Standard projects of pools (free download). We design a stationary concrete pool Dxf dwg overflow pool project

Pool projects are where their construction begins. Like any other type of construction work, the pool requires a precise technical approach. All the nuances are thought out - purpose, form, variety and technical equipment object. A drawing and a finished project are drawn up, according to which further work is carried out. Not only drawings are included in the pool project, photos of finished work are often provided by contractors.

Types of pool structures

To better understand what a typical pool project looks like, you need to understand the types of structures. The structures are divided into varieties by such factors - installation outdoors or indoors, the type of drain, the type of the structure itself, which can be collapsible or stationary.

1. Pools are inflatable.

They are among the simplest designs that do not require calculations. If you plan to design children's pools, then this option is the most optimal. This design is a bag made of reinforced PVC film reinforced with polyester net. Along the edge of the board there is an inflatable, gas-filled edging.

2. Frame collapsible pools.

Also not a complicated construction, the wall is mounted from a metal sheet with several layers of coatings. The main layer of the coating of such a pool is a PVC cup package. These designs are purchased or made independently. When mounting the frame bowl, an even base of sand with a thickness of about 200 mm is prepared for it. At the same time, it is recommended to make a dense layer between the cup bag and sand, for example, linoleum.

The design does not have to be cleaned for a cold period, some pools are frost-resistant and can withstand low temperatures. Seasonal structures, however, must not only be cleaned in the fall, but a replacement, every spring, of a cup bag made of PVC film. Frost-resistant pools have reinforced edging and water filters. It is not necessary to drain the water from them for the period of frost, the design withstands its freezing. Frost resistant structures perfect pool open, the design of such a structure involves only the choice of location and surface preparation for installation.

3. Stationary pools.

Stationary structures are installed once and for a long time. They represent a major pit, which is filled with mortar and supplemented with finishing materials. Pools of this type are made in any shape, color, type of finish and filtration. By type of filtration stationary pools subdivided into skimmer and overflow. In the first case, the water goes into special drain holes, which are equipped in the walls of the pool, in the second case, the drain holes are located below the water level. The water level in the overflow pool always goes overboard a little, as a result of which its excess passes into the drain holes, and after the filtration system enters the pool again.

Also, stationary pools are divided into indoor and outdoor. Open ones are installed in the open air and do not provide for a roof or a canopy, respectively, they are not used in the cold season. The advantage of such a pool is that there is no need to install a heating and ventilation system. Design indoor pools provides for the creation of a pavilion around the bowl, a ventilation and heating system. Due to the high humidity in the room, the ventilation design in the pool has many nuances and is not like the ventilation system of any other room.

As for the main part of the work - the pool bowl, it is made of concrete mortar, which is used to fill the pit, then the solution is reinforced and decorated. Also on sale is already finished bowls fiberglass or polypropylene of any shape. Bowls made of such material are airtight, have a long service life, in fact, this is a ready-made pool, which only needs to be installed in the pit and all communications connected to it.

How is the design of the pools

  • the architectural stage is carried out in accordance with the wishes of the customer. A sketch of the project is being created, where all legislative norms and SNiP for the design of pools are observed. The size and shape of the structure, the place of installation of service equipment, the filter system, the dimensions of technical structures and the place for them, the general design and material for cladding are being thought out;
  • static calculations - the choice of the design of the bath itself, the material and base for installation;
  • design of bath details - design of load-bearing details, bottom and walls, selection of coating for protection, waterproofing and finishing. During the use of the structure, the bowl is under constant water pressure, so any mistake made in the design of the pool bowl will lead to cracks, deformation and a reduction in service life;
  • communications project - this stage is the final one. It involves the design of a water supply system, sewerage, filtration, power supply, heating and ventilation. The result of all design work is a package of documents containing all drawings, calculations, specifications and explanatory notes.

Overview of creating a pool project

  • full description of the constituent elements, explanations and comments;
  • technical description of installations and calculations for them;
  • drawings;
  • a brief overview of technical features and regulations;
  • work budget.

Any project includes a study of the site for the installation of the structure. When choosing a site, it is necessary to be guided by many criteria, such as the closeness of the area from the wind and sun, access to the necessary communications, the possibility of a convenient approach to the bowl. Pool design standards separate public, semi-mass and private structures, since the installation and maintenance rules for each structure differ and are calculated by the formula. All elements of the installation must be well combined with each other and correspond to their specifics and functions, which are affected by such factors:

  • pool load - according to the generally accepted norm, one swimmer has 2 m2 of liquid surface, based on the estimated number of visitors, its optimal size is calculated;
  • to calculate the depth, its functional purpose is determined, if it is a structure for swimming adults, then its maximum depth should be 100-140 cm. For a multi-purpose structure, a depth from 100 to 220 cm is optimal. at least 3 times the distance from the springboard to the water surface;

  • walls are painted bright colors, they must be non-slip and vertical, if in some places the depth of the pool exceeds 140 cm, then in these places a slope of 2.5-6% is created;
  • the platform around the pool should be non-slippery, permeable to water, in order to avoid the formation of puddles, it is designed in such a way that there is a slope from the pool and sufficient width that will not allow dirty water to drain into the bowl;
  • it is necessary to provide ladders that are made of stainless steel and are fixed to the walls in each corner at a distance of at least 0.5 m from the corner, the distance between the ladders is at least 15 m;
  • shower cabins are an optional part of the project and are installed on request;
  • if the pool is for public use, then it is recommended to install foot baths, they are filled with a disinfectant liquid with a layer of at least 0.1 m, the bath itself should reach a depth of 2.0 m, the liquid is maintained in a state of constant circulation;
  • if a foot bath is installed, then the changing rooms are installed in such a way that they do not have direct access to the pool bowl;
  • the area around the perimeter of the bowl should be 5 times the area of ​​the bowl, the distance between the water of the pool and vertical surfaces should be at least 3-4 m, if the board is diving, then the distance is at least 4-5 m;
  • it is imperative to provide for drains in the strip surrounding the pool, this is necessary for washing it;
  • if the pool has a different level along the bottom, then they are separated from each other by dividing lines, the paths are at least 2 m wide, the side lines should be 0.5 m from the edge;
  • if the pool is equipped with a tower, then the minimum distance between the tower and the side wall of the pool is 0.5 m, the gap between the jump point of the tower and the edge of the bowl is 1.25 m.

Some features of installation work

After determining the location for the construction of the pool, it is necessary to analyze the soil, then construction work is carried out based on its type:

  • clay soil - the pit is made larger than the intended bowl, the extra space is filled with stone or sand, which will create a drainage layer and absorb the effect of clay;
  • sand and unstable soil - work is carried out as quickly as possible, the soil is reinforced with a screed to avoid subsidence;
  • high level of groundwater in the soil - when water rises, it exerts pressure in the lower part on the structure, in order to avoid damage to the bowl, it is necessary to equip an external drainage, which has a connection with the main drainage system. The hydrostatic valve is mounted in such a way that it is an obstacle to groundwater at the bottom of the bowl;
  • rocks - the most best surface to install a swimming pool;
  • mountain slopes - surface or alluvial layers are removed to avoid slipping of the bath, the pit is leveled with concrete;
  • slate rocks - a large pit is leveled with concrete, as in sandy soil, the rules for designing pools in this type of soil provide for kneading the mortar in the ratio: 1 part cement to 4 parts sand.

Building materials for swimming pools

1. Material for making a bath. Among the whole set of building materials used for the construction of pools, there are three main ones:

  • concrete and hard materials;
  • constructions from semi-finished products;
  • polystyrene structures.

2. Facing materials determine appearance designs are offered in a wide range. The most popular materials:

  • porcelain or ceramic tiles;
  • glass mosaic;
  • plastic;
  • varnish and paint coatings.

For the edge of the pool, materials and framing options are also selected depending on the taste, imagination and functional purpose of the structure.

Pool engineering systems

The mechanisms for circulating and filtering the liquid are the same as those for chemical treatment. The circulation system functions as follows: water is drawn out of the bowl by a pump and, after filtering, goes back into the bowl. The performance indicator of pumping equipment is selected depending on the time of its operation. The mechanism is selected according to the type of pool, the exhaust and suction systems are located on different sides along the surface line or at the bottom of the pool. The circulation time depends on the type of construction:

  • children's public - 1.5 hours;
  • semi-mass - 6 hours;
  • mass - 4 hours;
  • private - 8 hours.

That is, if a circulation system is needed for children's pool with a volume of 10 m3 and the water goes through a complete cycle every 1.5 hours, then the system should have a capacity of 10000 l/1.5 h = 6600 l/h. Also, it is important to know the filtration rate, the following values ​​are optimal:

  • drinking water - 15 m3/h/m2;
  • mass municipal constructions - 20 m3/h/m2;
  • water parks - 30 m3/h/m2;
  • mass constructions - 40 m3/h/m2;
  • private constructions - 50 m3/h/m2.

  • drain channels or skimmers that perform the function of collecting water;
  • sand filter with selector channels, which performs the function of water purification;
  • circulation pump;
  • main drain - to collect water at the lowest point;
  • fence hole;
  • return hole;
  • cleaner with flexible hose;

  • brush to help with cleaning;
  • pipeline equipped with a valve;
  • pump with measurement of chemical products.

Water through the plumbing and installations leads to a loss of pressure, which is compensated by the pump; flushing of the filter by back pumping must also be provided. As for filters, there are many varieties of them, but the most popular are sandy ones.

To develop a project for a pool in the country, it is necessary to clarify the dimensions and wishes of the client.

When developing projects for pools in a country house in a bathhouse, it is very important to adhere not only to traditions, but also to take into account further costs during operation. When designing a bath by one company and a pool by another, there are always a number of technical issues and a lot of inconsistencies among designers. We solve this inconvenience by working closely with companies involved in the construction of baths. We exchange drawings at the design stages, meet at the construction sites of baths with a swimming pool in the country, coordinate all issues.
Having ordered a pool project from us in a bathhouse with further construction, you can be sure that we will not disregard the process of designing and building the bath itself.

Bath is the place that was created to strengthen your health and spirit! It is a true source of healing powers. From ancient times, baths proved their properties to heal and rejuvenate the human body. This is primarily due to the effect that is achieved water procedures. Bath is a place where 4 elements merge: water, fire, earth (stone) and air. The one who bathes in the bath absorbs the power of these four elements. A beautiful comfortable bathhouse with a pool in the country today can be seen by many, since many people have appreciated the health benefits of this facility. It is possible to build a bathhouse on your own, for example, armed with a lot of technical literature or resorting to the advice of friends, but without having experience in this, you can end up with what you dreamed about, we can say with confidence that it will not work! In this regard, the Lux Pool company offers you to make projects for pools in baths, as well as to complete the construction of turnkey pools individually according to your wishes. The right bath good charge energy, a guarantee of good health and good mood. People say for good reason - "I washed myself in the bath - I was born again."

Already completed - 15,000 rubles.

Issued full - 20,000 rubles / 1 section (QOL, TX or EM)

Develop simplified version - 35 000 rub.

Working drawings so that according to the client's size - 3,000 rubles / 1 sheet (A3)

Concluding an agreement

Our designers will help you find answers to all your questions and wishes!

The section of the project with the abbreviation - TX (water treatment technology) includes information with the necessary calculations of filtering and disinfecting equipment for pools, the prices for which will pleasantly surprise you, the parameters of water heating in a concrete pool, schemes for laying technological pipelines of the pool and the location of the equipment in a special technical room.

The section of the project with the abbreviation - EM (wiring), in the content has the necessary connection diagrams for the electrical equipment of the pool, the assembly of electrical panels, the estimated cross-section of cables and wires, the installation of switches and starters and much other information regarding safe operation your his .

More detailed information for pool projects you can get -

Note important information!

Having ordered from us - with a further purchase in our company

for the released project,

deducted from the total cost of the equipment.

Any swimming pool is not only a beautiful structure for recreation, but also a huge complex of engineering systems, each of which must work clearly and smoothly. The design of swimming pools allows you to select and arrange embedded elements, equipment, pipelines of the required diameter, determine the scheme for supplying communications (ventilation, electricity, cold water etc.) During the design process, a three-dimensional design of equipment, embedded parts and pipelines is created, which allows you to optimally arrange pipelines, cable routes, water treatment equipment and other engineering systems. When designing, it is envisaged how the installation of the structure and its further maintenance will be carried out.

Our specialists work quickly, without organizational and technical failures. The degree of elaboration of any project depends on the wishes of the customer. As a result of the work, you will receive the pool of your dreams, as well as a technical passport for the construction.

The main sets of design drawings of the pool:

  • Common data. Technical requirements;
  • Pool bowl project;
  • Installation of pool equipment.

Price from 40 000 rub per section (TX, QOL, EM).
It is calculated individually and depends on the complexity of the object.

Stages of work on the design of the pool

Technical task

Type of pool, dimensions, list and location of equipment. Specifications (location: house/street/basement/outbuilding, etc.; groundwater level, location of all communications and their characteristics: electricity/sewage/heating)

Project development and budgeting

Taking into account the peculiarities of the territory allotted for the facility, the technical requirements for the supplied engineering networks, their capacity and connection points are determined, the deadlines for the work are approved and the cost estimate is performed. Designing pools takes from two weeks.

Delivery of the project to the customer

The project is delivered strictly within the agreed time frame, the construction of the facility begins immediately after its approval. If the customer wishes to include more detailed details in the current documentation, the company finalizes the project documentation.

The pool project includes the following sections:

  • The TX section describes all the equipment of this pool, namely: equipment for filtration and disinfection, water heating, all attractions (hydromassage installations, countercurrents, waterfalls, etc.).
  • The QOL section includes the entire geometry of the pool bowl, namely the plan of the bowl, its binding to the room, detailed drawings of the base under the pool, sections of the bowl indicating the thickness of the walls and bottom, development of the design of the overflow tray, the bowl reinforcement plan and formwork drawings, detailed sections of technological niches for the installation of embedded elements. The explanatory note of this section describes recommendations for all construction works, grades of materials (concrete, reinforcement, etc.), finishing, waterproofing work.
  • Section EM (electromechanical part) is part of the technological section for the design of the pool. It describes all electrical circuits, calculations. The connection of automatic machines, contactors, magnetic starters and other necessary electrical equipment is described. It also describes a single-line calculation scheme, a connection diagram for a control room and a control room, a specification for electrical materials and electrical equipment.

Also, before starting work, an explanatory note on the project is written.

In our company, it is possible to develop a project for a hydraulic structure of any complexity based on the individual wishes of the customer. For maximum accuracy, the project is created using special program in three dimensions. This allows company employees to accurately compare the necessary data and synchronize the operation of systems and their location, and the client to visualize how the pool will function and look.

A three-dimensional pool project from Aqua Hold LLC will allow you to have all the information about the construction of your pool and monitor every stage of its construction. After all, the correct organization of the construction process means short deadlines for completing the order and no need for alterations, which means saving your money and time!