The deputies want to punch the footballer in the face. State Duma deputy proposed to "hit Zhirkov in the face"

Vice Speaker of the State Duma and a member of the executive committee of the Russian Football Union (RFU) Igor Lebedev proposed to “give in the face” the football player of the Russian national team and St. Petersburg “Zenith” Yuri Zhirkov after the team’s departure from the Confederations Cup. The proposal of the deputy from the Liberal Democratic Party was criticized by both colleagues and representatives of the football community.

On June 25, Lebedev accused Zhirkov and the goalkeeper of the national team Igor Akinfeev of the failure of the national team in the tournament on the air of Ekho Moskvy radio. Commenting on the removal of Zhirkov in the decisive game with the Mexican national team, the deputy said that "in the yard, they would have stuffed their faces for this." He expressed the same idea when talking with the correspondent of "".

Igor Lebedev, Vice Speaker of the State Duma:

- Zhirkov, a person with such rich experience and professionalism, has no right to receive two yellow cards in such a match. Like a man, in the locker room he needs to be punched in the face! He let the team down, you can't do that!

Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko stood up for Zhirkov and condemned Lebedev's words. According to Mutko, the footballer had a "brilliant" tournament, and Lebedev should not forget that he is a member of the executive committee of the RFU. The Minister admitted that action would be taken on this incident.

Vitaly Mutko, Minister of Sports of the Russian Federation:

- I do not rule out that we will give this case a move, but first you need to study all its circumstances. Yuri Zhirkov is a world-class player, and as for Lebedev, you need to behave like a man. Give in the face? Come and give, let's see what happens.

Lebedev's intentions were also skeptical about his fellow party member, judoka Dmitry Nosov.

Dmitry Nosov, prize-winner Olympic Games Judo:

- I'm ready to personally come, buy seats in the box and see how he "punches Zhirkov in the face." The man said, the man did. Let's see how Lebedev can keep his word.

He called on Lebedev to answer for his words and the State Duma deputy from United Russia, ex-boxer Nikolai Valuev.

IN football world Lebedev's statement was also reacted sharply. Former coach Russian national team and State Duma deputy Valery Gazzaev called Lebedev an "amateur", and his words "populism". A member of the executive committee of the RFU and chairman of the board of directors, Alexander Dyukov, considered Lebedev's statement unacceptable and provoking harassment. Zhirkov's teammate Artem Dzyuba ridiculed the words of the parliamentarian.

Artem Dziuba, footballer:

- Let him try! Let's see what happens.

The football players' union has already demanded that Lebedev apologize to Zhirkov. The RFU ethics committee told the R-Sport agency that it was possible to check Lebedev's words. The parliamentarian does not refuse his words and is sure that he expressed the opinion of the majority.

Igor Lebedev , Vice Speaker of the State Duma:

- I am sure that 90% of the members of the ethics committee at the time when Zhirkov received his second yellow card out of the blue and left the field, leaving our team of ten in the most difficult situation, experienced about the same feelings inside the soul. It's just that, due to certain circumstances, they cannot express this and cannot talk about it, but I found the courage to tell this whole truth.

At the same time, Lebedev admitted that he gave the comment “in the hearts” and was ready for reconciliation with the football player at a meeting of the ethics committee.


Igor Lebedev, member of the executive committee of the RFU and deputy chairman of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, positively assessed the game of the Russian national team, but harshly criticized the actions of individual players.

From the game of the Russian team left a very favorable impression, - said Lebedev. - Starting from the second half of the match with the Portuguese and ending with the removal. The guys' eyes lit up, I was able to renew and rejuvenate the team. It turns out that our guys also know how to run and play well. The main claim of recent years to the national team was that the guys do not run. So a lot of the players played great.

But the two most experienced players in the team, who have many games on the international stage behind them, had no right to make such mistakes that radically affected the outcome of the match.

As I said yesterday on emotions about Yura Zhirkov, I will not retract my words even now - in the yard they would have beaten his face for such things! When the fate of reaching the playoffs of a prestigious tournament is at stake, a player cannot behave in such an unprofessional manner. I believe that these two players (second - . - Note. "SE") spoiled the mood of 147 million people in our country.

Note that earlier Lebedev spoke somewhat differently. "Like a man, you have to punch him in the face in the locker room," the deputy said in an interview with

Igor LEBEDEV. Photo by Alexey IVANOV, "SE"


The day before, the Russian national team lost to the national team of Mexico in the final match group tournament Confederations Cup. This defeat did not allow the Russians to get into the playoffs of the tournament - from group A, the Portuguese and Mexicans got into the semi-finals.

Along with team captain Igor Akinfeev, midfielder Yuri Zhirkov became the anti-hero of the meeting. Footballer "Zenith" in the 68th minute in the fight with shrugged off the opponent, hitting him with an elbow in the face. Judge Fahad Al-Mirdasi from Saudi Arabia immediately showed the Russian a yellow card - it was his second. As a result, more than 20 minutes before the end of the game, the team of Stanislav Cherchesov, by that time already losing in the score (1:2), remained in the minority. The Russians, in order to get into the semi-finals of the home tournament, had to defeat the opponent. A draw suited them only in case of a victory over, but the European champions staged a rout in a parallel game - 4:0.

Igor AKINFEEV makes a fatal mistake. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"


Myself Zhirkov after the match, he shared his impressions, answering the question about his removal.

It was a good game, we had moments, we could even the score even after my removal, - said the Zenit player. Maybe a little unlucky.

- Did the team get nervous after the goals conceded?

I don’t know, they still tried to play their own football. Maybe my removal also affected in the end. Led the team.

- Is the red card fair?

I had no malicious intent to beat the opponent. I don't know yet, I'll have to watch the episode.

- In the locker room was some kind of analysis?

No, there was nothing.

Yuri ZHIRKOV leaves the field. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"


The head of the RFU ethics committee considers Lebedev's words about Zhirkov unacceptable.

It is very strange to hear such statements, - Andreev was indignant. - Moreover, Yuri was alone them from the best players match. Any violation of ethics must be considered, and gross - punished. Such words are unacceptable.

Footballers of the Russian national team after the match with Mexico. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"


The head of the All-Russian Trade Union of Football Players, Alexander Zotov, said that he plans to appeal to RFU President Vitaly Mutko and the RFU Ethics Committee in order to consider Lebedev's words.

Communication should take place within the limits of what is permitted, with some degree of respect. Yura is a well-deserved player with a good career, he has never been seen in any tricks, says Zotov. - Of course, we, as the trade union of football players, will respond to this, we will definitely turn to it.


Article 34 of the RFU ethics regulations provides for the following types of punishment for individuals: reprimand, fine, deprivation of won awards, disqualification for a certain time, number of matches or for life, as well as a ban on participation in any football activity. To consider the case, a written appeal to the committee of the president of the RFU or the executive committee of the RFU is necessary.

“Akinfeev cannot be the number one goalkeeper of the Russian national team, because two goals conceded in the match with Mexico are two of his frank mistakes.

You can't play professional football like that.

I spoke about the need to look for a replacement for Akinfeev even after the World Cup in Brazil, when all the goals conceded by the national team were the goalkeeper's mistakes. Today this situation is repeated. Yes, Igor has outbursts when he saves the team, but he has more negative efficiency, ”said Igor Lebedev, Vice Speaker of the State Duma, member of the executive committee of the Russian Football Union.

“The guys started the match well, they played the same way as the second half with the Portuguese. They attacked, hit on goal, Smolov had a great chance, but hit the post, Samedov scored, put pressure, went forward. Eyes on fire! Two blunders of the "old man" of the national team - and we fly out of the Confederations Cup, the fate of Cherchesov is in question, and 43 thousand Kazanians leave the stadium with tears in their eyes.

Zhirkov, a man with such rich experience and professionalism, has no right to receive two yellow cards in such a match.

Like a man, in the locker room he needs to be punched in the face! He let the team down, you can't do that! Both cards are not playing moments, but his unsportsmanlike, unprofessional behavior. Hold back! You are one of the most experienced players of the national team along with Akinfeev, you are old and have a huge number of international matches behind your back.

One allows mistakes, the other substitutes, and now the whole country will find fault with the guys who really fought. These two players spoiled all the “raspberries” for us, ”Championship” quotes Lebedev.

The national team of Russia, which played at the home Confederations Cup 2017, was the best football team of the Russian Federation for last years, said, in turn, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation and President of the RFU Vitaly Mutko.

The guys left everything they could on the field. Actually very good team. This work has been done, the guys tried. This is football. Before the match, I talked a lot with the fans, they support the team. We have a country that dreams, we believe in a dream, and I am the same. We want to see victories, but the Mexican team is one of the top ones, to be sure. This is a world class team. When we got the removal, there were no chances anymore, ”Mutko said.

"After goal scored Today I saw in the VIP box that there are caring fans who cried after the first goal. Those were the tears! I saw people in the box crying after a goal scored by the Russian national team. It is very costly. And there were those who gave in after the second ball of the Mexican national team, ”R-Sport quotes Mutko.

Mutko urged to support the team in every possible way, and not to criticize after the defeat.

“The Russian national team is flying home at one in the morning to their clubs, and the players will start preparing for the season. Team doors are open. We have today 60 Russian football players, from which we will choose,” said Mutko.

The Russian national team on Saturday lost to the Mexican team in the final match group stage Confederations Cup with a score of 1:2 and completed her performance at the tournament. After the game, striker Fedor Smolov could not hold back his tears.

“Fedya is a guy who has a dream, the same as that of millions of Russians. He wanted to make it happen. Fedya showed that he a real man And great sportsman. He'll prove it, trust me. He had a moment, he would have raised the ball a little, and he would have flown into the goal, ”Mutko is sure.

The President of the RFU also joked that you need to buy a watering can in order to water talented children, who will thus grow faster into football players for the Russian national team.

The Talent Search program runs until 2020. The program was developed and approved by the Russian Football Union on the basis of Russian legislation, the RFU Charter, and also as part of the implementation of the football development strategy in the Russian Federation.

“We have launched the Talent Search program, in September we will gather the best children in Russia, and we will make a (team) of them, but this requires 7-8 years, patience. You will need to buy a watering can and water them so that they grow faster, ”Mutko said with a laugh.

After the match, about 100 fans gathered near the hotel of the Russian team in Kazan to see off the players and thank them for the game.