Kirill Sarychev shook 335 kg. Kirill Sarychev: height, weight, age, sporting achievements

Kirill Sarychev: height, weight, age, sports achivments is the subject of this article. The powerlifting champion is of interest to the sports community of the country and not only. Foreigners who see Kirill Sarychev's performances are amazed at the level of his preparation, dedication and zeal for victory. "Russian giant" - this is how an athlete is called abroad.

Kirill Sarychev, who glorified Russia far beyond its borders, has broken more than one world record in powerlifting. In 2015 he became the world champion, is the owner of the All time record in the bench press without equipment. And the once unknown 15-year-old teenager Sarychev Kirill began his journey to the sports Olympus, whose height at that time was 195 cm and only 75 kg. But perseverance and constant work paid off.

Basic indicators

The famous powerlifter competes in the 140+ category. Kirill Sarychev often turns out to be the heaviest athlete in tournaments. Height, weight, strength, strong back and press - all this allows him to be at the very top of sports achievements. Here are some athlete stats:

The maximum weight of the athlete reached 176 kg. He admits that being at such a weight is not very comfortable, because big mass body puts a serious strain on the heart and musculoskeletal system. Growth was passed down through the genes from the father, the same tall hero.

Sports achivments

The first victory of the athlete occurred in 2010. Then, at the Russian Championship in Arkhangelsk, he took the most high place. The following year, he loses the championship, taking second place. But already at the next competitions he returns the leadership. In 2014, the athlete shows stunning results at the European Championships. 2015 was a significant year for the athlete, because the whole world started talking about his bench press record. A new name appeared in the list of outstanding record holders - Kirill Sarychev. The height, weight, biceps of the mountain man became known to everyone. At the WRPF World Powerlifting Championships as part of SN PRO 2016, the athlete lifted 402 kg in deadlift. In the same year, the hero participates in a tournament in Spain, where he improves his own performance in the bench press.

Training mode

The purposefulness of Kirill Sarychev is simply amazing, because he had to start his sports career in a cold gym, equipped only with home-made barbells and pancakes of the Soviet era. The hero is grateful to his first coach Mikheev Viktor Nikolaevich to this day. After all, it was he who was able to significantly increase the strength indicators of the ward, began to send him to the first competitions. Kirill Sarychev himself, the height, weight of the athlete have changed a lot. He was able to gain over 80 kg.

Particular attention is paid to strengthening the back, because this minimizes the risk of injury. Since 2011, the hero has been trained by Sheiko B.I. He developed for the athlete special program training, which both keep a secret. It is only known that the Russian powerlifter trains 3 times a week, performing mandatory complexes, such as: deep squat, bench press, deadlift, swings to the side, press with weights. Despite the enchanting results in lifting weights in the bench press, the athlete develops and deadlift. “Whoever presses a lot, pulls a little,” Kirill Sarychev wants to refute this phrase. Height, weight, age of an athlete allow him to be unique in his achievements and keep a high bar in several areas of powerlifting.


Kirill Sarychev has a very intense training regimen, so a full-fledged diet that contains required amount proteins, fats and carbohydrates, he simply needs. The athlete eats 6 times a day: 4 full meals and 2 snacks. There are a lot of carbohydrate foods in his daily diet. It allows you to quickly restore strength after a workout. Athlete's favorite foods are meat and fish. An athlete can eat 3 kg of roast beef in one meal. He can often be seen in Moscow restaurants tasting new dishes. “I can go to my favorite place and order all the desserts that are on the menu. At this moment, with a smile, I think about all the people who are on a diet, ”says Kirill Sarychev. The height, weight, diet of the Russian hero is constantly controlled by the coach. Before the competition, the athlete conducts a stock of fast carbohydrates that gives energy to the muscles and the whole body.

Kirill Sarychev

“Sport is a drug for me,” the famous powerlifter admits. But besides the main occupation, the world champion is fond of cars. Driving a car, attending various automobile exhibitions, participating in races - Kirill cannot imagine his life without this. Another athlete is fond of shooting and tourism. He can often be seen at the shooting range or at the training ground with weapons in his hands. Shooting, according to the champion, is good way getting rid of stress. Recently, he took part in the creative project "Ilya Muromets", having tried himself in a new role. He tries to spend his free time with family and friends. He says that it is they who inspire him to new breakthroughs and victories in sports. Kirill Sarychev is at the peak of his sports career. Only constant injuries and sprains do not prevent him from reaching new heights in the world of powerlifting.

Power indicators:

  • bench press: 335 kg;
  • deadlift: 372 kg.


Kirill Sarychev is one of the strongest people on the planet, a real Russian hero who conquered the whole world with his unique record in the bench press. The athlete was born on January 1, 1989 in Pugachev, the city Saratov region.

Youth in a provincial town was not distinguished by a wide variety sports sections, so with early childhood different physical force Kirill at the age of fifteen comes to Gym. The first meeting with iron sports ends rather quickly, after two months of training, the section is closed due to lack of funding for the economic activities of the building where it was located. Despite the short period of classes, Kirill Sarychev has already become involved in the training process and is enrolled in another gym, where he begins intensive training. A gifted athlete, who was then a student at a technical school, is noticed by Viktor Mikheev, who became the first coach for Kirill to lay the base sports discipline and purposefulness.

Soon the athlete begins to show quite good results in powerlifting, alternating workouts with and without equipment. Kirill Sarychev began his competitive career at the age of 16, moving towards a sporting triumph with varying success. Acquaintance in 2009 with Andrey Fedoseev, the organizer of the Battle of Champions tournament, which brings together the strongest powerlifters in the world, radically changes the future of Kirill. At the suggestion of a new acquaintance, who saw the potential in a provincial athlete, Sarychev begins active training without equipment, preparing to perform at the next competition.

In 2010, an athlete on the platform of the “Battle of Champions” in Arkhangelsk surprises all the guests and judges with his strength indicators, many do not have enough emotions to express their impression of the physical power of the 21-year-old athlete who took first place. Here, in 2011, Sarychev was only second, but a year later he was again the champion.

In 2014, shaking 326 kg, Kirill becomes the world record holder. In 2015, with a taken weight of 335 kg, ahead of the previous record by 7.5 kg, he sets an absolute world record. Sarychev's popularity goes far beyond the borders Russian Federation, the Russian athlete is already known in all corners of the world.

Since 2011, Sarychev has been training under the guidance of Boris Sheiko, who has developed a unique individual training system for the athlete, which is kept secret from the public. It is worth noting that the training program of Kirill Sarychev, designed for three days a week with alternating every other day, has not been relevant for a long time.

Currently, Kirill Sarychev is not going to stop at the heights he has taken and continues to train, intending to surprise fans and opponents with his new sports achievements.

The athlete is a great friend and a regular participant in his video projects. The more experienced weightlifter more than once publicly admired Sarychev's strength, prophesying a great sports future for him. Kirill also appeared in "The Body of Time", and Vasily Kuznetsov in the "Iron Rating", and in many other projects.


Like all lifters, Kirill Sarychev uses high-carbohydrate foods to restore the body, observing daily ration her acceptance. The diet for the day is designed for four meals of solid food and two liquid. In addition to the obligatory buckwheat and oatmeal, the diet includes flour products that provide the body with fast carbohydrates. Cyril gives a special place to meat, including both poultry and beef in his menu. Liquid formulas include raw egg whites and protein shakes. The rest of the diet is compiled in accordance with all known nutritional recommendations for powerlifters.

Video: Kirill Sarychev set a world record in the bench press

Hello, fellow athletes and interested. Today we will talk about such a Russian hero as Kirill Sarychev.

You will find out what world record this young athlete was able to set. Check out his workouts. Find out how he managed to achieve incredible progress.

First encounter with iron

Kirill was born in 1989 in the city of Pugachev, Saratov region. From adolescence, the guy was different from his peers physical form- V better side, Certainly. At the age of 14, he goes to the gym with great pleasure.

Then, drawn into training processes, a rising powerlifting star, decides to get serious about the sport and begins to train hard.

Having changed the gym, the athlete gets acquainted with his first coach - Viktor Mikh, who lays a strong foundation for the sports base Russian athlete, and, of course, brings up purposefulness.

Soon this young hero, or as he was also called "Ilya Muromets", shows quite good results in training without equipment and with it. In 2009, the athlete met one of the organizers of the Battle of Champions tournament.

Andrey Fedoseev notices him. This meeting gives an impetus and a breakthrough in sports career hero. Sarychev is preparing for performances.

First Cup

2010 can be called a special page in the athlete's biography, since it is in this year that he receives his well-deserved first place on the platform of the Battle of Champions. All the judges were impressed by what they saw.

After all, such a young athlete, being at the age of 21, had amazing physical strength. Then the hero is not set on what has been achieved and, together with a coach named Boris Sheiko, works on a unique sports program workouts.

World Achievements

2014 is a special year for an athlete. After all, he manages to set a world record - a bench press with a barbell weighing 326 kg. On this, Sarychev does not stop surprising his fans.

In 2015, he manages to break his previous record. He does the bench press with a weight of 335 kg. By the way, on the Internet you can watch a video in which Kirill sets a world record.

Today he is known not only on the territory of the Russian Federation, but also in all corners of the world. By breaking news from an interview for 2017, the athlete is not going to stop. He plans to continue to surprise his fans with new records.

The athlete can often be seen on various projects. For example, in the program "Iron Rating", "Body Time", as well as in the well-known project "Understudy". Also, the world record holder is fond of sports cars.

Anthropometry of an athlete

Looking at the photo of the athlete, you understand how much effort he had to spend in order to set such a colossal record. Him high growth and stunning anthropometric data:

  • height - 197 cm;
  • weight - 160 kg;
  • bicep size - 60 cm.

How can beginner athletes reach the bench press with a weight of 100 kg? - We get acquainted with the tips and take on board:

  1. First of all, a beginner should have a competent coach who will teach and show the basic basics.
  2. Work according to the classic "5 to 5" scheme. Take for training such a weight with which you could do 5 sets of 5 lifts.
  3. Exercise three times a week. Do hard workouts once a week.
  4. Don't overdo your workouts. After all, many athletes make a big mistake in the pursuit of high results when they work to failure. This is how you kill your nervous system and it will be hard for you to achieve record results.

An approximate training scheme from Cyril:

Monday do 5 lifts, 5 sets. Tuesday is rest. Wednesday – 30° bench press, 60kg, then 8 reps. Friday - 80 kg for 4 sets and lifts.

What you need to remember about exercise technique

While lying down, watch your shoulder blades. Try to evenly distribute the load on all muscles. Even if you have developed enough pectoral muscle, do not forget to give the triceps a load.

And if your arms are lagging, add a triceps exercise using a straight stick on the block. Also, when doing the bench press, do not forget about the legs, which should rest well on the floor, as if creating the effect of a kind of spring.

Things to remember for beginners

Tips from the world record holder:

  • between sets, do not mark the time, focus on your shortness of breath;
  • keep your training diary - thanks to it you can find your mistakes;
  • sleep at least 8 hours;
  • learn to deal with stress;
  • combine workouts for biceps and triceps.

Athlete nutrition

The athlete's diet contains high-carbohydrate food, which is designed for 4 meals. His diet includes dishes such as cereals, fish, poultry and beef, raw chicken proteins, and, of course, protein shakes. So the nutrition of an athlete is compiled on the basis of the main recommendations for powerlifters.

Frequently asked questions from journalists

  1. Does your size interfere with your everyday life?

“The only problem I face is clothes. It's very hard for me to pick it up. Especially on my rather big parameters. You have to dress in stores for the biggest ones. At the same time, there is not always what you would like to buy. Therefore, I usually wear sportswear that stretches. I love jeans."

  1. How do you feel about the stereotype that all jocks are dumb?

“It's not really a stereotype. I consider this a kind of justification for a person when they look for many excuses for laziness. However, I do not consider myself degraded. In their free time from sports, they prefer to read popular science literature.

  1. What advice would you give to beginner athletes?

“Hold on for a few months. Since many novice athletes, coming to the gym, think that after a couple of workouts they will become big. This doesn't happen. Therefore, patience and purposefulness.

Interesting boy! And we are still growing! See you soon in the next article.

The athlete was born on January 1, 1989 in Pugachev, a city in the Saratov region, Russia. World record holder of 335 kg in the raw bench press. Kirill went to the gym for the first time at the age of 15, his first results were 90 kg squat, 90 kg bench press, 110 kg deadlift. At 16, he already weighed 80 kg more. During the year he gained 80 kg of weight, there was a time when he added 1 kg every day. At the age of 17, he fulfilled the standard of a master of sports, and only after that he began to take sports nutrition.

Already in 2011, Kirill set the SPSS record in power biathlon with a record of 310 bench presses, and 380 deadlifts, in the amount of 690 kilograms. In 2014, he set a world record, squeezed out 326 kg. And on November 22, 2015, Kirill Sarychev set a new record of all times and peoples, in the bench press without equipment - 335 kilograms. At recent competitions, he pulled 410 kg, little is known about the squat, but according to Kirill himself, he increased it from 340 to 400 kg and I see no reason not to believe him. Recently set a new record, having collected the total in triathlon without equipment of 1082.5 kg. crouching 360 kg. squeezing 320 kg. and pulling 402.5 kg. Kirill is a Russian hero, he has great potential, he is still young and has no serious injuries, so we expect new records from him ...

  • Height- 197 cm
  • Weight- 170-180 kg
  • Biceps- 60 cm
  • Bench press- 335 kg
  • Deadlift- 410 kg
  • Squats- 400 kg
  • Sum- 1082.5 kg (without equipment)


Training Kirill Sarychev

Each training session of Kirill begins with hyperextension, according to the athlete himself, "Those who do not do hyperextension before training are future invalids." Sarychev does not bother much about the time between sets and the time of training, he says that you need to do the next set when you are ready. It is also worth paying attention to auxiliary exercises, they will add several tens of kg to your results, but you don’t need to get carried away.


  • Heavy squat - at near-limit load (85-90% of maximum weight), 2-5 approaches.
  • Bench press 5x5 (1) 50% 1 set 5 reps, (2) 60% 1 set 4 reps, (3) 70% 1 set 3 reps (4) 80% 2 sets 2 reps, (5) 85% 3 sets 1 repeat
  • Squat 5x5 (1) 50% 1 set of 5 reps, (2) 60% 1 set of 4 reps, (3) 70% 1 set of 3 reps (4) 80% 2 sets of 2 reps, (5) 85% 3 sets of 1 rep
  • Auxiliary exercises: wiring, biceps 2-3 sets of 8-10 times

Wednesday: back day

  • Pulling exercises - for example, deep squats with a kettlebell between your legs. Exercises for the latissimus dorsi
  • Trapeze 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Hyperextension 2-3 sets of 15-25 reps

Friday: bench day

  • Heavy Bench Press - 5 sets of 3 reps each increasing last set (85-90% of max weight)
  • Squats. 5x5 (1) 50% 1 set of 5 reps, (2) 60% 1 set of 4 reps, (3) 70% 1 set of 3 reps (4) 80% 2 sets of 2 reps, (5) 85% 3 sets of 1 rep
  • Bench press 5 reps, 5 sets
  • Dumbbell bench press 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Wiring 2-3 sets of 8-10 times

At the end of the workout - pull up 50 times for any number of approaches.

The diet of Kirill Sarychev is not much different from the usual ones, the main difference is the amount eaten per day, this is not surprising, a two-meter guy weighing under 180 kg needs to eat a lot. Consumes a lot of carbohydrates allows himself sweet before and after training, as he burns everything during training. Kirill has four solid meals and two liquid meals a day, every day he eats oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, as well as flour products that provide the body with fast carbohydrates. Sarychev assigns a special place to fish and meat, including both poultry and beef in his menu. Let me give you an example of a record holder's dinner ...

Modest Heavyweight Dinner:
- 1.5 kg of khinkali,
- 750 grams of pancakes with meat,
- Water 500 grams,
- Olivier 250 grams,
- tacos 300 grams,
- bread 300 grams,
- cheese 100 grams,
- turkey 700 grams,
- pizza 400 grams and some nonsense with broccoli ....!

Do you think I ate it all?! No ... I did not have enough strength for water))) mass recruitment to everyone!

There is also a picture where Sarychev together with decided to have a bite to eat.

Concerning sports nutrition, Sarychev takes: BCAA, and something for a good sleep from the line of sports nutrition

27/11/2015, 16:37 2.8k Views 259 Like

Powerlifter Kirill Sarychev and his record
November 22 Russian young powerlifter Kirill Sarychev set a new world record for bench press without equipment, lifting an incredible 335 kilograms of steel to his chest! In the first attempt, a 26-year-old athlete from Moscow successfully lifted a 310 kg barbell, then, in the second attempt, he just as easily coped with a weight of 330 kg, and only after a short rest on the third attempt he lifted a 335 kg barbell, setting a new world record. The previous record belongs to the American Eric Spoto, who was able to lift a barbell weighing 327.5 kilograms in 2013.

Kirill Sarychev was born on January 1, 1989 in the city of Pugachev, Saratov Region. Today, the size of his powerful biceps is 60 centimeters, height - 197 centimeters, and the weight is in the range from 170 to 180 kilograms, depending on the schedule of participation in sports competitions. Therefore, Syrychev can safely be called a man-mountain! Kirill is a Master of Sports international class in powerlifting and bench press, in addition, he is absolute champion World among juniors, as well as the absolute record holder of Russia and Europe in the category over 140 kg.