Fitness bracelets for iPhone in Russian. Smart fitness bracelets for iPhone - how to choose the best tracker for iPhone

A healthy lifestyle is gaining more and more popularity and is becoming a kind of trend of our generation. It is not surprising that many manufacturers of modern gadgets have paid attention to such a niche. The so-called fitness bracelets are already known to many, but not everyone knows exactly what they are useful for and how to choose the right unusual technique.

One of interesting features newfangled gadget is compatibility with various operating systems that are used in smartphones.

One of the most popular is IOs, which was developed specifically for the most popular modern phone - the iPhone.


At the moment, there is still no single opinion on how necessary such a smart bracelet is. The fact is that by itself it will not give you energy and will not make you a more athletic and mobile person. The main feature of such a gadget is the ability to control the state of your body, as well as fix biorhythms and personal athletic growth. In other words, it is most suitable for those who need motivation and the ability to keep an accurate record of their achievements.

The gadget is also particularly compact and simple. Outwardly, it looks like a strict block bracelet, which is fastened with a strap around the wrist.

It could be compared with a classic watch, if not for the functional features that are noticeable at first glance at the screen.

The fact is that the main working part of any such bracelet is an accelerometer. Usually it is enough for the device to perform its main function. The accelerometer is a special sensor that determines the position of the gadget in space and the movements carried out by its carrier. The processing of the data thus obtained takes place on your smartphone, on which the necessary software is installed. More advanced modern models do not need an additional "base" and have their own program.

The idea of ​​counting steps, meters walked, calories burned and other data based on pre-specified height and weight is far from new. The fact is that any modern smartphone, and even more so the latest iPhone model, can perform similar functions after installing the necessary program, since it already has its own accelerometer.

However, the bracelet has an indisputable advantage - it is attached to the hand. The same smartphone, if you use it as an alternative to such a gadget, you will have to constantly keep somewhere with you during exercise. Agree that running and jumping with a massive phone in your pocket or hand will be very inconvenient, and you shouldn’t talk about swimming at all. Again, most fitness gadgets have a rubberized casing or a solid silicone base that makes them resistant to water.

Many may notice that so-called smart watches, such as the "Apple Watch", are a great alternative.

Most models are also resistant to moisture and, among other things, have great functionality, so all that remains is to install on them special program. But compared to any modern fitness bracelet, such a watch loses. They are more expensive, cumbersome, and additional functionality like a browser and telephony is most often unnecessary for someone who is interested in strictly defined tasks of a sports gadget.

Of course, if you already have a smart watch on the IOs platform, then you can save a lot, because you just need to download and install the necessary program. However, please note that many fitness bracelet models display much more accurate data regarding the distance traveled per day, calories burned, and sleep adjustment. As for functionality, many of these handheld devices can also display the time and be equipped with a convenient organizer.

An overview of one of the most popular bracelets is in the next video.


As mentioned earlier, one of the advantages of a fitness bracelet is its compact shape and size. The classic version of the gadget is approximately 42 mm long and 38 mm wide. It is a rectangular block with a small screen or LED sensors under a silicone base that display the desired data. Usually, these dimensions are enough for you to be able to view the number of calories burned per day or the distance traveled during a workout.

Of course, there are completely different models of sports gadgets, because this area of ​​production does not stand still. Dimensions of the device may vary depending on its capabilities and functions. There are, for example, models that resemble watches, as they are equipped with a fairly large round screen. In addition to the data standard for such a gadget, it can display the current time and date, various alerts and notifications, an alarm clock, and much more.


One of the main characteristics of any fitness bracelet is its ergonomics and compactness. Again, if we compare such a gadget with smart watch, then there are no prominent parts and corners on it. There are models that look like a solid silicone strap, inside of which all the technical “stuffing” is sewn, and the data is displayed using light diodes on the front surface.

A frequently encountered female version of the gadget is a bright strap made of high-quality silicone, which has a slight thickening on the working surface and a power button on the inside.

hallmark this device is very light and nice appearance, thanks to which it gives the impression of an unobtrusive accessory.

Men's fitness bracelet design is more strict. Black wide straps or models that resemble wristwatches are popular. A good example is the series "Sony smart watch" compatible with any iPhone model. This model has a strict rectangular screen, and straps of soft light and dark colors can be made not only from traditional silicone, but also from leather or metal.

In addition to design, when choosing a bracelet, you need to pay attention to its functionality and quality.

For example, you can purchase a gadget that will be equipped not only with a standard pedometer, but also with a mass of additional features like sending and reading SMS, notifications, smart alarm clock and others. But in such models, as a rule, a significant drawback is hidden in the battery, so in working condition such a bracelet can last 3-4 hours at most.

Remember that the main advantage of fitness bracelets is the clear and precise performance of basic tasks. Based on this, you should choose a gadget that will have a strict set of functions you need and the ability to transfer data to your iPhone, and not replace it.


The features that a sports gadget has vary depending on its model and price category. Currently, expensive bracelets no longer resemble standard fitness trackers, since they have such a vast number of features that they almost replace a full-fledged iPhone or smart watch.

First of all, we are interested in compatibility with the IOs operating system. This allows your bracelet to easily connect to your iPhone using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi technology. Most current models support the new IOs 8, but can also be compatible with older 5s, 6s and 7s. Of course, many models are limited to simply counting steps, calories and distances, so they can even be deprived of an LED screen, transferring all the data to a smartphone, but more solid gadgets will open up a new look for you in sports.

The minimum equipment of your smart bracelet is an accelerometer.

Even cheap and simple gadgets that are compatible with your iPhone that do not include a screen or LEDs can count the number of steps taken per day, the total distance traveled, and also calculate the calories burned based on these data.

Another important feature that no smartwatch or phone can provide is a vibration alarm clock on your hand. More advanced bracelet models are able to calculate and remember your sleep phases. Thus, if you need to get up for work, for example, at 8 o'clock in the morning, then the bracelet can wake you up between 7:30 and 8:00 in the morning, if it considers that the sleep phase at this time is more convenient for you. Such an awakening is much easier and more pleasant.

Located on the inside of the strap, the sensor provides more than just vibration, which is a great tool for alarms or notifications.

In addition, most of the bracelets have a built-in heart rate monitor, which will allow you to monitor your health while exercising.

All of the above features, to which you can add charging the bracelet's power supply from a USB connector, can be considered a standard set that is included in the functionality of any such gadget. In addition, depending on the model, there may be a lot of additional features, such as notifications about calls and SMS received on the iPhone. There are also fitness bracelets that can be detached from the strap and used as a Bluetooth headset for making phone calls.

Which to choose

Purchasing a fitness bracelet can be quite a big step. Such a gadget can be not only a practical attribute for sports, but also be considered as a stylish accessory. Given the price of most models, it is still worth paying attention to some details:

  • Fitness bracelets in the category up to 5000 rubles may have such a price due to low quality. Of course, many models are available only because their functionality is limited to a pedometer. However, pay attention to the quality of the strap and case, and also take an interest in the features of the nutrient element. The fact is that many cheap fitness bracelets are not equipped with USB charging and will require battery replacement after some time;
  • Always base on the features you need. If you need a simple measurement of the distance traveled, counting calories and a smart alarm clock that will monitor sleep phases, then you should not buy a full-fledged smartphone replacement that can be used as a headset for calls;
  • The strap and case play an important role. On many bracelets, the main active element is removable. So you can independently purchase a new strap, for example, from Hoco, which will fully satisfy your sense of style;
  • Always check the compatibility of the model you like with your iPhone.


By itself, the gadget does not need a lot of additional wires. It is quite compact and may only require recharging, unless it is a model with a disposable replaceable battery. That is why a special USB cable is always included with the gadget, with the help of which it is connected and recharged.

In addition, bracelets can often be stored in special cases that prevent them from damage. This is especially true for sports gadgets that can be used as a clip and attached to clothing.

If you want to go the extra mile with style and quality, you can get any Belkin case that looks great with your wristband and iPhone.

How to connect

Binding your new bracelet to the iPhone may differ depending on which gadget model you have chosen. Generally, general principle This procedure is the same for everyone and does not cause any difficulties.

First of all, you will need to download and install the software necessary for the bracelet on your smartphone.

It differs depending on the manufacturer, so you can find the name or a link to the store in the AppStore in the instructions or on the company's website.

After installing the software on your iPhone, you will need to run it and create your own account, which contains all the metric data such as your height and weight. After that, you can start binding the bracelet using the appropriate menu in the program.

How to change

Some fitness bracelets do not have the ability to recharge and last for about a year. And all because they are powered by standard "flat" batteries, most often of the CR1632 type. To replace the nutrient element, follow the instructions below:

  • Purchase two batteries of the type used in your bracelet in advance. Such information can be clarified in the instructions or on the manufacturer's website;
  • Remove the main working module from the strap or open the bottom panel;
  • Unscrew the fixing bolts on the bottom surface of the module;
  • Carefully separate the top and bottom of the gadget so that the silicone gasket between them does not move or fall out;
  • Replace the batteries and reassemble the main module.

These and other questions are of interest to those who want to acquire a fitness assistant. In this article, we will look at models that can suit both a complete beginner and professional athlete. And also find out: do you really need this gadget? Will it collect dust in the closet after purchase?

New fitness trackers 2019

In this category of goods, expensive does not necessarily mean good, and cheap means bad. On the contrary, a beginner can not spend money on a model that is too expensive and take what is cheaper. And over time, if necessary, replace it with a bracelet with more functionality.

What is a fitness bracelet and what is it for?

Before buying a tracker, you should understand: what is it and why do you need a fitness bracelet? What functions does it perform and how can it help? The smart bracelet contains a mini laboratory that is set up to motivate you to lead a healthy lifestyle. This applies not only physical training, but also sleep patterns, nutrition, the amount of fluid you drink per day, and even stress levels.

Before you decide to purchase this sports assistant, consider: do you really need it? Is it worth spending money on a product that will then lie dead weight?

I have identified the main characteristics by which you can determine - why do you need a fitness bracelet? If you are interested in at least one of them, then feel free to get yourself this gadget.

  • Bracelet keeps track of rest and meals. Thus, you can set the right daily routine
  • Eat right wake up function when the tracker wakes you up gradually in the phase of sleep that is more conducive to getting up in the morning. Sleep is an important part of the health of our body, set it up and always get up on the wrong foot
  • Pulse measurement. A great feature for those who are jogging or about to start. Better late than never
  • Monitors activity and counts calories burned. Some models can make graphs of how much you move per day and give you activity recommendations. IMPORTANT: to receive this data, you need to wear a bracelet on yourself
  • Counts steps and measures distance traveled
  • On some models, you can send data to your phone or computer to keep track of your own chart by indicators

What is an accelerometer in a fitness bracelet?

An accelerometer or G-sensor is a built-in sensor that can be used to track steps, heart rate, distance, and changes in human activity. For example, some bracelets are equipped with a function that notifies you that you are overstayed and it would be time to walk. All this thanks to the accelerometer.

But also in some devices you can find a gyroscope. Many people think that this is the same G-sensor, but this is not entirely true. Unlike the accelerometer, the gyroscope determines the change in the angle of the device in relation to the ground. Thus, the gadget can distinguish whether you are running, cycling, fitness or just walking.

Video explains what is accelerometer and gyroscope in simple terms

Some models are equipped with both sensors, which significantly expands the functionality and usefulness of such gadgets. By the way, the control of heroes or cars in games on a smartphone is also carried out using an accelerometer or a gyroscope.

If you want to improve your life, become active and cheerful, lead correct mode sleep and nutrition, then this gadget will definitely suit you. Feel free to choose the model that suits you best. Now let's move on to the main part of the article and see fitness bracelets in different price categories.

How to choose a fitness bracelet? Best for Android andiOS

Let's see which models in 2019 deserve our attention. By the way, I want to note that not only fitness bracelets will be presented here, but also, in which you can also find important functions for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

Xiaomi Band 4 vs Honor Band 4 comparison, which is better?

Fitness trackers up to 3000 rubles

The most inexpensive, but at the same time far from good models, are more suitable for those who just want to be healthy and active. For a beginner, any of the following options is ideal. Each of them has the most necessary functionality. Such a bracelet will become a real assistant in active and sports life its owner.

Xiaomi mi band 2 is a fitness bracelet at a super price!

If someone asked me which fitness tracker I can recommend to a beginner, I would answer without hesitation - XIAOMI MI Band 2. And not only because it is a budget, but at the same time a high-quality model. And because, firstly, it has all the necessary functionality. And secondly, watch straps can be changed, which will not allow you to get bored with the gadget.

The device connects to your smartphone via bluetooth and will notify you of new messages and calls with a slight vibration. It will help to measure the number of steps, sleep patterns, and CORRECTLY and pleasantly wake up after sleep. With XIAOMI your morning will be good!


  • English language
  • Waterproof hull (but you can't swim in it)
  • Touch screen
  • Compatible with android and ios
  • High autonomy, about 20 days of wear without recharging due to a 70 mAh battery
  • There are male and female models as well a lot of inexpensive replacement straps

Video review of Mi Band 2 after six months of use

Even more budget option XIAOMI mi band 1S with measurement heart rate . An excellent model for those who are not ready to spend more than 1000 rubles on a gadget.

Xiaomi mi band 3 is the latest novelty from the Chinese brand

A new generation fitness tracker from a well-known manufacturer. How is band 3 different from previous models? Firstly, the OLED display catches the eye, but in which you can track all the information without entering the mobile application.

In addition, manufacturers decided to improve the shape of the bracelet, which fits the wrist more tightly and precisely. This makes wearing the bracelet more comfortable and less noticeable. The novelty has several additional functions, for example, a three-day weather forecast. The tracker received higher water protection. Now you can take a shower and even dive to a depth of 50 meters without removing the bracelet from your hand.


  • Waterproof (you can take a shower and dive to a depth of 50 m)
  • Alarm
  • Calorie counter
  • Battery capacity: 110mAh
  • Touch screen
  • Hypoallergenic silicone strap

Mi Band 3 review main features and is it worth taking?

Fitness bracelet

Smart watch-original from not a little-known company Lenovo. The model is equipped with a touch screen and a silicone strap. Holds a charge for about 7 days. This bracelet will remind you of important things by starting to vibrate on your hand. Thus, you will not miss anything even in a noisy place.

Concerning "healthy things":

  • control heart beats
  • number of steps
  • distance traveled per day
  • time and quality of sleep


  • Waterproof (cannot be intentionally immersed in water)
  • Notifications for incoming calls and messages
  • Compatible with android and ios, mobile app
  • Battery capacity: 85 mAh, 7 days without recharging
  • Touch screen
  • Silicone strap

An honest review of the Lenovo HW01 fitness bracelet

G18S - wrist smart bracelet with color screen

Another inexpensive model of a fitness bracelet, the price of which is less than two thousand. The functionality is about the same as in the samples above. The only thing that sets the G18S apart is the large, color touch screen. Well, an unsurpassed design, made in five colors: orange, purple, black, blue and turquoise.


  • Smart alarm clock
  • Waterproof (not intentionally wet)
  • Compatible with android and apple
  • Battery 65 mAh
  • English language
  • Pedometer, heart rate measurement, new call and message notifications, healthy sleep monitoring
  • Mobile application with bluetooth connection

Huawei honor band3 - bracelet for swimming

This model is great for sports life! First, the case is completely waterproof, which is great for swimming. Secondly, many buyers say that this particular model can claim first place among the price category up to 3 thousand.

In addition, the gadget will delight you with battery life for 45 days! It's simple record number. And if you add an elegant and convenient design to everything, then there is no doubt - it’s worth taking.


  • Waterproof (can be submerged up to 50 meters deep)
  • Compatible with android, ios mobile app
  • Notifications for incoming calls and messages
  • Health tracker: pedometer, heart rate monitor. sleep monitoring
  • Battery capacity: 100mAh
  • Design in three colors: black, orange, blue

Watch the video about which is better Honor Band 3 or Mi Band 3?

The best fitness bracelets from 3000 to 5000 rubles

In this category, trackers have new features that will undoubtedly suit both a trained athlete and a person who is just starting to lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

Moov Now fitness tracker

That's what, and MOOV is really a sports gadget. With this fitness bracelet, you can collect detailed graphs of your activity and sleep patterns. It is also a good option for swimmers as it is completely waterproof.

This model is very popular among those who monitor their health and lead a sporty lifestyle. All thanks to accurate indicators, scheduling, as well as an affordable price for everyone.


  • The charge will last up to six months due to the lack of a screen
  • Waterproof (submersible up to 3 meters)
  • Distinguishes between sports (for example, swimming or running)
  • Compatible: android, ios
  • The kit includes an adjustable wrist and ankle bracelet (for example, for cyclists)
  • A very advanced mobile application. Allows you to record your data in the form of detailed graphs, give voice prompts and training scenarios, calculate heart rate, calories burned and much more
  • The downside is that the entire interface is in English
  • Sleep monitoring. The bracelet is very light, so it is comfortable to sleep in it.
  • 3 colors for choice: black, green, red

Video overview of the ecosystem Moov Now

Smart watch Excelvan K88H

At first glance, you might think that this is an ordinary mechanical watch. In fact, this is a good classic smart gadget. In addition to the fitness tracker, here you can find the function of dialing a number, answering a call or a message, an alarm clock, a calculator, a stopwatch, and also Siri for Apple.


  • RAM: 64 MB
  • Built-in memory: 128 MB
  • Health tracking: heart rate, pedometer, activity, sleep
  • Remote control: camera, music
  • Call and message notifications
  • Compatible with android and ios
  • There is a Russian language and a few more
  • Strap material: stainless steel model with leather strap)
  • Case material: metal
  • Screen size: 1.2 inches
  • Resolution: 240*240
  • There are two designs to choose from black and silver

Aiwatch C5 smart watch with anti-sweat strap

This smart gadget, in addition to monitoring sleep, a pedometer and a heart rate monitor, it also performs important functions. For example, you can answer calls or dial a number using the watch. The tracker will tell you the weather conditions and UV radiation dangerous to your health.

Ergonomic design and natural silicone strap will help keep your hand from sweating under the watch. Also, this model has a metal body and a 1.22 inch anti-scratch touch screen.


  • Processor: MTK2502
  • Compatible with android and ios
  • There are several languages, including English and Russian
  • Built-in battery: 300mAh
  • Smartphone camera remote control
  • Bluetooth, mp3, photo, video, voice recorder
  • Call and message notifications
  • Sleep monitoring, pedometer, heart rate monitor
  • There are five colors to choose from: watermelon, blue, black, white, light green

It turns out Aiwatch C5 is an analogue of Apple Watch 2

SSN DM09+ watch with front camera and sim card

Another super smart watch model from our Chinese friends. The metal case and silicone strap look stylish and catchy on the hand of its owner. The gadget can be used without a phone, as it has a slot for a SIM card.

It runs on Android OS, has a large menu with many functions, including a fitness tracker.


  • Processor: MTK6260A
  • Compatibility: android and ios
  • External and internal memory: 128 MB and 64 MB
  • Screen size: 1.54 inch IPS HD LCD screen
  • Resolution: 240*240
  • Battery capacity: 300mAh
  • Front camera: 0.3 MP
  • There is a Russian language and a few more

Smart watches from 5000 to 10000 rubles

For those who prefer more expensive gadgets with more features, there are good smartwatch models from a variety of manufacturers. Why is it best to spend money on an expensive model? Firstly, they always have additional functionality to meet a variety of needs, and secondly, friends and work colleagues will envy you. Of course, white envy :)

Fitness bracelet Sony SmartBand 2

Fitness tracker with a set of basic functions that keep a complete log of your active life. The most important feature of this bracelet is a periodic heartbeat count. That is, not only at the moment when you press the button to count the pulse, but for 24 hours, every 10 minutes.

You can easily control music from your smartphone or tablet using the bracelet. He will also be able to wake you up in the morning in a phase of sleep that is favorable for you. The tracker will track the level of stress and will be able to give the necessary recommendations to improve your health.

Another cool feature is that you will never lose your phone or tablet. The bracelet starts to vibrate if the device moves away from it by 10 meters.


  • Battery capacity: 70mAh
  • Compatibility: android, ios
  • Music control
  • Body material: plastic
  • Strap material: silicone (may cause allergic reactions, allergy sufferers should not take)
  • Can store your data for two days
  • Two colors to choose from: white and black

Video review Sony Smart Band 2

This device performs several functions at once. First, this digital clock V classical style Secondly, a fitness tracker. And thirdly, a wireless bluetooth headset.

You can remove the headset from the case and, using a special attachment for fastening, put it in your ear. It can be accessed very easily by pressing two side keys. The charge with long conversations holds about two days. If used without a bluetooth connection, it will last all five days.


  • Compatible with android and ios
  • It has a very clear mobile application with many features and functions
  • It has a completely Russian and understandable interface
  • Black and white screen, which allows the battery to last as long as possible
  • Smart alarm clock, pedometer, heart rate monitor
  • Call and message notification
  • Detachable bluetooth headset
  • Battery capacity: 95mAh

Review of the fitness tracker TalkBand B2

Samsung Gear Fit 2 smart watch from the best manufacturer

You can often hear the question, which fitness bracelet to choose for android? The answer is obvious, of course Samsung Gear Fit2. Why? Yes, because he is simply magnificent in his performance!

Elegant and high-quality design, you can immediately see that the thing is expensive. GPS fitness - you can leave your smartphone at home and have a great workout light. Calculate your heart rate, number of steps and calories burned. And he will also check the effectiveness of the exercises done, in terms of quality and quantity.

This smart watch from the well-known Samsung company is able to distinguish between sports, for example, cycling from running. Thus, you get more accurate data on your activity. 4 GB of built-in memory allows you to download music and enjoy it during training.


  • Compatible with android and IOS (not lower than iphone 5)
  • Battery capacity: 200mAh
  • Operating time in normal mode 3-4 days, with GPS up to 9 hours
  • Built-in memory 4 GB
  • Water and dust protection
  • Curved 1.5 inch screen
  • Screen Resolution: 216*432
  • 16 million colors

Video review: impressions of the Samsung Gear Fit 2 fitness bracelet

As you can see, the choice is quite huge. I have reviewed all models that have positive reviews and popularity in the market. I hope everyone can understand how to choose a fitness bracelet for themselves after reading the article.

I greet everyone who stopped their eyes on the blog of the project "On the Edge". Traditionally, I touch on certain aspects of life, as well as those products that accompany these aspects. Fitness bracelets for Iphone are in the center of current attention.

Indeed, it is quite difficult to find a type of activity where certain equipment or devices are not required, even clothes can be designed specifically for some kind of activity.

The largest selection of fitness bracelets for iPhones and Android devices on Ali Express!

I am sure that any of you who started doing, for example, jogging in the morning, will definitely come across the need to buy a comfortable sports shoes, clothing that would allow air to circulate freely, etc. The same applies to fitness bracelets, which are gradually gaining more and more popularity.

You must have met in Everyday life people with plastic bands on their wrists. At the same time, it does not have to be a gym or treadmill- such people can be found even in a business setting, office and other places that have absolutely nothing to do with sports. It is impossible to say that they are quite aesthetic and emphasize the style of a person, then a completely reasonable question arises - what is it, why are they needed at all and what function do they perform? Well, let's take a closer look.

Fitness bracelet for Iphone - fashion for health

The era when the representatives of the weaker sex valued in men a certain rebelliousness, indifference to public opinion and other qualities that betrayed a sort of "bad boy" is gradually fading into oblivion. Now there is a real fashion for healthy lifestyle life and all that goes with it. This is not surprising, because seeing a person next to you who takes care of himself and his body is much more pleasant than some elderly rocker in a leather jacket and with a bottle of beer. The comparison, of course, is a bit sketchy, but the message of the statement is quite clear.

Naturally, a sports lifestyle presupposes the presence of certain gadgets, which, although not essential, are an unconditional benefit and convenience. Accessories such as smart bracelets for fitness are a real know-how of the latest in the field of sports life.

Fitness bracelets are worn on a person's hand in the pulse area, exercising control over the work of the heart. Seeing the readings of the device, a person can independently decide to reduce the load, or change the intensity of training, which significantly increases their effectiveness, and also reduces the load on the body.

This is far from the only function that a smart bracelet performs or, as it is also called, a fitness tracker. There are quite a lot of different models with certain functionality embedded in their system. Accordingly, they all have their own characteristics and differences, which form their individuality.

In order for you to be able to fully appreciate them, I will try to make a certain comparison of bracelets, indicating their main "chips" and purpose.

Bracelets with alarm clock and heart rate monitor

A fitness bracelet with a heart rate monitor will not only help you control your heartbeat, but also wake you up in the morning. Of course, the alarm clock is a very controversial thing, many people hate it because it makes us get up from a cozy and warm bed, going to work and other things, but, you see, this is simply a necessary device. And if you consider that the design of such a bracelet contains not an ordinary alarm clock, but a smart one, then this seems to be an additional plus.

Many of you might be surprised to think that I'm exaggerating when I call the alarm clock "smart". We are all used to the fact that he makes his little pleasant sounds that wake us up at a strictly defined time, which we set ourselves.

This device operates in a slightly different way. While you sleep, the alarm monitors your postures, determines the phases of sleep, etc. Then, he himself determines the moment when he will work, having studied the state of your body, or rather, the degree of how much you rested.

At the same time, not a nasty tinkle is heard, but only a soft and relaxed vibration. Of course, if you need to get up at a strictly defined time, then you should not rely on such an alarm clock, but the functionality of the device itself deserves increased attention to itself.

Blood pressure tracker

There are fitness bracelets equipped not only with a heart rate monitor, but also with a device that measures blood pressure in a person. Of course, such a mechanism cannot be considered a full-fledged replacement for a tonometer, because it can have a rather large measurement error, but it was not originally planned as a medical device. However, it cannot be said that this is an absolutely useless function in the bracelet, because it allows you to determine the minimum and maximum values blood pressure, and this is very important in the process of physical activity.

Such bracelets can also read other information related to medical topics. In particular, they determine the percentage of adipose tissue in the human body, sugar levels, respiratory rate, etc. However, the accuracy of these measurements should not mislead you - it is quite approximate.

Fitness bracelet with pedometer

Most smart bracelets have a step counting function that allows you to create individual training systems and weight loss programs. Special sensors record the number of steps you have taken, as well as how many calories have been burned as a result. At the same time, the person himself sets the norm for the day, which must be achieved. As soon as the result is achieved, your bracelet happily announces this with a special signal. If you are lazy, then even here the bracelet reminds of itself - it emits a vibration, as if hinting to you that you are idle and do not complete tasks.

How to connect a fitness bracelet to iPhone

In general, absolutely all fitness bracelets work with two types of electronic devices - with a smartphone or a computer. In the current era, when the Iphone has ceased to be a luxury item, but has become a completely ordinary gadget that almost everyone goes with - from a teenager studying at school to a respectable businessman with a couple of oil rigs.

Fitness bracelets for Iphone operate according to the following principle. The fitness tracker has special sensors that record certain parameters of human activity. After that, they transmit this information via Bluetooth to a special . Of course, you need to download and install it first so that you can manage all the functionality that is included in the smart bracelet.

After installing the application, you must configure the main parameters on it, indicating those goals that are mandatory for execution during the day. On the bracelet itself, a time indicator or other information about the current process will be displayed.

Absolutely all the statistics of your activities for the day will be displayed on your iPhone: what loads did you bother yourself with, how many distances were covered, how many calories were burned, as well as how much sleep you had and how good this dream was. In fact, this is the same fitness trainer who analyzes your performance, and then determines the program of your workouts that help keep your body in good condition.

Another similarity with a full-fledged coach will be the constant motivation of you to action. Of course, the trainer in the gym does this more convincingly (even with physical assault in places), but the reminder from the bracelet also makes you increase the pace, move more, etc.

What to choose from?

Manufacturers of smart bracelets are well aware that the vast majority of people use two operating systems in mobile devices - iOS and Android. It is not surprising that they are trying to make devices that would support both operating systems, and not just one. We are more interested in bracelets that sync with an iPhone, so the fact that they also support Android is not of decisive importance to us.

So, you are a happy owner of an iPhone and, by a lucky chance, you are actively involved in sports. You have an idea in your head to buy a fitness bracelet compatible with your smartphone. Well, the desire is quite understandable, so I, with your permission, will present a kind of rating of such devices, based on the data that I received on the Internet. Naturally, I cannot try them all on in order to make pathos statements, such as “I experienced it the hard way”, etc. But even the data that is in the public domain is quite enough for a comparative assessment.

What should be a fitness bracelet - basic requirements

Before proceeding to the list of brands, there are several aspects that shape the quality and demand for smart bracelets. There are several of them:

  • Reported monitoring values ​​must be accurate or with minor errors.
  • If possible, the bracelet should be synchronized with several operating systems.
  • The device must have a sufficiently powerful battery so that you can not be distracted by recharging.
  • A mobile application for working with it should be as clear as possible, without unnecessary troubles.
  • The bracelet should have at least minimal protection against moisture. Of course, only a few models from manufacturers can fully function in the water, but at least protection from raindrops or showers must be present.
  • The presence of an LED panel, which would reflect various information.
  • Discreet design, in this case, will only be welcomed.

Manufacturers of fitness bracelets

The presence of the above points is not mandatory, but if they are, then such a fitness bracelet will rightfully claim the title of the best in this segment. In general, choose best fitness tracker is quite difficult, because there are quite a lot of devices comparable in quality and functionality, so it is rather difficult to give the palm to someone.

Bracelet X iaomi Mi Band

This device works with iPhone, as well as with smartphones that support the Android axis. Among its advantages, I would like to note its elegant appearance, made in black and other colors. Its design is notable for the fact that it will look advantageous on both men and women. In short, a kind of "unisex".

But such devices are not valued for their appearance. In particular, MiBand can last almost a month without recharging, which is a very worthy indicator. Among its functions there is a pedometer and a sensor for recording calories burned, i.e. those main aspects that characterize a quality fitness bracelet.

In addition, in its "stuffing" there is a sensor of your sleep, which allows you to monitor your awakening. There is also protection against moisture, but I still do not recommend swimming with it for pearls to a depth. With all its merits, its cost is about 1500 rubles, which is just a ridiculous price compared to other fitness trackers.

I would like to point out the Jawbone UP24, which has a laconic design that suits not only a sporty lifestyle, but also a business style. It also contains a pedometer function, calorie counting sensors, in a word, all the essential components of a high-quality fitness bracelet.

There is also a smart alarm system that reflects information on the iPhone about how much you slept, what time, etc. The charge lasts about a week, which is not very much when compared with the previous "Chinese", but the cost will be an order of magnitude higher - about 5-6 thousand rubles.

In general, with regard to Chinese fitness bracelets, their quality is getting higher every year. Despite the fact that we are all used to being very skeptical about Chinese electronics, practice shows that fitness trackers released in the Middle Kingdom are no worse than branded models. I don't think it's necessary to mention that they cost even less. Of course, you can’t call them ideal devices, but in terms of price-quality ratio, they will give odds to any expensive models.

On this thoughtful note, I will end my story today. I hope that my efforts were of at least some interest to you and, what the hell is not joking, I helped you at least a little in choosing a fitness bracelet for your iPhone. In principle, any choice is purely individual, so all possible ratings and reviews can only play an exploratory role, so that a person understands the pros and cons of individual devices. It's the same story with fitness trackers, so study, read and analyze - this is the only way you can make the right choice.

Until we meet again, friends, on the pages!

In contact with

Fitness bracelets for IOS are multifunctional electronic devices that are equipped with various sensitive sensors. Thanks to them, the user can monitor the state of his body. Using the bracelet, you can receive data on the frequency of contraction of the heart muscle, track sleep phases, calculate the number of calories burned and steps taken. Some models can send notifications of incoming calls and messages through a vibration or sound signal.

The case of an iPhone fitness bracelet is usually made of aluminum or other metal, and the strap, the length of which can be adjusted, is made of rubber, silicone, plastic or leather. The gadget is equipped with a Bluetooth module, thanks to which it is connected to a mobile device.

The IOS-compatible fitness bracelet is powered by its own lithium-ion or lithium-polymer battery. When fully charged, it provides 168 hours of continuous operation of the device. Charging is replenished from an external source via the microUSB port, this process takes about 2 hours.

Fitness bracelets with IOS support are available in different colors and designs, so the user can always choose an accessory that matches the style.

Where to buy a fitness bracelet for IOS?

Fitness bracelets for iPhone at an affordable price are presented in the catalog of the Eldorado online store. Making a purchase and tracking its status takes place online in personal account, which is available to all registered on the site. Delivery is carried out in Moscow and other cities of Russia.

Let's figure out which fitness bracelet for IPhone will be the best and most convenient, regardless of price and manufacturer. The range of prices turned out from 2 to 22 thousand.

The top includes pedometer bracelets for Iphone and smart watches with sports functions.

The main task of fitness trackers is to eliminate the need to take a smartphone with you to the gym or for a run. Despite all sorts of pockets and holders, a smartphone in training is an extra thing. When choosing a top, we proceed from the fact that during training you only have a smart watch or a tracker with you, which you can synchronize with your iPhone.

The parameters by which we built this top are as follows:

  • Compatibility with the latest software versions. Some trackers are set up exclusively to interact with Android, while under other software they have limited functionality. This is a significant moment, because the tracker's own screen is small, internal memory is limited. Interaction with a smartphone is not necessary, but highly desirable - you can view detailed statistics, track tracks, get advice from a personal trainer and nutritionist, and view detailed health indicators. The top does not include bracelets that do not have adaptation to Iphone software.
  • It is very important that a fitness bracelet compatible with Iphone has a built-in heart rate monitor and moisture protection. The heart rate monitor helps to obtain information about the health of the cardiovascular system, recommendations for training are based on the readings of the heart rate monitor. Heart rate monitor readings during sleep help assess general state organism.
  • The need for moisture protection is obvious. From sports hall we get into the shower or into the pool. Having to remove your smartwatch each time will cause it to get lost or damaged.
  • The presence of a GPS module is desirable, but not critical. The energy consumption for satellite communication is significant, which reduces battery life. For the formation of full-fledged statistics, it is desirable that the fitness tracker for Iphone is not removed from the hand for at least a few days.

For the reasons listed above, the wonderful Samsung Charm model, which does not have moisture protection, the super-stylish but lacking a heart rate monitor Moov Now, Withings Go, and the amazingly designed ASUS ZenWatch 3 model, did not make it to the top. In the latter case, the small battery capacity of the device also became a minus. ASUS ZenWatch 3 will have to be charged every day, while the best trackers go without recharging up to 20 days.

Apple Watch Series 2 38mm Sport Band

The best smart watch for iPhone, weighing only 28 grams. They sit comfortably on the hand, have a battery life of 3-5 days. Screen protection is no worse than other models, plus a comfortable wide bumper.

Monitor OLED, 1.33", bright, with good overview and a wide range of watch faces and sport modes.

Among the unique advantages of this particular device are excellent interaction with Siri artificial intelligence, recognition of voice commands without the slightest problem, the ability to use Apple Pay. That is, you can buy a bottle of water while jogging just from your watch.

Apple Watch Sport Band receives SMS, calls, social media messages.

The interface is clear and pleasant, gestures are supported.

GPS is available, tracks are being written, activity and dynamics are being monitored.

The WR50 moisture protection level allows you to do more than just wash your hands and go into the shower. You can even swim with this watch.

Significantly, the Apple Watch Sport Band is in principle not compatible with any other operating system other than iOS, at least without additional flashing and loss of some of the functions.

The price of the gadget is about 20 thousand, which is a bit much for this functionality, but there is an additional payment for the "firm". If you're an Apple fan, your Iphone smartwatch is just the Apple Watch Sport Band. In fact, you have no other choice. Can choose different variants performance, from standard sports to classic, with a leather strap and a steel case.

Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is recognized as the best fitness bracelet

The weight of this gadget is only 7 grams. Xiaomi Mi Band 2 has the most comfortable and reliable strap. This is very important for a fitness bracelet that is worn for a long time without taking it off. The price is around 1500 rubles.

The screen is monochrome, made using OLED technology. Most of the time the screen is off to save power. When you press the control button, all the necessary information is displayed on the screen, including the time.

Waterproof according to IP67 standard - you can swim and take a shower, there is an excellent heart rate monitor with a lot of training modes, sleep monitoring, calorie control, steps, activity. The information collected by Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is best viewed from a smartphone through a special free fitness application. The iPhone version is also free and unlimited. Basic control is more conveniently performed via a smartphone.

The functionality of Xiaomi Mi Band 2 falls short of smart watch and even the GPS tracker is missing, but Xiaomi Mi Band 2 - best pedometer for Iphone with a high-quality heart rate monitor and sleep monitoring.

The battery life of Xiaomi Mi Band 2 is about 20 days. On this moment is the most reliable fitness bracelet in existence.

Xiaomi AmazFit

This gadget in terms of functionality is quite capable of competing with the Apple Watch Sport Band.

Xiaomi AmazFit is the most beautiful sports accessory of 2018. The price of the gadget is about 7000 rubles.

There is a 320/300 pixel rounded touch monitor, 1.34 inches, OLED, Gorilla Glass protection, oleophobic coating. Water protection IP67, but the manufacturer removed swimming from the available 12 fitness programs. However, shower or rain, washing hands and short-term immersion, Xiaomi AmazFit can withstand without problems.

The design of the screen is configured through a smartphone, in the future, switching between screens is performed by swipes. Information about the pulse, loads, mileage, calories is available. The GPS module records the route when exercising outside the home.

The watch receives messages, SMS, notifies you of calls. There is a "do not disturb" mode.

The battery life is about 5 days with the tracker turned off and 2 days with the tracker turned on.

The only serious drawback is the lack of a payment module and the ability to pay for purchases directly from the watch.

Fitbit Charge 2

An updated version of the fitness bracelet from Fitbit with good functionality and excellent interaction with any OS. This is exactly sports bracelet, designed for amateur and semi-professional training, with a wide choice of load modes. There is a multi-training control, calorie control, distance traveled, sleep control.

Of the interesting details - the training program includes a "breathing guide" that helps restore oxygen metabolism after exercise.

The monitor is touch, Notifications about calls, messages, sms are received on the screen. Water protection is implemented according to the WR20 standard.

The battery life is 5 days, the price of Fitbit Charge 2 is about 8,000 rubles.

Samsung Gear Fit2

Samsung released 2 worthy devices at once - an excellent stylish Gear Fit2 bracelet that can be used as a pedometer for Iphone and a sports smart watch Samsung Gear S3 Frontier with a full range of sports programs and a smart assistant.

The devices can be used to connect wireless headphones and train to your favorite music tracks.

The cost of the bracelet is about 11,000 rubles, a smart watch will cost about 20,000.

Features of these gadgets in excellent sports programs, which include not only running and cycling, but also modern elliptical and rowing machines.