Skinny fat what to do. Who are skinny fat and why is it important to gain weight correctly

skinny fat, what factors lead the figure to such parameters and what can be done to correct the situation.

It all starts at a young age, when the figure is good without diets and fitness. You think that you are very lucky, but over time, such frivolity turns into quite visible flaws in the figure.

All you have to do is change your lifestyle a little. belly, cellulite and folds become noticeable on a body that is quite thin in other places.

The definition of "skinny fat" is translated simply - "thin thick". Unlike the heroes of Chekhov's story, these two traits are combined in one person.

These girls, as a rule, do not (or very little) overweight, and they even look good in clothes. But on the beach, they complex because of the prominent tummy, sagging forearms, "ears" on the hips or buttocks tending down.

Weak muscles, loose skin, low stamina, on thin legs and a belly protruding after even a little connivance in food - all this is about "thin fat women." It remains only to spend the whole summer in spacious shirts, and “sunbathe” on the beach, wrapped tightly in a pareo.

And also - in the morning, like Bridget Jones, wrap yourself in a sheet so that your loved one in the morning light does not notice your shortcomings. If you have a problem skinny fat what to do- say your favorite site.

Why the figure changes like skinny-fat:

  1. Wrong weight loss. Constant rigid diets in the hope of "removing the sides" or "reducing the stomach" in the absence of sports.
  2. The principle "I I eat everything and I don't get fat". Although the weight does not increase, over time, all fat reserves will begin to appear.
  3. Genetic predisposition, in which you need to work on yourself almost all the time.
  4. Inactive lifestyle for a long time.

Skinny Fat Workout

Such a "transitional" type of figure requires special approach to physical activity.

So, "fat skinny" needs burn excess fat therefore, it is absolutely necessary. On the other hand, they should not be long so that the body does not “waste” muscle mass, which skinny fat does not have much of.

In the gym, you can make a complex with alternating cardio and strength exercises with an interval of five minutes. For example: aerobics-dumbbells-exercise bike-barbell.

Another way is to start and end your workout with cardio, and devote most of your time to strength training. “Clean” running or cycling will not help such a figure. The main task forskinny fat - muscles, so what you have to do, first of all, is the relief.

As an effective power load, experts also recommend exercises with light weighting or own weight. Good help traction on straight legs, squats, push-ups (especially from the knees), lunges, leg swings.

Website recommendation: if you haven’t done much exercise before, be sure to give your weakened muscles a preparatory period. You can go swimming, yoga or dancing for a couple of months. In muscles in good shape, it increases significantly responsiveness to regular exercise.

Plank for skinny fat

For those who don't need to reset excess weight, but it is necessary to increase the muscles, plank - perfect exercise. Start doing it today, and in a month you will notice how muscles gradually begin to “draw” on your body, and all places that are far from ideal will tighten up. The plank simultaneously strengthens the arms, muscles of the hips and abdomen, back (significantly improves posture) and buttocks, and also increases metabolism, increases endurance and flexibility.

Many skinny fat already know what to do you need it right:

  • put your elbows strictly under the shoulder joints
  • maximally straining the buttocks
  • keep your back flat (like it's against a wall)
  • put your feet together, this complicates the exercise due to the need to maintain balance
  • legs should be as straight as possible

To train the oblique muscles of the abdomen, do a side plank with an emphasis on one forearm. It is enough to stand in the bar for a minute a day, but to diversify it static exercise, challenge yourself or participate in a challenge and gradually increase the execution time.

Skinny fat: nutrition, training, activity

For girls with this type of figure a large calorie deficit is harmful. Therefore, no strict diets, but the maximum restriction of fast food, sweets, spicy-smoked-salty dishes. And, of course, you need to stop entertaining yourself with the illusion that you can eat everything and not get better, otherwise the problem will only get worse over time.

One of effective ways to get rid of the status of "fat skinny" is to lead the most active and emotional lifestyle. The last factor is no less important than the first.

Fat deposits on a lean body - most often the result of hypodynamia and sedentary, and even recumbent 🙂 lifestyle. Endorphins, emotions, positive, a lot of pure oxygen, burning eyes and even adrenaline - all this must be present in your life in large quantities, and seasonal "hibernation" should be completely absent.

If you no longer want to be skinny-fat and want to feel free in your underwear, then it's worth a little change lifestyle. Let in your everyday life always enough time to exercise and prepare healthy meals, let there be occasions for emotions and holidays, and the weekend is full bright events . And then for beautiful and toned forms, nothing more will need to be done!

We hasten to make happy all the owners of a specific skinny fat figure with such news that this is not a verdict and the situation can be fixed. In this post, we will briefly talk about the main thing - how to understand if a girl has such a disadvantage, how to eat and exercise in order to become beautiful and attractive again.

What is a skinny fat figure?

Thin fat women or fat thin women are not ridiculous phrases, but the Russian version of the name of such a physique. In girls with a skinny fat figure, as a rule, normal weight, but their body is impossible to look at due to sagging muscles and numerous folds of excess fat. Possibly in clothes. appearance decent, but already problematic to undress on the beach.

Girls with a skinny fat figure usually have a thin neck, a fragile physique, thin wrists and ankles. They have few muscles in their bodies. Moreover, some muscles are in good condition from loads without fitness, while regular enhanced training has little effect on others. Against the backdrop of a shortage physical activity the figure is dominated by hanging adipose tissue and skin folds, protruding bones.

skin laxity and cellulite

How to recognize a skinny fat figure?

If you have the following visual signs, then your figure is of the skinny fat type:

  • after eating, the stomach enlarges and / or hangs (also, the stomach can hang chronically, as it has excess fat, loose skin and weakened muscles);
  • adipose tissue is unevenly distributed throughout the body (legs may be thin, but there is a clear defect in the riding breeches area);
  • buttocks are low, not elastic and not taut;
  • obviously flabby triceps;
  • many have noticeable cellulite;
  • the body as a whole looks flabby and this is immediately noticeable when a girl is in a swimsuit.

Usually they say about such girls that they eat randomly and even excessively, but do not gain weight.

there is no excess weight, but the figure is shapeless

Reasons for the formation of a skinny fat figure

Excessive calorie deficit

There are many victims of low-calorie diets among fat thin women. After such a diet, the body is completely exhausted and tries with all its might to recover, strenuously gaining weight. As a result, the girl switches to a normal caloric intake and the results of the diet are gradually canceled and extra pounds are still gaining.

A low-calorie diet can be attributed to such a diet, where 1 kg of weight accounts for 20 kcal. Such a diet burns muscle mass, the figure becomes skinny and flabby. Often in such a situation, strength training is useless. When within 7 days the weight is reduced more rapidly than 0.5% of your weight, then muscle mass is lost.

Lack of power loads

Very often, in the creation of a skinny fat figure, the factor of systematic neglect plays an important role. strength training. Girls sitting on a low-calorie diet are hungry and exhausted, so they can only move slowly along the treadmill. They are not capable of more. Perhaps cardio will help burn some fat, but will not preserve muscle.

a slim body without attractive shapes

Diet for body shaping skinny fat

If you have a skinny fat problem, then rigid diets are contraindicated for you. It's wise to stick to a healthy calorie deficit. It is best to switch to proper nutrition forever, and not sit on temporary diets. A healthy diet is very simple and comfortable, the main thing at first is to make an effort and switch to it, and after 20-30 days you will no longer return to a harmful diet. Understand that today malnutrition harms your figure, and tomorrow it will shake your self-esteem and health.

Restrictions apply to very fatty foods, flour products, sweets. Do not give up fats, just learn how to use them correctly. Fats, of course, are needed, but they are harmful and useful, an example of the latter is nuts, oily fish, vegetable oils.

Know your needs, set specific goals, and consider the nature of your workouts. Based on this, determine the optimal daily caloric intake. You must receive proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the right amounts, consume vitamins, cleanse the body in time.

It is a mistake to reduce your diet to consuming only protein foods. Yes, it helps build muscle, but it's important for your body to get other components as well. To successfully lose weight, take 30% for proteins, 20% for fats, and 50% for carbohydrates of your diet.

By observing changes in your body and weight fluctuations, you will understand which diet and meal schedule works best for you, but in general you need to stick to proper nutrition, drink healthy drinks and do not overeat.

decreased muscle tone

Workouts for girls with a skinny fat figure

So, if you are faced with the problem of a thin bbw figure, then you have to strengthen and build muscle, speed up your metabolism and get rid of excess fat. This will help not only nutrition, but also fitness. Let's say a few words about effective training.


Cardio training (track, stepper, ellipsoid) should take place on a fat-burning pulse. To do this, subtract your age from 220 and multiply the result by 0.8, we get the average heart rate. Alternate strength and cardio load, arranging interval training, that would be a reasonable approach. The optimal interval is up to 10 minutes. Do not get carried away with cardio before strength training, otherwise there will be no strength left on gravity.

Power training

Choose a good training program for yourself - on your own or with a trainer. The fact is that without an increase in muscles, there will be no effect. Girls are not contraindicated in lifting weights and performing strength elements, on the contrary, this makes their figure beautiful. Exercises with dumbbells and a barbell or on special simulators in the gym are suitable for you. Bodyweight exercises are also encouraged.

To stop walking in a vicious circle of strong weight loss, reduction muscle mass, slowing down metabolism, gaining excess weight and again strong weight loss, it is worth taking care of yourself. And the sooner, the better. Remember that a skinny fat figure can be formed even in your 20s, so love yourself and look for ways to become better. If the situation is neglected, then it takes at least 12 months to recover.

Working as a fitness trainer, I have repeatedly encountered the problem of skinny fat. As a rule, these are short and seemingly thin girls or women. Their weight is closer to the lower limit of the norm or even below it, so up to the age of 35 they do not consider their figure to be problematic. In clothes they look attractive thin people, albeit without appetizing forms. But in a bathing suit, the imperfections of their figure are immediately visible: flat, sagging buttocks, flabby hips, a noticeable tummy, cellulite, ridges near the armpits, sagging triceps ... Clients approached me at the age of just over 40, when silhouette flaws became noticeable not just in open clothes , but also in very thin summer suits.

Alas, skinny fat is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a very specific threat to health.

Last year, a study was published that warned skinny fats that they face the same dangers as overweight people: the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, high level blood cholesterol, fatty liver, polycystic ovary syndrome, etc. But frankly fat people know that they are at risk, and often take action, skinny fats have no idea what is in danger until they go to the doctor with specific symptoms of the disease.

Don't want to be among them? Let's see how a skinny fat figure is formed and how you can fix it.

How does the type of figure "skinny fat" appear?

In general, skinny fat has thin bones and little muscle mass, so even a slight body fat looks relatively significant. With a more balanced physique, the muscles, as it were, support fat, the skin is well supplied with blood, so even a full body looks dense and in good shape. As a fitness trainer, I can say that skinny fats come to the sports club to fight, first of all, with cellulite and flabbiness. At the same time, such clients can be divided into two groups depending on the physique.

1. Natural skinny fat - those same people who eat anything all their lives and do not get fat. These are the so-called asthenics (they are also ectomorphs) by body type. They have naturally thin and light bones, the same muscles, they are poorly gaining both muscle mass and fat. Almost all of them are physically weak - after all, strength is determined by the size of the muscles. At the same time, as practice shows, many asthenics have good endurance and are successfully engaged, for example, in running on long distances(which, alas, does not always save you from sagging skin on the buttocks and thighs). But many asthenics also turned to me, who are also hypotensive, poorly enduring any load.

2. Skinny fat for weight loss - women with any type of physique who have lost muscle mass after. They may have enough broad bones by nature (hypersthenics), but a prolonged lack of protein in food completely withered the muscles. Distinctive feature such ladies are protruding collarbones, shoulder blades, knees, bones on the legs and shoulders, which are combined with areas of cellulite and a flabby body.

But there is good news: their body is more receptive to training than type 1 skinny fat. In compiling a regimen for such girls, the main difficulty of a fitness trainer and nutritionist is to prevent them from gaining fat, which happens very easily after a strict diet.

How to understand what type you are?

The nutrition and training strategies for these two types of skinny fat are slightly different. Therefore, if you are going to work with your body on your own, without a coach, first of all, determine what type you are. To do this, you need to focus on the size and proportions of the bones. Stand in front of a naked mirror and evaluate key ratios the way fitness trainers teach you to do.

* Leg length: they are normally about 10 cm longer than half of the body. If the legs are slightly longer than normal, this is typical for skinny fat type I (asthenics).

* Arm length: Normally, the middle finger reaches the middle of the thigh. Longer - again to type I.

* Shoulders and hips: narrow, shoulders slightly wider or equal in width to the hips - type I.

* Wrist: try grabbing it with the thumb and middle finger of your other hand. If the girth is enough with a margin, then you are closer to type I skinny fat.

* Epigastric angle(the angle between the two lower ribs) is the most objective indicator of body type. Pull your stomach in as far as possible so that the ribs are clearly visible. Attach two rulers or palms to the lower ribs for clarity. The sharp angle between the ribs definitely classifies you as a type I skinny fat.

In all other cases, especially if the client admits that he often goes on diets, as a trainer I give him recommendations for type II skinny fat (not asthenic, but thinner to excessive thinness).

Skinny fat: how to restore harmony to the silhouette?

The best diet choice for both types of skinny fat is the right one. Be sure to give up - they make your skin flabby.

When it comes to training, as a fitness trainer I have to constantly look for balance. Type I skinny fat is not physically strong, from strength exercises they often start to get sick or dizzy, hypotensive patients generally crawl into the hall like sleepy flies and are unable to do anything other than stretching. True, many people enjoy cycling for a long time or doing Nordic walking. But, alas, these are not the types of loads that significantly increase muscle mass. What to do?

* If a person has never done fitness at all, for starters, my task as a coach is to give his body get involved in training. Yoga, Pilates, tai chi, walking, roller skating - start with what you can and enjoy. If the muscles have not worked for many years, they will begin to strengthen even from such a movement, however, outwardly they will not increase at all. I recommend that after such a workout, drink a portion or amino acids so that the muscles have easily accessible building material. From ordinary food, as we know, type I skinny fat is difficult to build muscle volumes, and for type II skinny fat there is a lot of fat and simple carbohydrates.

Attention Hypotensives: they exclude deep bends and head-down positions from the standard program (can be done halfway or replaced), and in general, they perform everything slower and smoother than most.

* After 1-4 months you need Introduce strength or interval training. There are options here. Type I skinny fats do not always agree and are capable of purely strength exercises, they are better suited for the strength directions of yoga and Pilates, which it is desirable to supplement with training in the pool. Ideally, practice 4 times a week: twice in the gym, twice in the water.

* Do you want to change the volume and proportions of the body, to find more feminine forms? Learn to gain weight the right way - that is, to form more voluminous muscles in the right areas, and tighten the rest. more noticeable on type II skinny fat. Type I will succeed much later, when they can deal with very significant weights.

* Do not start with strength exercises for the whole body: lunges with weight, leg press in the simulator, push-ups - they are still unbearable. You can squat without weights, do traction on straight legs with minimal dumbbells. And various flexion and extension of the legs and arms, dumbbell lifts, presses. Weights are minimal, you can do without them at all, look at the state. Recommended a lot different exercises two sets of each exercise with a short break. Gradually, you need to remove those exercises that “did not go”, and in the remaining ones, increase the number of approaches and weight. Hypotension patients need to exclude all sudden movements (squats, bends) and replace them with exercises relying on a chair or bodybar, sitting, reclining.

*After 2-3 months of training gradually introduce heavy complex exerciseswith weights . At this stage, you can achieve a significant increase in muscle mass. However, not all skinny fats strive for it, as practice shows, for most, simply improving muscle tone is enough.

Skinny fat: what's next?

Unfortunately, skinny fat, especially type I, wait a long time for the result - their body does not change as rapidly as the rest. On average, expect a year and a half regular classes and proper nutrition. And keep in mind that your result "falls apart" much faster than you get it. Therefore, having reached the desired shape, you should still work out in the gym or at home at least 3 times a week. Therefore, it is important to choose the type and mode of training that you like.

Good day to all!
My story is rather sad. For several years I tried to lose, as it seemed to me, overweight: diet cuts different workouts(in different periods, strength, cardio), but this did not bring any results, because. the weight was initially low, as a result, over the years of torment, it became higher than it was, unfortunately, eternal weakness, fatigue, quitting training and physical activity in general. Now it finally clicked in my head that from the very beginning I needed a body recomposition. I am a typical fat skinny girl: the body is like jelly, no muscles, bones covered with fat (therefore, no matter how thin, the picture does not suit). Weight is now 58-59 kg with a height of 176. I decided to return to strength training and build a body, and not try to throw off the far-fetched extra pounds, because, apart from exhaustion, weight loss does not give.
I just started working out with a trainer, before that there were several weeks of home training from the category of physical training, just to get a little involved, accustom the body to physical. loads (3 times a week did complexes of basic exercises with its own weight, or with weighting agents, the level of training is such that even with one’s own it is still given with tension). I also increased the calorie content, before that I ate 1300-1500 kcal, sometimes less, but with an increase in activity, I realized that I simply could not live on this (weakness, dizziness, reduced immunity, lethargy and a complete lack of vitality). I raised it somewhere up to 1800-2000, but either the body is so afraid of even the slightest deficiency, or the metabolism has become faster, or the body is so eager to gain weight, but even this is already enough with difficulty. Now the plan is for 3 strength per week, the coach advised me to eat normally, somewhere in the range of 1.5-2 thousand kcal, but I know that at 1.5 I will simply discard the skates. I want to increase muscle mass while reducing fat. I understand that these are absolutely opposite goals, but now I can’t imagine going to the mass, and then suffering from drying, and I naively hope for the beginner’s effect. Perhaps there is an option to at least minimize the effects of a more satisfying diet and strength training. I just don’t want to turn from a fat skinny girl into a plump girl, I would be dry, I wouldn’t even think and eat to satiety. However, if I limit myself in nutrition, my muscles will not develop, not to mention the fact that dizziness, hunger cramps and a series of endless colds begin. Is it really a vicious circle, and you can either get fat or shrink, but lose your health? How to balance the load-nutrition, and what should be emphasized in training? I have a very difficult recovery, and high cortisol. The coach said that I should not build training entirely on the basis for this reason. I would be grateful if someone could give good advice on how to find a balance in this situation. In terms of nutrition, it consists mainly of cereals, vegetables, fruits, proteins (poultry, fish, dairy products) and predominantly unsaturated fat sources

Natalya Govorova

Reading time: 13 minutes


The term "skinny fat" is commonly referred to as a physique characterized by normal body weight (or even thinness) in the presence of solid folds subcutaneous fat and sagging skin. "Skinny fat", cleverly covered with modern clothes - an almost perfect figure, « skinny fat" on the beach is a body that requires intense training.

How to correct the shortcomings of your figure, and how to train fat thin people?

Causes of a skinny fat figure - are you also a fat skinny?

The weight of a person with a "skinny fat" physique is usually kept within the normal range or even below it.

Clothing designed to hide all imperfections perfectly hides sagging skin, flabby gluteal muscles and pleats at the waist.

However, the waist can remain an aspen, and the tummy, on the contrary, be not at all appetizing, and even with a cellulite pope.

“I can eat everything and not get fat,” the owners of the “skinny fat” figure proudly declare.

Yes, such people have an excellent metabolism, and being overweight is not a problem for them. But unfortunately, the food consumed is not good for the muscles- There is no increase in muscle mass. On the contrary, the second chin grows, the buttocks lose their shape, the stomach and arms become flabby.

What is the reason?

  • Excessive obsession with low-calorie diets. Such self-torture always leads to a loss of muscle mass, and even in the case of active strength training. Muscle mass is lost if a woman begins to lose weight faster than ½% of her body weight in 7 days.
  • boomerang effect. Everything good and bad, as you know, tends to come back. So it is with subcutaneous fat: the harder and faster you try to lose weight, the more actively the body will restore its fat stores.
  • Lack of strength training. As a rule, girls “dilute” low-calorie diets by walking on a treadmill and light fitness. Because you want to eat all the time, and there is simply no strength for more. You need to understand that treadmill, although it contributes to the expenditure of calories, it does not affect the preservation (and even more so growth) of muscle mass. But it is precisely its absence that is a problem for the “skinny fat” figure.
  • Sedentary lifestyle. With a long absence of physical activity and indefatigable food consumption, it is impossible to protect the figure from the above disadvantages.

The best workouts to fix your skinny fat figure

Let's outline the key problems of thin fat women. First of all, this is flabbiness of the skin and weakness of the muscles, the effect of "riding breeches" on thin legs, reduced stamina and a tummy, which even after humble dinner has a tendency to bulge.

What is the result?

But in the end, every summer - in a spacious shirt, on the beach - in a pareo, in bed with a loved one - in a sheet to the chin.

Because it's embarrassing.

In order not to bring yourself to a state where it is embarrassing to walk in a bathing suit to the sea, start exercising today and never stop.

The only salvation for the skinny fat figure is workout. Therefore, we mark the main problem areas, draw up a plan of work on ourselves and immediately (and not tomorrow or in a month) proceed to its precise implementation.

The treatment plan is something like this:

  1. We increase the percentage of muscle mass.
  2. The metabolic rate directly depends on the percentage of your muscle tissue and time spent on training.
  3. We reduce the percentage of subcutaneous fat. The diet should be such that there is no feeling of hunger, and the body does not want to replenish subcutaneous fat reserves.

remember, that you don't need to lose weight! You are already skinny. But you simply need muscle mass as the frame of your beautiful body.

And do not try to solve the problem of "skinny fat" in a month or two. If you have reached the state of “ashamed to undress on the beach”, then work on yourself will be long and hard. At least a year of work!

How to train if you are a fat skinny?

  • More strength training, less cardio (2-3 sessions per week are enough).
  • Regularity of training: at least 3-4 times / week according to the "constantly" scheme. Intensity: 3-4 sets and 10-15 reps.
  • We choose the main part of the exercises among multi-joint and strength exercises.
  • All muscle groups should be worked out in 1 workout.
  • Exercises that cause discomfort in the lower back should be avoided (for example, deadlifts or hyperextensions with weights).
  • Stretching for target muscle groups is recommended between sets and at the very beginning of each workout.
  1. Aerobics and dumbbells.
  2. Barbell.
  3. Exercise bikes.
  4. Weight exercises.
  5. Leg swings and squats.
  6. Lunges and push-ups.
  7. Traction on straight legs.
  8. Plank classic and side plank with an emphasis on 1 forearm.

On a note:

If there has been no sport in your life for a long time, give your muscles time to prepare for active training.

For example, take up swimming, dancing, or even yoga.

Training program number 1 for the figure "skinny fat"

Classes - three times a week, the net time of each workout is at least 40 minutes, for each exercise - 3 sets.

  1. Warm-up is mandatory (20 minutes for torsion of the hoop).
  2. Next - running on a track with a slope.
  3. Then the traction of dumbbells with their rise above the head.
  4. Squat with dumbbells and press up.
  5. We perform walking with lunges.
  6. We raise the dumbbells with a grip in front of us.
  7. We do lunges in place, unbending the triceps with dumbbells "hammer" behind the head.
  8. And, of course, the plank with push-ups.

Training program number 2 for the figure "skinny fat"

We do 2-3 times / week for 60 minutes + 20 minutes for general joint warm-up.

The main focus is on exercises with heavy weights.

  1. 10 minutes of warm-up.
  2. Next, we pull ourselves up on the “gravitron” simulator.
  3. After - the thrust of the lower block to the belt.
  4. We press the dumbbells in the supine position on the bench up and at an angle.
  5. Next, a pullover with dumbbells across the bench.
  6. Extend your arms with a dumbbell behind your head from a sitting position.
  7. After - dumbbell press up in the same position.
  8. We squat deep against the wall.
  9. Doing glute lifts with a fitball
  10. And finally, the twist plank.
  • Work more often with your own weight and with weighting.
  • Stepping up stairs and taking the stairs instead of the elevator, and replacing walking on the bus to work.
  • Load the buttocks - swings and abduction of the legs, dumbbell rows on straight legs.
  • Work with the press with the help of planks and twists.
  • Constantly monitor your back - it should be even!

The benefits and harms of cardio in the correction of skinny fat

Do you need cardio for a skinny fat figure? Most of the body correction sites are full of advice - “yes, definitely, and more!”. The logic is simple: aerobic exercise is required to burn excess fat.

In fact, this is not the case. After all, the problem of the “skinny fat” figure is not hidden excess fat, and, mainly, in the deficit of muscle mass. Therefore, the temptation to increase cardio in training should be resisted, and focus on strength training.

It is important to understand that aerobic exercise seriously suppresses the incentives for the necessary growth of muscle mass. It seems to you that running on the track contributes to the consumption of calories - but in fact, the body simply consumes substances that could be used for muscle growth. That is, the more actively you run, the thinner you will be, but with the same unappetizing figure and with the same problem areas of the body.

Roughly speaking, with cardio exercises you yourself steal from yourself the energy that is needed for muscle growth.

Therefore your task is:

  1. Power training- from 3-4 times a week.
  2. And cardio exercises as a warm-up for 10 minutes- either before or after class (maximum!).

You can do cardio (if you absolutely cannot do without them) when you achieve the desired result.

Nutrition and drinking regimen in the skinny fat body shaping program - what is important?

Of course, without proper nutrition, success in body shaping cannot be achieved. Even if everything you eat, “it goes away by itself”.

Important nutrition rules for skinny fat girls:

  • No fast food. Just forget about it completely, go around the McDonald's building and others for a kilometer. Change the route if your road from work lies through similar catering establishments.
  • It is also better to refuse sweets and smoked meats, marinades and spicy dishes. Or at least limit them.
  • The emphasis is on food that is rich in protein, as well as cereals and fruits with vegetables. Your tummy should not grow - your muscles should grow!
  • We don't overeat! You need to eat in such a way as to drown out hunger, and not crawl with a full belly to the sofa. The scheme “in the morning - tea with lemon, and in the evening - a salad of dumplings, meat in batter, cheese, chicken, cake and ice cream” is wrong.
  • Track your daily protein intake. Note: 2 g of protein / day - per 1 kg of your weight.
  • A calorie deficit with a "skinny fat" figure is harmful. Therefore, strict diets are “in the furnace”.
  • The main thing in your diet is building up lean meat in your diet. To subsequently switch from a flat figure to an appetizingly rounded one. We are looking for proteins in eggs and beef, in chum salmon steaks, in chicken or turkey fillets, in pollock and tilapia fillets, as well as in fat-free cottage cheese.
  • Carbohydrates "take" exclusively long-playing: buckwheat with oatmeal, chopped and millet, barley and brown rice, as well as gainers based on complex carbohydrates.
  • Be sure to pack every meal with vegetables - asparagus and broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and green beans.
  • Approximate caloric content of the diet - 350-500 kcal , of which 35% are proteins, 50% are carbohydrates, and 15% are fats.

Approximate diet for the day:

  1. 1st breakfast: 100 g cottage cheese (approx. - fat-free) + a couple of whole grain toasts + 8-10 almonds + half a glass of milk.
  2. 2nd breakfast: 3 oatmeal cookies + gainer.
  3. Dinner: boiled chicken (100 g) + black bread + green salad + green tea.
  4. 2nd lunch: 80-100 g beef steak + broccoli + 100 g brown rice.
  5. Dinner: white fish (80 g) + 100 g asparagus + 80 g buckwheat.
  6. Before bedtime: 1 glass of kefir or varenets.

Don't be delusional that you can eat "as much as you like" - it's not! Your problem will get worse over time, and as a result, it will be much more difficult to restore the figure.

Therefore, stick to proper nutrition, do strength training and come out of hibernation - you need activity like air!

And take your time. Waiting for the effect after 2 months of training is pointless, its perfect figure you will see after 1-2 years. But she will be amazing!

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