Vladimir Ponomarev: “I don’t see any players or teams in our national team yet” – Russian national football team. Arnold Tulokhonov: “Until I see a great lake and a great country It makes no sense to build treatment plants

An excerpt from part 3 "LOVE EVIL".
A black-bearded big man, apparently - the captain, having dispersed the team with rude hails, most of all resembling the crew of a pirate ship, seated the rescued under a linen canopy and, giving his name - Tanakr, continued to question her. The sailors moved not far away, gazing at the slender figure with greedy eyes, and crowded around the forecastle. The south trade wind * (* trade winds - constant winds caused by changes in temperature at different latitudes) evenly, tirelessly, blew into the stern from the port side, accelerating the ship's run, light cirrus clouds glided across the blue sky, the ocean swayed, strewn with golden sparkles. Shyly wrapped in a wet blanket, the girl shivered under the gusts of wind and the ardent gazes of men, the thin fabric of an expensive peplum outlined all the curves of a slender figure. The sailors flared their nostrils, as if sniffing at the "find", hoarse voices sounded louder. Anger and discontent erupted in them.
Frowning, the head of the sloop invited the unintentional passenger to go to his cabin. Trembling and looking around, the girl hurried after him, but then, having made up her mind, two ringleaders blocked their path:
- Cap, this is not the case, according to all the laws of the sea, the girl is common!
Oh no, what followed could not be called unfair at all! The young fairy gave them a chance, and not even one, and only when events took a very bad turn, only then did she decide ... And she was not evil at all, she did not like extreme measures, but what to do if everything goes like this.
- Shut up brutes! You don't think shit! They will give such a ransom for her - we will buy a whole brothel for a month!
It was useless, it became dangerous to persist. It's a pity, but the captain, who did not risk further arguing with the inflamed and brutal men, had to agree to honestly share the crumb.
It is clear - first Tanakre will taste it himself, and only then, having had his fill, will he give it to the sailors. The bearded man sighed - he didn’t want to miss such a jackpot, because after the beauty was fucked by the whole team, she would have to be thrown into the sea. The girl, apparently, is not simple, and it is dangerous to contact the nobility.
Throwing a light body over his shoulder, he carried it to the cabin. She would have been silent, fool, but she decided to resist, and so she received a heavy slap on her tender little face. The captain rudely ripped off the expensive brooch that fastened the fabric on his shoulder. Now he was not going to breed ceremonies, what difference does it make if he goes to feed the fish anyway! The frightened girl sobbed, wringing her arms, and fell to her knees... Tanakre lifted the hem of his tunic and tucked it into his belt.
- Don't scream, bitch! Look, in the hall, well-fed, pampered, maids, go, spinning around to hell? Didn't expect that life would throw out such a trick? Come on, don't freak out, you won't die! Like it, maybe I'll keep it.
And in fact, when he saw how the pink mouth opens in crying, how the elastic mounds of young breasts agitate, the man decided: “Why waste good? When else will such a beauty come across? No, if after all the baby survives, he will leave it to himself, when entering the port he will lock it somewhere in the hold.
He didn't have time to finish thinking. As if the space itself shuddered, emitting a heavy rumble, a powerful whirlwind swept through the cabin and light plank bulkheads scattered, unable to withstand the collision with a huge carcass! The terrible monster, who had appeared here, no one knew how, was cramped and, barely moving, he broke everything around to smithereens. The deck trembled as the monster moved forward, playing with heavy rings. Forepaws - short and powerful, covered with shiny emerald scales, stretched out to the bearded man. Crazy horror squeezed his heart with icy fingers. With a thin squeal, the captain backed away, a yellow stinking stream flowing down his legs.
The sailors, shivering with a slight shudder, rushed around the ship with wild cries, the majority, pushing each other, tried to hide in the hold, some, calling on the Two-In-One and all other gods, jumped into the sea.
The monster, with a snort, recoiled from Tanakr (apparently, the smell did not appear), climbed out and, having rolled over the side, slid into the abyss. Before the sailors had time to take a breath, thanking the creator, the water surface suddenly began to seethe and, to the horror of people, senselessly rushing around the deck and not understanding what was happening, the long body of a giant serpent rose from the waves again. The terrible head approached, swaying on a flexible neck, bent over the dilapidated ship. The monster opened its mouth, as if smiling, the scarlet ribbon of a forked tongue flashed among the saber-shaped snow-white fangs. In the next moment, the sea dragon, uttering a thunderous roar, bit the mast, broke the bow with a blow of the tail and, circling in a whirlpool, the remains of the sloop, along with the crew, sank to the bottom.
The snake swayed thoughtfully on small waves, gradually subsiding after the death of the ship, and then, waving its tail, went into the depths, catching up with a school of fat mullet. I really wanted to eat after the troubles experienced.


Having got out on the shore near Larzouch, Atera, without hesitation, moved to the port, twirled among the motley crowd, listened to a few dubious compliments and directed her steps towards the city gates. For some time she decided to live in this city.

Two months ago, a Petersburger Ilya Kapustin worked as an industrial climber and dreamed of moving to the south of Russia. However, his dreams were not destined to come true: on January 25, on his way home, he was grabbed by five men in uniform and masks and dragged into a minibus.

“They threw me on the floor, handcuffed me behind my hands. After that, the car drove off. They introduced themselves as members of the security services. One of them stepped on me with his feet, took out a stun gun and began interrogation. To encourage me to speak faster and to make sure that I was not lying to them, he let electric shocks into me,” says Kapustin.

Now the politically active young man is in Finland, where he is awaiting a decision on his asylum request. He arrived in the country a few weeks ago. At various times in Russia, he was involved in initiatives to help the needy, in environmental projects and participated in protests against the Russian political system.

In the car, Kapustin was asked questions about people they supposed he knew. The topic of the questions was their political position, as well as whether these people were preparing to overthrow the government through a revolution. Each question was followed by an electric shock.

- After this incident, I was afraid to be in Russia, because I was not involved in anything, I did not plan anything illegal, but at the same time because of my political position and because of my acquaintance with some people whom they may suspect I was tortured and threatened.

The Yle news service could not find confirmation of Kapustin's words, but the doctor's conclusion corresponds to the young man's story.

Iltalehti wrote about the case of Ilya Kapustin on February 3 this year. A photo taken by Yle in early March shows stun gun marks healing. Photo: Yle, iltalehti.fi

Atypical refugees

The number of requests for asylum in Finland from Russian citizens has increased over the past few years. Head of the Refugee Division of the Immigration Office Esco Repo says that changes in Russian legislation have an immediate impact on the number of refugees. Thus, after the Supreme Court of Russia banned the activities of Jehovah's Witnesses last spring, the number of petitions from members of this organization increased.

The other main groups of refugees from Russia are political activists and members of the LGBT community. In 2013, a law banning propaganda of homosexuality among minors came into force, due to which the position of sexual minorities in society has noticeably worsened. Political activists have recently been accused of terrorist activities, which can lead to more than ten years in prison.

In general, with regard to Russian citizens, we are talking about several hundred refugees.

– There was a small period of decline, but last year the number increased again. More than 400 applications were submitted, while a year earlier - 192. At the beginning of this year, 73 applications were received, Repo said.

Last year, only 21 Russians who came to Finland as refugees received a residence permit. Of these, 12 received asylum, while the remaining nine were granted permission to stay in the country on other grounds.

Three days ten years long

Granting asylum to Russian citizens is quite rare, but still not unbelievable. Five years ago, a journalist and human rights activist received refugee status in Finland Oksana Chelysheva.

She arrived in Finland in 2008 and initially planned to spend three days here. However, clouds suddenly gathered over her at home, and three days stretched into ten years. As a correspondent for Novaya Gazeta, she reported from Chechnya and from protest rallies.

- It was still the peak of the active opposition movement associated with the Marches of Dissent in Russia - a movement that began in 2007. I personally, as a journalist, covered this, and this also caused displeasure, - the journalist says.

Although Chelysheva has been in Finland for a long time, sometimes the past makes itself felt.

- Sometimes there were situations when I felt like I was in some kind of bad detective, when there was a car with St. Petersburg numbers at the station, and from this car some person with a big, big camera openly photographed me.

Oksana Chelysheva Photo: Yle

Elections without a choice

Today's presidential elections do not inspire any hope for political refugees from Russia.

- The Russian opposition now has no hopes for support within Russia, unfortunately, no. And here the point is not only that they have lost the opportunity to be accepted in Russia. Unfortunately, Russian society is now more strongly consolidated around Putin than ever. I consider this a huge tragedy, - Chelysheva laments.

Everyone involved in this supposedly anti-Putin propaganda turned Putin into a strong hero. You helped Putin have no alternative in these elections.

– Oksana Chelysheva

At the same time, she is sure that it was those who opposed Putin that led to the current situation. These are Western countries with sanctions and other steps against Russian President, and mouthpieces of anti-Putin rhetoric within the country. According to her, it was the demonization of Putin that made him what he is now.

– Everyone involved in this supposedly anti-Putin propaganda turned Putin into a strong hero. You helped Putin have no alternative in these elections.

Ilya Kapustin is also pessimistic about the future of Russia. So far, he does not see an opportunity for himself to return to his homeland and fulfill the dream of his own walnut garden somewhere in the south of the country.

- So far I do not see the opportunity to return to Russia. Still, the trends are not the best. Maybe after some time, in five years, I will be able to return, but a lot must change in order for me to want to return.


Ex-defender of the USSR national team, CSKA veteran Vladimir Ponomarev shared his expectations from the upcoming World Cup. He noted that he had an alarming condition for our team at the World Cup.

What kind of performance do you expect from our team at the World Championships?

My state of anxiety. I don't see a real national team. When we were preparing for the 1966 World Cup, we all played together for three years, first came to the Olympic team, and then to the national team. That is, our defense was absolutely stabilized. Who will play now? The Berezutskys don't want to. Ignashevich alone. Who will he play with? If with Berezutsky, then I agree. He won't play with other players. Firstly, this is an age-old footballer, and secondly, he simply will not adapt to modern footballers who will play in the national team. I mean Kutepov and company. Erokhin can be attributed here. Well, maybe we will leave the group, and then it will be very problematic. I recently watched european football. Well, this is crazy speed, game thinking. There is almost no backward pass. All forward to the opening. Crazy performance, physical training. And our people don't know how to play football. I imagine how our guys will play: a pass across, a pass back, a pass to the goalkeeper who knocks the ball into the field. This is how the game will be. At high speeds, we do not know how to play football, we are not adapted to them. All the more, to such physics. As soon as physics ends, everything ends. And our guys do not have such physical readiness to play like this for two halves. We have to play three halves. Therefore, I do not believe in our team.

What is its ceiling? Will we win one match?

I think we should win at least one opponent if the situation goes well. And so there is no one to win. We have only four forwards. Moreover, there is no defense. At all. The defense plays off the sheet. It just doesn't happen that way. What is Cherchesov hoping for? For good luck?

As usual.

This is what everyone is hoping for. What if I jump out, what if it works? Not really. Suddenly it doesn't.

But our forwards are not bad: Smolov, Dzyuba ...

Yes, what good ones there! None!

Do you think they are not quoted by European standards?

I don't think they would have played in Europe.


They would not even sit on a bench in Europe. Because this way of playing, physical and technical training. None, in short. Do you think Golovin will go to Europe and play? Never in his life will he play there. It requires the maximum return in each match, you need to give all the best, and money is not paid there just like that. We can score one goal and play the fool for three games. We have it, but it doesn't. There the team will perform and say: “Why do we need it here? Let him go to Russia, and stay there.”

You are so pessimistic, but still the World Cup often opens up new young talents. Are such discoveries possible in the Russian team?

Until I see. Neither Golovin nor Chalov will be able to play at the level that other European teams are playing now. Chalov can play for luck. There are such matches. And in principle, to have something stable - there is no such thing. Here I look at the players of the European championships, they consistently show the same game. We don't have such players. Take Dzyuba. Well, it will last two halves. Well, by chance the ball will score. And there are no specifics.

Was it in vain not to invite Igor Denisov to the team?

This is Cherchesov's business. He had a conflict with Denisov. By the way, I don't like this player either, as a midfielder.


I have something to compare. I still see the preparation of the players, how they can play. He has no plasticity, game thinking. Some kind of wooden soldiers run, stick, grab each other by the T-shirts, by the neck, by the body. We have never had such a disgrace. If I see Golovin, I will definitely tell him not to get involved in these matters, because he also grabs opponents' jerseys. We've never had anything like this in our lives. Especially since Erokhin in one of the matches grabs an opponent by the neck to take the ball away. This is wildness.

Why do they play like that, because they know it's a foul?

Because brains are not included. How could Erokhin be behind the player who is in possession of the ball? Therefore, he was forced to grab by the neck, by the shirt. In Europe, this is not practiced, and judges are immediately punished for it. And the players don't accept it. It's just indecent.

If you compare this team with the previous ones, what is the difference?

There is no team, no players. Here in CSKA, for example, there is a team, so he took second place. Footballers there are slightly above average in game thinking, physical training, but their coach managed to prepare. In our national team, I still do not see any players or teams. Everyone plays for himself. And in this case, nothing happens.