Liquid rubber for pool waterproofing. Waterproofing of concrete pools

The swimming pool is both a decoration of a personal plot or a house, and a place for sports, recreation and entertainment. Let's make a reservation - nice pool, filled with invigorating moisture that sparkles in the light of sunlight or LED lamps. And not the one that stands without water, representing an unattractive depression in the ground or in the floor. The durability of the pool is primarily determined by its waterproofing.

Therefore, if you are building a pool from scratch or decide to restore an old one, you are interested in do-it-yourself waterproofing, then you need to know what and what to choose from, and what surfaces generally need to be waterproofed.

Pool waterproofing: materials

There are a lot of materials, and which one is suitable for your pool depends on the area in which you live and the climate, type of pool you have.

The main types of waterproofing:

  • PVC film;

  • penetrating waterproofing;
  • coating waterproofing;
  • liquid glass;

  • liquid rubber;
  • bitumen-based materials (in comparison with the latest developments, they lose significantly, and therefore are almost never used, although they were previously widely used);
  • gluing insulation made of bitumen-polymer compositions, applied hot.

Pool waterproofing methods

Allocate external and internal waterproofing.

External waterproofing of the pool is used to protect the pool bowl from groundwater. At the construction stage, plasticizers are added to the concrete, which increase its strength and water resistance.

The second option - the concrete is covered with penetrating compounds. For external waterproofing of pools with their own hands, Izofast and Tenabit-M, Penetron and Infiltron mastics are used. These are those mixtures, which include sand, chemical additives (plasticizers) and cement. The result - the mixture penetrates deeply into the concrete base of the future pool, filling the smallest cracks and micropores, strengthening its physical and chemical properties.

External waterproofing of the pool: technology

If there is a need to repair the pool, then the external waterproofing of the pool is a very important stage.

1. Along the perimeter of the pool bowl, they dig out the walls.

2. They are cleaned of contaminants and inspected.

3. In places where the concrete began to collapse, peel off, cleaning is also carried out.

4. Seams and cracks are expanded, cleaned, in order to be subsequently treated with a material for waterproofing the seams.

5. The outer walls of the pool are first covered with penetrating, then coated and elastic insulation (if you use cement-based waterproofing) and coated and insulating if you use bitumen-polymer mastic, which is also called liquid rubber.

Internal waterproofing of the pool: technology

1. The concrete base is cleaned of dust and debris.

2. Seams and cracks are expanded and treated with materials to seal the seams. The joints are glued with sealing tapes.

3. The surface is leveled. To do this, the surface is plastered: the walls are treated with waterproof compounds for pools, and the bottom is treated with a self-leveling cement mixture.

4. The surface is primed with a primer using a roller or brush. After 3-4 hours, you can start applying subsequent layers.

5. The dry mixture is diluted with water to the consistency of thin sour cream (the ratio of liquid and dry material must be strictly observed, taking into account the instructions for the specific material indicated on the packaging).

6. A solution is applied to the previously prepared base with a brush or sprayer.

7. Especially carefully you need to process:

  • seams between the bottom and walls of the pool;
  • seams resulting from concreting;
  • places where communications are introduced;
  • cracks in the concrete base;
  • formwork fixing holes.

It is important to note here that in order to treat the pool with waterproofing compounds, it is necessary to use them in a complex: first, a penetrating solution, and then a coating solution. After applying the penetrating composition, the surface is treated with a solution of hydrochloric acid (4-5%). Then everything is washed off with water, and after another 30 minutes, treatment is carried out with a 4-5% solution of soda ash. Only after that is applied the coating mastic. Two-component elastic waterproofing is applied with a thickness of 2.5-4 mm.

If you use Hyperdesmo liquid waterproofing, you will need to apply 3 layers. After 6 hours, but no later than a day later (when the layer polymerizes, but will be slightly sticky), a reinforcing mesh is laid, and a second layer is poured over it. After that, fine-grained sand is poured onto the polymer layer that has not yet completely solidified to improve adhesion - adhesion to the next layer. If the coating is being prepared for tiles, then the surfaces are allowed to dry completely, the sand is brushed off and the tiles are laid.

If a tile is not provided, then a third layer of polymer is applied on top of the second one, to which pigments are added to obtain the desired color. Sometimes mastics of different colors are mixed to obtain the desired pattern. Since the third layer still needs to be strengthened, the A-3000 accelerator is added to the finishing coating solution at the rate of 1 liter of accelerator per 25 kg of mastic. Everything is thoroughly mixed with a mixer to prevent the appearance of a bubble. The mass must be homogeneous. Then it is evenly distributed with the help of a doctor blade and “spiked” - it is carried out over the mixture with a roller with spikes. Everything resembles the technology of applying self-leveling floors.

8. After treating the pool surfaces with waterproofing, they should not be walked on, and the temperature should not be lower than 0 ° C for 3 days.

9. In order to avoid peeling and cracking of the material, in some cases (when using Penetron and other means), the surface must be moistened for 3 days, and in the inner part of the pool (the one that will be under water pressure) almost up to 14 days. This is done by spraying water and covering the treated concrete surface with plastic wrap.

10. After all work is completed, the pool bowl is checked for leakage. For this, water is collected in it for 10 days. If no leaks are found, the water is drained, and the bottom is cleaned of possible debris and allowed to dry.

11. After drying, they start decorating the pool bowl with mosaics or tiles (if necessary).

Waterproofing mastics

Depending on the purpose, the following types are used waterproofing materials.

Particular attention will need to be paid to seams, cracks and gaps. If the cracks are more than 0.4 mm, use the M600 injection clamp. Dry cracks or wet ones, PeneSplitSeal and PenePurFoam injection resins, Penekrit solution or Rubberflex one-component polyurethane sealant will help to get rid of them effectively.

Before waterproofing the pool, it is primed. To prime the base for applying a waterproofing material, use Gruntofol, AquaDyur or the like.

For external waterproofing of pools, do-it-yourself mastics Izofast and Tenabit-M are used, for internal - Hyperdesmo or Penetron, Cemizol 2EP and 2EN, Idrosilex Pronto, Polybit Polyflex and Ceresit.

This polymer-cement mastic creates an elastic, water-impervious layer on the concrete surface of the pool bowl, which additionally makes the concrete resistant to mechanical stress.

Pool waterproofing with liquid rubber

Liquid rubber is a bitumen-polymer mastic that is sprayed onto the surface, adheres well to it and provides good waterproofing properties.

It is also called a membrane coating. Such a material can combine the advantages of PVC membranes and liquid waterproofing. In this case, a continuous, well-adhered coating without seams will be obtained. It will be as pleasant to the touch as a PVC membrane, and as dense and durable as polymer-cement mastics. Liquid rubber can serve as a basis for further laying of mosaics or tiles, and maybe a topcoat. Colored materials are already being produced, which allows the use of liquid rubber without decoration.

Of the modern brands, Trowel Grade, TopCoat AnyColor, Roller Grade are common. These are bitumen-polymer emulsions, mastics, which are used for waterproofing both seams at the base of the pool and the entire pool.

Before applying liquid rubber, the surface is carefully leveled and treated with a degreasing compound. See point 7 of the Insulation of the pool section.

Then the bitumen-polymer coating is applied with a roller or brush - this is what those who will carry out waterproofing do concrete pool with your own hands. When carrying out such work, professional builders use a compressor.

Pool waterproofing with liquid glass

In order for concrete to be more durable, as an option, liquid glass is added to it. This is the name of a solution of sodium and potassium silicates. This helps to strengthen the material, makes it resistant to mechanical damage and reduces moisture absorption. This procedure is carried out at the construction stage. But liquid glass is also used without cement: the surface is impregnated with it, which serves as protection against moisture, temperature, ultraviolet radiation and corrosion for a period of at least 5 years.

PVC membranes

Of the film waterproofing materials, the most progressive and reliable is PVC membranes. Such material combines waterproofing and decorative functions. It is a soft, durable, elastic film in a wide variety of colors. Every year new types of it appear - under the mosaic, under the marble, etc.

Such a film is resistant to mechanical damage, it tolerates well if the base under it is not perfectly even, the welds are strong. A geotextile sheet is usually laid under it, which hides all the irregularities that could adversely affect the waterproofing of the pool. Such material can be operated at temperatures from -50 to +80 degrees. The price of PVC membrane brand ALKORPLAN - 12-27 dollars per linear meter. It is used in combination with geotextiles, the price of which is $ 1 per meter.

No matter how strong the membrane is, this material can still be damaged under a combination of circumstances. You can make a hole in it on purpose or by accident. Therefore, mastics, liquid glass or liquid rubber are more often used for capital pools.

Gluing waterproofing

For this type of insulation, materials based on polymerized bitumen are used, which are applied hot. These are stekloizol, rubiteks and stekloelast. The material is durable, frost-resistant, not afraid of sunlight and has good extensibility, and hence increased strength.

When installing pool waterproofing, you need to evaluate your strengths. The chosen method of waterproofing can be quite laborious. Therefore, carefully study the technology of applying one or another waterproofing and choose the one that you can handle without involving specialists.

Popular materials for waterproofing pools and their properties, technology for creating a protective shell, the reasons for the need to protect structures of artificial reservoirs from moisture.

The content of the article:

Pool waterproofing is a system of measures aimed at guaranteeing the normal operation of a reservoir for any purpose. The process of water protection is reduced to the creation of a shell outside and inside the tank in order to ensure the smooth operation of the structure. There are a lot of isolation methods, consider the most popular options.

Why do you need pool waterproofing?

Waterproofing the pool is necessary to increase the reliability of the entire structure. A correctly performed procedure will eliminate the problems associated with leaks and restoration work.

Functions of waterproofing coating:

  • If no measures are taken, moisture will penetrate the partition through the pores in the concrete, reach the metal reinforcement and cause its corrosion. Over time, the strength of a monolithic partition deteriorates. Violation of integrity can lead to deformation of the base and cracking.
  • Moisture that has penetrated inside the structure freezes in winter, expands and destroys the partition from the inside, causing cracks and flaking of the plaster.
  • In a constantly wet wall, mold and fungus appear, which adversely affect the human body.
  • The outer protective shell does not allow groundwater to come into contact with the walls of the pools. These are the requirements of building codes, according to which any structures should not be moistened with aggressive groundwater.
  • The water in an artificial tank is usually warm, with disinfectant additives that turn it into a dangerous liquid that adversely affects many materials.
  • The cover makes the container easy to clean. Cleaning a treated bowl is easier than a concrete one.
  • The protective layer improves appearance pool and does not require decoration.

The choice of material for pool waterproofing

For reliable waterproofing of the pool, the materials must form an elastic, durable shell on the surface. Professionals recommend choosing products that have the ability to form a monolithic layer. Currently, to solve such problems, there is a large selection of tools that differ in composition and performance properties:
  1. PVC film. Using a membrane for waterproofing is considered an economical way to refine the reservoir. Thus, already built pools are protected. The film covers the surface of any material. It is produced in three types: unreinforced - the cheapest option, used to cover prefabricated structures. Not particularly durable. Reinforced - consists of two panels, between which there is a grid. It is usually installed on concrete or coffered foundations. The material is able to withstand the high pressure of water poured into the pool. Anti-slip - cover the walls of children's containers. Films are produced with various additives that give the coating additional qualities. For example, the introduction of acrylic does not allow the appearance of vegetation. The advantages of this method include the possibility of waterproofing the pool with your own hands and the good tolerance of chemical additives that are added to the water.
  2. Liquid rubber. The most popular way to cover containers from the outside and from the inside. The product is sprayed using special devices. The material fills all the pores and capillaries layer by layer and hardens, forming a monolithic shell without seams, pleasant to the touch. The substance can be applied to a wet surface, in cold weather, while after polymerization it will not peel off. Often liquid rubber is used as a base under ceramic tiles, but it is allowed to leave it without a decorative coating. Easy way performable and inexpensive.
  3. Liquid glass. It is mainly used at the construction stage of the pool. The material is added to concrete or applied to the surface, thus gluing the structure together. The composition of the substance includes potassium and sodium, as well as cement. When the components hit the walls, crystals are formed that have waterproofing properties. The mixture fills all the pores and cracks, eliminating all ways of penetration of moisture into the wall. It has high adhesion to all building materials. The composition has proven itself to protect the base from groundwater. The coating prevents the appearance of fungus on the walls of the container. However, without special equipment it is impossible to perform such an operation.
  4. Polyurethane mastics. The product is made on a cement basis with the addition of modified polymers. After application, a strong elastic seamless shell with a thickness of 2-5 mm is formed on the surface. Adheres well to any material. Can be used without a decorative layer. Mastic is versatile and is often used for exterior and interior coatings. It is usually laid at the stage of bowl formation. Of the minuses, one can note the difficulty with attaching decorative tiles to it.

Pool waterproofing technology

The creation of a protective shell is carried out in several stages, which must be carried out very carefully. Before waterproofing the pool, it is necessary to seriously prepare the surface, and then apply the material to it according to the manufacturer's instructions. It is not recommended to deviate from the recommended technology. Below are the most popular ways of forming a protective shell on the walls of the pool.

PVC sheet is mainly used for protection finished bowls and during their repair. The membrane is used only in rectangular structures, with strong and rigid sides. The procedure is allowed to be carried out at a temperature of + 15-25 degrees. The temperature limit is due to the fact that the material is easily stretched.

Work is performed in the following sequence:

  • Clean the walls of the pool from debris.
  • Check the flatness of the vertical and horizontal walls. If there are irregularities of more than 2 mm on a horizontal surface and 3 mm on a vertical one, putty the problem areas using a special cloth. The laying of the non-woven fabric and the installation of the film must be done on the same day to prevent the formation of a mold-friendly environment.
  • Check the absence of folds and overlaps, which lead to unevenness on the panel.
  • Wrap all auxiliary structures and elements of the pool in Teflon.
  • Align with a cement screed all defects on the surface so that the membrane does not follow the contours of the defective area.
  • Cover the walls with non-woven material, which will create a layer between the membrane and the base. It is necessary to prevent wear of the film on a rigid base. For containers located inside the building, geotextiles can be used. Secure it with stainless and plastic flanges and self-tapping screws. It is allowed to glue the gasket to the surface.
  • Spread the canvas and start laying it from the middle of the floor, evenly distributing it in different sides. For the procedure, involve as many assistants as possible.
  • The swimming pool waterproofing film has 4 vertical welds at the corners of the tank. First distribute the panel from the long sides of the pool towards the corners, after that you can move on to the short ones. After laying, check that the corners of the film match the corners of the bowl. Make sure the membrane closes the container to the top.
  • Move all rough waves to the top of the bowl and smooth out.
  • Stretching folds are removed using special technologies.
  • After leveling, fix the membrane in the corners. To increase reliability, coat the corners with silicone.
  • Once again, check the absence of wrinkles on the walls.
  • Fill the pool 3 cm with water and smooth the film again from the middle to the edges.
  • Add water up to 30 cm and spread the membrane over the surfaces under which the gasket is located.
  • Fix the product to the walls with special aluminum clamps. Trim off excess pieces of insulator.

Pool waterproofing with liquid rubber

In pools, it is convenient to use sprayed liquid rubber, which forms a very strong shell, and the procedure itself takes little time. Less commonly, the material is applied by staining. Waterproofing the pool with liquid rubber is done by spraying with a special device, for example, RX-27. For getting good result It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the device in advance and learn how to handle it.

The procedure is performed in the following sequence:

  1. Clear the bowl of debris. Vacuum the walls and base of the container.
  2. Clean surfaces of grease stains and foreign deposits. To achieve the desired result, treat the walls with a water jet. After the procedure, wait for the bowl to dry and continue preparing the base.
  3. Coat the walls with primer. During the procedure, small particles that remain after the previous operation will be removed from the surface. The composition in the form of a waterproof gel penetrates deep into the concrete and fills deep pores. The better the priming takes place, the stronger the liquid rubber is held.
  4. Spray a waterproofing agent onto the bowl. Hold the nozzle at a distance of 40 cm from the wall perpendicular to the surface.
During operation, the components are mixed, and after hitting the walls, they harden very quickly, forming a protective shell. Complete polymerization occurs within 72 hours at 50% humidity. The hardening process is accompanied by the release of moisture, which appears on the coating in the form of drops. After the coating layer has dried, check the pool for leaks.

Waterproofing with liquid glass of the pool

There are two ways to create a moisture-proof shell based on liquid glass - by applying it to the surface in its pure form or by adding it to the cement mortar.

When using liquid glass, work is performed in the following sequence:

  • Prepare the base for coating. To do this, carefully clean the walls of dust and dirt, and then rinse the structure with a strong jet of water. After such procedures, all wall defects will be better visible. If large cracks are found, seal them with sand-cement mortar. Further operations for waterproofing the pool with liquid glass can only be carried out after the surface has completely dried.
  • Degrease the walls with special compounds.
  • Cover the bowl with antiseptic to prevent mold and mildew from growing.
  • Dilute liquid glass with water in a ratio of 1:2. This concentration allows you to use only 300 g of the substance to process 1 square. m walls.
  • Use a brush to apply. It is recommended to cover the bowl in several layers, carefully smearing all areas.
When adding liquid glass to concrete, waterproofing is performed as follows:
  1. Prepare a concrete or cement mortar from dry ingredients.
  2. Add liquid glass at the rate of 1 part of the substance per 10 dry parts of the dry cement mixture.
  3. Mix all ingredients thoroughly.
  4. Apply the solution to the walls of the bowl.

Pool waterproofing with polyurethane mastics

Pool mastics for waterproofing are sold dry, usually in 25 kg bags. To prepare the working mixture, mix the products with water in the proportion indicated by the manufacturer. To do this, use a drill with a nozzle. After the procedure, no lumps should remain in the solution. Mastic hardens quickly, so prepare it in portions that can be consumed within 30 minutes. It is not allowed to re-add liquid to a thickened solution.

Waterproofing of pools with this composition is carried out in the following sequence:

  • Remove dust and dirt from the wall.
  • Knock down plaster and concrete sagging.
  • Make sure there are no oil stains on the surface. If necessary, treat them with solvents or mechanically.
  • Walk along the wall with a metal brush or a drill with a nozzle.
  • If the bowl has a smooth surface, cover the walls with a weak solution of hydrochloric acid, then rinse thoroughly with water.
  • All procedures are designed to open the pores that the mixture should fill. Apply the solution with a brush or brush in two coats. First, spread the product with horizontal strokes, and after 2-3 hours with vertical strokes. With internal refinement, the protective sheath should be 3.5-5 mm thick, with external - 2-3 mm.
How to make pool waterproofing - look at the video:

Wall waterproofing is a very important stage of construction, because. the result of all work depends on it. Modern options for protecting the walls of pools are devoid of the disadvantages of traditional ones, but for this it is necessary to strictly follow the technology of laying the material and take the task seriously.

Very important point in the construction of a concrete pool, is the waterproofing of the pool bowl. It is this fact that should be studied more thoroughly before starting the planning of the pool. If waterproofing is neglected, then the pool bowl will be simply destroyed from the inside, by groundwater and water, which will be located directly in the pool itself.

It is foolish to assume that a person who cares about waterproofing simply does not know what to do with money. Pool waterproofing work is a necessity that serves to protect against damage in the form of cracks, collapses and water leakage. There are such cases that the appearance and expensive finishes play the first role for a person, and practically no attention is paid to waterproofing, which leads to a short-term pool itself and a waste of finances. Accordingly, the restoration of the pool and the work on laying the waterproofing layer will entail considerable financial investments.

If it so happened that the waterproofing of the pool bowl does not work or it does not exist at all, then you have to remove the decorative coating and completely dig out the pool. Then again carry out concrete work and close up the leakage cracks. That is why one of the first stages of construction should begin with waterproofing, only in this way it will be possible to use it for a long time without worrying about leaks and destruction.

Internal waterproofing of the pool bowl

At the beginning of construction, you should consider how to achieve tightness, and what you need to remember first.

A lot of importance in the construction of a concrete pool is waterproofing work on inside pool. This type of waterproofing will protect your building from even the smallest cracks, which are subsequently washed away by water and lead to the destruction of the entire concrete bowl. Any type of pool, including concrete, needs waterproofing, and at the same time, it doesn’t matter what its shape or size is.

It is important to remember that the waterproofing of a concrete pool must be carried out before finishing work on the inner surface of the pool. Often, if waterproofing is not done in time, then after the first filling, the concrete coating is destroyed, which no longer allows for high-quality waterproofing of the pool.

What is waterproofing for?

  • High level of protection against moisture due to waterproofing;
  • Accounting for the adhesion of waterproofing materials and the material from which the pool was mounted;
  • Cleanliness of ecology;
  • After waterproofing the pool, resistance to a large amount of water being filled in the pool increases;
  • Resistance to the appearance of mold fungi and the growth of bacteria after waterproofing;
  • Good adhesion of facing materials to the waterproofing layer.

There are several options for waterproofing, which are quite expensive in terms of finances, but at the same time, the highest quality and durability will be guaranteed. These waterproofing methods use waterproof materials such as waterproofing pads and finishing materials. But not everyone can afford expensive materials and use cheaper, traditional methods of pool waterproofing.

Type of waterproofing for swimming pools

The most popular materials for waterproofing a concrete pool bowl can be purchased at a store or on the market. Such materials for waterproofing include:

  • Liquid rubber compound;
  • Latex membrane;
  • PVC film;
  • Glass in liquid form;
  • Impregnation with polymerization process.

Well waterproofing the pool bowl PVC film. Only it should be very carefully and efficiently glued to the concrete surface, avoiding wrinkles, holes. Ensure a tight fit to the surface of the pool. This waterproofing material is excellently cleanable, resistant to sudden temperature fluctuations and can withstand both very high and low temperatures.

Rubber in liquid form is used in waterproofing for grouting joints, cracks. It copes well with its task, but it does not have resistance to sunlight, and in order for the rubber not to lose its properties, it should be treated with liquid glass on top. Both layers are applied only on a dry surface.

The latex mixture, when dried, becomes an elastic film, and in turn, in addition to the task of waterproofing, does not allow the development of mold and bacteria.

Finishing this particular part of the entire structure of the pool should be given increased attention. And first of all, because it constantly (by definition) contains water. But before considering the procedure for waterproofing from the inside, you should figure out what is best used to create a protective layer.

Waterproofing materials

The range of relevant products is impressive. Basically, we focus on such indicators of the expediency of using products as the ability to do all the work with our own hands (and, preferably, without the use of special / equipment) and the cost of the goods. And yet, it is first necessary to point out a number of points related to the features of operation. This will help with the choice of the optimal waterproofing option.

Water, no matter what preliminary preparation it has undergone, including chemical / purification, always contains impurities of various compounds, some of which are aggressive and can react with waterproofing material. This is especially important for the interior of the bowl, because by definition, this part of the pool will almost always have direct contact with the liquid.

The specificity of the functioning of this hydraulic structure is that the water must be periodically updated. This is necessary, first of all, from the point of view of sanitation. This means that it will be regularly drained with subsequent filling of the bowl, which, because of this, will be subjected not only to static, but also to dynamic loads, and very significant ones. And they directly affect the integrity of the waterproofing. Based on this feature of the operation of the pool, it is advisable to use materials that, after installation, create a monolithic (seamless) protective layer.

Dynamic loads, as well as periodic fluctuations in water temperature, impose another requirement on waterproofing - elasticity. Otherwise, cracks will appear in this layer - it's only a matter of time, but sooner or later leaks will definitely occur.

Maintainability. A lot depends on the size of the reservoir. If they are impressive, then when choosing a material, you need to consider whether it is possible to eliminate the defect of this protection by the “point” method. It is clear that the replacement of the entire layer (monolithic "canvas") in pools with large linear parameters is both a complex and expensive undertaking.


These materials include roll products made of polyethylene, which have a universal application in the private sector. They are used both for waterproofing and for covering small areas to create greenhouse effect. The price is almost the lowest among analogues.

For example, 100 m canvas 3 m wide will cost from 2,050 rubles. Polyvinyl chloride film is more expensive by 600 - 700 rubles / roll.

But they have disadvantages. Firstly, the slightest damage will require the replacement of part of the waterproofing layer. Secondly, when finishing the bowl, you will have to join the strips, that is, the formation of seam joints from the inside is inevitable.

More qualitative, but also expensive are membrane-type waterproofing materials. Their advantage is that they are produced in various sizes, so it is not difficult to choose the dimensions of the canvas so as to cover the entire bowl with a single layer. But again, if damaged, the entire membrane will have to be replaced. "Spot" repair of such products (at least with their own hands), as a rule, is ineffective, since the patch will not last long.

Approximate cost - from 250 rubles / m².

Mastic compositions

Such waterproofing belongs to the categories "" and "penetrating". An example is products under the brands "Penetron", "Xipex", although these are not the only products that are commercially available. People without sufficient experience, and even “spurred on” by advertising, are guided by the advantages of such materials and use them to finish pools from the inside. Indeed, working with mastics is both simple and convenient.

But it is worth mentioning that these compositions are not recommended for arranging basic protection against liquids. They should be used either in combination with other materials (for example, membranes), or for “spot” repairs.

Estimated price - from 135 rubles / kg.


This fairly common material, especially in the private sector, should not be used for waterproofing pools. Suffice it to point out a number of significant shortcomings. Firstly, low adhesion, therefore, on the basis of the protective layer will not hold firmly. Secondly, the chemical composition, which means that there is a possibility of some harmful substances being released into the water. Thirdly, the fragility of such waterproofing.

That is why, despite the versatility of the use of bitumen in the field of construction and repair, it is not recommended to use it for finishing pools from the inside.

Liquid rubber

This is probably one of the best options. You can read about all the advantages of such compositions (and there are quite a few of them) in an article devoted to. It is enough to point out that the layer is absolutely harmless from the point of view of ecology, seamless, and installation is not difficult. Moreover, there are several options - using a sprayer or coating (roller or brush). Yes, and maintainability is excellent.

The cost of liquid rubber - from 53 rubles / l.


Belong to the category of coating materials. Unlike mastics, they are applied in a thicker layer. But they are relatively expensive. Plus, they are applied only after laying the mesh for reinforcement.

The cost of pasta is from 265 rubles / kg.

There are also a number of materials that are waterproof - bentonite mats, and a number of others. Those who are interested in characteristics and prices will find relevant information on our website. But from the point of view of "do it yourself", as well as due to a number of shortcomings, it is hardly worth using such products when finishing the pool bowl from the inside.

Waterproofing procedure

The specifics of working with a particular material is determined by the manufacturer, and all the necessary information is contained in the attached instructions. Therefore, it is enough just to consider the algorithm of actions during the installation of waterproofing.

Solution preparation

  1. Given the significant load on the bowl, the cement grade should not be lower than M400.
  2. Additives () must be introduced into the solution, which reduce the ability of the artificial stone to absorb moisture.
  3. As a filler, materials with small fractions should be used. This will then allow you to better align (smooth) the inner surface of the pool.


The inside of the pool bowl is finished only after it has completely hardened (concrete has dried out). If the use of rolled (film) materials is supposed to be used as waterproofing, then the surface of the plaster layer must be perfectly leveled. The slightest protrusion in the future can lead to rupture of the coating.

If the pool is located on the territory, then before starting work on it, it is necessary to install at least a temporary canopy.

Arrangement of waterproofing

Quality checking

After the pool is completely ready, it is filled with water, and completely. On its edge on the side you need to put a mark (for example, with a marker). If after a couple of hours the water level remains unchanged, then we can assume that the waterproofing is reliable. And in the event of a crack and a large leak, it will be visible immediately.


There is nothing difficult in this work. The main thing is to choose the right material for waterproofing, taking into account all the features of a particular pool (its dimensions, installation location, and so on).

Most people who live in private homes have a dream of their own pool. Buying and installing a pool costs a lot of money, so not everyone wants to fulfill their dream. However, it is quite possible to make a pool in your yard on your own.

In order for the overall design to be reliable, it is necessary to take into account all the necessary parameters for installing the pool. One of these parameters is the waterproofing of the structure. Properly carried out work on waterproofing will ensure the reliability of the structure, as well as the design will significantly increase the operational life. Waterproofing pools is a lengthy process.

Pool waterproofing is divided into two types:

  • external waterproofing;
  • internal waterproofing.

The first type is designed to protect the structure from the influence of groundwater. The second type is necessary for protection against water, which is directly drawn into the inside of the pool.

If the pool is equipped inside a room or building, then only internal waterproofing is needed, if outdoors, then additional external waterproofing is necessary.

Do not think that properly waterproofing will solve all your problems with the pool. Waterproofing will not be able to completely prevent the destruction of the structure - for this it is necessary to carry out other installation work. The waterproofing layer will protect the entire structure only from the negative effects of water. Water can penetrate through certain cracks and cracks in the structure.

The application of the waterproofing layer should be carried out before the period of operation of the pool. If this procedure was performed in wrong time, then cracks can form that are three millimeters in size. Because of such cracks, the structure will begin to slowly collapse.

Also, waterproofing is divided into other two varieties:

  • coating;
  • roll.

A coating waterproofing layer is applied to the base, which must be carefully prepared in advance. This type of waterproofing layer lies from the inside of the building.

The second type - rolled, is intended for external waterproofing work. Roll materials have poor adhesion to various coatings (adhesion). Then, as the material is being laid, the seams must be welded, the edges raised to connect to the pool wall waterproofing agent.

Pool waterproofing technique

Carrying out waterproofing consists in creating a special layer of protection. This layer of protection is created from the outside and the inside.

As it was written earlier, there are two types of waterproofing layer, consider their installation:

  • The application of an external waterproofing layer includes the addition of a mineral additive to the concrete solution. Such an additive increases the strength, reliability and water resistance of the pool, namely the bowl. This procedure is performed during the construction or restoration of the structure. For this process, specially designed rubber profiles are used.
  • The application of the internal waterproofing layer is carried out before the final lining of the pool bowl. For this procedure, a reinforced coating material is used. This procedure is carried out in order to prevent the penetration of water into inner part bowls.

According to many professionals, a quality waterproofing layer does not have to be quality if it looks elastic and reliable. hallmark An excellent waterproofing is a continuous layer of monolith.

Used materials for pool waterproofing

Various materials are used for waterproofing pools. Materials for waterproofing for swimming pools - a lot. Each individual material has its own individual characteristics and features. Consider - pool waterproofing materials.

PVC films

Polyethylene films are the cheapest in hardware stores, and everyone can afford it. However, PVC films have a significant disadvantage - if some defect (hole) appears on the film, then the material will have to be completely replaced. To isolate the pool with your own hands from the film, use a durable product.

Waterproofing membranes

The strength of this tool has long been tested. But in order to install the material, the intervention of professionals is necessary. For self-waterproofing, the use of other materials is required. The main disadvantage is that you will have to spend a lot of money, since the waterproofing membrane costs a lot of money, and the installation of this material is expensive.

Also, the waterproofing membrane must be stored from various kinds of damage. Main advantages:

  • the membrane has a huge operational life (fifty years);
  • the material is completely environmentally friendly material;
  • you can carry out self-repair of a damaged membrane.

Mastic for waterproofing

This tool is a penetrating mixture.

Mastic is not very suitable for waterproofing. It is always used for repair purposes.

Bentonite mat

This material is based on a natural sodium mat. Distinctive feature bentonite mat is that it can self-repair. A gel-like state is formed when a certain amount of moisture enters the material. The resulting gel-like state closes all defects (cracks, crevices, and so on).

The main advantage of bentonite mat is its high level resistance to various mechanical damage. Also, bentonite mat has some disadvantages:

  • bentonite mat cannot withstand high water pressure;
  • A certain load (200 kg/sq.m.) is required to install the bentonite mat.

Liquid rubber

This material is great for any pool configuration. Liquid rubber does not have any seams. Liquid rubber is an environmentally friendly material, and it will not bring any harm to human health. Waterproofing the pool with liquid rubber is not often done.

Polymerizing impregnations or liquid glass

Liquid glass for pool waterproofing is an emulsion of polymer resins. This emulsion penetrates the concrete of the structure. After a certain period of time passes, the material becomes plastic. Liquid glass is best suited for the top of the structure. After applying the polymerizable impregnation, a layer of plaster can be applied. Waterproofing the pool with liquid glass is an easy process of work.

Coating composition

The coating composition is intended for internal waterproofing of the structure. The coating composition is a waterproof solution. It becomes waterproof after it dries. This method isolation from water have significant efficiency and reliability.

In the construction market, purchase coating compounds that have a high cost, as they have a high level of efficiency. The coating composition together with the fiberglass mesh form a unique strength, stability, reliability and elasticity. The service life is increased.


Although bitumen has a low cost in the construction market, it has many disadvantages:

  • short service life;
  • poor adhesion to any surface (adhesion);
  • the surface on which bitumen is to be applied must be perfectly flat;
  • if the base is uneven, then the material deteriorates in a short period of time.

Additional materials

Sold materials that are intended for auxiliary purposes. For example, sealing cords are such material. Sealing cords are used to seal joints and cracks. They are also suitable for seams.

Tapes, which are also intended for sealing joints, are installed at the place where the wall joins the wall or where the wall joins the bottom.

In order to seal process waters, use "Penebar". "Penebar" is a tourniquet that has a rectangular section. At the base of this material is a polymer substance. As soon as "Penebar" is in contact with water, it begins to swell, thereby closing cracks and crevices. "Penebar" are also used to seal work seams.

Waterproofing instructions

Installation work is divided into two types:

  • installation work to create an external protective waterproofing layer from groundwater;
  • waterproofing the pool from the inside.

From the very beginning, you need to follow these steps:

  • If the groundwater level is high, it must be lowered. This should be done before starting installation work. Underground moisture should not be at the same level or above the bottom of the pool. To eliminate this problem, you need to take care of the drainage system. It is installed around the building.
  • Before applying the waterproofing layer, it is necessary to prepare the base of the structure well. For this procedure, a screed is used, which consists of cement and sand.
  • After the previous step, it is possible to carry out external moisture insulation of the structure. Need to leave large stock where the edges are - this is necessary for the future connection with waterproofing from the inside. To carry out this process, polyvinyl chloride (PVC pool film) is used. You can use another material that has a roll base.
  • Waterproofing must be present at low tide of the structure bowl. Therefore, use concrete that has a B6 grade.

To increase the waterproofing parameters of concrete, it is necessary to introduce specially designed additives. Thanks to them, the strength and service life of concrete increases.

The work includes applying a layer of insulation from the inside of the pool. Next, you need to follow the following algorithm of actions:

  • As soon as the bowl has been poured and it has hardened, a layer of plaster should be applied.
  • After applying the plaster, you can start self-isolation of moisture from the inside. For this procedure, apply a mixture to isolate moisture, having elasticity. It must be applied to the surface of the structure. It should be applied in two layers.
  • To prevent leakage, it is necessary to make an even distribution of layers of an elastic waterproofing mixture. Uniform distribution occurs along the walls and bottom of the structure.
  • Finally, check to see if there are any leaks. To do this, simply fill the structure's bowl with water. After a certain period of time, start checking.

This is the entire instruction.

Waterproofing under pool tiles

It is also necessary to carry out waterproofing for tiled finishing of the structure. More precisely, the space that is located under the tiles or mosaics. The presence of water under the tile can cause the finishing material to gradually peel off. To fix this problem, use specially designed grouts for joints.

Grouts can be polymeric materials. A construction spatula is used to apply this insulating material. Polymer compositions must be pressed into the space that is found between the tiles. Waterproofing the pool under the tiles is carried out without problems.


The abundance of materials for waterproofing will help you carry out the procedure yourself without any problems. You will be able to fulfill your dream of having own swimming pool. To perform high-quality moisture insulation of the structure, it is necessary to think over it in advance.

The best option is to consult with a design engineer. Entrust the work to specialists who will perform installation work much better than you yourself. Do not save your money on the purchase of waterproofing materials. All work must be done carefully and carefully. Depending on the material used, equipment may be required for this procedure.