I know many people who are fond of swimming. Top "Swimming"

School open conference of young researchers "Umka"
"My Passion for Swimming"

Completed by: Chernyshov Vladislav

1st grade student

BEI of the city of Omsk "Gymnasium No. 76"

Consultant: Sokolova Olga Vasilievna

primary school teacher

I. Introduction.
II. Main part.
1. Questioning.

2. Research results.

3. From the history of navigation.

4. Ways of sports swimming.

III. Conclusion.

  1. Introduction.
My name is Chernyshov Vlad. I am in 1st class. I want to tell you about my passion for swimming.

When I went to first grade, my mom and dad suggested that I do either boxing or swimming. I chose swimming.

Now I go to the Youth pool. At first I was even a little afraid of water and could not swim. But now I can swim different types swimming.

One day I thought: what is swimming, and what does it give a person?

II. Main part.
With these questions, I turned to the guys in our class. And here's what I found out.

Question "What is swimming?" The boys responded...

For the second question Why does a person need to be able to swim? The guys responded...

Then I asked my coach , then I looked at the website “Festival of Pedagogical Ideas” and this is what I found out.

Water is of great importance in people's lives. After all, the first time a person gets into the water, he drowns. Therefore, swimming is a vital skill.

Swimming has been known to man since ancient times. It arose as a necessary ability for a person to survive, and popular view sport became only in the last century.

The ability to swim sometimes became decisive during wars - especially during naval battles.

Sports swimming in Europe began around the 19th century and was mainly breaststroke. Swimming was part of the first Olympic Games in 1896 in Athens.

At present, there are ways of sports swimming: front crawl, back crawl, breaststroke, butterfly.

Crawl on the chest- the fastest type of swimming.

Crawl on the back- a swimming style that is similar to an ordinary crawl, but the swimmer swims on his back, not on his stomach, and rows with straight arms.

Breaststroke- the simplest and slowest type of swimming, but allows you to save the athlete's strength. When swimming breaststroke, the athlete looks like a frog. When moving, he spreads his arms first forward, then to the sides, after which he again stretches them forward, and with his legs he makes semicircular movements, starting from the water.

Butterfly translated from in English means "butterfly". And indeed, the swimmer's hands flutter over the water like wings. And another athlete, swimming with a butterfly, resembles a dolphin jumping over water. The body of the swimmer in this style makes undulating movements, so the butterfly is considered the most beautiful type of swimming.

Swimming is considered to be the most effective view sports.

Swimming has a particularly strong positive effect on the heart, breathing, various muscles. Swimming is most successful in correcting postural disorders.

In addition, swimming is one of the types of hardening, has a positive effect on the immune system.
III. Conclusion.
It turns out that I do not just go in for sports, I also temper myself. And that means goodbye to runny noses and colds! And water gives a feeling of freshness, vivacity, energizes!

I'm very strict, but fair coach. My dream is to become a professional swimmer, compete and achieve high results!

Description of the presentation on individual slides:

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Swimming is my hobby Completed by: student of class 3-4 Valery Vlasov Supervisor: Olga Petrovna Belousova

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When I started first grade, my dad signed me up for swimming. Here I learned to float, dive and swim. I really love swimming! I think swimming is cool! The research project- a great opportunity to learn something new and interesting about your hobby. And also tell others about it.

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The objectives of my research: 1. Learn what swimming is and what are its types. 2. What is the history of the emergence of swimming. 3. Understand how this sport affects human health. 4. How has swimming affected my health? Conducting a brief health assessment Last year. The relevance of my work lies in the fact that the problem physical education children, their development needs for healthy way life is worth it sharply enough. Using my own example, I would like to show how sport affects the health of a student. We must be aware that a successful life, the prosperity of the state largely depend on the state of health of each of us. We will be healthy - our country will be strong!

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Swimming is movement on the surface of the water, the ability and ability to move in this way. This definition is taken from explanatory dictionary Ozhegova S.I.

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The first style was the doggy style of swimming. Its ancient people adopted from animals. It existed for quite a long time, until it was replaced by breaststroke. And that became the basis for all subsequent innovations. Sports swimming appeared at the end of the 15th century. In 1515, swimming competitions were held in Venice, these were one of the first swimming competitions. The most famous swimming school in Russia was founded in Shuvalovo, not far from St. Petersburg, in 1908. Scientists have found that swimming originated in antiquity. Drawings have been found on the walls of the caves, which presumably date back to 5000 BC. e.

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TO sports ways swimming include: freestyle (crawl on the chest), butterfly, breaststroke, crawl on the back. By the speed of the most fast way swimming is front crawl, then butterfly, back crawl and breaststroke. sporty look swimming consists in overcoming the swim in the shortest time of various distances.

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Sports jumping into the water - one of the most spectacular competitions in water sports sports. Athletes jump from a springboard or tower, performing a number of acrobatic actions during the jump (screws, revolutions, rotations). Scuba diving is the swimming of a person under water with the help of various supporting means and devices.

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Game swimming is the use of all kinds of outdoor games in conditions aquatic environment. Games cause great emotions, increase activity, develop coordination, promote a sense of camaraderie and the emergence of initiative. One of these games - water polo - has become olympic view sports.

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curly or synchronized swimming is a combination of various movements, including elements of choreography, acrobatic and gymnastic combinations. At recreational swimming various swimming movements are used for therapeutic, prophylactic, restorative, tonic, hygienic, hardening, and other purposes. Applied swimming- this is the ability of a person to stay on the water and perform vital actions in the water. The ability to swim is necessary for people of many professions, for example, fishermen, fleet workers, biologists, military personnel, geologists, rescuers.

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Swimming not only brings me pleasure, but also improves my health. What is its use? Swimming helps to increase the strength of the respiratory muscles and increase their tone, enhances ventilation of the lungs, and helps to increase the vital volume of the lungs. Regular swimming also increases your maximum oxygen uptake. Swimmers set a kind of record for oxygen consumption per minute - 5 liters. I have not yet achieved such results. So you need to practice more! Cardiovascular system In people who regularly swim, the strength of the heart muscles increases, the power of the heart increases. Swimming also improves blood composition. Respiratory system

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Musculoskeletal system Tension and relaxation alternate during swimming different muscles. This increases their performance and strength. Also, during swimming, the body is supported by water so that there is no excessive load on any group of muscles or joints. In water, the static tension of the body decreases, the load on the spine decreases. As a result, it is correctly formed, a good posture is developed. The active movement of the legs in the water strengthens the feet and prevents the development of flat feet. As we can see, swimming lessons at school age are very important for ensuring harmonious physical development.

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Swimming has a positive effect on nervous system human: strength, mobility and balance of nervous processes and, in the end result, on mental activity. This is why students who regularly play sports perform better in general education subjects. The immune system Everyone knows that swimming is effective remedy hardening, it increases resistance to low temperatures, and therefore makes the body less susceptible to colds. Swimming helps to overcome hydrophobia, relieves fatigue, improves sleep, attention and memory. Regular classes swimming helps to develop such qualities as discipline, perseverance, courage, determination.

What can be my hobbies, my hobbies - sometimes it is very difficult to answer a person like this right away, because there can be many of them. For example, a person decided to take up programming and this became not only his hobby, but also the main source of income. Another got interested in graphics, and someone in the info business, and so the circle of interests of any of us is gradually expanding.
In the information business, as in any field of activity, you need to have a wide range of knowledge. Therefore, this occupation can be not only a hobby, but also an excellent source of new knowledge from various areas of entrepreneurship, programming, graphics, as they say, all in one bottle. Plus, communication with people, clients, and this already requires the skills of a subtle psychologist.

On the example of information or you can show how much you need to know and be able to. For example, here you can not do without SEO, Web design, you need to study marketing, develop your speech, etc. To conquer the top in this area, you really need to know a lot.
It is possible that when a person begins to do something interesting and useful for himself and people, he may also have side interests. As mentioned above, the information business is closely related to psychology, and this is already the way to control the masses, to influence people in order to encourage them to take some action.

Further, in order to remove his obsession with one thing, a person is looking for ways to distract. He comes up with different ideas, and he begins to get involved in skydiving, fishing or some kind of sport. It is possible to visit a swimming pool, a sauna to meet like-minded people ... So, thanks to one favorite pastime, our hero becomes a versatile person.


All human life consists of music. If my hobby is music, and this concept is alien to some, then I speak different languages ​​with them, any of us will say so. Music must be perceived not only by ear, it must be felt within oneself, experienced.

We are with early childhood we hear different sounds, compare them and sort them into those that we like or not. We hear how the accordion rolls lonely somewhere, now cheerfully, now with longing and sadness, and we like it. WITH early age a person determines his musical tastes, and in some cases he himself becomes a “slave” of a music notebook, writes works, plays various instruments ...

God created music so that a person could hear it and experience some emotions. Music is beautiful, it makes us kinder, more sensual. To get into a musical addiction is incomparable with the addiction of a smoker, or a gambler, as some believe. People tend to err, and they can be forgiven for it.

listening good music, a person receives a charge of good mood, increases his cultural level and efficiency. As you can see, the passion for music has a positive effect on human life.


Each of us can have many interesting activities, but many can say that my favorite hobby is drawing. You can draw in different ways, ranging from friendly caricatures, fairy tale characters, bringing your own to a professional level.

For drawing, you can use ordinary pencils, paints or felt-tip pens. It is very interesting to draw a beautiful landscape. Few can be artists to give to other people good mood with their paintings. But drawing at least nondescript illustrations of fairy-tale characters is within the power of any of us. There would be a desire.

And there are still those who like to copy from original paintings. It is also an interesting occupation, since the author of such a work tries to copy the skill of the artist, to strive to imitate him in some way ...

Drawing lovers do not have a day to draw something. Sometimes you meet such eccentrics with a pencil and a notebook in their hands, they sketch something there, so that later they can turn it all into a picture.

This is not a hobby, but a real fairy tale. Let such a person be considered eccentric, even if not everyone likes the drawings and the process that brings them to life, but it's so interesting when you get your masterpiece out of a pencil.

Dancing is my hobby

Have you seen at least one character who would not like to dance? Come on, when, under a glass of good food and music, the legs themselves go to dance, what is it, not love to dance?

Almost any professional dancer will say, "My hobby is dancing." And it is true, because this occupation not only brings him pleasure, but also other benefits. First of all, it's a sport. This is an opportunity to go on tour in many countries of the world. Find new acquaintances and fans, be popular and recognizable. How do you like this hobby?

Entering the stage for a public performance, the dancer feels hundreds of fixed glances. They will be his judges, critics and adherents. Experiencing excitement and, it is not always possible to convey those that people expect. This is an occasion for perfection, the elimination of any fear, psychological attitude and establishing contact with the audience at a distance.

But if there is a little nervous shaking before each stage appearance, then a person is not indifferent to how the audience reacts. Do not lose face - this is another reason to be responsible, love your job and hone your skills.


What is sport for us? This is power in motion. If one of us says that my hobby is sport, then these words express the desire to become stronger and more purposeful. Everything is important in sports, and it can be a small key to a big future.

Many of us recognize ourselves in childhood, when we wanted to play many sports and could not decide on the one that would become a companion for life. I wanted everything at once. But time goes by, we grow up, we begin to understand the essence of life more and the moment comes when we make our choice.

Parents also play an important role. Who, if not them, can see better for us, know better for us and, as a result, choose for us. Such parental care does not always bring the expected results, and can also become a stumbling block when a growing person hates any sport with all his being.

Much depends on the coaches or mentors. Their essentially parental guardianship, not feigned severity and exactingness gives its results. Therefore, order in everything makes a person essentially a trouble-free and decent machine. But without love for sports, high results cannot be achieved. This should be a matter of life, a favorite pastime, without which a person cannot imagine himself for a minute.


Here it is, the king of sports - football! Well, guys, is there one among us who never kicks a ball? How many of you are ready to say "My hobby is football"? Clearly, this big army players and fans, referred to as fans. Without this gambling and interesting game our childhood would be boring, incomplete.

Thanks to the British for giving this wonderful sport! Although both the ancient Egyptians and the Mayans also practiced ball games. It is by far the most popular game in the world today. She won the hearts of millions of people. There is not a single mass hobby in the world that could compete with football in its scale.
But this is not only a hobby, but also good workout development of speed, ingenuity, accuracy of reaction and endurance. This sport tempers people, as they race with the ball in any weather and season. A sense of collectivism, cohesion and team spirit is brought up here, as this is a team game. Well, it would be unnecessary to talk about excitement, there is a lot of it, a lot.

Well, the fans, too, have not gone far from excitement, one might say sometimes excessive. But the sense of collectivism they developed hoo as. And with what impatience they expect the next game of their favorite team, follow it to away matches, draw, sew, sculpt something, etc. This is just a fantastic hobby that will catch even an ardent non-football fan.

My hobbies

If in the life of any of us there are no hobbies, then it is like food in which there is no salt, or like a well in which there is no water. It will be difficult enough to imagine people who live without any kind of occupation. If any of us says: “My hobbies are diverse”, then this means that life is successful, and it does not go to waste.

The more time we devote to our favorite activities, the more productive we become. And some activities become the work of our whole life. Starting from the school bench, we are already setting our priorities, trying to determine our place in this world, so much so that later we do not regret the wasted time.

I, as the author of these lines, was fond of photography at a young age. He loved to take pictures, take pictures and distribute them to friends and acquaintances. As time went on, I was drafted into the army, but I did not give up my hobby. My mother sent me a camera, and I already took pictures of my colleagues. But then, after the service, I abandoned this business and do not remember it for more than 36 years. This is what happens in life when new priorities appear.

Many people are fond of evening walks. It would seem, what is interesting here? It turns out that walking the same route every day, you can discover something new for yourself. Don't believe? Try to check for yourself.

My hobby is swimming

How is it possible to live near a river and not be able to swim? And it is, and quite often. The other day I asked a friend what he was interested in. He answered like that my hobby is swimming. But what about in winter? And in winter too. For me it was a shock. How much you need to love water in order to dive into an ice hole in winter.

To talk about the benefits of water is to kill time in vain. Everyone knows this from a young age. It is not necessary to be an athlete and conquer the Olympic heights. Only a few can do this, and we must come to terms with this. In contact with water, a person develops absolutely all muscle groups and gains a sense of tone, a large charge of positive energy, and efficiency.

Getting carried away with swimming is quite simple, you just need to feel the body slip in the water once, that is, learn to swim. This is a unique feeling when you were able to overcome all your fears and complexes. Which swimming style to prefer is a matter of taste or convenience. I prefer to swim on my back, quite easily and naturally, you can even read a book. But no matter what style you choose, you should never forget about safety on the water.

My hobbies and interests

Who would have thought that my hobbies and interests would be so diverse that sometimes I have to puzzle over which one to give preference to. this moment. Most of all I am interested in nature. I like not only to be directly in nature, but to read and watch films about it. The world of plants and animals is rich and diverse, so life is not enough to get acquainted with all this. So it is a constant interest in learning something new.

Fishing is also part of nature's natural hobbies. But you still need to add a photo and video case to it. This is also my favorite activity. As you can see, one does not interfere with the other, but rather attracts. After all, it’s a sin not to capture a good catch in a photo.

Being in our area, I often began to notice how wildflowers somehow themselves depict a regular geometric carpet. So there was another passion for creating various compositions from wild flowers, then switched to decorative ones. And this is landscape design.

When I met wild fruit trees in forest belts, I noticed their resistance to diseases and resistance to temperature extremes. So I had to show interest in another thing - gardening. Thanks to my hobbies, I began to acquire new knowledge and skills.

My hobby is reading books

My first serious reading was Theodore Dreiser's The Financier. And then everything went like clockwork: buying fresh books, signing up for the library, visiting book markets in different cities. Now I have a large book collection and my hobby is reading books.

On the shelves there is everything your heart desires: the latest science fiction, classics and, most importantly, special literature. I love not only to read, but also to put into practice the advice from books. They help me with housework in my private house. Because of them, I got another hobby - to make everything with my own hands.

Many people like to watch TV, but I prefer to give this time to books. After all, the intellectual development of television, in comparison with book reading, is lame on both legs. Technological progress is trying in every possible way to oust literature from everyday life. But it was not there. We cannot live without the intoxicating smell of fresh paper and printing ink.

Swimming is a very competitive popular sport. It is included in the Olympic Games and there are also many other swimming events. They include diving, marathon swimming, swimming, synchronized swimming and even water polo.

Swimming is very varied. Both men and women can participate in swimming competitions separately. They swim in different strokes and for different distances. There are butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, medley and freestyle swimming events.

The most difficult event is considered to be a 10-kilometer marathon. It requires a lot of power, energy and right force distribution. Diving is the most spectacular competition. Divers plug into water performing gymnastic and acrobatic stunts.

Synchronized swimming, because of its similarity to dance, is sometimes called water ballet. It is performed by a group of female swimmers who move synchronously with a musical accompaniment. Russian team usually has a great success in synchronized swimming competitions.

Water polo was originally called “footbal-in-water” and it was invented in the 19th century. It is a game played in a swimming pool by teams of seven with a buoyant ball. The Olympic Games include both men and women tournaments.

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Swimming is a very popular competitive sport. It is included in the program of the Olympic Games, and there are many other swimming competitions. They include such sports as: diving, marathon, swimming, synchronized swimming and even water polo.

Swimming is very different. Both women and men (separately from each other) can participate in swimming competitions. They are swimming different styles and on various distances. There are competitions in butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, mixed and free styles.

The most difficult race is the 10 km marathon. It requires a lot of strength, energy and proper distribution of efforts. Diving is the most spectacular competition. Athletes enter the water, performing gymnastic and acrobatic stunts.

Synchronized swimming, because of its resemblance to dancing, is sometimes called water ballet. It is performed by a group of swimmers who move synchronously to the music. Russian team usually has great success in synchronized swimming competitions.

Water polo was originally called "football on the water" and was coined in the 19th century. This game is played in the pool, teams of 7 use a floating ball. Olympic Games include both male and women's competitions in water polo.

Words and phrases:

Competitive - competitive, competitive

Synchronized swimming - synchronized swimming

To participate - take part, participate

Stroke - swimming style

Backstroke - swim on your back

breaststroke - breaststroke

Medley - mixed style

Force distribution - distribution of forces

Swimming is my hobbySWIMMING is my hobby
Is done by a student
groups c-1-2
Bryansky Arseniy Alexandrovich
Checked: Art. teacher
Sedykh Julia Igorevna CONTENTS
Hobby concept
What does hobby mean to me?
Pros of swimming
Basic swimming styles
How I fell in love with swimming
My achievements

Hobby concept

Hobby is what people like to do in their life.
free time, and what fills their life
a certain meaning.
Hobbies are one of the most important
human life.
Hobbies are the key to success.
Hobby is in a good way fight against
stress, in addition, hobbies are often
help develop horizons. The main purpose of the hobby
- to help self-actualization.

What does hobby mean to me?

Hobby or, as it is also called, passion is a kind of
an occupation that a person loves and is happy to do
engage in leisure activities in your spare time.
All kinds of hobbies
conditionally can be divided into
active and calm.
chooses himself
the hobby that
he likes.
For active hobbies
include swimming lessons.

Pros of swimming

The secret of the popularity of this sport is very simple.
Agree, swimming is an accessible sport. To deal with them
a minimum of equipment is required: a hat, glasses, swimming trunks or a swimsuit.
Another important plus is the low number of injuries,
because the effect of hydroweightlessness operates in water. It is no coincidence that he
has long been included in the Olympic program. And for lovers, useful
hobby swimming, will strengthen health and give strength.
In addition, swimming heals the body, strengthens all muscle groups.
All this made him extremely popular.

Basic swimming styles

There is an IOC classification according to which the main
swimming styles are:
water polo,
synchronized swimming.
At the same time, the All-Russian Register of Sports considers them
various types.
The conversation will be about sports swimming because it is associated with
cyclic exercises.
In sports swimming, there are several styles:
freestyle (crawl),
butterfly style (dolphin),
breaststroke style,
style on the back (crawl on the back).

How I fell in love with swimming

When I was 9 years old, my parents sent me to the section on
swimming. Over the years, my love for this sport has not faded. Was
very hard, continued to practice because swimming is very
had a positive effect on me! Swimming gives me strength and
improves my health, disciplines, helps me perfectly
look, as well as distract from everyday worries and relax.
Now I can't imagine my life without swimming.

My achievements

During the time that I was swimming, I got a lot
awards. (winner of the Championship of the city of Lipetsk and the Lipetsk region in
swimming, 2nd place in the CFD swimming tournament, participated in the championship
Russia in swimming, etc.)


It's good when a person has a hobby. A
even better if this hobby helps him
for life.
Personally, I love to swim and find in
this is very useful. That's why I don't
stop playing this sport
swimming is not only
health, but also joy!