Physical culture test. Olympiads in physical education

Answers to tests on physical-re.

1. The physiological basis of which methodological principle of physical education is supercompensation (super-restoration of energy sources, excitability of the nervous system)?

The principle of systematic

2. What method physical education involves the exact dosage of load and rest?

Strictly Regulated Exercise Method

3. What methodological principle of physical education involves a gradual and constant increase in the requirements for those involved?

Principle of dynamism

4. How does the competitive environment affect the physiological effect of physical exercise?

Influences positively

5. What is the main means of physical education?

physical exercise

6. What is physical exercise?

Physical exercise is a motor action specially organized to solve the problems of physical education in accordance with its laws.

7. What is the difference between physical exercise and labor motor action?

Physical exercise is carried out in accordance with the laws of physical education and is aimed at physical perfection, and labor motor action is carried out in accordance with the laws of production and is aimed at the object of labor.

8. What is meant by the technique of motor action?

This is the most appropriate way to control movements.

9. Learning - what is the stage in learning movements?

The second stage of training.

10. At what stage of training is a motor skill formed?

When improving movement.

11. What is physical training?

It is a directed development process physical qualities necessary for successful sports activity.

12. What is the essence of the general physical training?

This is a process of improving physical qualities (strength, speed, endurance, flexibility, dexterity), aimed at the comprehensive physical development of a person.

13. What does special physical training include?

The development of physical qualities that ensure the development of those motor abilities that are most necessary for a given sports discipline or professional activity.

14. How many muscles are in the human body?

Approximately 600.

15. How much weight of all muscles falls on the lower limbs?

16. What is the absolute strength of human muscles?

This is the muscle strength required to overcome maximum resistance (dynamometer springs or barbell weight).

17. What is the human muscle strength that is critical to performing a hanging pull-up on the bar?

Relative muscle strength.

18. In what mode of muscle work does the length of the muscle increase?

With a concessive mode of muscle work.

19. Which mode of muscle work is more effective for strength training?


20. What are the load parameters when performing strength exercises maximum effort method?

Weighting 90% of the maximum, 1-3 reps in one set, 5-6 sets, rest 4 min.

21. What are the optimal load parameters when performing strength exercises in order to increase muscle mass?

Weighting 70-75% of the maximum, 6-10 repetitions in one approach at a slow pace (30-60 s per approach); 4-10 sets, rest until recovery.

22. How do anabolic drugs that are used to increase human muscle mass affect health?

They influence negatively.

23. How many strength training sessions are best for beginners?

3 lessons per week.

24. What is meant by the speed of a person?

The ability of a person to perform a movement in a minimum amount of time.

25. What physical exercises are used to develop speed?

Well-known physical exercises that can be performed at extreme speeds and the duration of which is no more than 20-22 s.

26. What are the elementary forms of speed?

Signal response time, single movement time and movement frequency.

27. How many sessions of speed exercises give the greatest effect for beginners?

3-4 times a week.

28. What is meant by human flexibility?

Ability to perform large range of motion.

29. Does flexibility depend on a person's age?

Strongly depends.

30. What does active flexibility depend on?

From the strength of the muscles surrounding the joint and their ability to produce movements with maximum amplitude.

31. Which exercises are more effective for flexibility training?

Combined use of swing, static and passive movements with maximum amplitude.

32. What sequence of exercises should be followed during flexibility exercises?

For joints upper limbs and shoulder girdle - torso - joints of the lower extremities.

33. How much do you need to train to develop flexibility?

The bigger, the better.

34. How quickly do you lose flexibility with age?

Faster than other physical qualities.

35. What is meant by human endurance?

The ability to successfully perform movements despite the onset of fatigue.

36. With what heart rate (HR) is it necessary to perform aerobic exercises to maintain the level of human aerobic capacity?

120 - 140 bpm

37. With what heart rate (HR) is it necessary to perform aerobic exercises to increase a person's aerobic capacity?

140 - 165 bpm

38. With what heart rate (HR) is it necessary to perform aerobic exercises to maximize the aerobic capacity of the body?

165 - 180 bpm

39. What distance is enough for students to control their level of endurance in relation to running exercises?

3000 meters.

40. What distance is enough for female students to control their level of endurance in relation to running exercises?

2000 meters.

41. In what part of the lesson is the task of forming vital and sports skills, as well as developing the volitional and physical qualities of those involved, solved?

In the main.

42. In what part of the lesson is the task of restoring the individually possible mobility (flexibility) of the trainees solved?

In preparatory.

43. What is the motor density of a lesson (class)?

This is the ratio of the time directly spent on the exercise to the total time spent doing the exercises.

44. What is lesson density?

This is the ratio of useful time used in class to directive (set according to the schedule).

45. Can traditional morning hygienic gymnastics be considered today as an effective means of maintaining health and working capacity (physical and mental)?

46. ​​What is industrial gymnastics?

These are physical exercises in the working day to increase professional performance, relieve fatigue and prevent occupational diseases.

47. It is known that physical exercises contribute to the formation of certain personality traits. Which of the following sports builds persistence the most?

Running on long distances(cyclic sport).

48. What is the purpose of diagnostics?

Contributing to the strengthening of human health, its harmonious development.

49. What are the types of diagnostics?

Medical examination.

50. What is the frequency of medical supervision for students?

1 time per year.

51. What is the frequency of medical control for athletes?

1 time in six months.

52. Specify the main purpose of the medical examination.

Determination of the state of health of students and their distribution into groups: basic, preparatory, special.

53. What are the measures of medical control aimed at?

To exclude conditions under which there may be a negative impact of physical exercise and sports.

54. What determines the physical development of a person?

Morphological and functional properties of the organism.

55. What type of posture is considered normal?

56. What is the name of the lateral curvature of the spine?

57. Up to what age can we expect an increase in height in young men?

Up to 19-22 years old.

58. Until what age can we expect an increase in height in girls?

Up to 17-19 years old.

59. What device is used to determine the vital capacity of the lungs?

using a spirometer.

60. What characteristics underlie anthropometric standards?

Mean and standard deviation.

61. What is one of the methods for assessing physical development based on - the correlation method?

On the fact that the physical development of individual parts of the body is interconnected.

62. How is the weight-height indicator calculated?

Divide body weight by length.

63. How is the height-weight indicator calculated?


64. What should be the body weight of a person if his height is 171 kg?

65. Determine the optimal heart rate for long-term exercise for beginners at the age of 20 years.

150 bpm

66. What are the parameters of physical activity of a simultaneous functional test with squats?

20 deep squats for 40 seconds.

67. What is the method for determining the physical performance of PWC170 based on?

On a linear relationship between heart rate and the power of the work performed.

68. What is assessed using the Harvard step test?

Recovery processes after dosed muscle work.

69. What is the Cooper test score?

Distance in meters run in 12 minutes.

70. What is the purpose of pedagogical control?

To check how much the pedagogical impact corresponds to the increase in the effectiveness of training sessions.

71. Specify one of the types of pedagogical control.


72. Specify one of the types of psychophysical state of those involved in physical culture.


73. What is the purpose of self-control?

Independent regular monitoring of physical development, the state of your body, the influence on it exercise.

74. Specify the subjective data of self-control.


75. Indicate the objective data of self-control.

Body mass.

76. The difference in the pulse during the orthostatic test was 10 beats/min. What does this indicate?

About good physical fitness.

77. After rising to the 4th floor, your pulse was 105 beats / min. Assess the state of the cardiovascular system.

78. What is the breath holding on inspiration (Stange test) in healthy adults?

79. What is the holding of breath on exhalation (Genchi test) of trained people?

80. What heart rate should not be exceeded when doing physical exercises at the age of 18?

202 beats per minute

81. What is homeostasis?

The process of maintaining or restoring the relative dynamic constancy of the internal environment and physiological functions of the body.

82. What is an organism?

A self-regulating living system consisting of organs and tissues.

83. Why are the bones of children more elastic and resilient?

They contain more organic matter.

84. By means of what are the bones of a person connected to each other?

Joints, ligaments and tendons.

85. What type of muscles are skeletal muscles?

To cross-striped.

86. How many muscles does a person have?

87. What muscle fibers have faster contractility?

88. What is glycogen split into during anaerobic processes of energy formation?

For lactic acid.

89. What is formed during the oxidation of carbohydrates and fats?

Water, carbon dioxide and energy.

90. What process of energy generation has the greatest potential in time?


91. What is the function of blood cells - erythrocytes?

Help transport oxygen and carbon dioxide.

92. What pulse is considered normal for a healthy adult?

60 - 70 beats in min.

93. What is the normal blood pressure for a healthy person aged 18-40?

94. What effect do systematic physical exercises have on the respiratory muscles?

Strengthen the respiratory muscles and increase volume and mobility chest.

95. What percentage of glucose produced by the liver is consumed by the brain?

96. Specify the most effective form of rest during mental work.

Active recreation in the form of moderate physical labor or exercise.

97. From what does such a functional state as fatigue protect the body?

From overvoltage.

98. To what level are energy resources restored in the recovery period after physical activity?

To a level higher than the original.

99. When is the best time to train, taking into account biological rhythms?

After noon.

100. What does reduced physical activity lead to?

to the development of hypodynamia.

101. What is the duration of work in the zone of moderate power?

50 min. and more.

102. How do resting energy expenditures differ between trained and untrained people?

Trained have less by 10 - 15%

103. What does slowing of the resting heart rate (bradycardia) indicate in trained people?

On the efficiency of the heart.

104. In what sports is there a close relationship between maximum oxygen consumption (MOC) and fitness?

10000m run.

105. What is the norm of protein intake per day for an adult?

106. What is the main source of energy in the body?


107. When are fats predominantly used as an energy source during physical activity?

With prolonged muscular work.

108. What is the main importance of vitamins for the body?

Regulation of metabolic reactions.

109. How many calories does a man engaged in mental and physical labor spend during a working day (8-10 hours)?

110. What amount of energy must be expended daily for normal life?

At least 1200 - 1300 kcal.

111. What is the cause of "gravitational shock"?

Abrupt cessation of long, cyclic work.

112. Physical exercises of what nature have the most effective effect on the cardiovascular system?

Cyclic outdoor exercises.

113. What is the reason for the so-called "dead center"?

The discrepancy between the intensive activity of the motor apparatus and the capabilities of the functional systems of the body.

114. How can the manifestation of a "dead point" be weakened?

Do a full workout.

115. What measures contribute to the qualitative readiness of students for active educational work?

Regular physical exercises with optimal loads.

116. Specify the correct formula for calculating PWC170.

2 N1+(N2-N1)*(170-f1)/f2-f1

117. Indicate the correct formula for calculating the Harvard step test.

3 IGST= t*100/2*(f1+f2+f3)

118. What is physical culture?

Part of the general culture of the society. It reflects the methods of physical activity, results, conditions necessary for cultivation, aimed at mastering, developing and managing the physical and mental abilities of a person, strengthening his health, increasing efficiency.

119. What is the most important function of physical culture?

Creation of the possibility of satisfying the natural needs of a person in physical activity and providing on this basis the physical capacity necessary in life.

120. What is physical perfection?

Process physical education and education, expressing a high degree of development of individual physical abilities.

121. What refers to the indicators of physical perfection?

Physical fitness, health level, creative longevity.

122. What is physical education? The pedagogical process aimed at the formation of the physical culture of the individual as a result of pedagogical influences and self-education.

123. On what general principles the domestic system of physical education is based?

The principles of comprehensive harmonious development of the personality, the connection of physical education with labor and defense practice, health-improving orientation.

124. What is meant by functional readiness?

The state of fitness of organs that provide oxygen transport and blood circulation.

125. What is physical development?

This is a natural biological process of formation and change in morphological and functional properties organism in the continuation of individual life, improving under the influence of physical education.

126. What sections does the training material consist of?

The curriculum consists of theoretical, practical and control sections of the program.

127. What departments are students assigned to?

Basic, preparatory, special medical.

128. What are the main credit requirements?

To master the knowledge of the theoretical, methodological sections and vital skills and abilities, pass tests on general physical education and sports and technical training, attend at least 90% of classes, participate in mass sports, recreational activities.

129. What does the final certification in the subject "Physical culture" include?

The final attestation includes grades for the practical and theoretical sections of the program, and the final attestation grade is determined as the arithmetic average of grades for these sections.

130. What is the definition of health given by the World Health Organization (WHO)?

Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

131. What components of health are currently customary to single out?

Somatic, physical, mental, sexual, moral health.

132. What is the most objective indicator of health?

The value of maximum oxygen consumption (MPC).

133. What does a healthy lifestyle imply?

Fruitful work, a rational mode of work and rest, the rejection of bad habits, optimal motor mode, personal hygiene, rational nutrition.

134. What is hardening?

This is a system of using the physical factors of the environment to increase the body's resistance to colds and infectious diseases.

135. What are the types of hardening?

Air hardening, water hardening, local cold hardening, sun hardening.

136. What principles should be followed during hardening?

Gradual, systematic, variety of means of hardening.

137. What are the varieties of hardening with water?

Wiping, dousing, showering and bathing.

138. Approximately how many hours before physical exercises and before sports competitions is it necessary to have breakfast, lunch, dinner?

Breakfast 1.0 - 1.5 hours before physical exercises and 3 hours before the competition, lunch - 2-3 hours before classes and 3.5 - 4 hours before the competition, dinner 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

139. What is sport?

An integral part of physical culture, a means and method of physical education based on the use of competitive activity and preparation for it, during which the potential capabilities of a person are compared and evaluated.

140. What are the main features of competitive activity?

This is a system of competitions with a consistent increase in the level of competition and requirements for achievements (increasing the rank of competitions); unification of the composition of actions through which the competition is conducted, the condition for their implementation and methods for achieving them, the regulation of the behavior of the competitors in accordance with the principle of non-antagonistic competition.

141. What changes in the functional state does the competitive situation cause? Objective indicators change - heart rate increases to 130-140 beats / min., pulmonary ventilation increases to 20-30 l / min., oxygen consumption increases 2-2.5 times, body temperature rises, blood pressure rises, sweating increases.

169. What is mass sport?

These are classes in certain sports, mainly mass, or physical exercises for the purpose of active recreation, relieving emotional and nervous tension, increasing efficiency and achieving physical perfection.

142. What is elite sport (Olympic sport)?

This is a systematic planned long-term training and participation in competitions in selected form sports in order to achieve the highest possible sports results, victory in major sports competitions.

143. What is professional sports (spectacular and commercial sports)? This is a commercial and sports activity that provides for economic efficiency and high information and entertainment value of sports and entertainment events.

144. What public body manages the international student sports movement? International University Sports Federation (FISU).

145. How often are the World Universiades held? The World Universiade is held once every two years (every odd year).

146. When was the first World Summer Universiade held?

In 1959 in Turin.

147. In what year did Moscow host the World Summer Universiade?

In 1973.

148. What public organization on the scale of Russia is engaged in the development and management of university sports?

Russian Student Sports Union (RSSS).

149. What is professional applied physical training?

This is a specially directed and selective use of the means of physical culture and sports to prepare a person for a certain professional activity.

150. What is the purpose of professional applied physical training (PPFP)?

Specially directed and selective use of physical culture and sports means to prepare a person for a certain professional activity.

151. What tasks are set during professional applied physical training (PPFP)?

Acquisition, education and formation of applied knowledge; physical qualities; mental and personal qualities; social qualities; skills and abilities.

152. Into what groups can professions be conditionally divided in connection with professional applied physical training (PPFP)?

Professions related to mental work; light monotonous movements; machine tools, mechanical devices and tools; heavy physical labor and high energy costs.

153. What are the main physiological indicators to be taken into account when assessing the severity of labor?

Heart rate, minute volume of respiration, energy consumption, water loss, oxygen consumption.

154. What refers to the objective factors of learning?

Health status

155. What refers to the subjective factors of learning?


156. What effect does a long stay in a "sitting posture" have on the body?

Decreased volume of circulating blood

157. What is fatigue?

The reaction of the body to the work performed

158. What is fatigue?

Mental phenomenon caused by fatigue

159. What is efficiency?

The ability of a person to perform a specific activity quickly and efficiently

160. During what period of the day does the vital functions of the body rise?

6-14 and 17-22

161. How can one explain the presence of a second rise in working capacity during the day?

Daily rhythm and psychological attitude to the performance of educational work

162. What is the dynamics of changes in mental performance during the week?

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Topic 1. Socio-biological foundations of physical culture (correct 5 out of 6)

What types of labor activity are distinguished in practice?

Physical work


agricultural labor

Intellectual labor

Which muscle contracts spontaneously?

cardiac muscle

Rhomboid muscle

Calf muscle

trapezius muscle

What is fatigue?

Feeling a surge of energy

Improves memory

Decreased muscle strength and endurance

Improves coordination

What organs are in the excretory system?





What activities are classified as acyclic exercise?


Shot put


A ride on the bicycle

What blood cells contain hemoglobin?




red blood cells

Topic 2. Basics healthy lifestyle life

What are the components of a healthy lifestyle?

Reception of energy cocktails

Night club trips

Proper nutrition and daily routine

Physical activity and the rejection of bad habits

What foods should be consumed daily?

Vegetables, fruits and meat products

Cereals and dairy products

smoked sausage


What are bad habits?


Alcohol and drug use

Walks outside the city

Dance lessons

+ The state of physical, spiritual and social well-being

No disease

good health

Comfortable state

Topic 3. Types of physical activity to maintain health

What effect does physical activity have on the body?

Increases vitality and functionality

Allows you to burn more calories to maintain optimal weight

Decreases stamina and performance

Reduces the number of years

Long rest after each exercise

Replenish wasted calories with food and drink

Move more actively

Correctly combine the load and rest intervals according to the pulse

List the benefits of walking for health reasons:

Rapid achievement of a healing effect

The monotony of walking

Can be practiced at any age

It is easy to dose the load according to well-being

What kind physical activity most accessible to beginners?





Topic 4. Cyclic exercises for health purposes

What are the benefits of doing cyclic activities?

Increase strength abilities

Increase the amount of adipose tissue

Improve the body's oxygen intake

Increase the efficiency of the heart

What is the main initial stage fitness walking and running workouts?

Movement technique

Movement speed

Time spent on the course

Choosing the right shoes

Duration of walking to achieve a healing effect

At least 30 minutes

more than 5 hours

no more than 10 minutes

no more than 30 minutes

What pace of walking already requires volitional effort?

120-140 steps per minute

Over 140

No more than 80 steps per minute

80-100 steps per minute

4 hours

2 hours

1 hour

10 minutes

Topic 5. General physical and special training in the system of physical education


Education of athletes of mass categories

Education of athletes of the highest ranks

Health promotion

Harmonious development of personality

What are the goals of muscle relaxation?

Increase in the length of muscle fibers

Increasing the thickness of muscle fibers

Removal of waste products from working muscles

stress relief

What are the main tasks of special physical training (SPT)?

Strength Development

Development of endurance

Improving the physical qualities characteristic of this sport

The predominant development of motor skills necessary for the improvement of this sport

What parts does a training session consist of?





What techniques can be used to relax muscles?

Combining the relaxation of some muscles with the tension of others

Voluntary relaxation of individual muscles

Hitting a tense muscle

Static voltage

Topic 6. Physical activity during the day

What are the benefits of morning exercises?

Reduces the activity of the physical state

Promotes increased blood circulation and metabolism

Increases efficiency

Worsens mood

How to breathe properly while exercising?

Hold breath

Ignore the breath


Combine breathing with the movement of arms, legs, torso

How much you want

2-4 times

More than 20-30 times

At least 8-12 times

What exercises should you start your morning exercises with?

Exercises for the back and abdominals

Flexibility exercises

Stretching exercises, breathing exercises

Walking in place to activate the activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems

What are the basic principles of "Volitional gymnastics

Think of nothing

Repeat the exercise only 2 times

Consciously tense the corresponding muscles

Simulate overcoming this or that resistance

Topic 7. General developmental physical exercises

Determine the classification of exercises according to anatomical features

Flexibility Exercises

Exercises for developing the quality of strength

Leg exercises

Exercises for the trunk (back and abdominals)

What are the main exercises for the development of the muscles of the body (back and abdominals):

Raising the upper body in the supine position

Raising the legs and pelvis lying on your back


Hanging pull-ups on the bar

name basic exercises for the development of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle

Raising the legs and pelvis lying on your back

Turns and tilts of the body

Push ups

Hanging pull-ups on the bar

What are the basic exercises for the development of leg muscles



Flexion and extension of the arms in the lying position

Hanging pull-ups

Topic 8. Exercises for outdoor activities

To eliminate the negative consequences of a long stay in a sitting position, it is recommended to observe the following rules

sit with your knees well above your hips

try not to move for a few hours

Sitting still for no more than 20 minutes

Keep your back and neck straight

What is a dynamic physical training minute for knowledge workers?

A means of developing physical qualities

A tool that helps reduce the excitability of the central nervous system and analyzer systems, the removal of pronounced neuro-emotional states

Productivity tool

Means contributing to the normalization of cerebral and peripheral circulation

Do exercises to relieve eye strain

Perform stretching and relaxation exercises

Nothing to do

Move computer monitor closer

name the rules right position while sitting on a chair

Hold upper part back and neck straight

Change leg positions more often

Sit cross-legged

Sitting in one position for a long time

Topic 9. Hardening as one of the most important components of a healthy lifestyle

30C, further raising the water temperature

50C, further lowering the water temperature

50C, further increasing the water temperature

30C, further lowering the water temperature

What factors affect the hardening effect of air?

Day of the week

Times of Day

Air temperature


What is the principle of systematic use of hardening procedures expressed in?
The body should be hardened:

depending on the mode of the day

2 to 5 times a year

No long breaks

All year round

Contrast shower, douche, walks in the air

Spreading with snow, air baths, swimming in an ice hole

Outdoor walks, shower, hardening in the steam room

Air baths, rubdown, douche

Name the types of air baths:





Topic 10. Fundamentals of rational nutrition

What food is called "organic", "live"?





What foods cause overweight?



Fried and fatty foods


Under what conditions will a person's weight be stable?

When receiving an amount of energy equal to the consumed

With daily active classes sports

When not getting enough calories

Getting more energy from food than the body can use

What are low glycemic index foods?





What foods have the highest energy value?




Correct answer

1. In sports, there are:

A. Disabled, mass, children's, youthful, higher achievements.

B. Olympic, yard, amateur.

B. Amateur, professional, mass.

2. Sport is:

A. Diet, exercise, correct breathing.

B. Physical exercise and training.

B. Diet, exercise, proper breathing. An activity carried out in accordance with certain rules, consisting in a fair comparison of the strengths and abilities of the participants.

3. A distinctive feature of physical culture is:

A. Properly organized and reproducible movement algorithm.

B. Using natural forces to restore the body.

B. stable high results obtained from training.

4. Should I start learning complex gymnastic exercises after a long illness?

A. Yes, at a slow pace.

Q. Yes, under the supervision of a coach.

5. Physical culture is:

A. A certain part of a person's culture.

B. Learning activity.

B. Culture healthy spirit and bodies.

6. Physical culture means:

A. Fostering a love of physical activity.

B. The system of loads and exercises.

B. Some fragment of the activity of human society.

7. The possibilities of a person, which provide him with the performance of motor actions, are called:

A. Speed ​​ability.

B. Motor reflex.

B. Physical capability.

8. The effect of physical exercises is determined, first of all:

B. Their shape.

B. The speed of their implementation.

9. A variety of aerobics, a feature of which is the use of a special platform, is called:

A. Body ballet.

B. Step-aerobics.

V. Pilates.

10. What are the dimensions tennis table specified correctly?

A. Length-2740 mm., Width-1525 mm., Height-760 mm.

B. Length-2940 mm., Width-1425 mm., Height-820 mm.

B. Length-2540 mm., Width-1625 mm., Height-720 mm.

11. How many innings in a row does one player in table tennis?

B. Four.

12. The main means of protection from sports and martial arts This:

A. Powerlifting.

B. Bodybuilding.

B. Athletic combat.

13. Which gymnast developed the now popular CrossFit training system?

A. Mike Burgener.

B. Louis Simmons.

W. Greg Glassman.

14. The effect of physical exercise on the human body:

A. It is positive if these exercises are performed regularly, in right pace, the correct sequence, and the student has no contraindications that exclude these classes.

B. Neutral, even if you practice hard.

B. Positive, only if you engage in them at the limit of your physical capabilities.

15. The main cause of postural disorders is:

A. Little mobility during the day, incorrect lifting of weights, often taken the wrong posture.

B. Stoop, hunchback, "fear" of one's height.

B. Weak back muscles.

16. One form of aerobics that uses a special floor and shoes is called:

A. Rhythm.

B. Slide aerobics.

V. Pump aerobics.

17. In what year was the first World Table Tennis Championship held?

18. What is the name of one of the new trends in fitness that combines boxing, dance and Pilates?

A. Piloxing.

B. Capoeira.

V. Pitabo.

Test - 19. Better conditions to develop the speed of reaction are created during:

A. Sports games with an abundance of fast movements.

B. Steeplechase.

B. Decathlon.

20. Rhythm, as a complex characteristic of physical exercise technique, reflects:

A. The number of actions per unit of time.

B. Some algorithm for the distribution of physical efforts, the degree and speed of their change.

B. Exercise speed.

21. What is the pole dance direction?

A. Pole exercises.

B. Exercises using a fitness ball.

B. Exercises using an expander.

22. A variety of aerobics, a feature of which is the use of a special platform, is called:

A. Step aerobics.

B. Shaping.

V. Pump aerobics.

23. What subject is used for "bosu" classes?

A. Rubber band.

B. A whole rubber ball.

B. Half of a rubber ball.

24. Which gymnast developed the now popular CrossFit training system?

A. Greg Glassman.

B. Bob Harper.

W. John Welborn.

25. Which of the techniques of playing table tennis is an attacking action?

A. Nakat.

B. Pruning.

V. Push.

26. Pump aerobics is characterized by performing exercises:

A. With a light weight barbell.

B. With a flexible, springy plate.

B. With a rubber ball.

27. How many serves in a row does one table tennis player play?

B. Four.

28. Can a table tennis player who receives a serve stand to the side of the table?

A. Can't.

Q. Maybe only at the corner of the tennis table.

29. What is athletic combat?

A. The system of exercises, physical activity and breathing techniques that improve the physical condition of the body.

B. The type of martial arts that most effectively develops the body.

B. The main means of protection from the totality of sports and martial arts.

30. Postures taken by a person doing yoga are called:

A. Asanas.

+ 31. What does the word “fitness” literally mean?

A. Compliance, suitability.

B. Physical culture.

B. Cheerfulness.

32. Are random projectile throws allowed?

A. Yes, they are allowed.

B. No, they are not allowed.

Q. Yes, but only if there are no people in the throwing area.

33. In the practice of physical education, it is important to keep in mind that special education requires:

A. Cross coordination.

B. Any complex coordination.

B. Coordination associated with lifting weights, throwing, swimming, and other special activities.

34. The physiological classification of physical exercises is based on:

A. Some signs of physiology characteristic of any activity of muscles belonging to a certain group.

B. The dependence of the result on the strength, frequency and algorithm of the exercises.

B. The division of those involved into groups, depending on physiological conditions and restrictions.

35. What direction of fitness does not exist?

A. Bodyflex.

B. Stretching.

V. Aquabos.

36. Excursion of the chest is called:

A. The difference in the size of the circumference of the chest between the states of inhalation and exhalation.

B. The average size of the circumference of the chest between the states of inhalation and exhalation.

B. The volume of inhaled air.

37. As a finishing ribbon use:

A. Fabrics that are easily torn by light physical impact.

B. Artificial threads.

B. Silk ribbon.

38. During classes, all sharp protruding objects must be:

A. Removed from practice area.

B. Fenced or blocked from direct contact.

B. Identified with colored labels.

Test. 39. Should one begin to learn complex gymnastic exercises after a long illness?

A. No, you shouldn't.

B. At the request of the athlete himself.

Q. Yes, under the supervision of a sports doctor.

40. When performing jumps and dismounts from sports equipment, you need to land:

A. On straight legs.

B. Softly, springy squatting.

B. Crouching and doing a somersault or throw on his hands.

41. Where should you be during the throwing exercise?

A. Behind the back of the thrower.

B. To the right of the thrower.

B. On the left side of the thrower, in the area where the sports equipment cannot reach.

42. The so-called "second wind" comes:

A. When the body is rebuilt in accordance with the loads and a sufficient amount of oxygen begins to flow into the blood.

B. When the muscles enter a comfortable rhythm of work.

B. When the brain and muscles get used to the current loads.

43. The main means of protection from sports and martial arts are:

A. Athletic combat.

V. CrossFit.

44 - test. What sports train breathing?

A. Steeplechase, football, weightlifting.

B. Tennis, swimming, volleyball.

IN. Race walking, ski and cycling views sports,

45. What is the height tennis net for tennis?

46. ​​What is meant by the expression "second wind"?

A. The situation in which the oxygen consumption of the body increases to the level required to perform the existing loads.

B. Simultaneous breathing through the nose and mouth.

B. A sharp increase in efficiency caused by factors external to the body.

47. Motor physical ability This:

A. Ability to move and accept loads.

B. Abilities that help provide an optimal level of physical activity.

B. Ability to perform complex sets of physical exercises without training.

48. The level of development of human motor abilities is determined by:

A. The body's response to external physical stimuli.

B. The ability to repeatedly fulfill the requirements of sports categories.

B. Personal sports achievements person.

49. The number of movements per unit of time characterizes:

A. The pace of movements.

B. Rhythm of movements.

IN. Physical layer involved.

50. The result of physical training is:

A. The number of exercises learned.

B. The degree of physical fitness.

B. Physical perfection.

51. Entrance to the gym:

A. Allowed if there is a teacher, coach in the hall.

B. Allowed if the hall is open and free.

B. Permitted if the incoming person is wearing a sports uniform.

52. Several exercises, selected in a certain order to solve a specific problem, are called:

A. Complex.

B. Group

B. Algorithm.

53. In places of dismounts from the projectile:

A. A belayer must be located.

B. There must be a level, non-slip surface.

B. It is necessary to have a gymnastic mat.

54. Exit students from gym available:

A. After permission from the coach.

B. At the end of a set of exercises.

B. If necessary.

55. Practice shoes sports games must be:

A. On soles made of non-slip material.

B. Soft and comfortable.

B. Tight-fitting.

56. To start the game, make stops in the game and end the game you need to:

A. At the request of any participant in the game.

B. As needed.

B. After the permission of the teacher, trainer.

57. Is it possible for a man and a woman to play table tennis on the same team in a doubles match?

A. Yes, you can.

B. No, you can't.

B. The organizers of the competition decide.

58. Is it possible to perform jumps on uneven and slippery ground?

A. No, you can't.

B. You can, if you wear shoes with non-slip soles, knee pads and elbow pads.

59. Is it possible to perform exercises on gymnastic equipment with wet hands?

B. It is possible if wrist bandages are used.

B. No, you can't.

60. What direction of fitness does not exist: callanetics, qigong, aquabosu?

A. Aquabos.

V. Callanetics.

61. Physical culture is:

A. The field of human activity that maintains and strengthens his health.

B. Various activities in sports sections.

B. The culture of professional sports.

62. When other students perform physical exercises, it is necessary to stand:

A. At a safe distance from persons performing exercises, do not create obstacles for them.

B. Near the projectile on which the exercises are performed.

B. Out of class.

63. Is it possible to perform complex motor actions without a workout?

A. Yes, you can.

B. No, you can't.

B. You can only under the supervision of a sports doctor or coach.

Test - 64. The basis of a person's motor abilities is:

A. Makings of psychodynamic abilities.

B. The degree of fitness and muscle endurance.

B. Medical indications.

65. Under the technique of physical exercises is understood:

A. Methods for performing a group of sequential movements.

B. An algorithm of actions that provides the greatest efficiency of movement for the body.

B. A well-defined and unchanging order of movements.

66. The ability to resist physical fatigue in the process of muscular activity is called:

A. Endurance.

B. Fitness.

B. Second wind.