The most effective combinations in boxing. Basic punch combinations in boxing


If these combinations are too easy for you, dilute them with low kicks in between.

The links are very short but effective, connect them and attack.

You can also build your combos on the counterattack, which will be more productive, since during the attack the enemy opens up anyway. Take the attacking hand to the side and plant your practiced two and low kick on the way out into the open.

But if you don't understand anything about boxing at all, then I advise you to spend some time learning the basics on which you will already build your technique. There you are auxiliary course for this.

By clicking on the link, you will find a successfully transferred training methodology from the gym to the home. It contains a step-by-step video instruction on the principles of applying traumatic punches and the technique of their development, as well as a large number of varieties of movement, protection, and their application in practice, which will allow you to learn the material as quickly as possible.

But if you are an experienced fighter, then we can immediately move on to more complex combinations and their developments. Knowing the basic punches in boxing, you can move on to more complex ligaments and combine them with legs.

For experienced fighters

Here's a short list of connections you can make.

Lower your opponent's attention to their feet with a left low kick, then insert a quick two into the body and add an uppercut. Trying to protect the body and head, the enemy will already forget about his legs and this is the most opportune moment to plant a powerful blow with his right foot.

Having spent a couple of such ligaments, you can beat off the femoral muscle and cause distracting pain. Having spent three identical bundles, you thereby, as it were, accustom the enemy to it. When you start the same way for the fourth time with a low kick with your front foot and a two, your opponent will already be ready for the fact that now you will again pierce his already beaten leg. And this is the right moment to change the connection, in place of the accustomed powerful blow with right leg in the thigh, finish the connection with a powerful direct blow to solar plexus. Your opponent will be unprepared for this, as he previously had a broken leg, and he keeps all his attention on it and on the fact that it is not hit again. Having pierced the solar plexus with a powerful direct kick of the leg, it's time to finish off the open head with your hands, for example, with two hooks, well, and beautifully end the fight with a knee to the chin.

If you have good flexibility, add higher kicks, but on the street above the ribs, kicking is not worth it. Rib strikes go well at the moment of counterattack, at the moment of punching your opponent is open and least of all thinks about his ribs, you should take a closer look at his attacks, and just seize the moment in order to plant a powerful kick on the opposite side. Having received swipe on the ribs, a reaction is triggered in a person, and he presses his hands to them, a pretty good moment to strike with his elbow in the jaw! And then you can finish off in the solar plexus with your knee.

Link for lefties

I also have a good link for a left-hander.

In general, the left-hander has a great advantage in battle. Firstly, most people have already mastered all the combinations of counterattack and defense for a right-hander, and it will be very unusual for them to confront you if you are left-handed. The second plus is that the liver is located on your left side, and it is more convenient for the left-hander to work with it.

Your signature blow can be either a left or an uppercut, and in the striking technique of the legs, an internal low kick is suitable for you, so the opponent’s standing left leg will always stand in front of you. Therefore, ligaments will be built on them.

Well breaking through inner part hips do not take your legs far away immediately pierce the center of the body with a direct blow, thereby bringing the opponent's hands closer to the solar plexus. While he brings his hands to the center to close the solar plexus, start hitting a furious series of three powerful blows to the liver until the opponent sags or shrinks into a position so that you can comfortably finish him in the head from the side with your right knee.

Work on paws and pear

I think you yourself have seen that by working in series you will be more effective and spectacular in taking out your opponents. All this sounds beautiful, but in reality, without long developments, your ligament will be cut off on the first blow and pierced by a counterattack in return. Therefore, devote more time and attention to working on the paws and pear. Your combo should be like a hurricane, unstoppable, fast, powerful, like a shot from a sniper rifle!

Use paws to develop accuracy and direct hits. Work both on the spot and on the move, in order for your combinations to go through you must be able to do them in any position, in any stance and at high speed. Choose literally five or six bundles and work them out thoroughly. In order to add more power to them, hit them more on the pear . You only need a few perfectly worked out connections in order to win, of course, if they are correctly applied and combined.

Work in series, increase the number of hits, but do not forget about protection, and then you will dominate the fight.

I hope the information was useful and accessible. Write your favorite punch combinations in the comments, and subscribe to my blog to be aware of all my new articles. On this I say goodbye to you, put likes and be sure to click to tell your friends. Good luck to all.

To date, a sport such as boxing is very popular among people. Many teenagers or even adults enroll in sport sections to master this martial art. Many consider boxing to be simple and easy to learn. However, this is not the case. Beginners need to get started basic movements, and then to identify the most effective combinations of punches in boxing, while simultaneously studying the defense technique.

Types of strikes

There are few in boxing. various kinds strikes, the technique of which professional athletes brought to perfection. All strikes can be connected in completely different series. It is not necessary to be able to perform complex combinations of punches in boxing to win in the ring. The main thing for a fighter is to be able to apply the basic elements in the ring qualitatively and in a timely manner. A well-practiced straight or side kick is much more effective than a long series performed with errors. Some star boxers who have a large number of belts use only a couple of punches in a fight. But they are so perfect that the opponent, knowing his partner well, cannot resist them.

In order to make it easier for an athlete to study combinations of punches in boxing, they single out the right and left to the head and the right and left to the body.

Combinations of punches

Any combination of strikes from a long distance begins with a direct, and after that there are already a large number of variations. In boxing, one of the most commonly used combinations is the "deuce". The classic "two" in boxing is called a series of "left, and then right direct blow."

The first movement is done with the front hand. It all depends on the boxer's stance. which is slightly ahead, as a rule, is applied without putting force into it. Boxers usually determine the opponent's behavior with the first blow. It often happens that the first front blow acts as a feint. Carried out after the second, it is applied unexpectedly for the opponent using maximum force.

But besides the classic "two", there are other variations. For example, the first blow can be aimed at the head, and the next, main one, at the body. They do it and vice versa - first straight to the body, then to the head. This version of the "two" is performed at close range.

Combinations of punches in boxing must be done at the right moment. In this case, it is first necessary to carry out a feint or other actions in order for the attack to be unexpected.

The rule of execution of a series of blows

Even the simplest combinations of punches in boxing must be executed technically. The athlete's strikes must be carried out with minimal pauses. That is, the second hit of the deuce follows immediately after the first. It is on the speed of execution of the second that its effectiveness depends. In addition, the opponent can take advantage of the pause and deliver a crushing blow at a vulnerable moment for you. Therefore, the athlete must always remember about protection. You should not forget about it when carrying out a combination of blows in boxing. For beginner fighters, it is important to bring the technique of performing strikes to automatism.

When delivering a reconnaissance strike with the front hand, the shoulder should be relaxed. The elbow of the second hand should protect the liver, and the fist - the chin. When applying the second blow, there should be a slight turn in the shoulders. Thus, the blow is stronger than when holding a single right. During the second blow, the left hand returns and protects the face. When applying a deuce, footwork is important. After performing this classic combination, the athlete can continue the attack or rebound.

"Postman Strike"

There are similar combinations in boxing and other martial arts. Combinations of punches in boxing must be effective first and foremost. For example, often in this type of martial arts you can find the combination "postman strike". It consists of two strokes with the left hand and then with the right. Thanks to the quick left jab, the boxer closes the distance in battle. This combination is very effective. That is why it is so often used in boxing. should be accompanied by footwork. During the jab, the athlete moves to the opponent to effectively carry out the main blow from the right hand. Strikes with the left hand should be carried out as quickly as possible.


There are various combinations of punches in a sport like boxing. Combinations of blows, which should take most of the time to learn, can be carried out by the "troika". "Postman's Strike" is also commonly referred to in this connection. "Three" is called two full-fledged jabs, which are separated by a right hand strike. The first jab is short, carried out to reduce the distance. The last one is final.

However, it often happens that the third direct strike is not practical due to the reduction in distance. In this case, the last direct is replaced by a side kick. There are completely different variations of the "troika".

Punches in Thai boxing

Thai boxing is a relatively young martial art. Everyone who has ever seen these fights will say with full confidence that this type of martial arts is the most traumatic martial art. Fighters in the ring use many different combinations. The fact is that in Thai boxing, the arsenal of strikes is much wider than in classical boxing. In the Thai version, knees, shin, hands and elbow strikes are allowed. The latter is considered the most dangerous.

Combinations in Thai boxing

Combinations of blows in Thai boxing are very diverse. Among the main ligaments that a beginner can perform, the following options can be distinguished. For the successful execution of combinations, it is necessary that the opponent goes on the defensive. When he's parrying, it's not practical to run a streak. Ideally, the opponent after the left jab should go into defense.

During the left direct hit should be close to the opponent. Immediately after the first lunge should be in the head. With a successful hit from the elbow, fights in Thai boxing end ahead of schedule, as it is the toughest blow. If the fighter is still on his feet, there is a close approach and a knee to the liver.

A combination that is very common in Thai boxing: the fighter first kicks the body with his foot, and then kicks him in the head. This combination is very effective. It is also used as a defense against opponent's attacks. In training, athletes practice this technique hundreds of times in order to perform it automatically during the fight.

Technique for performing strikes in Thai boxing for beginners

Thai boxing requires good training from a fighter. To perform kicks, you need good stretch and long working hours. That is why amateurs rarely use their legs in a duel. But it is after a kick in the head that fights in this sport often end ahead of schedule. The fighter must also know well how to defend against such attacks. Otherwise, one missed blow can end the fight and cause serious injury. Thai boxing is a sport in which mistakes during the fight more than once led to dire consequences. To strike from the elbow, you first need to get close to the opponent. Such a blow is usually performed after conducting various ligaments. For its effective implementation, the enemy must go into defense, otherwise it is better not to use it.

Impact force development

A novice athlete must remember that the force of impact depends on the work of many muscles. The blow should involve the legs, abs, body muscles, shoulders, forearm and hands. For development the right muscles athletes in training throw a weighted ball, do jumps from a low squat, push-ups with jumps, throw a barbell in front of them, work out with dumbbells or weights. There are a large number of exercises that will increase the power of your punch. The main thing is not to forget about the correct technique for its implementation.

A variety of combinations of punches can be found in a form such as boxing. The best combinations of punches are the subject of constant training and research by specialists. The most effective may be simple bundles with a timely attack and an accurate hit. To do this, it is necessary to hone each movement well in training.

This is a good list of basic punch combinations for any beginner who is just learning to box.

These boxing combinations need to be perfected to the point where you can throw them forward, backward, sideways and with your eyes closed. They will help you in a variety of situations and can be chained to form even longer and more complex boxing combinations.

Basic Boxing Combinations

1-2 (Jab-Right Cross)

Yes, the basic deuce jab cross is naturally the first combination you learn. It's the first two punches you throw together and you've probably done it long before you started boxing...maybe you threw it at your little brother or your annoying neighbor. A quick jab catches your opponent off guard and a right cross blows his head off. In fact, you can win fights by just ideally mastering a deuce.

1-1-2 (Jab-Jab-Cross)

This is a way to outwit your opponent. 1-1-2 works because your opponent can expect 1-2. If so, then the second jab has a good chance of surprising your opponent by opening the way for your powerful right hand. 1-1-2 also works well if you feel like your opponent is waiting for your right cross to counter. Instead of throwing the usual deuce, you throw endless jabs, probing the ground (or your opponent's defense) until he fumbles, and then you land your right cross on him.

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1-2-3 (Jab-Cross-Left Hook)

This is where boxing starts to get interesting. Shifting your weight when you throw a right hand naturally sets up the left hook. The left hook comes after your right cross and can hurt your opponent quite a lot. You can aim them high at the chin or at the body. Either way, the left hook is just as dangerous whether you land with the right cross or not.

1-2-3-2 (Jab-Cross-Hook-Cross)

It's nothing but you punching LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT. The jab opens your opponent's defense. You throw 3 powerful punches behind him: right hand, left hook, finish with a right hand. When all 3 hits land perfectly on the target, you can pat yourself on the back.

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1-2-5-2 (Jab-Cross-Left Uppercut-Cross)

This combo is the same as the last one, except instead of a left hook, you throw a left uppercut. The left uppercut will surprise your opponent as he comes out from below. If your opponent likes to hide behind a high guard by dropping his head or if he likes to hover over you, a left uppercut will throw his head up and you can take it down with your final right hand.

1-6-3-2 (Jab-Right Uppercut-Left Hook-Right Punch)

Starting every time with a deuce, you can get a little predictable. Your opponent will probably adapt and try to dodge your right hand. Or he might just be waiting for your direct right hand and just raise his guard. Either way, throwing a right uppercut will deal him a lot of damage and lift his head, and you can follow up with a left hook – and finish with a right hand. You can aim the right uppercut to the body or to the head, it's up to you. Make sure you don't get predictable when you do this because your head is vulnerable to jabs and DEADLY counter left hooks when you throw a right uppercut.

2-3-2 (Right Cross-Left Hook-Right Cross)

Sometimes you don't have the space to prepare a combination. If your opponent is overly aggressive and takes over your space, then you don't have time to start with the jab. Hit him with a right hand, followed by a left hook and another hard right hand. If it's already wide open, why waste time on the jab? Just start right away with hard punches. The combination 2-3-2 is very good for short distance. Put your feet up and hurt him.

Want More Punch Combinations?

You don't need to learn more combinations. You can simply change how you throw certain punches to create an infinite number of options to punch your opponent.

Punch Left Lighter

Many beginners try to put power into every punch. Don't do it, keep your strength and body weight for a hard right hand. When you throw the jab, throw it lightly and accurately. You can also throw lighter left hooks so you don't get thrown off balance if you miss.

Throw Fake Hits

This is a great topic. Instead of throwing a deuce, throw a fake jab to get your opponent to raise his hand and then throw a right cross since his defense is now in a different place. Do the same with other combinations, making the first hit false or maybe the second hit. You can throw a jab, then fake a right hand move (forcing your opponent to put the defense up front), and throw a hard left hook that goes around his defense.

Double Strike Left

Same theory as 1-1-2, but here you can double left hooks or left uppercuts. You don't always have to hit LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT. It's too predictable and easily blocked. Punch LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-LEFT-RIGHT. This will change his defense when he blocks with the wrong side and you hit him with the other hand.

Throw Faster Punches

Once again, don't charge power into every punch. Punch them more easily so you can throw them out faster, increasing your chances of hitting. You can save the power for later when your opponent is overwhelmed, tired and throws up his hands out of laziness. You can also mix fast punches with hard punches. Quick strikes throw the opponent off the beat, while hard punches deliver real power.

Work the Body

You don't have to constantly aim for the head. It's too predictable and may not work against fast boxers that move well. The body is the bigger target and will force your opponent to block up and down. Work up and down and force your opponent to double down on defense and increase your chances of hitting something. Another thing you should be aware of is that a well landed body shot can send your opponent into a painful knockout.

It's not about what punches you throw
the point is how you throw those punches.

Professionals use the same combinations over and over again. They don't go into the ring trying to throw more punches or harder punches. They simply change the aim, angle and timing of their combinations to beat their opponents.

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Combinations of punches in boxing are of the following types:

  • Combinations of straight, bottom and side punches to the head and body
  • Combinations of attacks in attack
  • Retreat combos
  • Combinations of strikes in the counterattack

All the given types of combinations can be 2 shock and more. In practice, series of no more than 4-5 blows are used, and all subsequent blows refer to the continuation of the attack, the subsequent series or single blows.

Multi-strike series of punches will be most effective if the boxer has correct technique striking.
If a boxer has a poorly developed strike technique, the power and speed of the combinations will be several times lower. Moreover, the very possibility of mastering combinations will be questionable.

In order to learn, set and use combination punches, a boxer must master the correct punching technique, speed, punching accuracy, sense of distance and timing. Only by mastering all of the above skills can a boxer skillfully carry out multi-hit and complex series of punches. Otherwise, the fighter will waste his strength in vain and, moreover, may miss a counter attack that will find the boxer in an uncomfortable position and enable the opponent to deliver a crushing blow.

Mastering punch combinations requires a lot of time and attention. For a novice fighter, it would be more correct to start learning serial punches from the basics - a combination of two punches, left - right straight to the head, left straight - right hook to the head, etc.

Below is a breakdown of the beats and summary combinations. You will need to memorize the given transcript, either immediately or gradually as you master the techniques and techniques.

So let's go:

It's not about what punches you throw, it's about how you throw them. A simple two becomes very effective when you throw it accurately, powerfully, on time and combine it with footwork.

Designations of Strokes in Combinations

Each number represents a hit in the series. (Combinations for right-handed boxers. Below is also an example of combinations for left-handed boxers.)


  • 1 = jab
  • 2 = right straight, cross
  • 3 = left hook
  • 4 = right hook (or right overhand)
  • 5 = left uppercut
  • 6 = right uppercut
  • k = body (example: 1k = jab to the body)


  • = block
  • () = dive
  • () = arm dive
  • // = slope or slope to the side
  • = rotation on the leg to the side


vr/vrfs = in most cases the spins are performed on the front foot (“vr” means a clockwise rotation on the front foot, hrpc means counterclockwise rotation on the front foot).

vrz = rotation on the back foot. Very rarely used rzpchs means counterclockwise rotation on the back foot).

shl/shp = step left and step right.

sh = step back (example: 1sh means you step back when you throw the jab, 1-sh means you step back AFTER you throw the jab).

n = feint, feint (example: 1l-3 means to feint jab to the head and then immediately throw a left hook).

ld = light jab (example: 1ld-2 means to throw a light jab and then a right straight).

st/w = slip left, slip right (example: 1-st-3 means jab, then slip left, then left hook. 1st-2 means slip right jab and then throw right after jab).

Most commonly used punch combinations

Very important point! You must learn the number of beats so that you don't have to think about which beat or combination the cipher means. This may take several months, but the first successes will already begin in 1-2 weeks.

The most common punch combinations in boxing

The most commonly used punch combinations. (These combinations are full-fledged, they do not need either beginning combinations or finishing ones).

1-1 (jab, jab - left straight punch)

1-1-2 (jab, jab, right straight)

1-2 (jab, right straight)

1-2-1 (jab, right straight, jab)

1-2-1-2 (jab, right straight, jab, right straight)

1-2-3-4 (jab, right straight, left hook, right hook)

1-6-3-2 (jab, right uppercut, left hook, right straight)

Beginner Combinations

Such sequences are often used to start combinations. You can also start the combination with a counter-punch.

1-2 (jab, right straight)

1-6k (Jab, right uppercut to the body)

2-1 (right straight, jab)

Combinations of punches of advanced boxers

Complex combinations that require well-established striking and movement techniques.

1-sh-1 (jab, step back, jab)

1-sn-1-2 (jab, step back, jab, right straight)

Short Distance

Combinations of punches for working at close range or in the clinch.

6-5-2-1vp (left uppercut, right uppercut, right straight, left straight, clockwise rotation)

6-3 (right uppercut, left hook)

6-3vr (right uppercut, left hook, clockwise rotation)

4k-3k-2-1-2 (right body hook, left body hook, right straight, left straight, right straight)

sp-5 (step to the right, left uppercut)

1-2-3k-vp-4k-4-1 (jab, right straight, left body hook, clockwise rotation, right body hook, right head hook, jab)

1-4k-3k-6-1 (jab, right body hook, left body hook, right uppercut, jab)

Fraud combinations

Use these combinations to expose opponents who are very defensively closed in order to confuse them and open up their defense.

1-3-2 (jab, left hook, right straight)

1k-2 (body jab, right straight)

1-2k (jab, right body straight)

1-2k-3 (jab, right body straight, left hook)

4-1k (right hook, body jab)

4k-6-3-2 (works best at short range)

By this point, you should have memorized and mastered the decoding of the blows. Next, you are given the opportunity to read the combinations yourself.

Powerful Finishing Combinations

End your punch combos with these punches to deal more damage to your opponent. Ending with these combos can leave you vulnerable to a counter, so beware!

End your combos with these combos to get out of the fire safely.

4vzpchs (rotate counterclockwise on the back foot, throwing the right hook)

Combinations of punches in boxing: simple but effective A few simple combinations In our article, we will discuss the most simple and effective combinations of punches in boxing, discussing their advantages and disadvantages. We will not delve into some complex elements and combinations that are supposedly miraculous and strike the opponent like lightning. Everything ingenious is simple, and the opponent is struck just simple strokes, applied quickly, bitingly and hit the target. Punches and combinations in boxing Combination of punches in boxing from a champion Few types of punches in boxing can be connected in a considerable number of series. It's about what a good fighter can be done without using any complex elements. Because the most important thing is the quality of their use. The usual lateral or direct blow in boxing, honed to the ideal, definitely surpasses the whole shock arsenal, which has some errors and errors. For clarity, we can give a parallel example, where good boxer often beats with his hands better than a good kickboxer: he does not spray on his legs, his training program completely focused on the work of the hands. At the same time, this advantage can fully compensate for the lack of skills in footwork. Consider the basic combinations of punches in boxing: the simplest and most used. Please note that all series will be considered from a right-handed perspective. And in order to avoid unnecessary tautology, in the future we will use the following simple designations: left to the head - LG; right to the head - PG; left to the body - LK; right to the body - PC. And now let's go. Left and right straight One of the simplest, but most effective series, called "two". A direct punch in boxing is the basis without which no continuation is possible. The classic “two” for a right-hander is a left-right straight line, where the second blow is accentuated, and the first can even play the role of a feint. Variations in performance Blows can also be delivered to the body area. So, the left one can be applied to the head (but in this case it is more often just a feint), and the emphasis goes to the body. It happens the other way around: after the bottom left, the right goes to the head. However, it is most often difficult to break through such a “two” from a distance, and here it is desirable to have previous feints, strikes or other preparatory actions. Thus, the two can look like this: LG-PG - a classic of the genre; LK-PG - where it becomes possible to apply a strong right straight line, due to the additional effort of the legs and body (as in the case of a spring); LG-PK - here your goal is solely to hit the body, otherwise you should not even waste time and effort on planting. What to look for Training a combination of punches in boxing The pause between the first and second punch is minimal. The right hand, as it were, catches up with the left. The longer the pause, the less likely it is to hit the target with the main blow. The longer you "think" with this basic punch, the longer you will remain vulnerable to your opponent. You don't want to be met without finishing your job, do you? When applying the left straight, the right shoulder should be lowered and relaxed, the elbow should cover the liver, and the fist should cover the chin. In fact, the end phase of the left hand should become a kind of swing for the right hand, due to a slight turn in the shoulders. That is why a single right straight punch in boxing is objectively weaker and often technically more difficult than in this combination. At the time of the second blow, the left fist returns to the chin. At the same time, you do not fall anywhere, transferring the weight of the body to the front leg, which makes it possible for subsequent development. Such a development can be either a rebound back (and other forms of avoiding a possible counterattack), or a continuation of the attack from the left hand (there are several options here). You can read more about the double in this article. More publications on this topic Straight punch in boxing: faster, harder, stronger Postman kick This combination is present not only in boxing, but in other contact martial arts. In fact, it is a more "elongated" deuce, allowing at the time of the attack to reduce the distance with the target. The first two hits are fast left jabs, and the emphasis is again on the right straight: LG-LG-PG. What to look for The "postman punch" can be considered as an effective and most commonly used combination of punches in boxing. But here, as elsewhere, synchronous footwork is very important. Each strike, although it may be short and fast, must be accompanied by an appropriate step. After delivering the first jab, you do not return the fist back, again bending the arm at the elbow: the second blow should, as it were, overlap the first. Ideally, these two jabs should hit the target, and the right straight becomes the final chord. Yes, not everything and not always turns out perfectly, but your main task in any case is an accentuated third strike. Three, but not horses One of the types of punches in boxing. Most often, the “three” is called the same “postman punch”, only here two full-fledged jabs are applied, while there is one short one. Since these combinations are similar, we will consider another three. And then we will analyze the variations of execution. In the classic case, it looks like this: left-right-left, and everything flies to the head. However, when using only direct strikes, the last left one often turns out to be not very relevant, due to excessive convergence with the target. In this case, the direct strike is simply replaced by a side kick. And the emphasis, it should be noted, should be on it. Variations of execution So, how many variants of execution of such a trio can we have: LG-PG-LG - all straight, but the last one is possible lateral. This is what we discussed. LK-PG-LG - also all straight lines, with the possible exception of the last one. Here, the first blow can also play the role of a feint, forcing the opponent to lower his arms and open up under the continuation of the combination. LG-PC-LG - here it is preferable to finish most often with the side. The main focus is a game of contrasts: started from above, continued from below, finished again on horseback. The opponent is disoriented, and if the distance is chosen correctly, he will definitely miss. LH-PG-LK - here an accentuating blow to the liver, however, the right one should also be strong and not play the role of a feint. Below in the video you can see the work on the bag, where this particular version of the series is being worked out. What to look for We will not talk about the work of the legs every time - this is an indispensable condition. In terms of protection, everything was said in the description of the “two”: the same elements are used, the hands work in exactly the same way, so nothing has changed. Not the number of punches, but their accuracy Hitting the Liver Note that using the same types of punches in boxing, we create completely different combinations. At the same time, as you can see, we are not at all creative, inventing something non-existent and half absurd. Such combinations "for every day." In this article, uppercuts, and even crosses, are deliberately not mentioned, although this is an integral part of one big culture of martial arts. But this only emphasizes even more clearly how simple, but at the same time, effective combinations of blows in boxing, consisting of no more than three elements, are. And even here one could mention a lot more possible combinations that would start from the right hand, and the blows would be the same. But this would be too long an article, and the reader is mostly so lazy that he can be frightened even by the amount of text. That is why the continuation of this topic will be considered in subsequent articles.