Topic on the topic of extreme sports. Essay in English on the topic extreme sports

Sections: Foreign languages

The purpose of the lesson:

Formation of lexical and grammatical speaking skills on the topic; teach to use vocabulary at the level of a sentence, unprepared micro-statement, reasoned mono-statement; learn to express your preferences using structures quite like, would quite like, would love, would prefer, wouldn't like, can't stand, like, love, hate.

Lesson objectives:

  • practical: development of listening skills in order to extract specific information; developing reading skills in order to extract necessary or interesting information; to form students’ speech activity on the basis of new vocabulary; development of the ability to express “preferences”;
  • developing: develop the memory and mental activity of students, develop the ability to analyze, generalize, deductively derive a grammatical rule, develop the ability to make linguistic guesses in order to expand their potential vocabulary, develop the ability to argue their point of view, draw conclusions, summarize;
  • educational: broadening the horizons of students, developing general and educational skills that allow them to improve educational activities in mastering the English language;
  • educational: to form a moral, positive mode of communication when exchanging opinions, increasing motivation to learn English.

Lesson equipment:

  1. Audio material: Extreme Sports –Module 1. (Opportunities intermediate, Russian Edition, Longman)
  2. Handouts with tasks:
  • Module 1, Lesson 3, ex. 3, 4, 5 pp. 14-15. (textbook Opportunities intermediate, Russian Edition, publisher: Longman)
  • Unit 6, Lessons 7-8 exercise 2c, page 99; ex. 4c, p. 101. (textbook New Millennium English 10, publisher: Moscow Textbooks JSC)
  • text “Extreme Sports”. (IAS, 6/2004, methodological mosaic, pp. 2-3)
  1. Computer presentation of the lesson. (Power Point)
  2. T.C.O tape recorder, computer, multimedia projector, screen.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

Hello everyone. Glad to see you here and I’d like to start our lesson with your prediction about the subject of our discussion today. I want you to watch an episode recorded from TV news and say what we’re going to discuss at the lesson.

2. Introduction to the topic of the lesson, goal setting.

Demonstration of the plot of the film “Free riding”.

T: So, what is the subject of our discussion?

Ps: x-treme sports. (Slide 1)

T: Can you give the definition to the word “extreme’.

Ps: extreme describes activity that is very dangerous.

T: Well, today we’re going to take a look at extreme sports. What exactly are they? How dangerous are they? What makes people risk their lives to do them? (Slide 2)

3. Speech warm-up.

T: All the pictures show extreme sports. (Slide 3)

  1. Think and say what they all have in common.
  2. Can you name these sports?
  3. Would you agree that all of them are sports? Why? Why not?
  4. What attracts people to these sports?

4. Introduction of the vocabulary “Taking risk” and its initial consolidation.

T: What else attracts people to extreme sports, why do they take up doing them? The words from ex. 2c will help you express your ideas. (New Millennium English 10, p.99)

  1. Ex. 1. In the sentences find the English equivalents to the Russian phrases.
1. He has done a lot of dangerous sports because he likes to go to extremes. a) take risks (2)
2. To take risks for no purpose is not a clever thing. b) excitement, excitement (2)
3. Ann's desire to travel around the world becomes stronger and stronger. c) satisfy your curiosity
4. He was addicted to heroin. d) think well
5.Think twice before you do something very dangerous. e) desire, desire
6. I just had to satisfy my curiosity, so I opened the box. f) risk-taker / risk-loving person
7. Being an actor or an actress can be rather dangerous, sometimes they have to do different risky things. g) reach / reach the edge of the possible (2)
8. I do sky diving for the thrill and excitement of this sport. h) get addicted to...
9.Personally I am not a risk taker, so white rafting or scuba diving is not for me.
10. I think moderation in everything is the key and I never take things to the edge.
  1. Ex. 2. Express your ideas why people take up doing x-treme sports. (slide 4 - vocabulary1)
  1. to go to extreme
  2. to take things to the edge
  3. to take risks/to do risky things
  4. a risk taker
  5. to be addicted to
  6. to satisfy one's curiosity
  7. thrill/excitement
  8. to have a desire
  9. to acquire self-confidence
  10. to acquire sense of individuality
  11. to overcome difficulties
  12. to protest against something

5. Introduction of vocabulary “Types of extreme sports” and its phonetic development.

T: You have already given me the examples of x-treme sports before. Now let’s repeat the names of x-treme sports after me. (Slide 5)

  1. Sky surfing
  2. Skydiving
  3. Ice diving
  4. Ice climbing
  5. Skiboarding
  6. Snowboarding
  7. Bungee jumping
  8. Base jumping
  9. Snow rafting
  10. White-water rafting
  11. Street luge
  12. Zorbing

6. Preparation for listening interviews.

T: Now I’d like you to listen to a TV program about some of these sports. But before listening use your background knowledge to try to predict answers to the questions. (Opportunities intermediate, Russian edition, Module 1 “Extreme Sports” ex.2 a, p.14)

  1. People do extreme sports in order to feel a) excited b) nervous c) happy
  2. Extreme sports have become popular in the last a) 5 years b) 10 years c) 20 years
  3. People usually bungee jump from a) airplanes b) high buildings c) bridges
  4. In sky surfing people do mid-air a) gymnastics b) dancing c) swimming
  5. Snowboarding has similarities with a) skiing b) surfing c) canoeing
  6. Snowrafting is a) quite dangerous b) very dangerous
  7. For white-water rafting you need a) a big river b) a warm river c) a mountain river
  8. Ice divers a) swim under the ice b) walk on the bottom of lakes c) walk upside down under the ice

7. Listening: interview.

Listen to the tape and check your answers for ex.2. While listening, please, have a look at the screen where you’ll see the pictures of sports mentioned in the interview.

Answers: 1a, 2b, 3c, 4a, 5b, 6b, 7c, 8c.

Listen to two people talking about extreme sports. Complete the table of ex.4. (Appendix 2)

Sports Carol Jonathan
doesn't like
would like to try
wouldn't like to try

Answers: Carol likes bungee jumping; would like to try sky surfing; wouldn't like to try snowrafting. Jonathan likes skiing/snowboarding; doesn't like sailing; would like to try ice diving.

Listen again. Complete the Function File “Preferences” ex.5 with the following words: quite like, would love, can’t stand, love, like, wouldn’t like, would quite like, prefer, hate, would prefer.

+ 'ing' or noun + to + infinitive
I ______bungee jumping. I ______ to try skysurfing.
I _____ doing boring sports. I _______ to do snowboarding.
I _____ winter sports. I _______ to stay at home.
I _____ going skiing. I _______ to go ice diving.
I _____ snowboarding.
I _____ slow sports.

8. Formation of lexical and grammatical skills. Expressing Preferences.

  1. Say what structures are used to express preferences. What is the difference? (Slide 12)
  2. Think of sentences about your sport preferences.

9. Development of search reading skills. (extracting the necessary information)

I'd like to enlarge your knowledge about extreme sports. I suggest that you should read the text about other kinds of extreme sports. Before reading pay your attention to the questions.

Of which of the sports, A - G are the following true?

  1. You do not need to have any special skills.
  2. You need to cooperate with a group of people.
  3. It was started by inventors of another extreme sport.
  4. You can hurt yourself while to stop.
  5. You need to be both strong and psychologically prepared.
  6. It offers reasonably good protection from injury.
  7. It could get you into trouble with the police.
  8. You can make your own protection for your feet.

Answers: 1G, 2 F, 3 E, 4 E, 5 A-G, 6 G, 7 E, 8 E.

10. Reasoned monostatements.

1. (Slide 14)

What is your attitude towards extreme sports? What is your opinion on taking risks? Discuss it in pairs and then report your ideas to the class. (ex.4b, p 101

New Millennium English 10)

Taking risk is…

  • dangerous
  • exciting
  • useless because
  • silly
  • People take risks/do risky things because …
  • Risky activities can lead people to…
  • Some people like being put at risk because …

2. Work in small groups. Comment on the quotation. Share your ideas with the rest of the class. Slide 15 (ex.4c, p 101, New Millennium English 10).

To win without risk is to triumph without glory. (Pierre Corneille)

Example: This means that if you don’t go through danger to achieve something, the success will be less significant.

11. Summing up the lesson. (Slide 16)

X-treme sports are nontraditional sports characterized by high speed, high risk, danger, excitement.

What have you learned at the lesson today?

12. Homework.

Recording and commenting homework. (Slide17)

Choose any x-treme sport and make a project using a plan.

  1. History
  2. Equipment
  3. Rules
  4. How risky it is
  5. Tips for practitioners: special skills, qualities, protection from injury

You may use the following web sites:


Topic in English Extreme sports talks about sports at the limits of human capabilities. After studying this topic you will find out which sports are considered extreme. Topic on English language with translation Extreme sports will help when telling a story or writing an essay about your favorite activities.


Extreme sports

Many people do sport nowadays. It helps us to keep fit, to be healthy and organized. It also builds character and we can learn to work in a team. There are many different kinds of sports: football, swimming, tennis, gymnastics, etc.

But some sports, for example, snowboarding, parachuting, scuba diving, rock climbing, rafting or surfing are considered extreme. For these type sports, you need lots of training, fast reaction and great health. Doing these sports teaches us to overcome difficulties and also how to survive in an emergency. People learn not to lose control, develop patience and get rid of their fears. When we risk, we learn how to use our head at first, and act only after thinking.

Today more and more people start doing extreme sports. People of all ages find these activities entertaining, so they spend a lot of time paragliding, going up mountains or swimming with sharks.

As for me, I believe these sports are dangerous and risky. But this doesn`t mean I never wanted to do any of these activities. I don`t want to jump with a parachute, but I always dream of scuba diving. I am a very good swimmer, and someday I will go to another country, take some classes and achieve my dream.


Extreme Sports

These days, many people play sports. It helps you stay fit, healthy and organized. It also helps build character and learn to work as a team. There are many various types sports: football, swimming, tennis, gymnastics and others.

But some sports, such as snowboarding, parachuting, diving, mountain climbing, rafting and surfing, are considered extreme. These sports require a lot of training, fast reaction and excellent health. Playing such sports teaches us to overcome difficulties and survive in emergency situations. People learn not to lose control, develop patience, and let go of their fears. When we take risks, we learn to use our heads first and act only after thinking.

That's all today more people start to engage in extreme sports. People of all ages find it fascinating. So they spend a lot of time paragliding, climbing mountains, or swimming with sharks.

As for me, I consider these sports to be dangerous and risky. But that doesn't mean I never wanted to try one of these sports. I don't want to skydive. but I always dreamed of scuba diving. I am a very good swimmer, someday I will go to another country, take some lessons and fulfill my dream.

Ashikhmina Irina. School No. 145, Samara, Russia
Essay in English with translation. Nomination Other.

Extreme sports

In my composition I`d like to tell you about extreme sports.

To begin with, many people go in for extreme sports, because other kinds of sports are too boring for them. There are different types of extreme sports: rock climbing, diving, rafting, snowboarding, parachuting and others.

Rock climbing is very difficult and exciting occupation. In the summit of the mountain you feel alone and free. Climbing is a good way to keep muscles fit. But it is also one of the most dangerous sports. You must have some skills or you will break a leg or injure a back, and you can even die. You can fall into the crevasse. Similarly, you can be coldand your arms and legs may be numb, because of cold weather and wind. Also, while climbing, you are attached to your partner, so if your partner falls to his death, you can die too.

Diving is a very adventurous sport. You will see a beautiful world under the water. But besides beauty, there are a lot of dangers. For example, you can meet poisonous sea creatures or even sharks! You can be poisoned by oxygen. Also, you can lose consciousness.

Parachuting is an unusual sport. When you are flying, you feel freedom like a bird. Many doctors think that it helps to save people from stress and depression and it is a good way to lose weight. But if you have not learned how to land, you can break your legs.

Rafting is a thrilling sport. You enjoy picturesque places and contact with other people. But you have to overcome the rapids and waterfalls. Also, submarine stones may injure your head or back.

To tell the truth, I prefer to do something more relaxing, like swimming, because I`m afraid of these dangers.

In my essay I would like to tell you about extreme sports.

To begin with, many people engage in extreme sports because other sports are too boring for them. There are different extreme sports: mountaineering, diving, rafting, snowboarding, parachute jumping and others.

Mountaineering is a very difficult and exciting activity. At the top of the mountain you feel free and alone. Mountaineering - good way keep muscles in shape. But it is also one of the most dangerous species sports You have to have the skills or you'll break your leg or hurt your back and you might even die. You can fall from a great height or fall into a crevasse in a glacier. You may also feel cold and your arms and legs may become numb due to the cold weather and wind. Also, when you climb a mountain, you are attached to your partner, so if your partner falls and breaks, you can die too.

Diving is a very risky sport. You will see a beautiful underwater world. But besides beauty, there are many dangers lurking there. For example, you might meet poisonous sea creatures or even sharks! You can get oxygen poisoning. Also, you may lose consciousness.

Skydiving is a very unusual sport. When you fly, you feel free, like a bird. Many doctors believe that it helps people get rid of stress and depression and is a good way to lose weight. But if you don't learn how to land, you might break your legs.

Rafting is an exhilarating sport. You enjoy picturesque places and communicate with people. But you have to overcome rapids and waterfalls. Also, pitfalls can hurt your head or back.

Honestly, I prefer to do something more relaxing like swimming because I am afraid of these dangers.

Speed, excitement, danger. You can find all these in the different extreme sports that have become popular in the last 10 years. Take bungee jumping. You jump off a bridge and you fall and fall, and then, just before you hit the ground or water, an elastic rope pulls you back. In skysurfing you jump out of airplane and use a board to “surf” the air, doing gymnastics in mid-air! And extreme sports on land can be just as dangerous.

Winter sports have always an element of danger. For example snowboarding, which has all the excitement of surfing but on snow, is more dangerous even than skiing. Probably the most dangerous of all the new winter sports is snowrafting. You sit in a rubber boat and sail down a mountain at great speed - and you can"t control the boat!

Of course, water sports have always been fun. Ice diving, for those people who are absolutely beautiful. You put on diving equipment and dive under a frozen lake. And, if that"s not enough, you try to walk upside down on the ice! I feel cold just thinking about it.

A lot of people are not fit nowadays. It"s a big problem today. If you want to feel fit you"d better go in for one kind of sport or another. I think that everyone must do all he can to be healthy. Good health is better than the best medicine. All kinds of physical exercises are very useful to make our bodies strong and to keep ourselves fit and healthy. To tell the truth I don"t do sports regularly and it is not an essential part of my daily life. In the morning I do some exercises just to awake. In summer I go swimming as there is a beautiful lake with pure water where my Granny lives. In winter I swim in the swimming pool. I like to ride the bike. I shouldn't call myself a sports fan. Of course, I like to watch sports competitions on TV, like hockey or football. But most of all I admire extreme kinds of sport. I think they are really cool.


Speed, excitement, danger. You can find all of this in the various extreme sports that have become popular over the past 10 years. Take bungee jumping, for example. You jump off a bridge and you fall and fall and then, just before you hit the ground or water, an elastic rope pulls you back. In skysurfing, you jump out of an airplane and use air resistance to do gymnastics in the air! Extreme sports on land can be just as dangerous.

Winter sports always have an element of danger. For example, snowboarding, which is just as exciting as surfing, but on snow, is more dangerous than even skiing. Probably the most dangerous of all the new ones winter species sport is snowrafting. You are sitting in rubber boat and go down the mountain at high speed - and you can't control the boat!

Certainly, aquatic species Sports have always been fun. Ice diving is for those people who are absolutely crazy. You put on your diving gear and dive into a frozen lake. And, if that's not enough, you try to walk upside down on the ice! I feel cold just thinking about it.

Many people are unhealthy these days. And this is a big problem today. If you want to be vigorous and healthy, it is better to engage in one or another sport. I think everyone should do everything they can to be healthy. Good health better than the best medicine. All types physical exercise, are very beneficial for our body to make it strong and keep ourselves in good shape. To tell you the truth, I don't exercise regularly and it's not an integral part of my life. Everyday life. In the morning I do exercises just to wake up. In the summer I swim because there is a beautiful lake with clean water where my grandmother lives. In winter I swim in the pool. I like cycling. I don't consider myself a fan. Of course I like to watch sport competitions on TV about hockey or football. But most of all I admire extreme sports. I think they're really cool.

Hello! The expression “Sport is life” has long become an indisputable truth. Indeed, people who play sports professionally or amateurly live longer, more interesting and brighter lives. Since you are learning English, you should know the names of your favorite sports in English so that, for example, you can write an essay or tell your English-speaking friends about your hobby.

There are different types of sports: winter, summer, Olympic, Russian, American, team and individual, etc. There are also unusual sports, extreme and even dangerous. We each have our favorites sports and champions we want to emulate. Even if we are not actively involved in football, we still have our favorite teams that we support at all matches.

There are even computer sports in which thousands of gamers and computer geniuses compete every year. We love some competitions (hockey, dancing, figure skating, chess), others we do not understand and do not accept (cricket, curling, baseball). But they exist, and we must know their names in English, as well as the names of professions in English, in order to be able to talk about ourselves.

Table “Types of sports” with translation

I suggest you study the table of various sports in English with translation and transcription. Look, is your favorite sport here?





skiing["skiːɪŋ]ski village
skating["skeɪtɪŋ]speed skating s.
Luge["lʌʤ]sleigh s.
snowboarding snowboard
biathlon biathlon
Bobsleigh bobsled
Figure skating[ˈfɪɡə, skeɪtɪŋ]figure skating

Summer (off-season)

golf golf
rollerblading[ˈrɔulə, bleɪdɪŋ]roller skating
sailing["seɪlɪŋ]sailing s.
water polo[ˈwɔ:təˈpəuləu]water polo
cycling["saɪklɪŋ]bicycle racing
horse racing[ˈhɔsreɪs]horse racing/running
darts dart
chess chess
Kung-fu kung Fu
karate karate


motor race["məʋtər reɪs]auto racing
motor freestyle["məʋtər fri: staɪl]motofreestyle
bungee jumping[ˊbʌndʒɪ "ʤʌmpɪŋ]rope jumps
sky surfing hang gliding
base jumping[ˊ beɪs "ʤʌmpɪŋ]parachuting
speed riding["spiːd"ri:dɪŋ]parachute skis


RPG role-playing game

Essay “Favorite sport” in English

At school, at college, or in language courses, sooner or later you will be asked to write an essay in English on the topic “My favorite sport.” When writing an essay, remember that articles are not written with the names of sports, and also do not forget that names with “-ing” are written “ to go", and if the sport is with a ball, then - " to play", with all other names it is combined " to do»: to go rowing, to play football, to do judo.

To work creatively on your essay, use the following words:

  • go in for sports - go in for sports
  • winter/summer sports - winter/summer sports
  • championship - championship
  • score - score
  • team - team
  • scoreboard - scoreboard
  • coach - coach
  • game - game, match
  • bat - bit
  • puck - puck
  • stick - hockey stick
  • stadium - stadium
  • field - field
  • goalkeeper - goalkeeper
  • stands - stands
  • ball - ball
  • spectator - fan
  • goal - gate

You can rely on these words when writing your essay.