Dietetics - Baranovsky Yu.A. Home nutritionist - programs for creating a diet and selecting diets Electronic nutritionist Shcherbakova program

Eat everything you want and lose weight at the same time. This is reality, and not a marketing ploy, Gomel IT specialists assure. They have developed a program that calculates a menu of familiar foods with calorie accuracy, reducing their norm, but at the same time correctly preserving the diet. Olga Kholodovich now he knows exactly how a pocket nutritionist works.

Ivan Shcherbakov, together with his IT team, developed the program for three years. I checked everything on myself personally. I lost almost 20 kilograms. Helped my wife. Today Olga is ready to talk about her dream - to eat everything and lose weight - for hours. Without hiding her pride, she talks about how she reduced her weight by one and a half times in a year. 53 kilograms remain stable.

Olga Shcherbakova, program user: “This comes to the point of automaticity, i.e. there is always a kitchen scale and a plate. That is, before you put the cheese in your mouth, I put it on the plate, hop - there are 37 grams. While I am drinking tea, I am talking to someone - one click, the phone is next to me all the time, I opened my diet and added cheese there and closed it.”

The online nutritionist is ready to offer a varied menu. Human parameters and even taste preferences are taken into account. The program includes more than 2 thousand products. It also shows what the body lacks.

Just a few seconds and the program offers me the daily diet. It contains meat, vegetables, bread and even sweets. Another recommendation is to add vitamins and gain a little weight.

For the program to offer a smart menu, you need to enter your anthropometric data. Then a person can choose any products - there are already more than 2 thousand of them in the database. For example, kebab or cake. An online nutritionist will calculate how much you can eat without harming your figure, as well as how best to supplement your diet.

Ivan Shcherbakov, program developer: “A person operates only with the product and its quantity, the program calculates, optimizes and selects everything else itself, so that you can eat something tasty, get the minimum calorie content, and eat well. And in this case, good nutrition ensures the absence of hunger.”

This is what Natalya Belyaeva looked like a year ago. Now, she says, even she can’t believe that she weighed 96 kilograms. An online nutritionist helped me lose 33 kilograms without fasting or strict diets.

Natalya Belyaeva, program user: “According to the program, I was even allowed to eat a little more than I ate later, but it was less than I usually ate. And when these 6.5 kilograms went away, I realized that I didn’t really strain myself ", I liked it, I began to continue. I am very pleased with the result, I like myself now."

Nowadays, half a thousand people are on an online diet. And, as the program developers themselves say, the most important thing is that none of those who lost weight gained weight. excess weight again.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious it is:)

23 Mar 2017


The software will also help people who want to forget about extra pounds. By following useful tips, a person can lose weight by calculating the rate of rational food intake. You can also become familiar with the principles of dietetics remotely. The software is suitable for planning various diets, including therapeutic ones.

Diet planning program

Losing weight at home is an important condition not only for young mothers and women involved in housework, but also for business women. The Home Nutritionist program will help them achieve what they want. Software on its own:

  • counts calories;
  • amounts to correct menu;
  • helps change eating habits.

This is a very effective tool in diet planning and selection of suitable dishes. Following the recommendations of the calorie guide, you can:

  1. normalize metabolism;
  2. reduce weight;
  3. start eating healthier and healthier foods.

The diet program is extremely easy to use. She will tell you what nutrients you need to add to your diet. Recipe analysis will help you focus on foods that promote weight loss and maintain the results in the future. A convenient menu allows you to easily enter information, view the process of working on yourself, and track how many calories were consumed during the day. If you have problems entering data, you can use the instructions.

Choose a diet for weight loss

To begin with, the user is asked to calculate his ideal weight, according to the Lorenz formula, in order to choose a weight loss diet that will help get rid of fat. You need to enter information about your height, weight, girth of certain parts of the body, gender, age in a special window, then click the “make calculation” button. The program will instantly display the result on the screen. The data obtained should be treated with skepticism, because they do not take into account the individual characteristics of the organism.

The next step is to create the right diet. The computer calculates automatically, providing information about the amount of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats in the table. The software also provides a list of products needed for daily consumption. Their quantity is indicated in grams. The user can also choose one of the following diets:

  • medicinal;
  • sports;
  • for weight loss;
  • for gaining weight.

Homemade diets for weight loss

Such a home nutritionist helps not only to calculate the norm of a balanced diet, but also to get acquainted with the advice of doctors remotely. All homemade weight loss diets developed by the program are safe and effective. A person will be able to learn how to determine the exact portion for breakfast, lunch or dinner, how to correctly weigh foods to lose weight, etc. Calculating calories will help you lose weight by avoiding junk food and foods that contribute to weight gain.

The new, fifth edition of the manual contains the fundamental principles of modern clinical dietetics in combination with a presentation of the clinical features of the course of diseases and pathological processes. The content of the publication combines scientific aspects of nutrition for a sick person and practical recommendations on the use of nutritional therapy in specific organizational situations therapeutic nutrition in inpatient and outpatient settings. Compared to previous editions of the manual (2001, 2006, 2008, 2012), the material has been significantly revised, taking into account modern ideas and achievements of domestic and foreign dietetics and the author’s team’s own experience. The guide is intended for nutritionists, gastroenterologists, and therapists. Can be used as educational literature during residency training in the field of General Medicine, during advanced training and primary retraining of nutritionists and medical specialists of various profiles (gastroenterologists, therapists, general practitioners, endocrinologists, surgeons, etc.).

The work was published in 2017 by Peter Publishing House. The book is part of the Doctor's Companion series. On our website you can download the book "Dietetics. A Guide" in fb2, rtf, epub, pdf, txt format or read online. The book's rating is 5 out of 5. Here, before reading, you can also turn to reviews from readers who are already familiar with the book and find out their opinion. In our partner's online store you can buy and read the book in paper form.

The purpose of this program is to calculate, based on several parameters of a person’s body, his ideal weight and provide nutritional recommendations for weight loss or weight gain.

I think with the help of the Nutritionist program it will be easier to lose weight, at least the program is very convenient and informative.

The application does not require installation and greets us with a very simple, and at the same time, attractive interface.

To begin, enter your height, age, weight and gender in the upper left corner of the program window.

After which the program will show whether your weight is normal or whether you have problems. Also at the top of the window the ideal weight for your parameters will be shown. True, it is calculated according to the Lorenz formula (as I understand it, height-110 = ideal weight), which does not take into account the characteristics of the physique. To get a more accurate figure, you need to follow the link “Calculation of ideal weight”, where you additionally need to enter your wrist circumference and make the calculation:

Your body type and ideal weight will be indicated.

After receiving recommendations for ideal weight We return to the program and press the button “calculate the need for the “ideal weight”. After this, information on the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that must be consumed to achieve an ideal weight will appear in the table under the button.

Then, in the “selection of diet” window, we will try to create a menu for ourselves that satisfies the necessary conditions.

Click “add product”, select a product from the list, then double-click with the left mouse button in the line with the product, indicating the quantity that we will use.

By left-clicking on a product, you can find out its “compatibility” with others. For example, as you can see in the screenshot, potatoes are completely incompatible with tomatoes, apples, bananas and milk, but they are ideally compatible with bread and butter; they can also be used with peas or rice.

Download the “Nutritionist” program for free

Rating: 4.2 out of 5
Votes: 15

The program has a very visual and user-friendly interface that allows you to easily create your daily diet based on the specified parameters: total daily caloric content, or caloric content of breakfast, lunch, dinner.

In the program you can find many useful tips and information about diets, food consumption standards, weighing foods, etc. If you need to take strict control of your nutrition, as well as your daily calorie intake, try the Home Nutritionist program.

Additional Information
License: Shareware
Software Developer: Chirkov AL
Supported OS:Windows XP
Interface language: Russian
Update date: 2017-03-25
Program size: 2.6 MB.

Comments and reviews: 9

1. Liena 15.10.2013
A regular calorie calculator that allows you to calculate the approximate number of calories in a dish and daily diet.
In my opinion, whether you know how many calories you ate or not, there is no particular benefit, since this is already visible in the mirror. The principle of losing weight is unchanged - it is a balance between calories consumed (food) and calories burned (metabolism and physical activity person).

2. Dietka 30.12.2013
In order to start losing weight, you just need to start leading an active and sporty lifestyle. You should not start with strict diets, unless we exclude fast food, sweets and confectionery, baked goods, and fatty foods.
We replace pork with beef or white poultry meat (breast, fillet). If possible, replace fried food with boiled and steamed food. More greens, vegetables and fruits. Don't fill your belly with 1-2 meals. Divide your daily meals into 5-6 small meals.

And of course, play sports. It is advisable not to cut 3 times a week.

3. Alexey 12.05.2016
Many years ago, people noticed that water from some sources can alleviate various ailments and have a pronounced healing effect. Yes, indeed, the natural power of mineral water can cure many ailments: gastritis, pancreatitis, blockage of the bile ducts of the liver and cholelithiasis, and normalize the functioning of organs gastrointestinal tract. How to properly treat yourself with mineral water and how to use it correctly for health benefits.

4. Anonymous 13.05.2016
I appeal to everyone who is talking about the return of these kg in... a number of days in an unknown amount.
If a person begins to lose weight correctly, if he decides to do it, and does not just talk nonsense and makes the thirty-third attempt, then along with the change in nutrition, the lifestyle and way of thinking also changes. Without this, everything will really come back. About physical and moral exhaustion. This is complete nonsense. After spending 6 days on a fasting fast, 4 of which were mineral water, and seeing the result, I had something similar to the feeling of winning the World Cup! What moral exhaustion! I was happy. Three months have already passed, I gradually, quietly lost 10 kg, and I don’t gain them BECAUSE I DON’T EAT INDISCRIBLY! So everything is subjective and you don’t have to compare everyone to yourself. “If you can’t do it, then neither can everyone else.” You have to have your head

5. vishenka 16.05.2016
Hello everyone. I stayed on Kim's diet for 3 weeks. I followed it strictly, but didn’t feel hungry at all. At the same time, I counted kcal. and the number of grams consumed. In the first week, the average number of kcal was 1070. cottage cheese - about 500 g. yogurt - 500 ml. vegetables - about 1 kg.

Second week - 1000 kcal. cottage cheese - 200 gr. yogurt - 250 ml. Everything else simply didn’t fit in anymore - due to vegetables and fresh berries without sugar, how could it be without them in the summer. By the way, blueberries normalize stool very well.

Third week - 1200 kcal. I completely gave up legal eggs; if I eat meat, my body no longer accepts cottage cheese and yogurt, so it’s either meat or dairy products. True, I started eating 10 grams of dark chocolate a day because of the lack of sugar.

Now about how I feel: wonderful, easy and free. I don’t feel like eating at all, and in recent days I’ve even felt a little overeating. Apparently I need to reduce the number of foods I consume. I am not at all drawn to sweets, buns, cakes and other culinary delights. I don’t remember about sugar, although 3 weeks ago there was less sugar than 4 tsp. a glass of tea or coffee was perceived as an insult.

Now about the main thing. Results: in the first two weeks I lost 5 kg. -4 cm - in the waist, - 3 cm - in the hips, strange - but the chest remained the same, probably the body reacts this way. I feel great, I can handle the wild heat that we have in Riga, I don’t have time to exercise, and most importantly, the result is visible not only to me, but also to those around me.

So go for it. It’s easier to lose weight in the summer, and it’s easier with vegetables. I wish you success!

6. Anna 16.06.2016
PEOPLE! I'VE BEEN ON A DIET FOR THIRD WEEK, but I just read the comments. And I'm just panicking! The fact is that I stick to my diet quite strictly (I only ate fruit yoghurts, but even those within 3% fat content), but I salted my salads quite heavily. People who know, please advise, maybe I should stop adding salt to my food? and one more question, for 3 weeks you can eat fried meat, for example, beef cutlets, 1 egg and onion, fried in oil? (of course, within 300 grams) but something sounds strange for a diet, maybe I misunderstood something?

The good news is that you can eat it in unlimited quantities. But honestly, I doubt that after the first week I will be able to look at unsalted raw carrots, let alone really like all these vegetables. Please tell me, did any of those who have already gone through this diet have similar doubts?

8. Lady Di 26.03.2017
If you take into account the amount of calories you eat and are physically active, you can easily maintain an ideal shape at home. For example, you can take a standard set of sports equipment - dumbbells, a cardio machine, and that’s it! It's enough! I read here which cardio exercise machine to choose for your home, and now I have a mini-stepper and an exercise bike in my home.

9. Marakanka 20.10.2017
Girls, don't suffer from nonsense. You don’t need to count calories and hope for miracles from diets. Get your fat asses off the sofas and armchairs and go in for sports, jogging, cycling, or anything else, just don’t sit on your asses. This is the secret of being slim and beautiful figure and not how much more or less you eat, although you also need to monitor your nutrition, but movement is more important!