Bumblebee Zheka and bee Emma: who is chosen as the mascot of sports teams. Research work on the topic "Sports mascots" (Grade 6) What is a mascot

TOMSK, January 2 - RIA Novosti, Sergei Negodin. Living talismans football club"Tom" is well known to the Tomsk fans. If only because before each match the announcer announces: “On treadmill stadium "Trud" comes out ... ". At first it was Azure, then Apollo, he was replaced by Vitok, and in this moment matches are opened by the Colonel.

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Names for horses are given by the nicknames of their parents: the name must begin with the first letter of the mother's nickname, and it must contain at least one letter from the father's name. So from the Curious mom and dad Zlak, the Azure stallion was born - the first and, perhaps, the most charismatic live talisman "Tom". No wonder one of the first fan clubs of the Tomsk team was called that way: "Azure".

"Azure is a Soviet heavy truck. The only one in the city with such an appearance and with such a psyche. When they ask me about the most famous horses, the first one that comes to mind is Azure. He deserved the love of many people. They know about him, remember him and will remember for a long time," says rider Ekaterina Ryakina.

According to her, the idea to "revive" the club's mascot (a horse is depicted on the coat of arms of FC Tom) came to the mind of the former general director of Tom, Yuri Stepanov. When we arrived at the state stable, there was, in fact, no one to choose from - when they saw Lazurny, no one had any doubts about the candidacy: he was the one who was needed. And a handsome man, and - a native Tomsk.

“There was the wildest fear, under me a ton of live weight and my 50 kilograms on top ... At that moment he taught me, he showed me how to live with him. He carefully carried me, he always helped me out. In fact, I could relax and On my first trip to the city, he generally rode at a gallop, which is unusual for a heavy truck, "recalls Ekaterina.

Azure gladly accepted gifts and presents, and often he himself could profit from gifts, getting into the pockets of guests. “He was self-sufficient: look at me, treat me, I don’t mind,” says the rider.

Parting with Azure turned out to be difficult. No one could really explain the reason for the departure of the charismatic talisman of the team. To replace him - just for one match - came Apollo.

"The stallion Apollo was brought to our attention. It was the only trip of someone's private horse. He was presented as from the state stable, but had nothing to do with it," says Ekaterina.

This is where Apollo's story at the club ended.

coil - Oryol trotter, was one of the best in Tomsk in his breed. Now both he and Lazurny are engaged in the reproduction of their breeds in Tomsk horse breeding farms.

“He didn’t get much pleasure from work, but he could be trusted. Vitok is a very honest horse - this is a sports character. He will walk and run as long as he can. And if he can’t, then he will strain and be able to. : you have to go calmly, and Vitya is eager for victory!", - says Ekaterina. Horse mascots of FC Tom

Once, on the way to the stadium, Vitok and a rider almost got hit by a car: some reckless driver decided to slip onto the “red”, and Ekaterina miraculously managed to stop the trotter: “For the most part, we were always greeted with smiles and greetings - Azure and Vitok were good in their own way but that has happened."

They decided to part with Vitok after the team's relegation from the Premier League. He was replaced by the stallion Colonel.

"Stepanov then decided to buy another stallion, we bought him in Novokuznetsk - we took the gray colt Colonel. We chose him according to his psyche - not every stallion is able to carry a rider and a flag," Ekaterina recalls.

By nature, the Colonel is not a gift, says the rider. “If something irritates the “gray”, he can hit. And it doesn't matter who's standing next to you. They tell me that the Colonel comes out of his stall at night and eats all the neighboring horses - he eats sugar, bread - what he sees is what he sees, ”she says. The colonel is a public horse \: the symbol of "Tom" is not afraid of a crowd of fans

The Russian trotter Colonel is eight years old, he is young by horse standards, but at the same time he already has “a bunch of kids”. Now the Colonel is resting. “Eats off the stomach, which will have to be driven away in the spring! In winter, in a team, she can walk in a sled, but without much desire, ”says Ekaterina.

P.S. “Azure will still remain the same talisman that fans love and appreciate. Many still think that it is he who appears at the stadium. And I agree with them, ”concludes Ekaterina.

The heroes of the cartoon "Well, you wait!" - Wolf and Hare. The network edition of the site decided to recall some of the most notable mascots sports teams.

Arizona trailblazer

The first mascot in the history of the National Basketball Association was the Hairy Gorilla from Phoenix. The date of birth of this mascot (talisman) is the winter of 1980. Legend has it that courier Henry Royas was sent with a telegram to the Phoenix Suns arena dressed as a gorilla. Apparently the security guards at the stadium were in a good mood that day, so instead of detaining the strange visitor, they asked Henry to stay and entertain the crowd at halftime.

In the first match, the talisman amazed the fans by entering the court without pants, starting to perform various gymnastic tricks and throws from above instead of the usual dances. The gorilla took off on the trampoline, ended up in the basket with the ball, and even dared to jump through the burning ring.

A memorable story happened to Gorilla in 1999. That season, the Suns added center Oliver Miller, who suffered from excess weight. Before that, the Gorilla did not stop mocking the fat man, but as soon as he became a Phoenix player, the mascot tried to ingratiate himself with the basketball player. They ate burgers together, went to the movies, and, according to Miller, became real friends.

live octopus

Octopus El - mascot hockey team Detroit Red Wings and one of the most famous mascots in the NHL. Just because he's... alive. In 1952, fishmongers Pete and Jerry Cusimano threw a real octopus onto the ice at the Olympia. The eight tentacles of the octopus symbolized the eight victories that needed to be won at that time in order to win the Stanley Cup. Since then, fans have thrown the octopus onto the ice for good luck.

Photo: Mary Ann Yoder/en.wikipedia.org/

Of course, the live octopus has a costumed prototype. However, until recently, the tradition of throwing real animals onto the ice was observed. The mascot is named Al after arena manager and pouring machine driver Al Sobotka, who most often collected discarded rubber toys on the ice. In 2011, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman banned throwing octopuses onto the court and imposed a $500 fine for violating the rule, causing widespread discontent among Red Wings fans.

Dinosaurs in London

If you think dinosaurs are extinct, then you are wrong. One certainly survived to this day. The good dinosaur Gunnersaurus is the mascot of the London football club Arsenal. He manages to hug the players, and calm the opponent, and celebrate the success, and he is always with the fans.

What is the reason for the choice of a dinosaur as a mascot is unknown. However, Gunnersaurus is no stranger to charity - he took part in the famous Ice Bucket Challenge campaign.

Bison from Oklahoma

Bison Rumble - official mascot basketball club Oklahoma City Thunder. His name comes from the sound that thunder makes. The background is as follows: Rumble is the hero of an old Native American fairy tale, which tells of a large herd of buffalo dying during a storm in the mountains. He helped his comrades down to safety, but was cut off from his friends by falling boulders on the path. As a result, Rumble was left alone, climbed to the highest peak, where he was struck by lightning.

According to legend, the magic of the god of thunder changed him. He began to walk on two legs, gained amazing strength and agility - he could jump higher, run faster and think more clearly. When the Thunder moved to Oklahoma City, Rumble joined the team after sensing kindred spirits.

Tongue Hound

The first mascot in the history of the National Hockey League was Harvey the Hound. More than 30 years have passed since then, so now Harvey is a little old-fashioned in comparison with modern and young "colleagues".

A funny incident happened to Harvey in 2003. More precisely, he is funny for everyone, but not for the mascot himself. During another Canadian showdown between Calgary and Edmonton, Harvey, with the score 4-0 to the Flames, walked up to the bench of the guest team and began to tease the opponent's players. Apparently, this infuriated Edmonton coach Craig McTavish, and he tore off Harvey's protruding tongue. After that, the Oilers cheered up and played three goals, but they were not enough for more.

After the match, McTavish stated that once he ripped off Harvey's tongue, "Things got much better, and if we had scored the fourth goal and equalized, then I would have started hunting Harvey the Hound."

cute little bee

The mascot of Borussia Dortmund is Emma the smiling bee. Named after the club's great striker Lottar Emmerich, nicknamed "Emma". However, Emma became famous all over the world not for her smile. In April 2012, the Borussia mascot decided in an original way to “finish off” Bayern Munich, which lost in the 30th round. The team's mascot pretended to urinate on the guests' bus.

Borussia Dortmund explained the behavior of the talisman in an original way. "Nonsense. Emma is a seven-year-old young and smart bee who knows perfectly well that this suit cannot be unzipped to do this little thing. We assume that she was trying to help the Bayern team by checking the tire pressure in the tires of the beautiful away bus," the statement said. press service of Dortmund.

Bear with a big heart

Perhaps one of the kindest talismans is a bear nicknamed Klatch. He became the symbol of the Houston Rockets basketball club in the mid-90s. A bear with folds on his stomach, a huge head, but a big heart is a favorite of the public. He does not try to intimidate rivals, but meets everyone with open arms and a stupid smile.

Clanch was most famous in 2008. A bear with a ring and flowers helped one fan win the hand and heart of a girl right during a basketball game. However, the chosen one said “No” into the microphone and left the stadium, leaving the unlucky boyfriend in frustrated feelings. Klatch then tried for a long time to console the failed groom. The bear even took a beer from one of the spectators and offered a drink to the abandoned young man.

At the same time, Klatch is known for his basketball abilities. Throw the ball from the center of the court, standing with your back to the ring? A bear can, but one of the NBA's best centers, Dwight Howard, can't.

St. Petersburg Bart

In early September 2014, Bart Simpson signed a contract with Zenit Petersburg. Now the character of the famous animated series is the official mascot and player of the football club. Bart joined the team's other mascot, the blue-maned lion.

The beginning of cooperation between the St. Petersburg club and the film company Twentieth Century Fox was announced last fall. The global campaign is dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the animated series and the football world championship in Brazil. In addition to Zenit, the producers of The Simpsons have signed deals with Barcelona, ​​Corinthians and Boca Juniors.

Photo: Bart Simson and Zenit head coach Andre Villas-Boas / fc-zenit.ru

The scariest talisman

HC Lipetsk, playing in the Higher hockey league, from the new season he got his own talisman - a bumblebee Zheka. He has already been dubbed the most "kid" mascot in the entire league. The aggressive insect was chosen by the majority of the hockey club fans according to the voting results.

At the same time, the fans chose the most appropriate option. A cat and a bear participated in the voting (these options are too banal), as well as a not very attractive bottle mascot. Unfortunately, the talisman does not help the Lipetsk team much to win - it only ranks ninth in the championship.

Daniel Adamov

It is hard to imagine that the performances of our teams took place without the support of Bars Tim. But it wasn't always like that. Where did mascots come from? And why should the team keep an extra pair of paws and a tail?

What is a mascot?

Mascot- a term that refers to any living or fictional character, a talisman object. Usually associated with a group of people, a school, a sports team, a military unit, a music group, a company, or some product. The word itself is "Mascotte" French descent means "talisman, charm". It used to be used to refer to anything that brings good luck to the family. The term gained popularity in the 1880s. Then the French composer Edmond Audran wrote a comic operetta called "La Mascotte". The work gained popularity and later this name began to be called any animal, person or object that brings good luck.

Choosing a mascot character is an important step, as the mascot is a reflection of the desired quality. Often, these are strong, agile and warlike animals: foxes, hawks, eagles, bears, and so on. Well, we have bars :)

The most famous talismans

Information about when the first mascots appeared for sports teams has been lost for centuries. It is only known that initially the teams used live animals. In 1906, the mascot of the Chicago Cubs was the carcass of a dead bear. Perhaps this is just an urban legend, but the current mascot of the team is exactly it.

In 2016, the fiftieth anniversary is celebrated by the first mascot of major football championships - the lion cub Willy. In 1966, during the World Cup in England, he surprised the fans with his presence.

The first talisman of summer Olympic Games 68 years in Mexico became a red jaguar. In the same year winter Olympics in Grenoble, offered the world as a symbol the figurine of the skier Shuss (Schuss or Schuss).

If we divide the clubs by sports, then one of the most famous mascots of the National Basketball League is the Toronto Raptor. In 1996, he was recognized as the best mascot in the NBA: he plays golf and hits slam dunks with a hitting percentage of 98.9%.

Harvey the Hound is the first mascot in NHL history. The Calgary Flames (Canada) team presented their mascot to the world in 1983.

Lion cub Willy red jaguar Skier Toronto Raptor Hound Harvey

Russia picks up the trends somewhat later. The well-known Fire Horse, for example, appeared at SKA only in 2009, in honor of the year the club was founded, number 46 was assigned to it.

The blue-maned lion supports the Zenit team at football and basketball games. True, he appeared much earlier than the horse, in 1996. Recently, Bart Simpson has joined him in a blue and blue suit.

Example from the West

Along with well-known football, basketball and hockey clubs, student associations also invented and created their own mascots. Let's look at the sports symbols of some prestigious Western universities.

Harvard Crimson is the name of the Harvard University team. And as you might guess, the British chose John Harvard as their talisman, after whom the institution of higher education was named.

MIT's mascot is a beaver named Tim the Beaver. But everything is not simple here. TIM is the opposite of MIT. The beaver was chosen as a mascot because "beavers are nature's engineers". The name of the Engineers team.

The Stanford Tree mascot looks strange. He quite often pops up in the ratings of the most unfortunate mascot. Name of stanford sports club- "Cardinal", so it was difficult to come up with an original mascot for them.

The Yale mascot is a bulldog named Handsome Dan. Rumor has it that one of the students of the university, Andrew Graves, bought a bulldog on the street, washed it and cleaned it, and in gratitude, he began to follow the owner on his heels. And since Graves was a member of the football team, the dog visited and football matches, becoming the living mascot of the club.

Harvard Crimson Tim the Beaver stanford tree Handsome Dan

In Russia, student sports associations have been actively developed and created over the past 5 years. The formation of the logo, name, managers and members of the press center are only the first steps that some teams have taken. Little by little, we, together with ASSK Russia, are moving towards ensuring that each club has its own symbol, talisman and spirit of unity!

The Matroska cat became famous throughout the country in December 2014, when the most popular video on the Russian Internet was the recording from the surveillance cameras of the Vladivostok airport.

The video shows how the cat, after closing, snuck into the refrigerator with meat delicacies that belonged to one of the local stores, and happily ate a fairly large amount of food. Small business owners estimated the damage at about 60,000 rubles.

The cat was put on the wanted list. At the same time, she became a national favorite - people demanded not to punish an animal that did not understand that it was doing something wrong.

When the cat was finally found, an unexpected twist of the plot followed - the newly formed hockey club"Admiral" from Vladivostok. From that moment on, the cat, named Matroska, lived in full prosperity, becoming the living mascot of the club.

In June 2016, a year and a half after the memorable incident, Matroska died. She began to get sick back in April, when it became clear that the animal would not last long. According to the latest information, the Admiral hockey club is going to erect a monument to Matroska.

“A homeless cat became famous all over the country by eating sea delicacies for a good monthly salary at the Vladivostok airport, after which she received a lucky ticket to live in the Admiral Hockey Club for another two years as a member of our large sports family, the loss of which is unbearably sad and painful for us, ”says the obituary published on the official website of the hockey team.

The sailor suit is far from the only living creature that is a symbol of a sports club. AiF.ru decided to remember which teams also chose as their symbols not an abstract character, but a very real living being.

Masha the cat

The analogy suggests itself - the cat Masha, who, like Matroska, has become a symbol of the Russian hockey team - Dynamo Moscow. The ginger cat settled in the arena where Dynamo Moscow played at Luzhniki five years ago, when the club won the Gagarin Cup for the first time. The trainer liked the animal so much, Oleg Znarok, who now works in the Russian national team and St. Petersburg SKA, which soon became the team's mascot. Head coach personally took patronage over the fluffy symbol of the club. Masha was allowed access to the players' locker room before the meeting and to the coaching office at any time of the day.

Eaglet Victoria

We all remember how St. Petersburg "Zenith" met with the Portuguese "Benfica" in the Champions League and the Europa League. Perhaps even more than the matches themselves, I remember the ceremony that was done in Portugal before the start of each match. A special person went out onto the field and released into the air ... an eagle. She made a circle over the stadium and returned to the trainer. The eagle's name is Victoria - victory. For several decades she has been the mascot of the Portuguese club, whose emblem depicts an eagle. The club even had to introduce a special position - a trainer.

Eagle Olympia

Italy has its own "eagles" - the football club "Lazio" from Rome. In 2010, he also decided to get his own live mascot. team president, Claudio Lotito, acquired an American bald eagle, which he named Olympia. Before the matches of the Romans, you can also see a show with a bird flying over the stadium. The only exceptions are meetings when the fans are too active and use pyrotechnics, which happens quite often. This can frighten the eagle, which at such moments is not released, and in a cage it will be hindered over one of the stands.

She-wolf Gella

The nickname of the Dacia football club from Moldova is yellow wolves. The fact is that it is this symbol that is depicted on the official coat of arms of the team, formed in 1999. And in 2010, the club got its own live talisman - a she-wolf named Hella, who gets along well with the players. It symbolizes strength and fidelity.

Now in Russia, many are concerned about who or what will be the symbol of the Olympics in Sochi. There are many applicants, ranging from bullfinch to nesting dolls. But the site is still a football site, and I decided to look for football mascots, or rather mascots of Russian clubs. What came out of this I suggest you see.

"Spartacus" - Ginger cat

First of Russian clubs, which acquired the talisman was precisely the Moscow club. Few people remember the ginger cat that entertained the public for eight years. After the unsuccessful seasons of Spartak, he was forced to end his "career", with a "not lucky" sentence.

"Zenith" - a lion

After winning the National Cup in 1999, the development of the club went not only in infrastructure, the club's management did not disregard the home matches of their team. To entertain the fans, and create Have a good mood decided to do a show before each game, and made a lion the main character. Which with the flag of "Zenith" was worn around the stadium and stands. In 2005 it ceased to exist. The reason for the disappearance is unknown, but it is said that the costume was too worn.

"Ruby" - Dragon Zilant

The fact that a dragon has become a mascot for the Kazan club can be called a regularity. The green creature is depicted both on the coat of arms of Tatarstan and on the coat of arms of Rubin. It was created in 2008 for the fiftieth anniversary of the team. Many Kazan fans associate the first championship with the advent of the Dragon Zilant.

"Siberia" - Eagle Chikalda

For a long time, Novosibirsk was represented by the Chkalovets club, which sponsored a large factory. Then the factory workers practically stopped helping their "brainchild", and in November 2005, instead of the team of the legendary pilot, "Siberia" appeared. In memory of the "flying" exploits, the management of "Siberia" chose a winged talisman as a symbol of the club - an eagle called Chikalda.

"Amkar" - Lynx

The mascot of the Perm team is a red lynx. It turned out to be quite funny. Constantly entertaining the public, it still does not enjoy popularity. Once again proving that clubs in Russia do not know how to promote their brand.

"Wings of Soviets" - Rat

Fans of different teams have long called the Samara club "rats". At first, the Wings fans were offended by the not-so-pleasant nickname, but still found an alternative to this, making the rodent their talisman. The rat is now handed over to football players and veterans of the club at all festive events. And the fans are not averse to coming to the stadium with a "cute" animal.

"Tom" - Horse Azure

Tomici is one of those who chose a living talisman for themselves. A bay named Azure personifies the Siberians. It is believed that if the horse before the match goes around the field around its perimeter, then be a victory. It is also known that the club spends about 50 thousand rubles a month to maintain its talisman.

"Locomotive" - locomotive

The only Moscow club that has officially registered its talisman is Lokomotiv. The train entertains the audience in every match at Cherkizovo. Railroad fans take him cool, because he received official recognition, without taking into account their opinions. In addition, he clearly does not bring good luck to the team.

CSKA - Horse

The Moscow club decided to legitimize its nickname. They made the horse their symbol. There is no live animal yet, but plush versions of horses are very popular.

"Ural" - Bumblebee

The orange colors of the club are the main reason for the creation of Bumblebee. The idea of ​​​​creating appeared in 2003, when instead of FC "Uralmash" FC "Ural" was formed. In 2005, the idea was brought to life. Only having appeared, he began to enjoy great popularity among the Ural fans, bringing the club a small profit.

SKA - Horse

The talisman was invented by Internet fans of the Rostov army. They also designed the costume. The stallion was presented at the SKA-Rostov derby.

"Saturn" - Saturn baby

The aliens had the most famous Russian talisman. It was hard to imagine the stadium in Ramenskoye without him. In connection with the events in the off-season, he was forced to resign.

I want to note that perhaps this is not a complete list of talismans representing our clubs, all who have information about talismans unknown to me, please unsubscribe. Thank you all for your attention!