Mount blade warband how to make a big army. All skills and characteristics in a couple of minutes

Among fans of computer games, the game from the TaleWorlds Mount and Blade: Warband studio is quite popular. How to become a king in this game? The question that arises almost immediately, because one of the main changes in the gameplay was the ability to lead your own state. But first we need to say a little about the game itself.

When did Mount & Blade appear?

The first part of Mount & Blade was released in 2008. This was a solid RPG with elements of strategy, the possibility of mass battles and normal graphics. However, there were still a lot of shortcomings in the game that the developers wanted to fix in order to win the love of the players even more. In fact, the game is a journey into the world of fictional Calradia. The player will have to roam the game world, fight robbers, participate in tournaments, hire warriors to join his squad. And in general, to do everything that a brave and skillful warrior is supposed to do.

Mount & Blade: Tournament Age

So, after 2 years, a completely updated version of the game was released, in which a lot of tasty features were added. The graphic component has undergone very serious changes, a new faction has been added, the map has been enlarged. All this has allowed a game like Mount & Blade: Warband to become a masterpiece. Becoming king is the most interesting and exciting change in the game. After all, before the players could only serve the king of another state, but they themselves would never be able to achieve such power. The new update made the game doomed to success.

Mount and Blade Warband: how to become a king in the game

Thousands of players on the very first day of the release of the game began to play the game in the hope of gaining full power and eventually uniting all of Calradia under their banners. But how do you become king in Mount and Blade? It turned out that it is not so easy at all, it takes many hours to obtain such a high rank. So, let's look at the main steps for recognizing the royal title:

1) Create your character by giving Special attention characteristics of leadership and persuasion, because these are the most important qualities for a future head of state.

2) In battles, win some fame, collect a normal army and go to the service of any king.

3) Continue to increase your renown, complete quests and increase your troops.

4) Typing big army renounce your ruler and capture any of his castles.

5) Name your state and send an ambassador to those factions that have reacted well to your rebellion. Most likely, these kings recognize your right to be the ruler. Keep sending ambassadors with a high persuasion skill until you are recognized as the king of the new state.

But that's not all the features of Mount and Blade Warband. How to become a king differently? We have considered the military-diplomatic method of seizing power. The second way is to marry the king's daughter. To do this, you need to improve your relationship with royal family, increase your fame by participating in tournaments and battles, increase your honor and your friendly relations with the faction you need. If you can achieve all this, then after the wedding you will be recognized as king. Do not rush to propose a hand and heart, but first, become the most famous and respected person in the state.

How to assert your right to power

In fact, after the coronation, you are just starting your journey in the game. This is another plus of Mount and Blade Warband. How to become a king is one thing, but to stay and rule successfully is quite another. After the coronation, start gathering an army. Remember: the king needs a large and strong army, otherwise you risk being defeated by enemy kings or lords. Conquer cities, win over friendly lords and increase your influence throughout Calradia. Mount&Blade: Warband is a wonderful computer game that gives you complete freedom of action.

This is interesting: after the squad runs out of provisions, you can miss a few horses.

Many features of such a game as Mount & Blade are not trivial and remain outside the scope of all sorts of guides and manuals. Most players have no idea how interesting and deep the world of Calradia is. This collection of secrets, tips and tricks is like an express train, immersing you in the most subtle details of the gameplay, which you can only find out by playing for days on end.

  • In the rain, crossbows are not as effective.
  • In the rain, people and horses move more slowly.
  • You can linger on the global map by holding the Spacebar.
  • New warriors can be hired in taverns.
  • You can also give orders to your companions in combat.
  • The higher the morale of the group, the faster it moves around the map.
  • The wounded heal faster in taverns.
  • To quickly buy and sell items you have with you, press and hold ctrl and click on the right subject left mouse button.
  • To open the command interface in battle, press the key backspace.
  • If you are stationed in a city or castle, then you will pay half the salary to the team. The same applies to units stationed in the castle as a garrison.
  • To immediately leave the area, press the key Tab.
  • To better aim, press the key Shift(optical sight effect).
  • You can order the soldiers to hold a certain position by holding down the key F1(by moving the flag).
  • On the mini-map (during the battle by pressing backspace) you can order the troops to move to a certain point by clicking on it.
  • It is possible to move the troops and prisoners of the player in bulk from the squad / to the squad (for example, from the garrison), if you hold down ctrl
  • If you are the commander-in-chief (marshal), and the subordinate lord refuses to go to the desired city or castle, you can order him several times in a row and sooner or later he will agree to follow the order
  • If you are not a marshal (voivode), but have asked an allied lord (lords) to follow you, then he (they) will not help you during the assault, but only in field battles.
  • To raise the horse on its hind legs, you need to simultaneously press ctrl+J
  • A lame horse can be healed in inventory. (while she may lose the bonus)
  • A lame horse can die in battle (disappear from inventory).
  • At any time, it is possible to end the game through the menu: camp => retire(in this case, summary information and the further fate of the hero will be shown)
  • If you “secretly penetrate” into an enemy city, then you can enjoy all the benefits, including a tavern, merchants, tournaments, a guild master, etc.
  • Damaged relationships with lords can be improved through wives by sending gifts (requires money, goods).
  • With good personal relations, enemy lords do not attack you, and their villages provide recruits.
  • There are no completely incompatible satellites. There is little morality (leadership, victories, variety of food).
  • No more than 32 types of troops can be in the detachment at the same time (for prisoners in castles / cities, the same restriction).
  • If you jump with a stretched bowstring, then the target designator will not go astray, which allows you to effectively shoot bots.
  • If you hover over the mouse while talking to an NPC, they will show the level of relations with him or his faction.
  • If BEFORE the battle in the menu "attack\send warriors\retreat" press I, then the inventory will open, with which you can change the equipment.
  • The key works in the same menu P. Those. you can call up the squad menu, for example, to regroup. Works only in field combat and only if main character is the initiator of the battle (rather than joining someone else's already started)
  • If the string of the bow or crossbow is already drawn, the shot can be canceled by pressing the right button. In the same way, a “false swing” is made when hitting weapons in close combat.
  • In villages with a good attitude, instead of recruits, you can hire troops of a higher rank.
  • The salary of the fighters stationed in the garrison is halved.
  • Did you know that at any time you can change the appearance and name of the hero by clicking on the name or portrait in the character window?
  • The location of any lord can be found through dialogue with the lord of the same faction. (You can also find out where your vassal is from your wife)
  • NPCs can be located not only on the first, but also on the second floor of the tavern.
  • On the global map, you can right-click on any settlement or squad and a menu will appear: follow to this place (follow the squad) and help for this place (squad)
  • Riding Skill ( riding) is important not only as a limitation when choosing a horse, but also as a bonus increase in their speed and maneuverability
  • After the death of the lord, his squad turns into a disorderly crowd (buildings are lost).
  • The probability of entering the battle of each type of warrior directly depends on the order in the list (the higher the squad, the higher its probability)
  • Ordinary peasants and villagers can be pumped into high-ranking units. From peasant women, for example, as a result, sisters of war are obtained, equipped with crossbows and heavy armor (in addition, there is a shield, sword and horse).
  • With all additional bonuses of the starting (temporary) character are saved. (noble flag, books, starting equipment).
  • After being captured, the main character randomly decreases by 1 point one of basic characteristics(strength, dexterity, intelligence, charisma).
  • With the growth of honor, relations with lords with a bad reputation deteriorate (and grow with those who enjoy a good one).
  • In tournament battles, you can (and should!) manage your team.
  • Captured lords in other people's castles and cities can be released not only on a quest, but of their own free will.
  • Bounty hunters are pumped into slavers - one of the top units in the game. Their main feature is their equipment with blunt weapons, which allows them to capture enemies in large numbers.
  • Pressing the key "X", you can use the weapon's alternate abilities. For example, attack with a dart like a regular spear in close combat.
  • After creating your own kingdom, companions can be made into lords, distributing possessions to them.
  • Allied lords and vassals can leave their prisoners in your city/castle. (For these purposes, you can use the celebration)
  • Pack horses increase the movement speed of the unit when the inventory is loaded.
  • By showing nobility when completing tasks, you can increase the parameters of honor. For example, refusing a reward for killing a criminal or for saving a village from bandits.
  • By talking with the inhabitants of villages and cities, you can get valuable information about the nature of the lords, profitable goods, etc.

With great pleasure I will add your tips, tips on the game. Feel free to leave comments. Gradually I will replenish this collection.

A small guide for Mount and Blade, thanks to which you can learn how to create a large squad quickly without cheats and learn how to lead large squads. The main goal of this mini-tutorial is to teach you how to lead large squads of 150-300 soldiers. To do this, you need to remember 3 main points:, and. To pump quickly and get a lot, you will have to run alone and destroy bands of robbers (of course, it’s worth visiting if possible). preferably an archer, because this tactic does not require much effort. You will run all the time as one hero without any soldiers or .

First, you pump strength so that you can improve it up to 5. This is quite enough. After strength, pump dexterity to 12. Then upgrade to 4. You don’t need any more skills. All the rest you pump into charisma (at least up to a score of 27).

Why run alone?

When the hero runs alone, then the amount of dinars received is much larger, since it is not divided among all the soldiers of the squad, so from a dozen robbers you can get a decent amount for all needs. A similar situation with when it will not be divided into all the soldiers of the detachment. Why download then? Yes, because without leadership, the morale in the squad will fall almost instantly, so if you want to lead good, strong groups of people, pump it to the maximum.

Once you get level 7-10, you will have a decent amount of money in your pocket, so it's time to buy some good equipment and level up your weapon skill until you get bored. You should kill in 1-2 hits, so visit often. Do not forget about the horse, which should always be in the best condition, because as long as your horse is alive, so are you. Don't forget a strong shield, especially against long-range projectiles. Buy first good bow with arrows, armor and helmet.

Fighting rules alone

  • Rogues run around with and without shields, so shoot those without shields first. Try to shoot people with shields in the legs.
  • Move more often, because there is always a chance to get an arrow, bolt or dart in the forehead.
  • When fighting opponents who have thrown weapons, get within range when they fire, but far enough away that they have the hardest time hitting you. There aren't that many projectiles (often 4 to 8), so run around them until they run out of ammo.
  • Carry more spare arrows with you, because even 34 arrows in your current inventory is very few. Ideally, it is best to carry one of these sets with you: a bow + 3 sets of arrows; bow + 2 quivers of arrows + shield; bow + 2 quivers of arrows + two-handed weapon or spear. A two-handed weapon (or spear) helps keep infantry at bay, ignores armor on hits, and has high shield and block penetration.
  • Never jump on spearmen while on horseback. Similarly, if you are on foot, beware of the cavalry, as they are often armed with a powerful pike and can take you down in 1 hit.
  • Do not break into the crowd, because the horse will quickly be stopped, and you will literally be torn to pieces.
  • Go into close combat only as a last resort (if you run out of ammunition or you are 100% sure that you will win).

Thus, following all the rules listed above, you will go through more than a dozen battles alone against numerous warriors, but it will justify itself. You will quickly level up and get up to 500

On WarBand: when you have created a character, go to the global map (you can also during the battle), select the Character section in the lower corner of the screen, and then select the Statistics section in the lower left corner of the screen, it will say how many enemies you have killed and to the right will be Export and Import character. Select Export, then a sign will appear (if you have a license, then nothing will fail), press OK and expand the game leaving the desktop, then go here C:\Documents and Settings\1\My Documents\Mount&Blade Warband\Characters, and you will have several text documents in front of you (depending on how many Persians you created) and incomprehensible hieroglyphs, the number of hieroglyphs depends on the length of your character's name. Go into the text document and change everything you need, but the Agility table does not exceed more than 600, otherwise it will fly literally and figuratively, and so everything changed, went out and saved it and back into the game, we will have the same Import and Export, this time select Import and press OK again. Come back and don't forget to write your name again.
On the Hero's Story: everything is the same place C:\Documents and Settings\1\My Documents\Mount&Blade Warband\Characters go to the root folder with the game, and go to the CharExport folder and see the same documents with the same hieroglyphs and do everything the same way procedure.
P.S. I just wrote about Warband and the story of the hero, but many are wondering: what about Fire and Sword? according to the Hero's Story system

Detailed, but there may be one or two errors.

charfile_version = 1
name = (name)
xp = (experience)
money = (money)

attribute_points = Attributes(strength, agility..)
skill_points = Skills(Trade, Leadership..)
weapon_points = Weapon (One-handed, two-handed..)

strength = (strength)
agility = (agility, above 300 already hard to manage)
intelligence = (Intelligence)
charisma = (charisma)

trade = (Trade)
leadership = (Leadership)
prisoner_management = (Prisoner Management)
reserved_skill_1 = 0
reserved_skill_2 = 0
reserved_skill_3 = 0
reserved_skill_4 = 0
persuasion = (Persuasion)
engineer = (Engineering)
first_aid = (First Aid)
surgery = (Surgery)
wound_treatment = (Wound Treatment)
inventory_management = (Inventory Management)
spotting = (Observation)
path-finding = (Finding a path)
tactics = (tactics)
tracking = (Tracking)
trainer = (Training)
reserved_skill_5 = 0
reserved_skill_6 = 0
reserved_skill_7 = 0
reserved_skill_8 = 0
looting = (Collection)
horse_archery = (Horse archery)
riding = (riding)
athletics = (Athletics)
shield = (Shield)
weapon_master = (Weapon Master)
reserved_skill_9 = 0
reserved_skill_10 = 0
reserved_skill_11 = 0
reserved_skill_12 = 0
reserved_skill_13 = 0
power_draw = (strike power)
power_throw = (Throw power)
power_strike = (shot power)
ironflesh = (vitality/iron skin)
reserved_skill_14 = 0
reserved_skill_15 = 0
reserved_skill_16 = 0
reserved_skill_17 = 0
reserved_skill_18 = 0

one_handed_weapons = (One Handed)
two_handed_weapons = (Two-Handed)
polearms = (polearms)
archery = (bows)
crossbows = (Crossbows)
throwing = (thrown)
firearms = (firearms)

face_key_1 = 180001188
face_key_2 = 36db6db6db6db6db