Elena Yurkovskaya: “It turned out that I am also an extreme person. Vasilisa Yaviks - intelligent search engine

, ski race

Elena Yurievna Yurkovskaya(born September 27, 1983) - Ukrainian athlete, multiple champion of the Paralympic Games, Hero of Ukraine.


Elena Yuryevna Yurkovskaya was born on September 27, 1983 in the city of Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukrainian SSR.

At the age of three, after a serious illness, she lost both legs. Elena's parents moved to the village of Makarov, Kyiv region, where since 1998, the girl began to play volleyball and table tennis. Now he lives in the city of Cherry.


3 Bronze - ski race

3 Bronze - cross-country skiing

3 Bronze - cross-country skiing

Winter Paralympic Games 2006

  • 1 Gold - cross-country skiing, 5 km.
  • 1 Gold - cross-country skiing, 2.5 km.
  • 1 Gold - biathlon, 7.5 km.
  • 1 Gold - biathlon, 10 km.
  • 2 Silver - cross-country skiing, 10 km.
  • 3 Bronze - cross-country skiing, 3x2.5 km relay.

Winter Paralympic Games 2010

  • 1 Gold - biathlon, 2.4 km ind. persecution
  • 2 Silver - cross-country skiing, 1 km.
  • 2 Silver - biathlon, 10 km.
  • 2 Silver - cross-country skiing, 3x2.5 km relay.
  • 3 Bronze - cross-country skiing, 10 km.

Winter Paralympic Games 2014



%D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82%5B>https:%E2%95%B1%E2%95%B1web.archive.org%E2%95%B1web%E2%95%B120180308041627% Archived from the original on March 8, 2018, E2%95%B1http:%E2%95%B1%E2%95%B1whangaward.org%. %D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82<=>%5B>http:%E2%95%B1%E2%95%B1zakon1.rada.gov.ua%E2%95%B1cgi-bin%E2%95%B1laws%E2%95%B1main.cgi%E2%9D% 93nreg%E2%95%90287%E2%95%B12006<%5D<)+%7D">Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 287/2006 dated April 3, 2006 “On awarding O. Yurkovskiy the title of Hero of Ukraine” (in Ukrainian) %D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82<=>%5B>http:%E2%95%B1%E2%95%B1who-is-who.com.ua%E2%95%B1bookmaket%E2%95%B1nagorody2006%E2%95%B17%E2%95%B110. html<%5D<)+%7D">Ukrainian portal "Who is who" %D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82<=>%5B>http:%E2%95%B1%E2%95%B1web.archive.org%E2%95%B1web%E2%95%B120080619162906%E2%95%B1http:%E2%95%B1%E2%95 %B1who-is-who.com.ua%E2%95%B1bookmaket%E2%95%B1nagorody2006%E2%95%B17%E2%95%B110.html<%5D<)+%7D">Archived June 19, 2008 at the Wayback Machine (ukr.) %D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82<=>%5B>http:%E2%95%B1%E2%95%B1www.president.gov.ua%E2%95%B1documents%E2%95%B118012.html<%5D<)+%7D">Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 676/2014 On the designation by the sovereign cities of Ukraine on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine(ukr.) . www.president.gov.ua (September 23, 2014). Retrieved 24 August 2014. %D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82<=>%5B>https:%E2%95%B1%E2%95%B1web.archive.org%E2%95%B1web%E2%95%B120140825231056%E2%95%B1http:%E2%95%B1%E2%95 %B1www.president.gov.ua%E2%95%B1documents%E2%95%B118012.html<%5D<)+%7D">Archived from the original on August 25, 2014. %D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82%5B>http:%E2%95%B1%E2%95%B1zakon1.rada.gov.ua%E2%95%B1cgi-bin%E2% 95%B1laws%E2%95%B1main.cgi%E2%9D%93nreg%E2%95%90443%E2%95%B12010 Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 443/2010 of 25 February 2010 “On the Appointment of Athletes and Trainers by the Powerful Cities of Ukraine and fahіvtsіv natsionalnoї sbіrї ї team ukrainian among sportsmen with disabilities at the X Winter Paralympic Games "%5B>https:%E2%95%B1%E2%95%B1web.archive.org%E2%95%B1web%E2%95%B120100409 004448% E2%95%B1http:%E2%95%B1%E2%95%B1www.vancouver2010.com%E2%95%B1paralympic-games%E2%95%B1cross-country-skiing%E2%95%B1athletes%E2%95 %B1olena-iurkovska_ath3000062CK.html Vancouver 2010 Paralympic Games website profile
  • %D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82<=>%5B>http:%E2%95%B1%E2%95%B1www.paralympic.org%E2%95%B1Sport%E2%95%B1Results%E2%95%B1search.html%E2%9D%93games%E2% 95%902006PWG&gender%E2%95%90all&medal%E2%95%90medals&npc%E2%95%90UKR&sport%E2%95%90all<%5D<)+%7D">The results of the performance at the Paralympics in Turin
  • %D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82<=>%5B>http:%E2%95%B1%E2%95%B1www.paralympic.org.ua%E2%95%B1index.php%E2%9D%93option%E2%95%90com_content&task%E2%95%90view&id% E2%95%90544&Itemid%E2%95%90107<%5D<)+%7D">National Committee for Sports of the Disabled in Ukraine - Yurkovska Olena Yuriivna (Ukrainian)
  • %D1%81%D0%B0%D0%B9%D1%82<=>%5B>http:%E2%95%B1%E2%95%B1www.vlada.kiev.ua%E2%95%B1fcontent.php%E2%9D%93pacode%E2%95%90327&topic%E2%95%90411644<%5D<)+%7D">Yurkovska Olena Yuriivna (Ukrainian)

  • Audio, photo, video

    Elena Yurievna Yurkovskaya(born September 27, 1983) - Ukrainian athlete, multiple champion of the Paralympic Games, Hero of Ukraine.


    Elena Yurievna Yurkovskaya was born on September 27, 1983 in the city of Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk region, Ukrainian SSR.

    At the age of three, after a serious illness, she lost both legs. Elena's parents moved to the village of Makarov, Kyiv region, where since 1998, the girl began to play volleyball and table tennis. Now he lives in the city of Cherry.


    Since 2000, he has been fond of winter sports: biathlon and cross-country skiing. In 2002, she made her debut at the Winter Paralympic Games in Salt Lake City, where she won a silver and three bronze medals. Currently, he trains under the guidance of Valery Nikolaevich Kazakov (cross-country skiing) and Vasily Petrovich Mukshyn (biathlon).

    April 3, 2006 by Decree of the President of Ukraine V. A. Yushchenko No. 287/2006 for exceptional sports achivments at the Winter Paralympic Games, showing courage, dedication and the will to win, raising the sporting authority of Ukraine in the world Yurkovskaya Elena Yuryevna - multiple champion and prize-winner of the Paralympic Games in biathlon and cross-country skiing, the best athlete of the IX Winter Paralympic Games in Turin with a special medal - was awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine with the award of the Golden Star Order.

    On the same day, the head coach of the national team of Ukraine in cross-country skiing and biathlon, the coach of the multiple champion, silver, bronze medalist E. Yurkovskaya Kazakov Valery Nikolaevich was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker physical education and sports of Ukraine. In the same year, she was awarded the "Sport Star Awards" award, which is awarded under the patronage of the International Olympic Committee. Yurkovskaya was nominated by the television sports channel "Eurospor". In 2006, she was awarded all the Ukrainian award "Woman of the Third Millennium" sports year 2006" in the nomination "strong in spirit" In 2010 she was awarded the "Pride of the Country" award

    Sports achivments

    Winter Paralympic Games 2002

    3 Bronze - biathlon,

    2 Silver - cross-country skiing

    2 Silver - cross-country skiing

    2 Silver - cross-country skiing

    Winter Paralympic Games 2006
    • 1 Gold - cross-country skiing, 5 km.
    • 1 Gold - cross-country skiing, 2.5 km.
    • 1 Gold - biathlon, 7.5 km.
    • 1 Gold - biathlon, 10 km.
    • 2 Silver - cross-country skiing, 10 km.
    • 3 Bronze - cross-country skiing, 3x2.5 km relay.
    Winter Paralympic Games 2010
    • 1 Gold - biathlon, 2.4 km ind. persecution
    • 2 Silver - cross-country skiing, 1 km.
    • 2 Silver - biathlon, 10 km.
    • 2 Silver - cross-country skiing, 3x2.5 km relay.
    • 3 Bronze - cross-country skiing, 10 km.
    Winter Paralympic Games 2014
    • 3 Bronze - biathlon, 6 km.
    • 3 Bronze - biathlon, 12.5
    • 2 Silver - cross-country skiing, relay
    • The title of Hero of Ukraine with the award of the Order of the Golden Star.
    • Order of Princess Olga, 1st class (2014), 2nd class (2010), 3rd class (2002).
    see also
    • Yurkovska Olena Yuriivna (Ukrainian)
    2. 1 2 Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 287/2006 dated April 3, 2006 “On awarding O. Yurkovskiy the title of Hero of Ukraine” (Ukrainian)
    3. 1 2 Ukrainian portal "Who is who" (Ukrainian)
    4. Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 676/2014 On the designation by the sovereign cities of Ukraine for the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine (ukr.) . www.president.gov.ua (September 23, 2014). Retrieved 24 August 2014.
    5. Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 443/2010 dated 25 March 2010 “On the designation by the sovereign cities of Ukraine of athletes, coaches and fahivtsiv of the national selective team of Ukraine among athletes with disabilities at the X Winter Paralympics igrah" (ukr.)
    6. Decree of the President of Ukraine No. 278/2002 dated 21 February 2002 “On the nomination by the sovereign cities of Ukraine of members of the national team of Ukraine at the VIII Winter Paralympic and XIX Summer Deaflympic Games” (ukr.)

    Partially used materials from the site http://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/

    Elena Yurievna Yurkovskaya(born September 27, 1983) - Ukrainian athlete, multiple champion of the Paralympic Games, Hero of Ukraine.


    Elena Yuryevna Yurkovskaya was born on September 27, 1983 in the city of Kolomyia, Ivano-Frankivsk Oblast, Ukrainian SSR.

    At the age of three, after a serious illness, she lost both legs. Elena's parents moved to the village of Makarov, Kyiv region, where since 1998, the girl began to play volleyball and table tennis. Now he lives in the city of Cherry.


    3 File:Bronze medal icon.svg

    3 File:Bronze medal icon.svg

    3 File:Bronze medal icon.svg

    Winter Paralympic Games 2006

    • 1 File:Gold medal icon.svg Gold - cross-country skiing, 5 km.
    • 1 File:Gold medal icon.svg Gold - cross-country skiing, 2.5 km.
    • 1 File:Gold medal icon.svg Gold - biathlon, 7.5 km.
    • 1 File:Gold medal icon.svg Gold - biathlon, 10 km.
    • 2 File:Silver medal icon.svg Silver - cross-country skiing, 10 km.
    • 3 File:Bronze medal icon.svg Bronze - cross-country skiing, 3x2.5 km relay.

    Winter Paralympic Games 2010

    • 1 File:Gold medal icon.svg Gold - biathlon, 2.4 km ind. persecution
    • 2 File:Silver medal icon.svg Silver - cross-country skiing, 1 km.
    • 2 File:Silver medal icon.svg Silver - biathlon, 10 km.
    • 2 File:Silver medal icon.svg Silver - cross-country skiing, 3x2.5 km relay.
    • 3 File:Bronze medal icon.svg Bronze - cross-country skiing, 10 km.

    Winter Paralympic Games 2014

    • 3 File:Bronze medal icon.svg Bronze - biathlon, 6 km.
    • 3 File:Bronze medal icon.svg Bronze - biathlon, 12.5
    • 2 File:Silver medal icon.svg


    see also

    • Yurkovska Olena Yuriivna (Ukrainian)

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    An excerpt characterizing Yurkovskaya, Elena Yurievna

    We moved on. I followed the marvelous man, from whom incredible strength emanated, and sadly thought how easy and simple everything would be if he wanted to help! But, unfortunately, he didn’t want to either ... I walked, thinking deeply, not noticing at all how I found myself in an amazing space, completely filled with narrow shelves, on which rested an incredible number of unusual gold plates and very old “packages” similar to ancient manuscripts that were kept in my father's house, with the only difference being that those kept here were made on some very thin unfamiliar material, which I had never seen anywhere before. The plates and scrolls were different - small and very large, short and long, up to a whole human height. And in this strange room there were a great many of them ...
    – This is KNOWLEDGE, Isidora. Or rather, a very small part of it. You can drink if you wish. It won't hurt, and maybe even help you in your quest. Try it honey...
    Isten smiled affectionately, and it suddenly seemed to me that I had always known him. Wonderful warmth and peace emanated from him, which I lacked so much all these terrible days, fighting with Karaffa. He apparently felt all this very well, as he looked at me with deep sadness, as if he knew what an evil fate awaited me outside the walls of Meteora. And he mourned me in advance.... I went up to one of the endless shelves, "clogged" to the top with semicircular gold plates, to see how Easten suggested... But before I could even bring my hand closer, a flurry of stunning, wonderful visions! Stunning pictures, unlike anything I've ever seen, swept through my exhausted brain, replacing each other with incredible speed... Some of them somehow remained, and some disappeared, immediately bringing new ones, which I I almost didn't get to see it either. What was that?!.. The life of some long-dead people? Our Great Ancestors? The visions changed, flashing by at breakneck speed. The stream did not end, taking me to some amazing countries and worlds, not letting me wake up. Suddenly, one of them flashed brighter than the others, and a stunning city opened up to me ... it was airy and transparent, as if created from the White Light.
    - What is this??? – I whispered softly, afraid to frighten off. - Could this be real?
    “This is the Holy City, my dear. City of our Gods. He has been gone for a very long time... – Easten said quietly. – This is where we all once came from... Only on Earth no one remembers him – then, suddenly recollecting himself, he added: – Be careful, dear, it will be hard for you. You don't have to look anymore.
    But I wanted more!.. Some scorching thirst burned my brain, begging me not to stop! The unfamiliar world beckoned and fascinated with its primordial nature!.. I wanted to go headlong into it and, plunging deeper and deeper, scoop it up endlessly, without missing a single moment, without losing a single precious minute... which, as I understood, there were very, very few of me left here ... Each new plate opened up before me with thousands of amazing images that were surprisingly bright and now for some reason understandable, as if I had suddenly found a magic key to them long lost by someone. Time flew by, but I did not notice it ... I wanted more and more. And it was very scary that right now someone would definitely stop, and it would be time to leave this wonderful storehouse of someone's incredible memory, which I will never be able to comprehend again. It was very sad and painful, but, unfortunately, I had no way back. I chose my life myself and was not going to renounce it. Even though it was incredibly hard...
    “Well, that’s all, honey. I can't show you anymore. You are an "apostate" who did not want to know... And the way here is closed to you. But I am sincerely sorry, Isidora... You have a great Gift! You could easily KNOW all this... If you wanted to. It was not so easy for everyone... Your nature yearns for it. But you chose a different path, so you must leave now. My thoughts will be with you, child of Light. Go with FAITH, let it help you. Farewell, Isidora...
    The room disappeared... We found ourselves in some other stone hall, also filled with many scrolls, but they already looked different, perhaps not as ancient as the previous ones. I suddenly felt very sad... To the point of pain in my soul, I wanted to comprehend these other people's "secrets", to see the wealth hidden in them, but I left... never to return here.
    “Think, Isidora! - as if sensing my doubt, Sever said quietly. You haven't left yet, stay.
    I just shook my head...
    Suddenly, my attention was attracted by an already familiar, but still incomprehensible phenomenon - as we moved forward, the room lengthened here as we passed further. But if in the previous hall I did not see a soul, then here, as soon as I looked around, I saw a lot of people - young and old, men and women. There were even children here!.. They all studied something very carefully, completely withdrawing into themselves, and detachedly comprehending some "wise truths"... Paying no attention to those who entered.
    Who are all these people, Sever? Do they live here? I asked in a whisper.
    - These are Witches and Veduns, Isidora. Once one of them was your father... We train them.
    My heart ached... I wanted to howl in a wolf's voice, pitying myself and my short lost life!.. Throwing everything away, sit down with them, with these happy Veduns and Witches, in order to know with my mind and heart the whole depth of the wonderful, so generously opened by him great KNOWLEDGE! Burning tears were ready to gush like a river, but I tried my best to somehow hold them back. There was no way to do this, since tears were another “forbidden luxury”, to which I had no right if I fancied myself a real Warrior. The warriors did not cry. They fought and won, and if they died, then certainly not with tears in their eyes ... Apparently, I was just very tired. From loneliness and pain... From constant fear for relatives... From an endless struggle in which she had not the slightest hope of emerging victorious. I really needed a sip fresh air and that air for me was my daughter, Anna. But for some reason, she was nowhere to be seen, although I knew that Anna was here, with them, on this wonderful and strange, “closed” land.