Exercise chair. We study all the subtleties and secrets

Timing exercises:

45 - 50 minutes

The target audience:

Suitable for any groups. For open and corporate trainings. For personal and business trainings.

Band size:

From 8 to 30 participants

Added to the site: 04/21/2014

The composition of the exercise:

  • Timing exercises
  • Methodology
  • Exercise Modifications
  • Handling difficult situations

  • Music suitable for exercise

Price: 790 rub.

Coming soon - price increase!


Exercise-challenge "Go to the chair"

Exercise types: Challenge exercise

Challenges are powerful and memorable exercises, the purpose of which attract attention groups to certain training topics, lead the group to important awareness. They are often quite complex, arouse the active interest of the group, increase the motivation of participants.. Read more about exercise types. .

Training topics:

  • Sales, negotiations
  • Leadership, confidence, rhetoric
  • Goal setting, Time management
  • Personal growth
  • Communication trainings
Goals of the exercise:
  • In negotiation trainings: to demonstrate to the training participants their ability to find out the interests of a partner and negotiate, the ability to be flexible, to select "keys" for each person.
  • In communicative trainings: to demonstrate to the participants their ability to convincingly argue their position, to achieve the desired result in communication.
  • In goal-setting and personal growth trainings, the exercise allows training participants to discover new resources in achieving their own important goals, to see their attitudes towards people around them and the world.

site offers exclusive coaching manuals the best games and exercises for training, containing unique recommendations and coaching "chips" that allow you to carry out the exercise with maximum results. Methods developed by professional trainers specially for the portal website and you won't find it anywhere else!

The exercise "Go to the chair" is a unique author's development of the doctor of psychological sciences, professor, famous trainer and writer N.I. Kozlov.

A powerful exercise that clearly demonstrates to the participants of the training their habitual patterns of behavior when achieving goals or when necessary to negotiate.Exercise "Go to the chair"reveals beliefs, attitudestraining participants that prevent them from achieving goals or negotiating more easily and effectively. The exercise also shows how persistent and confident the participants are in achieving goals that are meaningful to them or when negotiating.

This one of my favorite exercisestrainers-masters conducting negotiations trainings and trainings for successful achievement of goals.

Exercises "Come to the chair!" powerfully involves the participants of the training, noticeably raises the level of their interest and motivation for further training. Allows you to analyze your emotional and behavioral reactions and draw the most important personal conclusions based on your own meaningful experience.

The exercise is ideal for negotiation training, successful goal achievement training, confidence training, leadership training, communication training and personal growth training. If you conduct these trainings, we highly recommend that you add this exercise to your coaching piggy bank!

The volume of the proposed coaching exercise manual: 12 pages.

Bonus! The manual contains straightaway 3 exercise options(!) suitable for three different training topics.Appropriate musical accompaniment to the exercise is attached to the training manual.

Why you should buy this exercise on Trenerskaya.ru:

  1. This unique author's development doctor of psychological sciences, professor, famous trainer and writer N.I. Kozlov.
  2. This detailedT renner exercise manual with possible options for the trainer's speech, with specific questions that should be asked to the participants of the training, with an analysis of difficult situations that can occur in the group.
  3. You are you won't find anywhere else! The methodology was developed by the team professional trainers especially for the Trenerskaya.ru project.
  4. The manual contains 3 exercises at once(!), suitable for three different training topics: achieving goals, effective communication, negotiations.
  5. With our coaching manual in hand, you will carry out the exercisemuch more efficient and effective.

Pay for an exercise for training on the portal Trenerskaya. enJust:

1. Register and login Personal Area under his login And password.

2. Top up your personal account on the site. For this:
- click the "Buy" button,
- select convenient way payment. Most fast way- card. See other payment options and duration of money transfer .

Target: Exercise allows you to more clearly prioritize your current life, start working more on important goals.

Time: 30 min.

Band size: Any

Participants are given the task - to make a small list and write in it the most important things that occupy them in a given period of life, and the biggest problems at the present time, no more than 5 points.

After compiling the list, the participants try to imagine themselves being three years older and then think about these issues and activities as if three years later.

When thinking about this task, you should answer the following questions.

  1. What can you remember about this problem?
  2. What happened to her and how does she affect life now, after three years?
  3. If this problem appeared in front of you right now, would you find a solution to it? What would it be?

This exercise is done in individual groups consisting of 3-4 people; each participant informs the rest of the items from his own list and answers specific questions. It is also possible to allow those who wish to work independently, without group discussion, as a result, the exercise is performed by the participant in writing, while all the notes remain with him.

Meaning this exercise consists in the analysis of all life problems, in accordance with one's future. It allows all participants to think about important activities. So, psychologists have officially established that about 80% of success can be achieved through only 20% of our efforts, and the remaining percentage of efforts helps to ensure 20% of our achievements. Analysis from the "future" allows you to realize the degree of importance of certain cases.

After the exercise is completed, it is discussed. Participants ask themselves the following questions:

What activities seem to be more important with the help of this view, and which ones are not?

Does this opinion fully coincide with the position of the present time?

· What is your impression of the fact that in 3 years you will not remember a single problem or case that you are solving today?

Each participant must draw certain conclusions only for himself.

I also recommend to draw the attention of the training participants to whether their attitude to the current problems that they have written has changed? Usually this technique helps to reduce the significance of current problems, to switch the attention of participants to the future.

We have brought to your attention 7 quality exercises about the goals that are freely available. We hope that they will become a worthy filling of your trainings.

Since these exercises are taken from free sources, you need to consider that they:

· Available to many trainers and may already be known to your training participants. It is worth clarifying this before exercising.

When you need:

· Exclusive Exercises known only to a small circle of professional coaches

· Exercises with detailed coaching methodology for their implementation, revealing the entire “underwater part” of coaching and explaining exactly how to conduct the exercise and sum up the exercise in order to arrive at the best result

Then you can always pick up such exercises on the professional coaching portal TRENERSKAYA.RU.

This portal has grown on the basis of the largest training center "Sinton". For more than 30 years of work, the Sinton center has collected, probably, the largest database of the best games and exercises for business training and personal training.

And when we realized that trainers are constantly faced with the problem of a lack of quality training material, we assembled a team of professional trainers who:

only take away the best, brightest and effective exercises on a variety of coaching topics

Describe professionally and in detail hidden method of conducting them!

It's nice that now you can purchase our coaching exercise manuals at the most affordable prices in the "Exercises for training" section.

· Exercise "Million Euro"

The exercise is aimed at developing a meaningful attitude towards the goals that they set for themselves among the participants of the training. One of the purposes of the exercise is to find those inspiring goals that the person will truly enjoy pursuing, and to separate those goals from artificial, imposed goals, or intermediate goals.

If a person has an inspiring goal, idea, mission, then any, even the hardest work can be done with joy and pleasure.

· Exercise-challenge "Go to the chair"

Powerful exercise for goal achievement training or negotiation training. The exercise clearly demonstrates to the participants of the training their habitual patterns of behavior when achieving goals or when it is necessary to negotiate. Helps to open negative attitudes, beliefs that prevent them from easily achieving their goals or negotiating. Provides training participants with new resources.

Exclusive exercise - developed by Professor of Psychology N. I. Kozlov. The coaching manual of the exercise contains a lot of unique recommendations, tips and coaching "chips" that allow you to carry out the exercise with the maximum result. You won't find this anywhere else!

· Exercise "Wheel of Life"

strong and deep exercise, during which the participants of the training clearly see how satisfied they are with various areas of their lives, choose their priority goals And set specific goals for a certain period of time.

"Wheel of Life" is one of the best technologies which helps to consciously organize your life, determine your life goals and development priorities for the near, medium and long term.

· Exercise "Running to your goal"

Energetic and strong exercise, which allows, through a metaphor, to let the participants of the training feel the power of their own internal resistance on the way to the chosen goal.

Participants will be able to a short time vividly, fully, deeply experience their resistance and get motivated to change. As a result of this exercise, the participants of the training form a strong emotional demand for finding solutions, and their internal motivation to achieve increases.

· Exercise "I see the goal, I see no obstacles"

A very good and effective goal-oriented exercise that provides the participants of the training with the opportunity to work through their doubts and possible obstacles on the way to their goal. Increases the energy and motivation of the group for further learning.

Suitable for any training related to the topic of achieving goals. First of all, of course, these are goal-setting, self-confidence trainings, motivational trainings, as well as trainings for personal growth and stress resistance.

The trainer has the opportunity to visually demonstrate to the participants how minor obstacles that arise can interfere with the achievement of goals, and how easily they can be overcome, simply by having the right focus.

Opportunity to get ALL unique training manuals.

40 unique exercises with detailed methodology! ​

Each exercise manual contains :
  • A detailed description of the methodology for its implementation (usually 3-4 pages);
  • An example of a possible trainer's speech: how exactly the trainer can make an introduction to the exercise, how exactly to instruct, how to conduct reflection (summarizing the exercise);
  • Analysis of difficult situations and objections that may arise during this exercise and options for their solution;
  • Tips on how best to adapt this exercise to other topics, what other modifications of this exercise can be used in the training;
Most of our exercises contain audio files with a recording of this exercise.
Some exercises also contain video clips, presentation slides illustrating the exercise.

These are not just exercises for training.
These are unique coaching manuals of the best games and exercises for training!
You won't find this anywhere else!
The Trenerskaya.ru team carefully selects only the best training exercises that professionals actually use in their practice. high level. And he does what no one does: he reveals the secret coaching technology of how to conduct a training exercise with maximum results! We reveal a detailed methodology for conducting the exercise, the hidden logic of the coach's actions, all the secrets of coaching skills, tips from experts on working with participants' objections, and exclusive coaching "chips". you need the most best games and exercises for training? Do you want to know the exclusive technology of these training exercises? It's all here!


  1. Warm-up exercise "Unclench your fist"
  2. Super warm-up "Throw the ball faster!"
  3. Role-playing game "Come next time!"
  4. Tic-tac-toe business game
  5. Unique exercise "Wheel of life"
  6. Game for training "Devil's Tower"
  7. Exercise-challenge "Titanic"
  8. Unique exercise "Internal Translator"
  9. Warm-up exercise "Push hands"
  10. Unique exercise "Traffic light"
  11. Warm-up exercise "Magic wand"
  12. Exercise for training negotiations "Bumps"
  13. Exercise-challenge "Go to the chair"
  14. Exercise for training "Guess the hero"
  15. Exercise for trainings "$10,000"
  16. Role-playing game "Incident in a hotel"
  17. Unique technique "Feeling"
  18. Role-playing game "Slalom"
  19. Exercise "Building a house from a rope"
  20. Role-playing game "Promotion-Firing"
  21. Exercise for trainings "Million Euro"
  22. Success line
  23. Get out of the circle!
  24. Running towards your goal
  25. My capital
  26. I'm great at it!
  27. Convince someone else!
  28. Find your favorite job
  29. I see a purpose, but I do not see obstacles
  30. Success
  31. Warm-up "Sparrows-Crows"
  32. Director's presentation
  33. "Sell" your flaw
  34. Balloon
  35. Meeting confident people
  36. delusion generator
  37. creative walk
  38. Warm-up "House and Tenant"
  39. Blind and Guide

Ready-made programs of the best trainings

  1. Ready-made training program "Active sales" (5990 rubles)
  2. Ready-made training program "Working with objections" (1990 rubles)
  3. Ready-made training program "Cold calls" (5990 rubles)
  4. Ready-made training program "Effective leadership" (5990 rubles)
  5. Ready program "Negotiation Training" (5990 rubles)
  6. Ready-made training program "Oratory" (5990 rubles)
  7. Ready-made program "Training confidence" (5990 rubles)
The total cost of all materials is about 60,000 rubles. You get all these materials for ONLY 21990 rubles. and save 38,000 rubles!!!
Conducting trainings according to our detailed manuals is the same as driving a good foreign car: more convenient, faster, safer and, most importantly, more efficient.

And it's hard enough to remove them. even with effective weight loss.

After all, despite the fact that they do decrease slightly in size with proper and balanced nutrition, in order to achieve best results It is important to supplement your diet with certain physical exercises.

However, the problem is that not everyone has enough time to go to the gym regularly, and it is quite difficult to develop a training plan for yourself.

But many do not even suspect that with the help of an ordinary chair you can perform effective exercises and achieve amazing results without leaving home.

Such a “trainer” allows us to use our own body weight as resistance, and unlike other home appliances, the risk of injury here is minimal.

Today we bring to your attention 6 the best exercises, take note!

1. Step Up: Raises

This exercise allows you to work out not only the muscles of the abdomen and waist, but also legs and. And this is its undoubted advantage over others.

How to do it?

  • Place one foot on a chair, lifting your body up while extending your free leg back.
  • Tighten your stomach and glutes, and then switch legs.
  • Your movements should be smooth, you should complete 3 sets of 20 repetitions.

2. Remove the sides by doing push-ups from the chair ("triceps down")

This exercise is also very interesting, as it allows you not only to remove hanging sides, but also helps to strengthen your back, shoulders and arms.

How to do it?

  • Stand with your back to a chair, lean with both hands on its seat, while your elbows should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees and parallel to each other. Feet on the floor.
  • Raise your body by straightening your arms while inhaling for effort.
  • Remember that you must be pulled in during the exercise.
  • You need to do 3 sets of 10 or 15 repetitions.

3. "Split": squats with a leg raised on a chair

This exercise will require a lot of concentration and endurance from you, and therefore at first it may seem quite tiring. But trust me, it's worth it!

Exercise serves to increase the elasticity of muscles and allows you to work out the quadriceps and thigh muscles.

How to do it?

  • Stand up straight with your knees slightly bent, then lift one leg onto the chair behind you as shown in the picture above.
  • Now lower and raise your body in this position for 15 to 20 reps.
  • If you wish, you can also perform one of the variations of this exercise: moving the leg raised on the chair, then forward, then back.

4. ABS on the chair

To focus on the abdominal muscles, you can do the following exercises with a chair. You will need support your own body weight and balance.

How to do it?

  • Sit on the edge of a chair with your legs extended forward and slightly raised. Make sure that the tips of your feet do not touch the floor.
  • Now lean back a little and at the same time pull your knees towards you.
  • Try to touch your stomach with them so that the twisting of the body is maximum. Inhale as you return to the starting position and exhale on effort (when you bend your knees again and pull them towards you).
  • Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

5. Pull up your knees

This exercise is intended just to "simulate" and "correct" the waist, belly and buttocks.

It's a great way to deal with local fat, as well as for general weight loss. Moreover, it helps strengthen the muscles and bones of the back.

How to do it?

  • Rest your forearms on a chair, and stretch your legs back, leaning on your fingertips.
  • Without lifting the body up, pull right leg, bent at the knee, to inside left hand, as if you wanted to touch it to the elbow.
  • Hold this position for a couple of seconds and return to the starting position.
  • Then repeat on the other leg for 3 sets of 15 reps.

6. Side lifts with a chair

This exercise will be a great addition to the previous one, as it is aimed to work out the muscles of the abdomen, and buttocks.

How to do it?

  • Stand sideways to a chair so that you can lean on its back with your right hand.
  • Now put your left hand behind your head and stretch your left leg to the side, leaving it some distance from the right.
  • Start lowering your left arm and at the same time lift your left leg to (ideally) touch your heel with your palm.
  • Return to starting position and do 10-15 reps on each leg.

Well, are you ready to accept the challenge and remove the hated sides at the waist? As you can see, taking care of yourself and putting your figure in order is not so difficult even with a small amount of free time. Everything you need for a full workout is available to each of us at home, there would be a desire.

Try to dedicate a few minutes a day to these exercises, and you will definitely appreciate their benefits!

It's no secret that playing sports not only ennobles and helps maintain health, but also improves the emotional state and mood. However, not everyone has the opportunity to visit GYM's due to lack of time, hard work and other things. In this case, save short daily physical education and healthy lifestyle life.

No time?

home workout may include completely different exercises on the press, back and hips, however, the simplest and most accessible exercise is the "chair" against the wall. It does not require much time and effort, but it brings great benefits. Moreover, this is one of the few exercises for which you can set a time limit, after which the load not only does not help, but can even be harmful. And most importantly, this limit is only five minutes.

Exercise "high chair"

The principle of the exercise is very simple. It is necessary to sit down and press your back against the wall so that its entire surface is adjacent to the plane. Top part legs should be parallel to the floor. This position will provide maximum load on the entire surface of the leg and buttock. Hands should be parallel to the body. In fact, you sit on a chair without him.

If it is difficult to start the exercise right away, you can not completely bend your legs at first, but the effect of such incompleteness will be much less.

Breathe deeply and evenly while performing. If breathing is intermittent and confused, blood circulation is disturbed, it becomes quite difficult to be in this position, but you should not hold the air either.

It is performed within one or two minutes, while there is strength. If it becomes very difficult, then it is better to stop the exercise, repeating it with the next approach. It is important to avoid excessive pressure on the knees.

The number of approaches depends on the fitness of the body. On average, 3-5 approaches are done. It is very important to stretch after doing the exercise in order to stretch the muscles and thus relax them. Otherwise, a cramp may seize the leg, and the muscles will remain in tension.

We complicate the exercise

A more difficult form of the same exercise is to do the same without back support, i.e. without a wall. This option is more difficult to perform due to the desire to relieve tension and lean forward. It is important to keep your back straight. But both with support and without it, the "high chair" (exercise) is complex for the whole body.

You can add a load on the legs and raise them one by one, holding them in the air for about 5-7 seconds and pulling them forward a little. This will have an additional impact on the leg that is on the ground, and the glute workout will become more active.

You can also take dumbbells in your hands and lift them one by one, trying not to disturb your balance. In the absence of dumbbells, an additional load on the arms can be given by stretching them in front of you parallel to the floor or by bringing them behind your head.

Exercise options are completely different, but do not forget the basic principle, which is of great benefit in training.

What is useful?

Firstly, the "highchair" (exercise) is suitable for both working out gluteal muscles, lower back, press and arms. In fact, the exercise is anabolic, that is, without active movements. This type of exercise helps to increase the body's muscle endurance and directly contributes to the breakdown of adipose tissue.

Secondly, the universal exercise is suitable for the whole family, even for children. It is useful not only for those who practice regularly, but also for those who have just started. By the way, this type of load is included in school curriculum physical education.

Finally, the simplicity and accessibility of the exercise allows you to perform it with the tightest schedule. With just two minutes a day, everyone has the opportunity not to interrupt their workouts.

First of all, do not forget about other exercises. Despite the fact that the “high chair” (exercise) perfectly trains almost all muscle groups, you won’t go far on it alone. Both the press and the buttocks need additional study.

Also, do not rely on this exercise as a key exercise. Over time, muscles tend to get used to physical activity one type and special attention requires glute training. As soon as you feel that you have ceased to receive the effect of this exercise, you can replace it with swinging your legs back in a kneeling position or simple squats. In any case, you need to maintain an active tone for each involved muscle.

And in no case should we forget about a healthy lifestyle in addition to all the loads. Home workout should be accompanied by regular and complete nutrition, eight hours of sleep and walks in the fresh air.

Quick results

There is no doubt that the result will not be long in coming. After a few sessions with this exercise, the legs will become stronger and the buttocks stronger. The most important thing is regularity and patience.

The exercise is approved by all coaches and fitness instructors, which once again confirms its effectiveness. Even without being able to regularly visit the gym, you can get in shape, and the "high chair" (exercise) will help you achieve your goal.

By following these tips and instructions, you can check if you are doing the exercise correctly. In no case should there be a sharp pain in the back and legs. If you feel such pain, then you should stop doing the exercise. In any case, it is never too late to correct and correct everything.