Top 10 extreme sports. Why do people do extreme sports?

Every year there are more and more sports that allow people to cripple themselves. But injuries are only one side of the coin. On the other hand, adrenaline, an indescribable feeling of balancing on the verge of life and death, a way to escape from routine life. Here it is important to take safety precautions responsibly, not to start classes unprepared, not to train on your own, and then it will be possible to avoid injuries. When compiling ranking of the most extreme sports it is difficult to be objective - the degree of danger and the severity of sensations are very individual, and fatal outcomes are usually hidden.

5. Diving

In fact, it is a harmless swimming under water with special equipment. In order to start doing it, you need to have certain skills that will allow you to cope with various problems that arise underwater (fogging of the mask, loss of the regulator, buoyancy regulation, and so on). But there are situations in which even many years of experience may not help - a meeting with a shark or an electric stingray. There are many contraindications for diving: people with chronic infections, bronchial asthma, hernia, diseases of cartilage or bones, all kinds of neoplasms and many others will simply not be allowed to dive, and independent diving without training is much more dangerous. An even more dangerous type of diving is cave diving, which is underwater diving in caves. The main risk is that after a dive it will not be possible to immediately resurface in the event of a lack of oxygen or other life threatening conditions.

4. Alpine skiing and snowboarding

A very popular winter sport, although it requires a lot of expensive equipment. There are thousands of special tracks for lovers of this sport that work all year round, but real thrill-seekers prefer to ride outside the prepared tracks. This is one of the varieties of skiing - freeride. The main danger of this sport lies in the uncertainty of the terrain, as well as the possibility of an avalanche. But this does not stop hunters of extraordinary sensations, despite the fact that in terms of the number of deaths among athletes, it is the most dangerous among winter views sports.

Another winter discipline mountain sports, as common as it is dangerous, is the halfpipe. This is the name of a special structure in the form of a half-pipe covered with snow, on which skiers and snowboarders perform various tricks, accelerating during the descent along the "wall" and "flying up" over the halfpipe.

3. Cycling

Among the disciplines of cycling, the rating of the most extreme sports includes:

BMX (Bicycle MotoCross) is one of the many varieties cycling, for which a special bicycle of the same name is used, which is much smaller than the usual one. One of the most popular BMX destinations is Street. It consists in performing tricks using the usual urban obstacles (stairs, railings, curbs). Another offshoot of this sport is Flatland, the essence of which is a kind of “dancing” on a bicycle on a flat surface. This is one of the most interesting cycling types sports, but at the same time the least traumatic. Dirt - performing tricks on unpaved slides, flying up to them due to preliminary acceleration. One of the most dangerous, but at the same time spectacular views bmx.

Downhill - downhill downhill on a special mountain bike on unprepared tracks, the main thing in which is the time of the descent. The track contains natural irregularities - mounds, pits, tree roots, stones, as well as sharp turns (on which the final time primarily depends) and especially steep descents.

But the most dangerous of all is undoubtedly freeride. This is a style of cycling on very difficult tracks, involving overcoming cliffs of tens of meters, riding very steep slopes, jumping over streams and ditches at great speeds. The name itself says that anything can be included in the track.

2. Climbing

It is difficult to imagine something more life-threatening than a fall from a dozen meters high onto bare stones, and therefore rock climbing is one of the most dangerous sports today. Of course, half a century of history and new technologies make it possible to reduce the number of victims, but it will not be possible to avoid them at all. The most dangerous is, of course, climbing on unprepared slopes. This type is essentially a kind of mountaineering, as it repeats all types of insurance and equipment. Also a dangerous type is, of course, "solo" (climbing without insurance), as it does not forgive the climber a single mistake. Recently, such a variation as Deep-water solo has appeared, which involves using rocks located above the water so that when the climber falls, he falls into the water.

1. Base jumping

This is a type of parachuting based on jumping from high-altitude objects. The term BASE was introduced by Carl Boenisch, who created the name from the first letters of the words Building, Antenna, Span, Earth.
They translate as: building, antenna, bridge, ground and are the main objects for base jumpers to jump. During the jump, it is very important to align the body before opening the parachute, because the fall occurs from very low altitudes, and if the parachute is not opened at the right time, the skydiver will get into an uncontrolled rotation and may become tangled in the lines. There is also the danger of a collision with the object from which the jump occurs.

For such jumps, of course, special equipment is needed, since during the time that an ordinary parachute opens, a parachutist flies about 100-200 meters, which in base jumping is about a third of the entire flight. A beyser parachute opens in 15-20 meters of fall, and besides, it is usually only one, that is, there is no spare. Also a strong difference from conventional parachuting is the landing area, which is usually very limited on all sides, and the base jumper requires some training and parachute piloting skills.

On their own initiative. In this case, he specifically puts himself in danger for the sole purpose of getting a dose of adrenaline into the blood. There is also the concept of "extreme sports".

Extreme - what is it?

Extreme is, as mentioned above, a way to raise the level of adrenaline in the blood, or, more simply, a way to tickle your nerves. In fact, any extreme actions pose an extreme danger to life, which is probably why they excite the blood for some people.

In general, extreme is an image of free time of a certain type of people, a way of their life.

The very word "extreme" - what is it? Translated from English, it means "extraordinary", "opposite" and " highest achievement", but not danger at all. It so happened that for some reason this word is used to call those sports that differ from the long-recognized Olympic Committee and humanity.

About fear: who is engaged in extreme sports

Extreme activities are a hobby of brave, free and accomplished people. As a rule, young people just want to stand out, while adults take such sports more seriously and consciously.

Fear is necessarily present in most types of extreme sports. Often riders, paratroopers, climbers, etc. answer journalists' questions about the presence of fear that it always exists. Otherwise, a person would part with what leads to a mistake, due to which you can get injured, or even lose your life.

Extreme in Russia and abroad

First of all, it occurs to an ordinary person that the word "extreme" is associated with the word "danger". Any reports and videos demonstrating sports achivments climbers, ski jumpers, raftists, etc. cause people not only to admire the courage of the heroes, but sometimes they even want to express themselves as follows: "Crazy!".

Russian extreme is still only on the periphery of people's consciousness. Although the advertisements use the images of skydivers, parkour masters, skiers and other extreme sportsmen, not many Russians can afford to get carried away with such sports.

A Russian person often in his subconscious denies everything that comes from abroad. In addition, many types of dangerous sports are not cheap at all, they require considerable financial investments in uniforms, equipment and the trips themselves.

In other countries, everything is simpler with this matter, so a huge number of people spend their free time from work in this way: skiing, scuba diving, rock climbing, just going to the mountains, etc. Russian extreme sports are developing in this regard, although lately, but lagging behind.

The most extreme Russian activity is river rafting. For many centuries, timber has been rafted along the great Russian rivers, and prospectors and geologists have tried to fight their fast and powerful waters. Officially, the sport of rafting appeared in Russia only in 1995.

Today it is one of the fastest growing types of recreation for Russians on the water. This is due to the fact that great country surprisingly rich in beautiful, interesting and difficult water routes.

extreme sports

Consider some of the dangerous sports: extreme on the water, in the air, in the mountains and in the desert.

1. Flyboarding(from English "fly" is translated as "flight", and "board" - as "board") - a way of entertainment for people who dream of learning to fly. takes place over water.

It uses a special water blower, a hose that supplies water and water jet boots. Hand stabilizers control flight and regulate the power of the water jet.

A show with several athletes is an amazing spectacle.

2. - riding on special boards on the slope of the volcano. Max Speed descent at the same time reaches 80 kilometers per hour.

3.Parkour on a trampoline- these are not simple perfectly adjusted jumps, this is a special kind of certain tricks in the air and interaction with other external objects and various surfaces.

4. kite wing- an amazing universal projectile that allows you to move not only on land, but also on water, air and snowy mountain peaks.

Kitewing allows you to accelerate and get off the ground under the influence of the wind.

The world of extreme sports is diverse. ski surfing, kayaking, horseboarding, metrosurfing (hooking) and more. etc. - all this is extreme.


Everyone knows perfectly well that any extreme is dangerous, that such an activity can lead to any irreversible consequences. Any professional extreme sportsman who respects himself and everything that surrounds him will never allow himself to rush to perform this or that trick at breakneck speed. He prepares meticulously. People (viewers) see only a magnificent bold and clever finale, and years of long preparation and training remain behind the scenes ...

It is impossible to unambiguously define the word "extreme". What is a "challenge"? In each of the dangerous sports there is what is called this word. From English, this word means that a person challenges himself, in this way testing his strength and himself for strength. Can I...

Well, extreme friends, if you want to try one of the most dangerous sports, then the following information about the 10 most dangerous and extreme sports will serve excellent guide on practical application for your insatiable desires. Meet the most risky (and this is putting it mildly) sports for the reckless in ascending order.

The most extreme sports

10th place - rodeo

In America, this type of jumping activity is enduringly popular. Its essence is to hold out as long as possible in the saddle on the back of an angry bull. But after you have fallen, take your legs to hell, because the bull-calf will not forgive you for the show-offs you have just done on his proud back. His horns and hooves can cause such damage to a person that he can lie in the hospital for several months in a serious condition. Unfortunately, deaths sometimes occur in this sport, so rodeo is considered a very dangerous entertainment.

9th place - downhill skiing

As it becomes clear, a high-speed kamikaze skier needs to gain as much speed as possible. For 2-3 minutes of driving, such a skier is able to reach speeds of over 200 km / h. But this is on condition that some pebble does not fall under his feet (God did not bring him). And if you get caught - that's it, at least six months in the hospital. Very extreme entertainment.

On a snowboard, you can also develop a pretty good descent speed. But when, at the same time, everyone still needs to perform all kinds of tricks, this, friends, is really a real extreme. Only professionals can engage in this kind of activity. But this performance looks very spectacular. The main thing is constant control over the situation.

7th place - downhill

This is the name of the type of downhill mountain biking on the track. It looks and feels very cool. But no one has yet canceled the dangers that may meet on your way. It can be stones, potholes on the road, cars, after all. Dangerous sport, right?

The word is not clear, but, nevertheless, this is the name of the sport - rafting on mountain rivers in a kayak. A kayak is such a small boat for one person. You can’t control the river here - just think about how to stay alive. The main thing is not to roll over and not break on the stones. Otherwise, you will be carried away by the current to distant lands, because. the mountain river is a deadly stream of hellish unpredictability. Extreme!

5th place - mixfight

So called fights without rules in a cage. Everyone understands that such fights do not end with a happy ending. Either the enemy loses consciousness, or death. Yes, and ordinary fighters do not participate there either - only the most trained, strong and reckless. Dangerous for life and health.

4th place - mountaineering

This sport, even with insurance, is a huge danger. Anything happens. You can simply jump off from any height and slide down on a cable a little lower, along the way, peeling off all your elbows and knees, even through protection. In the end, the cable can catch on any piece of rock and cut little by little as you climb to the top. The main thing is to get up faster than it cuts. This is an extreme look. active rest.

3rd place - great surfing

The amount of adrenaline in the blood has nothing to do with ordinary surfing. Here they try to conquer such waves, which are several meters high. But such a wave can crush down to irreparable consequences, after which you won’t get on the board, but simply won’t get up on your feet (unless, of course, you survive).

2nd place - deep diving

A person who decides to descend to a great depth without any additional equipment (cylinders, etc.) must have super-light and steel nerves. We do not know what is the interest in this particular type of diving, but the sport is practically the most dangerous. However, there are reputable diving and freediving schools that put safety first, here is a link to freediving courses.

1st place - base jumping

The most dangerous kind extreme sports. And that's why. Base jumpers jump from any high and stationary object. After the jump, they must open the parachute immediately. If this is done later, he most likely will not have time to open up - there will not be enough time.

By the way, unlike regular skydivers, who have 2 chances to open their parachute, base jumpers can only do it once. This is the most extreme sport.

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It has been actively gaining momentum since the 1990s. Society is rapidly developing, giving rise to its new interesting views and branches.

Such a sport is definitely not for the faint of heart - it is a risk and adrenaline that pushes the daredevils to reach new heights. Athletes are constantly competing to see who can jump higher, run faster, or fly farther.

Often, love for such sports leads to injuries and even death.

extreme sports

Cliff jumping

An extreme sport with Polynesian origins is cliff jumping. Extreme lovers climb a rock 28-30 meters high and jump from it into the water. Often such jumps end in failure.
In order to tickle your nerves, it is not necessary to jump from a great height, for starters, you can choose a lower rock - in any case, you are guaranteed an adrenaline rush.

Bungee jumping with crocodiles

This unusual and very dangerous sport was invented in Australia. The whole point is that a person is tied with a cable to the bridge from which he jumps. The cable is shorter than the distance from the bridge to the ground, but this does not meanthat such entertainment has no consequences.

If just jumping off a bridge is not enough for you, then the Australians will give you a small bonus - a river under the bridge, teeming with hungry crocodiles.

Climbing the rock by car

This sport will challenge any driver. You will need to drive your car along a terrible road cut by boulders and ravines.

The slightest miscalculation can lead to a car overturning or, even worse, throwing it off a cliff. Buckle up!

Walking on a tightrope

You have probably seen more than once how the tricksters in the circus walk alongrope under the dome.The slackline sling is not quite the rope we are used to. In fact, it is made of nylonout threads that are able to stretch.

Often it is used as a trampoline to perform various tricks, but some have gone further.The most daring athletes pull lines over gorges or between buildings. The sight is truly mesmerizing.

Higher and higher

Relatively the new kind extreme sport, pioneered by the Russians, is to climb the highest point of any structure.

Many extreme lovers even maintain their own blogs, where they talk about the peaks they have conquered. A place to climb can be a construction crane, a skyscraper, or even a monument.

On the wings of the wind

Those who like to tickle their nerves can not sit still, and they came up with another extreme and very unusual sport. Its essence is that for safety you are tied to the upper wing of a biplane, which will subsequently accelerate to 135 miles per hour.

For extreme adventurers, the pilot will be happy to perform some aerobatics that you will definitely never forget.

base jumping

Each of us at least once in our lives dreamed of learning to fly. Fortunately, today everyone has the opportunity to feel the beauty of free flight.

Be prepared to be dressed in a special suit, which in its structure resembles a flying squirrel. Such a suit increases the overall area of ​​​​your body, so you can glide for a long time in the air.

For a soft landing, of course, you need a parachute. Mortality among fans of this sport is quite high, as many athletes prefer to fly as close as possible to the rocks.

Train surfing

The creator of this sport is clearly not all at home. Train surfing is banned in many countries.

The fact is that a person involved in train surfing climbs onto the roof of the train and tries to stay on it while moving. People around the world are dying trying to do this. This type The sport was popular in the 80s and 90s and then reappeared in 2005.


Parkour is the art of overcoming obstacles quickly, accurately and efficiently. This sport does not require special special equipment - it can be practiced in any accessible place.

The steeper the obstacle, the greater the risk and adrenaline rush. Since there is no need for special equipment, parkour is one of the most accessible extreme sports.

speed skateboarding

These unusual skateboarders use long boards with softer wheels and a wide wheelbase, allowing them to reach incredibly high speeds.

They can go up to 70 miles per hour and the slightest miscalculation could be their last.

hang gliding

Although all extreme sports are dangerous, according to statistics, the highest mortality is observed among athletes involved in hang gliding.

Pilots use special equipment - a hang glider, and jump with it from a great height. The large wingspan of a hang glider creates enough lift to keep a person in the air. Sounds pretty fun and relaxing, but it's very dangerous.


For most people who have visited Spain, the encierro, or bull run, is an interesting tourist experience. However, it is worth remembering that the slightest mistake can lead to serious injury and even death.

Angry bulls are released into the streets of the city, and the task of the race participants is to escape from them. Pure madness.

Water extreme sports


Westerners first learned about surfing during James Cook's first voyage, when his ship docked on the island of Tahiti. Surfing has been an integral part of ancient Polynesian culture and certainly predates the arrival of Europeans on the island.

Today, surfing is widespread in many countries with access to the sea or ocean, and thousands of fans of this sport, despite the risk, consider it the best pastime.

Diving without scuba gear

Many do not even realize that in order for diving to become an extreme sport, a person simply needs to take away the scuba gear. Imagine that some divers dive to depths of up to 100 meters without the oxygen tank they normally carry on their backs.

These athletes have larger lungs than normal people. This is due to the fact that they train long and hard, holding their breath.

Recently, this topic has begun to worry me very much, since I noticed that a lot of personalities are fond of the most different types sports activities, only some of them are ordinary, while others cause real adrenaline in the blood. So I thought: maybe I should try something for myself in order to get new and unusual emotions… Well, these are just thoughts so far, because at first I decided to carefully understand this topic, clarify what sports I would like to do, and also go over the extreme winter sports, the list of which I will also show you.

Popular and Extreme sports - a list from me

So, first of all, I was interested in such a type as polo on segways.

First of all, this unusual occupation, for which animals were previously taken. You have probably heard of polo on horseback and also on bicycles. I once heard on TV but never paid special attention. Today, as it turned out, horses are no longer relevant, and electric scooters are used for the game. Well, yes, technological progress makes itself felt. Moreover, this game is very popular in the United States of America, and the above mode of transport is also a huge success.

The advantage of this vehicle is that it is quite small and also very easy to drive. When playing, you just need to tilt your body and the product quickly turns where it is needed. Can you buy it for yourself? But, the most important pleasure in such a game is the moment that the device cannot reach speeds of more than 20 km per hour, as a result of which everyone is the same in speed, the competitor cannot be bypassed thanks to a faster or improved Segway.

As for me, the main highlights such a game is to show how each individual player knows how to make maneuvers, as well as manage his body. On the territory of Russia, such a game appeared quite recently, but there are not very many fans yet.

Parkour as a way of self-expression

Now I'll tell you about parkour. On English language, and indeed, such a game is called the usual art of overcoming various obstacles while moving.

For me personally, this option is ideal, since I really don’t like to compete, and in this case you can just enjoy moving and not think about overtaking someone.

If we consider extreme types of recreation, then parkour will be in the first place for me as an action that will bring adrenaline into the blood. I thought for a long time about whether it can be attributed to sports at all, to which many contradictions appeared. But, the fact is that you can’t call it an ordinary exercise either, because for this category parkour is quite complicated in its actions. By the way, have you seen any?

I think that the main principle is to move through the territory that you do not know at all, each step is an innovation. The lesson is the use of different stairs, walls, stepping over huge objects, as well as jumping. Interesting, right? Such tricks are performed for their own pleasure, without performances. Also, there is no going back in this game. Well, if you have already decided and went, you need to go to the end, regardless of what awaits you.

There is a lot of information about this type, and parkour begins its history back in the 90s. The first who sincerely fell in love with this activity is a man named David Belle. This is a French citizen who showed a lot of unique tricks. He made a brave jump from a height of 10 meters, and with the help of a special somersault he landed easily.

Today, this option of sports pastime is in the first places of employment, as a result of which, with each new page of information, he began to interest me more and more.

And now I really want to tell you about such a direction as base jumping, which also interested me very much. When I watched the world extreme games, this was the kind of extreme. So, base jumping is unusual jumps that are performed from high structures, bridges, as well as other places. Have you imagined?

Well, to make it clearer to you, you can enter a query in search engine"extreme sports photos" and you can see a huge number of different photos, which will show the subtleties of one or another direction. Very often, as it turned out, participants in this direction use parachutes, well, just in case. But, I think so, such a sport would not suit me, since it requires dexterity and courage, and this is certainly not about me).

Moreover, in such a case, you need to understand the direction of your jump so that, God forbid, you do not break your bones. I can only imagine how scary it can be when you jump from a great height. And I also learned that for those who want to still make such a jump, or learn how to perform them at a professional level, there are special preparatory courses. The fact is that this requires serious preparation, because with any mistake the outcome can be fatal. Thus, there are training courses where real masters individually deal with each person.

So, now I hasten to tell you about one more direction - paragliding or. To be honest, this is not for me either. Probably, I am not yet ready for such moments, although the desire is gradually beginning to appear.

So, this direction is a dangerous sport, which is made in the form of flight. I think this is the most simple form which is available to anyone. You just need to find a hill, jump from it with the help of a run.

During the flight, a person should only think about how to properly control his body, as well as the wing of the parachute.

During the flight, the wind can lift you even to a height that you never dreamed of. Preparation for such actions is also necessary, because first of all you should have not only a parachute, but also a special helmet, and it is also recommended to take an altimeter with you. This device will show how high you have skidded, how quickly it lowers. Residents of Russia, in most cases, choose Crimea for such actions. It is from these mountains that jumps are made, and, judging by the responses - deaths no, everything is fine and safe.


Well, among other areas of the “active sports” rubric, snowboarding suits me the most. Surely, everyone has heard about such a pastime, and many have tried, felt this extreme from their own experience.

I hasten to note that I have been snowboarding for a long time and each time I experienced new emotions from skiing and performing.

Honestly, this is an amazing hobby that has won not only my heart, but also millions of others. This is an extreme look. sports direction, for which you can even enjoy watching. Do you know that this direction, which every second person knows about, was almost unknown back in 1965? Probably not, which is not strange, because I myself only found out about it. There was such a person as Dmitry Milovich, who suggested, quite by accident, to go down from the mountains with the help of a board. Probably, he just wanted to facilitate such a descent, but it turned out not only an interesting innovation, but also a whole direction in sports.

The history of snowboard development is quite long, so I don’t think it’s necessary to talk about every individual who has contributed his “drop” to this direction. The main thing is that now it is not only a popular sport option, but also a unique one. individual lesson, with which you can really get a real buzz.

Hockey ... yes, yes, hockey!

And I also think about hockey. You ask: is it something new or extreme? I understand your surprise, but I hasten to note that such hockey can be played using a unicycle. Surprised? At first I also did not understand how this was possible, but now they can tell you. So, we all imagine and know the traditional game as puck throws on ice, right?

In this case, it's different, because the participants play the game while riding on one-wheeled devices. This game is not characterized by forwards, as well as offsides, there are no fights, as well as power moves. But even under such conditions, it does not lose its uniqueness.


I was also very interested in motocross. Well, it's probably no secret to anyone that this is one of the sports that is a regular race on sports bikes. Such races are held in special areas that are located on a closed track. But even in this case, you need to have certain skills. Which? First of all, you should learn how to manage such a motorcycle, which is not entirely easy.

Experts say that 10 hours of training is enough to understand and feel the vehicle. This is a dangerous type of sport, as it can incur an increased risk of injury. Well, imagine, today you get on a racing bike for the first time and start performing maneuvers to overtake an opponent ... Yes, no one has yet canceled turns and obstacles, so I don’t think that a beginner should try this direction as the first.

Cross-country motorcycles are heavy vehicles, so the control of such equipment is definitely not easy. It's still half the trouble. Manage such professional equipment only professionals will be able to, as a result of which you need to have certain skills. For this, there are special courses that prepare individuals for such actions. As you can see, without skills, you can just get injured, and this kind of training will simply end.


In other words, to make it as clear as possible, it is worth having a kite, a surfer board, and also waiting for windy weather near the sea so that there are waves. Thus, by rotating their devices, the participant gets the opportunity not only to slide along the waves, but also to take off, which maximizes the effect of the lesson. This is a modern direction, which every day only increases the number of people who want to experience such sensations from their own experience.

bungee jumping

And there is also such a view as. Oh, as I read, and goosebumps. This is not a simple jump from a height, but with the help of an elastic cable.

Actions are carried out on rocks, bridges and other hills. This direction began its development back in the 80s, when the British began to use ordinary jute and jump to get vivid sensations.

The feeling of flying did not leave anyone indifferent, as a result of which the direction became more popular. And this species has its own faces that have set records regarding the height of the point used, as well as other factors. I just wonder how much courage or desire it takes to have such an exciting sensation to allow yourself to jump from such a height. No, well, there are such faces, there are many of them, but it is a pity that I am not included in such a list.

So, who has heard of rollerblading? This is also a difficult activity, which is roller skating.

But just do not think that this is ordinary skating, no. During such movements, certain actions, jumps, turns and other tricks should be performed. Moreover, there are special ramps where specialists train their spins in order to show others later. This direction is based on acrobatics, as a result of which a person must clearly feel his body and control it well.

Florensky football

I also really liked the information about Florence football.

Agree, there are many football fans, but when this game is played without rules, it becomes more interesting. This version of football is simply saturated with adrenaline, and it can also be blood. Some individuals are confident that it can be put in first place among real men's games. But, there are some rules. As an example, I will tell you one story that was in Santa Croce.

It was here that a rectangular dug hole was formed, the size of which was about 50 meters. This place was covered with sand and the participants of 2 teams were let in here, each of which had 7 people. The males were naked to the waist and ready to play. So, during the game it is forbidden to be on the head or use certain mean tricks, because everything must be fair. So, then the game began, which, as a rule, was associated with martial arts, and the ball simply dangled among the participants. As for me, there is no point in throwing the ball here at all, but, probably, this is the highlight.


And the last direction that I would like to mention is the frisbee.

If anyone does not know, this is an exciting game that features a flying saucer. I can call this lesson quite simple and easy, albeit interesting. Well, if there is nothing to do, you can go to leave such a plate.

Today, many people like to mark the disc, and can also replace it with a game of disc golf. Probably, if I were invited to participate in such a game, I would agree. Firstly, no preparatory movements, skills or courses are needed. Everything is very simple, the main thing is not to develop one of the participants' head. But I think it can be prevented.

So, I tried to give you all the information about extreme areas in sports .... Yes, I agree that these are not all types that exist, I just paid attention to really interesting, as well as popular types. What can I say. To choose one or the other, it is worth thinking carefully. I will judge myself.

Extreme sports - the list I have given is far from complete!

First of all, for the choice of such directions, which are associated with height, they can confidently say that it is worth considering whether you can cope with such a fear (if it exists). Yes, if you are not afraid of heights, you can confidently try jumping, flying, and so on, but in another case, I recommend thinking carefully. Also, the choice depends on what exactly you expect from such an activity. If there is simply no where and with whom to spend your free time, then there are cinemas. I'm kidding, of course.

Personally, I do not hide the fact that the height scares me a little, but as you can see, a large number of directions are connected precisely with great height. I prefer more mundane options, including surfing. I already mentioned this above, so I don't want to repeat myself. But, nevertheless, this is the optimal type of sports activities, during which I enjoy, do not feel fear, and also get a lot of amazing emotions. I think many will understand me.

In addition to all this, I recommend paying attention to other classes that also do not require special preparatory moments. Those who are too lazy to go to courses will also feel the difference. Well, if you decide to master this or that direction on a professional basis, confidently go towards your goal. Maybe this is really what you need in order to feel the full taste of life, get incredible emotions, sensations, enjoy every breath of air.

I have everything, expect new information soon, my new and unusual research. Subscribe to and invite your friends. Good luck and see you.

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