The movement of ships along the Volga. Locations of vessels in real time

  • Specialty HAC RF05.22.19
  • Number of pages 197

1. Research of the fleet traffic dispatching control system in the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt".

1.1. Analysis of production activities in the field of shipping management.

1.2. Analysis of the existing fleet traffic dispatching control system.

1.3. Retrospective analysis of theoretical studies on fleet traffic dispatching control.

2. Improving the organization of the movement of the fleet across the St. Petersburg bridges.

2.1. Analysis of the technological process of guiding ships through the St. Petersburg bridges.

2.2. Development of a simulation model for the movement of ships across the St. Petersburg bridges.

GBU "Volgo-Balt".

3.1. Development of information and software for the model.

3.3. Evaluation of the economic effect of the proposed solutions.

Recommended list of dissertations in the specialty "Operation of water transport, navigation", 05.22.19 VAK code

  • Increasing fleet efficiency in lock systems 2011, candidate of technical sciences Shishkin, Alexander Alekseevich

  • Improving the organization of the passage of ships through lock systems: on the example of VDSK 2008, candidate of technical sciences Gusev, Dmitry Evgenievich

  • Conceptual model for building an automated vessel traffic control system in the Nevsky-Ladoga area of ​​waterways and navigation of the Volga-Baltic waterway 2002, Candidate of Technical Sciences Brodsky, Evgeny Lazarevich

  • Business Case for Fixed Navigation Duration and Path Service Rates 2000, Candidate of Economic Sciences Pastushchak, Oksana Aleksandrovna

  • Mathematical Support for Optimizing the Structure of Automated Information Systems in River Automated Control Systems 2007, Ph.D. Kholin, Alexey Vyacheslavovich

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) on the topic "Development of the dispatch control system for the movement of the fleet in the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt""

The Volga-Baltic Waterway (VBVP) is the main waterway in the north-west of Russia and the main link in the country's inland waterway system in trade with the states of central and northern Europe. Navigation management and maintenance of the VBVP route are entrusted to the Volga-Baltic State basin management waterways and navigation (GBU "Volgo-Balt").

The operation of river transport, the speed of delivery of goods and passengers, and the safety of navigation along the VBVP highway depend on the clear and coordinated work of the divisions and services of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt".

IN last years new requirements are imposed on the operation of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" and, in particular, on the existing system of fleet traffic dispatch control. The reasons for this are the following factors: the revival of the Russian economy; increased trade with European countries; prospects for the transit of goods along the international transport corridor "North-South"; stable growth of cargo and passenger traffic; improving the quality of shipping organization in accordance with the requirements of international standards.

At the same time, the long-term underfunding of the VBVP has led to the fact that this route in its current state does not provide economically efficient and safe navigation, cannot cope with annually increasing cargo flows and does not meet the challenges of long-term development.

The system of fleet traffic dispatch control currently established in the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" does not fully meet the needs of the participants in the transport process: the dispatching apparatus is not able to check the information coming from the ships; does not have means of monitoring the speed of movement of ships in regulated areas and the placement of ships in the roads and at the berths in the Neva River basin; not provided with modern means for transmitting information to adjacent basins, etc. Other participants in the transport process also experience a lack of information: skippers, shipowners and agents, management structures and other organizations.

An analysis of the passage of vessels along the VBVP shows that the Nizhnesvirsky sluice, the Northern slope of the VBVP and St. Petersburg bridges have remained the busiest, limiting sections over the past years.

In peak months, the loading of the Nizhnesvirsky sluice and the sluices of the Vytegorsk stairs ranges from 80 to 100%, which significantly exceeds the approved standard. The Neva bridges are also extremely loaded with ship wiring; half of the navigations of 2002 and 2003 their carrying capacity did not meet the needs of shipowners in guiding ships.

The maximum use of the throughput capacity of the WWTP structures during the peak months of navigation, their unsatisfactory technical condition entails large demurrages of the fleet, the losses from which amount to millions of dollars. The accumulation of the fleet in anticipation of locking and drawing bridges creates a threat of emergencies along the entire waterway.

The foregoing confirms the need to develop a fleet traffic dispatch control system on the VBVP route.

The most problematic and insufficiently developed task in this area is to increase the number of fleets passing through the St. Petersburg bridges in a specified time interval.

Compared to 1996, the traffic flow across the Neva bridges more than doubled and in 2002 exceeded 7.1 thousand units. for navigation. As a result, the intensity of fleet traffic across the bridges increased: from 51.6 thousand ships per year to 100.5 thousand ships per year. On some days, the number of applications for pilotage reached 100. The situation is complicated by possible interruptions in navigation through the bridges due to official public holidays, weather conditions and emergencies, such as the accident of the ship "Kaunas" in August 2002.

Currently, the following projects are proposed or are under implementation aimed at increasing the capacity of the Neva bridges:

Construction of a high-water bridge across the Neva River as part of a ring road;

Construction of a high-water bridge connecting Vasilyevsky Island with the city center or construction of a tunnel;

Improving the organization of the movement of caravans of ships by carrying out activities provided for by the Neva-2000 program;

Construction of vessels with reduced surface dimensions and switching to them of a part of the transit cargo flow;

Construction of an alternative waterway "Ladoga-Finnish Gulf" bypassing St. Petersburg.

All of these projects require large capital investments and long implementation periods. In conditions of limited funding, the use of simulation methods for solving this problem is of particular relevance.

Thus, to solve the tasks set, it is necessary to conduct special studies, and therefore the topic of the dissertation work is relevant.

The object of the dissertation research is the ships on which dispatch control is carried out, and the subject of the research is the dispatch control system for the movement of ships on the VBVP route and the technological process of organizing the piloting of ships across the St. Petersburg bridges.

In accordance with the above, the purpose of the dissertation work is to develop directions for the development of the fleet traffic dispatch control system in the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" and means to increase navigation through the Neva bridges.

To achieve this goal, the research should:

Analyze the production activities of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" in the field of shipping management;

Investigate the existing fleet traffic dispatching control system;

To form directions for the development of the fleet traffic dispatching control system;

Perform a retrospective analysis of theoretical studies on fleet traffic dispatching control;

Analyze the technological process of escorting ships across the St. Petersburg bridges;

Develop a simulation model for the movement of ships across the St. Petersburg bridges and its information and software;

Determine the directions of modernization of the information system of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt";

Perform testing of the simulation model;

Assess the economic efficiency of the proposed solutions.

To solve the tasks set in the dissertation work, the methods of system analysis, theoretical research, mathematical statistics, combinatorial analysis, simulation modeling using object-oriented programming methods and modern information technologies for data processing were used.

The paper uses: extensive statistical material on cargo flows, ship flows and deployment of the fleet on the VBVP for the period 1996-2003, accumulated in the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt"; financial documents of shipping companies; data of domestic and foreign periodicals and Internet publications on the problems of ship traffic dispatching control.

The dissertation work consists of an introduction, three chapters and a conclusion with a total volume of 197 pages, including: 20 tables, 27 figures, a bibliographic list of 109 titles and 33 pages of applications.

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Operation of water transport, navigation", Mudrova, Olga Mikhailovna

Conclusions on the third chapter.

1. In clause 3.1. a new scenario of the user's work in the "Dislocation" subsystem was proposed and a corrected block diagram of the process of organizing the piloting of ships across bridges was presented, taking into account the developed software module. The choice of information and software of the "Imitation" module was also substantiated, taking into account the features of the current information system.

2. The completed approbation of the "Imitation" module confirmed its functional viability. The comparative indicators used for the analysis positively characterize the results of the tests. It has been established that the use of a simulation model on a busy day, on average, increases the passage of ships from inland waterways through the Neva bridges by two ships per day.

3. Based on the results of calculating the commercial effectiveness of the project, a conclusion was made about its feasibility.


The Coordinating Council of the North-West Association on the issue “On the state of the inland waterways of the North-West of Russia and increasing the capacity of the Volga-Baltic waterway”, a meeting of which took place in April 2003, recognized the inconsistency between the requirements for the WWTP and the state of this tracks.

In particular, it was noted that the Federal Target Program "Modernization of the Transport System of Russia (2002 - 2010)", its subprogram "Inland Waterways", as well as the concept for the development of inland water transport for the period up to 2015, although they recognize the disastrous state of waterways and the threat of man-made disasters on shipping facilities, at the same time pose the task of a high quality level for the transportation of multimillion-dollar cargo flows of international transport corridors, without providing for the necessary funding.

In 2005, an increase in the transportation of goods along the VBVP up to 18.0 million tons is forecasted. In accordance with the agreements signed at the government level in 2000, an increase in traffic is also expected in the period up to 2010.

The maximum use of the throughput capacity of the WWTP structures causes large demurrage of ships, the losses from which have increased significantly in recent years, and adversely affects the safety of navigation.

The implementation of measures for the reconstruction of the Volga-Baltic waterway is assigned beyond the limits of 2010.

The current situation requires the adoption of urgent measures to improve the fleet traffic dispatch control system and increase the throughput capacity of the VBVP structures. A special place in this series is occupied by improving the safety of vessel traffic within St. Petersburg and the search for cost-effective solutions to increase the capacity of the Neva bridges.

This determines the relevance of the research performed in the dissertation, the main purpose of which is to develop directions for the development of the fleet traffic dispatch control system in the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" and means to increase navigation through the Neva bridges.

In accordance with the goal in the dissertation research, the following results and conclusions were obtained.

The work carried out a study of the production activities of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" in the management of shipping.

The dynamics of cargo flows and ship flows has been analyzed since 1996. The following trends have been identified:

Uneven distribution of cargo flows and their orientation towards the Baltic;

The dependence of traffic dynamics on the demand for export goods in international markets, changes in tariffs for competing modes of transport and tariffs for the handling of river-sea vessels in seaports;

Steady growth in dry cargo, passenger and towing fleets except for 2000 and high traffic density.

In addition, it was found that from 2000 to 2002. the time spent by the courts for the passage of the EBP increased by a day.

An analysis of the passage of ships through the locks showed that the main reason for the idle time of the cargo fleet in anticipation of locking is the increase in the traffic of the passenger fleet, which has priority service. In conditions of almost complete use of the capacity of locks, the “price” of their decommissioning for troubleshooting and preventive inspections and repairs increases. The Nizhnesvirsky lock remains the busiest. In terms of the total tonnage of the fleet passed through lock No. 1, the Northern Slope of the VBVP came close to the maximum level of loading of the system in 1989.

Based on the results of the analysis of the passage through the St. Petersburg mines, the following conclusions were made:

The number of vessels passing through the Neva bridges is steadily growing, since 1996 this figure has more than doubled;

The number of days with refusals to pilot ships is increasing;

High traffic intensity of the fleet on the section of the Neva bridges.

The main objectives of dispatch control are to ensure the safety of navigation and accelerate the advancement of the fleet on the VBVP.

The main principle of vessel traffic management in the Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution is to ensure continuous centralized control over the safe movement of the fleet, regulation of its movement in areas difficult for navigation, taking into account the state of waterways and navigational conditions.

As part of the fleet traffic dispatch control, the following areas are distinguished:

Operational control of the deployment of the fleet;

Regulation of passage of ships through locks;

Management of navigation through the St. Petersburg bridges;

Vessel traffic control in regulated areas;

Regulation of the movement of ships in the lakes of category "M" and the exit of ships from Cherepovets to the Rybinsk reservoir;

Operational control of vessel traffic at economical speeds.

In each direction, the participants and technology of the management process, information flows and workflow are identified, the main reasons that reduce the quality of management and possible ways to eliminate them are noted.

Thus, it was found that the direct object of the operational dispatch control in the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" is the ships, and the subject is the dispatch apparatus.

The interaction of the object and the subject is carried out through the implementation of such functions of operational dispatch control as accounting, control, analysis, regulation, forecasting and planning.

Effective work the dispatching apparatus of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" depends on the following factors: the technical condition of the waterway, hydraulic structures and ships; the level of equipment with means of communication of control points and ships; the level of equipment of dispatching stations with computer technology; the degree of awareness of the dispatching apparatus about the situation on the route; the level of qualification of specialists of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt".

As part of the dissertation, it was revealed that the existing fleet traffic dispatching control system implements all the functions assigned to it, but does not contribute to a further increase in the throughput capacity of the route and ensuring the safety of navigation.

To study possible ways to improve the efficiency of the dispatch control system, a retrospective analysis of theoretical studies in this area was carried out.

He showed that a number of developments on the creation of an information model of the transport process, scientific methods for predicting the deployment of the fleet, the tasks of scheduling the passage of ships through the lock systems and normalizing the waiting for locking have found their application in the work of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt".

On the contrary, such studied areas as automatic collection and transmission of information from ships, the tasks of simulation modeling and optimization of navigation through lock areas, operational control of fleet traffic at economical speeds remain unclaimed.

An insufficiently explored direction is the management of the movement of the fleet through the St. Petersburg bridges. This is facilitated by the following factors: lack of a sufficient number of analogues of this situation; until recently, the capacity of the Neva bridges mainly satisfied the participants in the transport process; the prevailing opinion is that the only way out is to increase the distribution time, or to implement expensive projects, such as the construction of an alternative waterway bypassing St. Petersburg.

Taking into account the tasks of the modern economy and the level of development of information and communication technologies, further development of research in the field of dispatch control of the movement of the fleet is required.

Thus, it is substantiated that in the current economic conditions for the northwestern region, the task of improving the organization of the passage of the fleet through the St. Petersburg bridges is the most relevant.

To develop proposals for improving the organization of the passage of the fleet through the Neva bridges, an analysis of the technological process of escorting ships was carried out.

In the practice of Volgo-Balt State Budgetary Institution, this process is conditionally divided into preparatory, organizational, executive and final stages.

The main restrictions imposed on the technological process of escorting ships are established, and it is concluded that, in general, it provides safe escort of ships in the amount regulated by regulatory documents. However, given the growth in prospective traffic flow and the statistics of traffic accidents, the following shortcomings were noted in the organization of escorting ships across the Neva bridges:

Within the framework of the current information system, forecasting of the moment of approach of ships to bridges is not carried out, taking into account specifications vessels and features of sections of the waterway;

The arrangement of ships in the caravan is carried out without taking into account the distances between raids;

When drawing up a plan for escorting ships through bridges, one variant of wiring is mainly considered, which may not be optimal;

Refusals from wiring can come up to the moment of drawing bridges;

Periodically, there are delays in the construction of bridges due to technical problems and through the fault of car owners and railway workers (Finlyandsky Bridge);

There is a lack of operational raids.

Some of the above shortcomings can be eliminated by developing the existing information system and including an additional module in it that simulates a complex stochastic process of piloting ships, on the basis of which an optimal piloting plan will be drawn up.

The concept of the developed simulation model is based on the fact that the draw spans of the Neva bridges are a queuing system, the work of which is to process the incoming flow of applications. The purpose of the functioning of the system under study is the maximum number of ships allowed to pass through the bridges, while fulfilling the restrictions and priorities established by regulatory documents, taking into account the safety of navigation.

Received applications are serviced by the system or are refused with mandatory processing on the next day. Thus, there is a single-channel single-phase QS with waiting and priority. The receipt of applications and the time of their processing are random variables. In general, there is a stochastic transport process, in which both overloads and downtime of the service system are possible.

As a means of solving the problem, the simulation method was chosen.

Variable characteristics in the model, due to which the number of ships that passed the bridges can be increased, are the speed of the caravan (at the expense of the lead ship) and the point of temporary mooring of ships in anticipation of bridges.

Thus, the scientific substantiation of the formation of a caravan of ships, taking into account the technical characteristics of the ships and the location of the roadsteads, is carried out in the work.

When implementing the simulation model in operation, for each vessel that has submitted an application for pilotage, the forecast of the following values ​​is performed: travel time in the sections of Lake Ladoga and the Neva River; moment of approach to the mooring point; the moment of the beginning of the movement in the wiring; moment of passing the first bridge; the moment of passing the last bridge.

To evaluate the statistical hypothesis regarding the law of distribution of the duration of the course of ships along the sections of the route, the corresponding statistical samples were formed for the ships of the main types passing through the bridges. As a result of processing the generated variational series, it was found that the travel time is adequately described by the LOGNORMAL law and the parameters of the distribution law were obtained.

The model implements a procedure that ensures the convergence of the simulated characteristics.

The calculation of the number of possible permutations of ships by mooring points and the operation of permutation of ships by mooring points are performed in the model by means of combinatorial analysis.

The development of the simulation model was based on an object-oriented approach. In this task, four objects were identified: "Ship", "Bridges", "Setting period" and "Virtual plan", operations performed on objects, and rules for their interaction were established.

The result of the implementation of the QS for ship servicing is presented in the form of a list of ships indicating the order of their passage through the bridges, the point and time of the start of the movement of each vessel in the layout, the time of passage of the first and last bridge.

The model is constructed in such a way that with each change in the operational data on the list of vessels ready for laying out, at the request of the dispatcher, it forms a new optimal plan.

The model uses one of the main advantages of simulating the transport process on a computer: by enumeration of various options, a wiring plan is formed that meets the specified restrictions. These actions are implemented in the "Imitation" module of the "Deployment" subsystem.

The use of the simulation model required changes in the methodology for drawing up a plan for escorting ships and the process of organizing the escort of ships across bridges, as well as developing a new scenario for the user of the "Dislocation" subsystem.

The source code of the "Imitation" module was developed by the author in the Delphi programming language.

Implementation of the proposed solution is possible only within the framework of the information system of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt". However, the effective functioning of the model requires the modernization of the existing information system. The prerequisites for modernization are also the above-mentioned shortcomings of the existing fleet traffic dispatch control system.

Based on the results of the analysis of the current information system, the following ways of its development based on information technologies were formulated:

1. Connection to the computer network of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" of control rooms, including operator rooms at gateways

2. Implementation of information and technical systems for ensuring the safety of navigation, using the achievements of radio electronics and computer technology, the creation and development of the VBVP VTS.

3. Application of geographic information technologies for the presentation of dispatching information.

4. Organization of the Web-site of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" and the use of WWW technology for presenting data.

5. Upgrading the DB2 DBMS version.

6. Development of the automated control system of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" and automation of workflow.

At the end of the dissertation research, approbation and evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed solutions were carried out.

Approbation of the simulation model was carried out on the basis of the statistical base for pilotage of vessels for 2002 and 2003. Two days with wiring failures were chosen as the basic options.

Comparison of the predicted and actual piloting plans was carried out according to the following indicators: the number of submitted applications for piloting n fleet units; tonnage of ships declared for bridge draw; the number and tonnage of ships passing through the bridges per day; total downtime of ships waiting for bridges to be drawn; the start and end time of the caravan movement across the bridges.

As a result, it was found that during the two days under study it was possible to additionally pass five ships through the bridges. At the same time, the total downtime of the fleet in anticipation of deployment was reduced by 157 days.

In general, the approbation of the model was carried out for all days with failures in the piloting of ships for the last two navigations. This led to the conclusion that the use of the simulation model, on average, increases the passage of ships from inland waterways through the Neva bridges by two vessels per day.

The performed approbation of the model showed: the functional completeness of the model; compliance of the model with the specified constraints; sufficiency of information support; software performance; satisfactory performance of the machine implementation of the model; visual presentation of output information.

To assess the economic efficiency of the proposed solution, the financial consequences of the project for its participants - shipowners and SBU "Volgo-Balt" were calculated.

The calculation was carried out according to the following enlarged scheme:

Justification of the duration of the estimated period of the project;

Forecasting the volume of transported cargo by types of vessels by year of the billing period;

Implementation of the forecast of cash inflows and outflows for each project participant by years of the billing period;

Determination of the gross profit by years of the billing period for each project participant.

State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" for the implementation of measures to speed up navigation through the Neva bridges does not receive additional income. The obtained calculations allow us to say that it is necessary to consider the issues of incentives for the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" for carrying out measures to speed up navigation through the Neva bridges.

According to the results of the billing period, the total profit of shipowners is 4.9 million US dollars, which will increase tax revenues to the federal and local budgets by 1.2 million US dollars, which can be directed to the development of waterways.

Thus, the creation of a simulation model for the movement of ships across the St. Petersburg bridges can be recognized as an effective project, the application of which will allow:

Increase the number of fleets and reduce the queue of ships waiting for bridges;

To expand the information base of the dispatcher for drawing up a plan for piloting vessels and to increase the validity of managerial decisions;

Automate the drawing up of a ship piloting plan;

Get additional income for shipowners and increase tax revenues to the budget.

The practical use of the research carried out in the dissertation is implemented by the dispatching apparatus of the NRS of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt" in organizing the movement of the fleet across the St. Petersburg bridges.

Thus, the defense is:

Proposals for the development of the dispatch control system in

GBU "Volgo-Balt";

Scientific substantiation of the organization of the technological process of piloting vessels through bridges, taking into account the technical characteristics of the vessels and the location of mooring points;

A new methodology for drawing up a plan for escorting ships across the Neva bridges;

Simulation model of the movement of ships across the Neva bridges;

Directions for the modernization of the information system of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt".

Please note that the scientific texts presented above are posted for review and obtained through original dissertation text recognition (OCR). In this connection, they may contain errors related to the imperfection of recognition algorithms. There are no such errors in the PDF files of dissertations and abstracts that we deliver.

Irinka said: 04.05.2013 18:02

2009 was quite a normal year to start navigation.
2010 was ruined by drought and fires.
2011, although the water was on the rise, but not so critical. The truth just as quickly and left, left early, very early
2012 - high water.
2013 - high water.

Lanser said: 05/05/2013 17:57

Passenger navigation was opened in St. Petersburg today.

Literally 50 minutes ago, he left for the Quiet Don flight with a delay.

Now it is already moving along the Neva.

Irinka said: 05/07/2013 23:20

Changes in the Nikulin schedule. On the cruise from May 10 to May 12, a stop was added in Starocherkasskaya.

Nick said: 05/09/2013 20:06

Vesyegonsk is ready to receive ships. The situation is set.

LUMax said: 05/10/2013 12:08 PM

Navigation-2013 is gaining momentum.
Began to update the deployment at LBC.

Cruises and Shipping. Forum of the Internet portal INFOFLOT.RU

Some photos from GKP

Guest_Nikolsky_* May 19, 2009

_______._____________017.JPG 191.57K 125 Number of downloads:

But if, nevertheless, some kind of kaka breaks into the hold, a worker of a scoop and a galvanized bucket is waiting for her, unceremoniously placing this kaka in a bucket:
_______._____________029.JPG 116.58K 145 Number of downloads:

_______._____________030.JPG 115.06K 134 Number of downloads:

Everything for today!

Mikhail Arkhipov May 19, 2009

Everything for today!

Thanks, very nice footage. But there was no oncoming fleet?
So on the 70th now? We will look out

Evgeny Blokhin May 21, 2009

. - Vasily Malov's nose is half an hour fresh.

What, is there still ice conditions on the VBC?

What then is done at the BBC? There yesterday like navigation should have opened.


Evgeny Blokhin May 21, 2009

What, is there still ice conditions on the VBC? blink.gif
What then is done at the BBC? There yesterday like navigation should have opened.

Puzzled, I’m sitting here, I’m trying to tie my nose to the stop Malova and the ice situation, stop

I explain
You gave a dear DMG Malov's nose
http://www.infoflotf. =. st&id=14102

Now it is clear?
Or is it foam flakes?

Guest_Nikolsky_* May 21, 2009

And next to the nose in the lock bath, ice floes float.
Now it is clear? biggrin.gif
Or is it foam flakes?

Quite understandable!
It's foam

DSC00454.JPG 106.02K 120 Number of downloads:
And this is a raid in the Novinkinsky reservoir 20 minutes ago.
A small but unpleasant traffic jam caused by the passage of the passenger (well, who else?) "Simonov"
The far right, by the way, (not counting half of the Volgo-Don 141 m/v) is still the same V.Malov, but turned to us not with his nose, but with the opposite part of the body.

Today, almost the entire morning watch was spent in languid expectation of locking in the 5th lock of the VBC.
At first, one large iron and orange box moved from the 4th lock to the fifth for a very long time and very slowly.

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May 22, 2009

And I join in the congratulations on the start of navigation!

Guest_Nikolsky_* May 22, 2009

Then, from the side of the sixth lock, Yesenin, who was fairly late somewhere, appeared to the world.
Naturally, our locking with Malov was immediately covered with a copper basin, and I spent the rest of the watch gritting my teeth in impotent rage and anger.

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When I see such a picture, I really want to kill someone! Very!
We are allocated a certain time for the transition between ports, and not meeting it is not good!
DSC00515.JPG 128.26K 165 Number of downloads:

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So I think, what if our State Budgetary Institution got the right to regulate air traffic in the area of ​​some major airport?
Cargo planes would circle in the waiting area for days, letting planes with passengers in to land. And when all passenger planes would land, the airport would immediately take a “window” (closed) for several hours to concrete the runway or sweep it with brooms by hand.
I shudder at the very thought!
DSC00531.JPG 129.9K 95 Number of downloads:

The pictures from Ammophos are very interesting, thank you!

And I join in the congratulations on the start of navigation! biggrin.gif rolleyes.gif

And where will you mainly work this summer (I mean geographically)? Or is it impossible to say for sure?
Do you have any plans to bring something to us, to Nizhny?

As for plans. This is Comrade Markin Square, please, only they know there. Moreover, it is much easier for you to do this than for me.

dimon36 May 23, 2009

Guest_Nikolsky_* May 23, 2009

Alexey Semin May 23, 2009

We are being bombarded with DAP, or diammonium phosphate. Round small yellowish granules

Question to the respected Nikolsky. There is no double bottom in my question, it just became interesting.
After all, diammonium phosphate - probably falls into the category of the so-called. "dangerous goods" with its class and hazard subclass. On the basis of what regulatory or permitting document do you transport it? After all, on the basis of the ADN Code or RID MK (Codes for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Inland or Sea), a booklet “Justification for the transport of dangerous goods” must be developed for your vessel and agreed with the RRR or RMRS, which contains the nomenclature of OG allowed for transportation on this vessel, conditions for the transportation of a particular cargo (what is in what holds, at what distances), the procedure for transportation (how to ventilate, how to extinguish or not to extinguish, etc.), loading and unloading technology, etc. And after the approval of this booklet, the RRR or RMRS must issue a “Certificate of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods” to the ship. Do you have one? How do you proceed to the port of destination - in the usual way or is there any tightening in connection with the cargo? What kind of fires do you kindle and raise signs of the day?

Alex_I May 23, 2009

Volgo-Don-5070 Ascension 23-05-09 22:10:00 SLG

After all, diammonium phosphate - probably falls into the category of the so-called. "dangerous goods" with its class and hazard subclass.

". is not chemically hazardous, not prone to self-heating and spontaneous combustion, fire and explosion safe.
» Classified as a non-hazardous pollutant in terms of impact on the marine environment.»
“In terms of the degree of impact on humans, it belongs to class 4 (low-dangerous). "
“Dangerous by the possibility of displacement in pitching conditions. "

On the basis of what regulatory or permitting document do you transport it? After all, on the basis of the ADN Code or RID MK (Codes for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by Inland or Sea), a booklet “Justification for the transport of dangerous goods” must be developed for your vessel and agreed with the RRR or RMRS, which contains the nomenclature of OG allowed for transportation on this vessel, conditions for the transportation of a particular cargo (what is in what holds, at what distances), the procedure for transportation (how to ventilate, how to extinguish or not to extinguish, etc.), loading and unloading technology, etc. And after the approval of this booklet, the RRR or RMRS must issue a “Certificate of the Transportation of Dangerous Goods” to the vessel. Do you have one?

And Rationale. " and "Certificate of. " we have. It's all right here.

How do you proceed to the port of destination - in the usual way or is there any tightening in connection with the cargo? What kind of fires do you kindle and raise signs of the day?

The lights are ordinary, the order is the same.


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STORMER May 24, 2009

Podporozhye. 6 a.m. Gloomy morning.

DSC00548.JPG 132.15K 201 Number of downloads:

This is the celebrity of Navigation 2008 - Nikolsky, beloved by everyone, "Volgo-Don 5074", when you meet him, how does nostalgia gnaw? Or is the current steamer better?

Guest_Nikolsky_* May 24, 2009

Nikolsky, when meeting with him, how does nostalgia gnaw?

Gnawing. What's the point? Not khukhry-muhry, after all - I worked on it for five years.
A person gets used to everything. I'll get used to it too

Or is the current steamer better?

Worse. Both in terms of technical condition and external and internal appearance.
But we'll fix it.
It would be a desire for the owner to allocate money to maintain a normal tech. condition and putting in order the exterior with the interior.




2 CONTENTS page 2 of 31 1 General provisions Abbreviations and definitions Ship safety management system Instructions for the shipowner's employees to ensure the safe operation of ships and prevention of environmental pollution in accordance with the requirements of the ITC Documents establishing the powers and relationships of the shipowner's employees who manage the operation of ships, in terms of ensuring the safe operation of ships and preventing pollution Document, establishing the powers and interaction of the crew members of the River Register vessels in terms of ensuring the safe operation of ships and preventing environmental pollution Ways of communication between the shipowner's employees and the ship's crew crew of the ship and other employees of the shipowner in case of emergencies Documents establishing the duties of the captain of the ship. Documents confirming the powers of the captain of the ship, including exclusive powers and responsibility in relation to saving life and health of people, ensuring the safe operation of the ship and preventing environmental pollution . The procedure for familiarizing the employees of the shipowner, when hiring and transferring to another job, with the duties assigned to them in terms of ensuring the safe operation of ships and preventing environmental pollution. The procedure for planning the ship’s voyage and ensuring the safety of its navigation. including regular checks of mechanisms, devices, equipment that are not used constantly. The procedure for checking the effectiveness of the SMS and, if necessary, its revision. Annex A canceled Annex B Programs of ship crew drills and drills for working out actions in emergency situations

Page 3 page 3 of 31 Appendix B Vessel Acquaintance Sheet Appendix D Checklist for checking the readiness of the vessel for the voyage. 27 Appendix D Guidance on inspections of life-saving appliances Change registration sheet Familiarization sheet

Page 4 page 4 of 31 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS 1.1 These Guidelines are the fundamental document of the River Register SMS. 1.2 The SMS Guidelines determine the structure of the River Register's ship safety management system and perform the function of a local regulatory act in the application and improvement of the SMS. 1.3 The SMS is developed and applied in compliance with legislative and other regulations Russian Federation and local acts of the River Register, covering the activities of inland water transport related to the management of ship safety. 1.4 The SMS governs the activities of the River Register employees and crew members of the River Register ships to ensure the safety of navigation and prevent environmental pollution, as well as in case of occurrence of hazards and emergencies associated with ships. 1.5 The structure of the construction of this Manual corresponds to the structure of the requirements established in paragraph 1 of Art. KVVT. 1.6 These Guidelines can be used by shipowners in order to develop ship safety management systems, subject to revision that takes into account the existing organizational structure and activities of the shipowner, the number, types and purpose of ships. 2 ABBREVIATIONS AND DEFINITIONS For the purpose of applying this Guide, the following terms, their definitions and abbreviations are established: КВВТ Federal law from the Federal Law "Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation"; The River Register is a federal autonomous institution, including the Main Directorate and branches; safety management system of the River Register ships a set of documented measures necessary for the efficient fulfillment by the River Register ships of the requirements in the field of ensuring the safety of navigation and prevention of environmental pollution, actions of the River Register employees, including members of the crews of the River Register ships, in the event of a hazard associated with ships, emergency situations; SMS safety management system for ships of the River Register; vessel(s) vessels belonging to the River Register. 3 SHIP SAFETY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM The River Register has developed and applies an SMS, which includes: The Register and crews of ships, in terms of ensuring the safe operation of ships and preventing environmental pollution, are guided by this document, regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and local regulatory acts of the River Register.

5 page 5 of the Regulations of the Russian Federation regulating the actions of the River Register employees and ship crew members, in terms of ensuring the safe operation of ships and preventing environmental pollution, applied by the River Register employees and ship crew members, are determined by the List of legislative and other regulatory legal acts , norms, rules and other documents used in the ship safety management system. The list is posted on the official website. The maintenance of the list in an updated state is carried out by the Assistant General Director for the Fleet (responsible person). (amended version, Amend. 2) Equipping and supplying ships is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on Procurement of Goods, Works, Services of the River Register upon requests from ships on requests from ships or at the initiative of the Assistant General Director for the Fleet (Deputy Director of the Branch (3.2.4 of this Guide). Contracts are agreed upon by the Assistant General Director for the Fleet (Deputy Director of the Branch), if the ship is assigned to the branch, the legal service of the Main Directorate or the person responsible for the conclusion of contracts in the branch, the financial director-chief accountant of the River Register (chief accountant of the branch).The contract is signed by the general director (director of the branch). certificate of recognition of the River Register Provision of employees of the Main Department and branches of the River Register and ship crews with external regulatory documentation necessary for the safe operation of ships is carried out upon request by the technical library of the Main Department, in the branch, by a specialist who is entrusted with these duties. Provision of employees of the River Register and ship crews with local regulations, including SMS documents, is carried out in the Main Department - by the secretariat, in the branch responsible for record keeping. The procedure for providing technical documentation is defined by STO-24 "Management of external regulatory normative acts, as well as the requirements for ensuring the safety of documents generated in the activities of the River Register, are established in IR-SK-01 "Instruction for office work in the River Register". The procedure for developing, updating, distributing and bringing to the attention of the standards of the organization of the River Register is defined in STO-01 " General requirements to management of standards of the River Register organization”. 3.2 Documents establishing the powers and relationships of the shipowner's employees who manage the operation of ships, in terms of ensuring the safe operation of ships and preventing environmental pollution (clause 2 of clause 1 of article 34 1 operation of ships and prevention of environmental pollution, are established by the job descriptions of employees and regulations on the units where they perform their labor function. Familiarization with job descriptions and regulations on subdivisions is carried out against signature.

6 page 6 of If necessary, the River Register issues local regulations (orders) that additionally regulate the powers and relationships of the shipowner's employees Responsible person for ensuring the safe operation of the River Register ships and communication between the River Register and persons on board (hereinafter - the responsible person) in accordance with the order on the distribution of duties between the General Director and Deputy General Directors of the River Register, the assistant to the General Director for the fleet is. During periods of temporary absence of the responsible person, his/her functions are performed by an employee of the River Register, appointed by the order of the River Register and the branch, who has been trained in the SMS/ISM Code and certified in the manner prescribed by the Rules for the Development and Application of the SMS. (additionally introduced, Rev. 1) The powers of the responsible person include: — ensuring the development and implementation of the SMS; — ensuring proper implementation of the requirements for the safe operation of ships and effective application SUB; — control of the safe performance by ship captains of their duties in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the safe operation of ships; — control of the maintenance of ships in a technical condition that meets the requirements of safety of navigation, environmental, sanitary and fire safety established by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of ensuring the safety of navigation and the safe operation of ships; — coordination and control of the work of deputy directors of branches; (revised version. The term is also changed throughout the document, Rev. 1) — control of compliance by the River Register employees and ship crews with the requirements in the field of safe operation of ships and prevention of environmental pollution; — submission for consideration by the Director General of the River Register of proposals for improving the SMS; — interaction with structural subdivisions of the Main Directorate and branches of the River Register, as well as third-party organizations on the issues of safe operation of ships and prevention of environmental pollution; (amended version, Rev. 1) - control of compliance of ship captains with professional and qualification requirements depending on the areas of operation of ships; (additionally introduced, Rev. 1) — control of the familiarization of captains and crews with the SMS. (additionally introduced, Amend. 1) The responsible person has the necessary qualifications and professional training, has been trained in the SMS and has been certified in the manner prescribed by the Rules for the Development and Application of the SMS in the River Register Branches, responsibilities for ensuring operation, including management and organization technical operation(repair, accounting of fuels and lubricants, etc.) of the River Register vessels are assigned to the deputy director of the branch in accordance with the order on the distribution of duties between the director and deputy directors of the branch. (amended version, Rev. 1) The powers of the deputy director of the branch include:

7 page 7 of 31 — ensuring the maintenance of the SMS in the branch; (amended version, Rev. 2) — ensuring the proper fulfillment of the requirements for the safe operation of ships assigned to the branch; — control of compliance by the employees of the branch and the crew of the ship with the requirements in the field of safe operation of ships and prevention of environmental pollution; — interaction with the responsible person on the issues of SMS application in the branch; — submission to the responsible person for consideration of proposals for improving the SMS. 3.3 A document establishing the powers and interaction of the crew members of the owner’s ships in terms of ensuring the safe operation of ships and preventing environmental pollution (clause 3 of paragraph 1 of Article 34 1 of the ITC) Powers and interaction of ship crew members in terms of ensuring the safe operation of ships and preventing environmental pollution, established by: - ​​Charter of service on ships of the Ministry of the River Fleet of the Russian Federation; - job descriptions; — By the Manual on damage control of vessels of the Ministry of the River Fleet of the RSFSR (NBZHS) The captain of the vessel, appointed to the position by order of the River Register (branch), is the one-man chief and head of the ship's crew. The captain of the vessel reports directly to the assistant to the general director for the fleet (in the branch to the director / deputy director in accordance with the order on the distribution of duties). The orders of the captain within his authority are subject to unquestioning execution by all persons on board. Orders for service are given in the form of orders: clearly and specifically. The main functions in the interaction of the ship's crew to ensure the safe operation of ships and prevent pollution of the environment are established in the schedules approved by the captain for departments, schedules of watches and ship's work, alarm schedules. 3.4 Ways of communication between the shipowner's employees and the ship's crew (clause 4 of clause 1 of article 34 1 of the Code of Military and Technical Cooperation) The provision of ships with means of communication is carried out by the River Register on the basis of the requirements established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, the requirements of the Rules of the River Register, as well as the navigation areas determined by the ship's documents for solution of the following tasks: - safety of navigation and protection of human life on internal waterways; - operational management of courts; - transmission of circular messages to ships; — transmission of hydrometeorological and travel information for ships; — data transmission for automated control systems; – collection of data on the location of ships Communication between the captain of the ship and the responsible person (the captain of the ship assigned to the branch and the deputy director of the branch), depending on the areas and navigation conditions, is carried out through mobile phone and the Internet. At

If it is not possible to contact by mobile communication, the captain transmits information via VHF and MF / HF radio communication through the coast radio station dispatcher The captain daily sends a message to the person in charge (deputy director of the branch of the person) containing the following information: 1) the location of the vessel; 2) the amount of ship stores; 3) hydrometeorological conditions; 4) other information at the discretion of the captain. A record of the transmitted message is reflected in the watch log. Persons who have access to conduct negotiations on VHF and MF/HF radio communications are required to comply with the requirements established by: - ​​Radio Communication Rules on Inland Waterways of the Russian Federation; — Regulations on providing information to shipowners and navigators on the navigation conditions on the inland waterways of the Russian Federation; — The procedure for the dispatching regulation of the movement of ships along the inland waterways of the Russian Federation; — The list of coastal radio stations and the schedule of their work on the waterways of the USS of the European part of the Russian Federation (revised edition, Rev. 1) The captain (watch officer) is obliged to: (revised edition, Rev. 1) - ensure the technical operation and maintenance of the ship's radio station in accordance with the rules for technical operation, instructions and other regulatory and technical documents issued by the shipowner and manufacturer ; - ensure the timely inclusion in the work of communications and navigation; - immediately report to the captain, responsible person (deputy director of the branch) about the malfunction of navigation and radio equipment and take measures to restore its performance. (amended version, Rev. 1) When preparing the ship for a voyage, the captain (watch officer) is obliged to receive notices to navigators transmitted by coastal VHF and MF / HF radio stations, and record them in the log for receiving weather forecasts, storm warnings and travel information and the log correction accounting. (amended version, Rev. 1) 3.5 The procedure for the ship's crew to report accidents, facts of non-compliance with the requirements of the law and / or requirements established by the shipowner (clause 5 of clause 1 of article 34 1 KVVT) When a danger threatening the safety of the ship is detected and /or people on board, an accident occurs (hereinafter, in this section, information about the accident), each crew member is obliged to immediately report this to the captain (watch officer) About all cases of non-compliance with the requirements of the law (threat to the safety of navigation, environmental pollution, etc.) . ) and/or the requirements established by the River Register (hereinafter referred to as information on non-compliance with the legislation), the ship's crew members transmit information to the master (chief of the watch) Captain, having received information about the accident (3.5.1) and/or information about

9 page 9 of 31 compliance with the law (3.5.2), immediately notifies the responsible person (deputy director of the branch) about this. The procedure for transmitting a message is as follows: - in the Main Department: the captain of the vessel, the responsible person, the deputy general director; — in the branch: captain of the vessel, deputy director of the branch, responsible person, deputy general director. The transfer by the captain of information about the accident and / or information about non-compliance with the law is transferred in established cases to the dispatcher in charge of the movement of the fleet on this section of inland waterways, the territorial body of the State Morrechnadzor, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the administration of the inland waterway basin on the content of information, with making an appropriate entry in the watchman magazine. The list of organizations specified in this paragraph, with their contact details, is compiled and updated by the responsible person (deputy director of the branch) and transferred to the vessel An emergency message with the vessel, its crew and passengers must be transmitted without delay Information about the accident must contain: - location vessel; — the nature of the incident; — information on the nature of damage to the ship (failure or destruction of the ship, mechanisms or equipment); — weather, current, wave height, wind speed; — information about nearby ships; - the number of people, including crew, on board. (additionally introduced, Rev. 1) Information on non-compliance with the law should contain: — location of the ship; - the nature of the violation; - about the persons who committed the violation; - possible consequences; — urgency of elimination Information about the accident and/or information about non-compliance with the law is recorded in the logbook. 3.6 The procedure for the actions of the ship's crew members and other employees of the shipowner in case of emergencies (clause 6 of clause 1 of Article 34 1 of the Code of Military Customs and Military Technical Regulations) The captain (watch officer), having received a message about an emergency, must announce the appropriate type of alarm indicating the gathering place, change course and proceed to the nearest shore point where the necessary assistance can be provided to the vessel, crew and other persons on board, and in the event of a person falling overboard, begin to maneuver in order to save the person for the survivability of the vessel (rescue of a man overboard), attracting for this

10 page 10 of 31 opportunities for coastal forces and facilities, as well as assistance from other ships. Using VHF or other means of communication available on the ship, he reports in accordance with this Manual about what happened, about the measures taken and reports what assistance the ship and crew require. Appeals to other ships for help if necessary The members of the ship's crew upon an alarm gather in a designated place dressed according to the season, in relation to the type of alarm, and act in accordance with the alarm schedule (instructions for the actions of the crew on alarms) and NBZHS Procedure for the crew in the event of a spill oil products overboard or the discharge of oily liquids is regulated by the Instructions for the Prevention of Oil Pollution from a Ship. (amended version, Rev. 1) In the event of an emergency situation threatening the safety of the ship and people, the captain of the ship must act in accordance with the instructions and recommendations received from the management of the River Register (branch), conditions and circumstances. The master is not limited in the right to make any decisions that he deems necessary and best in the interests of the safety of the people on board, the crew, the vessel, as well as the prevention of environmental pollution. (additionally introduced, Rev. 1) All documentation and reference information that is required for a guide to action in emergency situations and damage control is completed in an emergency folder. The emergency folder includes the technical documentation for the ship, the ship's and berthing schedules on emergency (instructions for the actions of the crew on emergency), a list of third-party organizations that can provide assistance to the emergency ship. One set of documentation of the emergency folder is on the ship, the second set is with the responsible person (deputy director of the branch). The captain is responsible for maintaining the emergency file on the vessel, in the Main Directorate (branch) the responsible person (Deputy Director of the Branch) . After receiving information about the accident (3.5.3 of this Guide), the task force gathers. The operational group, depending on the nature of the emergency, in addition to the responsible person (deputy director of the branch), specialists from the Main Directorate (branch) for the hull, mechanical, electrical parts of the vessel, personnel may be involved in the work on interaction with the crew of the vessel. The personnel of specialists is approved by order. If necessary, the River Register may also involve specialists from third-party organizations. In the event of an emergency, the functions of the operational group include: elimination of its consequences; — establishing communication with a ship in an emergency situation (emergency ship);

11 page 11 of 31 - setting a specific time for the master of the ship to provide further information; — collection of all information from all possible sources concerning the emergency ship; — Establishing communication and contact with organizations that can provide assistance in an emergency; - departure, if necessary, to the place of an emergency; — establishing communication with relatives of the crew of the emergency vessel; - determination of the need for a rescue and towing operation; — analysis of the emergency message on the ship; — notification of the branch of the River Register, within the boundaries of which the emergency situation occurred; — maintaining a chronological record and ensuring the safety of registered events Based on the results of the analysis of the emergency situation, the Deputy General Director develops recommendations to the captain of the emergency ship on the procedure and sequence of actions to eliminate the consequences of the emergency situation and determines the need to involve third-party organizations to provide assistance (rescue of the ship's crew; rescue and towing oil spill response) The master is obliged, if he can do this without serious danger to his ship and persons on it, to provide assistance to any person in distress on the water The captain of a colliding vessel is obliged to provide assistance to another vessel involved in this collision persons on it and members of its crew. The captain of the colliding vessel is obliged to inform the other vessel involved in this collision the name of his vessel. 3.7 Documents establishing the duties of the master of the vessel. Documents confirming the powers of the master of the ship, including exclusive powers and responsibility in relation to saving the life and health of people, ensuring the safe operation of the ship and preventing environmental pollution (clauses 7-8 of clause 1 of article 34 1 KVVT) Official duties and powers captain of the vessel are established by the Charter of service on ships of the Ministry of the River Fleet of the Russian Federation, job description, as well as the documents specified in Appendix A. The duties of the master include: - ensuring the implementation and effective use of the SMS on the ship; — issuing the necessary orders, directives and instructions (schedules) in order to ensure the safe operation of the ship; — verification of compliance by crew members with the requirements of the SMS applied on board the vessel; — submission for consideration to the responsible person (deputy director of the branch) of proposals for improving the SMS applied on board the ship; — timely transmission of messages about SMS deficiencies to the responsible person (deputy director of the branch); — Familiarization of crew members with the SMS. (additionally introduced, Amend. 1) The River Register vests in these Guidelines the master of the vessel with exclusive powers and responsibility in making decisions regarding the conservation

12 pages 12 of 31 for the life and health of people, ensuring the safe operation of the ship and preventing environmental pollution. The captain of the ship has the right to conclude salvage agreements for the implementation of salvage operations on behalf of the River Register. The captain is not limited in the right to make, under his own responsibility, any decisions, in his opinion, adequate to the current situation, to ensure the safety of the vessel, all persons on board, the prevention of environmental pollution, and the preservation of property. ABOUT decisions taken the captain immediately informs the responsible person (deputy director of the branch) The captain has the right to necessary cases suspend any member of the ship's crew from the performance of their duties. The captain has the right to apply, if necessary, to the responsible person (deputy director of the branch) for the provision of financial, material and human resources to maintain the vessel and its technical equipment in good technical condition. 3.8 Training programs for the ship's crew on actions in an emergency (clause 9 of paragraph 1 of Article 34 1 of the Code of Military and Technical Cooperation) with their type, purpose and area of ​​navigation, readiness of ships and crews to act in potential emergency situations and damage control permanent stay on board required amount crew members capable of providing damage control; — preparation of the crew for damage control; - constant maintenance of the vessel, its devices, technical means and supplies in accordance with the requirements ensuring the safety of navigation of the vessel; - constant readiness of means of combating the survivability of the ship and saving people; — Proper surveillance of the ship and the environment. The captain of the ship is responsible for maintaining in good working order and readiness for immediate action. Vessels of the River Register are supplied in accordance with applicable standards complete set spare parts, tools and consumables for repairing emergency damage to survivability systems. Storage of emergency and fire fighting equipment and life-saving equipment is carried out in accordance with paragraph 2.4 of the NBZHS. Registration of emergency supplies is carried out in the emergency supply register. Preparation for damage control is mandatory for all crews and must be carried out in conjunction with technical training, in accordance with the requirements of the Charter of service on ships of the Ministry of the River Fleet of the RSFSR, NBZHS and other guidelines. Working out the organization of rescue and damage control is an integral part of the daily service on the ship.

13 page 13 of The training of ship crews for the damage control of the ship is carried out in accordance with the schedule of exercises drawn up by the captain and engineer of the ship. The frequency of each type of drills is set by the master of the vessel in accordance with 3.8 of the NBJS. Drills are announced at the captain's instruction. Records of alarms carried out are reflected in the watch log. A report on the results of the exercise is sent to the responsible person (deputy director of the branch). If the training alert was not carried out within the time specified in the plan or was carried out in an incomplete manner, the log book indicates the reason for the non-conduct or incomplete alert. Such a drill should be carried out in the near future. The types of ship alarms and the training of crew actions in emergency situations are set out in Appendix B and NBJS. personal cards of crew members (if their maintenance is provided for on this vessel). For ships with a crew of less than six people, instead of muster schedules and personal cards, instructions are developed for the actions of the crew on muster, approved by the master of the ship. The forms of the muster schedule, the muster lay schedule, as well as the personal cards of the crew member and passenger are given in the NBJS .7 of this Manual). Joint exercises are held once a year in accordance with the schedule developed by the responsible person and approved by the General Director. The schedule includes exercises of the operational groups of the Main Department and branches Employees of the Main Department (branch) participating in joint exercises must be provided with an emergency file of the vessel (3.6.6 of this Guide) The results of joint exercises are reflected in the report compiled by the responsible person (deputy director of the branch ). A report on the results of joint exercises in the branch, signed by the deputy director of the branch, is sent to the responsible person. 3.9 The procedure for familiarizing the members of the ship's crew, hired or assigned to the ship, with their duties before the ship goes on a voyage. The procedure for familiarizing the shipowner's employees, upon hiring and transferring to another job, with the duties assigned to them in terms of ensuring the safe operation of ships and preventing environmental pollution (clause 1 of article 34 1 of the KVVT) Manning ships with crews is carried out by the River Register, taking into account the requirements of the Regulations on the minimum composition of self-propelled crews transport ships and on the basis of the Minimum Crew Certificate issued in accordance with the established procedure, the Human Resources Service of the Main Department of the River Register (HR specialist in the branch) employs ship crew members, taking into account the professional and qualification requirements established by law

14 page 14 of 31 of the Russian Federation, in relation to the relevant crew member Employment is carried out in accordance with the labor legislation of the Russian Federation and STO-04 "Procedure for personnel management". The duties of ship crew members are determined by the Charter of service on ships of the Ministry of the River Fleet of the RSFSR. Upon employment, a person entering to work as a member of the ship's crew undergoes an introductory briefing on labor protection and fire safety from persons authorized to conduct them in accordance with the norms of labor legislation. An entry is made about the briefing conducted in the introductory briefing registration log and in the fire safety briefing registration log. (revised version, Rev. 1) Familiarization with the ship and the duties of the newly hired crew members upon arrival on the ship is carried out by the captain of the ship and includes: a) the general location of the ship; b) types and signals of alarms, ways and place of assembly, evacuation routes; c) duties and actions on alarm; d) location and use of collective and individual life-saving appliances; e) the location and use of ship damage control equipment, including fire fighting equipment and systems; f) ship equipment, devices and systems that a crew member must be able to use and manage according to his command; g) primary briefing on labor protection and safety, fire and electrical safety, briefing on the prevention of environmental pollution from ships; (revised version, Rev. 1) i) familiarization with the regulatory documents used in the SMS. The briefing carried out is recorded in the Vessel Familiarization Sheet (Appendix B). When changing the officers, the surrenderer is obliged to transfer the documentation, office work, reporting, management and material assets assigned to him under the act to the receiver. The act is approved by the captain When employees are hired by the Main Department (branch) of the River Register and/or transferred to another job, they are familiarized with the duties assigned to them in terms of ensuring the safe operation of ships and preventing environmental pollution by familiarizing themselves with the job description and regulations on the subdivision , this Guide, local regulations of the River Register regulating the management of the safe operation of ships. The fact of familiarization is recorded in the familiarization sheets. Procedure for planning the ship's voyage and ensuring the safety of its navigation 12 of paragraph 1 of article 34 1 KVVT) To ensure the safety of navigation, a crew must be on board the ship, the number of which is not less than that specified in the Certificate of minimum composition (3.9.1 of these Guidelines). In accordance with the staff list approved by the order of the River Register, the captain draws up a crew list (form SD-16). Diplomas and qualification certificates of the ship's crew members must correspond to

15 page 15 of 31 to respond to the area of ​​operation of the vessel, the type and group of the vessel The River Register, in terms of the procedure for planning the voyage of the vessel and ensuring the safety of its navigation, provides the vessel with: a) atlases, sailing directions, other materials and corrections to them, recommendations for the forthcoming area swimming; b) information about the voyage and hydrometeorological conditions of navigation, through the conclusion of agreements with the relevant administrations of the basins of inland waterways; c) pilotage in the areas of navigation established for compulsory pilotage, or in the absence of a mark in the diploma for the right to sail in the area included in the flight task, the conclusion of relevant agreements; d) supply; e) flight task, etc. The flight is planned taking into account the specifics and range of the flight, the autonomy of the ship, based on the need to replenish the ship’s supplies with drinking water, the delivery of sewage and oily water, voyage and hydrometeorological conditions of navigation, the study of the planned route by the navigational staff and the solution of other issues . Navigational preparation for a voyage is carried out in accordance with the Manual on the Organization of Navigation Service on Inland Water Transport Vessels. A vessel is considered ready for a voyage if it is in good technical condition, manned in accordance with the staffing table, provided with the necessary reserves of fuel, materials and supplies in accordance with the standards established in accordance with the navigation area. The captain, before the start of the voyage, must study the upcoming section of the route according to navigation charts corrected for the current navigation, and personally check: - draft of the vessel, reliability of equipment fastening; - lack of water leakage of the hull, tightness of hatches and other closures; - compliance of the dimensions of the vessel with the dimensions of the track; — suitability of the vessel for navigation in the given area according to the documents of the River Register; - all ship systems and equipment, including the steering gear, signaling device, communications and navigation equipment in operation, life-saving appliances, as well as visually inspect the anchor and mooring gear. (revised version, Rev. 1) The checklist for checking the readiness of the vessel for the voyage is given in Appendix D. The crews of the vessels are guided by the Rules for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships and the Sanitary Rules and Standards for Inland and Mixed Navigation Vessels. (revised version, Rev. 1) Ship operations for bunkering, mooring, locking and boarding and disembarking of passengers are carried out in accordance with the instructions for the performance of ship operations Measures to ensure the reliability of mechanisms, devices, equipment of ships, including regular checks of mechanisms, devices, equipment that is not used constantly (p.p. 13 of paragraph 1 of article 34 1 KVVT) During the operation of technical equipment used on ships, the requirements of the rules, norms, instructions for the use, maintenance and repair of ships are observed -

16 page 16 of 31 on, its mechanisms, equipment and devices and instructions for safety and industrial sanitation The Court, its mechanisms, equipment and devices are operated in accordance with the current rules, instructions for use, maintenance and repair, and are maintained in a condition, ensuring reliable operation, navigational safety and fire safety Inspection of the ship, its mechanisms, equipment and devices is carried out under the control of the captain in the amount and within the time limits established by the Rules for the technical operation of river transport and operating instructions. Maintenance in operation is carried out by members of the ship's crew in accordance with the schedule. The schedule includes checks and tests of: - marine engines, remote automatic control of engines, systems, devices, propulsion devices, equipment, the sudden failure of which can lead to dangerous events; - ship's reserve and emergency technical means and equipment not used constantly; (amended edition, Rev. 1) - ship measuring and control instruments; - life-saving equipment (Appendix D). The schedule is drawn up by the captain for navigation and approved by the responsible person (deputy director of the branch). Information about the inspections carried out is recorded in the logbook, as well as in the engine and electrical logbooks, if their maintenance is provided for on this type of vessel. (revised edition, Rev. 1) The watch log is located in the wheelhouse, engine and electrical logs (if their maintenance is provided for on board) in the engine room. The pages of the magazines must be numbered, laced and certified by the signature and seal of the State Port Control Inspectorate at the place of registration of the vessel. (amended edition, Rev. 1) If technical malfunctions or damage to the vessel, its mechanisms, equipment and devices are detected, the crew of the vessel, in case of a threat to the safety of navigation, is obliged to take measures to eliminate them on their own and report this to the responsible person (deputy director of the branch) structures, devices, equipment, technical means and systems, the sudden failure of which can lead to dangerous and emergency situations, including mechanisms, devices, equipment that are not used constantly, is the loss of navigation, controllability, maneuverability, survivability, unsinkability and life support. The technical means, the sudden failure of which can cause an emergency, include (but are not limited to): - steel structures of the ship's hull; — Mechanisms to ensure the prevention of pollution from inland waterway vessels; - ship power plant and its service equipment; - ship's steering gear; - ship's anchor device; - ship's mooring device; - ship pumps that ensure the operability of the main engines;

17 pages 17 of 31 - ship systems that ensure the safe operation of the ship; (amended edition, Rev. 1) - means of communication and navigation. (paragraphs eight and nine of the enumeration have been deleted, Amend. 1) The scope of repair of the ship, its mechanisms, equipment and devices is determined on the basis of fault detection, taking into account the requirements of the River Register expert, issued based on the results of surveys. The types and scope of repairs, putting the ship in for repair and acceptance from repair are carried out in accordance with the Rules for the Repair of Ships of the Ministry of the River Fleet of the RSFSR Bringing ships into a wintering state (cold sludge) is carried out in accordance with the Rules for the repair of ships of the Ministry of the River Fleet. Acceptance of a ship for operation from repair and layup is formalized by an act in the form 8.2 given in the Rules for the Repair of Ships of the Ministry of the River Fleet of the RSFSR in order to assess the compliance of the SMS with the established requirements and the effectiveness of its application Checks of the fulfillment by the employees of the Main Department (branch) of the duties assigned to them within the framework of the SMS are carried out during internal audits in accordance with STO-12 “Conducting internal audits in the River Register” Checks of the use of the SMS on the ship are combined with the verification of the suitability of the ship for operation, the results of which are reflected in the act. The act, in accordance with the Regulations on the classification of ships of inland and mixed (river-sea) navigation, is subject to storage on board. If the ship is not taken out for winter layup, the verification of the SMS application is carried out before the verification of the SMS application on the ship by the controlling organization in accordance with the Rules for the Development and Application of the SMS. Inspections of the use of the SMS on the ship are planned and carried out by the responsible person (deputy director of the branch) Unscheduled inspections of the application of the SMS on the ship are carried out in case of accidents on the ship caused by the actions of the crew members, the failure of the ship to pass the inspection by the controlling organization Inconsistencies identified during the inspections of the application of the SMS on the ship, must be eliminated within the terms agreed with the responsible person (deputy director of the branch). The report on the elimination of discrepancies is signed by the captain of the ship, one copy of the report remains on the ship, and the second is sent to the responsible person (deputy director of the branch). The deputy director of the branch brings information about the results of eliminating the identified inconsistencies to the attention of the responsible person. Nonconformity elimination is checked by the responsible person (deputy director of the branch) The annual analysis of the SMS efficiency assessment is carried out by the responsible person based on the following data: — results of the River Register SMS application; — detentions of vessels of the River Register;

18 page 18 out of 31 - remarks issued to the vessels of the River Register by regulatory organizations; — remarks revealed during inspections of the River Register and its vessels for the purpose of issuing (confirming) a document of compliance and a ship's safety management certificate; — traffic accidents with the vessels of the River Register; - accidents with crew members and other persons on board; — assessing the adequacy of resources; — proposals for improving the SMS. The results of the analysis are presented in the annual report of the production and economic activities of the River Register. The SMS is revised when the requirements of legislative and other regulatory documents for the SMS are changed or supplemented and based on the results of the analysis of the effectiveness of the SMS. The revision of the SMS includes changing the documents regulating the management of the safe operation of ships, as well as, if necessary, issuing new documents.

19 Annex A (mandatory) (repealed, Rev. 2) page 19 of 31

Page 20 page 20 of 31 Appendix B (mandatory) Programs for ship crew drills and emergency drills No text

21 Appendix B (mandatory) (Revised, Rev. 1) page 26 of 31 No text

23 Annex E (normative) Guidelines for inspections of life-saving appliances page 28 of 31 No text provided

Page 24 page 30 of 31 REGISTRATION SHEET OF CHANGES 1 amended 2-16, 21, 26 Pages with changes of the replaced canceled new Change number 2 4.5 18 Reason for change Kamenskaya M.Yu

Page 25 page 31 of 31 Position Signature Date of familiarization


  • To help students and graduate students 1. Tax Code of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 1998 N 146-FZ (as amended on March 4, 2013) // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. - 1998. - No. 31. – Art. 3824. 2. Akulinin D.Yu. Legal aspects […]
  • Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation of April 27, 2012 N 373 "On approval of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the provision of public services for issuing a […]
  • Legislative base of the Russian Federation Free consultation Federal legislation
  • Marine Traffic - what is it?

    Marine traffic is a shareware service to track the location of a ship online. On the world map you can find any ships that are in port or sailing. In the service options, you can also track the location of the vessel by its name in real time.
    When you select a vessel on the map, a window pops up with information about the vessel online:

    • vessel name
    • vessel type (container, tanker, passenger ship, etc.)
    • ship status
    • vessel speed
    • ship's course
    • ship's draft

    How Marine traffic and AIS systems work

    At the present time, almost all ships are equipped with an automatic identification system AIS, which allows you to track the ship and avoid ship collisions. At what maximum distance can a ship be tracked on a map? It all depends on the height of the antenna located on the ship itself and at the nearest station on land. Regular AIS stations cover a range of about 40 nautical miles (about 75 km). In some cases, the location of the ship can be tracked at a distance of 200 miles, and this is no less than 370 km. But this is the case if the AIS station is located high above sea level, for example, on a mountain, and the ship itself is equipped with a good antenna. Thus, anyone can track the ship online using the Marinetraffic service.

    How to track the ship on the map?

    If you have the ship's name, the easiest way to find out the ship's location is to enter it in the map search and the system will immediately show the ship's position and information about it. If you know that the ship has not yet left any port or it could not go far from it, you can try to find the desired port in the same search form. And then all the familiar actions of the mouse point at all the ships and see information about them. Also, to make your search easier, you can filter ships by type. For example, select only passenger, fishing or cargo ships. The service is intuitive and if you have the skills to use the map, then it will not be difficult for you to find out the location of the vessel in real time.

    AIS (eng. AIS Automatic Identification System) - a system that allows you to identify and track vessel movement online with an accuracy of 10 meters. Apart from deployment of AIS ships provides information about their type, dimensions, destination, speed, expected time of arrival, makes it possible to get acquainted with the history of routes and the intended course. The specified information is presented in the card, to open which you need to click on the object of interest. Online access to AIS ships provided directly by ships using a radio frequency transmitter. Individual vessels or ports may not be viewable due to range limitations, interference, or weather conditions affecting radio communications. If " marine traffic” does not display the item you want, please try again later.

    Real-time vessel movement map covers the whole world and provides the user with the opportunity to see their placement in various ports and regions of the world. To find ships in other regions and ports, you need to zoom out on the map and select the desired sector.

    The Answer-Logistic portal focuses on the current movement and positions of vessels according to AIS in the eastern part of the Gulf of Finland and the port of St. Petersburg. Note that deployment of ships displayed with a slight delay. Find out the time elapsed since latest update coordinates, you can when you hover over the object.


    In connection with high levels water in Lake Ladoga and the source of the river. Neva, as well as large slopes of the water surface along the river. Neva:

  • v / p "Shlisselburg" - the excess of the actual water level over the design one by more than 2.0 m;
  • v / p "Ivanovskoye" - the excess of the actual water level over the design one by more than 1.5 m;
  • v / p "Mining Institute" - the actual water level is close to the design one;
  • bridges experience increased flow velocities and turbulence.

    Skippers should take into account this information and take special care when passing through bridges.

    Dear shipowners and navigators!

    During navigation in 2015, at the locks of the Volgo-Balt Administration FBU, there were more cases of mooring ropes getting between the wheels and tracks of floating eyes, which leads to their jamming and flooding. These incidents are related to non-observance by the crew of the vessels of the Rules for the passage of vessels through the locks of inland waterways.

    The failure of the floating eyes leads to complications in the organization of navigation, in terms of the placement of ships in the lock chamber and the forced withdrawal of the locks from work to bring the floating eyes into working condition. FBU "Administration" Volgo-Balt "incurs additional costs.

    In this regard, we ask you to take the necessary measures and ensure proper monitoring of the mooring ropes of ships during locks. If the mooring rope gets into the supporting and running devices of the floating eye, it is necessary to immediately inform the dispatcher (watchman) of the lock about this circumstance.

    In accordance with Article 121 of the Code of Inland Water Transport of the Russian Federation, FBU "Administration" Volgo-Balt "reserves the right to charge the owner of the vessel for compensation for damage caused to property in the event of such incidents.

    • Archive
    • Newsletter (2018-08-08)
    • Consultation on expected levels and depths for team sites for the second decade of August 2018
    • Design characteristics of gateways
    • Surface crossings of FBU Volgo-Balt as of September 27, 2017
    • List of ship passages of the Volga-Baltic basin of inland waterways for navigation in 2018
    • Order of Rosmorrechflot No. VO-344-r of December 15, 2017
    • Information on the placement of receiving devices for 2018
    • Working hours of gateways in navigation 2017

    Volga Basin: From the Volga to the Kama

    The territorial boundaries of the FBU "Administration of the Volga Basin" include:

    - R. Volga from with. Hopylevo to o.p. Streletskoye, including the delta of the river. Volga and reservoirs: Gorky, Cheboksary, Kuibyshev, Saratov, Volgograd with side rivers and tributaries;

    - R. Oka from the entrance to the channel of the Seimas to the mouth (Volga river);

    - R. Kamu from the mouth of the river. Vyatka to the mouth (Volga river);

    The department operates in the territories of the Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Ivanovo, Vologda, Kirov, Nizhny Novgorod, Ulyanovsk, Samara, Saratov, Volgograd, Astrakhan regions and the republics: Chuvash, Udmurd, Mari El, Mordovia, Tatarstan, Kalmykia.

    The Department includes 13 branches: Nizhny Novgorod RVPiS, Kazan RVPiS, Samara RVPiS, Saratov RVPiS, Volgograd RVPiS, Vyatka RVPiS, Vetluzhsky RVPiS, Gorodetsk RGSiS, Cheboksary RGSiS, Samara RGSiS, Balakovo RGSiS, Astrakhan RGSiS, Information -technical center providing maintenance of internal waterways in accordance with the state task and the "Program of the categories of aids to navigation and the terms of their operation, the guaranteed dimensions of ship passages, as well as the terms of operation of navigable hydraulic structures in navigation in 2013-2015 according to the Federal Budgetary Institution" Administration of the Volga Basin ".

    Fleet - clean shipping lanes

    Dmitry Bessmertny, head of the Federal Budgetary Institution "Administration of the Volga Basin"

    Clearing rivers of ice and, consequently, navigation in 2013, as expected, began later than predicted. To a greater extent, this affected the lake sections of reservoirs. The high water was high and prolonged, which undoubtedly played a positive role in the development of navigation, as well as in the work of the transit fleet.

    Rybinsk reservoir in winter period was worked up to the mark of 99.04 m BS (17.04.2013). According to preliminary forecasts, the reservoir was expected to be filled up to the level of 101.91 m BS, which was done by 06/02/2013. The high level of the reservoir made it possible to work until June 11 at an average daily flow through the Nizhny Novgorod hydroelectric power station of 1550 m3 / s, and from June 12 at an average daily flow of 1300-1350 cubic meters. m / s, with a depth of 350 cm for 5 hours and with a minimum depth in the “failure” of 270 cm.

    As of June 20, the Cheboksary, Kuibyshev and Saratov reservoirs are filled to levels exceeding the LSL.

    Hydrological conditions on the Lower Volga from the Volzhskaya HPP to the o.p. Sagittarius remain favorable. Thus, the hydrological situation in the Volga basin as of June 20 is characterized by increased water content compared to the average statistical year.

    To ensure uninterrupted navigation throughout the entire duration of navigation, the Volga Basin Administration FBU performs a range of track works, including dredging, maintenance of navigational conditions, channel surveys and ensuring the cleanliness of navigation routes by carrying out trawling and bottom cleaning operations.

    In accordance with the "List of inland waterways of the Russian Federation", 9231.3 km of waterways are located within the boundaries of the Volga basin, of which, in order to fulfill the established "Program of categories of aids to navigation equipment and their operating time, guaranteed dimensions of ship passages in navigation in 2013-2015 according to FBU "Administration of the Volga Basin" and the state task as of June 18, 2013, 4079.6 km are open for navigation.

    Of the 4,079.6 km of waterways open to navigation:

    - with guaranteed dimensions - 3126.6 km;

    - with illuminated environment - 2975.6 km;

    - with reflective environment - 46 km;

    - with unlit conditions - 1058 km.

    The number of used navigational signs is 4057 units, including coastal - 1380 units, floating - 2677 units.

    The saturation of transit waterways with illuminated and non-illuminated signs averaged 1 sign per 1 km, including 1 sign per 1.16 km on illuminated waterways.

    To carry out dredging works within the boundaries of the serviced waterways, 12 dredgers with a total technical capacity of 11,600 cubic meters were put into operation. m/hour.

    The volume of soil excavated by FBU dredgers, as of June 20, 2013, is 1.53 million cubic meters. m, of which 1.4 mln cu. m, on non-transit routes and contractual works - 0.13 million cubic meters. m.

    The main volume of transit dredging in order to maintain guaranteed track dimensions is extracted in the following areas:

    - R. Volga from Gorodets to Nizhny Novgorod, 54 km long, the volume of excavated soil amounted to 311.15 thousand cubic meters. m;

    - R. Volga from the Volgograd lock to the settlement Streletskoye with a length of 498 km, the volume of excavated soil amounted to 1062.77 thousand cubic meters. m.

    Maintenance of guaranteed track dimensions within the boundaries of the Gorky, Cheboksary and Volgograd reservoirs is carried out mainly without dredging on ship passages and is ensured by stable filling of these reservoirs to the corresponding FSL marks.

    For the production of channel surveys, the Department involved 7 parties.

    During the navigation period, channel parties perform:

    - channel surveys to control the dimensions of the track, as well as to place and correct the location of signs of the navigational fencing of the ship's passage (NOSH);

    – prepare planning material for proofreading and drawing up pilot charts within the boundaries of the Volga basin;

    - prepare planned material to ensure the production of dredging works and perform control surveys;

    – channel surveys under contracts with third parties;

    – restore the reference economy;

    - compose albums of plans of sites where channel surveys were carried out.

    As of 01.06.2013, the volume of trawling work performed is 54 square meters. km.

    In order to provide navigators with operational travel information during the internavigational period, the Volga Basin Administration FBU concluded state contracts and agreements with state centers for hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring to receive hydrometeorological and operational forecast information.

    In order to check the quality of the maintenance of inland waterways, a spring inspection of the track was carried out with the participation of representatives of the Volga UGMRN Rostransnadzor and shipowners, as well as scheduled inspections of waterways by employees of the Volga Basin Administration. Based on the results of the inspections, the acts and reports noted that the actual placement of the signs of the navigational fencing complies with the approved schemes, the quantitative and qualitative composition of the signs of the navigational situation meets the requirements for safe navigation conditions for ships. The visibility of signs and signal lights complies with the requirements of GOST 26600-98, i.e. the quality of the operation of the navigation environment on transit waterways ensures safe navigation.

    Since July 2013, the reconstruction of the Saralev water hub has begun, the total cost of the work is 594.7 million rubles, the volume of soil removed is 4457 thousand cubic meters. m. The project provides for the creation of a ship passage on the section of the Saralevskoye water junction (2630-2667 km of the Volga River), which ensures safe navigation conditions, with a radius of curvature of 1100 m instead of the existing 700 m.

    Port control: first results

    Almost a year has passed since the entry into force of the Federal Law No. 131-FZ of July 28, 2012 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. First planned reporting period. So what results have been achieved in the Volga basin?

    Evgeny Lepekhin, Federal Budgetary Institution "Administration of the Volga Basin", Deputy Head - Captain of the Volga Basin of the VVP

    In pursuance of the provisions of the RF CMVT, the FBU "Volga State Basin Administration of Waterways and Shipping" was renamed into the FBU "Administration of the Volga Inland Waterways Basin". The Federal Agency for Sea and River Transport has agreed on a new version of the charter and a structural diagram of the organization.

    Based on the provisions of the Code and in accordance with the structural scheme of the Administration, the captain of the Volga Basin organizes and controls the activities of the units that are part of the Administration of the Volga Basin:

    – Service for the state registration of ships and rights to them (7 people).

    – Vessel traffic control service (64 people).

    – State Port Control Service (51 people).

    – Service of Certification, Certification and Passport and Visa Regime (10 people).

    – Maritime Safety and Radio Navigation Service (4 persons).

    With regard to the activities of state port control in the Volga basin of inland waterways, a calendar year has passed. Moreover, it is the calendar year without reference to the navigation period. In the southern regions of Russia, inspections were carried out of ships and other floating objects operated by shipowners outside the navigation period. Inspections of watercraft used for crossings in the winter period in large cities of the Volga region were carried out.

    The structural scheme of the state port control of the Volga Basin Administration remained the same. These are six inspectorates located geographically across the basin in the cities of Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Saratov, Volgograd and Astrakhan. The inspections are headed by the chiefs of inspections - deputy chiefs of branches of the Administration. General management of activities is carried out by the State Port Control Service (SPC) under the Administration of the Volga Basin. Over the past period, the staff of inspectors has been systematically increased, the total number of inspectors today is 52 people. The optimal mode of working time for inspectors has been determined.

    The process of selecting vessels for scheduled inspections has been worked out. In each territorial inspection of the State Civil Procedure Commission, on the basis of the daily deployment of vessel traffic available at the control dispatch points of the Volga Basin, data on vessels from the port state control information system and additional information provided in the KIIS "MoRe", a list of vessels scheduled for inspections is compiled. Information on ships and other floating objects scheduled for inspection, indicating the location of the inspection and the name of the inspector, is sent to the Service of the Civil Procedure Code of the Administration of the Volga Basin. The CPC service controls the submitted information, issues inspection orders, and distributes it to territorial inspections. Information on the results of inspections of ships and other floating objects, entered by the inspectors of the CPC into the information system of the state port control, is also controlled at the level of the CPC service of the Administration of the Volga Basin.

    In order to bring to the attention of organizations operating water transport, innovations in the provisions of the Code of Inland Water Transport, including those that entered into force on 01/01/2013, meetings and meetings were held with representatives of ship owners and ship captains during the inter-navigation period. Changes and additions were made to the programs of additional training of executive managers on the safety of navigation of shipping companies and advanced training of officers of the internal courts. water swimming. The maximum amount of information was posted on the website of the Administration of the Volga Basin, explanatory consultations were held when representatives of organizations – shipowners and captains of ships applied.

    It should be noted that the result of such events had a positive impact on the statistics of ship inspections. The number of violations of mandatory requirements due to the invalidity of the ship's documents specified in Article 14 of the ITC and inconsistencies in diplomas and certificates of ship crew members has significantly decreased.

    Over the past period, operational interaction has been organized between the state port control service of the Federal Budgetary Institution “Volga Basin Administration” and the Volga Department of State Maritime and River Supervision of Rostransnadzor. Information is provided by the CPC service on the following facts: revealed violations of mandatory requirements that caused a temporary delay in the movement of the vessel (name of the vessel, name of the shipowner, list of violations identified); identified violations of licensing requirements (lack of a license for the type of activity, lack of an agreement on the use of infrastructure of the basin's waterways, absence of an appointed person responsible for the safety of navigation in the company, lack of insurance coverage for activities); revealed violations by the vessel of the normative documents regulating the movement along the Volga Basin waterways (standard schemes for the formation of trains, overall dimensions, rules of navigation, locking, radio communications).

    A significant result of the interaction is: the organization of joint inspections of ships after a recorded fact of a transport accident; making joint decisions and performing operational actions in emergency situations (blocking traffic, transferring the passage, emergency situations); certification of specialists and executives responsible for the safety of navigation of third-party organizations, including the dispatching apparatus of ports and shipowners.

    The activities of the Administration of the Volga Basin are carried out within the administrative boundaries of fifteen constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Taking into account the temporary process of the entry into force of regulatory by-laws regulating the activities of state port control on inland waterways, over the past period, control and supervisory authorities carried out inspections of the implementation of legislation in the field of navigation safety. Together with representatives of the regional transport prosecutor's offices, selective inspections of ships and other floating objects, inspections of floating facilities during mass events on the water and in the winter period were carried out.

    The performance indicators of the functions of state port control of ships and other floating objects in the Volga Basin GDP for the first half of 2013 are as follows:

    – 798 inspections of ships and other floating objects were carried out;

    of which 122 passenger ships, 77 tankers, 84 dry cargo ships, 515 tugs, barges, auxiliary ships;

    - the movement of 39 vessels was temporarily delayed;

    - 3196 violations of mandatory requirements for ships were detected, of which ship certificates and documents - 936, rescue equipment and supplies - 617, fire-fighting equipment and supplies - 578, the condition of ship mechanisms - 16, other shortcomings - 1042.

    Vessel traffic control

    The state registration of ships and other legally significant actions in the State Ship Register are carried out on the basis of the provisions of Article 16 and Chapter X of the KVVT, as well as the Rules for the State Registration of Ships, approved by Order No. 144 of September 26, 2001 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.

    The activities of the service of certification, certification and passport and visa regime are regulated by Article 34 of the KVVT and regulatory by-laws in the form of orders from a number of ministries and departments of the Russian Federation.

    The structure of the vessel traffic control service has remained the same and consists of 12 control towers located in the cities of Yaroslavl, Gorodets, Balakhna, Nizhny Novgorod, Cheboksary, Kazan, Chistopol, Ulyanovsk, Tolyatti, Balakovo, Volgograd and Astrakhan. The activity is regulated by Article 34 of the KVVT, Order No. 47 dated 03/01/2010 of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation, as well as the Rules of Navigation for the GDP of the Russian Federation, the Rules for Ship Locking and other documents. The types and rates of fees for the use of the infrastructure of the Volga Basin GDP are determined by the federal laws “On Natural Monopolies”, “On Protection of Competition” and Order No. 199-t/10 dated August 21, 2012 of the Federal Tariff Service of the Russian Federation. All dispatching stations have access to the KIIS "MoRe" and to the database of the AIS system of the Volga basin.

    The Navigation and Radio Navigation Safety Service ensures the coordination process for the movement of oversized vessels and trains in the Volga basin, organizes the process of eliminating the consequences of transport accidents with ships. Interacts with the Volga Department of State Maritime and River Supervision of the Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Transport and ship-owning organizations in terms of making operational joint decisions for the safety of vessel traffic. Guided by all applicable rules, regulations, guidelines, instructions, instructions governing the safety of navigation on the Volga Basin waterways.

    The main summary performance indicators for the 1st half of 2013 are presented in the table.

    The joint operational activities of these services are aimed at ensuring control actions and measures in organizing the processes of movement of ships operated by ship-owning organizations of various forms of ownership in the Volga basin. The primary task in the performance of the assigned functions by the captain of the Volga Basin is to ensure the safety of navigation, the duty of each structural unit of the Administration of the Volga Basin is to comply with the law in the areas of activity.

    Maritime news of Russia No. 11, 2013

    Vessels of the RSD-44 project, Kapitan Ruzmankin type

    gorkyagent Jun 18, 2011

    It is a pity that the low clearance does not help in any way on the Gorodets-NN section. Judging by the location, Ruzmankin has been waiting for water in Gorodets since 18.30 on 15.06.11. Well, maybe it's gone now. Get more days

    You write "judging by the location."
    I am not entirely aware of how modern resources allow you to determine the location of the vessel.

    Marine dislocations do not count, maybe there is something along our rivers?

    Here everything is well described, what and how

    ponomareff.vladislav Jun 18, 2011

    Let's say I decided to visually look at this miracle of the ship's structure. How can I watch for him in Volgograd?

    No way. The last cut-off in front of Volgograd when moving from above in the deployment of the Volga GBU is Balakovo. From there, even a passenger is at best 26 hours away.
    And God only knows how the truck will go.
    For a long time I tracked down the location of the trucks on the Balakovo-Volgograd section and realized that it was impossible to draw up a clear relationship. no.

    Well, I can say that here we were in ballast from Volzhsky to Balakovo for about a day and a half.

    Jun 19, 2011

    I am interested in another question: Volgo - Dons are starting to be replaced, but when and who will come to replace the ShPs and Czechs?

    Something I didn’t notice that the VP began to replace the Volga-Dons, although they promised. All of their V-D went into navigation.

    10 new ships will not replace 220 old ones. As they say in one cartoon, “the haircut has just begun”, and the essence of the matter is different, but the fact that VD went into navigation is good

    Artem3ms June 19, 2011

    Artem3ms June 19, 2011

    Jun 19, 2011

    dimon36 Jun 19, 2011

    It seems that today he is already in line in front of the 6th gateway of the VBC in the roadstead, we are now in front of the second sixth in line, it is highly likely that we will meet on the passage of the stairs, which means that it will be possible to examine and photograph him very close

    What are you on?

    Artem3ms June 19, 2011

    gorkyagent Jun 20, 2011

    Artem3ms June 21, 2011

    Artem3ms June 21, 2011

    Mikhail Arkhipov 21 Jun 2011

    We broke up with you this morning, at 7.50 on Sheksna, you walked after OTA-922, took pictures, I'll post it on my return

    "Captain Ruzmankin" fascinated the dispatchers of the Volga GBU.

    We parted ways on June 16 at 8.30 above Kostroma. He quickly rushed ahead of Volgoneft. From a distance, indistinguishable from a barge.

    kamsky captain June 21, 2011

    Slava-AM Jun 21, 2011

    On June 16, 2011 Volzhskoye Shipping Company JSC accepted into operation the second RSD44 project dry-cargo ship built at Okskaya Shipyard JSC — Kapitan Zagryadtsev. This was reported by the press service of the Marine Engineering Bureau, which designed the series. The vessel was laid down on April 27, 2010 and launched on April 12, 2011.

    Last Sunday he passed by Samara. The ship looks very unusual:

    ponomareff.vladislav Jun 21, 2011

    Greg_333 Jun 21, 2011

    Hmm, passed Samara.

    Yes, he will carry sulfur

    Artem3ms June 21, 2011

    Three 21 Jun 2011

    Hmm, passed Samara.
    Since he didn’t turn onto Kama, is he really on his way to Buzan?

    Yes, he will carry sulfur

    So soon I will see him

    June 21, 2011

    He quickly rushed ahead of Volgoneft. From a distance, indistinguishable from a barge.
    "Shaitan-barge", not a ship! And you are all "MIRACLES".

    In vain you are! It's a very elegant ship.

    Ship locations

    I don’t know about the Russian Federation, but the fact that there are problems with the Russian keyboard abroad is yes! The problem is big. For example, being in Vietnam, despite numerous computers and free internet in hotels, I have never been able to use it! I simply could not type logins-passwords to my sites and mail. In the following foreign trips, I was already smarter - I carry an assembly of portable programs with me on a flash drive, including a password manager and a virtual Russian keyboard. This keyboard helped in Egypt, Turkey and Thailand, not only to me, but also to other poor fellows I know who enter login passwords in Russian letters. So I advise you to pay attention to this advice!

    I apologize for going off topic. Those who are interested in the details of these "secrets" - I will answer in the corresponding other topic or in a personal message.

    LUMax said: 04/15/2012 07:14 PM

    LUMax said: 22.04.2012 11:17

    While the deployment of the Volzhsky GBU http://volzhskoye-gbu.rf/admingo/uploadimg/disl.htm rests on weekends, the update has begun
    dislocation of the ships of the State Budgetary Institution "Volgo-Balt"

    So far, there hasn't been much movement there.
    But navigation is inevitable and inescapably close, even to the north.

    LUMax said: 05/08/2012 23:32

    Somewhere in early May, the deployment on the LBC began to be updated

    ———- Added at 23:32 ———- Previous post was posted at 23:30 ———-

    Cruises and Shipping. Forum of the Internet portal INFOFLOT.RU

    Motor ships 302 projects in the Caspian

    Belgar Nov 07, 2009

    RECHFLOT-63 07 Nov 2009

    Soon Andropov will advance. (message from the board), the team is "native".

    A historic event, we are losing it, with the hope that Andropov will RETURN to the river.

    Stanislav R. 07 Nov 2009

    Evgeny Gordeev 09 Nov 2009

    Volkoff Nov 09, 2009

    Slava-AM Nov 09, 2009

    Matroskin Nov 09, 2009

    The team has a "mishandled Cossack" who will conduct a photo report on the haul. At least after the fact.

    Or maybe this mishandled Cossack would tell us when the ship will pass through big cities

    That's when the m/v starts to turn into a hostel, that's where the photo reports will be interesting. Sadly interesting.

    Belgar Nov 09, 2009

    The team has a "mishandled Cossack" who will conduct a photo report on the haul. At least after the fact.

    Or maybe this mishandled Cossack would tell us when the ship will pass through big cities

    Here I am waiting for messages from the board.

    Nov 11, 2009

    Luzhin Misha Nov 11, 2009

    The second date is almost over. Today is the 11th. (They promised the release of the 8th on the 11th or 15th). Well, how are things going with Andropov?

    Every day, look at the website of the Volzhskoye GBU in the Navigation section - the location of ships within the boundaries of the responsibility of the Volga GBU (from Rybinsk to Astrakhan) and see when the Yu.Andropov starts moving down the Volga.

    Belgar Nov 11, 2009

    Mikhail Arkhipov 11 Nov 2009

    Why a hospital? Did he work as a hotel?

    It's a pity the ship, I love suitcases.

    How long do they gather when the floodgates close?

    ZAB Nov 11, 2009

    What I did not understand! Where is here "YU. Andropov"?

    Mikhail Arkhipov 11 Nov 2009

    What I did not understand! Where is here "YU. Andropov"?

    Yes, it’s not there yet, it just didn’t come out. And "Kurmangazy" from the deployment of the Volga-Balt disappeared, which means that he had already reached the Volga, although he did not appear on the lists of the Volga State Budgetary Institution.

    Wolf 334 Nov 11, 2009

    Nizhegorodets November 12, 2009

    At the beginning of the summer there was information that two 302s should go to the Caspian Sea to be used as hostels for workers. It was assumed that the builders of a new oil or gas pipeline to be laid along the Asian coast of the Caspian Sea from Uzbekistan would live in them. It was assumed that the ships would move along the coast as the pipes were laid. So Andropov is the first sign.

    Yes, yes, yes. In general, I heard that it would be "Korzhik".

    And I also heard that according to rumors with the Zosima, not everything is clear about the next navigation.

    Yuriy1962Samara 12 Nov 2009

    See every day the site "Volzhskoe GBU" in the section "Navigation" - the deployment of ships within the limits of responsibility of the Volga GBU

    How many Volgoneftey go to Samara to spend the winter. we just gathered in the backwater on the 14th.

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