Physical entertainment in the senior group about autumn. Sports entertainment "Autumn starts" (senior, preparatory group)

irina furutina
Scenario sports leisure in older groups. "Autumn Meetings"


« Autumn meetings» .

Target: Continue to acquaint children with natural phenomena, the world around them; improve motor abilities children; exercise in walking and running; cultivate love for nature; give children a sense of joy.

Equipment: Paper leaflets; umbrellas; models of vegetables and fruits; paper mushrooms (edible and toadstools); Pine cones; small baskets 4 pcs. ; large baskets 4pcs; hoops 8pcs; arcs 3pcs; multicolored three balls flowers, musical accompaniment. Character costumes (hare, sparrow. bear, squirrel, Katya, Autumn) .

To the music, the children enter gym . built in a semicircle.

Child: Autumn diluted paint on the edge

I gently brushed through the leaves with a brush.

Child: walks autumn, wandering autumn.

Maple leaves were blown off by the wind.

Child: Comforting autumn don't feel sorry for summer

Look at the grove dressed in gold.

Leading: Today we will go to autumn forest. We are waiting for incredible


Walking in a column one at a time (along the path to the forest,

Snake walking (along the winding path between deoiev,

Walking on toes, hands on the belt. (on wet track)

Walking high with knees up (through wet grass)

Jumping on two legs with forward movement (through bumps)

Race walking(hurry up)

Regular run.

Running snake.

Leading: Here we come with you on autumn forest meadow. look

how many leaves are on the ground. Collect two sheets of paper and stand in your seats.


Child: Autumn is coming, leaves fly around.

Their autumn round dance the wind circles and carries.

Children perform exercises in a circle with leaves to the music.

Child: The rain went, ran, made a noise,

Immediately all from him at home.

Child: The rain sang, danced, spun.

He began to tap on the glass for us.

Children sit on benches.

Child (hare): It's getting colder every day,

Very chilly in the rain.

I'm trembling all over, all wet,

Like an aspen leaf.

I would like a house, but drier

There he would warm his paws and ears. Ap-chi!

A girl comes out and opens her umbrella.

Leading: Here it was revealed very to the point

The umbrella is in the hands of our Katya.

Kate: Climb under the umbrella baby,

Warm up your paws and run away.

Leading: I think our bunny is also hungry, let's treat him to a carrot. Let's go to the garden and pick carrots.

Relay game "COLLECT THE BUNNY CARROT". (collect girls)


Belka runs out.

Squirrel: Your umbrella is so wonderful

The three of us will not be cramped!

Kate: You squirrel hurry to us,

Dry the fluffy tail.

Leading: Guys Squirrel didn't have time to pick mushrooms for the winter, let's help her. Here are your baskets.

Look how many mushrooms are on the lawn. There are both edible and non-edible mushrooms.

I think you know what mushrooms to collect

Game "COLLECT MUSHROOMS" (boys collect)

Enter Bear.

Bear: Good afternoon to you!

All: Hello bear.

Bear: I treat you all with a bump.

All: Thank you.

Bear: Can I climb under the umbrella?

Warm up the nose and ears.

Squirrel: Oh oh. Ouch! Your growth is very great

You remember my red tail.

Kate: Enough space under the umbrella,

We are not crowded four!

Leading: Guys, look how many cones the bear brought, they need to be transferred to their


Game "/ relay race" TRANSFER THE CONES"


A sparrow is flying.

Leading: Here the sparrow flies barely audibly.

Sparrow: I flew in the rain, looking for grains everywhere.

The wings are heavy, I can barely fly.

Kate: Sparrows fly to us,

Enough room for all five.

Leading: While the sparrow is warming up, we will help him sort out the grains, look

here and millet and rice and buckwheat, Guys, do the job.

Game "Scrape the Grains" (children sort balls by color).

Kate: The rain has stopped (closes umbrella)

Hare: Well, then I galloped (runs away)

Squirrel: Goodbye, I have to go, there is my house in the hollow.

Bear: Well, it's time for me to go, I'll go to sleep in my lair.

Sparrow: Then I flew too, goodbye friends.

Kate: Goodbye animals, I'll run to the guys.

Child: We collect autumn fruit harvest

A lot of people joy after all the work.

Child: The sun stands over the spacious fields,

And the sunflower is stuffed with black grains.

Leading: On the offensive autumn vegetables grow in the fields and gardens. I to you

Now I will make riddles, and you guess them.

It's as big as a soccer ball.

If ripe everyone is happy

It tastes so good!

What kind of ball is this.

For a curly tuft,

Dragged a fox from a mink.

Feels very smooth

Does it taste like sweet sugar?

Somehow ran away from the garden

Take a walk around the garden

Naked boys

And they fell and disappeared

Head into the pickle

Everything got salty.

Sundress on a sundress.

Dress on dress

How are you going to undress?

You will pay enough.

Leading: Well done guys guessed all the riddles!

And now we will play, we will harvest the harvest.


Leading: Well done guys transported the entire crop. And now the parents will help

sort it into compote, into borscht.

Playing with parents with their eyes closed.

Comes with music autumn,

presenter: Do you guys know who this is?

Autumn: Hello guys! Yes, I see a holiday with you. I didn't just come to you

I brought gifts. And I will treat you if you answer my questions

Autumn: What to us autumn will bring?

What grows in our fields?

Children: Our harvest is good.

Harvesting rye in the field

Autumn: And tell me what then,

Ripens in a field of gold?

Children: And then, and then

We will harvest the wheat.

Autumn: And also that every year

Autumn generous gives?

Children: Harvest vegetables

For garnish and soup.

Autumn: And tell me, than the gardens

Will you be rewarded for your work?

Children: We can't eat fruits,

We will eat all year long.

Autumn: Well done boys. And now I want to play with you. Now I'm turning you all into

autumn leaves.


Autumn: Well, how did you like to play with me? What if it rains heavily

Where will you hide?

P \ game "SUN AND RAIN"

Autumn: Oh, you cunning found where to hide. And look how many puddles around now you will not go anywhere.

Leading: And we will jump over them. (children jump over puddles)

Children sing a song "HARVEST HAVE" sl. T. Volgina, music. And Filippenko.

Autumn praises children. Leaves a surprise, says goodbye and leaves.

Children are looking for a mushroom, parse gifts.

presenter: And now it's time for the guys to return to kindergarten. Shout out to the forest "Goodbye".

The music sounds, the children go around the hall and go out.

Olga Stegalina
sports entertainment V senior group"Autumn Festival"

Sports entertainment in the senior group

« autumn festival»


1. Create an environment of emotional well-being.

2. Improve the skills and abilities acquired in joint activities By physical education teacher and children.

3. Consolidate knowledge about the seasons, signs autumn.

4. To instill in children a sense of collectivism, the ability to empathize.

Equipment: benches, 4 skittles, small balls, 2 flags, 2 hoops, a rope, models of vegetables, wicker baskets.

Leisure course.

Children enter the hall, under the recording of a song « Autumn has come» , line up.


In our hall autumn stadium.

All athletes- he invites the guys.

Autumn, fall has come,

Loves autumn play funny kids.

Today we have gathered to once again see how strong, healthy, strong, and dexterous you have grown. The competitions will be unusual, they will be dedicated to everything related to autumn, and this is the harvest of vegetables.

Attention, attention we begin our autumn competitions!

1. And the first task for warm-ups: Whose team will line up first? (Let's check the reaction and organization of the guys).

2. Let's see if all the guys are ready for the harvest, how fast they are. Transfer of the relay flag.

3. Everyone is ready for the harvest, and now let's go to the field. Relay race "Taxi"(With the help of a hoop, children carry each other).

Leading: Ah, now close your eyes and imagine that we are in the forest. See how many leaves are around. Let's take a leaf and play with the leaves.

mobile game "We are leaves".

We are leaves, we are leaves (Standing, raise your hands up)

We autumn leaves. (Swinging torso to the side)

We were sitting on a branch. (To squat)

The wind blew - flew

We flew, we flew. (Running in different directions)

And then they got tired of flying

The wind stopped blowing

We all sat in a circle - (Sit down)

The wind suddenly blew again

And the leaves quickly blew away. (Running, slowly circling in place)

All the leaves flew

And they sat quietly on the ground. (Sit down)

Leading: After the rain in the forest, it is difficult to follow the path, but we are not used to retreat!

Obstacle track. walking on gymnastic bench, jumping through "puddles", crawling under the arches, walking along the cord with side steps.

Leading A: Here we are. What a beauty!

Enters the hall Autumn.

Autumn: Who called me? Hello guys!

I Autumn is golden. My bow to you, my friends!

I have been dreaming of meeting you for a long time!

I have a basket in my hands

In her autumn gifts.

Everything I'm rich with

Brought for the kids.

Brought you vegetables from the garden

And here, to know them,

Riddles must be solved.

In a golden shell

I really like him

Worth peeling off the husk

I'll start shedding tears. (Onion)

Round, ruddy.

Juicy and sweet

very fragrant,

Fluffy, smooth. (Apple)

Round, crumbly, white,

She came to the table from the fields,

You salt it a little

After all, the truth is delicious ... . (Potato)

70 clothes and all without fasteners. (Cabbage)

Autumn. Well done, solved all the riddles.

Leading. Autumn, autumn golden

Play with dreams today

We want to play with you!

mobile game « Autumn rain» .

Drop one, drop two

Drop slowly at first

And then, then, then

All run, run, run.

We opened our umbrellas

Sheltered from the rain.

Children slowly walk in a circle, speed up the pace, run in a circle, look around, raise their hands up "umbrella".

Relay race "Put the vegetables in the basket".

Children line up in two columns, one behind the lines. start. Opposite each line start at a distance of 5-6 m, one wicker basket is placed. Between the lines start is put on 3 pins. The distance between pins is 1m. Near each pins are placed on the floor for 3-6 "vegetables". At the command of the leader “One, two, three, put the vegetables in the basket!” the first players of each team start to move "snake" between the pins, take one vegetable along the way from under any of the pins, run to the basket, put the vegetable in it, run back to their team, pass the baton to the next player.

Autumn: Today we played different games, had fun! Well done! And now it's time for me to say goodbye to you. Goodbye!

Related publications:

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Sports entertainment for older children preschool age

Pushkareva Elena Valerievna, physical education instructor
Place of work: Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution Kindergarten of the combined type No. 3 "Bell" of the village of Mostovsky municipality Mostovsky district
Material Description: Sports entertainment is intended for children of senior preschool age. This event aims to harmonize physical development and foundation healthy lifestyle life in preschool children. The material will be useful for physical education instructors and preschool teachers.

Sports entertainment for children of senior preschool age "Autumn Marathon"

1. Develop physical qualities(speed, endurance, coordination of movements).
2. To form in children the need for motor activity.
3. Fix the rules of safe behavior during competitions and games.
Equipment: basket (2 pcs.); high chair for children (2 pcs.); landmarks or skittles (6-8 pieces); models: turnip (2 pieces), fruits (for half a group of children), vegetables (for half a group of children), zucchini (for half a group of children).
Entertainment progress:
Children, accompanied by musical accompaniment, enter the hall and stand in two lines opposite each other. At the central wall of the hall there is a board with "vegetables" and "fruits".
Leading: Dear children! With all my heart I congratulate you on the coming of autumn, on the holiday of the harvest. Autumn parks are decorated with colorful foliage. Autumn feeds the harvest of birds, animals and you and me.
Attention! Attention! Speaks and shows the gym kindergarten! Today, unusual competitions are held here, different from others, in which our nimble children take part. The floor is given to the members of the Apples and Cucumbers teams:
The motto of the team "Cucumbers":
Cucumber grows in the garden
So it'll be all right
Soon there will be a harvest
Collect if you want.

The motto of the team "Yablochki":
Ripe, red, sweet apple
Crispy apple with smooth skin.
I'll break the apple in half
I will share an apple with my friend.

Leading: I propose to play, sort vegetables!
You already know many vegetables and fruits. Now we will play a game with you - a competition whose team will most likely harvest. We have two teams: the Apples team and the Cucumbers team. In this basket (points to the “Apples” command), you need to collect fruits, and in this (points to the “Cucumbers” command) vegetables. Whoever thinks that they have collected everything raises the basket up. And we will check if they have forgotten anything in the orchard or in the garden.
Game - relay race No. 1 "We sort vegetables"
Children, in numerical order, collect vegetables and fruits, passing the baton to the next participant.
Leading: Well done! Vegetables and fruits you have collected. Whether you are friendly or not, we will check it now.
Game - relay race No. 2 "Turnip"
There are two teams of 6 children. These are: grandfather, grandmother, granddaughter, Bug, cat and mouse. There are 2 chairs on the opposite wall. On each chair "turnip" - a picture depicting a turnip or a model. There are obstacles (skittles) on the way to the turnip. The grandfather starts the game. On a signal, he runs to the “turnip” with a snake, runs around it and returns, the grandmother clings to him (takes him by the waist), and they continue to run together, go around the turnip again and run back, then the granddaughter joins them, then the Bug, the cat and mouse. The team that pulls out the “turnip” faster and brings it to the starting line wins.
Leading: Guys, let's play the game "Who knows more".

Game conditions:
1. Give more correct answers for each question.
2. Do not prompt or interrupt each other.
3. For the correct answer, the team gets a point (fruit or vegetable).
4. If the team does not know the answer, the right to answer is given to the other team, and it earns extra score.
Vegetables will receive - a cucumber, fruits will receive - an apple. At the end of the game, we will count the points and see who wins.
Autumn brings vegetables from the garden beds. But to find out, guess riddles:
Task number 1 "Riddles"
Mystery for the team "Cucumbers":
A beautiful girl sits in a dungeon,
And the spit is on the street. (Carrot)

Mystery for the team "Apples":
I’ll pick such a ruddy one from a tree,
I’ll put it on a plate: “Eat, mommy,” I’ll say. (Apple)

Mystery for the team "Cucumbers":
And green and thick - a bush grew in the garden,
Dig a little ... Under the bush lies ... (Potato)

Mystery for the team "Apples":
Kids know this fruit, monkeys love to eat it.
He comes from hot countries - grows in the tropics ... (Banana)

Task number 2 "Who will name more vegetables"
Each team calls one vegetable, in turn, without repeating.
Whose team will call the last word, she wins.

Task number 3 "Who will name more fruits"
The condition is the same, the teams take turns calling the fruit, without repeating.
Whose team will call the last word - wins.

Leading: Guys! Do you know Carlson's favorite dish? (This is jam).
What is jam made from? (Jam is made from berries and fruits).
And they also make jam from zucchini, it turns out very tasty zucchini jam.
Game - relay race No. 3 "Jam from fruits and zucchini"
The Apples team, in numerical order, collect fruits that lie in a hoop on the opposite side of the hall and put them in a basket at the starting line. Team "Cucumbers" collects zucchini. The team that completes the task faster wins.
Task number 4 "On the contrary"
Leading: Guys, listen and remember what grows in the garden.
What grows in the garden? Cucumbers, sweet peas,
Tomatoes and dill for seasoning and for sampling.
There are radishes and lettuce - our garden is just a treasure,
But watermelons don't grow here.
If you listened carefully, you will definitely remember.
Answer - in order: what grows in our garden?

Leading: Listen to the poem and answer the question: “What did the hostess make soup from?”
The hostess once came from the market,
The hostess brought home from the market:
Potatoes, cabbage, carrots, peas, parsley and beets, oh!
The answers of the children, for the correct answer - a token on the scoreboard.
Leading: Big (what?) - watermelon, zucchini, potatoes.
Small (what?) - radish, carrot.
Round (what?) - tomato, peach, peas.
Now we will check you for attentiveness, I will name the size of a vegetable or fruit, and you must find what I ask for in the garden.
Game - relay race No. 4 "Big, small and round"
Children, in numerical order, run after one or another object, the team that completes the task faster and without errors wins.
Leading: Guys, do you like fairy tales? Try to recognize the tale from the passage, because they talk about vegetables and fruits. For a correct answer, the team receives a token.
Task number 5 "Guess the fairy tale"
“Granddaughter called - Bug, pull, pull…”
“Apple tree, apple tree, tell me, where did the swans geese fly?”
Leading: And now let's play the game "Tops and Roots". We will call the edible root of the vegetable roots, and the edible fruit on the stem - tops. There are vegetables in our garden. On my command, the Cucumber team will collect the roots, and the Apples team will collect the tops. Ready? Be careful, in some vegetables both tops and roots are edible.
Game - relay race No. 5 "Tops and roots"
For example: Carrots (roots), tomato (tops), onions (tops and roots), potatoes (roots), cucumber (tops), beets (roots).
Leading: So our competition is over.
While the jury is summing up the results, we have a musical break for all the team members "Barbariki".
The jury announces the results and presents certificates and sweet fruits in a basket.

Educator: Do you guys like to visit? Today we are going to the fairy forest, on a visit to Autumn.

They enter the forest and meet an old man - Lesovik.

Lesovik: Hello! Are you a cat? Why did you come to my forest? Do you know how to behave in the forest?

Children: Yes

Lesovik: I'll check now. You know game "This is me, this is me, these are all my friends" ? Be careful, let's start the game.

Who saves the trees

Does he plant flowers everywhere?

- Who destroys bird nests,

Does he offend small chicks?

(Children are silent)

Who picks flowers in the forest

Whole bunches?

(Children are silent)

- Who leaves behind

Garbage heaps?

(Children are silent)

- Who does not offend animals,

Loves them and protects them?

Children: "It's me, it's me, it's all my friends...

Who leaves fires

And do they cause a fire?

(Children are silent)

Lesovik: You guys are smart, they know all the rules. But won't you get lost in the forest?

The forest is restless now, many villains roam. If you want, I'll introduce you to my good friend Compass. He will show you the way. Let's call him.

All: Compass, where are you?

Compass: Good afternoon guys! How do you know me? Tell about me. Those are some smart guys. Where are you heading to?

All: To visit Autumn, she invited us.

Compass: Autumn lives in the north, you need to go where the blue arrow points. You have to be very careful not to get lost. Are you attentive? I'll check now.

Held attention game "Flies - does not fly"

Compass: Really attentive guys, but then let's hit the road. Look, what an interesting path ahead, all lined with pebbles and leaves. Let's not just go through it, but confuse our tracks and run along it like a snake. And here is a swamp on the way, over bumps, we have to go.

At this time, Kikimora and Goblin are jumping from a tree.

Goblin: Where are you going, now I'll bewitch everyone! (Kikimora scares everyone)

Compass: Who are you? Why do you scare good people, do not let them into the forest?

Kikimora and Leshy: How! Didn't you know? Yes, we are the rulers of this forest! We enchant everyone, turn them into snags. Look how many snags are around. And we will bewitch you, we will not have mercy, we will never miss you by Autumn.

Compass: Kikimora, Goblin, look at how good our children are, how they smile. If you want us to teach you to smile, maybe you will become kinder.

(Children perform song "Smile")

Lesovik: We also know how to play well. Play with us.

Mobile game "Burners"(Kikimora and Leshy are catching up with the children)

Kikimora and Leshy: Oh, we were amused, pleased. Well, so be it, let's take you to the Autumn.

They come to the clearing, there are bewitched Autumn, animals and birds

Lesovik: And why is everyone standing and not moving?

Kikimora and Leshy: And we have bewitched them, and until you solve the riddles, we will not disenchant them. (They make riddles about a bear, a hare, a squirrel ......). After the children guess the riddles, all the animals come to life and smile.

Autumn: It's good that you found us and disenchanted us. So you want warmth and autumn sun. Yes, and we love to play with you guys. Play with me my favorite game "Sunshine, Sunshine"(kids are playing)

Autumn: Mishka, don't you want to play a game with the guys, why are you yawning? Until you go to bed, amuse my guests.

Held game "At the bear in the forest"

Hares: We also know guys good game, it's called "Homeless Hare", play with us.

Held game "Homeless Bunny"

Squirrels: Ah, my sister and I without haste, we love to collect nuts. We will collect all the reserves and take them down to our hollow. Help us guys stock up for the winter.

Held game "Who will collect the most nuts."

Autumn: What kind and friendly guys you are. They freed my forest animals, made Kikimora and Leshy kind. I really want to hear song about friendship "It's fun to walk together", sing goodbye for me. (Children perform)

Lesovik: For your good deeds, receive treats from us, forest gifts.

Treat children with apples and nuts.

Sports entertainment in the senior and preparatory group "Visiting Autumn"


1. Create an environment of emotional well-being.

2. To improve the skills and abilities obtained in the joint activities of the teacher and children in physical culture.

3. To consolidate knowledge about the seasons, the signs of autumn.

4. To instill in children a sense of collectivism, the ability to empathize.

Equipment: leaflets according to the number of children; two baskets; mushrooms by the number of children; six landmarks; cones; two scarves; "puddles"; jump rope; models of "fruits and vegetables"; two small hoops, one large.

Leisure course.

Children enter the hall, to the recording of the song “Autumn has come”, line up.

Leading: Again autumn outside the window,

The rain is pouring down,

Leaves are falling, rustling,

How beautiful is autumn!

Guys, what is autumn rich in? Let's go now on an unusual journey and visit Autumn.

We go to the yard.

(Walking on toes, heels, normal).

The autumn wind blew.

(Run) .

What wonderful autumn air!

(Calm walking with the restoration of breathing).

Leading: After the rain in the forest it is difficult to follow the path, but we are not used to retreat!

Obstacle track. Jumping over "puddles", walking along the cord with side steps.

Leading: Here we are at the place. What a beauty!

Outdoor switchgear "In the forest in autumn"

1. Clouds are floating across the sky.

I.P .: legs together, hands down.

1 - rise on toes, arms to the sides.

2 - I.P.

3 - rise on toes, hands up.

4 - I.P.

Note: Maintain correct posture.

2. An owl inspects its possessions.

IP: feet shoulder width apart, hands on the belt.

1 - turn right.

2 - I.P.

3 - turn left.

4 - I.P.

3. Trees sway in the wind.

I.P .: feet shoulder width apart, arms at the top.

1 - tilts to the right.

2 - I.P.

3 - tilt to the left.

4 - I.P.

4. The wind shakes the last leaves.

I.P .: sitting, legs to the sides, hands in front.

1-2-3 - forward bends.

4 - I.P.

Direction: Perform inclinations at a calm pace.

5. Various mushrooms hid under the fallen leaves.

I.P .: stand legs together, hands on the belt.

1 - semi-squat, hands to shoulders.

2 - squat, hands "house".

3 - semi-squat, hands to shoulders.

4 - I.P.

6. Raindrops.

IP: legs together, hands on the belt.

1-4 - jumps on two legs.

Direction: Perform jumps on toes.

Leading: And now, after we looked around in the forest, it's time to get down to business.

Leading: In the forest, in the forest

Mushrooms have grown!

Guys, what mushrooms do you know?

Relay "Collect the mushrooms in the basket."

Children are built in two columns, one behind the start lines, marked on the floor with hoops. Opposite each of the start lines, one wicker basket is placed. Between the start lines, 3 landmarks are placed. The distance between landmarks is 1m. Under each of the landmarks, 2-4 "mushrooms" are placed on the floor. At the command of the host, “One, two, three, collect the mushrooms in the basket! "The first players of each team begin to move like a "snake" between the "Christmas trees", take one mushroom from under one of the Christmas trees along the way, run to the basket, put the mushroom in it, run back to their team, pass the baton to the next player.

Leading: And what kind of harvest do people gather in gardens and orchards?

Relay race "Sort vegetables and fruits."

Children are built in two columns, one behind the start lines, marked on the floor with hoops. A basket is placed next to each team. Opposite the teams, a hoop is placed into which 2 sets of didactic toys "Vegetables" and "Fruits" are mixed up. One team will collect vegetables, the other - fruits.

After the leader's words:

Guys, don't yawn


players begin to collect "vegetables" and "fruits" and put them in baskets.

Leading: Animals store mushrooms, nuts, so the squirrel is busy, let's help her.

Attraction "Collect cones for squirrels."

Two children are randomly selected. Children are given small wicker baskets in their hands, their eyes are tied with opaque scarves. At the command of the host, “One, two, three, collect the bumps! » players begin to collect fir and pine cones scattered on the floor of the hall into baskets. On the command “Stop, game! » children stop collecting cones. The host and Autumn count the cones collected by the players.

Leading: Close your eyes and imagine that we are in the forest. See how many leaves are around. Let's take a leaf and play with the leaves.

Mobile game "We are leaves."

We are leaves, we are leaves, (Standing, raise your hands up)

We are autumn leaves. (Swinging torso to the side)

We were sitting on a branch. (To squat)

The wind blew - flew

We flew, we flew. (Running in different directions)

And then they got tired of flying

The wind stopped blowing

We all sat down in a circle - (Sit down)

The wind suddenly blew again

And the leaves quickly blew away. (Running, slowly circling in place)

All the leaves flew

And they sat quietly on the ground. (Sit down)

Leading: Guys, what autumn months do you know? What are the signs of autumn?

Mobile game "Autumn rain".

Drop one, drop two

Drop slowly at first

And then, then, then

All run, run, run.

We opened our umbrellas

Sheltered from the rain.

Children slowly walk in a circle, speed up the pace, run in a circle, look around, raise their hands up with an “umbrella”.

Leading: Today we visited the forest, helped the forest dwellers! Well done! And autumn left you small cards with a wish as a gift! Now it's time to get back to the group.