How to make a bow from a plastic pipe. How to make a bow from PVC pipes with your own hands

Hello everyone, welcome to this site. Today I will tell you how to make a bow out of PVC pipes with your own hands. Of course, the idea on the Internet is not new, but I just wouldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t make such a bow myself.

For the manufacture of homemade bow PVC pipe we need:
- PVC pipe marked SCH 40;
- Building hair dryer;
- A skein of cardboard;
- Several carpentry clamps;
- Two equal boards (with which we will compress the heated pipe)

Sizes of a homemade pvc bow

Making a bow from a PVC pipe with your own hands

1 . We mark our workpiece. The length of the pipe is 120 cm, 20 cm are left for the handle in the center and 12 cm each. From each edge to the pasture of the shoulder.
2 . Using cardboard as a heat shield, we evenly heat the part we need. Exactly, carefully, otherwise the pipe will turn yellow, melt and lose the elasticity we need, so we don’t stay in one place for a long time.

3 . When the pipe is sufficiently plastic, we press it down with planks and leave it for 7-10 minutes. Briefly about the device for compression, in the current case it is just two pieces of chipboard. You might find something else if it was even. The bolts are part of the old design, they were used when there were no clamps yet, now they are no longer needed, they just were not removed.

4. With the help of these bolts and nuts, we regulate the thickness of the compression of the workpiece, without them the arms were of different lengths and, accordingly, had different elasticity and looked metrically.

5 . In 10 minutes. We remove the fasteners and check the result of the work. We should get the following.

6 . We also repeat this procedure for the other shoulder and get a symmetrical workpiece.

7 . We give the shape of the end of the shoulder. We re-heat and press, we need a segment perpendicular to the previous compressions.

8 . This shape of the shoulder will not suit us completely, so we will correct everything manually by reheating the junction and until the shoulder has cooled down separately give it a rounded look using a round object.

9 . We repeat the same procedure for the handle. There are a few touches left, and the design of the PVC bow is ready.

10 . Turns off excess. We make notches for the bowstring.

11 . For a bowstring, you can use a regular rigid polypropylene cord.

This article is about how to make a PVC pipe bow (the arrows will be wooden).


Materials and tools for assembling a bow from a PVC pipe with your own hands:

  • PVC pipe with a diameter of 20 mm (outer diameter) 150-200 mm long.
  • Two thin PVC tubes 0.6-1.0 meters long, which must be inserted into the above-mentioned pipe section.
  • Pencil, pen, saw or scissors for cutting PVC.
  • Rope or cord for making a bowstring.
  • Wooden lath of circular cross-section, about 0.6 meters long.
  • Multi-colored tape (for the plumage of the arrow you will need 3 colors, and several for the target).
  • Pencil sharpener double (arrows will be sharpened in a large hole designed for crayons).

Step 1: Preparing the Pipes

PVC pipe is better to choose reinforced (aluminum or fiberglass). Although unreinforced can also be used. We use a 20 mm short one as a connector for two thin PVC.

Step 2: Making notches for the bowstring

Make two small notches at both ends of the bow (or at one end of the upper and lower limbs of the bow if you are making a double-pipe bow). To do this, use a saw to make V-shaped cuts about 1/2 of the thickness. Serifs are needed to fasten the bowstring.

Step 3: Stretch the string

Next, cut a piece of string 150-200 mm longer than the upper and lower arms of the bow put together. Then tie the rope around the ends; the knot must be very strong so that the bowstring does not slide off the pipe.

Take one of the tubes and insert the opposite end of the rope into the short, thick tube, about half way. Insert the second thin one on the other side of the thick piece. Both should bend under the tension of the bowstring, which should not slip out of the serifs.

Step 4: Making the Arrow

First, make an arrow shaft from a wooden lath. Cut the rod to the desired length. Next, using a saw, make a groove (cutout for the bowstring) from the rear end of the arrow with a depth of about 25 mm. Wrap the rod around the groove with tape so that the arrow does not start to split. Using a crayon sharpener, sharpen the other side of the arrow until it is sharp enough.

Step 5: Making the Plumage

Now you need to make the plumage at the rear end of the arrow. Feathers are made from colored tape, or other similar material. First, make three small rectangles of tape of different colors. Then cut feathers of the required shape from the rectangles.

Make sure that the shape and size of all three feathers are the same, this is very important. Now glue them to the rod, about 6-12 mm from the edge of the tape wrapped around the arrow (which you wrapped to prevent the arrow from splitting).

Step 6: Done!

Now your bow is ready! You can use it for its intended purpose, just do not shoot people and other animals! Let's say you are right-handed, then hold the bow with your left hand by the middle, connecting tube, take the arrow right hand, place it on the protrusion of the tube. Insert the middle of the bowstring into the groove of the arrow. Stand with your left shoulder facing the target and turn your head to face the target. Now draw the string as far back as you can while aiming the arrow at the target. Release the string. You will need some practice to learn how to shoot, but in the end, you will master such a not tricky weapon. Have a good hunting!

There are a lot of ways to create such a thing as a bow from PVC pipes, on the Internet you can find the most sophisticated ways, but first of all, I want the manufacturing process to be simple, convenient and not troublesome, including not taking much time and effort. These are the ways to get to know. Consider the three most simple and understandable ways to make onions yourself.

Method number 1.

Using the first method, it is quite possible to make an interesting bow, the design of which cannot be disassembled. Compared to the many tips and concepts of the manufacturing process, this option is perhaps the easiest. The main nuance in creating a bow is the presence of construction equipment, such as a technical hair dryer.

For the manufacturing process, you need to arm yourself with:

1. A PVC pipe with a length of about one and a half meters and a diameter of about 2.5 cm.

2. Technical device hair dryer.

3. Narrow hand saw, felt-tip pen and measuring tape.

4. One long piece of wood and two pieces having a length of about 80 cm.

5. A device for the drilling process with a metal rod and aluminum paper (see).

6. Coloring agent for giving decorative properties.

7. Adhesive tape and gloves of any kind.

So, at the initial stage of making a bow, it is necessary to mark the PVC pipe. With the help of a measuring tape, it is necessary to measure a section 30 cm long and 60 cm long from the two ends of the pipe, followed by marking. For these purposes, for the convenience of the process, you need to use a felt-tip pen bright color. Next, it is necessary to determine the central point of the pipe with maximum accuracy, for this you need to measure 75 cm from any end of the pipe. Fix the mark with a felt-tip pen. Then, to determine the area that will be allocated under the handle, you need to measure 8 cm from the central point in both opposite directions. Naturally, fix the marks with a felt-tip pen.

Next stage making a bow involves creating a deformation of a PVC pipe. To do this, for the sake of convenience, it is necessary to create an auxiliary element that will help heat the pipe. A piece of aluminum paper must be bent so that two perpendicular planes are formed. Simply put, create a 90 degree angle formation.

Further, the process of deformation and creation of a bend takes place. To achieve what you need, you need to take a PVC pipe and close one end of it with a foil corner element. Being attentive and accurate, focusing on the marking of the pipe, you need to heat the pipe section, which is located at a fixed point of 30 cm. Using a technical hair dryer in this case, the heating process will be quick and hassle-free. It must be taken into account in order to good result, it is necessary to try to heat the entire intended section of the pipe with uniform movements. When heating, you need to turn the pipe.

Non-separable PVC pipe bow - Step 4

Once you can visually see that the section of pipe has become soft, to ensure that it does not lose the desired temperature and simply does not cool down, you need to wrap it in aluminum paper. Without wasting time, in order to prevent cooling, you need to do all the same with the other end of the pipe. If it becomes visually noticeable and sensitive to the touch that the first heated section of the pipe has begun to cool down, it is necessary to heat it up additionally, resorting to the same technical hair dryer.

It is very important to understand that in the process of heating a PVC pipe, one should try to prevent the surface of the pipe from becoming covered with bubbles, black plaque or losing its color. Otherwise, this will indicate that the heating process has occurred too quickly and unevenly.

After dividing the end part of the pipe into equal parts, followed by marking with a felt-tip pen, it is necessary to draw a line from the central point of the pipe to one of the edges of the deformed end. The correct tilt is the position inside the bow from the bottom up.

Having retreated from each end of the pipe a distance of 3 cm, you need to fix it with a marker and draw a rounding of the ends of the future bow. According to the drawn rounded line, you need to cut off all unnecessary. By analogy with the process with the second end of the pipe, do the same.

To hide ugly cuts using a technical hair dryer, you need to heat them up and, after they become elastic enough, bend the edges of the pipe into inner part future bow. The other end must be processed in the same way. Alternatively, cuts and their edges can be ennobled with sandpaper.

In order for the transition area between the deformed edges and the base of the bow to be smoother, it is necessary to warm up the transition area slowly enough, focusing on a mark of 30 cm and about 4 cm on both sides. In the process of heating the pipe, it should gradually expand and the transition section will become smooth by itself. This time can be used (while the area is heated) to create a bend in the ends of the product. Relative to the base of the bow, the curves should protrude forward. In the same way, it is necessary to create a bend of the second end of the pipe. As a result, at the end of this stage, you should get a smooth pipe with forward-curved endings.

Next, you need to warm up the pipe segment from the mark of 30 cm to the initial line of the handle. After the procedure, you need to bend in inside onions and let cool. On the opposite side, you need to repeat the procedure. As a result, the features of the future bow should begin to be seen.

And at the final stage, it is necessary to bend the handle. This process is necessary for the convenience of using the bow. According to the already familiar principle, it is necessary to heat up the area reserved for the handle with a technical hair dryer and squeeze it between the legs, creating an ellipse for it. The narrowed parts of the ellipse should be perpendicular to the person holding the bow. At the same time, you need to raise the opposite parts of the bow, while achieving a change in the position of the handle, it should bend into the inner plane of the bow.

We complete the manufacture of the bow by the process of creating places for a tight stretch of a nylon thread or twine. Having stepped back from each end of the bow about 2 mm and from the front part about 1 cm, it is necessary to make the corresponding holes with a drill at the intended mark. The holes should be about 5mm in diameter. After that, with a special saw, it is necessary to cut a groove at an angle, located from the edge of the bow to the drilled hole. Naturally, from the other end of the bow, it is necessary to repeat the process.

To give the bow a beautiful appearance, with the help of dyes, you need to apply a layer of them on the surface of the onion, thereby decorating it. The color must be chosen according to your desires. If, before applying the paint, slightly treat the surface of the onion with a skin, you can ensure the ease and quality of applying the coloring texture. With adhesive tape or another, you need to wrap the ends of the bow (focusing on the mark of 30 cm) and the section under the arm.

Now you can use the hand-made product.

Method number 2.

As it has already become clear, this place will be intended for the handle. We must not forget that all sizes are approximate, if the palm is much larger, then the markup should be carried out, taking into account the size of a person’s palm. Otherwise, holding the bow will be simply inconvenient.

With the help of construction equipment, you need to warm up one side of the pipe from the initial line of the handle to the very end. After the PVC pipe has become softened and flexible, you need to lay it in a pre-created board structure.

In the case of using a polypropylene pipe, the boards will not help create a clamp and deform it. In this case, in addition to the boards, you need to use more rigid and durable materials and fixtures, for example, iron corners and a tool with which you can clamp the pipe. After clamping one part of the pipe, it is necessary to bend it. All these actions must be done with the second part of the future bow.

Next, you need to start shaping the handle. Having protected your hands with gloves or any rag, after warming up the desired part, you need to create a comfortable place in which to hold the bow. In the case of using pipes made of polypropylene, to create a handle, you must repeat the steps using harder tools. You need to try not to overdo it, flatten quite a bit.

Then it is necessary to measure a section 15 cm long from each end of the pipe. Using any tin, you need to put one end with a measured point on it so that the point that defines a segment of 15 cm is located strictly in its center. From this moment, you can start working with a technical hair dryer, bringing the pipe to flexibility. Having brought to the desired state, the softened segment must be twisted around the circumference of the container.

It is important to note that care must be taken not to overdo it. In the event of a strong overheating of a PVC product, it will begin to change color, turn yellow and lose its quality properties. If you overheat a pipe made of polypropylene, it will simply spread.

When constructing a mount for a tension thread, you need to saw through two-sided recesses at the ends, while controlling the depth. You don't have to make them see-through. As a bowstring, the same rope made of polypropylene and nylon is suitable. Alternatively, you can try cotton. If there is any other rope available that does not have the ability to stretch, you can use it without hesitation.

For the manufacture of arrows for a bow, you can purchase factory-made wooden narrow slats. To feather an arrow, it is recommended to use a natural feather; when fired, it does not injure the hand. The length of the rails must be chosen so that when the product is tensioned, it is enough. To prevent the arrows from sliding along the thread, it is necessary to cut recesses at their ends. To ensure good penetration into objects, the opposite ends of the arrows must be well sharpened and veiled with a hard material. Now you can enjoy it.

All three ways to make a bow from PVC pipes are considered, and the choice of the simplest and most convenient is up to you.

Why do you need a homemade bow from a pipe? The question is certainly interesting. IN modern world such a tool is more of a “sports” fun than a real necessity. Still, a hunter lives in every man, so this activity, although it has become a hobby, has not lost its relevance. Hunting with a bow is unlikely to be effective, but as entertainment in a safe area, the tool is fine.

In addition, you can make a bow out of PVC pipes with your own hands for a child. A teenage boy will definitely appreciate such a device. But here it is important to remember about safety, especially when making arrows.

As it turned out, you can make a wonderful functional bow out of PVC pipes. To do this, it is enough to consider visual examples, choose the right pipe diameter and related materials. And the very manufacture of a bow from a PVC pipe is a fairly simple task that requires only attention. In order to better describe how to make a bow from a pipe, let's break the whole set of actions into several steps.

Material selection

For all structural elements, one PVC pipe will be used. Its diameter is no more than 5-10 mm. It will be divided into several pieces. The walls of the pipe will be optimally 2 mm thick. At the same time, after assembly, the bow will turn out to be very light.

The design will consist of 3 parts and 5 pieces of pipe. The classic bow consists of:

  • handles;
  • strings;
  • shoulder.

A do-it-yourself bow from a pipe in the video will allow you to visually have an idea about each step of the work. It is better to start manufacturing separately for each element. By the way, for convenience, you can also use homemade drawing, but if there are no drawing skills, you can get by with simpler work. Although it will not be superfluous to view video or photo material.

Shoulder making

To make the shoulder reinforced, it is advisable to use a PVC cable with a 66 cm long channel. Using special gloves, you need to heat the pipe well using an industrial hair dryer. If this is not available, it is advisable to find an alternative heating device, but without open flame, so as not to damage the pipe. Gloves or potholders must be used, as the pipes heat up quite strongly and quickly when heated.

As soon as the pipes become plastic, a cable is inserted into them and then the product is heated again. A piece of board, laminate, wooden beam is suitable for crimping. It is important to press well both shoulders of the bow.

The excess parts are cut off with a grinder, after which the resulting burrs are trimmed with a file.

The layers on the toes of the shoulders are glued and connected. A hole is drilled in the sock. This is necessary for inserting and crimping the metal grommet. They are made from copper or brass tubing. First, they are inserted into the hole of the ring, then flared along the edges. For the convenience of the roller, it is better to use the caps of the screws. Both shoulders of the future bow are subjected to this procedure.


She is one of the important elements. The better it is, the more convenient it will be to use a bow. So, the handle must have sufficient rigidity. To begin with, we make one detail - the form. It is machined from wood, after which a molten piece of pipe is driven into it and molded according to the desired parameters.

If suddenly the tube has cooled down, and the handle is not yet ready, you need to heat it up again. After the two parts, the shoulder and the handle are heated together and inserted into each other.

Arrow shelf

To do this, you will need toothbrushes (3 pcs.) And a piece of PVC pipe. To do this, the pipe part is molded in the form of the letter G or T. The upper zone of the part is made under heating in the form of a half ring. Bottom part attached to the cavity of the handle with a simple fastener.

To make a slot for arrows, the product is put on a tube with a large diameter, and the second part is connected to the handle and smoothed into its shape. At the same time, the semi-ring is kept from opening and displacement with one hand, and the handle is pressed against it with the other.

The head of the toothbrush is wrapped with tape in several layers. This is necessary to prevent damage due to heat. After that, at the point of transition of the brush head to the leg, we bend it. All parts are connected with small screws.


First, a bow-sized reel is made, after which the fishing line is wound. The two ends of the product are connected to form a single closed ring, after which the entire bowstring is wrapped along with the loops.


After the bow is ready, it can be decorated. For example, decorate in a protective color or in one tone. Due to the whiteness of PVC pipes, the color will be rich and beautiful. It is better to use acrylic paints. Also, for better operation, the bow body can be treated with polymer impregnation.

As for arrows, they can be made from both aluminum and wood. Their shape and degree of sharpness must be chosen based on future use. If the bow is planned for a child, it is better to take safe suction cups.

The result is a beautiful functional product that will delight "hunters" of any age.

Archery is a good way to spend your free time with benefit, developing accuracy, hand strength and just having fun. However, buying a sports bow is not always possible, and such a device is quite expensive. The way out of this situation is to make a homemade bow from a PVC (polyvinyl chloride) pipe, which will be discussed below.

Preliminary remarks

If you want to shoot a bow, there are several options. You can enroll in the appropriate section, or buy a bow in a sports store, or borrow from friends. However, not every city has sections, the cost of sports instruments is high, and friends may also not have onions.

Therefore, the most reasonable way out in this situation is to make a bow on your own. Of course, you can make it using the old technology, from wood and other traditional materials. But, again, the manufacturing materials cost a lot, and the process itself is complex, long and laborious.

Fortunately, the development of technology has given everyone the opportunity to learn how to make a bow from a plastic pipe. The process is also not so simple, but it is quite feasible. It is worth noting that craftsmen make different crafts from polypropylene pipes, which are very original and practical.

The main thing is the presence of a device capable of heating a plastic pipe with thick walls (from 3 mm). In addition, in any case, you will have to attend to the selection of material for the bowstring.

Making a bow from a PVC pipe with your own hands is technologically justified: polyvinyl chloride is a modern material that is flexible enough and at the same time strong enough to withstand the tension of the bowstring and in calm state, and before the shot.

From a thicker pipe, with a conscientious and accurate approach, it is quite possible to make a bow that is not inferior in performance to crossbows and professional sports products. If you buy a thinner pipe, for example, half an inch, you can make a much less powerful and safer children's bow.

With the help of a building hair dryer, the material for the onion from the plastic pipe is heated to a temperature of about 180 ° C: this is enough to freely bend the water pipe, giving it the desired shape.

It should be noted that before you make an arrow bow or any other elements from a PVC pipe, you need to familiarize yourself with the requirements for the purchased pipe.

Characteristics of a PVC water pipe for an adult onion:

  • product diameter - three quarters of an inch;
  • pipe diameter outside - 26.7 mm;
  • the length of the purchased plastic product is about 3 m, however, one and a half meters will be enough for one bow;
  • the upper threshold of the working pressure in the pipe is about 33 atm.

Despite the apparent optionality of strict adherence to these parameters, bows with the best characteristics are obtained from such polymer pipes; in the case of using a pipe of a smaller size, or less strength, or from another material, it is impossible to vouch for the result.

However, if you want to experiment and have enough time and money, you can, using the general manufacturing scheme, make for yourself the perfect bow that will last long years. Be that as it may, each amateur creates a bow from a PVC pipe at his own peril and risk, for personal use, and only he is responsible for a satisfactory or not result.

Construction of a bow made of plastic pipe

A pipe bow consists of the following parts:

  1. The basis(handle) - what they hold the bow for during preparation and the actual shot.
  2. opening(window) for arrows - located in the center of the bow, through which the arrows are launched.
  3. Shoulders- provide structural stability, it would be nice to strengthen them further, for example, by wrapping.
  4. Notches for bowstring and bowstring– bought in a store or acquired in other ways.
  5. Arrows- consumables, also purchased or made independently, possibly from the same pipe or from wood and other available materials.

The procedure for making a homemade bow

Before starting work, you need to get protective gloves for work and a non-flammable, well-insulating fabric that can be used to bend the heated material without damaging the skin.

So, when all the materials are ready, how to make a bow from a PVC pipe?

The manufacturing algorithm is as follows:

  1. Mark a section of the required length on the plastic pipe using a marker or other convenient tool.
  2. Select the center on the body of the pipe, the areas that will need to be bent in the future and places for recesses for the bowstring on both bendable shoulders.
  3. Heat the first shoulder with a building hair dryer, flatten it and give it the necessary shape.
  4. Allow the first curved shoulder to cool.
  5. Repeat the same steps for the second shoulder, allowing it to cool.
  6. Warm up the handle area, then arching it to give the specific geometry of the bow.
  7. On each shoulder, make recesses for the bowstring.
  8. Cut an opening in the body of the product for shooting arrows.
  9. Pull the bowstring until it reaches the required tension.
  10. After completing all work, test the bow in a safe place.

Despite the abundance of tips on how to make a bow from a pipe, and the seeming simplicity of the instructions, the bow cannot always work out the first time, so you need to stock up on a few additional pieces of plumbing elements in advance.

The most common manufacturing mistakes:

  • incorrect heating of the pipe, associated either with insufficient heating and, consequently, the impossibility of bending the bow, or with overheating of the material and loss of elasticity;
  • the use of insufficiently powerful equipment, as a result of which the plastic cools faster than the formation of bends is completed;
  • attempts to bend the product without the use of a building hair dryer and high-quality fixation of the future bow;
  • overheating - in addition to the problem described above, it can lead to cracking of the product during further operation.

It also happens that, despite the observance of the rules, the bow still did not come out. You should not be upset, you just need to try to make a new one.

Tips for making the perfect bow:

  1. The bow handle should be made under your palm, giving it a comfortable shape.
  2. You can vary according to your preferences and the length, elasticity and other parameters of the bow, arrows and bowstring.
  3. The cutouts for the bowstring must be treated as carefully as possible with abrasive agents so that it does not fray the stretched bowstring. You can impose an additional protective layer on the notch, and already on it - a bowstring.
  4. You can wrap a comfortable material (for example, leather) on the handle, for a comfortable grip.
  5. If you follow the law, the draw force of the bow should not exceed 19 kg (for unlicensed products - 20 kg).
  6. Instead of a professional bowstring, you can use polypropylene or fishing cord and other ropes.
  7. To make it easier to bend the pipe, you can wrap the heated ends with foil and wrap around a wooden bar, then fix it in a vise and leave to cool.
  8. You can't rush. Each wrong action can nullify all previous efforts.


In addition to bows and arrows, you can make many more useful devices from PVC pipes, for example:

  • furniture made from water pipes - foldable and lightweight (read also: "");
  • stands for placing spinning rods and fishing rods;
  • elements for tents and tents.

Nothing can limit the master's fantasy in this matter, the main thing is the availability of the source material, tools for manufacturing and mounting fittings of all kinds. The finished product can be painted or left white.