Mono-diet: pros and cons. Dangerous Consequences of Restrictive Eating

Mono-diet: pros and cons. Kefir mono-diet, buckwheat mono-diet, apple mono-diet, watermelon mono-diet. Someone considers the mono-diet the most in a simple way lose weight. Choose one favorite product and enjoy it. Such a diet is delicious and very loved by women, because you can lose weight with chocolate, pineapples, watermelons, bananas, apples.

For those who want to lose weight satisfyingly, they came up with potato, buckwheat, rice, oatmeal diet. Fans of dairy products will like kefir, dairy, cottage cheese ... In general, the choice is wide.
Despite the attractiveness of mono-diets, many are concerned about the question of whether this approach to weight loss is useful or harmful. In order not to fall into the trap, you should understand this.
The main advantage of such weight loss is that the weight goes away quickly and easily. There is no need to count calories, suffer from the menu and constantly cook. However, if you do not adhere to the correct nutrition system after, then overweight start attacking you again. You can sit on a mono-diet for no more than 10 days, because a further decrease in the intake of vitamins and minerals in the body should not be allowed.

Let's look at the pros and cons of some popular mono-diets.

Apple mono diet.
The result of the diet is impressive. In a few days you will lose 5-6 kg of excess weight. Apples can be eaten whole, grated and baked. It is allowed to eat 3-5 slices of black bread with the prescribed 1-2 kg of apples per day and drink green tea, however, without sugar. With increased acidity of the stomach, it is better to use sweet varieties of apples, with reduced acidity. Apples contain many essential vitamins and minerals.
However, sitting on such a diet, you deprive yourself of proteins. Their absence can cause a malfunction in the endocrine and nervous system. The stubborn worship of the apple mono-diet also gives rise to problems with the menstrual cycle in women.

Rice mono diet.
Rice is nutritious and useful product. It does not cause an increase in gastric secretion and removes salts, toxins and other harmful substances from the body. With a strict diet, when you can eat only one glass of boiled rice a day, you can add various vegetables and fruits to it, or no more than 200 g of lean fish or meat. You can drink unsweetened juices, tea and mineral water. It is better to use brown rice, since it is in it that B vitamins are present.
If there is a lot of rice, the gallbladder may be disturbed, as the outflow of bile is disturbed. With a lack of protein, hemoglobin drops. It is also necessary to take potassium supplements to reduce its deficiency.

Oatmeal diet.
You can easily lose 3-5 kg ​​in a week, while not desperately starving. You need to eat porridge without salt, but there are no restrictions on the amount. It is also acceptable to add a little dried fruit or honey. It is better to drink unsweetened juices and fruit drinks, green tea and mineral water. Enveloping the walls of the stomach, oatmeal treats various gastrointestinal diseases.
This diet is tough and exhausting. Due to the imbalance, it is better not to sit on it for more than a week and not to repeat it earlier than in six months.

Buckwheat mono diet.
The main advantage of the buckwheat diet is the lack of restrictions in quantity. At the same time, you will lose weight in a week by 3-7 kg. Buckwheat cleanses the body, removes toxins, increases hemoglobin. To diversify the menu, you can add a liter of kefir per day and some sour fruits, such as apples, to it. Buckwheat should be eaten without salt.
A few hours before bedtime, you need to stop eating. Buckwheat diet, like any other mono-diet, leads to the fact that the body is deprived of various substances it needs. Therefore, it is not recommended to lose weight in this way for more than a week.

Cabbage mono diet.
The result of such a ten-day diet can reach 10 kilograms dropped. Cabbage should be eaten fresh without salt. There are no restrictions on the number. It is better to drink mineral water or green tea up to 2 liters per day. You will not feel much hunger, because your stomach may always be full.
The main disadvantage is low calorie and low carbohydrate content. In addition, you will no longer want to eat cabbage for a very long time.

Banana mono diet.
Bananas saturate the body with potassium, which is useful for the work of the heart, which also cleanses of toxins and toxins. Bana new diet recommended for those who have problems with the intestines and metabolism. For a week of diet, you can lose 3-4 kg of excess weight.
Even if you really like bananas, you won’t want to look at them for a long time. In addition, the lost weight can easily come back to you if after a diet you pounce on sweets. Banana mono-diet is contraindicated in people suffering from obesity, stomach ulcers, kidney and liver diseases.

Watermelon mono diet.
Such a diet helps to remove excess fluid from the body. She leaves with her excess weight. For five days of the diet, you can lose up to 7 kg of weight. Microelements, vitamins and antioxidants contained in watermelon prevent the development of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis, thin the blood, strengthen the immune system. Fiber contributes to the solution of the problem of lazy intestines, and magnesium has a positive effect on muscle tone.
Due to the constant feeling of hunger, performance can suffer. Again, non-compliance with the diet after losing weight will lead to the fact that the kilograms will return. The diet increases the load on the heart and kidneys, so it is contraindicated for people suffering from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular and urinary systems.

Chocolate mono diet.
In fact, it would seem that you can’t imagine a tastier and easier diet. Yes, "sitting" on chocolate, you can lose a few extra pounds. The use of this delicacy is indicated for anemia and with a decrease in the body's defenses. Antioxidants contained in cocoa beans slow down the aging process.
Daily diet should not exceed 100 g of chocolate or chocolate bars. You can drink only unsweetened coffee, adding only a little low-fat milk to it. healthy skills and proper nutrition such a diet cannot instill. Contrary to the belief that chocolate improves mood, the diet causes depressive states due to a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Kefir mono-diet.
Kefir is a product that is easily absorbed by the body and contains many useful substances. There are varieties of diets where you can drink kefir in its pure form or in combination with other products. Mono-diet involves the use of 1-1.5 liters of fat-free kefir without sugar per day. It helps cleanse the liver and intestines from toxins and improve skin condition. Kefir is useful for hypertension, urolithiasis, diabetes and liver diseases.
There are no carbohydrates in kefir, so intestinal motility can be disturbed, causing constipation or diarrhea. Kefir diet contraindicated in people suffering from gout and rickets.
Whatever mono-diet you choose, you need to be careful. After all, after switching to a good diet, you get additional problems with digestion. Be sure to consult with an endocrinologist and do not abuse the mono-diet. Not all foods can be eaten in their pure form for a long time.

… Familiar names, isn't it? Losing weight without a hint will understand that all these are various mono-diets. It’s easy to follow them: choose a product that is dear to your heart and eat it to satiety for a couple of days. Moreover, there are a lot of options - from cabbage and kefir to exotic pineapple ...

At first glance, mono-diets are devoid of drawbacks. But if you look closely, then their pluses are just a clever disguise for minuses.

Plus one: mono-diets are simple.

There are so many miracle methods of losing weight that your head is spinning from them. Each new diet promises excellent results, body cleansing and harmony for life. And we have a thought: why read labels, think over nutrition, if you can go the easy way - go on a mono-diet?

Losing weight forums are full of rave reviews from admirers of mono-diets, which finally convinces us of the correctness of the choice. And we decide to lose weight according to the formula "one product - three days - eat as much as you want."

In fact without certain knowledge and effort to make a competent diet will not work. But if you sit down and figure it out once, you can easily pick up a useful menu for yourself.

His principles are simple: more vegetables and less fatty foods. It is better to eat little by little, 5-6 times a day and not get carried away with sugar. This approach guarantees weight loss and stable results.

Plus the second: they allow you to lose weight quickly.

Most mono-diets are designed for three, maximum seven days. It's captivating. And it doesn't matter that nutritionists recommend losing weight slowly - we want to achieve our goal faster. And we are already ready to chew cabbage leaves or choke on kefir - after all, the result of minus 2-5 kilos will not be long in coming!

In fact quick results just as quickly disappear. Express weight loss does not give a stable effect: the weight usually returns. And experiments with rigid and unbalanced diets are bad for health and metabolism. As a result, each new attempt to get rid of extra pounds will be less and less effective, and the increase that follows it will be more significant.

Plus the third: their creators make tempting promises.

What question interests losing weight more than anyone else? Naturally, how many kilograms this or that diet will help to lose! And by "kilograms" we mean nothing more than subcutaneous fat. Of course, a tempting result of minus 5-7 kilos per week seems unlikely, but we will definitely lose at least three of our “reserves”!

In fact getting rid of fat is not easy. On mono-diets, we lose weight due to water, carbohydrate reserves and muscle tissue. And, be sure, the body will take on fat last!

Plus the fourth: all products are useful.

Almost every mono-diet glorifies the miraculous properties of "its" product. It contains vitamins, minerals, and fat-burning substances - in a word, everything you need! Sit on the monomenu for a week - and the intestinal microflora will be restored, and the metabolism will normalize. And from the slag, be sure, and there will be no trace!

Actually In fact, almost all products have at least some value. Even in the railway station chebureks there is a certain amount of vitamins and minerals ...

The problem is that for a full life a person needs not one vitamin or mineral, but a whole set. Therefore, even if you eat carrots from the belly and get a shock dose of β-carotene, the body will not receive several dozen other elements it needs. Which, of course, does not contribute to weight loss at all.

Plus fifth: you can eat as much as you want.

The product dear to the heart can be eaten in unlimited quantities, so we definitely will not stay hungry. And let the diet consist of 6 plates of buckwheat - we definitely won’t get tired of it, beloved!

In fact even the tastiest treats are boring. Imagine eating only candy bars all week. If it seems to you that it is easy, you are deeply mistaken. It’s not worth experimenting with yourself - take my word for it, after two days the lean soup will be tastier than all Snickers in the world!

Another disadvantage is a sharp restriction of the calorie content of the diet to 600-800 kcal, which doctors do not recommend doing. The consequences of such a game "for a fall" are rather sad. The mood falls, the diet becomes a burden and ends in a breakdown.

Bottom line: the mono-diet is not at all a quick and effective way to lose weight, but just another weight loss scam.



Menu: 1-1.5 liters of kefir divided into 6 servings. You can add a sweetener or 1 tsp to the fermented milk product. honey. In addition, it is allowed to drink 1 liter of water, tea or coffee without sugar per day.

Disadvantages: no complex carbohydrates, not enough protein, no fats. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals.

Consequences: stomach pain, beriberi, stool disorders.


Menu: 250 g of buckwheat porridge without oil divided into 6 servings. For the whole day - 1 liter of water, tea or coffee without sugar.

Disadvantages: no fats and proteins. Deficiency of vitamins and essential amino acids.

Consequences: beriberi, decreased mood, constipation.


Menu: 1.5-2 kg of apples divided into 6 servings. "Wash down" 1 liter of water, unsweetened tea or coffee.

Disadvantages: no proteins and fats. Deficiency of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Consequences: stool disorder, beriberi. Not recommended for people with sensitive stomachs.


Menu: Divide 100-150 g of chocolate into 6 servings. There is a bite with tea or coffee without sugar (up to 1 liter per day).

Cons: No fiber or protein. Deficiency of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Consequences: increased blood glucose levels, vitamin deficiency.


Menu: 1-1.5 liters of milk divided into 6 servings. You can add a sweetener or 1 tsp. honey. 1 liter of liquid - for the whole day.

Disadvantages: deficiency of carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Consequences: gas formation, stool disorder, allergies. Not recommended for people with sensitive stomachs.


Menu: Divide 250 g of cooked rice into 6 servings. Eat during the day with water, tea or coffee without sugar (up to 1 liter per day).

Disadvantages: no proteins and fats. Deficiency of vitamins, minerals and essential amino acids.

Consequences: constipation, beriberi, decreased mood.


Menu: 1-1.5 kg of pineapple pulp divided into 6 servings. "Wash down" 1 liter of water, tea or coffee without sugar.

Disadvantages: no proteins and fats. Deficiency of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

Consequences: allergies, stool disorder, abdominal pain. Not recommended for people with sensitive stomachs.

A real weight loss epidemic has swept almost the entire world today. All girls dream of becoming slim and are ready for considerable sacrifices for this. One of the easiest and most effective ways to lose weight is a mono-diet. A mono-diet is a narrowing of the diet to one or two foods. Such diets help to quickly deal with overweight, so their effectiveness is beyond doubt, but as far as safety is concerned, there are a lot of questions here. Will it be possible to lose weight with the help of such a diet for a long time or will it return soon anyway? Is this weight loss useful and safe for the body? Won't the side effects of losing weight be too complicated and unpleasant?

In many ways, this depends on the choice of a product for a mono-diet, on its duration and on how diligently all conditions are met. Therefore, we will try to understand mono-diets, their essence, and the consequences, both positive and not so.

The essence and features of mono-diets

Most women will always be happy to get rid of a couple of extra pounds. But for this, you usually have to work hard, sweat in the gym and limit yourself to eating a variety of goodies. There are a million excuses here, some don't have enough time, some don't have enough money, some can't stop chewing all the time. Mono-diet in this regard seems to be a real salvation, you can simply choose one of the recommended products, eat it in almost unlimited quantities and not overload yourself much. exercise. In this case, the weight will decrease.

Separately, it is worth remembering that the list of recommended products is very wide, it includes both boring and low-calorie apples, as well as meat, chocolate and many other products. You can choose the product that you like, eat plenty of it and at the same time lose weight. The mechanism of action of such a diet is very simple: if you eat the same product all the time, the body will not only receive fewer nutrients, it is quite possible that it will simply stop absorbing the resulting product.

Of course, mono-diet advertising does not talk about this, but, in fact, there is a metabolic disorder. You eat, but you cannot digest food, since the human digestive tract is designed to absorb a variety of foods. We secrete a huge variety of enzymes in different parts of the stomach and intestines. If we eat the same product every day, most of these enzymes remain unclaimed, but a small part of the required enzymes is simply not enough to digest the incoming volume of food. If you do not start eating right, then there may be depletion of the glands that secrete enzymes, and this species food will not be digested at all.

Negative effects of some popular diets

A mono-diet is a fairly simple way to lose weight, but often the negative effects of diets come as an unpleasant surprise. Of course, if you follow a diet for a short time and correctly, then side effects can be minimized, but before you start, you need to familiarize yourself with all its negative consequences.

Kefir diet does not provide the necessary carbohydrates, which can lead to lethargy and apathy, but it gives an excess of protein, overloading the kidneys. But the worst thing is an overabundance of lactic acid bacteria, which can lead to dysbacteriosis, which will cause not only stool disorders, but also skin problems.

apple diet gives an excess of carbohydrates, while not giving protein. This hits the nervous system and muscles hard. On such a diet, you can lose not only excess weight, but also muscles, as well as a normal mood. In addition, concentration may be difficult and mental abilities may decrease.

result oatmeal mono-diet usually becomes . There is very little iron in oatmeal, both in whole and in flakes, therefore, in order to avoid the development of anemia, it is necessary to choose additionally fortified cereals or take iron supplements.

At rice diet very often there is an accumulation of bile in the gallbladder. This can lead to the appearance of stones in it. In addition, the rice diet does not provide enough protein to the body, which can lead to a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, as well as a decrease in muscle mass.

Absorbing huge amounts of cottage cheese within cottage cheese mono-diet, a person dooms himself to a real protein torture. The stomach cannot handle this amount of protein, so it ends up in the intestines, where there is no way to digest it. This leads to disorders in the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in the work of the kidneys.

Besides, almost no mono-diet provides enough fat. This leads to the fact that fat-soluble vitamins cannot be absorbed and hypovitaminosis occurs.

The right approaches to mono-diet

Any sudden change in diet is stressful for the body. To get the maximum benefit from the diet and minimize the harmful effects on the body, it is necessary to approach the diet correctly.

The most important rule of mono-diets is moderation. If your diet lasted a day, then this is not a diet, but a fasting day. If you stay on a diet for more than a week, then changes in the body can reach a level where only qualified medical intervention can return it to normal. Optimal diet can last from 4 days to a week.

Moderation also applies to the amount of food consumed.
. Often, mono-diets do not indicate the exact volume of servings, so it gives the impression that you can eat as much as you like. This is not entirely correct, if on the first and second day you frankly overeat with the same product, then then you simply won’t have the strength to even look at it, let alone eat it. Therefore, products must be limited in quantity. Kefir can be drunk no more than 1.5-2 liters per day, fruits - 1-1.5 kg, cereals 3-4 servings.

For a mono-diet, you need to choose the most useful products. There is no diet based on cakes, smoked sausage, no matter how much we would like to. It is best to choose vegetables, dairy products, lean meats or fruits.

Proper preparation for a mono-diet

In order for a mono-diet to bring maximum benefit and minimum harm, it is necessary to properly prepare for it. To do this, two to three days before the start of the diet, you need to start reducing the amount of food consumed. In no case should you eat up before the start of the diet, it is better to go to bed without dinner.

It is also necessary to leave the mono-diet slowly and carefully. You need to expand the menu gradually, trying to cook only light and low-calorie dishes. If you want the exit from the diet not to become stressful and not bring back kilograms, then on the first day after the diet, it is better to eat only oatmeal on the water. Then you can add boiled vegetables, boiled lean meat, low-calorie dairy products.

If properly prepared for the diet, diet and exit from it, it should take about 2-3 weeks. During this time, you will not only lose extra pounds, but also fix the result. In addition, a habit will appear, which will allow you not to gain too much in the future.

Video: "Mono-diet on fasting days"

As we have said, the mono-diet is an effective solution, but risky. Often the side effects of mono diets far outweigh their positive results. Therefore appeared the new kind mono-diet - they are designed for a week and offer to use one product for one day, another the next day, etc. As, for example, in fasting days. This does not deplete the body and has much less negative side effects.

Anyone who wants to improve their figure before the holidays can use the summer express diet:

  • day one - a kilogram of pears or apples of the same variety;
  • day two - 500-600 grams of boiled chicken without skin and fat;
  • day three - a kilogram of boiled grated beets without mayonnaise or any other spices, you can have a little sunflower mala;
  • day four - a kilogram of stewed zucchini and / or eggplant;
  • fifth day - a liter of fat-free kefir or 0.5 liters of low-fat drinking yogurt and 0.5 kilograms of low-fat cottage cheese;
  • day six - 1 liter of any juice;
  • the seventh day - any porridge without sugar, salt, milk and any other additives.

Such a diet helps to lose up to 5 kilograms of weight in a week. However, it has far fewer side effects than a strict mono-diet.

All diets are divided into two types, and one of them is mono-diets. What is the essence of a mono-diet - you need to eat only one specific product and nothing else. Or you can use this product in combination with other low-calorie foods.

All foods containing a large amount of fat and calories should be excluded from the diet.

Mono-diets are designed to quickly lose weight. But, there is one very significant drawback - the weight can quickly return. This is due to the wrong way out of the diet. A person who, one might say, has been starving for several days, pounces on food, which leads to rapid weight gain.

A mono-diet can last no more than ten days. The result of weight loss can be dizzying, but continuing to diet can be detrimental to health. So it is better to wait a while and repeat the diet.

A variety of products can become the basis for a mono-diet. For example: vegetables, fruits, dairy products. Some foods can be used almost without restrictions, while others have quite severe restrictions. For example, the same cucumbers. They contain a lot of water, and you can eat more of them.

But with chocolate, such a trick will not work.

And what is the point?

It's all about calorie restriction. A person sharply reduces the calories consumed, and the body begins to expend its own reserves. That is fat reserves. There is a detoxification of the body and the removal of accumulated toxins. The body improves performance.

At first, you can notice not the loss of weight, but rather its set. But it's not scary. The body understands that it is deprived of food and instead of wasting reserves, and begins to accumulate them even more intensively. This is a temporary phenomenon. Then the body will stop clinging to its reserves and begin to spend them.

A certain amount of kilograms may go away due to fluid loss. Some effect of the bath. From the loss of fluid, a person can lose a few kilograms, but they will quickly return when the water balance is replenished.

All mono-diets have their pros and cons. And they are worth knowing.


First plus- you can lose extra pounds in a very short time. Up to about one kilogram per day can go away.

Mono-diets cleanse the body very well, remove toxins and salts.

Mono-diets are very easy to use. There is no need to buy a huge amount of products and spend a lot of money.

There are practically no restrictions on the foods that are used in the diet. For example, buckwheat, in a buckwheat diet, you can eat as much as you like.


Still, eating the same product every day and nothing more tiring. Not every person can bear it.

As mentioned earlier, if you leave the diet incorrectly, the lost kilograms will return, and pretty quickly.

All products contain a certain set of vitamins and minerals. But, despite this, the rest of the elements that the body needs are absent. Human nutrition must be balanced. It must contain all the nutrients.

When using only one product, only some substances enter the body. This can lead to an overabundance of substances and adversely affect health.

Each person has the right to choose which diet is better to follow. This is a purely personal question. But, nevertheless, it is worth consulting with a specialist and choosing an individual course for yourself.

Mono-diets, so popular in our time, are as diverse as the products in the store - you can “sit” on anything. While the basis of a mono-diet is a very limited number of ingredients - one, maximum two. The very essence of the method of losing weight on a mono-diet boils down to this - to exclude all foods from the diet, except for one, in order to lose weight as quickly as possible. How useful, safe and effective it is - let's figure it out ...

Sitting on one carrot for a week is also a fairly popular way for young ladies to practice a mono-diet. An additional bonus of which is that in a week not only will the waist decrease, but the skin will also acquire a darker golden color, as if you had recently rested in the southern latitudes.

Mono-diets: what is the essence of the technique

Which of the women does not want to lose a couple of extra pounds a week before the holidays? Mono-diets in this sense are God's gift to the beautiful half of humanity.

At least, this is how lovers of “sit” on mono-diets present their food asceticism: either on apples, or on kefir, or on buckwheat.

From the point of view of effectiveness, mono-diets are quite justified - if a person does not suffer from any chronic diseases, then with such a stressful diet, weight really quickly disappears.

But from the point of view of health, the situation, according to doctors, is the opposite: mono-diets do more harm than good. The figure may and will take on the outlines of Grace Kelly, but at the same time, perhaps your treating endocrinologist will admire her more often than others ...

Since on a mono-diet, on the one hand, you sharply deprive the body of a lot of not only useful, but necessary substances, and on the other hand, you oversaturate with one and only, which simply ceases to be absorbed by the body in speed. Thus, with mono-diets, the digestion of one product takes more energy than this product is able to give (on which, in fact, the effect of losing weight is built).

Mono-diet: fly in the ointment in a barrel of honey

Let's start with the fact that mono-diets, if you practice them deliberately and in compliance with some rules, really effective method thoroughly unload the body from excess accumulations. But before you get hooked on one single product, pay attention to what kind of problems you risk getting. Here are examples of the most common mono-diets and their main disadvantages.

  • Kefir mono-diet. The biggest disadvantage is the lack of necessary carbohydrates and an excess of lactic acid bacteria. At best, within a few days it will turn you into a frequenter of a well-known institution, at worst, an overabundance of lactic acid bacteria and their metabolic products can provoke severe dysbacteriosis (this is exactly the case when an excess of beneficial bacteria is as harmful as their deficiency), and can also cause skin problems.
  • Apple mono diet. In this case, an excess of carbohydrates, along with a lack of proteins, will hit higher nervous activity. The fan runs the risk of losing not only extra kilos, but along with them good friends who cannot stand his bouts of irritability. As well as their work, if it is directly related to mental activity.
  • Oatmeal mono diet. Those who reduce their entire diet or muesli can experience severe iron deficiency. The result of such a mono-diet - fast development anemia. True, this problem can be solved by choosing the type of cereal or cereal that is additionally enriched with vitamins and minerals.
  • Rice mono diet. Too much rice can cause bile to build up, which in turn can lead to gallstones. In addition, the lack of animal proteins leads to a noticeable decrease in hemoglobin in the blood.
  • Creative mono-diet. in large quantities, we expose our stomach and kidneys to a real protein bombardment. Excess protein, which the stomach does not have time to digest, enters the kidneys and intestines, where there are much fewer enzymes for its breakdown. In the intestines, a protein that is not properly digested (like almost any other food in the absence of enzymes) begins to rot and ferment, thereby causing all sorts of problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

the importance of Being Earnest

Any sudden change in diet, including a mono-diet, causes serious stress in the body. If it is short and thoughtful, it is beneficial, but if it is long and chosen at random, then at best it will simply be of little use: a week before the vacation you will lose 3 kg, and during the rest you will gain twice as much.

In order for the forecast to be justified only by half (and only for the first one!), Deciding on a mono-diet, you must follow a number of simple rules:

  • 1 The most important rule compliance with the measure. A mono-diet that lasts less than two days is a waste of time. It would be more correct to call such a "feat" on your part simply. It has its positive sides, but the extra pounds will not disappear from this. The optimal period is 4 days, the maximum is a week. If you indulge in food asceticism for more than 7 days, serious and risky endocrine changes may begin to occur in the body, which is very dangerous. You can choose another option - to combine mono-diets with each other. According to this principle, for example, as well as are built.
  • 2 Don't overeat! People who experience a mono diet for the first time always think the same way. They believe that if the diet has been reduced to one single product, for example, kefir, then you can drink kefir as much as you want. And a common picture emerges: on the first day, 4 liters of kefir are drunk, on the second - already 2, and on the third it does not even go down the throat. Of course, this is wrong and harmful. The product must be limited in quantity! If kefir, then no more than 1.5 liters per day, if bananas or other fruits - then about 1 kg. If we are talking about cereals - then the standard daily 3-4 servings.
  • 3 Choose only one for a mono-diet the product you love. Of course, we are not talking about cognac or Bavarian smoked sausages - there is a reasonable limit to everything, but what you will eat for several days should be more or less to your taste. Otherwise, there will be no effect.
  • 4 In addition, the product must "fit within the framework" proper nutrition. Vegetables, eggs, white chicken meat, dairy products, fruits, freshly squeezed juices are perfect for a mono-diet, while any canned food, sweets, coffee, barbecue, beer and the like are clearly not suitable.
  • 5 Daily product volume should be divided so as to eat equal parts approximately every 3-4 hours during the waking period. Between meals with mono-diets, you can drink as much water as you like. Better - mineral and room temperature.

Mono-diets: alternate, but do not mix

Recently, mono-diets are most popular, designed not for the entire period of 4-7 days, but for each day separately. In other words, you can consume one specific product every day, but they differ from each other.

The most important condition for such a mono-diet is to alternate them correctly. For example: one day - carbohydrates (porridge, potatoes, or apples), the next day - fiber (leafy vegetables), then - protein (best of all, white chicken boiled meat). On one of the days, you can introduce a fermented milk product (kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese).

Mono diet menu recipe

An express diet option with several components may be something like this:

  • The first day- 1 kg of apples or pears (this is about 4-5 pieces; it is important that everyone is of the same variety).
  • Second day- half boiled chicken without fat and skin.
  • Day three- 1 kg of boiled pureed beets (naturally, without salt, spices and mayonnaise).
  • Day four- zucchini stewed in a small amount of water or 2-3 medium-sized eggplants (weighing about 1 kg, without salt, spices and oil).
  • Day five- 1 liter of fat-free kefir, or 0.5 liters of drinking yogurt, or 0.5 kg of low-fat cottage cheese.
  • Day six- 1 liter of any vegetable or fruit freshly squeezed juice
  • Day sevenoatmeal(from 300-450 g of flakes), cooked without sugar, milk, salt, spices and butter. If oatmeal is not to your liking, you can cook other cereals in the same way (for example, buckwheat or rice).