Ski section for children. Skiing for children: how old and what are the benefits

A review of Moscow sports children's schools that train cross-country skiers, biathletes and even Acheri biathletes, prepared by Yevgeny Denisov, correspondent for the Kommersant-Sport newspaper.
Places where you can really get up on your skis and pick up poles.

Skiing is an indispensable tool for the physical improvement of the younger generation. Therefore, it is not surprising that many parents want to put their children on cross-country skiing. Sports schools in Moscow, where they can do this, were bypassed by Kommersant-Sport correspondent Yevgeny Denisov.

Schools for everyone

The fate of skiing in Russia is not easy. It is not one of the so-called elite sports, such as football, hockey or tennis, which means it has to be content with extremely meager government funding. In the struggle for the hearts of the younger generation, he has to withstand fierce competition from various exotics, such as Thai boxing, squash, hitball, curling, etc. (which, by the way, cost a lot of money, while the ski sections are all are still free). Finally, a series of doping scandals, in last years which pretty much knocked down the domestic ski track, also, it seems, should not contribute to its popularization in Russia. However... As the directors of many Moscow ski schools say, the flow of people wishing to enroll in sections from year to year not only does not weaken - which would be quite logical, given the current situation - but increases, albeit at a slow pace. Specialized children's and youth schools Olympic reserve(SDYUSHOR) are ready to accept into their ranks everyone who wants to go skiing, and, importantly, without pre-selection. It was quite difficult to get into the SDUSHOR in Soviet times: in best sections countries, only the most capable students of ordinary Youth Sports Schools (children's and youth sports schools) were included. Now this recruiting system is no longer in place, apparently due to the modest capacity of school budgets, no longer pulling the cost of finding talent across the country. Even the strongest ski sports schools in Russia today - "Planernaya", "Babushkino" and SDUSHOR # 111 (Zelenograd) - take children, as they say, from the street, including those who have never skied. However, of course, this does not exclude the possibility of inviting gifted students from other schools.

Through the thorns - on skis

9-10 years old is the ideal age to start skiing. However, with due prior physical training you can come to school later, however, as practice shows, it is better for Moscow children, due to the unhealthy environment of the metropolitan metropolis, to start classes early. Late admission to the SDUSHOR will also not matter much if the priority is not professional career and let's say it's good physical state. After all, as you know, skiing has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart, strengthens muscle tissue, respiratory and nervous systems, and also develop coordination of movements. Parents who are preparing to send their child to a ski school, first of all, need to know that this is possible only if he does not have relevant medical contraindications. To do this, you need to take him to a doctor, who should answer the question of whether the child can try skiing or not. If health does not prevent this in any way, then there will be no difficulties with enrollment in the section. However, a successful start does not mean at all that in the future the troubles associated with the stay of a novice skier in the section will bypass caring parents. One of the most important problems accompanying training is providing juniors with necessary equipment. Insufficient funding allows SDUSHOR to buy equipment only for the most talented students who have already achieved some success in their age categories. For beginners, on the other hand, two pairs of state-owned skis and poles (for classic and free style), boots, bindings, a special suit, a hat, etc. usually cannot be counted on. True, in some schools, as, for example, in the Babushkino Sports School, recruits receive all the necessary equipment, however, it is quite suitable for training, it no longer corresponds to the level of even intra-school competitions. All expenses for high-quality inventory (with rare exceptions) are covered from the family budget. Price complete set equipment in metropolitan stores can range from $500 to $1500, and once every one or two years it must be partially updated. By the way, inventory is not the only thing that parents will have to pay for. From time to time, the SDUSHOR can hold long gatherings at remote bases, and it does not take all the students there at its own expense. Those whose offspring are not among the lucky ones will have to allocate another $ 350 - the price of a typical three-week collection.

junior path

Already in the first year of study, a student of the SDUSHOR will have to practice two or three times a week, in the second - three or four, in the third - four or five, etc. By the last year of study, when the young athlete is already 16-17 years old, the option and with six classes a week, especially if he shows great promise. By the way, all students are allowed to complete their studies, regardless of their degree of giftedness - of course, subject to the regime. However, personal indicators play a big role when the question of continuing a career arises after graduation. The schools of the Olympic reserve - the next stage of preparation after the SDUSHOR - take only the most talented graduates, for the most part candidates for master of sports and above. General education also plays an important role in admission - in addition to physical standards, applicants must pass biology and the Russian language. In the ranking of Russian schools that train the largest number of first-class students and holders of various titles, the Babushkino Sports School has no equal, annually graduating 10-15 candidates for the master of sports and one or two masters of sports. 27 pupils of this school have become masters of sports and masters of sports over the past 10 years international class. Among them is a member of the Russian Olympic team at the Games in Albertville Tatyana Podmazo. Almost all the best grandmothers worked in the group of the honored coach of Russia Andrei Boyarinov. Speaking about the training bases where athletes train, we have to admit that Moscow is not the best in this regard. best city. Therefore, although many schools are based in the capital, they prefer to train skiers on its outskirts or in the Moscow region - in Tushino, Mitin, Krasnogorsk, Zelenograd, Khimki, etc. Sometimes the training of athletes can also move outside the Moscow region - for example, to bases Murmansk or Pskov, where, say, "Planernaya" leaves. In the summer, the school practices trips to Voronezh, Ostrov, Kaluga and other cities where there are suitable ski-roller tracks. Students showing in training good results, SDUSHOR provides an opportunity to try your hand at various tournaments. First of all, this is the junior championship of Moscow, in which the best pupils of the capital's ski schools compete. In turn, the best of them get into the Moscow team - a team that, through the Utah-Moscow tournaments, held twice a year, has access to the international arena. In addition, juniors can prove themselves at the international level at the annual European Games, for which only six people are selected from all over Russia - three boys and three girls. pinnacle sports career a student of the SDUSHOR can become a participant in the world championship among juniors. The last such championship was held in February this year in Norway. The Russian national team, for which Anna Slepova, a pupil of the Zelenograd school, was able to win gold and silver medals in the individual 5 km race. And four years ago, another Muscovite, Ekaterina Schastlivaya, who trained at the Babushkino Sports School, achieved the top step of the podium at the junior championship.

On the ski track - with bows and rifles

Some Moscow sports schools train biathletes in addition to skiers. The largest Moscow biathlon school "Tushino" recruits students mostly nine years old. The medical requirements for boys and girls who are preparing to enroll in a school are the same as in ski sports schools. As for the places of training, as they say at the Tushino school, it is impossible to conduct full-fledged classes either in Moscow or in the region: there are no professional shooting ranges. Therefore, the school practices frequent gatherings at the base in the Tver region, which has suitable training grounds. In recent years, students of this school have repeatedly become winners of various Russian and international tournaments. The greatest success was achieved by Alexei Prokunin, who in addition to the titles of the champion and the owner of the Cup of Russia in 1998 won the gold of the World Championship - all in the junior category. For lovers of the exotic, there are sections of the Acheri biathlon in the capital, in which bows are used instead of rifles. One of the training centers for skiers-archers is in the Babushkino Sports School, whose pupil Pyotr Salov is the world champion again among juniors.

skiing is the totality of all cross-country skiing on various distances, ski jumping and more. It also includes freestyle and snowboarding. This sport provides not only a pleasant pastime, but also allows you to become more confident in your abilities. Skiing can be practiced at any age, the main thing is to sign up for the skiing section.

Establishments (schools, clubs) in section Skiing with free sections for children in Moscow

Here is a list of all free ski sections, ski clubs and sports schools for children 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 years old, for boys and girls. Finding a suitable place for free classes skiing in Moscow can be done directly on the map or according to the list of presented sports organizations. You can choose a suitable sports section near your children's home, work or school for their subsequent enrollment. For each of sports sections available: phone numbers, addresses, prices, photos, description and conditions to sign up for a section or clarify other information that interests you.

From our article you will learn about the benefits of skiing for children. What are the medical contraindications for training, how to choose a section and how much training will cost.

Cross-country skiing is a technically difficult sport. However, today, due to the variety of profile sections and professional trainers Anyone can learn the technique. Even if the hobby does not go beyond walking in the forest, all the same, classes will have a beneficial effect on health and physical development child.

Types of skiing

Skiing combines many disciplines, most of them are included in the program of winter Olympic Games. Conventionally, skiing can be divided into 4 broad categories.

northern views

They include:

  • Cross-country skiing that started skiing. This is a ski classic. Racing has been part of the Olympic program since the very beginning.
  • Ski orienteering. It is not included in the Olympic program, but competitions are held all over the world.
  • Ski jumping. Introduced to the Olympics.
  • Ski biathlon. This is a combination of disciplines, including a ski jump and a relay race. Included in the Olympics.

Alpine views

This . Introduced to the Olympics. Includes:

  • Downhill.
  • Slalom, giant and super-giant slalom (descent with overcoming obstacles).
  • Alpine skiing combination, where the champion is determined by the results of two types - downhill and slalom.


Downhill skiing, including elements of aerial acrobatics, mogul (downhill, consisting of small hillocks), ski cross (obstacle skiing: springboards, climbs, sharp descents and gates). This discipline is included in the program of the Olympic Games.


Also featured in the Olympics. The discipline is distinguished by its extreme nature, as ordinary skis are replaced by a board.

Another popular olympic view sports - . This is a spectacular ski race combined with rifle shooting.

From what age?

Medical contraindications

Winter sport involves training in the open frosty air, and this is an additional burden on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Hernias and back problems can become an obstacle to exercising.

Also in skiing, the condition of the joints, ligaments and nervous system. Before enrolling in the section, it is recommended to undergo an examination and obtain the permission of doctors.

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Boys and girls

Skiing is great for kids of both sexes, there is no separation here. Both can achieve success in skiing and even compete with each other.


Skiing is good for children both medically and psychologically. In addition, skis serve as a good prevention of many diseases and solve problems with overweight. Skiing children will not have these problems in the future.

  • All muscle groups are involved, especially the legs and abs.
  • Correctly formed breathing, hardening.
  • Improves immunity and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.
  • The vestibular apparatus develops.
  • Increases endurance, performance and body tone.
  • Coordination and dexterity are developed, the child learns to keep balance.
  • Strengthens joints and ligaments.
  • Children grow up self-confident, form a competitive spirit, learn to cope with defeats and set new goals.
  • Stay on fresh air gives a large amount of strength and energy, which is useful for schoolchildren who spend a lot of time indoors.
  • Physical activity in the fresh air improves brain function by saturating it with oxygen.
  • Skiing makes it possible to do sports outside the city, for example, to go skiing in the forest, which will be especially beneficial for the body.


Cross-country skiing is a universal sport that almost anyone can practice, and therefore it is difficult to name its obvious disadvantages. Probably the biggest disadvantage is that this is a seasonal sport, and it is possible to do it only when there is snow outside the window. Thus, for constant ski training, you need to constantly come up with something that your wallet will definitely not be happy with: travel to cold regions and countries, train in paid indoor complexes in which snow conditions are artificially created, or get on roller skis, which, of course, looks like ordinary skis, but not in everything.

Another obvious disadvantage of cross-country skiing is the cold. As a result, frequent illnesses (especially in childhood). And we are not talking about banal colds, but about bronchitis and other unpleasant diseases. However, there is a plus here - over time, the body will get used to extreme weather (and fast run skiing for 10-20 km in sub-zero temperatures - this, of course, is extreme) and will become much stronger. But it won't happen right away.

How much do lessons cost?

In any city you can find free sections on skis. There are such in public institutions: sports centers, leisure children's centers and even in schools.

Almost everywhere there is a certain fund sports equipment so you don't have to buy everything you need right away. Skis and sticks will be given to the child. And then, when you understand that the child is interested in this sport and wants to continue to do it, a set of skis, poles, boots and a ski suit will need to be purchased for yourself.

Everything can be bought in sports stores. Prices for with sticks and for ski boots start from 1 thousand rubles, a ski suit can cost from 3 thousand.

How to choose a section?

Look for a competent coach who will take care of the necessary protection of the child and teach the technique. It is better to choose an instructor who is specially trained to work with children. The child should like classes, and a pleasant atmosphere reigns in the section.

Look for a section near the house so that it is convenient to get there, and not shake in transport with skis. It is inconvenient and takes energy. Ask your child's school if they have a ski section.

Go to a trial lesson, talk to the coach and other parents, ask their opinion about the section.

Summing up

Both boys and girls can ski from the age of 5. This sports discipline allows you to usefully spend time in the air, without burdening the body. Thanks to skiing, children improve their immunity, strengthen all muscle groups, learn to accept victories and defeats. The child should like sports, in no case should he be forced to do it. Only then will there be maximum benefit from training!


IN sports center Pro100Ski skiers and snowboarders training all year round. Here you can work on special simulators that imitate the descent down the mountain slope. If you are looking for a place to start learning from scratch, perfect your technique or ride in freezing temperatures, come to Pro100Ski.

region Moscow, sh. Novoskhodnenskoe, 5th kilometer, sports complex GOPark

Ski school L. V. Tyagachev

IN ski school Tyagachev are training young athletes, future Olympic champions. On the basis of the school, children live and study all year round. There is also a hotel and a recreation center on the territory, where you can organize family or corporate leisure.

Dmitrovsky district, pos. Dedenevo, st. Soviet

Russian ski school "Capital" 6+

Young athletes train at the Stolitsa school, training in alpine skiing, snowboarding, freestyle skiing, ski jumping, Nordic combined and snowboarding is provided here. All students are provided with the necessary sports equipment.

st. Letnikovskaya, 11/10, building 4

Ski school SmartSnow in SC "Lata-Trek"

At the SmartSnow ski school, not only children, but also adults can master winter sports. There are various subscriptions to choose from, both for several lessons and for a full-fledged course, after which a child or an adult can easily conquer the snowy slopes.

st. Krylatskaya, 1

School of skiing and snowboarding SmartSnow in Balashikha

The SmartSnow ski school in Balashikha near Moscow teaches skiing to adults and children. There are groups for both very young skiers (from four years old) and for teenagers (from twelve years old). There are slopes for beginners and steep slopes for experienced skiers.

Moscow region, Balashikha, Gorkovskoe highway, 7th kilometer

Ski base "Chulkovo" 6+

Skiing and snowboarding classes for children and adults are held in the ski club named after Guy Severin at the Chulkovo base. The minimum age to start classes is three years. Here adults and children with disabilities undergo rehabilitation with the help of skiing.

p. Chulkovo, st. Kurgannaya, 1

Sports complex "KANT"

Skiing and snowboarding at the school are taught to children aged three to twelve years. On the territory of the complex there are nine specially equipped training tracks with progressive complication.

Electrolitny pr-d, d. 7/2

Training sessions with young athletes are held on the territory of the Krylatsky Hills complex, where there are three slopes for slalom and giant slalom. At night, artificial lighting is used. On the basis of group and individual sessions for children and adults.

Rublevskoe sh., 24/5

All-season indoor slope ""

Learn to ride skiing and snowboarding is convenient here all year round: the weather does not affect the training schedule that takes place on the covered slope. Enrollment is carried out every month on the first day, and you can study both in groups and individually. Classes are held throughout the day: there are morning, afternoon and evening groups.

Krasnogorsk, Krasnogorsky boulevard, 4