Proper exercises with dumbbells at home. Workout with dumbbells at home for men

To begin with, let us note that dumbbells, compared to other equipment, have certain advantages. First of all, they are compact - they can be stored under the bed, closet, even in a desk drawer. In addition, the risk of injury during exercise is practically negligible, so you can do everything yourself, without the participation of a trainer. And it is also important that exercises with this apparatus will help you acquire the necessary equipment for further serious bodybuilding exercises.

The best dumbbell training program at home consists of movements that pump out the most basic muscle groups:

  1. Shoulders;
  2. Biceps;
  3. Triceps;
  4. Breasts;
  5. Backs;
  6. Hips;
  7. Shins;
  8. Press.

You need to practice according to the classical scheme - three times a week, every other day.

Basic exercises

  1. Simultaneous press in a standing position.
    Feet are shoulder-width apart, dumbbells are raised to the shoulders and lightly touch them. Inhale, exhaling, squeeze the dumbbells up, inhaling, lower them to their original position. You need to perform two sets of 6-10 movements. Try to avoid mistakes: do not lean too far back with your back arched, this can lead to problems with the spine. Training with dumbbells at home does not strictly limit the weight of dumbbells and the number of approaches; you can do this in accordance with personal preferences.

  2. Development of biceps.
    With your feet shoulder-width apart, lower your arms with the apparatus down, palms facing forward. Inhale, and as you exhale, simultaneously bend your elbows, lifting the dumbbells up. During movement, the elbow remains motionless. As you exhale, lower your arms down. It is necessary to do 2 sets of 6-10 exercises. Errors: Cheating (swaying) or bending your back back should not be allowed. Don't raise your elbows up.

  3. Triceps development.
    Stand leaning forward, leaning your right hand on a stool. Feet – shoulder width apart, parallel to the legs of the stool. The arm with the dumbbell is bent at the elbow and pressed to the chest. Inhaling, straighten your arm, lifting the projectile up. Perform two sets of 6-10 movements. Avoid mistakes: turning sideways or moving relative to the support. The housing should not be connected to the work.

  4. Pumping the pectoral muscles.
    You need to lie either on the floor, or, more preferably, on two stools, and hold the dumbbells in your raised hands. Inhaling, spread your arms to the sides, exhaling - lift them up, while they are slightly bent at the elbows. 6-10 movements are performed in each of two approaches. Avoid mistakes– arms strongly bent at the elbows, and, in addition, watch your legs, they should rest on the floor in order to maintain your balance. In addition to pumping up the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, the training program with dumbbells at home also includes work on their other groups in order to ensure an even, harmonious load on the entire body.

  5. Development of back muscles.
    Place your feet as usual, shoulder-width apart, lower the dumbbells down. Exhaling, bend down until the dumbbells almost touch the floor. In this phase, the knees are slightly bent. Exhale as you rise up. Do two sets of 6-10 movements each.

  6. Strengthening the thigh muscles.
    Raise the dumbbells to your shoulders, feet shoulder-width apart. Exhaling, squat while inhaling. In this case, distribute your body weight evenly over the entire foot. The projectiles touch the shoulders, the head is tilted back, the back is straight. Perform two sets of 10-15 movements.

  7. Pumping the muscles of the lower leg.
    Standing on one leg, leaning on the back of a chair with the same hand and taking a dumbbell in the other, rise on your toes 10-20 times. When you inhale, the body goes down, when you exhale, it goes up. After resting for half a minute, change your supporting leg and do the same on it. You need to perform two approaches on each leg.

  8. Abdominal muscle development.
    Sitting on the floor, hook your toes onto the sofa (or any other support). Bend your legs at an angle of 90 degrees, hold the projectile with your hands behind your head. Now bend back and touch your back to the floor while inhaling. On the way up, exhale.

Training system with dumbbells at home for the pros

It may contain technically more difficult exercises, which we will talk about in the following articles. Methods more high level also suggest an increase in the weight of the shells. This complex designed for lessons lasting one to one and a half months. After this, you need to move to the next level of difficulty or start attending the bodybuilding section. The muscles will be prepared for further work and increased loads, which will allow the athlete to sculpt his body in accordance with the assigned tasks, more subtly and differentiated.

We are glad to hear from colleagues opinions on how to most effectively conduct such training. What exercises did you use, what muscle groups did you pump, what was the most optimal diet during training? You can post the answer to these and other questions on the topic and your original work below, thereby saving novice athletes from mistakes or giving a good recommendation to those who have already started training. Please also let us know what kind of materials you would like to read on our website.

Complex effective exercises with dumbbells to do at home. All about how to dial muscle mass at home - rules of nutrition and training.

Home workout program

The presented program is based on the principles basic program for muscle growth: comprehensive study of all muscle groups in one lesson and use the most effective basic exercises in the form of variations with dumbbells.

The number of repetitions in the exercises is higher, but this is due solely to the fact that trainees usually have only light, collapsible dumbbells at their disposal. If possible, perform fewer repetitions, but with more weight.

A set of workouts with dumbbells

Workout 1
  • Single leg lunges - 2 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Shrugs with dumbbells - 2 x 8-10
  • Squats with dumbbells - 3 x 8-10
  • Standing dumbbell press - 3 x 10-12
  • Dumbbell bench press - 3 x 10-12
  • Push-ups - 2 x maximum possible
  • Dumbbell rows to the belt - 3 x 12-15
  • Dumbbell biceps press - 2-3 x 10-12
  • Triceps push-ups on a bench - 2-3 x 10-12

Workout 2

  • Sumo squats with one dumbbell - 2 x 8-10
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you - 2 x 12-15
  • Deadlift with dumbbells - 3 x 8-10
  • Raising dumbbells to the sides - 3 x 12-15
  • Lying dumbbell flyes - 3 x 10-12
  • Reverse push-ups - 2 x maximum possible
  • Bent-over dumbbell row with one arm - 3 x 12-15
  • Pull-ups (alternating grips) - 2 x maximum possible
  • “Hammer”: lifting dumbbells for biceps - 2-3 x 10-12
  • Lifting dumbbells for triceps - 2-3 x 10-12

How to train at home: explanations of the program

Do this program 3-4 times a week, alternating between workouts. Spend no more than 40-50 minutes to complete each; Before training, do a light warm-up or exercises with body weight, and after training, stretch and cool down.

Strengthen your abdominal muscles either at the end of your workout or on rest days. We recommend R90X as a program as it is the most effective for working out your abs at home and can show results in just a few weeks.

Supersets and grouping exercises

The exercises are performed in supersets (in pairs): for example, after lunges with dumbbells, you rest for literally 10 seconds, then immediately do shrugs, after which you rest a little more - about 30-40 seconds, and return to lunges again.

This method will increase the effectiveness of training and reduce its time. In addition, the exercises are grouped so that antagonist muscle groups work: pectoral muscles And latissimus muscles back, biceps and triceps.

Pectoral muscles at home

The first mistake of those who train at home is performing a huge number of repetitions (for example, push-ups 50-70 times). Remember that this approach tends to “burn” the muscles, and to grow them you need a low to moderate number of repetitions with heavy weights.

If you want to pump up your chest with push-ups, first do dumbbell presses, and then, when your pectoral muscles are tired enough, do as much as possible. at a slow pace 10-12 reverse push-ups, in which the legs are on a slight elevation.

Diet for muscle growth at home

Follow the rules of a sports diet: increase the calorie content of your diet by about 20%; consume 2.2-2.5 g. protein per kilogram of dry body weight; 25% of calories consumed per day should come from fats, the rest from carbohydrates.

Concerning sports nutrition, then creatine will help you a lot in gaining muscle mass, as it improves strength and also makes your muscles more voluminous. In addition, it is recommended to take a complex of vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.

Is it possible to pump up at home?

The main requirement for muscle growth is a progressive load of working weights. Unfortunately, the main disadvantage home workout with dumbbells is that Weight Limit dumbbells are not that big, and after a couple of months you will reach the limit.

A complex with dumbbells is suitable only for beginners in the first months of training. If you want to train seriously, then home gym you will need a barbell, a set of weights, a rack and a bench - you won’t be able to get by with lightweight collapsible dumbbells.

For beginners training at home, it is most effective to perform a set of workouts with dumbbells, built on the principles of a basic program for muscle growth: training all muscle groups in one session and performing basic exercises.

Dumbbells are quite simple, but very effective sports equipment, allowing you to involve a maximum of muscle groups in the work, that is, almost the entire body. It is very difficult to list exercises with dumbbells; there are countless of them.

The main advantage of dumbbells over most types of sports equipment is their versatility. They are also suitable for training in gym, and for self-training at home. People who are used to playing sports at home, in most cases give their preference to these equipment.

Manufacturers of sports equipment produce many different dumbbells. Collapsible ones are considered the most expensive. They differ from simple ones in the ability to adjust the weight, which is why they are much more expensive. This allows absolutely everyone to train with one piece of equipment, regardless of training level and gender.

Any burden requires compliance with certain precautions. They are aimed at minimizing the risk of injury and are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to warm up before starting the training. Warm-up should be aimed at thoroughly preparing joints and muscles for subsequent loads.
  2. Strict adherence to execution technique. The slightest deviation from correct execution can cause injury and corresponding negative consequences.

The number of approaches for home training ranges from 3 to 5 sets. The number of repetitions in each is from 6 to 10 times. The main guideline in building training should be the level of your own training and physical capabilities.

Beginners are recommended to train with a break of one or two days. This is because muscle fibers recover at a much lower rate in beginners than in more experienced athletes. The latter can train with dumbbells five or more days a week.

To involve each muscle group in work, you need to do not just individual exercises, but specially designed complexes. The main thing is to follow the recommendations and rules, including the order of execution. This allows you to influence in isolation the right muscles without involving other parts of the body.

A set of exercises with dumbbells

It is quite simple. Perfectly adapted for people with different levels of training. It includes only those exercises that literally everyone can do, regardless of their level of training. Some require the use of a chair or bench.

The legs are spaced a little more or at the level of the width of the shoulder girdle. They hold dumbbells in their hands and begin to slowly squat. You need to lower, inhaling air, until a parallel to the floor surface is formed, and rise to the initial position, exhaling. If you increase the amplitude of the squat, dropping below the right angle, gluteal muscles will receive a greater load.

The optimal number of sets is 3-5 times, in each of which 10-15 repetitions are performed.

They stand up straight. The legs are placed shoulder width apart. Hands with palms turned towards you are lowered down.

The right hand holding the dumbbell is bent at the elbow and raised towards shoulder joint with exhalation or holding your breath. The starting position is taken with inhalation. Repeat the same action on the left hand.

The correct technique for performing the “hammer” implies complete immobility of the body and elbows. The pace should be slow to get a feel for how the biceps work. Sets of 8-12 “hammers” are made from 3 to 5.

It requires some preparation and is performed with a bench set at an angle of 30-40 degrees. It is securely fixed. She shouldn't wobble. Lie on the bench with your back, and place your feet on the floor in the most comfortable position.

At the beginning of the exercise, your hands can be placed either at the same height or below the level of the bench. With an exhalation, raise your arms up. Return to the starting position while inhaling slowly. The exercise is similar to the barbell press, but only dumbbells are used here. Hands must be located at the same level with each other.

The number of presses in 3-5 approaches varies from 8 to 12.

Carried out using horizontal bench. Approaches are done exclusively with alternating hands.

The right hand and knee rest on the bench. Left leg bent slightly knee joint, place it on the floor surface, and lower the hand with the dumbbell. The working hand is pulled towards the waist, while the shoulder blades are brought together. The sides are changed after 10-15 lifts, and the number of sets is done from 3 to 5.

  1. They either sit on a chair or remain standing on the floor. In the latter case, the legs are placed slightly wider than the shoulder girdle. The arms spread to the sides in both versions look up with the palms. They are bent at the elbow joint and raised together with dumbbells to shoulder level.
  2. Performed using a bench or chair. Sit on a supporting surface so that your back is slightly tilted forward and your legs are spread wide apart. The left elbow rests on the left knee. Bending the arm, it is brought to the shoulder. A similar action is done on the opposite side.

Both exercises involve twisting your hands outward at the top point. Do 10-15 repetitions on each side. The number of sets is 3-5.

Triceps workout

They stand up straight. The legs are placed at the same level as the shoulders. A dumbbell held with both hands is raised above your head. With a sigh, it lowers to the back of the head, and with an exhalation, it rises again. The elbow joints should be parallel to each other and not move to the sides.

Similar to the first, but done separately on both the right and left hands. Thus, the amplitude increases noticeably, and the dumbbell drops much lower.

For each hand you need to do from 8 to 12 repetitions. The optimal number of approaches, as in all other exercises, is from 3 to 5.

Exercise for shoulders and upper back

Involves performing a set of three exercises:

Standing on the floor, place your feet slightly wider than your shoulders. Hands with dumbbells are lowered down. Using the force of the trapezius dorsal muscles, exhaling, the shoulders are raised towards auricles. The elbow joint should remain straight. No bends should be allowed. Inhaling air, your shoulders slowly lower.

It involves simulating the movements that skiers perform with their hands. Feet the same width as shoulders. One of the arms, together with the dumbbell, is brought forward and bent at an angle of 90 degrees upward, and the other, on the contrary, is behind and bent at the elbow joint downward at a right angle. The exercise involves changing the position of the hands, that is, back and forth.

Swings with dumbbells

In a standing position, bring your legs together and bend your knees slightly. Hands with shells are lowered along the body. The dumbbells are lifted to the armpits, bending the elbows at a right angle, but only with them brought forward and turned outward. This allows you to use the shoulder muscles exclusively in isolation.

Exercises are done according to the 3-5x8-12 scheme.

To take the starting position, the torso is tilted forward at an angle of 90 degrees, while the legs are placed at shoulder level. The hands holding the projectiles are lowered, palms facing inward.

Execution involves raising your arms to the sides. A slight bend in the elbow joints is acceptable if you cannot keep them straight. You cannot straighten your torso. It should remain inclined for all repetitions, which are supposed to be done from 8 to 12 in each of 3-5 sets.

Standing on the floor, place your feet shoulder-width apart. This starting position assumes that those pressed to chest hands turned inward with palms. Hands are raised up, alternately turning outward the left and right palms. Only one turn is made on each side. When the hand is returned to the starting position, the palm is turned again and the hand is pressed against the chest. You need to do from three to five sets, the number of repetitions in which is from 8 to 12 times.

Consists of two exercises:

  1. To take the starting position, stand straight, placing your legs at a distance equal to the width of the shoulder girdle. Hold the dumbbell with both hands and extend it in front of you so that it is in line with your shoulders. The projectile is pulled to the chest by bending elbow joints. Return to the starting position.
  2. Performed from a similar position as the first. Hands, holding dumbbells, straighten in front of you and make overlaps, alternately moving one hand over the other, making movements similar to scissors.

You need to do at least 3-5 approaches, in which they perform 8-15 times.

Exercises for leg muscles

To develop and pump up muscles lower limbs When practicing on your own, you should do:

Alternately done on each side. The working left leg is placed forward, and the thigh becomes a support on which the hands holding the dumbbells rest. Right leg pulled back. It is straightened, that is, not bent, but should not lie on the floor surface. The knee is suspended, and the emphasis is placed solely on the toe. When lunges to one side are done, change legs and repeat all the actions again.

Represent effective method engaging the leg muscles. Unlike lunges, it is performed from a standing position. Hands with projectiles play a role additional burden and stretch along the sides of the body, which allows you to increase the load. The pull-ups themselves are carried out by transferring the body weight to the toes, when at the top point they linger for at least 5 or 10 seconds, and then lower back to the heels.

You need to do at least 3, maximum 5 approaches with 10-15 movements in each.

This list of exercises is not complete. There are many more variations on how to work with dumbbells, but the presented complex is enough to develop a strong body. When the technique is mastered and the current weight goes easily, it needs to be increased. The main thing is to do it gradually, and not start from the maximum. The number of repetitions and approaches is given relative and can increase with training, as well as taking into account the initial physical form, lack/presence of sports experience.

Motivation and a set of collapsible dumbbells are two main conditions effective training muscles at home. At the same time, the desire to achieve plays a decisive role - otherwise, you simply will not be able to force yourself to train regularly in conditions where everything around is more likely to distract you than help you pump up your muscles.

Essentially a home program strength training you must sincerely like it - if you don’t enjoy doing specific exercises, you will simply stop training, no matter how “correct” these exercises are. On the other hand, the workout should not be too easy, since the muscles simply will not receive the stimulus to grow.

Basic exercises at home

The training program presented below is based on the principles. This program involves working all muscle groups in one session through the use of variations of basic exercises with dumbbells. The program also includes pull-ups - without them, unfortunately, it is impossible to pump up your back at home.

The number of repetitions in the proposed exercises is higher than in the classic basic program, but this is due solely to the fact that trainees often only have collapsible dumbbells at their disposal. If you can afford to train at home with a real barbell, this will significantly increase the final effect of your training.

A set of exercises with dumbbells

Exercise according to the proposed home program 3-4 times a week, alternating workouts with each other. Spend no more than 40-50 minutes on each lesson; before training, do a light warm-up (jogging in place, exercise bike, jumping rope, shadow boxing); after training, spend 10-15 minutes cooling down and working out your muscles using a massage roller.

Home workout 1

  • Single leg lunges - 2 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Shrugs with dumbbells - 2 x 8-10
  • Squats with dumbbells - 3 x 8-10
  • Standing dumbbell press - 3 x 10-12
  • Push-ups - 2 x maximum possible
  • Dumbbell chest flyes lying down - 3 x 10-12
  • Dumbbell rows to the belt - 3 x 12-15
  • Dumbbell curls for biceps - 2-3 x 10-12
  • Triceps push-ups - 2-3 x 10-12

Home workout 2

  • Sumo squats with one dumbbell - 2 x 8-10
  • Lifting dumbbells in front of you - 2 x 12-15
  • Deadlift with dumbbells - 3 x 8-10
  • Standing dumbbell raises to the sides - 3 x 12-15
  • Lying dumbbell chest press - 3 x 10-12
  • Push-ups with a footrest - 2 x maximum possible
  • Bent-over dumbbell row with one arm - 3 x 12-15
  • Pull-ups (alternating grips) - 2 x maximum possible
  • Hammer dumbbell curls for biceps - 2-3 x 10-12
  • Lifting dumbbells for triceps - 2-3 x 10-12

How to train at home: explanations of the program

Pay special attention to careful handling. Record the weight used in the exercises and the number of repetitions performed. Once you can repeat the exercise to the maximum specified limit (i.e., 10, 12, or 15 repetitions), increase the weight of the dumbbells while decreasing the number of repetitions.

Stretch your abs and core muscles either at the end of your workout or on rest days. As a program we recommend as the most effective program for working out the abdominal muscles at home, which can show results after just a few weeks of regular use.

Pectoral muscles at home

Our exercises home program workouts are grouped so that antagonist muscle groups alternately work - pectoral muscles and latissimus dorsi, biceps and triceps. In addition, the order of exercises is designed so as to first “exhaust” muscle lungs exercise (push-ups), and then load it with extra weight(dumbbell bench press).

We especially note main mistake those who train at home - pointlessly performing a huge number of repetitions of exercises (for example, 50-70 push-ups at a time). Remember that this approach “burns” muscles rather than provokes their growth. In order for muscles to increase, it is necessary.

: key characteristics and summary table. How to determine which one you belong to?

Diet for muscle growth at home

Remember also that for muscle growth (both when training in the gym and at home) it is required. Increase your caloric intake by about 20%, consume 1.5-2 g of protein per kilogram of dry body weight; 25% of calories consumed per day should come from fats, the rest from carbohydrates.

As for sports nutrition, to gain muscle mass, the first thing that will help you is, which will not only improve strength indicators, but also make the muscles more voluminous. Optionally can be used as an additional source of protein. It should be taken immediately after strength training.

Cons of home workouts

The main disadvantage of home training is that the maximum weight of even heavy collapsible dumbbells is not that great - after a couple of months you will reach the limit and will not be able to progress. In addition, no one will be able to control your exercise technique or insure you when using serious working weight.

In fact, a home set of exercises with dumbbells is suitable only for beginners in the first months of training or for those who want to maintain what they have already achieved. physical fitness. If you want to seriously increase your body weight, then you won’t be able to get by with lightweight collapsible dumbbells, and for a full-fledged home gym you will need a barbell, a set of weights, a rack and a bench.


The above home workout program with dumbbells is based on the principles of a basic muscle growth program aimed at working the entire body muscles in one workout. This helps to increase the body's hormonal levels, having a positive effect not only on gaining muscle mass, but also on improving the overall proportions of the body.

A set of effective exercises with dumbbells to perform at home. All about how to gain muscle mass at home - nutrition and training rules.

The program is based on the principles of a basic program for muscle growth: comprehensive training of all muscle groups in one session and the use of the most effective basic exercises in the form of variations with dumbbells.

The number of repetitions in the exercises is higher, but this is due solely to the fact that trainees usually have only light, collapsible dumbbells at their disposal. If possible, perform fewer repetitions, but with more weight.

A set of workouts with dumbbells

Workout 1

Single leg lunges - 2 sets of 10-12 reps
Shrugs with dumbbells - 2 x 8-10
Squats with dumbbells - 3 x 8-10
Standing dumbbell press - 3 x 10-12
Dumbbell bench press - 3 x 10-12
Push-ups - 2 x maximum possible
Dumbbell rows to the belt - 3 x 12-15

Dumbbell biceps press - 2-3 x 10-12
Triceps push-ups on a bench - 2-3 x 10-12

Workout 2

Sumo squats with one dumbbell - 2 x 8-10
Lifting dumbbells in front of you - 2 x 12-15
Deadlift with dumbbells - 3 x 8-10
Raising dumbbells to the sides - 3 x 12-15
Lying dumbbell flyes - 3 x 10-12
Reverse push-ups - 2 x maximum possible
Bent-over dumbbell row with one arm - 3 x 12-15
Pull-ups (alternating grips) - 2 x maximum possible
“Hammer”: lifting dumbbells for biceps - 2-3 x 10-12
Lifting dumbbells for triceps - 2-3 x 10-12

How to train at home: explanations of the program

Do this program 3-4 times a week, alternating between workouts. Spend no more than 40-50 minutes to complete each; Before training, do a light warm-up or exercises with body weight, and after training, stretch and cool down.

Strengthen your abdominal muscles either at the end of your workout or on rest days. As a program, experts recommend the most different variants. The James Boone method can be recommended as the most effective way to work out your abs at home and can show results in just a few weeks.

Supersets and grouping exercises

The exercises are performed in supersets (in pairs): for example, after lunges with dumbbells, you rest for literally 10 seconds, then immediately do shrugs, after which you rest a little more - about 30-40 seconds, and return to lunges again.

This method will increase the effectiveness of training and reduce its time. In addition, the exercises are grouped so that antagonistic muscle groups work: pectoral muscles and latissimus dorsi, biceps and triceps.

Pectoral muscles at home

The first mistake of those who train at home is performing a huge number of repetitions (for example, push-ups 50-70 times). Remember that this approach tends to “burn” the muscles, and to grow them you need a low to moderate number of repetitions with heavy weights.

If you want to pump up your chest with push-ups, first do a dumbbell press, and then, when your pectoral muscles are tired enough, perform 10-12 reverse push-ups at the slowest pace possible, with your legs on a slight elevation.

Diet for muscle growth at home

Follow the rules of a sports diet:

increase the calorie content of your diet by about 20%;

consume 2.2-2.5 g. protein per kilogram of dry body weight;

25% of calories consumed per day should come from fats, the rest from carbohydrates.

Is it possible to pump up at home?

The main requirement for muscle growth is a progressive load of working weights. Unfortunately, the main disadvantage of training at home with dumbbells is that the maximum weight of dumbbells is not that high, and after a couple of months you will reach the limit.

A complex with dumbbells is suitable only for beginners in the first months of training. If you want to train seriously, then for your home gym you will need a barbell, a set of weights, a rack and a bench - you won’t be able to get by with lightweight collapsible dumbbells.