I really want to lose weight but I don't have the willpower. What to do if there is not enough willpower to lose weight - effective advice from a nutritionist

The agonizing dilemma of how to force yourself to lose weight if not willpower, must be resolved. But how?

A beautiful figure in some cases can be a gift of fate, but sometimes it becomes a cherished goal that a person aspires to. Both of these options are definitely good! Another situation, when a person only thinks how to force himself to lose weight, if willpower says: “no » but deliberately takes no action. And this despite the obviousness of their own shortcomings.

Set goals and lose weight, even if there is no willpower:

  1. The first step to changing your figure should be a goal to strive for. It can be a photo of an idol and a certain desired result on the scales. When a person clearly knows where he is going, he doubts less and does what he must.
  2. It is necessary to set a clear goal, for example, lose 5 kg in a week, then take steps towards its implementation. The first thing you need to do is exercise. It is not necessary to immediately take and do five approaches. To begin with, an easy walk on foot to a live and favorite melody is suitable.
  3. At the next stage, you need to revise your menu, because this is the cornerstone on which weight depends. First you need to make a list of all harmful products, which have unjustified calorie content and write useful equivalents to them. So, for example, natural fresh juice can become an alternative to soda, and fast food hamburgers can be replaced with whole grain bread sandwiches with fresh vegetables. A week of eating in this mode will force you to switch to a more balanced diet without unnecessary stress.
  4. You should also properly distribute all the food in time, that is, draw up a diet. A good day should start with a nutritious breakfast, where you can put the most high-calorie meals. This should be followed by a small snack two hours before lunch. The key word here is "small", as it should be limited to 100-150 calories, for example, it could be an apple or a vegetable salad.
  5. Lunch will be more satisfying with meat, fish, steamed with 1 cup of tea. This is followed by a light snack again two hours after dinner, including either 1 fruit with clean water or a vegetable salad.
  6. Dinner is taken at least 3 hours before bedtime. In case of unbearable hunger at night, one apple or a glass of yogurt helps, as well as plain water, which must be drunk in large quantities.

Living with such habits will make the question of how to force yourself to lose weight if there is no willpower , irrelevant! It will definitely turn into an excellent result, which you will definitely want to improve, and the body mass index, the formula of which is easy to find on the Internet, will help you choose the optimal weight for your body.

There is a stereotype according to which fat people do not have willpower and turn a blind eye to their figure, which causes many life problems related to health and communication.

There are many stories when the news about the imperfection of the figure plunged a person into a state of shock, after which he took urgent measures to lose weight, sometimes negatively affecting health.

However, most fat people is aware of his problem within himself, but cannot decide to start new life without outside help. In fact, such people become hostages of their body and needs, which differ little from those addicted to alcohol and drugs.

From excess weight tends to only accumulate over time, and if at the first stages it manifests itself only externally, then in the process of development it will sooner or later necessarily affect human health. Only relatives and close friends can help in this situation, but sometimes they prefer not to interfere without an extra reason in such a delicate problem.

"The most big win It's a victory over yourself." These wise words reflect well the meaning of the fight against extra pounds. Every morning, looking at themselves in the mirror, many women remain, to put it mildly, not delighted with their reflection, sometimes what they see causes even disgust.

What do these women do next? Most of them will go to the kitchen and start eating their grief. Some still manage to make a breakthrough, starve for 1-2 days, but then they return to their usual and everyday gluttony again. And only a few people are able to get together and correct the situation with a second chin and a sagging stomach. Why are there so few of the latter? That's right, because the first two categories of women are weak and "willpower" is a concept that cannot be attributed to them.

If a woman has already decided that she cannot lose weight due to a lack of willpower, she must first figure out where to find a source that will give her energy to lose weight.

Who or what will help you lose weight?

Another source of determination is family. For women, the support of close and dear people in the matter of all kinds of sweets is very significant, from which now you need to stay away. In this case, at a family council or at dinner, it is enough to announce to your household about your firm decision to go on a diet. In such situations, relatives begin to constantly ask questions about the results achieved, thereby preventing the losing weight from relaxing.

It is important to find the strongest motivation for yourself. Motivation with an ideal figure in this case will not help in any way, everything should be much deeper. An excellent motivation is a beloved man, the fear of losing him because of his extra pounds will overpower and keep him within limits. Motivations related to children are also suitable, for example, the desire to look decent next to them. It will also help to buy expensive and beautiful things 1-2 sizes smaller, which can only be pulled on by losing weight.

Do evil to everyone. If someone doubts the capabilities of a woman, that she has willpower, she will prove to everyone that she “can”, she will pull herself together and lose weight. It is enough to find a hated lady, hated because of the best figure, and bypass her in all respects. At the same time, you need to praise yourself more often.

Last but one of the most important rules: you need to learn to say a firm "no", to say not to someone, but to yourself. No need to argue such a refusal with the desire to lose weight, this, as it turns out, is not the strongest incentive. It is enough to choose a clear explanation, it can be a thought about the dangers of your favorite cheeseburger for the body or about the number of kilograms received from a cake. Nutritionists remind that 1 molecule of carbohydrate, as a result, will give 2 molecules of fat. You need to be persistent and decisive in your own endeavors, this will allow you to succeed in losing weight.

"Diet for the lazy" or for those who do not have willpower


The main meal of the day is breakfast. Until 12:00 a woman can afford absolutely everything. But nutritionists remind you that for faster results, you should change your preferences in favor of dark chocolate instead of milk chocolate. And instead of regular sugar, love cane sugar. The best dessert instead of cakes there will be meringue and cheesecake. Yoghurts and cheeses should be low-calorie, and a sandwich should be with turkey meat and vegetables, and not with sausage. A worthy alternative to a cup of coffee is a drink made from chicory. Green tea and freshly squeezed juices will help to lose weight and enrich the body with useful substances.


For lunch, you can afford the traditional first course, but it is better to cook on chicken or fish broths, not on meat ones. It is necessary to control the amount of potatoes consumed, it is better to replace it with other vegetables: broccoli, carrots, tomatoes, cauliflower, herbs, celery.

It is necessary to reduce to a minimum, and it is better to completely abandon fried foods, instead it is better to eat boiled, steamed or stewed. The diet should be diversified with lean meat (turkey, beef, chicken), as well as fish and seafood. As sauces the best choice will be olive oil, soy sauce and low fat yoghurts. Mayonnaise and ketchup are best prepared on their own and consumed in limited quantities.


Dinner should not be later than 18:00, and his diet is rather modest. Vegetables, low-fat cottage cheese, salad, cereals, fruits, cheeses. In case of a strong feeling of hunger or very weak willpower, you can add a little dietary grade meat. After 18:00, both the mouth and the refrigerator are locked.

Low-fat foods or foods with a minimum percentage of fat content are the right choice in favor of losing weight;

You need to walk up and down the stairs at any time, in any place and under any circumstances. The elevator must be abandoned once and for all. Going up and down the stairs will help burn calories, and if you step over 2 steps, it will also strengthen the muscles of the legs and hips;

More often to carry out “wet” cleaning in the house, one of the pluses, besides the obvious one, is that extra calories are consumed in movement;

In the process of eating, you need to chew it as carefully as possible, this will allow you to get enough of less eaten more quickly;

If a woman cannot refuse chicken in any way, it is better to eat fillet, without fatty skin;

Stop drinking alcoholic beverages - they are high in calories. Instead of alcohol, you can relax with non-alcoholic cocktails or even juice;

It is important to devote more time to sleep, during this process the body continues to work, burning calories, but you don’t want to eat in your sleep at all.

Reading time: 3 min

How to force yourself to lose weight? A delightful figure and seductive forms are the dream of all the daughters of Eve. However, some sons of Adam are often even ahead of their counterparts in an effort to eliminate the hated kilograms. According to statistics, a third of the Earth's population suffers from obesity. Modern style, speed of life, malnutrition, constant snacking in a hurry, stressors lead to the accumulation of excess fat. Extra pounds worsen life, spoil the mood. Often overweight generates dissatisfaction with oneself, causes depressive moods, an inferiority complex, provokes various ailments.

Millions are struggling with the described problem, but only a few are defeating it. Most individuals suffering overweight, unfortunately, it is quite difficult to make efforts every day, overdoing yourself, your own habits, everyday life. Even taking their own person into circulation and starting a diet, many break down, which often leads to an aggravation of the situation. When the struggle turns out to be unsuccessful, when the craving for convenience foods and fast food overdoes, a person either resigns himself to kilograms, or begins to quietly hate his own body. This often leads to discord on the personal front and the professional sphere. Bad mood, depression, loss of interest in being are the result of an unsuccessful war with kilograms. Therefore, it is not surprising that “how to force yourself to eat less and lose weight” is a fairly popular question on the net.

In order to become the happy owner of an attractive figure and reduce weight, first of all, it is recommended to understand the purpose of your intentions. Experts in human psychology advise dividing the process of understanding the motives for losing weight into the following steps.

First of all, you need to change your own attitude to the problem under consideration. The primary goal of every next self-made weight loss program is to get satisfaction from the process. This is easier to do than it seems. It is necessary to monitor your own thoughts, changing your beliefs. You should not force yourself, you need to move gradually. In order for the fight against kilograms to be effective, you need to be frank with yourself when determining the reason that forced you to call your own excess fat.

When identifying weight loss, you must try to be as honest as possible. The desire to lose weight in order to gain perfect figure like a film star, will not bring positive results. Every inhabitant of the planet is individual. The desire to be like someone else is contrary to human nature. This will create many obstacles on the way to an updated figure. The “true” motives for weight loss can be considered a serious illness, the desire to acquire a soul mate, the desire to change oneself for one’s own comfort and determination.

Next stage consists in choosing a method, of which there are a huge variety today, starting with sports, diets and ending with the use of all kinds of products offered by modern cosmetology and the pharmaceutical industry.

It is the choice that determines the attitude to the weight loss program, therefore it is necessary to approach it with the utmost responsibility.

The third stage involves the replacement of old habits with primordially new habits, which should be useful and correspond to the desire of losing weight.

When, after replacing dinner, which consists of the usual fried potatoes and a piece of meat, with healthy food (salad, fish), in the morning the scales show minus 300 grams, then this is a victory, albeit insignificant. At these moments, you should motivate yourself in order to achieve more serious results in the future.

First of all, you must frankly admit to your own person that you are overweight. In order not to be unfounded, it is recommended to calculate the mass index, which will help assess the ratio of an individual's weight to his height, which will identify the presence of a problem of overweight or its absence.

If the index showed that there is a fraction of unnecessary kilograms, then a decision needs to be made: enjoy this weight or lose weight. In fact, the decision itself is easy to choose, it is much more difficult to follow it. The war with kilograms is a rather responsible decision that requires considerable will and effort from the subjects. After all, the awareness of the presence of a problem does not mean a willingness to sacrifice habitual existence for the sake of getting rid of a couple of kilograms. If excess weight does not interfere with habitual existence, does not fail such a task that the individual is ready to get rid of with any effort, then it is better not to do anything, at least until health allows you not to think about it. If, however, it is unbearable to exist with hated fat, the appearance has suffered, health has been shaken and deteriorating, then it is necessary to push yourself to accomplishment in order to eliminate the problem. The following recommendation will help maintain the determination to find a renewed body until the complete victory over excess kilograms.

Don't try to lose weight too fast. A rapid decrease in weight gives rise to dysfunction of the body. The main task of a losing weight individual is to continuously follow the intended goal until the desired weight or volume is achieved. Inconsistency is considered a typical mistake of most losing weight.

Often people, noticing that the skirt has become small or the belt has stopped fastening, go on strict diets or go completely hungry. However, after the harsh everyday life and the onset of the long-awaited vacation, they allow themselves to relax with the help of alcohol, smoked snacks and sweets. Naturally fasting is postponed until later. Often this only leads to fat gain. The result of this is a complete disappointment with diets and resignation to their own unsatisfactory figure.

No need to be fooled by flashy headlines promising to get rid of annoying fat in the shortest possible time. It's candid. Besides, fast weight loss causes enormous and often irreparable damage. human body.

It must be understood that in the battle with the described problem, the main thing is the end result, not speed. Let the long-awaited mark on the scales have to wait a year, but the weight loss strategy will be comfortable and bring healing to the body. With a huge will, you can get rid of 7 kg, but at the same time rattle on a hospital bed.

So, in the battle for harmony, the final result is important, which will come only if you consistently follow the goal. You need to stop thinking about getting rid of body fat, while concentrating directly on the process (sports training, swimming, diet). The process of dealing with the hated folds and stocks of fat is not a temporary rejection of taste habits and habitual existence, it is a change in the way of existence.

The main enemy that hinders the onset of the result is malnutrition. You can endure the feeling of hunger for a while, but it is impossible to live with this feeling all the time. A persistent feeling of hunger will eventually overcome any will, which will lead to a breakdown in the process of losing weight, disappointment, bad mood, dissatisfaction, and a slowdown in metabolism.

Nutritionists recommend eating up to 90 g of carbohydrates at one meal, and all daily ration should be up to 1200 kcal. Upon reaching the cherished figure, you can return to normal calorie content, following certain rules: you need to eat up to 5 times a day in small portions, before leaving for the kingdom of Morpheus, it is forbidden to eat food, the food consumed must be balanced.

How to make yourself lose weight at home?

Overweight people are often ridiculed and discriminated against. This creates stress, dissatisfaction with existence. Such individuals often need the support of psychologists and the right motivation to deal with interfering kilograms.

Many are interested in: “I can’t force myself to lose weight, what to do.” Previously, they already followed many diets, tried to play sports, but did not achieve results. The lack of the desired result leads to a reluctance to change anything. Such individuals simply approached the strategy of losing weight in the wrong way, setting almost unattainable goals for themselves. The fight against the problem under consideration should begin with the setting of intermediate tasks in order to increase the motivational component. You can reach the intermediate goal much faster than the final result. A clear setting is important. She points to what a person wants and directs him in the right direction.

Small targets are like magnets. Achievement of the intermediate task pushes for further achievements. Often, women who go on a diet or decide to play sports hard make the mistake of forcing themselves to lose weight by a certain date (for example, a birthday).

is the key to successful weight loss. A steady stream of negative thoughts is the main reason for failure. Thoughts of negative content that kill faith in own forces and impeding the process of losing weight, must be eradicated. Becoming on the path of losing weight, it is necessary to develop a strong conviction in success and positive thinking. You should act according to the following scheme, first there is a goal, then faith in its achievability, mental conviction, a sense of victory, action, the final stage is the result.

The present will help change the outlook for the future. It is recommended to imagine yourself in the desired weight more often, realizing that the kilograms are gone due to the process of losing weight. In your own dreams, you can even imagine how a new wardrobe fits perfectly, a new acquaintance admires the figure, colleagues fall asleep with compliments. In a fantasy world, everything is possible, most importantly with a positive and a smile. You need to create a vivid image of your own person after achieving the intended result. After that, you can freely move to the designated goal.

Having diligently changed your own appearance, you must not forget to pamper yourself sometimes. Celebrating intermediate achievements only strengthens motivation. Achieving small goals demonstrates the fruits of hard work on oneself. You can pamper yourself with sweets, acquiring new clothes, going to a cultural institution.

You also need to understand that the accumulated fat does not mean an untidy look, hoodies instead of clothes, cheap dresses. You should wear beautiful clothes, because this. An attractive self-mirroring image is an additional incentive to achieve the desired performance on the scales.

How to force yourself to lose weight if there is no willpower?

Having made the final decision to lose weight and get rid of hated fat, you must not force yourself, but convince yourself of the importance of this step. It is important to overcome the psychological barrier, since only this can help to get rid of the annoying kilograms forever.

Often from the daughters of Eve and even the sons of Adam you can hear I can’t force myself to lose weight, what to do. Many are convinced that the problem of obesity is solved only by an effort of will. This is a fundamentally wrong belief. You can’t force yourself to stick to strange diets, exercise, swallow special teas that promote weight loss.

It is necessary to start the fight with fatness by finding the right motivational component that will accompany a person throughout the weight loss period. Finding an incentive is pretty easy. It's harder to change habits. However, when the target is clearly visible, the obstacle on the way is easily removed.

The following are examples of motivating incentives. First of all, the opportunity to improve health should be highlighted. Each individual knows how detrimental to the functioning of the body overweight. Obese people suffer from shortness of breath, excessive sweating, heart and joint pain, and high blood pressure. Getting rid of extra kilos helps to restore the working capacity of the gastric system, improve the tone of the epidermis, and normalize pressure. In addition, excess prevents conception.

The next motive may be to establish communications and make new acquaintances. Obese individuals suffer from complexes, insecurity, isolation. Therefore, the social circle of obese people is rather narrow. This often leads to depression.

Establishment personal life is also the main stimulus. Of course, they love in spite of everything, and not for a seductive figure, a charming look, plump lips, graceful fingers, large breasts, slender long legs. For a loving individual, the internal characteristics of the chosen one are more important. However, we must not forget that the first impression has great power, which can easily be spoiled by extra pounds. You can be a charming person, have a sparkling humor, a lively mind, endless kindness, but it is difficult to evoke sympathy in the person you like at the first rendezvous. Besides, obese people due to a set of complexes to be afraid to get acquainted. Therefore, it is much easier to acquire a life partner for a slender person than for an overweight individual.

Realization in the profession is another possible motivator. It should be recognized that obese individuals are not the most sought-after workers. This is due to the association of high working capacity with activity, mobility, vivacity. A complete individual can hardly be called mobile. Studies have shown that about 8% of overweight people are discriminated against in the professional field.

Having decided on the motive, you can begin to draw up a weight loss strategy that should ideally suit a losing weight person. Losing weight should be comfortable.

For the company to get rid of annoying fat is much more fun, interesting and comfortable. With a partner to eliminate extra kilos, you can cook healthy meals together, run, go to training. With a partner it is much more difficult to break loose or skip the next lesson. You can also use the competitive moment of a joint battle with the accumulated kilos.

In addition, you can score a cash bet in which the loser is the one who, in a couple of months, the arrow of the scales will move less to the left with the same weight. If the mass differs, then it is more honest to count as a percentage.

Getting a pet is a great incentive. In addition to the pleasure that the puppy will give, he will accustom him to the daily routine, early rises, mandatory walking.

For women, a pleasant incentive can be the purchase of an expensive beautiful garment that is smaller than necessary.

Psychologists recommend that people suffering from a lack of will and dreaming of becoming slimmer stop living in anticipation of the next "Monday" that is suitable for starting the implementation of a weight loss strategy. They advise you to set a goal, make a plan, and boldly move in the direction of the desired result.

You should not give preference to hard methods of losing weight in the hope of quick results, since they often bring more losses than benefits. These methods can undermine health, worsen appearance, earn a nervous breakdown, lose the desire to lose weight.

It is considered the main trump card in the elimination of kilograms, since it is quite simple to repeat positive settings daily, and the benefits of affirmations are invaluable.

In order to facilitate the process of losing weight and minimize the likelihood of a breakdown, it is recommended not to store high-calorie foods in your home. In addition, it is recommended to cut down on salt intake, as it interferes with the free removal of fluid from the body, as a result of which weight indicators may not change, and the lack of results may negatively affect the desire to achieve the goal. It is also recommended to exclude the consumption of chips, sugar, carbonated drinks, sauces, fast foods.

At the same time, one must understand that following a diet does not mean the need to completely abandon the treats with desserts. You need to exclude only high-calorie desserts.

If unable to attend sports training, it is recommended to devote more time to the promenades, the lift should be replaced by walking.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

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Now, among both women and men, the most common disease is obesity. A huge number of people on earth suffer from it. But if obesity needs to be treated purposefully, not only with diets, but also with physical exercises, then the problem of a little excess weight can be dealt with much easier. After the winter, many people understand that they are not ready for the summer, because a few extra pounds have appeared that will not look good in a swimsuit. And here comes a new problem called " I want to lose weight, but I don't have the willpower.

I want to lose weight but there is no willpower to stop

Often you can hear from women that they really want to lose weight, but do not have enough willpower. They go on a diet, but after a week they “break down” and everything starts all over again. These are very common cases that we hear almost every day. So what do if you want to lose weight, but do not have willpower to that?

Try to use you can find in the article.

Psychologists often say that the lack of willpower is the voice of the subconscious mind, which says that not everything is so bad. That is, you do not have enough willpower to lose weight, because you yourself do not think that you are overweight.

First you need to understand yourself

When you understand this, you can set yourself a specific goal: "lose three kilograms by the 18th."

When you understand that you will break even a little bit, then figure out how to replace a certain product that you really want, or how to reduce its calorie content. Often the biggest problem for women is to resist sweets.

How easy is it to replace the bad with the good?

Of course, when you don’t eat it for a long time, and before that you often ate this or that product, the body begins to demand it. In fact, this problem is solved very simply: you just need to replace sweets with dried fruits. They will give the necessary sugar, satisfy the body's need for glucose and vitamins.

You should not completely give up meat and fish, as women who want to lose weight often do. You can just change the cooking method. For example, chicken, instead of being fried, can be boiled or baked with vegetables.

You can also add red ground pepper to different dishes, it irritates the intestines, which as a result has a mild laxative effect. But be careful with the amount, because you may eventually stop feeling the tastes of other, less pronounced dishes. But it will be a good addition to tasteless dishes, for example, to the same boiled chicken. Pepper will add flavor and make the meat more appetizing.

Easy diets for weight loss

We offer you not so much diets as certain nutritional recommendations. For many, the word “diet” suggests that you will have to eat one carrot for a whole month and deny yourself everything. Don't be afraid. We offer this.

  1. Don't eat after six. This recommendation has a huge number of advantages. An early dinner helps to ensure that the body is not oversaturated with food before bedtime, during which all processes in the body slow down, including metabolic processes. The amount of food eaten at dinner must be controlled. You should not eat a lot of protein foods at night. The best option for dinner is a combination of protein and vegetables (boiled breast and stewed asparagus).

This nutrition system is suitable for those women who They really want to lose weight, but they don't have the willpower. A specific time for eating will save you from the temptation to intercept something extra.

Easy diets for weight loss

However, we should not forget that our body knows better than we what it needs. Therefore, if you are tormented by a strong feeling of hunger before going to bed, you can drink a glass of juice or yogurt.

  1. Simple Diet. Four times a day you need to eat fresh fruits, vegetables and juices. Apples and green tea for breakfast, vegetable or fruit salad for lunch, carrot juice for afternoon tea, and fruit and berry salad for dinner. You can use any fruits and vegetables, as long as they are fresh. And besides, drink plenty of water, preferably a little chilled, but not cold. You need to drink up to 15 glasses per day. Give up salt and sugar.
  2. Mosaic Diet. The biggest advantage of this way of eating is that you don't give up anything at all. In one week you have time to try meat, fish, cereals, vegetables, and dairy products. The essence of the diet is to consume all the agreed products in turn. A product for every day. For example, on Monday you can do "protein day". For breakfast, make an omelet and drink a glass of juice (preferably pineapple). For lunch, broth or chicken soup. For dinner, beef and a glass of cranberry juice.

Boil the beets, and then grate it on a coarse grater. Finely chop the onion and add it to the beets, and then dress the salad with plain natural yogurt, low-fat sour cream or olive oil. Add walnuts if desired.

Easy versatile salad recipe

This simple salad will allow you to satisfy your hunger for a while. Besides, this great option for a snack.

  • do not be lazy in trifles. It's better to walk up the stairs than to take the elevator. If the store or work is not very far away, then it is better to walk rather than take a bus or car. These exercises increase the load and develop muscles;

  • chew more carefully. The better you chew food, the easier it will be for the stomach and intestines to process it, and consequently, the sooner it will leave the body and the less negative substances will have time to be absorbed into the walls of the stomach and blood;
  • come up with an incentive. Set a goal to lose a kilo by the end of the week, and if you do, then buy yourself a new blouse or other nice thing. If you can't do that, then don't buy it. Then you will have an incentive to lose weight;
  • Eat more breakfast, lunch and dinner with friends. Slender friends who sit with you at the table and eat healthy salads and drink vitamin cocktails will not let you order high-calorie food. This is a wonderful psychological training;
  • love dancing. If you don't have time or money to visit Gym, but on different independent

The phrase "I want to lose weight, but there is no willpower !" can be heard from the lips of both women and men. The problem of losing weight is relevant and painful for those who really dream of a fit, sports body, but carries on itself from 10 kg of excess weight.

As soon as it comes to upcoming diets and severe dietary restrictions, the desire to become more slender weakens. As Scarlett O'Hara, the heroine of Gone with the Wind, said: “I'll think about it tomorrow!

An insoluble problem arises: I want to lose weight, but I don’t have the strength to constantly diet. Yes, sometimes you still manage to endure a few days. But at the same time, you have to cook food for the household almost in a gas mask - such a temptation from the aromas and type of dish. But the main thing is not even that. And the very feeling that everyone eats tasty, high-calorie, and then ...

After holding on for a while, the woman breaks down one day. There can be many reasons: bad mood, fatigue after work, resentment against her husband, work colleagues, children brought twos from school, her beloved cat gave birth to black, not white kittens ... Or an approximation critical days when you feel weaker and more vulnerable. But in the depths of the soul there remains a certain bitter aftertaste - dissatisfaction with oneself: “I broke! Broke again! I want to lose weight, but...

This feeling closes tightly and hides behind the daily worries, and life moves forward. Only sometimes, looking at your slim figure in a photo of 10-15 years ago, you dream of returning to your former forms. But if only without diets and grueling workouts. But is it possible?

Did you call the wizard? We lose weight with pleasure!

You can lose weight without diets, and without daily violence against yourself in the form of exercise. Get a notebook and pen ready and start writing down the steps.

"Wake up" your motivation

What will help you move forward so that your “I want to lose weight” becomes a reality? Huge poster slender beauty all over the wall? Or a small photo in a notebook that only you can see.Or will it be a photo from the past, when your body looked toned and athletic? It is better not to place an image of yourself full on the refrigerator, because. it will only cause a negative attitude towards itself, which is completely unacceptable. Think about this point carefully!

Start loving yourself the way you are now.

At first, this may seem difficult. Stay for a few minutes in a room alone. Go to the mirror and look at yourself in full growth. Not with hatred for that protruding belly and sagging buttocks. And with gratitude to the body that bore and gave birth to children, which "serves" you faithfully. Make friends with that beautiful stranger who is reflected in the mirror. Maybe it's time to update your wardrobe? After all, beautiful clothes to face a woman of any size. While you are losing weight, you still need to look stylish and dignified. Do you agree? Then go shopping!

Start a food diary

Since you have extra pounds, it means that more calories enter the body than are consumed. No! We are not talking about diets. We just get to know ourselves better in order to fulfill our desire "I want to lose weight."

We get acquainted with our eating habits, thanks to which excess weight keeps and does not go away. Write down everything you eat and drink throughout the day. Choose a measuring plate for this, a cup, to know the approximate volume of food. And at the end of the day or the next, just underline in a different color the time when you ate, for example, a bar of chocolate, without sharing. Look at the wrapper and the number of calories at the same time.

Choose lower calorie foods

Are you thirsty buy water, not juice. Take sour cream less fat, and before cooking the chicken, remove the skin from it. Cook soups without overcooking. Use a steamer more often than a frying pan.Read more about food tricks in our articles, and delicious low calorie recipes find out in our group at.

Follow the daily routine and nutrition

You need to get up and go to bed, "fitting" in one day. If you constantly steal sleep from another day, then the body returns to you the loss a hundredfold extra kilos. And the desire “I want to lose weight” becomes impossible.

Eat 5 meals a day

3 main meals: hearty breakfast, lunch with first and second course, light dinner. And two snacks after breakfast and after lunch. Don't eat at least 2 hours before bed. Let your body rest fully at night. And gradually, following these well-known rules, you will begin to lose weight by 1 kg per week. And you don’t need to go faster so that the weight doesn’t come back later.

move more

Let it not be a boring run in the morning. (Even though some people like it.) Love to play with children? Please! in winter ride down the hill on a sled, cheesecakes. Remember that there are skis and skates in the world. In summer, swim in the river, play football, volleyball, badminton, tennis. The swimming pool is open all year round.

Even just increase the time of walking with children. This is good for you and the whole family. As an alternative go for a walk with your husband, with your mother. Get yourself a pet, finally, if it's comfortable for you. And gradually, maybe your body will ask for fitness. But these will not be hard exercises, but exercises for the soul. dancing, yoga, aerobics or something else.

Ready for a change? Start with the first step. Think about your personal motivator right now. Still doubting that success is possible without iron willpower? If you gradually, in small steps, move forward, changing your habits, then the process of losing weight will become pleasant. And your willpower will be trained. No wonder folk wisdom says that even a drop of water wears away a stone.

Let someone else try strict diets! Such torture is senseless and ruins life. Do you agree? “I want to lose weight, but there is no willpower”, This is not a sentence or an excuse! Start enjoying your slimming journey by making small changes every day! What will make you happy today?