Model Kate Upton and her trainer talk about how to make a slender beauty out of puffballs. Naked Kate Upton called "fat pig" Kate upton is fat

She managed to turn her forms, which are considered rather a disadvantage in the modeling business, into dignity and made a brilliant career in spite of all stereotypes. It is about her that “Lady Mail.Ru” will tell today.

Kate Upton inspires confidence in girls

Non-standard beauty

Kate Upton was born in 1992 in an ordinary family in the small American town of St. Joseph. She grew up surrounded by three brothers, was a real tomboy and, of course, did not think about a modeling career. A girl with pretty cheeks and a charming smile loved horses, went in for equestrian sports and saw herself as a jockey, but not a star from a glossy cover. “I grew up with horses and participated in various equestrian shows,” Kate recalls of her childhood. Upton's parents were also close to sports - her mother was a professional tennis player, and her father worked as the director of an athletics school.

Nevertheless, it cannot be said that Kate's figure spoke of her sports success- on the contrary, already at the age of 16, the girl could boast of a magnificent bust and no less prominent hips. What helped Upton to decide to go to a casting in a modeling agency, where, with her parameters, it would seem, “there is nothing to catch”? Probably the absence of complexes. The model herself says that she had no worries about her own body, as, however, there was no shortage of male fans. “It’s sad if someone feels insecure because they can’t be like someone else,” says Anton. “After all, it’s hard to enjoy life in this case!”

At the age of 16, Kate became a model, although she never dreamed of such a career.

Lingerie manufacturers were also interested in the “plus size” model - Upton appeared on the catwalk in sexy lingerie more than once, which delighted the public. By the way, before the fashion show, the models hastily lose weight and carry out “drying”, but Kate does not have to starve, because the audience wants to see exactly her appetizing body.

Moreover, Kate became the star of the prestigious edition of Sports Illustrated, which every year names the name of the "hottest girl". In honor of this, the model decided on a rather candid photo shoot for the magazine, appearing almost naked.

Upton named Sexiest Woman of 2014

Kate Upton is very proud of her figure and does not hesitate to talk about it: “I am from Florida, and it is customary to wear a bathing suit there almost always. If you have no form, you are considered ugly. When I first started working, I looked like an ordinary model for catalogs. Then I turned into a woman and was incredibly happy about it!”

However, not everyone shares Upton's enthusiasm for the figure. When the model appeared on the cover of Sports Illustrated, he burst out real scandal- Users of social networks began to criticize the girl, insultingly calling her a "fat pig". Her coach, David Kirsch, who also works with Karolina Kurkova, immediately stood up for Kate. He said that the appetizing body of the star is also the result of hard work on himself.

Kate Upton on the cover of Vogue

“I posted all the photos of Kate from Sports Illustrated on my Facebook page,” the model’s trainer admitted in an interview with New York Magazine. - And there were people who said in the comments: "Oh, she's fat, she's fat!" I told them, "Listen guys, everyone is entitled to their opinion and I know I'm biased, but I'd rather healthy body than one that looks too thin." She is fresh, sunny and natural and not too thin. She got a little more flesh from nature and I love her curvaceous thighs."

Upton herself does not hide the fact that she also sometimes gives in to critical moods and looks at herself in the mirror without pleasure. “There are times when I want to change something in myself, but I love my body,” says the model. - I can’t say that I don’t have moments of disbelief in myself, I have them almost all the time. But everyone goes through it. It's so easy to fall into self-criticism, and it totally destroys you. If you only love and accept yourself, you will become much happier.

The apogee of the debate "for" and "against" Kate Upton was the decision of People magazine and its readers to recognize the star as the sexiest woman of 2014! And no matter what the critics say, the puffy beauty had more fans than ill-wishers. In addition, the film world has also accepted Upton into its ranks - the model tried herself as an actress, starring in the comedy The Other Woman with Cameron Diaz and Leslie Mann.

The model starred in The Other Woman with Cameron Diaz and Leslie Mann

Lucky in love

Kate Upton has never hidden the fact that men are very attracted to her shape. There have always been many fans around Kate, but success with the opposite sex has not yet brought the beauty of personal happiness. In an interview, Upton frankly complained that young people see her only as a sexual object.

“Every guy I met was either married or preparing for a wedding - I felt like a gift for their bachelor party ... - said the model. "But I'm not a toy - I'm human and I don't want to be used!" I am an adult woman and looking for a serious relationship.

As for novels, for about six months Kate met with dancer Maxim Chmerkovsky, a star american show"Dancing with the Stars". He, by the way, was a member of the Ukrainian project "Bachelor". Kate Upton failed to win his heart for a long time - the bachelor remained a bachelor.

I know that on Gossip the person of Kate Upton is extremely ambiguous, but of course I could not get past her changes in appearance.

So, we all remember the terrible year 2014 for the heroine of my post - then only the lazy did not throw a stone, slipper or tomato in her direction. Critical arrows against the American flew immediately after the publication of her photos in a bikini.

The world was outraged how a girl with such folds and mass could be called a model, and the yellow press savored Kate's imperfect forms.

But Upton turned out to be a girl with an iron character. The blond beauty heard the negative in her address from the very beginning of her career, so she simply did not pay attention to the discussions.

And until the middle of 2015, she continued to be in the same weight, until the world again flew around her photos in a swimsuit (from the filming of the film "Parking").

This time, the 25-year-old model broke down and, upon completion of the filming process, went straight to gym. Almost all subsequent pictures of the star (about 6 months, at least) were taken at the exit from the gym, while jogging or on the tennis court.

With their first successes in the fight against extra pounds, Upton bragged at the Vanity Fair party after the 2016 Oscars. Even more outstanding results were shown at the MET Gala, where she delighted fashion critics with her luxurious appearance in a Topshop dress (oddly enough!).

The process of losing weight was long and exhausting - in fact, it took about a year and a half.

Result: gone excess weight, in the volume of the chest slightly decreased, arms and legs grew thin. And the most important and problematic place of Kate - "apple belly" - has ceased to be noticeable at all.

By July 2017, the Michigan model had lost even more weight, literally shrinking 1.5-2 sizes compared to her previous forms from 2015.

Ah, what a candy! I have no words

And now the girl will have, perhaps, the most difficult thing - to keep her new weight.

There has always been a buzz around the name of Kate Upton, but in terms of scale, nothing compares to the campaign against the “fat” model that unfolded last summer. It all started with a post by a blogger on describing Kate's figure as "fat, vulgar, borderline pornographic":

Yes, she is huge! There is no waist, fat buffers hang, the physique is terrible - it resembles some kind of piece of fat. And this is what American women are now striving for? Lazy, oily look? Have we become so fat that we are already equal to the likes of Kate? Sorry, but phew!

The reaction to this post followed immediately: some began to defend the figure of Upton, while others accused the author of a pro-anorexic approach. Soon we waited for Upton's answer!

I'm not going to starve myself to be thin. I want to enjoy life, but without food and feeling unwell, this is somehow not very possible.

It's nice to know that, despite the wild popularity of the model, she still finds time to defend herself from incomprehensible attacks.

What do you think about Kate's figure? Is she really that fat?

By the way, regardless of your opinion about her figure, you cannot deny her performance!! Just look at what the model went to for her beloved Sports Illustrated in the Arctic: shooting in a bikini in -35 ̊C is no joke!

But still not without scandal. The network got photos of Kate Upton without photoshop from the same photo shoot. See for yourself, the designer did a good job of processing the pictures for the magazine:

What man's heart hasn't skipped a beat at the sight of Kate Upton on the cover of Sports Illustrated's latest swimwear issue? The buxom beauty has been awarded this honor for the second year in a row, which is considered the crowning achievement of any model's career. Meanwhile, in the fashion world, Kate's feminine curves are called "pig fat" and they assure that she looks ugly. In addition to a sexy photo shoot in a bikini against the background of the Arctic ice, Upton starred for Sports Illustrated in another project - Body Art, for which Kate posed completely naked! Well, of course, not counting the swimsuits painted on the body. But is this a bikini - so, a couple of strokes of paint that does not hide the appetizing charms of the model. Meanwhile, Kate's beauty is not to everyone's taste. It has long been known that the world of haute couture is the “hanger” models walking along the catwalk, thin as sticks. Seeing Kate's natural, silicone-free breasts and her feminine tummy, many fashion gurus immediately wrinkled their noses and called Upton a "fat pig." David Kirsch, the favorite trainer of many Hollywood celebrities, who “sculpted” the bodies of supermodels Heidi Klum and Karolina Kurkova, immediately stood up to protect his ward. It is he who is responsible for the beauty of Upton and constantly trains her. “I posted all the photos of Kate in a Sports Illustrated swimsuit on my Facebook page,” Kirsch told New York Magazine, “And there were people who said in the comments: “Oh, she’s fat, she's fat!" I told them, "Listen guys, everyone is entitled to their opinion and I know I'm biased, but I'd rather have a healthy body than one that looks too skinny." According to Kirsch, when he undertook to train Kate, he was not going to rid her of roundness and make her thin, like other models. On the contrary, he tried to keep all her appetizing bulges: - I love the curves of her body. She is the quintessence of all American girls, he assures. She is fresh, sunny and natural, and not too skinny. I am not in favor of her being thin as a stick, unhealthy and anorexic. She got a little more flesh from nature and I like her curvaceous thighs. After we started exercising, her buttocks, hips and legs got stronger, became slimmer. Kirsch put Kate on a detox diet and forced her to do boxing and kickboxing. According to the coach, the model took a special strengthening course - for four weeks she worked out daily for 2 - 2.5 hours.

Kate, whose measurements are 84-63-92, still has to hear insults from people who think she's fat.

Anorexia-promoting website SkinnyGossip called Kate a "cow" who must lose 30 pounds before putting on a bikini. “Let's not pretend it's trendy,” the site writes, “she looks fat, vulgar, almost pornographic. She has gigantic hips, NO waist, big flattened boobs, she looks like a liquid brick. Is this what American women are after? Her lazy, greasy image? Are we, as a nation, so fat that Kate is our ideal? I'm sorry, but this is eww." Kate, in response to these insults, stated that she was not going to starve in order to be thin. “It was hard for me when I was the only one in the modeling industry,” Kate complains, “and people told me:“ No, you're fat. But my body needs sport and healthy eating. I don't starve or take drugs, I want to enjoy life and I can't enjoy it if I don't eat. Agents mistreat young girls who want to become models. Unlike others, I never remained silent when I was insulted.”

Kate is the cover girl for Sports Illustrated's swimwear issue this year, which is equivalent to winning an Oscar for a model.

Now that Kate is a sought-after model with multi-million dollar contracts and the cover of Sports Illustrated, which for a model equals an Oscar, she is still out of favor with modeling agency scouts. Sophia Neophytou, Victoria's Secret fashion modeler, said in an interview with the New York Times that she would never have signed Kate to a contract, saying that she looks like a girl from page 3, which usually print half-naked girls of easy behavior .

"She looks like one of the footballers' wives with overly blonde hair and a face that says that with enough money, anyone can buy her." To spite anorexics, Kate advertises burgers this season, she is the “face” of a burger consisting of beef, green hot jalapeno peppers, cheese, fried onions and, of course, rolls. This burger uses santa fe sauce. One such burger has 890 calories and 63 grams of fat, while the daily calorie intake for women is about 1500.

VIDEO: Kate Upton dances in a bikini