Abs workout in 10 minutes. RF Muscles - online fitness workouts: programs and exercises

8 years ago, Polina became interested in bodybuilding. In 2017, she began to prepare for competitions and six months later she won the silver crown in the fit model category. Polina works out in a rocking chair 4 times a week and follows a sports diet. Such a hobby.

I spoke with Polina to find out her experience in pumping the press. What exercises give results and what needs to be done so that the press is visible.

Polina works out in the gym for an hour 4 days a week

How long will it take

You can make your stomach fit in 2 months just by burning excess fat. Even small muscles are visible if above them
no adipose tissue. The "cubes" will take 6 months. For a pronounced press, which will show through a small layer of fatty tissue, you need to spend a year.

Polina's press before the start of classes

Six months later

How to start

At the first workout, your muscles are not ready for hard exercises. It is necessary to bring them into tone and prepare them for full-fledged loads with a light set of exercises.

1-2 months of lessons

After the first session, the muscles will hurt for 3-7 days. When the pain is completely gone, repeat the workout. After the second workout, the pain will go away faster, after the third even faster. When the pain begins to pass the next day or stops appearing altogether, move on to the next complex.

3-6 months

7-12 months

Below, Polina spoke in detail about the press and showed correct execution each of the above exercises.

What muscles do we pump

The rectus abdominis, internal obliques, and external obliques form the abs. For us, from an aesthetic point of view, only the external obliques and the rectus abdominis are important, because these are the two muscles that are visible.

rectus abdominis

Trunk muscles, front view. Sinelnikov R.D. "Atlas of human anatomy"

This one is flat and longus muscle which lines the outer wall of the peritoneum. A long bundle of tendons crosses the muscle in the middle from the pubic bone at the bottom to the sternum at the top. Several bundles of tendons cross the muscle horizontally.
Because of these intersections, we see "cubes".

"Cubes" do not work separately. You can not download separately up or down. The rectus abdominis works only as a whole. Any exercises on the press involve all the "cubes" at once.


The rectus abdominis muscle is needed to twist the body to the pelvis
or twisting the pelvis to the body. Hundreds of Existing Exercises
for the press use one of these functions. Therefore, we will do those exercises that concentrate the load on one of these motion vectors as much as possible.

Twisting lying on a gymnastic mat

  1. Lie on your back and bend your knees.
  2. Inhale slowly twist upper part body to knees.
  3. At the top point, freeze for a second, further tensing the abdominal muscles.
  4. At the exit, slowly return to the starting position.

You can not completely relax and lower your head to the floor. The voltage must remain constant - throughout the entire amplitude.

Reverse crunches

Reverse crunches lying on a gym mat

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Stretch your arms along the body.
  3. As you exhale, slowly lift both legs up.
  4. Lower as you inhale.

double twists

Double twists simultaneously raising legs and arms due to the abdominal muscles

  1. Lie on your back, bend your legs at the knees.
  2. As you exhale, slowly twist the body and legs towards each other.
  3. On an inhale, return to the starting position.


The vacuum strengthens the rectus abdominis and deep-lying back muscles. Suspension training internal organs and massage them.
But for us, the main thing is that the vacuum makes the waist thinner. The easiest way to master the vacuum is standing on all fours.

Vacuum on all fours

  1. Get on all fours.
  2. Relax your back, transfer the weight to the palms.
  3. Exhale as much as possible and pull your stomach in for 20-30 seconds.
  4. Relax your stomach as you inhale.

You can learn how to make a vacuum while sitting, and then standing. After a while, you will notice that in a relaxed state, the stomach does not bulge or dangle. When you master the technique, you can do
this is an exercise in public transport, at work, at a bus stop. Practice and make good use of your time.

External oblique abdominal muscles

Trunk muscles, right side view. Sinelnikov R.D. "Atlas of human anatomy"

The external oblique muscles stretch obliquely from the armpits to the lower abdomen. These are paired muscles that form the lateral parts of the body. They help us bend, turn and maintain good posture.

Diagonal twists

Most effective exercise, which will help to work out the oblique muscles.

Alternate right elbow to left knee and vice versa

  1. Lie on your back.
  2. Raise your body and legs off the floor.
  3. As you exhale, pull your left elbow and right knee towards each other.
    It is important that the body turns diagonally.
  4. Relax as you inhale.
  5. As you exhale, pull your right elbow and left knee.

fast muscle fibers

The abdominal muscles are made up of fast and slow muscle fibers that respond to different loads.

Fast or glycolytic fibers increase in volume from strength training. Exercises should be so hard that after 6-12 repetitions, you can not do any more.

  • 6-12 heavy reps to failure
  • We do in full amplitude with a touch of the floor at the bottom point
  • Rest a minute or more between sets
  • 3-4 sets in one exercise

Any of the above exercises can be done in the most difficult form for yourself. For example, 6 reps in 3-4 sets for reverse crunches with ankle weights will suffice. This is a hard exercise that will only injure the fast fibers of your abs.

slow muscle fibers

Slow or oxidative fibers unable to handle heavy loads. They work for endurance and endure long work. But this does not mean that the same exercise should be done 50-100 times. It is necessary to perform exercises so that the muscle is continuously tense for a long time. Such exercises are called static-dynamic.

  • Lots of micro-reps 30-50 sec in amplitude
  • Constant tension without relaxation at the bottom
  • Burning and pain before giving up
  • Rest between sets: 30-50 sec
  • 3-4 sets, then rest 5 minutes and repeat

Any exercise can be done in a static-dynamic form. For example, regular twists. You lie on your back and twist in the segment of the most intense amplitude. Within 30-50 seconds you make "micro-movements" within the amplitude. A burning sensation will appear in the muscle.

How to increase the load

The body adapts to any external factors. After that,
as you injured your muscles by training, healing begins to its original level - compensation. Then the muscles become a little stronger and bigger - supercompensation.


Roman chair or incline bench lengthen the amplitude and increase the load. The lower your body and head are relative to your hips, the more difficult it is for you to do lying down twists. The amplitude can be adjusted by raising or lowering the inclined plane.

The higher your rib cage and the head relative to the pelvis, the more difficult it is to do reverse twists due to the greater amplitude. Hanging on bars or a horizontal bar, it is the hardest thing to raise your legs. The body is in the highest position relative to the pelvis of all possible.

If the load is not increased, then the muscles will adapt and the growth process will stop.

Balls and hemispheres for fitness

On a ball or hemisphere for fitness, you can do simple, diagonal and reverse twists. The ball increases the amplitude of twisting and makes it possible to stretch the muscles as much as possible. During simple and diagonal twists in the starting position, the head should hang down. The lower you bend in the spine,
the stronger the stretch and the greater the load.

Fitness balls different size for different heights

In addition to the rectus muscle, the external oblique abdominal muscles are included in the work. They stabilize the body on an unstable support and help maintain balance.

You need to regularly give the muscles more stress than in the previous workout. At first, your weight will be enough for you, but then you will need to use weights and simulators.
This will lead to regular growth.


Leg weights are special cuffs with sewn-in weights. Put them on your ankles during reverse crunches. Due to the additional load, there is an increase in the load on the rectus abdominis muscle and the complexity of the lesson increases.

Foot weights with sand 3 kg

There are cuffs weighing from 0.5 to 5 kg. Increase the weight gradually, starting with 0.5 kg. Do not use cuffs heavier than 5 kg, this may put too much pressure on the articular-ligamentous apparatus.

How to regulate nutrition so that the press is visible

The press can be well developed, but in ordinary life it is not visible.
under the fat layer. In order for the relief of the press to be visible, it is necessary to reduce the percentage of fat over the rectus and oblique muscles of the abdomen. To do this, you need to consume fewer calories and organize fractional meals.

Reduce your calorie intake

Calculate your individual daily calorie intake with the calorie calculator. Based on the norm, select products and make daily ration. This is your starting point. Regarding this diet, you can change products, reduce
or increase the number of calories depending on the loads and well-being.

Example of a daily diet

Divide your daily ration into 6 meals

6 servings of 300 grams in identical containers

Divide into 6 meals the food that you have allocated for the day. Breakfast, lunch, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner, late dinner shortly before bedtime. You need to eat often and in small portions. The maximum size is 300 g.
For convenience, you can arrange food in 6 small identical containers. Or 3 and there is half a container per reception.

It is best to always eat at the same time. After a week of such a regime, the body gets used to the intake of food at certain hours and prepares for it. Digestive juice is secreted in the stomach, salivation increases. The body absorbs food faster and easier. A slight feeling of hunger will appear strictly by the hour. This will eliminate the risk of snacking and overeating. In order not to forget, you can set several alarms.


  1. The stomach will tighten up in 2 months. On the "cubes" will take 6.
    For a pronounced press, you need to spend a year.
  2. Prepare before hard workouts muscle lung a set of exercises.
  3. The press is not divided into upper and lower. Any exercise pumps the entire rectus abdominis.
  4. Do exercises on fast and slow muscle fibers.
  5. Increase the load. If this is not done, then the muscles will adapt and the growth process will stop.
  6. Reduce your calorie intake.
  7. Divide your daily ration into 6 meals.

We have prepared for you more exercise options that will help keep the whole body in good shape, including the press. Enter your email and click the download button ↓ And share your success in the comments.

Give these abs exercises just 10 minutes daily and you will soon notice amazing results.

Fighting belly fat

Lie on your back, fold your legs and tighten your abs. Lower each leg in turn, touching the floor with only the heel. Perform 20-30 touches with each leg.

Intensive burning of excess

This is one of the most effective exercises for a beautiful belly. It's called "rock climber".

Get on all fours and alternately pull your legs to your chest at a fast pace. Do the exercise for 30-60 seconds.

Work with the relief of the abdomen

Lie on your back, straighten your legs and slowly, vertebra by vertebra, raise your torso so that it makes an angle of 90 degrees with your legs.

Just go down slowly. Do 15-20 lifts.

Lower Press

The upper abs appear first, but at the bottom you have to wait a long time, even if you have already dealt with the problem of the tummy. Lie on your back and perform a classic effective exercise on lower press: raising straight legs. Lift them 20-30 times.

slim waist

The oblique muscles of the press should not be carried away if you work with weights. Cardio exercises on this part of the body, on the contrary, can make the waist thinner. Stay on your back after the lower press exercise, but lift your legs alternately. As fast as you can.

Perform 10-15 lifts of each leg. For greater effect, you can simultaneously raise the body.

Hello everyone, my name is Alexey Dmitryaev, this is the Myshtsy.RF channel, and today we will work on pumping the stomach. At the last workout, we figured out how to eat, how to train, and today I want to show you what you can do at home. That is, you do not need to go to the gym, you just need to take it and start pumping your abdominal muscles. Right here and now.

The essence of our today's training is that it can be done every day. It does not entail an increase in muscle volume, it just strengthens the abdominal muscles, gives greater clarity, definition, well, it gives shape to the muscles abdominals. If you want to have clear beautiful squares, you need to do various exercises, and if you want them to be large, voluminous and protruding like cubes, then you need to do exercises with weight. Last time I showed how this is done, and today we will train precisely for clarity, for clarity, so that the abdominal muscles are simply clearly visible. This is exactly what you can do at home.

Series #1
The first exercise will be crunches. We lay down on the floor and perform the familiar twisting. Exhale on effort. And immediately without rest, the second exercise: we put our hands under the pelvis, straighten our legs and lift them up, but not to the level
90 degrees, and a little lower, somewhere around 70 degrees. We lower our legs almost to the floor, without touching it, and raise it back. We do not give a second of relaxation. Exhale on the rise. The most important thing is not to give the abdominal muscles a second of freedom. They must be energized at all times.
We did 20 times and relaxed. I remind you that in each exercise we do 20 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds and continue on.

Series #2
Second part. Raise straight legs up. On the exhale, we reach for the heels. We lingered, we gradually descended, but not to the end, we went further. Breathe out with effort. On this exercise, the abdominal muscles should already be in pain. My abdominal muscles are already burning to the fullest. We try to stay at the top. 20 done, and immediately the second exercise without rest.
Again we put the handles under the pelvis, raise the legs, and let's go. We push off with our feet forward, we lead them towards us, bending at the knees, and we must raise the pelvis. Exhale, inhale, don't forget to breathe. Why do we put our hands under the pelvis? This is not just like that, we do it on purpose so that our lower back does not come off, this is very important. If the lower back comes off, the load from the abdominal muscles completely goes into lumbar. Therefore, for many, the lower back hurts while doing exercises on the abdominal muscles.
To be beautiful belly you have to be able to endure the pain. We do all 20 repetitions and that's it, rest.

The first exercise was lifting the body. Chum is the essence of the exercise, we must touch the heels with our hands and linger for a second, then slowly lower ourselves, but not to the end, but so that the shoulder blades do not touch the floor. We descend smoothly, as soon as you feel that you are already close to touching the floor, you immediately begin to contract your abdominal muscles and pull yourself up to your heels. If you can do this 20 times and never relax your stomach, trust me, your abs will hurt a lot.

Series #3
Let's move on to the third pair of exercises. In the third series, we will do with you alternate leg raises along with twists. We do simple twists, alternately pulling one knee to the forehead, then the second. As soon as we have finished, we put the foot of one leg on the knee of the other, and with the opposite elbow we stretch the free knee. Exhale on effort. Again, don't go to bed. We did 20, we change the leg. You have to be patient, there's not much left. I don’t know about you, but by this point I was already tired. At the moment of contraction, we linger for a second, we strain the muscles. Made 20 and rest.
Already very, very, very unpleasant sensations in the muscles of the press, a strong burning sensation, and the cubes stand out well. If you don't have any, then be patient. Coming soon!

Series #4
The last two remain. The first exercise in the series is a book. It looks like this. We raise the pelvis and body, only the pelvis touches the floor. We “fold” with a book, simultaneously making a movement with both legs and the thoracic region.
Last exercise. We lie down completely on the floor, handles crosswise, touch the shoulders
we rise only with the help of the upper part of the abdominal muscles, we will touch only the very top. Exhale on effort. Smoothly, powerfully held, and drove on. Be patient, there is still a little left, just a little bit. We did 20 and everything, relaxed. Have a rest.

After that. as you did the complex, you can stretch your abdominal muscles a little. This can be done very simply. We lay down completely on our stomach, rested our knees and palms on the floor, and stretched the body upwards without tearing off the fulcrum. Stretching. At the same time, we are also trying to tighten the abdominal muscles, achieving maximum stretching.
I think that everyone can see that the abdominal muscles have received the load they need. Do this every day, and you will have the same cubes as I have.
It was a 10 minute abs workout I hope you all have
had the patience to do it. Do it every day and I think after a while you will see results on your stomach.

Some people believe that in order to pump the press, you need to devote a lot of time to pumping it. In fact, to get attractive cubes, it is enough to perform small sets of exercises lasting a few minutes. We have prepared for you four training programs designed for 7, 8, 10 and 15 minutes. Choose the one you like and start exercising at home or in gym.

Complex on the press for 7 minutes

Our first training program is designed for 7 minutes. It is recommended to practice several times a week and preferably every other day. The complex includes quite complex exercises, so it may not be suitable for beginners, but

  • Plank. Take an emphasis lying down, straightening the body along the string. Hold the plank for 1.5-2 minutes. If it's hard, try spreading your legs wider to reduce the load.
  • Reverse twists. Lie on your back with your hands behind your head. Raise your straightened legs off the floor and pull your knees up to your chest. Then slowly return to the starting position, but do not lower your legs to the floor so that the press does not relax. Focus not on the number of repetitions, but on time - up to 1.5-2 minutes, achieving a burning sensation.
  • Stretching. Get into a plank position, keeping your back straight, and begin to open and close your legs. Do this in a jump, keeping tension in the abdominal muscles. Try to do up to 15 reps.
  • Rock climber. Again we take the position, as when performing the bar. We begin to alternately pull the knees to the elbows. To engage your obliques, pull your left leg toward right hand, and vice versa.

Complex for 8 minutes

This 8-minute complex is easier than the previous one, as it consists of less heavy exercises. It should take you about 8 minutes, and you can train 3-4 times a week even at home:

  • Twisting. Lie down on the floor, bend your knees, fold your arms behind your head or cross over your chest (the second option is easier) and start twisting, tearing your shoulder blades off the floor. To prevent injury to the lower back, do not tear it off the floor.
  • Side crunches. An exercise similar to the previous one, but in it, when twisting the torso, you need to turn it to the sides. Try to touch your left elbow to your right knee, and vice versa. Work slowly, achieving a burning sensation.
  • Twisting with outstretched legs. Lying on your back, lift up straightened legs and arms. Start twisting, tearing your shoulder blades off the floor and trying to reach your feet with your hands.
  • Leg lifts. Lying on your back, spread your arms and rest on the floor to maintain balance. Start lifting straightened legs up and slowly lowering back, but not to touch the ground.
  • Plank. Take an emphasis lying down and fix the body, stretching the spine in one line. Try to stay like this for at least 1 minute.

A set of exercises for the press for 10 minutes

Now let's find out how to pump the press in 10 minutes and what exercises you need to do for this. You can train daily, but the main thing is at least three times a week. The complex involves sequential execution following exercises. The technique for performing some of them has already been described above, so we will not repeat:

  • Twisting for 1 minute.
  • Lateral twisting left and right for a minute.
  • Twisting with raised legs. Lie on your back, lift your legs up and begin to alternately stretch your hands to one foot, and then to the other (1 minute each)
  • Reverse twists for a minute.
  • Straight plank - 1 minute
  • Side plank. It is performed with emphasis first on the left forearm, and then on the right. One minute on each side.

Ab workout for 15 minutes

This complex is more suitable for training in the gym, but you can train at home if you have a horizontal bar and a special bench. You need to do three circles, consisting of three exercises on upper press, lower and oblique abdominal muscles:

  • Twisting on a Roman chair. This is a special inclined bench with an emphasis on the legs. Lying on it, you need to perform classic twists, but you can’t lower the shoulder blades to the surface so that the press is constantly in tension. Do 12-15 slow reps.
  • Leg raises on the bar. Hang on the horizontal bar and begin to raise straight legs up to parallel to the floor or to the very top. If the exercise seems difficult. You can bend your knees. Do 10-15 repetitions, but go down as slowly as possible.
  • Side twists on a Roman chair. An exercise similar to the first one, but you need to twist not straight, but with the twist of the body to the left and right every other time.

After doing these three exercises, rest for 20-30 seconds and repeat the circuit. A full workout should take you 15 minutes. Exercise 2-3 times a week.

Warm up

Before starting a workout, you need to warm up a little and stretch the abdominal muscles. Perform three exercises four times in each direction:

1. Turns of the body while standing.

2. Giving the body forward with straight arms.

3. Tilts to the side.


All exercises are performed for 30 seconds. Set a timer and go!

1. Knee extension in plank

Stand in: arms under the shoulders, legs straight, abs and buttocks tense, the stomach does not fall. Raise your knees one by one. Hold your lower back.

How to simplify: put your forearms on the floor, alternately touch the floor with your knees.

2. Knee extension in side plank

Stand in a side plank, stretch your upper arm above your head, put your legs crosswise: upper back, lower front. As you exhale, bend your upper arm and leg and connect your elbow and knee, and then return to the side plank again.

How to simplify: put lower leg on the knee, and the hand on the forearm.

3. "Rock climber" with the removal of the knee to the side

Get into a plank position, bend one knee and pull it obliquely towards the opposite arm. With a jump, change legs, turning your knees towards opposite hands. Do the exercise intensively. Try not to raise your shoulders or hold your breath.

How to simplify: take the knee to the side of the opposite hand without jumping.

4. V-shaped rises of the body on the side

Lie on your side, straighten your legs. The lower arm lies on the floor at an angle of 45 degrees from the body, the upper arm is extended above the head. Exhale as you lift your torso and legs at the same time. Leaning on the elbow of the lower hand, touch the upper to the legs. Repeat on the other side.

How to simplify: raise your arm and one leg.

5. Side raises

Lie on your side lower arm put on your elbow. The shoulder is located clearly above the elbow. upper hand put on your belt. Cross your legs so that the top is in front.

Lift your hips off the floor and lift them as high as you can, then lower them back to the floor. Repeat on the other side.

How to simplify: leave the knee of the lower leg on the floor.

6. Twisting is not complete

Sit on the floor, bend your knees at an obtuse angle, put your feet on your heels. Bend your arms at the elbows and connect the hands.

With an exhalation, move the body back, while turning the body to the side. Touch the floor with your elbow and rise back up. When you go back, strain hard. Repeat on the other side.

How to simplify: do not touch the floor with your elbow, just turn to the sides, straining your abs.

7. Breeding legs with a jump from the bar

Get into a plank position on your forearms. With a jump, spread your legs, then return them to the starting position.

How to simplify: do the exercise without jumping, put your legs apart in turn.


After training, you need to stretch the working muscles. Three extensions are suitable for this.

child pose

Sit on your knees, lie on your hips with your stomach, stretch your arms forward. This pose stretches the back muscles. Hold it for 10-15 seconds, and then move on to another stretch.

Stretching on the abdomen

Lie on the floor on your stomach, palms under your shoulders. Squeeze the body up, leaving the hips on the floor. If you can, straighten your arms. This pose stretches the abdominal muscles. Hold it for 10-15 seconds and return to child's pose again.

Sitting side bend

Sit in Turkish style, cross-legged. Put one hand on the floor, stretch the other up and stretch in the opposite direction. This pose stretches the oblique abdominal muscles.

You can repeat the set of exercises separately or include it at the beginning of your workout. In the latter case, perform stretching exercises at the very end of the session.