The benefits of a treadmill for weight loss. How to exercise on a treadmill to lose weight? Some helpful videos

Running for weight loss is almost the most optimal workout.

Of course, it would be absurd to talk about the absence of fat runners, but pay attention to another detail.

Among people who prefer weight training there are those who have fat, but among those involved in aerobic exercise (running, swimming or cycling), even at a semi-amateur level, it is not noticeable obese people.

The bottom line is the optimal fat burning during aerobic exercise. Running is just one of those, and treadmill allows you to make cardio workouts more effective.

General rules for classes

To start losing weight normally, you need to stick to the system. In addition, it is very useful to be able to use the treadmill normally, that is, not only turn it on and off, but also create various programs, vary the load. To do this, you need to know - and own the necessary functions.

To all of the above you will need to add normal equipment, which at least consists of (this is not about running only in sneakers, other clothes are also needed, but sneakers are the most main element) and the normal track.

For example, if you have any problems with the joints, then you will need to depreciate the track. In general, you should first study the theory of running a little and pick up equipment. Do not forget,

It’s better to take a closer look at exactly the rules of how to lose weight: in short, they consist of adherence to two methods:

  1. nutrition;
  2. workouts.

Besides need to recover normally and experience less stress.

Attention! If you want to lose weight, you need not only jogging on the track, but also a diet, a competent and rational menu.

Briefly about the most important facts

We will tell you more about nutrition and training in separate paragraphs, now in the table we note the most significant facts.

A carbohydrate holds 4 grams of water in the body. Accordingly, if you want to reduce body weight, you need to reduce the amount of carbohydrates and remove water.
First, in training (particularly aerobic), water and toxins are burned. Therefore, it is not particularly rational to weigh yourself before and after training. Especially if you have an untrained body. At first, you will lose mass, but only by reducing the amount of toxins and water in the body.
A kilogram of fat = 8000 calories. Thus, even for an intense workout, you will burn at most 100 grams of fat. It is necessary to proceed from this and build a gradual and phased weight loss program.
4 weeks = - 4 kilograms of excessive weight. It is on such a result that it is better to focus. In the beginning, there may be results of 6-7 kilograms, but they are achieved by cleansing the body of excessive water and toxins.
220 - your age * 0.7 = your training heart rate. It is this pulse (+- 5-10) that you need to keep during the active phase of the lesson, that is, run so that the pulse remains in this target zone. Then fats are actively burned if you do it monotonously and for a long time. The body oxidizes fats.
Carbohydrates before training. If you ate and got on the track within an hour, the body will spend exactly these calories received. Carbohydrates are needed before strength training. To burn fat, it is better in general (if there are no restrictions) to run on an empty stomach or 1-2 after a meal, we will talk about this in more detail separately.
Protein before workout. Quite acceptable, they do not let you get fat, but additionally they will not let you burn muscle mass. Intensive classes running can burn not only fat, but also your muscles. Therefore, you need to add protein to your diet.
Don't rely on weight. It is better to focus on the volume of your body. Watch the effect when you look at yourself in the mirror.

Learn this information and you will be able to navigate better. Next, we will consider the topic in more detail and provide the necessary clarifications.

2 running programs to burn fat

To begin with, we will repeat about the essential detail that is related to nutrition. Running is an intense exercise that the body tries to adapt to in the best possible way, and you cannot (unless you have reached the deep stages of self-discovery) just tell the body to burn fat. The body will spend energy in the most convenient way.

Therefore, if you ate carbohydrates before training, then these carbohydrates will be processed during the run. From here important conclusions to be drawn.:

  • don't run on a full stomach- for weight loss, this is practically not effective, you will develop only muscles and endurance;
  • exercise on an empty stomach- an intense warm-up will give you the opportunity to spend part of the energy and further burn fat.

The best option is to practice in the morning when you only drank water after waking up. You can also do a workout in the afternoon after work: when you had lunch, but have not yet had dinner. Another option is combination of strength and aerobic training.

Of course, not everyone can afford two-hour classes, but if you do not want to become attached to food, then for weight loss, you should first do an hour session on the simulators and then an hour session on the track. By the second hour, the body will just switch to scooping up resources from the fat layer.

We will not move into the exotic and provide a couple that are considered a classic option for weight loss: with proper use, they give a high effect.

Option 1

The basis of this training program is stage 2, when you are in the target heart rate zone. Exist . Some treadmills allow you to automatically control the load: as a rule, this option is called target, where you select target heart rates for a specified period of training.

Attention! In the process, try to really give your best in the active phase.

Option 2

The second option is an intensive training scheme.

In this workout, steps 2 and 3 should be repeated at least six times. You can set a more intense load for the active phase and additionally use an incline. In addition, if your abilities allow it, you can do a more active and longer hitch.

The essence of this workout is to start fat burning in the active phase, which continues into the rest phase. which allows you to achieve best results for a shorter period and periodically recover. Increasing the cooldown phase will allow you to continue to actively burn fat, but at the same time run at a very measured pace.

Choosing the right one is especially important. About that, we told in a separate article.

Intensive walking pattern

In fact, these programs are no different from running. The main difference here is in the restrictions:

  • according to the age;
  • for health;
  • by body weight.

Jogging is not available to someone due to ailments (for example, or), but it is available; someone is forbidden to run until the weight is reduced to more acceptable parameters.

Anyway, jogging may well have an identical effect. You can achieve the desired heart rate parameters, and often not too much difference.

For practice, take running programs, in which you should reduce the speed to the optimum for walking and the load to your current conditions. The technique is otherwise identical: interval walking or target heart rate zone.

Carefully! If you have health restrictions, consult your doctor first about losing weight on a treadmill.

How to eat during training?

Two main products The ones you need to pay attention to are water and vegetables.

  1. Water promotes metabolism and allows you to get rid of toxins. Of course, water adds mass to the body, but with active training it is better to drink more.
  2. Vegetables saturated with fiber, which is not absorbed by the body, but promotes digestion and gives satiety. Fiber thus provides a "negative" calorie content, that is, the body spends energy on digestion, but does not receive calories. And in general, vegetables are more than a useful option for weight loss.

Nevertheless, protein should not be neglected. If you eat little protein, then in the process of exercising you will burn muscle, and not just fat. It doesn't hurt to know -

Quick basic tips:

  1. consume more, spend less- simple arithmetic, which is the ABC of weight loss: you need to spend more calories than you consume;
  2. reduce the amount of carbohydrates- focus on proteins and do not neglect fats, but slightly reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet;
  3. fractional nutrition- fractional nutrition consists in small (we repeat, small) portions that are better absorbed by the body, they activate metabolism, allow you to be more active and more actively reduce weight; stick to a specific eating schedule;
  4. water- water really means a lot for weight loss, it's best to change all your daily drinks to just water or water with small additives (for example, with lemon);
  5. not only diet- if you just eat little, the body begins to store fat, so you should not reduce calories excessively, but evenly spend excess of your body weight on training.

The rules for fractional nutrition are shown in the figure.

If you want to achieve results, for intensive weight loss, create a clear weekly menu for yourself, count calories and choose the optimal composition of products. Try to eat more carbohydrates in the morning, more proteins in the evening.

Some helpful videos

Finally, be sure to watch the video below:

When you correctly combine nutrition and training and stick to a schedule, losing weight becomes a rational and beneficial process. These tips will help you normalize body weight and improve your own health.

Treadmills are an indispensable tool for those who run or race walking, as well as for everyone who wants to "remove the stomach", "get in shape" or sets any other popular goals. With their help, you can go running at any time of the day and in any weather. Some already know that running on a machine has undeniable advantages, however, many still consider it a waste of money. Here are some obvious benefits of running on treadmills.

weight loss on the treadmill

Running in itself is the most energy-intensive and at the same time affordable, easy-to-learn sport. By this he won the status of the most effective and popular fitness directions. But effective running for weight loss is possible only with the right tool - and better than a treadmill.

To obtain maximum effect weight loss from running on the treadmill You should increase the amount of time devoted to training, and not even "touch" the speed of the treadmill. According to the American Heart Association, people who seek to lose weight excess weight should calculate the load of training by heart rate. To determine your desired training heart rate, you need to subtract your age from 220 (this will be your maximum heart rate), then multiply the resulting number by 0.5 and 0.7 to determine your optimal heart rate in training. The two resulting numbers will be the heart rate limits within which you need to train. The heart rate sensors on the treadmills will help you keep your heart rate set. As your fitness improves, you can increase your workout by a few minutes a week. Start with 30 minutes and gradually increase this figure. Do not increase the speed too much, because otherwise you will not be able to maintain the desired heart rate, which will subsequently negatively affect your fat-burning training results. Modern treadmills necessarily offer "Fat Burn" programs that use easy running and incline running at regular intervals. This type of workout will help you lose weight quickly and doesn't require much time.
For effective reduction weight You can increase the angle of the track yourself to increase the intensity training load. Increasing the angle of incline will help you burn significantly more calories in the same amount of time.

Tilt of the treadmill

It is a fairly obvious fact that if you run on an inclined plane, you experience a greater load than when you run on flat surface. And it's also been proven that running "uphill" burns more calories than running "flat". On the street, you are unlikely to find a place where the slope will be constant and very long, but on the treadmill it is easy to adjust the desired angle of inclination at any time. The programs built into the treadmill can even simulate a real run uphill, where the incline will constantly increase, and after reaching the peak it will gradually decrease (for example, the “Mountain” program (mountain) in STEX tracks). This is by far the safest way to conquer the mountain that man has come up with.

Also, for people who prefer walking to running due to the high impact of running on the joints, incline helps to increase aerobic capacity without undue stress on the knees and lower back. A person weighing about 70 kg burns about 130 calories during a half-hour walk at a speed of 6 km / h without incline, but if you only set a 5 percent incline, the number of calories burned will increase to 230. And if you maintain a speed of 6 km /h during a workout with a slope of 10%, you can burn about 330 calories in the same period of time.

An incline set between 1 and 3 percent helps to better simulate outdoor running conditions. Such programs also occur in treadmills (for example, the "Cross country" program (cross-country) in STEX tracks). The slight lean compensates for the lack of wind resistance and mimics a slight forward lean, as when running outdoors, writes Dr. Nikolai Romanov, an Olympic running coach. If you are training for mountain running but live in a flat area, you can simulate this type of running with a treadmill. You can run "mountains" of any length and incline - commercial treadmills are capable of reaching a 15 percent incline." (STEX treadmills achieve 20% incline, which is undeniable leadership in this characteristic).

Types of programs on treadmills

As you saw earlier, treadmill programs can be a very effective tool if used correctly. There are a large number of different programs that can be performed on a treadmill, each program has its own usefulness depending on the goal. Let's bring some.

Most treadmills are equipped with programs interval training. Typically, these programs consist of 30 - 60 seconds of alternating "rest" and "load", i.e. the first 30-60 seconds you walk at a walking/jogging pace, and the next 30-60 seconds you run fast. This type of training is highly intense, therefore it is recommended mainly for physically fit people who do not have problems with the heart and blood vessels. This type of training removes unnecessary fat not only by burning calories, but also by significantly increasing the metabolic rate during exercise. You will feel more energetic, stronger, more resilient and lose unwanted weight with interval training. It is recommended that you perform this type of exercise at the highest intensity level that you can handle.

Climbing programs. Using the mountain program will strengthen your legs and lungs and improve your form. According to the American College sports medicine any trail you use should have at least a 10 percent incline feature - enough to simulate a good mountain run. After a 5-minute warm-up, set the slope to 3-5 percent and run for 2 minutes. Then increase the incline again and run another 2 minutes "up the mountain". Repeat this exercise 4 to 6 times before cool down. For professional runners and just physically fit people, climbing “uphill” with an angle of 15% or even 20% will be an excellent workout. Such cardio training simultaneously works very well on the muscles of the legs (mainly quadriceps, anterior thigh muscles) and the gluteal muscles.

The "progressive running" program starts out as a slow jog that develops into a fast and intense run. By the end of such a run, your speed is significantly higher than the speed of an easy run. 35 minutes of progressive running starts with 10 minutes of easy jogging. For the next 20 minutes, your running speed gradually increases about every 5 minutes. By the end, you should be running fast enough, but without feeling uncomfortable. After such a 20 minute run, return to a simple jog and run like this for 5 minutes as a hitch. The program "Marathon" (marathon) in STEX treadmills is approximately the same.


Running down the street to the sleepy hum of cars or running on fresh air, under the singing of morning birds - it's great, it's a great pleasure. STEX and Fitness Division specialists are all for running as we know it from childhood. However, modern technologies gave us an excellent tool - a treadmill, smart and reliable, which increases the efficiency of even such a simple human action as running. You only need to find a truly high-quality tool to feel its comfort and ease of use, and then even in the worst weather you will enjoy jogging at home or in your favorite fitness club.

Walking is the most natural and accessible form of physical activity. The benefits of long walks in the fresh air have been proven time and again. An alternative to natural walking can be a treadmill in the minimum belt speed mode.

The treadmill belongs to the class of cardio machines that are designed to train the cardiovascular system. In the process of prolonged physical activity, a large amount of oxygen is consumed. Such a load is called aerobic. Regular long-term training contributes to effective fat burning, provided proper nutrition and rest.

The human body constantly carries out uninterrupted delivery of oxygen to each cell, which uses it to obtain energy, the synthesis of vital chemicals. Oxygen is the main oxidizer of the entire life system. A complex transport apparatus delivers and sorts oxygen to cells using hemoglobin, which binds oxygen molecules. The human body is designed to save and rationally use the energy accumulated in the form of three main sources:

  1. Creatine phosphate.
  2. Glycogen.


The most powerful and modest energy source. It is consumed within a few seconds under short-term heavy loads.

Creatinophosphate is the most powerful and modest energy source. It is consumed within a few seconds with short-term heavy loads. Loads without the participation of oxygen are called anaerobic. In weightlifting, such a source of energy helps to make one-time powerful short-term throws or jerks. It is very difficult to repeat the initial results, energy in the form of creatine phosphate is consumed very quickly and is restored very slowly.


Glycogen is a carbohydrate consisting of glucose molecules, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, muscles and all internal organs.

Glycogen is the main source for the body in the process of everyday physical activity. Its quantity is enough for almost any long-term load (20-30 minutes). Glycogen is a carbohydrate consisting of glucose molecules, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain, muscles and all internal organs. The main part of glycogen is stored in the liver (about 50 g) and muscles (about 400 g), some of it is in a free state (10 g), which, in the form of glucose, moves through the body with the bloodstream.

Fat is a water-insoluble oily substance found in animal and plant tissues.

Fat is the most abundant source of energy, but getting energy from it is the hardest. The body stores it as a strategic reserve and only uses it in an emergency when glycogen stores are low. It is an oily substance that is distributed in varying amounts in tissues.

Can you lose weight by walking on a treadmill?

In order for the body to begin to consume a reserve source of energy in the form of fat, it is necessary to perform continuous long-term (30-40 minutes) physical activity, in which the heart rate should be in the zone of at least 50% of the maximum heart rate.

It turns out that the tactics for losing weight with the help of walking consists of two main factors: the duration of the walk and the constancy of training. The training program will be as follows: 30-60 minutes of classes 5-7 times a week.

For each person, the maximum heart rate values ​​will depend on the degree physical training, age, build, etc. For users with average parameters, the MHR formula will be simplified: 220 - age for a man, for a woman: 226 - age. It will help to calculate the heart rate during a workout.

The most effective types of physical activity for weight loss are:

Only regular long-term training contributes to the effective burning of fat, subject to proper nutrition and rest.

  1. Natural running or training on a cardio machine (treadmill, elliptical trainer, exercise bike, etc.).
  2. Walking fast.
  3. Riding a bicycle (exercise bike).
  4. Group training (dance, aerobics, gymnastics, etc.).
  5. Swimming.

Who is walking for weight loss?

Brisk walking for weight loss is less effective than running. In some cases, running may be contraindicated:

  • with diseases of the cardiovascular system, problems with the joints, spine, etc.;
  • postoperative rehabilitation;
  • with increased weight, physical limitations;
  • low degree of physical fitness of a person, old age.

How many calories are burned while walking?

The number of calories burned depends on many factors:

  1. The pace of movement.
  2. The weight of a person.
  3. Time of physical activity.

Physical fitness and other factors will have to be neglected.

Table 1 - The number of calories burned when slow pace

Weight, kgEnergy consumption at a slow pace, kcal
15 minutes30 min45 min60 min
50 31 63 83 125
60 35 75 100 150
70 40 87 117 175
80 43 100 133 200
90 48 113 150 225
100 52 125 167 250

Table 2 - The number of calories burned at an average pace

Weight, kgEnergy consumption at an average pace, kcal
15 minutes30 min45 min60 min
50 46 94 124 187
60 52 112 150 225
70 60 130 175 262
80 64 150 199 300
90 72 169 225 337
100 78 187 250 375

Table 3 - The number of calories burned at a fast pace

Weight, kgEnergy consumption at a fast pace, kcal
15 minutes30 min45 min60 min
50 43 160 223 320
60 50 120 169 240
70 57 140 197 280
80 63 160 223 320
90 60 120 180 240
100 67 133 200 267

Interval walking on a treadmill for weight loss

Represents a sequence high levels intensity and recovery periods (low intensity). To increase the effectiveness of training, a sharp one is used in different ranges: for example, 25%, 65% of the maximum height.

Interval training burns more calories with increased blood supply internal organs and metabolic rate, the development of endurance occurs.

Many models of treadmills have the ability to compose individual programs workout. This mode makes it easy to implement an interval walking program:

Initial Modeslow pace2 km/h3 min0 %
Average pace4 km/h2 minutes0 %
Fast pace7 km/h1 min0 %
Normal modeslow pace2 km/h2 minutes0 %
Average pace4 km/h3 min25 %
Fast pace7 km/h4 min65 %
Advanced Modeslow pace2 km/h1 min0 %
Average pace4 km/h3 min25 %
Fast pace7 km/h6 min65 %

* As a percentage, the level of incline of the walking belt is indicated from the maximum possible.

According to scientists, just 15 minutes of daily light running can strengthen the musculoskeletal system and get rid of many ailments.

Regular running is really an excellent prevention for the body and brings a lot of positive. However, any workout should be done thoughtfully and be aware of the limitations.

Next, let's look at the benefits of running in the context of treadmill training. Let's analyze how much, who and how you need to run (or walk) on this simulator, what running gives you health and whether it is useful for certain diseases.

Useful properties of the simulator for health

Speaking in general about useful properties treadmill, then First of all, the psychological aspect must be noted.. Residents of the city are regularly stressed and often have no idea how to achieve peace. This presents a significant problem.

Psychological factors

Treadmill can help a lot in this case, and here's why:

  • Endorphins- hormones of joy are actively produced during jogging and after classes. They cheer up and make you feel really joyful and happier. An excellent completely natural alternative to stress relief with alcohol and other not-so-healthy methods.
  • Leisure- running under good music or in the company of friends is great option leisure. You are getting positive emotions, get distracted from everyday affairs, use outdoor activities.
  • Health- in the absence of restrictions, the treadmill improves and maintains health, as a result, diseases are less worried and leads to a positive attitude.

Having a habit of running regularly can really help a city dweller in everyday life, and you can do it Cheerfulness and enthusiasm will become indispensable attributes of your everyday life.

Physiological factors

  1. cardio training- strengthens blood vessels and the heart, and a lot depends on this: endurance, immunity and much more;
  2. improvement of tone- not only feel better, but the body becomes more lean and beautiful;
  3. metabolism- the body begins to better process the elements entering there and remove toxins, skin color, the quality of nails and hair improve;
  4. - it is the treadmill that allows you to activate the processes of burning excessive amounts of adipose tissue;
  5. productive development- if you "monitor the devices" (measure heart rate, choose the optimal load), then this will lead to an improvement in the functionality of the body and more good result than with non-systematic jogging.

At the same time, you don’t even need to go to the gym for training, because they are quite accessible and take up little space.

For weight loss

When using intensive methods or walking with an incline per hour you can get rid of more than 600 calories.

It is also possible to run in such a mode when active fat burning begins. This requires maintaining heart rate in the range of 60-70% of the maximum.

This mode of running is not overly difficult and is accessible even to people with little fitness. Therefore, treadmills are highly effective for weight loss.

  • find the link.
  • Learn more about that here.
Good to know! In order to lose weight you just need to spend more calories than you get. A feature of the treadmill is the ability to start a more active metabolism. Interval training allows you to start active burning of subcutaneous fat.

Separately for women during pregnancy

After the second trimester, it is best for women to reduce physical activity. During pregnancy, only very light and moderate workouts are possible, and it is best to leave only light walks in the fresh air. If there is no opportunity to walk in the air, then it is possible to choose a treadmill.

After giving birth, the body gradually recovers for about four weeks. During this period, it is also better not to resort to active training, but to limit yourself. And the time during this period is hardly enough to train and recover normally.

Important! If you want to start training with a treadmill after giving birth, wait 4-5 weeks and then consult your doctor. Find out if you're having lactation problems from running on the treadmill.

Generally speaking, the treadmill brings not only benefits to women and their health, but also allows you to have more slim figure Although many are afraid of becoming overly muscular and thin, in reality this simulator is excellent and. Therefore, the femininity of the figure will not disappear anywhere, but on the contrary, it will increase.

For men's health

As one of the main bonuses for men, endurance should be highlighted. Even if you are actively engaged in "iron", cardio loading is relevant.

At least 2-3 classes every week will help maintain health and general condition at an optimal level.

We will not separately focus on the benefits specifically for men. In fact, the effect is almost identical regardless of gender differences.

How to avoid risks?

Possible harm from any, both and regardless of the type, will be considered in more detail later. Now we will note only the most important. The most common cause of harm is ignorance and illiterate training, which can be observed for the following reasons:

  1. lack of training- you use training programs that are too difficult for you (if you are a beginner, use it), do not apply the general methodology of classes, there is no warm-up and hitch;
  2. ignorance of one's own body- neglect of restrictions for activities, running without understanding the current conditions of your body;
  3. - “sticking” a sock while running, too long or short step - similar blots in technique can negatively affect your body;
  4. low quality inventory- in fact, even a folding or mechanical track for the home allows you to train normally if you choose a normal model, and low-grade equipment and the lack of normal shoes can cause a negative effect (listed in this article);
  5. lack of consistency- even if you just run without any programs for 15 minutes a day, you need to track your heart rate, choose the pace and load that is optimal for the current form, otherwise you can exhaust the body or get a minimum of benefit;
  6. neglect of symptoms- fatigue after a workout is a completely normal phenomenon, but if you do not need to neglect aching joints or frequent dizziness - listen to your own body.
Important! If you have restrictions on jogging, use walking. There are practically no restrictions, and with a well-built workout, you can get excellent results.

It should be noted the ability to vary the intensity walk. This makes it possible to use . For example, take this program:

  1. warm-up walk 5-7 km / h - 8 minutes;
  2. easy walking 7 km / h - minute;
  3. intensive (fast) walking 9 km / h - minute;
  4. hitch easy walking - 5 minutes.

Steps 2-3 should be repeated six times, and then proceed to the hitch.

If it is difficult to walk at the indicated speed, choose the speed according to your own capabilities, the main thing is that the period of intensive work alternates with the period of easy work.

Learn more from the video:

Can children walk?

For a developing organism, walking on a treadmill can also bring significant benefits. , as a rule, it is electrical, but there are also mechanical ones. There are folding models, but you can also buy a regular one, since they are all small in size.

What is the benefit of trouble for children? First of all in opportunity to vaccinate a child physical culture With early age . Not everyone has the opportunity to regularly walk with children, not everywhere there is a suitable area for this, and the weather is cold or rainy for long walks.

Treadmill for kids able to solve many problems:

  • physical education- the opportunity to walk more allows the child to develop better from an early age;
  • positive habits- such a simulator will allow you to instill in your child not only sitting at a computer and cartoons, but also good habit doing your own body at home, by the way, you can combine cartoons and a walk on a treadmill and at the same time get rid of the possible problems of childhood obesity;
  • prevention and treatment- if the child is sick or recovering from an illness, then the children's treadmill will always have useful physical activity available.

Of course, in order to accustom the child to classes, create positive motivation(you can reward something for classes). Distinctive feature children's tracks is an attractive coloring that creates interest in the child.

Harm and contraindications

From the outset, consider the limitations under which you are best to choose walking:

  1. diseases of the locomotor apparatus;
  2. arthrosis, arthritis and other diseases of the joints;
  3. osteochondrosis;
  4. diseases of the respiratory system;
  5. high blood pressure;
  6. obesity;
  7. previous strokes and heart attacks;
  8. diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

Of course, every situation is unique and it is advisable to always consult with your doctor to understand the exact picture and understand if there is any benefit from training in your case.

However, if you have any of these ailments, you should not start running yourself. You have to start with walking. At the same time, over time, it is quite possible to switch to normal training.

For example, obese people It's really better not to run, much less do interval training. However, if you lose weight using other methods, then later you will be able to run.

Important! If you have any restrictions, then a consultation with a competent doctor - the best option understand your perspectives.

We note the symptoms, situations and consequences of running, which also require attention:

  1. knee pain after exercise- you should pay attention first to the shoes and the track itself, to assess the degree of depreciation; if this is not the reason, you need to take care of the joints and choose ellipsoids as an alternative;
  2. can you exercise with herb- it is possible and even necessary, sports are only beneficial here for many reasons, you just need not to use weighting agents, bending and twisting the body;
  3. impact on joints- such harm is possible only with illiterate equipment or the presence of bad shoes and a simulator;
  4. nausea after exercise- most likely, you apply excessively high loads, after which even vomiting can be observed. But, if there are no gastrointestinal diseases, then do not worry - you just need to choose more moderate workouts for your current form;
  5. if your head is spinning- it is quite possible that the cause is also an increased load, but if dizziness is regular, you need to undergo an examination.

Some interesting videos

If after reading the article you still have questions or doubts, be sure to watch the following videos:

In conclusion, we note a few platitudes, which, nevertheless, need to be aware.

Regular exercise on the treadmill offers many health benefits for women, men and children, while cushioning systems and body measurements make training productive and safe. You should start classes wisely, it is best to first examine and evaluate your own form.