The secret of Neymar's tattoos by Mundo Deportivo. Brazilian striker Neymar openly spoke about the meaning of his tattoos

Brazilian forward Club "Barcelona" Neymar recently got 2 more new tattoos. The athlete said that at a young age he was very fond of comics and football, so the latest masterpieces on his back are dedicated to comic book heroes - Spiderman and Batman.

On the body of a football player there are already more than 30 unique drawings, which are stuffed for him by the same master - Alao Rosa. All images show faith, devotion and love for loved ones, gratitude for all the benefits that Neymar has.

Athletes and football players often get tattoos on their bodies. But, perhaps, none of them visits the tattoo parlor as often as the Brazilian striker Neymar does. More than 35 tattoos have their own history, they are symbolic and unique.

Neymar loves to show journalists images on his body and does not refuse to interpret these compositions. All drawings except one are black and white. Recently, Neymar decided to please his fans again and got new tattoos depicting Batman and Spiderman on his shoulder blades. The workflow took place while playing poker.

Neymar tattoos on legs

The footballer's left foot is marked with a drawing of a little boy with a soccer ball and a flag. The boy dreams of becoming a football player, of becoming a champion.

Neymar once decided to get a soccer ball tattoo and turned with this request to his master. Alao Rosa stuffed the ball, and he came up with all the other details himself. The tattoo symbolizes Neymar's childhood dreams, which came true in adulthood.

On the legs of the athlete there are two tattoos with the words "Joy" and "Courage" ("Alegria" and "Ousadia").

These are the words Neymar engraved on his body when he moved to football club"Barcelona".

Neymar tattoos on arms

Neymar adopted one tattoo from the famous singer Rihanna. He drew the inscription "Shhh..." on the finger of his left hand. This tattoo reminds the football player to remain calm in stressful situations, even when the team loses a match or there are all sorts of problems. Looking at the tattoo, Neymar keeps himself in hand.

A close-up portrait of a cute girl flaunts on the arm of a promising football player. But the fans know - this is the image of his beloved sister Rafaella, with whom Neymar has friendly relations.

"Life is a joke" (Life is a joke) - this phrase is stuffed on the striker's left forearm. She reminds him that life is not as serious a thing as many people think. Life is one and you should not take everything to heart, take everything very seriously. Neymar advises to live life with the people you love.

The symbol of confidence and stable life is depicted on the athlete's left hand in the form of an anchor. And on the ring finger of the left hand, a crown is drawn for the one who will become the wife of Neymar. The attacker has a peace sign on one of the fingers of his right hand.

Inscription Rio 2016 and Olympic rings depicted on the wrist of the left hand of a football player. In the final match with the German team, Neymar sent the ball into the opponent's goal in the first half and in a series of penalty kicks. So Barcelona went to 1st place.

A fist with the inscription "Become part of my history" flaunts on the left hand of a football player. This tattoo is dedicated to Neymar's three best friends. They have the same ones, but with different phrases.

Neymar has a son with Carolina Dantas. As soon as he was born, the athlete got a tattoo with the date of birth and the name of the son of David Lucca on his right hand. Neymar was only 19 when he became a dad.

The tattoo depicting the Champions League Cup was made in 2015 after winning the Champions League.

It was one of the most important days in the life of Neymar.

Neymar's tattoos about religion and parents

The footballer dedicated two tattoos to his father and mother. Neymar depicted a heart on the wrist of his left hand, inside of which the name of his mother Nadine is written, and next to it is the sign of infinity. There is also a portrait of my mother on my arm.

On his chest, a loving son depicted the words once spoken by his father. And as a sign of honor and respect for his father, the athlete depicted his eyes on his hand.

Neymar has a lot of tattoos dedicated to religion, his faith: quotes from the Bible, a shield and a sword, inscriptions about God, small crosses.

There are also several tattoos on the neck of the footballer. One of them is the inscription “Everything will pass”, and next to it there are 3 swallows. Neymar appreciates his success and every minute of his life, he knows that everything is not forever and everything passes - both good and bad.

There are four family members in Neymar's family - father, mother, sister and himself. The tattoo with the Roman numeral IV on the neck of the athlete reflects this.

Family is in the first place for him, however, as well as sports.

NO ONE HAD 4 GOALS IN THE CHAMPIONS LEAGUE BEFORE BARCA! No one has won two trebles before Barcelona. In the second leg of the 1/8 finals of the Champions League, Barcelona beat PSG 6-1 at home.

Double marked Neymar, another goal was scored by Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez and Leven Kurzawa - into their own net. The Parisians scored Edinson Cavani. The decisive goal was scored by Sergi Roberto in stoppage time.

Neymar is not only passionate about football, but also tattoos. On this moment he has them 36 and a new one may appear at any time. Nearly all of Neymar's tattoos were done by Adão Rosa, who also did the player's first tattoo. Their collaboration continues to this day. According to Rosa, they had a process for choosing a tattoo. First, Neymar sends his ideas to the tattoo artist, whose team fleshes out the sketches at least two or three times. Neymar prefers tattoos without color. Only the tiger tattoo was done by Miguel Angel Bohiguas from Spain. But Neymar returned to his friend after 2 weeks, Adão Rosa made him a football tattoo with a crown.

Neck: "Tudo Passa" (from the Portuguese "Everything goes according to meaning", that everything heals) and a cross with wings - 2015 May: "Blessed, blessed"

Behind the right ear: IV - the number IV is close to Neymar

Left shoulder: "Be strong", "Sorella" (Italian for "sister") over diamond and roses

Left forearm: "Life is a joke", treble clef and fist with "Faz parte da minha história" (Be part of my story), roses and stars

Left triceps: cross with crown and lettering with reference to the Bible (Corinthians 9, 24-27 Actual struggle), and the expression "Todos correm" (everything works) under it

Left forearm: "Fé" (Portuguese for "faith") below two praying hands and a tiger, below the Olympic rings from Rio 2016

Left wrist: "Deus é Fiel" (Portuguese for "God is faithful")

Left hand inside: “Believe”, “Family” and a picture of a shield and sword and Ephesians 6:11, “Love” on the back of the hand, anchor, “Shhh” - like Rihanna, calmness, only calmness when problems arise

Right forearm: “Davi Lucca”, portrait of a sister (Raffaela)

Chest: “Toda arma… E toda Lingua… Bola que é sua… Que nao é sua” means Every weapon... and every tongue... The ball that belongs to you... What does not belong to you" - an expression of Neymar's father

Ribs: "Por vontade de Deus, somos irmaos" (Portuguese: By the will of God, we are brothers)

Hips (Right Side): "Endless Love"

Left wrist: "Nadine" - the mother's name, framed by the sign of infinity and the heart

Left ring finger: small crown Right index finger: peace sign

Right calf: soccer ball with a crown and a figure of little Neymar celebrating a goal scored

Left foot: favelas, little Neymar dreams of football and success, his own home and the Champions League

Left ankle joint: "Ousadia" (Portuguese for "daring") Right ankle: "Alegria" (Portuguese for "joy")

Neymar tattoo group. What is behind the drawings on the body of the Brazilian

Barcelona striker Neymar reveals the stories behind his tattoos. He has several...

Barcelona striker Neymar reveals the stories behind his tattoos. There are several of them...

"LIFE IS A JOKE" (shoulder)

“I associate myself with this phrase. Don't take life too seriously. You have to enjoy every moment" - this is how Neymar talks about the phrase "Lifeisajoke" embossed in English.

"QUIET..." (finger)

Since moving to Barcelona, ​​the striker has had problems not only with the Spanish tax. The player was criticized for unsuccessful matches in the national team and the club. Ineymar decided to copy the tattoo of the singer Rihanna. “Shhh is a call to stay calm when problems arise,” said the Brazilian.


The newest tattoo, made on December 7th, is about a boy dreaming of his own house, football and the Champions League. “This is a young Neymar, he remembers the favela where he grew up, about his roots. And how it has been left behind over the years, ”said the tattoo master Miguel Boigez.


Neymar is very close to his sister Rafaella. One day I decided to surprise her. “I took a photo she posted on social media and tattooed it. Raffaella had no idea. And when she saw it, she said: "It's me." And I answered: “That’s all? Won't you even say thank you? But then Raffaella understood the meaning and thanked.

"ALL WILL PASS" (neck)

One of the most significant tattoos for Neymar: “Good moments go. And bad ones too. I always try to enjoy every joyful moment. This phrase says a lot about me."


At some point, the striker realized that he did not have a single football-themed tattoo. Therefore, he asked me to draw a ball on the body. And the master added the boy's crown. “That boy is me,” Neymar confirmed. “That’s how I usually celebrate goals.”

source: "Soviet Sport"

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