Table plan summary of the lesson in physical education. Plan-outline of the lesson in physical culture

This physical education lesson is held in the 7th grade. The teacher plans to talk about the history of basketball, and then conduct practical exercises in the gym.

Lesson objectives:

  1. Studying the history of the development of basketball.
  2. Improving the technique of catching and passing the ball on the spot.
  3. Formation of the worldview.
  4. Raising the activity of students.
  5. Fostering a sense of camaraderie and collectivism.

The target audience: for grade 7

The presentation contains a fragment of a lesson on physical education for students with overweight. Arguments are given in favor of focusing on students with excess body weight. Today the problem overweight in students and methods of its correction are quite relevant. The presentation also presents the results of an experiment to test the developed methodology on students in grades 5-8.

Target audience: for grade 5

Lesson summary using modern educational technologies. Contains a sequence of learning transmission techniques baton leading exercises to teaching technique relay race. To activate cognitive activity in the lesson, the stages of goal-setting, updating knowledge, technologies of a system-activity approach in teaching, and reflection are used.

For the formation of general educational skills and abilities in the lesson, the following methods were used: the use of non-standard equipment to increase the motor density of the lesson, the “Music of the ball” exercise, the method of emotional discharge, problem setting, test task, gaming and competitive techniques. Presentation contains exercise schemes to improve passes, throws of the ball and study the exercise of group interaction "troika" in basketball.

Target audience: for grade 9

Lesson summary using modern educational technologies. The summary of the lesson contains a sequence of studying the technique of throwing a grenade, leading exercises to teaching the technique of throwing. To enhance cognitive activity in the lesson, goal-setting, updating knowledge, technologies of gaming teaching methods, a quiz, and reflection are used.

Target audience: for grade 10

Lesson objectives:
1. Educational: familiarization with historical information about gymnastics, about acrobatics.
2. Developing, improving: further improvement of the technique of acrobatic elements. Development of jumping ability, speed-strength qualities: when performing vaults.
3. Educational: education of a sense of beauty, gracefulness of movements when performing floor exercises.
The guidelines indicate at what time of the lesson to apply the presentation "The History of Gymnastics".

Target audience: for grade 6

Children love to play. This desire must be able to use in the interests of children, developing and educating in them the necessary motor qualities.
Conducting such a lesson will increase cognitive interest and will contribute to the education of the younger generation.
Different forms of conducting create different methods of learning. The knowledge acquired in the lesson will help you decide on the choice of a sport.

Target audience: for grade 3

The acrobatic program for grade 4 does not include exercises other than those studied in grades 1-3. This, of course, does not mean that the teacher should not limit himself to repeating what has already been mastered. Rather, on the contrary: now it becomes possible not only to work on improving the learned exercises, but also to introduce new ones. acrobatic exercises, vary, combine them with other strength, gymnastic exercises.

Target audience: for grade 4

Lesson plan in modern pedagogy

Undoubtedly, the ability to improvise is necessary for modern teachers, but high-quality improvisation comes with experience.

The outline of the lesson is extremely important both for students of pedagogical universities and for experienced teachers.

The outline of a physical education lesson will allow the teacher to adequately assess the quality of the work of each student in the lesson and plan corrective work to develop certain exercises for individual students.

IN modern pedagogy Lesson plans play a very important role. This is an obligatory element of pedagogical activity in a modern school.

The lesson plan is a document that reflects the plan of the pedagogical process for each lesson.

Obviously, the lesson plan is the most detailed description of the lesson, which, of course, is necessary for the objective management of the educational process in a modern school.

Currently, there are many simple and complex definitions of the outline of the outline within the framework of pedagogical science, but they are, for the most part, too scientific to give a clear idea of ​​the outline of the lesson.

The plan-outline of the lesson is a schematic representation of the main theses of the lesson, a reflection of the creative thought of the teacher, aimed at enhancing the cognitive, mental and creative activity of students in order to assimilate the necessary knowledge.

The outline of any lesson (we consider as an example), as a rule, the following structure:

  • Lesson topic. The name of the topic is taken from the approved calendar-thematic plan for physical culture.
  • Lesson number. Its name is written out from your lesson planning.
  • Lesson goals. When compiling the outline of a physical culture lesson, the content of the educational, developmental and upbringing goals is briefly listed.

How to make an outline of a physical education lesson

In this article, I consider it necessary to offer a simple, but, in my opinion, useful instruction for compiling a lesson plan.

  1. identify a clear topic for the lesson.
  2. indicate the type of lesson based on the following classification: a lesson on getting to know new information or a lesson on consolidating the material covered, a combined lesson, a recapitulation lesson, a control lesson, and others.
  3. outline the objectives of the upcoming lesson. As a rule, a well-designed outline of a physical education lesson (and not only) reflects several goals.
  4. it is necessary to formulate the tasks of the lesson of physical culture, that is, what exactly do you intend to do in order to achieve the above goals of the lesson.
  5. indicate the material and technical equipment of the lesson.
  6. in the outline of the lesson of physical culture, describe the course of the lesson: what methods and techniques you will use in teaching, what is required from students.

Outline of a lesson in physical education for students in grade 7

Theme of the lesson: "Improving the technique of the previously studied basketball material by the game method"

The purpose of the lesson: to repeat and consolidate the previously studied material on basketball.

Lesson objectives:

1. Improving the technique of possession, dribbling and throwing into the ring.

2. Formation of correct posture, development various groups muscles.

3. Education of discipline, collectivism, a sense of camaraderie.

Venue: Sports Hall.

Lesson duration: 40 min.

Equipment and inventory: tape recorder, basketball, hoop (6 pcs.).

Parts of the lesson

Organizational guidelines


Building in one line, checking the presence of a sports uniform.

Line up one at a time. follow correct posture, hand position and foot placement.

The class moves into the column one at a time. Make sure your feet are in the correct position while doing the task.

Building in one line around the perimeter of the hall. The form of organization is frontal, the method of implementation is simultaneous. The teacher sits in the center of the room. Pay attention to the interval - arms to the sides, to the posture when performing the exercise. Watch the position of the hands.

1. Construction, greeting, message of lesson tasks

2. Walking:

On socks;

On the outer arch of the foot

Roll from heel to toe.


Back forward;

4. General developmental exercises (ORU) on the spot:

1) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt. 1 - head tilt to the left; 2 - the same to the right; 3 - the same forward; 4 - the same back.

2) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt. 1-4 - rotation of the head to the left; 5-8 - the same to the right side.

3) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt.

1 - hands to the shoulders; 2 - hands up, stand on toes; 3 - hands to the shoulders; 4 - i. P.

4) I.p. - stand legs apart, arms to the sides. 1 - clench your fingers into a fist; 2 - unclench; 3 - clench your fingers into a fist; 4 - unclench.

5) I.p. - stand legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-4 - rotation with brushes forward; 5-8 - the same back.

6) I.p. - stand legs apart, arms to the sides. 1-4 - rotation of the forearms forward; 5-8 - the same back.

7) I.p. - stand with legs apart, hands to shoulders. 1-4 - rotation of the shoulders forward; 5-8 - the same back.

8) I.p. Left hand up, right hand down. 1-4 - jerking hands back with a change in the position of the hands.

9) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt.

1-2 - two torso to the left, right hand overhead; 3-4 - the same to the right, left hand above the head.

10) I.p. - stand legs apart, hands on the belt.

1 - torso tilt to the left leg; 2 - the same in the middle; 3 - the same to the right leg; 4 - i. P.


From a column of one class, rebuild into a column of three with an interval of 2 m. The form of organization is alternate, the method of implementation is simultaneously by several students. The students in the first line begin the exercise by whistling the teacher. After completing the exercise, students line up in a column of three on the other side of the hall. Monitor the correct setting of the feet when performing running exercises, the position of the hands.

The form of organization is sequential, the method of implementation is simultaneously by several students. Remind the technique of dribbling. Pay attention to the setting of the feet when performing basketball movements.

Students run around the rack and return to their original position, the ball is passed from hand to hand.

For 7th grade students using the Kervonen formula

The ITP should be approximately 150 beats per minute.

The form of organization is play. The exercise is performed at a distance of 20 m back and forth, running around the rack. Provide musical accompaniment for relay races.

1. Running and jumping exercises:

Running with high hips;

Running with shin overwhelm;

Side steps left and right side;

Back forward;

Jumping on the left and right foot;

Starting acceleration from the position of jumping in place on two legs.

2. Special basketball exercises:

Dribbling the ball with the right and left hand in a straight line;

Dribbling the ball with the right and left hand in a straight run;

Driving with change of direction.

3. Measurement of individual training pulse (ITP)

4. Relays:

1) come up with a name and motto for your team;

2) bring your friend's shoes;

3) running with two balls - put a ball in each hoop - run around the rack - collect balls from hoops;

4) dribbling the ball in a straight line with the right hand to the rack - back with the left hand;

5) dribbling with a change of direction between the hoops;

6) dribbling with a hoop;

7) jumping on two legs with the ball between the legs - back with a smooth run;

8) throwing the ball into the ring by the team in turn for 30 seconds (the number of hits is counted).


The winners run one circle to the applause of the relay race participants.

Building in one line. Homework: repeat the rules of basketball. Turn right, exit the hall.

1. Rewarding the winners of relay races.

2. Construction, summing up the lesson.

The physical education lesson plan can be used for self-training.

Parts of the lesson

Private tasks

Lesson content

Load dosage

Organizational and methodical instructions

I Preparatory part.

5 minutes.

Organize students to conduct classes and focus on solving upcoming problems.

1. Construction, greeting, message of the topic and tasks of the lesson.

1 min.

Emphasize on appearance and student readiness for the lesson.

To contribute to the general "warming up" and the gradual introduction of the student's body into vigorous activity.

Contribute to the activation of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems of the body.

2. outdoor switchgear in motion

1.5 min.

distance two steps

Develop the ability to maintain a given pace of movement.


Hands up on toes;

0.5 circle

Arms are straight, back is straight.

Hands on the belt on the heels;

0.5 circle

The back is straight.

Hands to the side rolls from heel to toe;

0.5 circle

Arms are straight, back is straight.

- race walking with the transition to a slow run.

0.5 circle

The arms are bent at the elbows and pressed to the body. Step more often.

Develop speed of motor reaction and movements in running.

4. Run at a slow pace.

3 min.

Follow your breath.

Promote Recovery respiratory system and heart rate.

5. Walking with breath recovery

1 circle

Pupils raise their arms through the sides up, taking a deep breath; lowering his arms and crossing them at the bottom, short sharp exhalation. Maintain balance and distance.

To contribute to the general warming up and the gradual retraction of the body into work.

6. Special running exercises:

With a high raising of the hip;

With overflowing of the lower leg;

Side step (right, left side);


On the right left leg;

Jumping from an emphasis crouching;

Accelerations (by turns 90*

360* turns from different provisions sitting, lying on the stomach);

Exercises are performed from the sideline on a signal. They return step by step.

II Main part.

21 min.

Organize students for

The distribution of children in pairs, with the ball. Rebuilding in 2 lines, facing each other.

1 min.

Ball safety reminder.

improveskills in passing and catching the ball from a place, in movement in pairs.

2.1. Ball exercises

1) I.p. - basketball stance, hold the ball with both hands at chest level;

Passing the ball with two hands from the chest;

Passing the ball with a rebound from the floor;

Passing the ball over the head

5 circle rotations and passing the ball.

15 times

15 times

15 times

15 times

Maintain proper ball control.

Pay attention to possible mistakes(footwork when passing from a place, correct work of the hands, do not spread the elbows too much when passing)

2) At the command of the teacher, close up to the indicated landmark in 2 columns


2-3 times

3) While moving around the hall to the indicated landmark and back, passing the ball from the chest with both hands

The same in movement with a rebound from the floor

While moving around the hall to the indicated landmark and back, passing the ball from behind the head with both hands.

4) educational game according to the basic rules.


2-3 times

Be sure to point out the main mistakes individually and as a team.

Try not to drop the ball, make an accurate pass.

Follow the rules of the game.

III Final part.

4 min.

Contribute to the restoration of the emotional state of students.

Breathing exercises.

1 min.

Follow your breath

To promote students' understanding of the effectiveness of their own educational and cognitive activities.

Construction, discussion of errors, announcement of estimates.

Self-assessment of children performed exercises.

Issuance of homework.

3 min.

Outline of a physical education lesson in grade 9.

Lesson topic: Improving the technique of passing the ball in pairs on the spot and on the move.

The purpose of the lesson:


- improving passing and catching the ball on the spot and on the move;


Improve motor qualities - agility, speed and coordination of movements.


To educate moral and volitional qualities - courage, honesty, collectivism, responsibility.

Planned results:

1. Meaning formation: Motivation for learning activities is formed (I must, I can, I want)

2.Self-determination : there is an adequate self-assessment of the results of educational activities

3. Moral and ethical assessment: value attitude to each other and to the teacher prevails.


When working in pairs, students recognize the partner's right to make mistakes,

Students are reserved in expressing their feelings during the game.

5. Cognitive:

Attention becomes more stable, there are few errors in the work on the algorithm.

Children are active in goal-setting, have self-esteem skills.

6. .Knowledge: children understand the meaning motor activity know the rules of basketball.

7. Skills: students are able to drive the ball with their right and left hands on the spot and on the move, to achieve the technique of catching and passing the ball.

Assessment Methods: control, self-control and mutual control over the correctness of the task; praise.

Location: gym

Equipment and inventory: basketballs, stopwatch.

The date of the: 04/05/2018

The teacher conducting the lesson: teacher of physical culture Shishigina Natalya Andreevna

Construction, declaration of lesson objectives.



Rolls from heel to toe;

In a semi-squat;



No assignment;

Diagonally with jumps;

No assignment;

Cross step right side;

Cross step left side;

No assignment;

Snake side step left and

Right side;

No assignment;

Diagonally with acceleration;

No assignment;

Snake back forward;

No assignment;




With rebuilding in a column of four

General developmental exercises:

Exercise 1. I.p.-stand legs apart, hands in

Castle in front of the chest

1-16-rotation with brushes

Exercise 2. I.p.-stand legs apart, hands

Crosswise in the castle forward

1-Bending your arms to your chest, stretch

them ahead


3 is the same as 1


Exercise 3. I.p.-stand legs apart, arms cong-

Chickpeas in the castle in front of the chest

palms inward

1-hands forward palms out


3-hands up, palms out


Exercise 4. I.p.-stand legs apart, hands in

Lock up palms out

1-3-spring tilt left


5-7-spring tilt right


Exercise 5. I.p.-stand legs apart, hands in

castle below

1-hands up, palms out

2-3-spring forward tilt,

palms out


Exercise 6. I.p.-stand legs apart, hands in

Lock forward palms out

1-3-spring turn left


5-7 - springy right turn


Exercise 7. I.p.-o.s., hands in the castle below

1-lunge left forward, hands

Up palms out


3 - same as 1, but right lunge


Exercise 8. I.p. - the same as in exercise 7

1-lunge to the left, hands forward palm-

nyami outside


3 - same as 1, but lunge to the right


Exercise 9. I.p.-legs apart


1-legs crosswise, left hand on the belt

2-legs apart, right hand on the belt

3-legged crosswise, right hand on


4-legs apart, right hand on the shoulder

5-legged crosswise, left arm up

6-legs apart, right arm up

7-legged crosswise, left hand down


Circuit training with elements


explanation of the task, obtaining inventory;

Body control: by direction

Arrows leading in place left and right

Howl with your hand and also with advancement

Side step left and right.

Move to the next view.

2. Perfecting the free throw

Move to the next view.

3. Gear improvement: two

Hands from the chest, one from the shoulder, with

Bouncing off the floor.

Move to the next view.

4. Perfection stop in two

Step with a throw on the ring.

Move to the next view, change


Second round: explanation

1. Improving management without visual

Body control: with promotion

Forward and backward, counting written


Move to the next view.

2. Juggling the ball.

Move to the next view.

3. Flexion and extension of the arms in support

Lying: girls from the windowsill,

Boys from the floor.

Move to the next view.

4. Jumping rope on two legs.

Cleaning inventory, dividing into teams.

Educational game.

What is a lesson plan.
Lesson topic.
Lesson types.
Goals for the next lesson.
Lesson objectives.
Lesson parts.
Material and technical equipment of the lesson.
During the classes.
General and motor density of the lesson.

What is a lesson plan

The lesson plan is a schematic
displaying the main theses of the lesson,
reflection of the creative thought of the teacher,
aimed at activating
cognitive, thoughtful and creative
activities of students for mastering
the necessary knowledge.

Lesson topic

The title of the topic is taken from the approved
calendar-thematic plan for
physical culture.
The topic of the lesson is a very important aspect in
drawing up a plan-outline of the lesson, since from
it depends on the goal, objectives and course of your lesson.
If the content of your lesson does not match
topic of the lesson, then the tasks you
have not decided.

Lesson type

There are the following types of lessons
physical culture:
Introduction to new material
Learning new material
Consolidation and improvement of the new
Plot (fairy tale, journey)
Circuit training

The purpose of the lesson

As a rule, a well-designed outline of a physical education lesson (and not
only) reflects multiple purposes. But for
the rule is taken the formulation of one goal per
one lesson.
The purpose of the lesson reflects the result that you
want to reach at the end of your lesson.
The goal is stated clearly and clearly so that you
were able to adequately assess the level
the work you have done.

Lesson objectives

Lesson objectives are formulated based on the Purpose and Topic
There are three main types of tasks for a physical lesson.
(training / consolidation / improvement of any
element or motor action)
Developing (to promote the development of certain
physical qualities)
Educational (to educate students in leadership
quality, team spirit, sense of responsibility,
a sense of patriotism, a sense of collectivism, etc.)
For each lesson, you need to formulate one
task of each type.

Parts of the lesson

cults in
general images
includes in
yourself 3 parts
(in correctional schools
introduction is added)

Preparatory part

The preparatory part lasts on average
10-12 minutes. Here is the construction, the report,
greeting, lesson task message, reminder
safety regulations and outdoor switchgear in motion and
in place.
You can use different forms
conducting outdoor switchgear, periodically adding something
new. The warm-up in the preparatory part should
focus on preparing the body
dealing with the main load and solution
tasks of the main part of the lesson. Not desirable
put on the student's outdoor switchgear, tk. it may
significantly reduce the effectiveness of the warm-up and in
further lead to injury
sore joints, ligaments and muscles. However, if in
there are athletes in the class, then in high school you can
sometimes use this practice.

Main part

The main part lasts 25-30 minutes on average. IN
the main part of the lesson solves problems,
staged and voiced in the preparatory
This may include various training
exercises, sport games, outdoor games,
relay races aimed at solving problems. How
as a rule, the main part of the lesson includes
work with inventory. To improve motor
density lesson inventory needed
prepare in advance. You also need to take into account
morphofunctional features of children and give
them time to rest and restore breathing and
heart rate.

Final part

The final part lasts on average 5-10
minutes. At the end of the lesson,
restore the body and bring the indicators closer
Heart rate to the original.
This part of the lesson can include:
exercises in motion and in place; exercises
for stretching; ideomotor exercises;
muscle relaxation exercises. Also here
mobile games can be included, allowing
take a break and take a break from the focused
physical exercises of the main part of the lesson.
Also in this part, the teacher summarizes
the results of the lesson, those who distinguished themselves in one or
the other side of the students, homework is given,
farewell and organized departure from the hall.

Material and technical equipment

In your outline plan, you need to
be sure to indicate the material and technical
equipment and inventory for the lesson (whistle, balls,
cones, skittles, hoops; swedish wall, mats,
basketball hoops, football goals,
beams, logs, goats and horses, etc.)
All equipment must be prepared for
the beginning of the lesson, in order to avoid a lot of downtime,
associated with the search, configuration and
arrangement of inventory.

During the classes

In the outline of a physical education lesson
describe the course of the lesson: what will you
use teaching methods and techniques
required from students.
Consider inventory placement
involved, their movement and
rebuilding on the site.

General and motor density of a physical education lesson

The total density is the ratio of time,
used pedagogically justified,
for the entire duration of the lesson.
Motor density - ratio
time taken to complete
physical exercise, to all
lesson duration.
Lesson density is usually measured in

Percentage of Lesson Types and Motor Density


Percent match

The overall density of the lesson should always
strive for an absolute value, that is, for
Motor density must match
Lesson type and enter its percentage limits


So, in this presentation, the main
aspects and rules for compiling an outline plan
physical education lesson. I turn your
attention to what is needed competently, clearly and clearly
write down all the points of your outline plan. This
help you better prepare for a lesson or do
this is to another person if yours is in his hands
outline plan. It should also be remembered that the lesson
physical culture is a complex multifaceted
process, and at any moment something can go wrong
plan. In this case, you should be prepared to
changed situation: keep your plan in mind,
but do not dwell on it, otherwise you risk
disrupt the lesson due to pedagogical incompetence.
Don't forget to give students time to rest.
recovery of breathing and heart rate.