Ball throwing games. Outdoor games in the athletics section (in classes with throwers)

1st option. Whose ball, strongly thrown into the wall, will land on the farthest strip? (See fig. 1.)

2nd option. On the ground, at a distance of 3 m from the throwing line, a circle with a diameter of 80 cm is drawn. At a distance of 5 m from it, the first control line is drawn, 2 m from it, the second, etc. There are 6 control lines in total.

The players take turns throwing the tennis ball. If the ball, hitting the circle, rebounds beyond the first control line, then the thrower receives 1 point, for the second - 2 points, etc. The winner is the one who scores more points in three throws (Fig. 2).

"Strong throw". The players, divided into two teams, stand one against the other at a distance of 20 m behind the lines. Ahead, 3 m from each line, another parallel ("urban") line is drawn. In the middle of the site - basketball, and all players - one small ball. On a signal, the players (in random order) throw the balls at the basketball, trying to roll it over the "city" line of the opponent. The team that rolls the ball first wins.

"Snipers". The players stand in one line and count on the first or second. The first numbers make up one team, the second - another. If the width of the court does not allow everyone to stand in one line, then the players form two lines, one at the back of the other. In this case, each line is a team.

The players of one of the teams are given a small ball. Ahead of the line at a distance of 6 m from the throwing line and parallel to it are placed in a row, at intervals of 1-2 steps, 10 towns: 5 - of one color and 5 - of another color, interspersed.

Each team is assigned towns of a certain color. At the signal of the teacher, the teams take turns (in one gulp, all playing at the same time) to throw balls at the towns. Each downed town of its color is moved one step further. The downed town belonging to the other team is substituted one step closer. The team that manages to move its goals further during the game wins (taken into account total steps by which the targets were pushed back).

Rules: 1. After the balls are thrown, the downed towns are put in new places. 2. The thrown balls are collected by the players of the other team after the downed towns are placed in new places. 3. One of the players is appointed to raise and place the downed towns.

"Hunters and Ducks". It is advisable to include the game in the lessons that are held in gym. The field for the movement of ducks is from 8 to 14-16 m (depending on the size of the hall). The game is played for a while: whoever “shoots the ducks” faster wins. Teams can be made both homogeneous (boys and girls separately) and mixed. The total time for the game is 7-8 minutes.

"Player in a circle". One student is in a circle with a diameter of 1.5 m. Two others stand on opposite sides at a distance of 6 m from the circle and try to hit

ball in a standing in a circle. The one who hits the player changes places with him (Fig. 3).

"Bouncing the ball into the target."

1st option. After hitting the ball against the wall, hit the target on the floor (drawn circle, mace, ball).

2nd option. After hitting the ball on the floor, hit a target located on a wall or on a hill (Fig. 4).

Each team is entitled to 1 attempt. Target hits are cumulative.

"Who is more accurate?" Throwing a small ball at a target.

1st option. Players line up in two columns, one behind the line, which is marked 5-10 m from the wall. Two circles with a diameter of 25-50 cm are drawn on the wall. On a signal, the players throw the ball in turn at the target ( right hand, left, with two hands, etc.). The team with the most hits on the target wins.

2nd option. Throwing a small ball at a target in the form of five circles with diameters of 20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 cm. The central circle is indicated by the number 5, and the rest, respectively, by 4, 3, 2 and 1, which makes it possible to compare results, calculate the sum of points, scored for the stipulated number of throws.

The comprehensive development of a preschooler involves mastering the main types of movements that involve a large number of muscles and increase the vital activity of the whole organism, activating all physical processes. One of the types of acyclic basic movements is throwing, which is a speed-strength exercise that strengthens all major muscle groups and develops strength, speed, agility, eye, flexibility, balance. In theory and methodology physical education It is customary to divide throwing into two types: throwing at a target and throwing into the distance. Throwing at a target is divided into throwing at a horizontal and vertical target.



Card file of outdoor games for the development of throwing skills

(middle group)

"Ball in a circle" (celluloid ball)

The purpose of the game is to teach children to roll the ball in a certain direction.

Description of the game. Children are seated on the ground (floor) squatting in two circles (two teams). Drivers with the ball are in the center of the circle. They roll the ball to each child in turn or to the one they call: “Sasha, catch it.” The player catches the ball and sends it back, but at the same time it is necessary to complete some task: have time to clap your hands 2-3 times, name a quantitative or ordinal number, for example, the driver says: “First”, the child answers “Second”, etc. d. You can name any item that is part of a generalized concept (furniture, fruit, etc.). The team that rolls the ball faster wins.

Methodical methods. The teacher is between two circles, makes sure that the children roll the ball, and do not throw it up, outlines new game options: roll through one player, through two, with your left hand.

"Ride to the wall"

The goal of the game is to improve the skill of repelling the rush when rolling.

Description of the game. From 6-8 sticks they form two corridors 30-50 cm wide so that the corridor reaches the wall. There should be two such corridors. The group is divided into two teams. Two from each team stand against the wall, the rest sit on chairs on both sides of the hall. At the signal of the teacher, the children begin to roll the balls to the wall. After throwing the ball, the player sits down. Standing at the wall after touching the ball against the wall catches it and takes the starting position for rolling, his place at the wall is taken by the next in the team. The team that completes the task quickly and correctly wins.

Methodical methods. The teacher walks between the corridors, tells how to throw the ball correctly, invites one of the children to submit the ball that has rolled out of the corridor, counts how many balls did not reach the wall for each team, monitors the order of changing players.

"Roll the ball"

The purpose of the game is to teach how to roll the ball into the goal.

Description of the game. Children lay out from cubes (skittles, gymnastic sticks) a rectangle 30-40 cm wide without one side facing the players (in the form of a gate). According to the number of gates, children are divided into teams. Everyone who plays the ball. At a distance of 2-3 m from the gate, the child rolls the ball into the gate of the rectangle. At the end of the rolling, one of the team collects all the balls and distributes to their players. The number of balls hitting the goal is counted. The most accurate and fastest team is declared the winner.

Methodical methods. The teacher looks after proper preparation to roll the ball, serves balls that do not fall into the rectangle, counts the ball hits in the goal of each team. When playing the game repeatedly, you can increase the distance from the place of rolling to the gate, but not more than 5-6 m.

"Ball to Ball"

The goal of the game is to improve the skills of repulsion and catching the ball.

Description of the game. Children are divided into two teams. Each team, in turn, is divided into two links, and they stand opposite each other at a distance of 4-6 m. At the teacher’s signal “Start,” the children roll the balls towards one another, but so that the balls do not collide. Having caught the ball, the driver passes it to the next. The team with the fewest mistakes wins. The game is repeated 2-3 times.

Methodical methods. This game is played after the children learn how to roll big ball two hands. They play alone in a group or on the site and are not divided into teams. The teacher shows the ways of rolling and explains: “Everyone should roll a little to the right, then the balls will not collide”, varies the game: roll it with your right or left hand; children of one link roll the ball with their right hand, and the other - with their left; increase the distance between the links.

"Catch the bouncing ball"

The goal of the game is to teach how to catch the ball after bouncing off the object.

Description of the game. The game is played in a group room or hall. Two ordinary tables are shifted by the narrow side perpendicularly, close to the wall. The child stands at the edge of the table (legs slightly bent) against the wall and rolls the ball along the table so that it bounces. After that, he must quickly catch the ball and pass it to a friend.

Methodical methods. The teacher makes sure that the children roll the ball closer to the center of the table, while the hand rises low above the table. The push of the ball when rolling rises slightly above the table. The push of the ball when rolling should be strong enough. When rebounding, the direction of the ball is difficult to guess, so the teacher warns the children to get ready to catch the ball, follow its flight. The teacher can offer new game options: throw with one hand - catch with the other, one child rolls, the other catches, roll with his left hand.

"The ball is uphill - against the wall - from the hill"

The goal of the game is to improve the skill of rolling the ball up an inclined hill with its rebound from the wall.

Description of the game. Teams of children line up in front of two slides, standing at a distance of 1.5-2 m from each other. From the wall to the hills 20-30 cm. It is necessary to roll the ball up the hill from any distance, but so that, having overcome the hill, it hits the wall. In this case, the team gets a point. The child takes the ball and passes it to the next in the team. If the ball fell between the hill and the wall before reaching the wall or hit the wall and did not hit the crust, then it is also passed to another player, but in this case the team does not receive a point. The team that completes the task more accurately, gaining the maximum number of points, wins.

Methodical methods. The teacher observes the actions of the children, makes specific comments and gives advice on the most common mistakes. So, if the ball did not return to the hill, did not reach the wall, then the teacher says: “Roll the ball harder. Come closer for a throw." If the ball hits the wall and flew over the hill, the teacher says: “Do not roll the ball much. Step back a little for a throw.

When playing the game again, you can complicate the task a little: roll one, catch the other; roll two balls at once; roll with your left hand.

"Billiard ball"

The purpose of the game is to familiarize children with rolling the ball in a limited space, drawing their attention to the accuracy of the hit.

Description of the game. Children line up in two lines parallel to each other. In the line, the children stand at intervals of one step. In front of the children, from cubes or gymnastic sticks, the walls of a billiard measuring 2x1 m are laid out on the floor. Gaps 10 cm wide are left in the corners - pockets.

The child takes the ball and from an arbitrary distance and from any side, starting from the board, rolls the ball so that it hits a corner - a pocket and jumps out of the billiards. If he hit the pocket from the near side, then the team gets one point, if the hit was from the far side, then the team gets three points. If the ball remains inside the billiards, it is passed to the player of the other team. The team that scores the most points wins.

Methodical methods. The teacher pays attention to the correctness of the throws (roll the ball from the hand smoothly, so as not to jump, with your fingers, as it were, indicate the direction to the goal); offers options: roll with the left hand (the number of points when hitting the pocket increases to 5).

"Put the ball into the hoop"

The goal of the game is to roll the ball into a hoop using a plank (cardboard, plywood).

Description of the game. Children are divided into 3-4 subgroups. The same number of hoops lies on the floor. A plank (cardboard) is placed on the edge of the hoop, which touches the floor with one side. It turns out a small hill. Subgroups of children line up in columns opposite the slides. Everyone has a tennis ball. At the signal of the leader, they roll the ball, trying to get into the hoop. The team gets three points. If the ball hits the hoop, but rolls out, then the team gets only one point; if the ball misses, no point is awarded. Then each child rolls the ball in a rhythm convenient for him. The ball that hits the hoop stays there until the end of the game to make scoring easier.

Methodical methods. The teacher watches the children play, gives advice on how to accurately roll the ball into the hoop. For children with poor rolling skills, you can simplify the task: roll from close range. For those who confidently complete the task, increase the distance, adding, accordingly, the number of points when they hit the hoop. When playing the game again, you can offer the children of each subgroup to roll the ball at the same time, having previously placed a sufficient number of planks on the hoop. Or roll so that he flew over the hoop without hitting it (5 points are given to the player). Or roll the ball into a hoop placed vertically (the hoop is held by a child).

The goal of the game is to improve the ball handling skills while rolling uphill.

Description of the game. Columns of children line up in front of 2-4 slides at a distance of 1 m. Each has a ball. At the signal of the educator (waving a flag), the drivers forcefully roll the balls from the bottom up onto the hill so that it flies through the air as far as possible. A flag (dice) is placed at the landing site of the race. The child takes his ball and stands next to the slide, without interfering with others to roll the ball. If next player the ball lands further away, the flag is not moved back. The team with the flag located further from the slide wins.

Methodical methods. The teacher, being on the side of the children, checks how the rules of the game are observed, gives specific advice: “Make the swing stronger” - when the ball flies far; varies the game: roll the ball in such a way that it hits a hoop (box) on the floor (the team in this case gets 3 points, a non-targeted throw is worth one point).

"Shoot the ball"

The goal of the game is to reinforce the skill of rolling the ball to each other.

Description of the game. Children are divided into 3-4 subgroups and sit on the floor in a circle at a distance of arms extended to the sides. There is one ball in each circle. You need to take it with three fingers (thumb, index and middle), press it sharply and let it go on the floor - shoot. All fingers must press the ball at the same time, evenly. The player who was sent the ball tries to catch it and send it to the next one in the same way. The subgroup whose shots of the ball reach the target wins.

Methodical methods. The teacher moves from circle to circle, shows how to complete the task correctly, introduces new game options: perform the task in a different formation - who will roll the ball further (in a standing position); one "shoots" the ball, the other catches it, preventing it from touching the floor; shoot the ball up above you, catch with both hands.

"Ball after"

The goal of the game is to quickly pass and receive celluloid balls without dropping them.

Description of the game. Children stand in two circles (two teams). The teacher distributes colored balls to 3-4 children standing in different places of the circle. At the signal “Ball after”, the children begin to quickly pass the balls to each other. If one child has two balls at once, he is out of the game. After 3-4 repetitions of the game, the child plays with everyone together. First, the game is played with two balls. The team that strictly follows the rules of the game wins.

"Pass the ball"

The goal of the game is to pass the ball from hand to hand in motion, to improve coordination of movements when running around objects.

Description of the game. Children are divided into 3-4 links and line up in columns one after another. Any object is placed in front of each column at a distance of 3-4 m - a chair, a large ball, a mace, a cube, etc. The first one runs with the ball, runs around the object, passes the ball to the next in his column and stands behind everyone. If the ball is lost, the child returns, picks it up and runs from the place where the ball fell. The link that is ahead of the others wins, subject to the conditions of the game.

"Toss the ball"

The goal of the game is to accurately throw and catch the ball.

Description. Children are built in two lines. The children of the first line have one ball each. They throw the ball to the children of the other line. The group that has the fewest ball drops wins.

"Hurry to catch"

The goal of the game is to throw the ball in a certain direction and catch the flying ball.

Description of the game. The game is played in four subgroups standing in circles. In the center of each circle is the driver. Children throw the ball to each other, trying not to touch or catch the driver. If he succeeds, he takes the place of the one who unsuccessfully threw the ball. The last one goes to the middle of the circle.

Several children stand by the line. They are encouraged to throw the ball as far as possible. If large balls are given, children throw them with both hands from the chest or over the head. Small balls are thrown alternately with the right and left hand. The one who managed to throw the ball further than others is noted.

"From hoop to hoop"

The goal of the game is to improve the skill of throwing the ball at a stationary horizontal target.

Description of the game. Children stand in four links in a column one at a time. At a distance of 1 m from the leader, three hoops lie close to each other on the floor (or three circles with a diameter of 80-100 cm are drawn). You need to throw the ball with your right hand into the first hoop so that after the rebound it hits inside the second and, jumping up again, goes to the third. The child takes his ball and passes it to the next, and he himself stands on the opposite side, then rolling the balls to his team. The game continues until all players have moved to the opposite side. The link that changes place faster, while making the fewest mistakes, wins.

Methodical methods. The teacher stands to the side of the players and, as necessary, gives instructions: “Throw the ball slightly”, “Step back, to throw a little back” (if the ball did not hit one of the hoops), “Hit the ball harder on the floor” (if the ball bounced in two the first hoops, and in the third one he just swept). The teacher can make the game easier or more difficult, throw the ball when the hoops are 50 cm apart; throw the ball from both sides; throw two balls from both sides at the same time.

Slippery target. On the site they put a low table or use a wide stump with flat surface. The players stand around at a distance of 2-2.5 m. They have sandbags in their hands. One by one, the bags are thrown onto the table so that they do not fall, but remain lying on it.

Rules: throw the bag in the bottom way; a point is awarded for a successful throw.

Hit the ball. In the middle of the snow field on line two volleyball ball. There is a line on the other side of the site. Two children, taking 2-3 snowballs each, try to hit the ball and roll it further, beyond the line. The one who does it first wins.

Rules: you can throw the ball in any way; if the snowball remains intact after the throw, it can be used again.

"Hit the ball in the rolling hoop"

The goal of the game is to hit a moving target with the ball.

Description of the game. Children are divided into four subgroups and are located on the site in a row in the form of a rectangle or square with their backs to each other. Playing in subgroups stand at a distance of arms outstretched to the sides. The driver with a hoop in his hands stands at the end of the line, with everyone else playing the ball. At the signal of the educator, the driving hands guide (roll) the hoop in front of the formation. The hoop should roll at a distance of 50-80 cm from the children. As soon as the hoop approaches one of the players, he must accurately throw the ball into the hoop. At the signal of the teacher: "Collect the balls" - the children take their balls and return to their place. At first, the teacher himself appoints the leaders of those children who roll the hoop well. The winner is the subgroup that has more hits with the ball in the rolling hoop and less it falls.

Methodical methods. Before the game, the teacher exercises all the children in rolling the hoop. If the hoop falls without reaching the very edge, the teacher says: “Push the hoop harder!”, “Put it on the floor more evenly.” After the game is repeated, complications can be introduced - two drivers on both sides roll a hoop, you need to get into one of the hoops.

"ball in a circle"

The goal of the game is to improve the ability to hit the ball on a stationary horizontal target.

Description of the game. Children are divided into several teams, each of which has 5-6 people. Colored paper discs or colored hoops, 3-4 pieces each, are laid out on the floor in any order, against each team. Children stand in front of the hoops at a distance of 1.5-2 m. At the signal of the teacher, the first ones throw the ball so that it falls into the circle (hoop). Each child makes two throws in any circle, or the teacher suggests a certain sequence: to hit a beautiful, blue, yellow, etc. The team that hits all the colored circles wins.

Methodical methods. Children can throw in any way, but the teacher must explain that the throw from below is more effective, while I must be held freely.

The game can be played with a feather ball (shuttlecock) and a small rubber ball.

Option: Through a rope into a hoop.

The game is played in the same way as the previous one, only it takes place on the court. A rope is stretched between two racks at a height of 120-130 cm. On one side of the site, a circle with a diameter of 1 m is drawn behind the rope, a line is drawn at a distance of 50-70 cm in front of the rope. Children take turns throwing a ball (shuttlecock) over the rope, trying to get into the circle. You can divide the children into several teams. The team with the most balls in the circle wins.

"Hit and Catch"

The goal of the game is to throw the ball at a horizontal target and catch it.

Description of the game. The group of children is divided into four teams. Everyone lines up in a column one at a time. In front of each team, squares are drawn on the floor (ground) at a close distance from each other. At the signal of the teacher, the first from each team run to the squares and try to hit the ball and catch it. The movement resembles the driving of stakes. The ball is then passed to the next player. You can hit the ball with your left hand, catch it with your right hand, or vice versa. Or hit and catch with the same hand.

"Ball on the floor"

The goal of the game is to catch the ball bouncing off the floor.

Description of the game. Children are divided into two teams (each team has two links) and stand in lines facing each other. Children of one link of each team have a ball. They hit the ball lightly on the floor, catch it with both hands and roll it to their teammates standing in line opposite.

Methodical methods. The teacher is in such a place that he can immediately see everyone, helps to catch balls that have rolled away, reminds you how to catch the ball correctly (you need to make a deep basket out of two hands and have time to substitute it under the ball in time after it bounces off the floor), outlines new options (the same as in the game "Toss - catch").

"Ball in the Basket"

The goal of the game is to throw the ball in a given direction with a rebound from the floor.

Description of the game. Children become in 2-4 circles (teams). In the middle is a basket. Everyone has a ball. You need to throw the ball on the floor so that it hits the basket. The balls are thrown one at a time or all together. In the second case, the balls must be colored. The team that scores the most balls in the basket is the winner.

Methodical methods. The teacher makes sure that the children throw the balls on the floor from above, and not from below, varies the game: throw the ball through one, throw with the left hand, throw the ball immediately into the basket without hitting the floor.

"Get in the window"

The goal of the game is to hit a vertical target from close range with the ball.

Description of the game. Children are divided into 4-5 teams. Each team should have no more than 5-6 children. Two teams play at the same time. The guys stand in a column on one side of gymnastic wall on both sides at a distance of 1 m. A line is drawn at the same distance. One team gets the ball. Children of one team throw the ball with their right hand, the other team with their left. The one standing first throws the ball into the lower span of the gymnastic wall - the “window” and stands at the end of the column .. The child standing first in the opposite team catches it (or takes it from the floor, from the ground) and throws the ball into the same span. The next children are thrown into the flight higher, etc. If one does not hit the window, then the next child from the same team throws the ball into the same window. When the ball hits each window, the teams change places: those who threw the ball with their left hand throw with their right, and vice versa. The team with the fewest mistakes wins. After that, their place is taken by another pair of teams. If there are 2-3 gymnastic walls, all teams play at the same time.

Methodical methods. The teacher makes sure that the children during the throw do not approach the gymnastic wall closer than the prescribed distance. The game can take place simultaneously with four teams, then one pair of teams gets up from one end of the gymnastic wall, the other from the other end. This will shorten the playing time and keep most of the children busy in the game.

Option: Ball into the net

A volleyball net is stretched on the site at a height of 110-120 cm. Children are also divided into teams and stand on both sides of the net. Each child from the team alternately throws the ball into any cell of the net, standing opposite - catches.

"Ball in a hoop"

The goal of the game is to improve the ball throwing at a vertical target.

Description of the game. The group is divided into 3-4 teams. The leader of the team has a hoop. He holds the hoop perpendicular to the floor and stands 2m from his team. The first in the team throws the ball, trying to get into the hoop. The host must substitute the hoop towards the ball. Then he passes the hoop to the one who threw the ball, and he himself stands at the end of the formation of his team. Hitting the hoop counts as a point. The team with the most points wins.

Methodical methods. The teacher is on the side of the players, monitors compliance with the rules, supplements the main game with options: when throwing with his left hand, he offers to come closer to those who do not fall into the hoop; throw into a hoop lowered to the floor; throw into the hoop after the ball bounces off the floor.

"Get in the circle"

The goal of the game is to throw the ball at the wall so that after the rebound it flies in the right direction, to catch the ball bouncing off the floor.

Description of the game. Children stand in 4-6 column-links at a distance of 50-80 cm from the wall. On the floor 30-40 cm from the wall lies a hoop (or a circle is drawn). Everyone takes turns throwing the ball against the wall so that it bounces and hits the circle. Catches the ball and passes it to the next, and he stands at the end of the column. The link with the most points (ball hits in the circle) wins.

Methodical methods. The teacher, being on the side of the players, monitors the correctness of the throws - the ball must be held easily - with three fingers, thrown from below, the left (right) leg is slightly forward, both legs are bent at the knees. If the ball did not reach the hoop (weak throw) or flew over the hoop (strong throw), the teacher prompts: “Throw harder”, “Throw slightly”, “Throw from below”. He shows himself, marks the best links, gives options: one throws, the other puts the hoop under the ball, the third catches the bouncing ball.

"Ball against the wall"

The goal of the game is to throw the ball at the wall, improve the skill of catching the ball that bounced off the wall.

Description of the game. Children line up in 405 column-links and stand opposite the wall at a distance of 80-100 cm. Each child takes turns throwing the ball against the wall and catching it first with two hands, and then with one hand. After that, he stands behind his column. The link with the fewest ball drops wins.

Methodical methods. The teacher, standing to the side of the columns, tells you how to throw and catch the ball correctly (legs should be slightly bent at the knees so that you can quickly step back, to the side - have time to catch the ball); controls the construction of children (it should be such that the children do not interfere with each other).

After repeated playing, the game becomes more complicated: one child throws, and the other in the column catches, etc.; you can catch with a net, which is given to the second player, after which he passes the net to the next, etc.

"From the floor to the gymnastic wall"

The goal of the game is to hit the ball into a horizontal target after it bounces off the floor or object.

Description of the game. Children are divided into two teams and stand in a column at the gymnastic wall at a distance of 2 m. At the signal of the teacher, the leading teams approach the wall at such a distance from which it is more convenient for them to complete the task: hit the ball on the floor so that after the rebound it hits the lower span of the wall (a point is given for a hit). The child picks up the ball from the floor and, returning, passes it to the next one, who performs the same task. When playing the game again, the children hit the ball on the floor with more force so that it hits the second, higher span, then the third. The team that had the most ball hits in the spans of the gymnastic wall wins.

Methodical methods. The teacher watches the game from the side, varies the game: hit the ball into the spans of the wall from top to bottom (starting from the third); fall into a certain span of the wall; do the task with the left hand.

"Don't hit the ball"

The purpose of the game is to develop dexterity and coordination of movements in children, acting with two objects.

Description of the game. Children are divided into 6-8 teams. Each team has a hoop and a ball. It is necessary to hit the ball with force on the floor (or toss it up so that it bounces on the floor as long as possible). The player at this time swings the hoop (like a pendulum) several times under the ball until the ball stops bouncing. The ball and hoop are then passed to the next player in the team. The winner is the team that strictly observes the rules of the game.

Methodical methods. The teacher is in front of the players facing them, notes typical mistakes: “Do not swing the hoop strongly”, the task varies: make several movements with the hoop - to the left, to the right, away from you, towards yourself; fulfill a certain amount of hoop movements; pry the bouncing ball up with any attempt and catch it with your free hand; toss and knock the ball around (not performed with a hoop) as many times as possible without dropping it on the floor; do the same with your left hand.

"obedient ball"

The goal of the game is to teach how to hit the ball so that it bounces in place.

Description of the game. A hoop is placed on the floor or a circle is drawn. The child hits the ball with his hand, trying to hit the circle exactly. It is necessary to hit the ball lightly, but with a firm palm and after the ball has bounced high enough off the floor. This exercise can be done sitting on a chair, without a circle, with each hand separately and alternately.

The exercise can be complicated by the fact that the child will hit the ball alternately with each hand into a triangle, the side of which is 40 cm.

"Ball down the track"

The goal of the game is to improve the skill of dribbling the ball in a straight direction in a limited space.

Description of the game. Children are divided into two teams. In front of each team, a corridor 0-100 cm wide and 3 m long is laid out from gymnastic sticks, ropes (or drawn). Everyone has a ball in their hands. It is necessary, by hitting the ball on the floor, to lead it along the corridor, return, stand at the end of the column and pass the ball to the next one. If the child drops the ball, he must pick it up and continue to dribble from that spot. The next in the column starts only when the previous player has passed the corridor. You can return to your column only on a certain side. The team that not only quickly, but also correctly completes the task wins.

"Ball Around the Hoop"

The goal of the game is to improve the skill of dribbling the ball with your hand in a circle.

Description of the game. Children are divided into 4-5 teams. Opposite the team, at a distance of 1.5-2 m, there are hoops, each 80-100 cm in diameter. At the signal of the teacher, the first begin to dribble the ball, heading for the hoops, go around it, pick it up, then run back to their column and pass the ball to the next. If someone drops the ball, he continues to dribble from the place where the ball fell.

"Ball on bumps"

The goal is to teach dribbling in a given direction in a limited space.

Description of the game. Children stand 5-6 people in a column one at a time, the first child has a ball. On the site, 6-8 circles are drawn with a diameter of 30-40 cm at a distance of 5-10 cm from each other. Children must hold the ball so that it jumps around circles - over bumps, and pass the ball to the next one. The team that manages to complete the task with the least number of errors wins.


Target: teaching children to perform coordinated quick collective actions.

Number of players: 8–20.


Instruction. Two teams play, the players of which line up in a column one at a time at the starting line. At 15–20 m from it, the place of the turn is indicated (flag, stuffed ball). On a signal, the guides of the teams run to the turning point, run around the object, return to the team and take the next participant by the hand. Now they run together holding hands, run around the turn, come back, take the hand of the third, and so on until all the players run together holding hands. The team that finishes the run first and without violating the rules wins.

Guidelines. The game is very intense, so you need to make sure that the children do not get overexcited.

"Calling Numbers"

Target: education of attention, development of speed and dexterity.

Number of players: 10–20.

Inventory: a flag or medicine ball to indicate where to turn.

Instruction. Two teams are playing, which line up in a column one by one at the starting line. At 15 m from it, opposite each team, a turning point is indicated. The captains distribute the players by numbers. The leader calls the numbers. Players, having heard their number, run to the turning point, run around it and return to the place. The first person to arrive gets a point, the second gets 2 points. The winning team is determined at the end of the game by the number of points scored.

Methodical instructions. The game is very intense, so you need to make sure that the children do not get overexcited.

"Catch up with the hoop"

Target: development of speed and dexterity, eye.

Number of players: 6–15.

Inventory: hoops according to the number of players.

Instruction. For the game, the starting line is designated, 5-6 m from the carrier - the control line, and 8-9 m from the starting line - the finish line. Two or three teams line up at the starting line, in the hands of each player is a hoop. On the first signal, the starters swing the hoop, on the second, they throw the hoop so that it rolls. As soon as the hoop reaches the control line, the thrower runs out and tries to catch up with the hoop before it rolls to the finish line. The winner is the one who has been first several times.

Methodical instructions. Falling the hoop is considered a fault.

"Most dexterous"

Target: development of the ability to navigate in space, speed and accuracy of movements.

Number of players: 6–15.

Inventory: balls according to the number of players.

Instruction. Players line up on the starting line in two or three teams. The guides toss the ball, run forward (all in the same direction) as far as possible, but in such a way as to catch the ball on the way back. Having caught the ball, the player returns to his place. The team with the largest total distance from the starting line wins.

Option: the players toss the ball, sit down, get up and catch it, after the second toss they perform lying down, after the third they run forward to the designated line and catch the ball.

Methodical instructions. All cases when the ball is caught are taken into account, and a personal record is also noted.

Target: fostering a sense of responsibility and developing speed-strength qualities.

Number of players: 6–15.

Inventory: stuffed balls.

Instruction. Two or three teams line up in columns in front of the starting line. On a signal, the first numbers perform a long jump from a place, the second perform a jump from the landing site of the first, etc., until the last one in the team completes the jump.

Option: a medicine ball throw may be performed instead of a jump.

Methodical instructions. The team with the farthest total jump wins.

« shuttle run»

Target: development of the ability to navigate in space, endurance and dexterity.

Number of players: 6–15.

Inventory: skittles (stuffed balls, racks).

Instruction. For the game, they mark the starting line, 8-10 m from it - the place of the turn, then every 3 m three more turning points (skittles, stuffed balls, racks). At the signal of the leader, the guides of both teams run to the first mark, turn, run to the start line, then again - to the second mark, until they run through all the turning points. After that, the next team members enter the game. The winner is the team that finishes first.

Option: each team has items: flags, sticks - by the number of turns. At each turn, the runner leaves one of the objects, and the runner picks it up and passes it to the next.

Methodical instructions. The game is of great intensity, so it is necessary to ensure that the players do not get overexcited.

"Right on Target"

Target: development of the eye, accuracy of movements.

Number of players: 5–10.

Inventory: 10-12 pins, tennis balls.

Instruction. At a distance of 10 m from the start line, where the line with tennis balls a team lines up, 10–12 towns (pins) are placed at a distance of 50–80 cm from each other. At the signal of the leader, the players of the team simultaneously throw the balls, trying to knock down as many towns as possible. The winner (team) is determined by the number of downed towns.

Option: balls of different weights and diameters can be used.

Methodical instructions. The game is of medium intensity, can be repeated several times.

Outdoor games, relay races and game tasks with elements of basketball

"Hunters and Ducks"

Target: development of accuracy of movements, dexterity and speed of reaction.

Number of players: 10–20.

Inventory: small balls.

Instruction. The players are divided into two teams - "hunters" and "ducks". "Hunters" become in a circle behind the line, and "ducks" are randomly located inside the circle. On a signal, the "hunters" try to "tarnish" the "ducks" with the ball. They, running and jumping inside the circle, dodge the ball. "Shot Duck" is out of the game. The game continues until all the "ducks" are "killed". Then the teams switch roles. The team of "hunters" wins, which quickly "spotted" all the "ducks".

Methodical instructions. A game of great intensity. Care must be taken not to overexcite the players.


Target: development of accuracy of movements, dexterity and speed of reaction, mutual assistance.

Number of players: 10–20.

Inventory: small balls.

Instruction. Two teams are playing. The conditions and order of the game are the same as in the previous game. Drivers are located outside the circle, field players are inside the circle. The difference between the game is that the players on the field can “rescue” those who have already been “stained”: the field player who caught the ball is not considered “stained” and has the right to introduce a player who has previously left the game onto the field.

Methodical instructions. The teacher (instructor, counselor) should be especially careful, as this game is very intense.

"Living basket"

Target: development of accuracy and improvement of coordination of movements.

Number of players: 5–6.

Inventory: basketballs, stool.

Instruction. If there are no basketball backboards, then the game can be played according to simplified rules. The site is marked conditionally, instead of a shield and a basketball basket, a player stands on a dais (stool). His task is to catch the ball thrown to him without leaving the spot. The game is played according to the simplified rules of basketball (no outs). The duration of the game is two halves of 5 minutes.

Methodical instructions:

  • Each of the players in turn becomes a "living basket".
  • Whoever manages to catch the most balls wins.

"Counter relay"

Target: development of accuracy and speed of movements.

Number of players: 8–16.

Inventory: two balls.

Instruction. The players of each team are divided into two groups and lined up in two columns facing each other at a distance of 12-14 m. At the guides of adjacent columns - a ball. On command, the guides dribble the balls to opposite columns. Having bypassed the column from behind counterclockwise, the players bring the balls to the beginning of the column, pass them to the guide, and themselves stand at the end of the column.
The team that quickly changed places in the columns and correctly completed the task wins.

Methodical instructions. For mistakes made, players may be awarded penalty points that affect overall result games.

Equipment: 4 landmarks, 2 balls.

Outdoor game - relay with running "Run Don't Fall"

Target: learn to run gymnastic bench: maintaining balance, consolidate agility, speed of running.

Equipment: 4 landmarks, 2 gymnastic benches.

Mobile game - relay race with running "Snake"

Target: to teach to listen carefully to the command of the educator, to develop attention, to monitor the correctness of the task.

Equipment: 4 landmarks, 10 chips of two colors.

Mobile game - relay race with the run "Catch the ball"

Target: develop speed and endurance, work out the skills of a lateral canter.


Mobile game - relay race with running "Pass the hoop"

Target: develop speed, agility and endurance

Equipment: 4 landmarks, 2 hoops.

Mobile game - relay race with the run "Whose column is more likely to be built?"

Target: to teach children to move around the site in different directions, on a signal it is built in three columns in accordance with the objects in their hands. Develop attention, the ability to act on a signal, orientation in space.

Equipment: 1 cube, 1 triangle, 1 cylinder (volumetric)

Mobile game - relay race with running "Climb into the hoop"

Target: teach children to quickly run across to the opposite side of the site. Cultivate perseverance in achieving positive results.

Equipment: 4 landmarks, 10 hoops.

Mobile relay game with jumps "Classics"

Target: teach kids how to speed different types jumps: with a jump of one leg to two.

Equipment: 10 hoops, 2 landmarks.

Outdoor game - relay race with jumps "Who is faster"

Target: teach children to jump in a bag. Develop dexterity, speed, endurance.

Equipment: bags, landmarks.

Outdoor game - relay race with jumps "Jumping snake"

Target: teach children to jump on two legs with a snake from a hoop to a hoop, holding their hands on their belts. Strengthen the arches of the feet. Develop attention, the ability to act on a signal.

Equipment: hoops, landmarks.

Outdoor game - relay race with jumps "Funny jump ropes"

Target: teach children to jump rope. Develop attention, speed, coordination of movements.

Equipment: 2 jump ropes, 2 landmarks.

Outdoor game - relay race with jumps "Penguins with a ball"

Target: teach children to jump to a landmark on two legs with the ball sandwiched between their knees, trying not to lose the ball, land on both feet. Develop dexterity, speed of movement, coordination.

Equipment: 2 landmarks, 2 volleyballs.

Outdoor game - relay race with jumps "Obstacle jumps"

Target: To teach children to jump over obstacles on two legs forward, swinging their arms, pushing their legs. Develop dexterity.

Equipment: 2 landmarks, 18 sticks, 12 plank holders, 12 racks.

Outdoor game - relay race with jumps "Do not step"

Target: teach children to jump over the stick sideways to the right, to the left; develop a sense of rhythm, alternating jumps from right to left, attention, dexterity; strengthen leg muscles.

Equipment: 2 landmarks, 8 gymnastic sticks.

Outdoor game - relay race with jumps "Inflatable balls"

Target: teach children to jump on balls, gently push off the ground with their feet, develop a sense of rhythm, attention, dexterity; strengthen leg muscles.

Equipment: 2 large inflatable rubber balls, 2 landmarks.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "Get into the hoop"

Target: Develop accuracy.

Equipment: 2 landmarks, 2 hoops, small balls according to the number of players.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "Get in the basket"

Target: learn to throw at a target, develop accuracy.

Equipment: 2 landmarks, 2 baskets, sandbags according to the number of players.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "Knock down the pin"

Target: teach throwing at a target, perform tasks on command.

Equipment: skittles and balls of small diameter according to the number of players.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "Get into the basketball hoop"

Target: teach dribbling with one hand, develop accuracy when throwing the ball.

Equipment: 4 landmarks, 2 volleyballs.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "The ball to the driver"

Target: develop accuracy, dexterity.

Equipment: 2 volleyballs, 4 landmarks.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "Swap places"

Target: learn to perform the task on command, throw the ball.

Equipment: 2 landmarks, 2 basketballs.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "Dodgers"

Target: learn to hit the ball on target.

Equipment: 2 landmarks, 1 volleyball.

Outdoor game - relay race with climbing "Obstacle Course"

Target: follow the rules of the relay, act quickly, dexterously, develop attention, the ability to act on a signal.

Equipment: 2 landmarks.

Outdoor game - relay race with throwing "Firefighters in training"

2. Vavilova E.N. Learn to run, jump, climb, throw. M.: 1983 [text]

3. FROM BIRTH TO SCHOOL. Approximate basic general educational program of preschool education / Edited by N.E. Veraksy, T.S. Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva.- M.: MOSAIC - SYNTHESIS, 2010.-304s. [text]

4. Gaidai E.P. Games, fun, entertainment [Text] - M., "ARKTI" 2000. [text]

6. Doronina, M.A. The role of outdoor games in the development of children preschool age/ M.A. Doronina // Preschool Pedagogy. - 2007. - No. 4. [text]

7. Tarasova T.A. Control physical condition preschool children. M.: 2005 [text]

8. Timofeeva E.A. "Outdoor games with children of primary preschool age" M .: "Prosveshchenie", 1986. 159s. [text]

9. Frolov V.G., Yurko G.P. " Physical education in the air with preschool children: A guide for the educator of children. garden." M .: "Enlightenment", 1983. [text]

10. Yudina R.A., Yakovleva L.V. Physical development and health of children 3-7 years old Vlados 2004. [Text]


Oh - a big hoop

o - small hoop

I - gymnastic bench

: - caps

gymnastic stick

Throwing sandbags

| | - sports mat

|=| - gymnastic ladder

. - small balls

P - geometric figure volumetric cube

^ - landmark, geometric figure volumetric triangle

Lesson outline

By physical education in 4th grade

on the topic: "Outdoor games with throwing the ball in

moving target.

Teacher: V.N. Trofimova

MBOU "Lycey" r.p.Stepnoe

Outline of a physical education lesson in grade 4.

Lesson topic: Outdoor games with throwing a ball at a moving target.

The purpose of the lesson: Achieve planned results.

    Subject result:

    Personal result:

    exercise positive traits personality and manage their emotions;

    the ability not to create conflicts and find ways out of various situations.

    Metasubject result:

    develop the ability to identify and form what is learned and what needs to be learned;

    determine the quality and level of knowledge;

    to form the ability to control learning activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.

The tasks of forming the UUD:

    the ability to formulate the topic and problem of the lesson;

    the ability to acquire new knowledge, find errors in the performance of educational tasks, select ways to correct them;

    draw conclusions as a result of the joint work of the class and the teacher.

Communicative UUD:

    the ability to actively participate in team activities;

    the ability to convey information in an accessible emotional vivid form in the process of communication;

    the ability to organize one's own activities;

    express your thoughts orally.

Personal UUD:

    to develop interest in new material and ways to solve a new educational problem;

    the ability to interact in achieving common goals in the process of joint activities;

    the ability to logically correctly express, argue their thoughts.

Regulatory UUD:

    the ability to determine the purpose of the activity in the lesson;

    the ability to pronounce the sequence of actions in the lesson;

    the ability to sum up the results of their activities in the lesson;

    the ability to evaluate their learning activities.

Lesson type: with an educational focus.

Teaching methods: system-activity, problematic, partially search.

Inventory and equipment:

    stopwatch - 1 pc.

    tennis balls - 6 pcs.

    basketballs - 6 pcs.

    soft balls - 2 pcs.

Lesson stages

Teacher activity


Student activities



Organization of preparation of students for the lesson

Execution of the teacher's commands

Verbal: construction, explanation

Personal: awareness of the meaning of the upcoming activity

Holding the yell in motion

Walking on toes, hands on the belt

Walking on heels, hands behind the head.

Running in slow pace

Running with high hips

Running by whipping the shin.

Side step left and right side.

Walking arms to the sides in the hands, in the elbows, straight arms back and forth.

Jerks with hands behind the back, in front of the chest.

Hands in the castle circular, wave-like rotation.

switchgear in place

Tilt the body forward, backward, right to left.

Hands on knees rotation inward in the opposite direction.

Rotation of the toe and heel.

Cross jumps alternately

Actualization of students' knowledge

Throwing a tennis sword into a rolling basketball

Formulation of the problem:

Do the player need motor qualities and skills in outdoor games.

The purpose of the lesson: mastering the technique of throwing a ball at a moving target, through outdoor games.

Warm-up efficiency

Completing a task

Participation in the discussion of the problem and the purpose of the lesson

Verbal: explanation

Verbal frontal association.

Verbal: conversation, frontal form, organized activity of students


Ability to understand the teacher's explanation

Regulatory: the ability to prepare the body for effective work in the main part of the lesson

Regulatory: accept a learning task corresponding to the stage of learning.

Subject: analyze, compare, draw conclusions.


Ability to participate in a dialogue on a given topic

Awareness of the implementation of various actions to identify and master ways to solve educational problems

Mobile game. "Hunting for a wolf" The class is divided into two teams, each team has a leading "Wolf" The rest are "Hunters". A minute later, "Wolf" change. After three times points are calculated.

Students "Hunters" try to hit the ball in the "Wolf" in one minute. The driving "Wolf" dodges the ball

Playful, competitive.

Personal: cognitive interest in new material. Ability to cooperate in achieving common goals.

Subject: the ability to throw a ball at a target in outdoor games.

Outdoor game: "Bouncer against the wall." The two leaders have soft balls. The rest of the players line up along the wall. The leader's task is to knock out all the players. The game time is one minute, after which other leaders are chosen.

Players move along the wall, give the ball after hitting the driver. As soon as the ball touches the player, he sits down on the bench. Leaders without entering the zone knock out players.

Game, competitive.

Regulatory: accept a learning task corresponding to the stage of learning

Problem solving: activates and directs the work of students, corrects answers and summarizes them.

Formation of a general conclusion to solve the problem.

Verbal: conversation.

Communicative: the ability to discuss the content and results of joint activities.

Summing up the lesson.

Evaluation by the students themselves for the lesson.

verbal, frontal

Communicative: the ability to express one's own point of view

Homework. Invent and conduct an outdoor game in the lesson with throwing the ball at the target

Self-control in homework.

verbal, frontal


verbal, frontal

Lesson outline

in physical education in grade 4