and "unsportsmanlike children" is some kind of nonsense. There are children's fears, nerds-physicians and lazy parents who cannot find a section suitable for their child's temperament. But now I somehow don't care who is to blame - only excruciatingly painful for the aimlessly lived years. I buy an annual subscription. Never in my life have I felt so good.