What kind of sport to do with the whole family. Sports for the whole family

Good day, dear reader.

Today I want to touch on the topic of sports in general (a little) and the topic of sports in our family in particular (more). By the way, have you heard that the TRP standards are being revived? On this occasion, I would like to understand: did the people of the country of our Russia really go into sports (or really wanted to go) or is it, as usual, pouring water into their ears from the screens?

The other day, guests from Moscow came to work, one of them said that most of his own acquaintances suddenly abruptly (after the Sochi Olympics) went into sports (not professional, of course). They decided to organize competitions by the summer in their own circle (I don’t know in which direction exactly) and against this background everyone went to the gyms together and started to quit smoking (who smoked). In general, it is commendable, but not indicative.

Do you have vivid examples of such positive changes in the minds of specific people (yours, perhaps) and the practical actions of these people after that? After all, sport is a great alternative to any other useless pastime.

Personally, I understood for myself a long time ago and decided that I cannot and do not want to live without movement (active movement). With all due respect, I just can’t understand people who spend their weekends at home or ride around shopping centers. As a rule, people from my environment who spend the weekend like this justify their position by saying that they are practically not at home during the week, they get very tired, do not get enough sleep, and, accordingly, compensate for all this on the weekend. You might think that they unload the wagons every day. But it's not for me to judge them. Everyone decides for himself. But where is the interest in such a life? At work? Maybe, but it's unlikely. Among my acquaintances, there are no those who would really be fanatic about their work. In the end, there is simply nothing to talk about with such people, except for work, it's boring. Life in such gray everyday life passes unnoticed and too quickly. The only way to slow down time, as it were, is to fix it in highlights life. The more of them, the more amazing and fuller life ... and, oddly enough, longer (and also richer, brighter, more interesting, more fun and more useful).

Also for myself, I decided that in the active sports life You need to involve your family members. I have two reasons for that:

  1. By doing the same sports hobby with family members, you can be together more often, and not be torn apart for your favorite business and separately for spending time with your family. Those. I don’t want to be a fisherman fan (fishermen, no offense) who disappears for his favorite thing all weekend and does not see his family, I don’t want to be. If I fall in love with fishing, then it is necessary to accustom all household members to it, otherwise it will be a failure with such a hobby.
  2. When the whole family is addicted to the same sports areas, you do not have to look for like-minded people on the side. He took his family, put him in the car and off he went. It's like one organism. And to be the eternal initiator of meetings with friends on the occasion of a common hobby (everyone has their own degree of this hobby), I think, is a thankless task. But here, however, much depends on the hobby itself. More on that below.

Today, my sports family is fond of snowboarding in winter and. In addition, the children are growing and it is already possible to start pulling them out on small trips and rafting. Recently, I also started looking at paintball (in the off-season, you also need to do something), but so far it’s all at the acquaintance stage (there were a couple of games) and, unfortunately, unlike the same bike, you need a team (at least 8 people ) to play this game normally and interestingly. It also does not suit children, at least not mine (still small), and my wife is still afraid. Therefore, in this direction, I am still alone and have to gather people among friends and acquaintances, shake them up, and initiate meetings.

In this regard, by the way, there is a question for all our readers. Would you like to learn more about paintball? Personally, the topic fascinated me, and I pretty decently dripped information about this game.

In general, I am not limited to the listed hobbies and am always open to new ones. I also understand that my children will most likely need Sport section, because our family hobbies still do not pull on regular ones, and sports should be done regularly. In this regard, Irishka and I took care of finding an organization that we could attend with the whole family. Children, for example, in some section, and Irishka and I in fitness or swimming pool. Our concept of “doing everything with the whole family” must be supported at this level as well.

Doing something with the whole family is so great!

With the busy work schedule of parents and the busyness of children at school, it seems almost impossible to find free time for general occupations sports. However, it is simply necessary to do this, at least on weekends. Taking care of the health of the whole family is not only useful in itself, but will also allow you to save your time, effort and money in the future. You will have to go to the doctors yourself much less often and take your relatives there. Sports are the main means of preventing various diseases. People who lead a sports lifestyle are less susceptible to disease. They have better eyesight, and in children the skeleton develops better, correct posture and many many others.

All this is great, you say, but how to involve these lazy people in regular sports? The best way is to play sports with the whole family! At the same time, in addition to sports as such, one can also talk about joint family pastime. Such sports bring the family together, and children learn to lead healthy lifestyle life. Many outstanding athletes who achieved unprecedented heights, in childhood there was someone to look up to - parents led an active sports life. And it was definitely not "litreball".

Sports are good for health!

1. Schedule sports for a week. You need to take care of the time that you plan to devote to sports in advance. Remember if the children have extra activities, music school or other activities. The performance of the child should not suffer from joint exercises. And yet, if after such sports he falls down and does not have time to do homework load should be reduced.

2. Alternate kinds of sports, in which your family practices for a month. Firstly, doing the same thing is tiring and uninteresting, and secondly, different types strengthen various groups muscles, different skills and abilities appear, and in addition, children will develop more harmoniously and diversified, and sports will not turn into a boring routine.

3. Make an "achievement journal" for every member of the family. This will develop the spirit of competition, will temper the character. In addition, such observations clearly show what you have achieved over time. regular classes sports. It is always nice to know that in a year your weight has decreased by ten kilograms, and the weight of the barbell that you lift has grown by thirty.

4. Help each family member find a sport they enjoy. In it, the results will grow faster, it will give self-confidence. Also in childhood it is desirable to find out what the heart of the child lies in, for football or for hammer throwing, for billiards or long jumps. In this case, you can use indirect signs, for example, if a child has a long foot, this indicates that he will grow up tall, try to teach him to play basketball or volleyball. If your son is growing strong, stocky - it is worth trying martial arts, if he is thin - he can do well running on medium and long distances. Find out which sport your child enjoys the most and encourage him to do so. Let him not become a world champion (although what the hell is not joking), but he will grow up strong and healthy. By the way, can you achieve something through sports? Valuev started boxing at the age of 20, Tikhonov began to play at a professional level after serving in the army. But there are sports in which age is not a hindrance, for example, billiards, darts and curling.
Playing sports - it would be a desire!

Big ones are opening now sports centers, water parks and entertainment complexes where you can comfortably spend an evening with the whole family, doing various types sports.

You do not have time and money for this? It doesn't matter, buy or make exercise equipment for sports at home: a horizontal bar in the apartment is simply necessary, swedish wall, and dumbbells - all this will not take up much space, but will allow the whole family to have fun and useful time playing games. Remember, only in competition can you grow from a child not a sickly plant that languishes at the slightest difficulty, but a self-confident independent person who will stand firmly on his own two feet. But do not overdo it, you should not force a person to do an unloved thing, this will ruin both your relationship and his character.

If you are going on a beach holiday with the whole family, do not forget that sports are also welcome there. Animators will take care of small children, for adults there is usually a lot of active entertainment - swimming, football, volleyball, tennis, darts, archery and pneumatic weapons, aqua aerobics and many other interesting things. No need to lean on the buffet and free booze. Overweight, heaviness in the stomach and feeling unwell will only spoil your vacation, and playing sports, on the contrary, will help you feel better. Unfortunately, in our society there is still a certain romanticization of alcohol, even in a sports environment you often hear: "beer for a jerk, vodka for a stroke" - in fact, you will not get anything good from regular libations.

In addition to outdoor games, do not forget about intellectual ones, they develop ingenuity and memory. Board games will brighten up the leisure of the whole family: chess, checkers, backgammon, economic games like "monopoly", even solving crossword puzzles - all this is much more useful than empty finger picking in the nose under the continuous cycle of disgusting reality shows and stupid serials. Even computer games can be useful - this is the development of ingenuity, reaction and study foreign language. Sports activities are not only hard physical activities.

But we must not forget the main rule - moderation should be in everything. And even more so when it comes to sports. And then the time you spend with your family will turn from hard labor into a fun interesting game. Money can't buy health, but it can be paid for with time.

You most likely will not be able to instill a love of sports in children if you yourself are not an athlete, if sports activities alien to you.

Children do not like when something is imposed on them, when they are forced to perform some actions, to go to sections and to the gym. The only way is to create in children a sincere desire to play sports on their own initiative. And for this you need your example.

It is possible only when both adults and kids will experience real pleasure and joy from physical activity. The hormone of joy is an extremely pleasant thing, and it is important to ensure that it is produced during moments of family sports.

The Importance of Sports for Children

Physical education in childhood is especially useful. Physical education lessons are present in all schools. Thanks to simple exercise the child receives all-round development, forms the will to win, tempers character. On the other hand, not all children can enjoy such a useful procedure, and parents have to work on this factor.

By example and deed, you should show that sport is good, it is pleasant, it is fun, it is useful. Collective sports activities of children and parents are the best way to contribute to such goals, and sports begin to take root from infancy. A sports family is like a single team, a single team in which communication and interaction between participants takes place, in which the child feels part of the whole.

Parents are an example for a child

You are unlikely to bring up a sports lover if you sit in front of the TV or computer all day. Parents who stay on the couch and enjoy it are an obvious example for kids.

It is clear that we all live in a frantic rhythm, that we all work, and in free minutes we want to relax, but ... You still have to overcome your laziness and devote some time to family activity. There is no other way to introduce sport into the life of the younger generation.

Moreover, you should start with early age, forming in the boy / girl a positive attitude towards sports, to joint forwarding, to active and energetic activities.

The model of parental behavior is an example for the baby. A sports family is unthinkable and impossible without the full involvement of all its members.

Types of sports activities

For the development of children, any fun and exciting physical activities. As an example, you can choose joint running, rollerblading or skating, jumping rope, cycling, playing with the ball.

Boys and girls from sports families continue physical development and outside the home. These kids show top scores in physical education classes, they are cheerful, cheerful, set to win, both in sports and in school.

It can also be argued that sports children will not experience, they will get sick less often, suffer and worry less, and will enjoy the attention of the opposite sex. For a boy, any sport that he can handle at his age, any kind of activity, is suitable.

If a girl is growing up in your family, you need to choose the appropriate sports activities. The main responsibility here falls on the shoulders of the mother, since it is she who can: jump rope, twist the hoop, work out with dumbbells, do aerobics or gymnastics.

In the sports life of the girl, the father should also take part, or better, all family members at the same time (brothers, sisters, parents, children).

By by and large kind of activity for sports family doesn't matter (). The main thing is the joint transmission and the general joy of physical procedures. Sport should become the same habitual need for a child as communication with peers, as reading and creativity.

If you intend to raise a healthy and cheerful baby, be sure to reconsider your behavior. You yourself are an example for the child, which he will follow throughout his life (even if unconsciously, but children imitate their parents in every little thing).

It is no coincidence that they say that the apple falls next to the apple tree. The future of the child, his character, his determination, his views on the world directly depend on how you feel about sports, on your behavior patterns. So try to be a good example for your children!

With the busy work schedule of parents and the busyness of children at school, it seems almost impossible to find free time for general sports. However, it is simply necessary to do this, at least on weekends. Taking care of the health of the whole family is not only useful in itself, but will also allow you to save your time, effort and money in the future.

You will have to go to the doctors yourself much less often and take your relatives there. Sports are the main means of preventing various diseases. People who lead a sports lifestyle are less susceptible to disease. They have better eyesight, and children develop better skeleton, correct posture and much, much more.

All this is great, you say, but how to involve these lazy people in regular sports? The best way is to play sports with the whole family! At the same time, in addition to sports as such, one can also talk about joint family pastime. Such sports unite the family, and children learn to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Many outstanding athletes who have achieved unprecedented heights had someone to look up to in childhood - their parents led an active sports life. And it was definitely not a "litreball".

Sports are good for health!

1. Schedule sports for a week. You need to take care of the time that you plan to devote to sports in advance. Remember if the children have extra classes, music school or other activities. The performance of the child should not suffer from joint exercises. And yet, if after such sports he falls down and does not have time to do his homework, you should reduce the load.

2. Alternate sports in which your family practices for a month. Firstly, doing the same thing is tiring and uninteresting, and secondly, different types strengthen different muscle groups, different skills and abilities appear, and in addition, children will develop more harmoniously and diversified, and playing sports will not turn into a boring routine. .

3. Make an "achievement journal" for every member of the family. This will develop the spirit of competition, will temper the character. In addition, such observations clearly show what you have achieved during regular exercise. It is always nice to know that in a year your weight has decreased by ten kilograms, and the weight of the barbell that you lift has grown by thirty.

4. Help each family member find a sport they enjoy. In it, the results will grow faster, it will give self-confidence. Even in childhood, it is desirable to find out what the child’s heart lies in, for football or for hammer throwing, for billiards or long jumps. In this case, you can use indirect signs, for example, if a child has a long foot, this indicates that he will grow up tall, try to teach him to play basketball or volleyball. If your son is growing strong, stocky, it is worth trying martial arts; if he is thin, he may be good at running medium and long distances. Find out which sport your child enjoys the most and encourage him to do so. Let him not become a world champion (although what the hell is not joking), but he will grow up strong and healthy. By the way, can you achieve something through sports? Valuev started boxing at the age of 20, Tikhonov began to play at a professional level after serving in the army. But there are sports in which age is not a hindrance, for example, billiards, darts and curling.
Playing sports - there would be a desire!

Now large sports centers, water parks and entertainment complexes are opening, where you can comfortably spend an evening with the whole family, doing various sports.

You do not have time and money for this? It doesn’t matter, buy or make exercise equipment for sports at home: a horizontal bar in the apartment is a must, a wall bars, and dumbbells - all this will not take up much space, but will allow the whole family to have fun and useful time playing games. Remember, only in competition can you grow from a child not a sickly plant that languishes at the slightest difficulty, but a self-confident independent person who will stand firmly on his own two feet. But do not overdo it, you should not force a person to do an unloved thing, this will ruin both your relationship and his character.

If you are going on a beach holiday with the whole family, do not forget that sports are also welcome there. Animators will take care of small children, for adults there is usually a lot of active entertainment - swimming, football, volleyball, tennis, darts, archery and pneumatic weapons, aqua aerobics and many other interesting things. No need to lean on the buffet and free booze. Extra pounds, heaviness in the stomach and feeling unwell will only spoil your vacation, and playing sports, on the contrary, will help you feel better. Unfortunately, in our society there is still a certain romanticization of alcohol, even in a sports environment you often hear: “beer for a jerk, vodka for a stroke” - in fact, you will not get anything good from regular libations.

In addition to outdoor games, do not forget about intellectual ones, they develop ingenuity and memory. Board games will brighten up the leisure of the whole family: chess, checkers, backgammon, economic games like "monopoly", even solving crossword puzzles - all this is much more useful than empty finger picking in the nose under the continuous cycle of disgusting reality shows and stupid serials. Even computer games can be useful - this is the development of intelligence, reaction and learning a foreign language. Sports activities are not only hard physical activities.

But we must not forget the main rule - moderation should be in everything. And even more so when it comes to sports. And then the time you spend with your family will turn from hard labor into a fun and interesting game. Money can't buy health, but it can be paid for with time.


Sunday is the only day of the week when the whole family is together, no one is in a hurry to work. And it’s good if spending this day together, leaving the city, has become a good tradition. In such a family, the husband will not go in the morning alone to friends or somewhere else, he knows that Sunday is a family day. Children get used to cheerful Sunday trips - they dream about them in advance, get ready, invite their friends. And when they themselves become adults, acquire families, they will follow the example of their parents, who instilled in them good, good tastes and hobbies.

Of course, not everyone in the family has the same interests and inclinations, but this is not at all necessary. One is fond of playing the guitar, the other prefers fishing, the third devotes all his free time to collecting something. But love for physical education, sports and a respectful, reasonable attitude to Sunday rest become the cement that holds these different hobbies together and strengthens the family. A lot here depends on the woman - wife or mother. If she is young at heart, cheerful, fit, energetic, an atmosphere of joy and optimism will invariably reign in the family, which helps to relax and gain strength. Children are proud of such a mother, and the relationship between parents and children is special - friendly, trusting, truly close.

Mothers and fathers should engage in physical education not only in the interests of their own health (although this is very important), but also for the sake of the health of their children. What happiness it is when they grow strong, hardened! And if parents want to instill hygienic skills in their son or daughter, harden them, accustom them to physical education, and at the same time smoke and drink alcohol, then there will be little chance of success.

First of all, they should set a personal example in this.

You can convince a child for weeks of benefit morning exercises, but if parents, having heard the cheerful sounds of a sports march in the morning, rush to turn off the TV or, which is not better, lead the gymnastics “theoretically”, without getting out of a warm bed, there will be no sense.

Another thing is if in the morning mom and dad cheerfully get up for exercise.

With the help of physical education, not only parents bring up children, but also children - parents. Having promised, for example, his son to go skiing or cycling with him on Sunday, the father must keep his word at all costs, even if the weather deteriorates and friends persistently invite “to come in for an hour or two.” If a mother teaches her daughter to “be tempered like steel,” she herself needs to set an example. And there, you see, mother, at least in order to strengthen her parental authority, will have to learn to swim, and play badminton, and run in gym, and there you can also buy trousers “specially for hiking”. Good examples are contagious!