Shuttle run 3x10 standards. shuttle run

« shuttle run 3X10 m"

Physical culture as a school subject should comprehensively develop fragile children's organisms. Unfortunately, the state of health of students is unfavorable. For example, the rate of chronic diseases of various forms is growing, a sedentary lifestyle leads to the formation of excess weight. Few understand the importance physical development, but the elementary can not only invigorate, but also improve blood circulation, activate the body and give strength for full-fledged work for the whole day. And these are not empty words, not motivation for healthy lifestyle a life that most people ignore, shrugging off the standard "I don't have enough time." This is a real fact. Most people are lazy and physical activity do not want to do. From this - constant illness and fatigue, which prevent you from enjoying life.

Physical education and attitude to it

The school program for the entire period of study includes many as well as basketball, volleyball and more. In fact, classes are held taking into account the available equipment and a full-fledged venue. So, the situation with the above in most schools in small towns is regrettable. Somewhere better, somewhere worse, but that's not the point. It's just that the attitude to physical culture is neglected by children. They treat it like a lesson where you can sit and do nothing. Nobody wants to run and sweat, but everyone wants to be slim and beautiful. Few people think that an elementary shuttle which is quite difficult to perform, is used to train football players, boxers, etc.

This is the development of the vestibular apparatus, a sense of coordination, dexterity. Although, in fact, it looks simple - to run from one point to another several times. What difficulties arise, you can understand if you consider in detail, for example, a 3x10 shuttle run, the technique of which is familiar to most students of secondary educational institutions.

Features of the shuttle run

It's strange, but for some, a distance of 100 meters is much easier than a run of 3 times 10 meters. This is due to the nature of the movement during the exercise. In a short stretch, the student must accelerate, brake, touch the ground (line, floor, cube), turn around and do all this a few more times.

This is a significant burden on the body, in particular on the heart and lungs. It exhausts the muscles. This is traumatic, but good for blood circulation, for coordination. Using to warm up 3x10, the technique of which everyone seems elementary, you can achieve a lot. But it is necessary to teach children how to perform the exercise correctly and consolidate it in practice.

Components of the exercise "shuttle run"

The execution technique consists of several points.

1. Preparation:

Determining the distance, choosing a venue, marking the venue;

Warming up the student, explaining the technique, demonstrating the implementation by example.

2. Execution:

High start;

Reduced acceleration time;

Braking with the need to touch the ground, line or in order to pick up the cube;

U-turn with a locking step used in football, basketball;

Return to the starting point in the same way.

Special attention to the finish

Running the last segment, the student no longer needs to slow down, so he will accelerate in order to finish faster. For starters, as an introduction to this exercise, a regular 3x10 shuttle run is suitable. The execution technique can be supplemented, you can diversify it. As an option, the number of segments can be added - 5x10, 10x10, the segment itself is increased or running backwards is added (for more experienced athletes).

It all depends on the one who performs the exercise, from the risk of injury, from compliance with safety regulations and from the imagination of the person leading the subject "physical education". The shuttle run mobilizes the entire human body, but can cause serious damage to the legs, arms, and other parts of the body.


Naturally, as a component of the subject of physical education, shuttle running should also be evaluated. Standards vary by grade and by gender. Shuttle run 3x10, the execution technique of which affects the time of the exercise, provides for the following standards:

5th grade

6th grade

7th grade

8th grade


9.5-10.8 seconds

8.9-10.1 seconds

8.9-10.0 seconds

8.7-10.0 seconds

8.6-9.6 seconds


9.0-10.5 seconds

8.5-10.0 seconds

8.3-9.6 seconds

8.2-9.3 seconds

8.0-9.0 seconds

In general, each of the three segments should take no more than three seconds on average. Nine seconds to increase your body's stamina to improve blood circulation and strengthen immunity.



Form start

Go out

Before moving on to the topic of the article, I want to recommend you a few blog articles on the topic of running. If you have not yet fully mastered running, and consider yourself a beginner runner, then there is an article that will help beginners. Here's another beginner's article to learn about stretching, breathing, and more.

Running is one of the sports that allow you to develop your physical fitness, increase muscle tone, and also significantly improve your shape. Running is considered the most natural form of exercise, because walking and running are exactly the types of movement that are characteristic of a person.

What is a shuttle run?

Wikipedia defines this species running as a repeatedly repeated run in the forward and reverse directions. Shuttle running is one of the independent types of running, while short distances are used. The main difference between the shuttle run and the usual one is that during the shuttle run you need to overcome a certain distance several times.

The length of the distance in the shuttle run can be 10-100 meters, while the number of runs is within 10. In this case, it is necessary to run around an obstacle in the final segment, or touch the marked line on the ground with your foot. This type of running is most often used in the preparation of athletes for competitions in athletics, football, and basketball, since shuttle running is an excellent tool for training and developing an athlete's endurance. It is also suitable for increasing the level of maneuverability of the athlete.

In addition, this type of running can be used in bad weather, when normal running becomes impossible or not very comfortable.

Since in the final segment of the distance there is a sharp change in direction of movement, this type of running is considered one of the most traumatic. Shuttle running is great as a test of agility and endurance. Indeed, sometimes even an athlete training in running for sufficiently long distances is easier to run his long distance than several approaches over short distances. This type of running is quite energy intensive and requires good physical preparation.

What is the specificity of this type of running?

Features and technique of shuttle running

To conduct this type of run, the following conditions must be met:

  • Marking - marking makes it possible to carry out this type of training and competition. Permanent marking in places of frequent shuttle run is especially convenient.

This type of running does not require a large area, you can also use an open area. And a gym.

  • Start technique - at this point, it should be especially emphasized that several options for starting, as well as starting braking and acceleration, can be used here. The most commonly used is a high start with one hand as a support.
  • The passage of the distance largely depends on the first step. For the greatest effectiveness when passing the distance, you should also be able to increase the frequency of steps - to learn this, jumping rope is used, carried out at a fast pace.
  • Turning Technique - For the fastest turn, you should learn the stop step. This designation is especially actively used in basketball, because the goal of shuttle running and basketball is similar - the fastest possible change in the direction of running.
  • Finishing - in this place should be given Special attention safety factor. Near this place there should not be such potentially dangerous objects as benches, bushes, trees. Indoors, the most correct solution would be to place mats along the wall where the finish line is marked.

Are there standards for shuttle running?

Shuttle run - standards

When practicing shuttle running in physical education classes, its standards depend on the age of the children being trained. The standards for this type of running directly depend on the number of meters in the distance covered, the number of races, as well as the age of the students and their gender.

Shuttle run option - 3 × 10 meters

This type of shuttle run makes it possible to assess the development of an athlete, as well as to analyze the improvement or deterioration of these indicators.

Shuttle run 3x10m can be used as one of the sports exercises, allowing to develop agility and endurance, as well as the 3 × 10 m shuttle run can be used as a test for the final assessment of an athlete's data.

You can use the 3 × 10 m shuttle run as a developing and controlling exercise with both elementary school students and older students. Using the 3 × 10 m shuttle run in physical education classes, the standards of this type of run and their compliance show the level of physical fitness of students. Improving the preparation of students and their development physical form makes it possible to comply with the specified standards and improve performance in other types of running training.

Shuttle run 3 × 10 m - standards for this type of run

In this type of running, there are the following standards, which depend on the gender of the child and on his age:

  • For 4th grade students:
    • Boys - from 9.0 s to 10.5 s;
    • Girls - from 9.5 s to 10.8 s;
  • For 5th grade students:
    • Boys - from 8.5 s to 10.0 s;
    • Girls - from 8.9 s to 10.1 s;
  • For 6th grade students:
    • Boys - from 8.3 s to 9.6 s;
    • Girls - from 8.9 s to 10.0 s;
  • For 7th grade students:
    • Boys - from 8.2 s to 9.3 s;
    • Girls - from 8.7 s to 10.0 s;
  • For 8th grade students:
    • Boys - from 8.0 s to 9.0 s;
    • Girls - from 8.6 s to 9.6 s.

Shuttle run 3 × 10 m, the standards will help to draw up the most general picture of the student's physical development, as well as draw up a plan for his further physical development.

Shuttle running, the standards of which depend on the number of meters in the distance traveled, as well as on the number of races, perfectly develops students, allows you to get a supply of vigor and good mood.

Shuttle running of any distance is useful for developing and maintaining good physical shape, as well as for developing endurance and agility, therefore this type of running should be used to solve various motor tasks. In addition, training in this type of running is carried out against a positive emotional and psychological background.

Running, as one of the types of cardio training, has a positive effect on the body, increases the body's endurance to any stress of life. Running should be practiced not only by athletes and athletes, but also by everyone who wants to get sportswear and longevity, regardless of age. One of popular species development of endurance is the 10x10 shuttle run, the technique of which is easy to understand, but still, there are subtleties.

What is a shuttle run

The main task of running and physical education in general, is to strengthen not only the muscles, but also the heart, blood vessels, bones. Performing the 10x10 technique involves overcoming no more than one hundred meters, running 10 meters in one direction to the end point, with a return to the starting position. The most famous is the 10x10 shuttle run, a technique designed for more advanced people. For example, a distance of 3x10 is provided for elementary school students. An important task of this type of running is to touch the floor at the end point of the distance, and also when returning to the starting point. At the end, you need to turn around 180 degrees, while it is advisable not to slow down so as not to lose time.

When performing a 10x10 shuttle run, technique should not be neglected. It is important that the foot touch the floor begins with the toe, not the heel. Such an execution will not only not complicate and slow down the run, but also will not load the knee joints and spine during impacts. Acceleration begins with a high start after it sounds: "March".

Physical culture develops the speed abilities of a person, including the 10x10 shuttle run, the technique of its implementation is available even to a schoolboy. The main thing is that such training is available everywhere - in the park and in the yard, for this you do not need to go to special gyms. To do this, you need to draw the required distance with chalk or set landmarks at the start and finish. In order for the 10x10 shuttle run to bring results, the technique of its implementation should not suffer, pay special attention to this.

Running technique

Despite the simplicity and accessibility of running, people over the age of thirty should pay special attention to correct technique. After 30, and further with age, the condition of the bone tissue and the elasticity of the ligaments and joints deteriorate, which can lead to injuries.

First of all, you need to know how to run correctly, running technique should help improve results, and not harm your health. Do not train too often, the muscles need time to recover. It is optimal to train in 1-2 days. Training should begin with a warm-up and end with a stretching of the muscles. Don't forget that for desired result it is important to understand how to run correctly, running technique should improve every time.

To improve the quality of the shuttle run, the following conditions must be met:

  • at the start, make a small lunge of the pushing leg forward in order to react on command and perform maximum acceleration;
  • it is necessary to run on toes to reduce the load on the knee joints;
  • correct running should be accompanied by a slight tilt of the body forward, in no case should the back be tilted back. This will not only shorten the running time, but also injure the spine, including the cervical region;
  • when approaching the end of the distance, it is necessary to start turning sideways about a meter before the strip, making a lunge with your foot and touching the floor, easily push off, without wasting time to run further;
  • in order to speed up the run, the arm movement technique must also help speed up. Elbows should be bent, fingers stretched. The hands should move in turn, changing position as quickly as possible, helping the legs accelerate at the same time;
  • breathing should be chesty. A sharp breath in through the nose, a slower exhalation through the mouth. Let your breath follow the rhythm of your body movement. It is strictly forbidden to hold your breath.

Varieties of shuttle running

The shuttle run technique can also be performed at shorter distances, for example: 3x10, 4x9, 5x10. The 3x10 technique was developed for training elementary school students. This technique can also be performed by adults if the training space does not allow running longer distances. In this way, you can train even in your own apartment. The remaining distances are performed by middle school students. Shuttle running for short distances is no different from others, while the execution technique does not change.

Unlike the scoring shuttle running technique with touching the floor at the end of the distance, the running technique for beginners will be a little easier. When you reach the finish line, you only need to turn around and return in the opposite direction. This technique will prepare the muscles, ligaments, joints and respiratory system, after which you can complicate the workout by touching the floor. Only after the shuttle running technique has been worked out, and the time for passing the distance will constantly decrease, you can add additional load to the training.

Monthly training program for beginners

To perform workouts of any complexity, the body must adapt to the loads. Overexertion can lead to injury. Do not forget to warm up well, warming up the muscles before exercise. Start with three workouts a week, after a month bring up to 4-5 times. In order for running to be beneficial, you need to know how to run correctly and how to approach loads.

The benefits of shuttle running

  1. You'll get toned body. This running technique tones the muscles, making them more elastic and resilient;
  2. Helps to lose weight. Running can burn subcutaneous fat, with an increase in heart rate, the body begins to quickly burn glycogen, after which it gets to adipose tissue;
  3. Improves the respiratory system. Due to the enrichment with oxygen and the maximum opening of the lungs, the respiratory function improves, shortness of breath decreases;
  4. The heart muscle and blood vessels are strengthened. With the help of running, you can get rid of problems such as: blood pressure, vasospasm, arrhythmia;
  5. Increases mood and level of optimism. Training increases stress resistance and saves from depression. Regular workouts increase self-confidence.


Approach training correctly and wisely, no matter what age and what level of physical fitness you are. Regardless of gender, running is good for everyone, with the exception of serious spinal injuries and heart problems. Before starting training, if you have any diseases, consult your doctor. Running is the most affordable workout, which is unlikely to be boring. Go in for sports!

    Shuttle running is a kind of cardio load that is widespread all over the world and is aimed at developing the speed-strength qualities of an athlete. When performing a shuttle run, the athlete must run the same distance in the forward and reverse direction several times with a 180-degree turn at the end point of the distance. The most popular among athletes is the shuttle running technique 10x10, 3x10.


    This training method is useful in that it helps to increase the explosive strength of the leg muscles, improve the functioning of the entire cardiovascular system, develop coordination and strength endurance. Shuttle running standards are used to assess the physical fitness of not only athletes, but also employees of various power structures.

    Usually shuttle running is carried out over short distances from 10 to 30 meters, however, in rare cases, the distance can reach the mark of 100 meters. Due to its multifaceted benefits, this exercise has gained popularity in fitness, crossfit, various martial arts, and is also included in the mandatory physical training program in schools, specialized academies under state bodies and in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    Today we will figure out how to properly run a shuttle run, and also what is the practical benefit of this exercise on the human body from the point of view of the all-round development of an athlete.

    Exercise technique

    The shuttle run technique has several varieties, the choice of which depends on the distance the shuttle run is performed: 10x10, 3x10, 4x9. However, at your own discretion, you can increase the distance several times - be guided by your level of physical fitness and well-being.

    One way or another, the shuttle running technique is almost the same for any distance. The only factor that should be taken into account is that in sprinting the athlete immediately begins to perform the exercise with the greatest intensity, using all his power potential; with a longer shuttle run (for example, 10x10 or 4x100), the first 4-6 segments should be performed at a normal pace, trying not to spend a lot of energy so as not to get exhausted ahead of time. It is better to leave in the end most of the speed-strength resources of your body in order to overcome the required distance in the shortest possible time period and show a truly outstanding result.

    The exercise should be done as follows:

    Initial position

    classical starting position: put the supporting leg forward, try to keep the entire center of gravity above it. The quadriceps of the supporting leg is tense, like a spring, the body is tilted slightly forward, the back is straight, we keep our hands at the level of the ribs. The start should be as explosive and fast as possible in order to overcome the first segment in the shortest possible time. For a really explosive start, we need strong and well-developed legs, so pay more attention to exercises that develop explosive force quadriceps: barbell squats with a pause in lowest point, deadlift sumo, box jumps, jump squats, etc.

    Another option for the starting position is a low start:

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    Running speed

    During the race itself, we need maximum speed. To do this, after each step, you should not land on the entire foot, but only on the toe. To develop this skill, replace your standard cardio with jumping rope, then the Lisfranc joint will adapt to the constant landing on the toe, and shuttle running will be much easier.

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    At the end of each segment, you need to perform a 180-degree turn. To do this, you need to sharply reduce the speed and take a stop step, turning the foot of the front leg 90 degrees in the direction of the turn - this movement will slow you down, but will not completely extinguish the inertia.

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    On the last stretch, you need to squeeze the maximum out of your body and make the last explosive acceleration, without thinking that you will soon need to stop, you must continue to increase speed right to the finish line.

    You can see the shuttle run video below. It very clearly shows the technique of shuttle running:

    Common Mistakes

    When learning the 10x10 shuttle run technique, many novice athletes encounter the following problems that prevent them from getting the most out of this exercise:

  1. Incorrect load distribution. If you run 10 equal laps in a shuttle run, your endurance usually runs out after the first half. To avoid this, you need to start running with medium intensity, trying to increase speed with each segment, using the explosive power of the leg muscles.
  2. Too much load. Don't go overboard with training volume when it comes to this. high intensity cardio, especially if you suffer from various kinds of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Chances are, YOU will do more harm than good.
  3. Too slow to stop before turning. You do not need to slow down your running speed in order to calmly turn around, you need to turn around in one movement, sharply turning your leg 90 degrees - this way you save momentum and do not extinguish the speed to zero.
  4. Incorrect breathing rate. During the shuttle run, you should breathe in the "2-2" mode, taking two steps while inhaling and two steps while exhaling. Breathe only through the nose.
  5. Do not forget to properly warm up, as shuttle running involves the inclusion of a huge number of muscles, joints and ligaments.

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Training program

This shuttle run program is designed for beginners who are just starting to get acquainted with this exercise. It has only 6 workouts, between which you should take a break of 2-3 days so that the body has time to replenish energy costs. However, by repeating it several times, you can significantly improve your maximum result in the shuttle run. It is best to do these workouts in a running arena or track and field gym. There you can accurately measure the required distance.

Shuttle run standards 10x10

Shuttle running is part of the compulsory program for physical training for the military in various units. The table below shows the current standards that apply to the military, contract employees, and military units special purpose approved by orders of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation.

Shuttle run standards 3x10

The standards for schoolchildren (boys and girls) are presented below. You can download and print the table by.

AgeThe level of development of the CS
shortbelow the averageaverageabove averagehigh


7 11.2 and up11,1-10,9 10,8-10,3 10,2-10,0 9,9
8 11,4 —//— 10,3-10,1 10,0-9,5 9,4-9,2 9,1 —//—
9 10,4 —//— 10,3-10,0 9,9-9,3 9,2-8,9 8,8 —//—
10 9,9 —//— 9,8-9,6 9,5-9,0 8,9-8,7 8,6 —//—
11 9,7 —//— 9,6-9,4 9,3-8,8 8,7-8,5 8,4 —//—
12 9,22 —//— 9,1-9,0 8,99-8,5 8,4-8,3 8,2 —//—
13 9,3 —//— 9,2-9,1 9,0-8,5 8,4-8,3 8,2 —//—
14 9,0 —//— 8,9-8,7 8,6-8,1 8,0-7,8 7,7 —//—
15 8,5 —//— 8,4-8,3 8,2-7,9 7,8-7,7 7,6 —//—
16 8,1 —//— 8,0-7,9 7,9-7,5 7,4-7,3 7,2 —//—
17 8,5 —//— 8,4-8,2 8,1-7,6 7,5-7,3 7,2 —//—


7 11.7 and up11,6-11,4 11,3-10,6 10,5-10,3 10,2
8 11,2 —//— 11,1-10,8 10,7-10,1 10,0-9,8 9,7 —//—
9 10,8 —//— 10,7-10,4 10,3-9,7 9,6-9,4 9,3 —//—
10 10,4 —//— 10,3-10,1 10,0-9,5 9,4-9,2 9,1 —//—
11 10,1 —//— 10,0-9,8 9,7-9,1 9,0-8,8 8,7 —//—
12 10,0 —//— 9,9-9,7 9,6-9,1 9,0-8,8 8,7 —//—
13 10,0 —//— 9,9-9,7 9,6-9,0 8,9-8,7 8,6 —//—
14 9,9 —//— 9,8-9,6 9,5-8,9 8,8-8,6 8,5 —//—
15 9,7 —//— 9,6-9,4 9,3-8,8 8,7-8,5 8,4 —//—
16 9,5 —//— 9,4-9,2 9,1-8,4 8,6-8,5 8,4 —//—
17 9,7 —//— 9,6-9,4 9,3-9,1 9,0-8,8 8,7 —//—

Crossfit complexes with shuttle running

If you started to get bored with your training process, try to perform several functional complexes from the table below. This will bring something new to your program and diversify the entire training. The complexes are designed for fairly experienced athletes with good strength endurance, since a beginner simply cannot cope with such a combination of aerobic and anaerobic loads, and even in such a huge volume.

Sometimes, in order to diversify the exercise, they practice shuttle running with carrying 2-3 items.

This question is constantly asked by coaches, physical education teachers, leaders of the sports section, parents involved in the physical education of their children.

For rate physical qualities the child most often uses a certain set of exercises. At the same time, there are no high requirements for the technique of performing exercises. Back in the mid-1930s. in the USSR, the All-Union GTO complex was developed - “Ready for work and defense” (for younger and middle age groups of schoolchildren - BGTO, “Be ready for work and defense”). By analogy with this complex, batteries of tests were subsequently compiled in many countries, including Germany, the USA (Tests of the Presidential Council) and others. In the early 1990s, the TRP complex was canceled as obsolete and now has only historical value.

In general, it is customary to update any standard tables every 5 years. However, even according to the old tables of standards, it is possible to assess the physical fitness of children, although in most cases today's children are worse physically prepared than their peers 20–30 years ago (i.e., the parents of today's schoolchildren). BGTO and GTO complexes were compiled taking into account the program physical education in a general education school and, to a certain extent, take into account the physical abilities of children different ages. Most of the exercises included in the complex can be performed without special equipment, in an ordinary school gym or stadium. Among the exercises included in the GTO complex, there were those that assess speed (running 60 and 100 m), strength (pulling up or lifting the body), endurance (running 2000 and 3000 m, skiing), speed-strength qualities ( long jump, high jump, throwing a ball or grenade).

Modern requirements for physical fitness children are also compiled taking into account school programs physical education, taking into account the characteristics of the growth and development of various systems of the child's body. Below are the most common and important tests and tables for evaluating their results in boys and girls of different ages.

Running is the most natural form for a person motor activity, in which most of the muscles of the limbs and torso are involved. Running tests are necessarily included in all modern systems testing. It is important that at the same time the tested person tries to show his maximum result. However, conscientious execution is important in all other tests.

1. Running on short distance - usually 30, 60 or 100 meters - allows you to evaluate the quality of speed. The test is best done on sports ground either in gym appropriate sizes. If the run is held indoors, then it is necessary to provide space for braking and stopping, to impose thick mats on the wall, which the runners can rest against at the finish line. The race is held from a low start after a preliminary 5–7-minute warm-up. The time to overcome the specified 30-meter segment is recorded in seconds with tenths and hundredths. You will need a stopwatch to record the result. When testing outdoors, you should not run during and immediately after rain, as well as at air temperatures above 30 and below 0 degrees. Clothing should be light and comfortable, not restricting movement. Running time is measured in seconds.

Evaluation scales and the corresponding gender and age standards for the results in running at a distance of 30 m are given in Table 1 (see on p. 10).

2. Long distance running makes it possible to evaluate endurance. It can be carried out in any of two equivalent options - which is more convenient:

a) Running with a fixed duration (6 minute run).

This is one of the tests proposed by the famous American physician K. Cooper to test the aerobic capacity of a person and his endurance. Both the sports hall and the stadium are suitable for this. A pre-marked track will help determine the distance covered. It should be taken into account that the results in the stadium are usually higher, so it is better to always maintain the same conditions. After a warm-up on the command "Start!" the race begins (from a high start), which lasts exactly 6 minutes (360 seconds), and the distance that the child has run during this time is recorded. It is recommended to do a preliminary training in this test, since many guys, especially the younger ones, do not quite understand that the meaning of the test is to maximize fast run, which they are able to show within 6 minutes. If the child is tired and switched to walking - it does not matter, it is important for us average speed, which he will show throughout the distance. The main thing is to try to ensure that the child in this test "gives all the best" completely. The distance traveled is measured in meters. Evaluation scales and the corresponding gender and age standards for results in a run lasting 6 minutes are given in Table 2 (see on p. 11).

b) Running for a given distance (1000, 1500 or 2000 m) is performed in the same way, with the only difference that the task is to overcome a certain distance in shortest time which is measured with a stopwatch. Testing can be done in a stadium, on a dirt track or on an asphalt track. There is a warm-up before the race. All competitors must run the same timed distance at least once prior to running tests. This is necessary in order to properly distribute forces at a distance. In the process of running, not only a decrease in speed is allowed, but also a transition to a step. Rating scales for this species control exercises are given in Table 3 (see on page 12).

3. Shuttle run 3 x 10 m allows you to evaluate the motor quality of dexterity. The test is carried out in a gym or other sufficiently spacious room. At a distance of 10 m from each other, any objects are installed that are clearly visible, but not capable of causing injury in a collision with them. The task is that, starting on command, the child runs three times the distance from one object to another, bending around it along the trajectory of the number "8". When assessing agility (coordination abilities), the difference in speed between the sprint test and the shuttle run is taken into account. The smaller the difference, the higher coordination abilities. Running time is measured in seconds - age and gender standards and rating scales - in table 4 (see on p. 13).

4. Long jump from a place. This test measures the dynamic strength of the leg muscles. The test can be carried out both in the hall and at the stadium. In the hall it is necessary to use thick mats, in the stadium - a pit with sand. The jump is made after a warm-up, from a standing position with both feet on the start line, with a swing of the arms. The student can arbitrarily make pre-start movements with his arms and body, but has no right to take his legs off the start line until the moment of the jump. The distance of the jump is measured using a centimeter tape from the start line to the landing point, which is taken as the point of contact of any part of the student’s body closest to the start line with the ground (with the correct jump technique, this is usually the heel). The length of the jump is measured in centimeters. The scales for evaluating the results in the jump are given in Table 5 (see on p. 14).

5. Pull-ups on the bar characterize the strength of the muscles of the hands. The test is usually performed in a gym or on a sports field. The boys pull up on high bar, girls - on a low one, resting their heels on the floor, gripping two hands from the outside. On this test, a comparison between girls and boys is not possible. The number of exercise cycles completed in 30 seconds is recorded. A pull-up is considered to be performed correctly if at the beginning of each cycle the arms are fully extended, and at the end the chin rises at least 1–2 centimeters above the bar, the legs do not bend into knee joints, movements are performed smoothly, without swings and jerks. Pull-ups performed with incomplete bending of the arms do not count. The number of complete pull-up cycles in 30 seconds is measured. The scales for evaluating the results are given in Table 6 (see on p. 15).

6. Bending the torso from a sitting position on the floor gives an idea of ​​the flexibility of the spine.

The test is carried out in any room. The child should sit on the floor and stretch his legs forward, after which, on command, he should lean towards his legs, pushing his arms forward as much as possible. When the maximum slope is reached, it must be fixed and held for 2-3 seconds - only in this case an objective result is obtained. The horizontal distance between the middle fingers and toes is measured (in cm). The position of the feet should be vertical. If, with the maximum forward inclination of the torso, the fingers do not reach the line of the toes, then the result is recorded with the sign “-”, if the fingers go beyond the line of the toes, then the result is with the sign “+”. Standards and evaluation scales are presented in Table 7 (see on p. 16) (with a “+” sign).

Table 1

Evaluation scales of results in running at a distance of 30 m (sec.)

table 2

Evaluation scales for results in a 6-minute run (m)

Table 3

Evaluation scales of results in running at a distance of 1000 m (sec.)

Table 4

Evaluation scales for the results of the shuttle run 3 x 10 m (sec.)

Table 5

Evaluation scales for standing long jump results (cm)